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@nitsua60 LOL. what did his char do to get in the slammer? :P
> At the end of competition, the investigator with the slowest dash is eliminated regardless of prior performance.
@Shalvenay Returned to town with the missing municipal treasure, but after the gates had closed for the night. (Didn't say "hey, I've got your treasure.") Camped outside the town wall, within earshot of the gate. Following bandits, after treasure, attacked during the night. Sound of conflict roused guards, who arrived to find him standing over three dead bandits. "What's going on here?" "Well, I stabbed them all." "You're coming with us, buddy."
[let's hope he gets a competent public defender]
@nitsua60 i'm amused
In his defense, he's 7: this is his first brush with the law.
He's also innocent enough of the ways of the world that upon being told he was taken to jail his only responses were a literal [facepalm] and an "aww, man!"
@nitsua60 if I found a seven year old standing over the dead bodies of three full-grown adults I'd lock him away too.
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[Fate Core/FAE conversion guide](http://drivethrurpg.com/product/177639/Fate-Accelerated-Core-Conversion-Guide "pay-what-you-like by Fred Hicks");
[Storium launch](https://storium.com/ "Still no native library of storycard art, though.");
[Conan RPG](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/modiphius/robert-e-howards-conan-roleplaying-game "'the most authentic Conan roleplaying experienc
@nitsua60 my first brush with the law occurred when I was oh, in middle school, but in a totally different field of law ;P
(or maybe it was late elementary school)
@BESW oh hey, Paranoia classic!
where are all the prophecies coming from lately?
@trogdor Adeptus apparently
that is just one of them though
BESW has posted at least one other pretty recently
my questions have all been answered by a non-committal response, well played
> Be that as it may, still may it be as it may be.
@doppelgreener In this economy?
that's an awful lot of words that come to nothing
And then the wolves came. Quick, what do you do to deal with them?
And thus, I die.
not if they are friendly wolves
@BESW roll to see if you die.
I think this means you're undead now. Not quite a win, not quite a loss.
So…it has come to this.
@trogdor Your friend has had a pack of wolves swarm over them and has now risen undead, probably a skeleton since they've been wolf-eaten. What do you do?
(or... hurr... they've been wolfed down.)
@doppelgreener I think BURNINATE is the obvious answer here.
@Miniman That's quite prejudiced against undead. That's the kind of attitude that created the whole Dark Souls situation.
One single undead mowing down everyone because they kept attacking him/her.
@doppelgreener I would've said the stereotyping and pigeonholing of trogdor was the real problem here.
@doppelgreener BURNINATE
@BESW trogdor is going to try burninating you.
Doesn't trogdor have, like, a billion ranks in BURNINATE by now?
@nitsua60 he probably has it at 2 at least.
but i've never seen him actually burninate something on here...
@doppelgreener lol
ah, so perhaps a billion ranks in saying BURNINATE....
that is my word
@nitsua60 this being roll for shoes, one does not necessarily acquire ranks that way
no one else gets to say it that way!!
But I'm assuming that over the trillions of attempts, all XP from failures have been pushed into ranking BURNINATE. Again, perhaps the stereotyping and pigeonholing of trogdor being the real problem =D
I'm a stereotype? :P
@nitsua60 I have a quandary with your question on 5e races - I don't consider it useful, and would ordinarily downvote it, but I can't deny it's meta-usefulness, or that it's going to be really handy in future.
@nitsua60 hmmm. well RFS doesn't actually have a "rank up an existing skill" mechanism but it could be done.
Also, anthropomorphic mice? If that's in the DMG and I missed it I'm going to feel so stupid.
@Miniman Appreciate the forthrightness; I was hoping the up-front link to the meta on it would prompt concerns like yours to get discussed/hashed out on meta, rather than overwhelming the main post. But vote our conscience, of course =)
@doppelgreener I thought any "all sixes" roll ranked a skill?
@Miniman It's a throwaway line on p.285. But it's there, and I'm curious if the stack's completely immune to fun--even when it comes from primary sources =D
@nitsua60 Looking that up as soon as I get home. I might also edit in the SCAG stuff.
SOmeone just mentioned UA, which I hadn't considered. Thoughts?
> If you roll all sixes on your roll, you can get new skill one level higher than the one you used for the action. The skill must be a subset of what happened to you in the action (Say, Athletics 2 if you were climbing a wall, or Teeth of Biting 2 if you were eating a cake).
You don't rank a skill, you acquire a new one.
@nitsua60 Every UA starts with "this is not official" - with the question in its current state they're not in the list.
@doppelgreener Okay, but acquired at a higher level, and as a subset. So @trogdor might have burninate 1, but burninate 2, and burninate 3, and buuuuuurniiiiiinaaaaate 4, and finally BURNINATE 5?
eh, maybe, you could do it that way. if it were fun i'd say sure.
here's how i'd imagine it:
> Trogdor tries to Burninate with Do Anything 1. He succeeds so he's burninating, and he gets a 6 so he can take a skill, and takes BURNINATE 2.
Trogdor later uses Burninate 2 to burninate a farm. He succeeds so he's definitely burninating the farm, and gets two 6's so he can take a new skill. He takes BURNINATING FARMS 3.
(the 6's in this scenario can either be natural or come from spending XP, either way.)
he could alternately take TERRORIZING FARMERS 3, or TERRORIZING VILLAGES 3 if it was a farm village.
it's entirely unrelated to the BURNINATE skill, but it's a subset of what he was doing in the action.
@doppelgreener Sure, makes sense. (But I've pigeonholed trogdor to the extent that I can only conceive of him ranking flavors of burninate. Sorry, @trogdor!)
I won't take that personally on the internet
@Miniman The thing I really worry about is clones of it for archetypes, backgrounds, spells, magic items, &c. &c. &c.
> nitsua60: What's your secret, trogdor? How didn't you take that comment just now personally?
> (later) trogdor: you wanted to know my secret, nitsua60? I always take everything personally. [burninates]
@nitsua60 What makes those clones any different?
Also, I fixed up the SCAG material. I have OotA but haven't cracked the spine (because I'm playing in it atm), so can't help there.
@Miniman each one, progressively, feels a little more bloat-ey.
@Miniman Thanks for the SCAG stuff--I hadn't had a good sense of what that contains. (And I'm not a huge FR fan, so I don't anticipate ever buying it =\ )
@nitsua60 I made an index of where to find all those things in the free WotC content. 1053 records total.
I hate to think how much more is only in the printed books.
@Adeptus Wow. That's getting bookmarked!
I haven't included the new backgrounds (from Strahd & some of the AL settings) or UA
@doppelgreener that is harsh yo
2 hours later…
@BESW That's what I would figure. Even the Extras chapter in Core says "If the extra can suffer harm or be used up somehow, then it should take stress and consequences." (emphasis mine) So it seems there's precedent in the book for the notion of stress being treated more broadly than "goes away after a scene".
(Yes, that's an hours ancient reply. But SE insisted on showing me BESW's comment with a little red number! What else could I do?)
@MaliceVidrine replies hours after the fact isn't too unordinary here, it's fine.
of course, you must already know this, being that you are practically a regular, so i hardly need explain. ;)
So far, I've looked at a lot of Fate implementations and they always surprise me by doing things differently. Four aspect slots! Named aspects without connection to anything! Named aspect slots connected to a mode each, with a fifth misc! Removing the Attack action! And so on. Every time it's like: Wow! I can do these things! Why didn't I realise!?
So yeah, awesome. I'd totally create a Magic stress track, and each use of a spell requires you take 1 Magic stress. (Some spells might even require you take more stress than that, wowzers.) Don't have enough stress to spare? Ok, you're taking a consequence now, or something.
See also: DFRPG.
DFRPG did that
Then your Magic stress track is restored... somehow, by taking action about it.
For me it's the other way around; Fate emphasises hackability, which it inherits from the ethos behind Fudge, so it always sounds weird when someone is like "Oh, you probably shouldn't do Blah because that's now how it's done in the main chapter of Fate Core."
@MaliceVidrine Haha, lovely. I'm slowly approaching that POV, but I'm still processing Fate from the other side and getting my eyes opened.
One thing you may also be interested in is Conditions. They're intended wholly as a replacement for stress and consequences. They result in pre-defined conditions, which you individually address to recover from them.
Those do not, however, address the notion of "use magic freely without consequence, then it starts having consequences". It comes with consequences (specifically, Sticky ones do) and gives you specific ways to address them.
@BESW it's lime green..!!
@doppelgreener - Technically even physical stress can be read as having a recovery condition not related to the scene structure. The section in conflicts says it goes away after a scene when you've had time to breathe. So let's say this is the Hobbit and you spend two days after a harrowing fight essentially continuously keeping ahead of a bunch of goblins on horseback. That's a circumstance where it makes sense not to clear your physical stress, and seems to match the spirit of the rules.
@BESW wow, I have actually wanted to go somewhere where I could see an Aurora for a while XD
@MaliceVidrine Indeed! I'd usually offer a fate point to make it happen, though, just to acknowledge its unusualness.
But it does set precedent for scenes being just one way to look at stress duration, so a different kind of stress track might easily cue off a different reset trigger.
@BESW - That seems fair.
@BESW The Koschei family has a Phoenix and lots of lime green on its coat of arms, I have decided.
@doppelgreener Disney Green?
@BESW Yes.
Also Disney purple, I hope.
I live in Seattle, and every time it's announced that the aurorae are going to be awesome, it's entirely clouded over.
I'm taking it personally at this point. Smug aurorae.
@BESW Not sure they go well together. But sure!
I just live in a place where it never happens XD, or at least not that I know of
Cassandra is all bout dat lime green herself.
@trogdor In our campaign, Guam would've seen aurorae for a few days/weeks at the absolute height of the solar flares--shortly after it was cut off from the outside world when almost everything with a long wire or a microchip burst into flames.
@doppelgreener I approve of this XD
@MaliceVidrine I went to Seattle for work purposes once a couple of years ago, as did several other Australians. One of the Seattle people there told us it was the clearest, most beautiful two weeks he'd ever seen, and he suggested (a little indignantly) we weren't getting a very representative sample of Seattle at all, and that we must've brought the sun with us. That last sentiment still warms my heart.
@BESW lol
@trogdor BTW, Brooklyn's power gem is lime green. Is this OK with you?
@doppelgreener - Seattle summers are beautiful at least. All six weeks of it.
@MaliceVidrine We were there in February.
Crazy pants.
We had two or three drizzly nights and one rainy day.
And other than that, just about no clouds.
@doppelgreener yes, did I not already make it mostly green?
@trogdor I can't recall.
green is my favorite color
Oh, fantastic!
I may have put some blue in too
that is what i remember.
.... i'm going to paint Brooklyn.
as in, uh, in SAI. Brooklyn himself isn't painted. Except maybe on special occasions.
you mean you are going to paint your own version of him or the one I made? (either is fine just FYI)
@trogdor bit of both.
cool XD
both is fine too
mk, be back in a couple hours
I find questions like the "How can I make my players use violence?" one so odd...
Is that so Malice?
It is so. And so it shall be.
That was not how i intended it to be, for it was heavily edited, but i guess anything work
or should i say works? guess that needs editing
As well.
I mean, to be fair, I've never played the hack'n'slash sort of genre, I've always been more narratively focused.
My bad in the Tags, but its was fairly obvious on what was implying
But I mean, I figure if people try to reason with a lich (for example) and a couple of them get killed because liches don't care, they would get the message... :P
The Lich was yet another failed work of the editor, i was leaning towards another example of "UndeadKing." but i guess one of us plays a little to much D&D that there areas of knowledge towards creativity has grown quite stale
@SinisterDesign - I don't mean the question itself is weird. I mean it's a weird dynamic to see come up in a group in order for the question to exist in the first place.
I know, i was merely setting the scene of the editing, now the other half, I hear many stories of Failures in campaigns towards dumb moves or commonly known as (Not taking it seriously) Why not educate a antidote towards the problem before start?
I mean, I don't think it's bad of players to try to negotiate or bribe. But if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Especially if there was no reason to think it would work. If I'm playing a Lovecraft game, the players are not going to be able to negotiate with a shoggoth.
As i mentioned, (or did i?) Im not sure if everything i implied was erased to capture the attention of most, If they fail there bribe or charm, they get frustrated and argue over something thats dumb, "wait, i had 100+ charm, how did that not work?"
This, incidentally, is one of the reasons I dislike D&D-like systems: they seem to encourage the "I have the stats, it should work" line of thinking, even when it makes no sense. If every villain could just be talked out of villainy, they wouldn't be very interesting.
It seems as if everything i said about the subject has went astray, I don't use D&D or any other of those systems that continue its species, Far to complicated for far to little enjoyment.
@SinisterDesign What system do you use? Because the lack of that information renders your questions on class design useless.
I don't think everything you said has gone astray. I didn't say you use D&D, but I suspect some of your players have used it and picked up that sort of thinking.
Why not my own? its seems logical if most systems have a confusing rule book to go over.
FYI, we can't tell you about class balance in a game we don't know anything about.
Your job was merely to judge the skills and see if they were any good for that level, and see if for that level they all were balanced
Yes, and we genuinely cannot tell you that without understanding the system they're in. (if that message was directed at me)
But its nice to know someone admires my work
It is my own system. like i said to Malice
@SinisterDesign - I understand the question you posted. You seem to be trying to clarify something in response to my comments that doesn't need it.
@SinisterDesign - Knowing it's your own system doesn't tell us enough to judge balance.
@SinisterDesign We have literally nothing to compare them to.
Compare to?
Balance of character classes happens in the context of all the other rules of a system. Without knowing the other rules, the individual numbers or skills or whatever mean nothing.
Ok, let's use a real-world analogy. I enter an arena. I have a sword and no armor. Is this balanced?
Not if your opponent has a machine gun!
The subject was Class skills i presumed?
why change the subject over pointless examples?
There's no answer to that, because we need to know more about the context. Who's my opponents? Do they have assault rifles, also swords, pebbles, their bare hands? Are they naked or wearing strong armor? Do they have kevlar? Are my opponents in wheelchairs? Is my opponent a shoggoth?
Furthermore, is this even a swordfight? Maybe it's a hotdog eating competition.
Fantasy Era
If I took a character sheet for a Hero system character, and just moved over the numbers to the nearest analogues on a D&D character sheet, the result would be a horribly unbalanced D&D character even if the Hero character was fine. The rest of the rules make the difference.
@SinisterDesign I am trying to show you that balance doesn't occur in a void. It occurs with awareness of a system's mechanics and goals. It also occurs with an awareness of the other options in that system. Think of the term, balance: balance occurs against something else. Two things can be balanced against each other. One thing, on its own, in a void, doesn't have "balance."
Hmm, I'd love to answer your questions, but Anyway, it has struck midnight, and to that i must retire, Good bye i guess?
Good night.
@MaliceVidrine hopefully this might turn into a learning experience.
@doppelgreener - Hopefully!
Oh god, I have to get ready for work soon... I don't wanna....
@DoomedMind - Morning!
@MaliceVidrine yeah, just arrived at work myself! I'm tired :(
I'm lucky my hours are flexible for this job, because I don't think I could do this if I couldn't procrastinate an hour or two :P
Yay! My coworker's not coming in, which paradoxically means I get to go in later!
@MaliceVidrine why is that? oo
Wednesday nights are typically light-ish workloads, so if I go in much later than my coworker I run the risk of them basically doing most of the work and it seeming kind of pointless to be there. With him not there, I don't have to worry about workload balance, or showing up with nothing to do.
I have a weird job.
well, it sounds weird :D
Also weird: we always race each other to skip out on Wednesdays. Since we're each trying to cancel at the latest possible moment, we've synced up to the point of usually one of us getting a "I'm not coming in tonight" message while the other one is writing the same sort of message.
ugh, i hate vba >_>
1 hour later…
The jungle is hot as @BESW lays his rifle down on a fallen tree stump. A curious @Waxeagle weaves his snaky body over the tree stump, and a flower to his left blinks. That's no flower... it's @MaliceVidrine!

"Clever girl." @BESW mutters before he's pounced upon by the velociraptor @MaliceVidrine. "REEEEE" screeches Malice. @Eimyr watches from the bushes ahead - the prey becoming the hunter.

@Doomedmind and her brother @Doppelgreener crouch low inside kitchen cabinets as @nitsua60 and @wibbs jump about the room, clicking their killer raptor claws on the ground and snarling at reflections.
This is... Jura.SEic PaRPG
I roll to find a hidden passageway at the back of the cabinet
no opposition eh? guess i'll have to ROLL MY OWN
I roll to climb into it very sneakily, so the raptors don't know i'm getting away!
I sniff around to locate greener
I snap, frustrated, at Wibbs
wow that's awful
you're an awful raptor
i hear something
[up shuts]
I have aural location 2 =)
and I lunge at greener
what was that roll for
hearing where i am?
i oppose!!
i am NOT THE RAPTOR NINJA but i have 2xp.
so i spend 1xp on this die to take GETTING ATTENTION NOISILY 2
I cock my head, birdlike, confused
[you have my attention]
no no i was opposing your uh
locating me, i think
i have failed to oppose that, you have located me, i'm not doin' anything new yet
I jump up on the counter and scratch at the cabinet with my tiny arms...
(and with that I'm back to bed... nitsua's out!)
(thanks, @Polyducks. Sorry to scare you, greener =D Was just looking for someone's finger to perch on...)
@nitsua60 Goodnight!
d'aww XD
why was I not the T Rex,... come on someone be slacking :P
no one was surprised, really?
@trogdor oops. My bad ;) In my defence I'm currebtly in a&e with shortbess of breath.
it was not a serious reproach
plus, I was not here when you did it XD
@trogdor the mobile version of this page won't work without replying to a specific comment >:(
@Polyducks I hope it's not too dire!
@Polyducks huh, that is strange
Oh, now it is. Thanks @BESW just think I might faint before anything worse happens.
It was hiding the text entry box.
2 hours later…
Tonight, I am researching the Chateau Marmont.
kinda sounds like wine
It's a very classy hotel in Hollywood.
okay. extraordinarily expensive then.
In my campaign, it will be the new HQ of the organisation our PCs work for.
what system?
A lightly hacked version of 's version of Fate.
I really wish I could do stuff like that, sadly its a bit far out of my financial reach :D
Good news! Some of the best bits of Atomic Robo's version of Fate will soon be open for the SRD.
It was a stretch goal for the Fate More Kickstarter.
while i'm interested to see the differences, that system is not really my thing
@OmnifariousGrey [wave]
@SinisterDesign to echo some of the comments above, please know that people here really would like to help. Having the question put [on hold] isn't some sort of negative judgment or punishment; it's our way of telling you we need help understanding your question, because we want to give it good answers =)
@nitsua60 [wave] Is March treating you more kindly than February?
So far, yes--thanks. Through the usual winter blues, done with my busiest coaching season, and actually a little bit ahead in work for my grad course. (That's why I've been allowing myself more chat-time recently =D )
The RL group that was looking for a new DM is working out quite nicely--we're about halfway through our 'trial-run' standalone adventure I'd planned and I'm already daydreaming about what a full-on campaign might look like.
I don't mean to be pushy or anything, but I do remember you mentioning this and am available if/whenever you have time/interest.
@nitsua60 Cool.
What's its demographic like?
No, it's stayed in the back of my mind. (I didn't even check the link, but I'm sure I know what you're referencing.) Today I've got to run and pick up the car from having some work done, but soon, I promise =)
(And I [threw my son in jail](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/11?m=28304102#28304102) the other night, so that's looking like it'll be fun!)
Hmm, no markdown in multiline, eh?
@BESW which demographic?
Nope, sticky returns break almost all markdown.
@nitsua60 Your group's.
Two fifty-somethings, a twenty-something son of one of the fifty-somethings, and a co-worker.
They're really into playing their characters, even to their physical detriment. Case in point:
[rogue] I want to jump from the balcony across the series of windows and drop down into the courtyard
[dm] that'll be a couple of acrobatics checks
[rogue] I'm good at that
[dm] you're currently poisoned, so have disadvantage on every check you make
[rogue] still, that's how I roll
[dm] okay...
[rogue] fails first check
[dm] 2d6 falling damage, please, as you fall among the 4 dire wolves (which they'd bypassed coming up, by taking the stairs)
[fighter] I'll take the stairs?
[dm] and... scene.
perfect. I'm going to send that along to the player right now!
I've just figured out a clear way if distinguishing between lawful and chaotic d&d alignment
@AncientSwordRage How are you planning to determine whether an individual's actions are governed by ethics or morality?
@Miniman nope, but it helps distinguish the two I think
@AncientSwordRage I guess what I'm trying to get at is that this is mostly a conceptual difference - I can't see it helping with the actual questions people generally seem to have about alignment. (What alignment is this action, what alignment is this character, etc.)
I'm back and alive <3
@AncientSwordRage interesting that the etymologies (as presented in the link) seem to effectively swap meanings...
A wonderful list of high concepts for Fate, perhaps the Boring Ordinary Fate:
user image
lol "Disinfector of railways"
that should be real xD
Ah yes, fish-bender, the lesser known waterbending specialty from Avatar, not actually featured in the show or anywhere else for that matter
@AncientSwordRage consider that playing by an internally created code of conduct is a quite doable way to play a lawful character, and this is Morals.
And also:
> Why we do it?
Ethics: Because society says it is the right thing to do. / Morals: Because we believe in something being right or wrong.
The Ethics in this scenario is usually considered an example of Lawful Stupid (follow the laws no matter what) while the latter is very often how a lawful character is portrayed: following what's right and just, breaking society's laws if it means being able to maintain the ones they do wish to follow. (A code of conduct, for example, which could be given to them by their order or be one they chose for themselves as a way to articulate what's good and bad for themselves).
So, Lawful vs Chaotic doesn't fall neatly along Ethics vs Morality, if this is what you're getting at. Both if them use concepts from both. Chaotic might simply be more inclined towards Morals than Ethics.
@Polyducks - I think I am flattered by this narrative. It says I'm clever, and tougher than Australians.
Wait, you can roll dice in the chat stuff? Does it do fudge dice?
At least not that way.
I should sleep instead of babbling at the void, probably.
@waxeagle Having seen no messages about gaming tonight, I assume you are Alabama again.
@Grubermensch Ah! I posted something in the g+ group, forgot to get it here. I'm not Alabama (though I was yesterday), I am sick though so I've got to cancel
@Magician we have the same calendar
2 hours later…
@waxeagle Ah too bad, feel better soon!
@Grubermensch Thanks!
Q: RPG.SE Chat Fudge dice: a userscript for Fate & Fudge games

doppelgreenerRPG.SE's chat rooms support dice rolls as an easter egg. This script will convert d6 rolls that you see into Fudge dice, using the ordinary conversion rules: 1–2 = minus, 3–4 = blank, 5–6 = plus. You can enable or disable these dice on a per-room basis. It will remember which rooms you picked. Y...

in Not a bar, but plays one on TV, Jul 7 '15 at 1:36, by BESW
One of my philosophy-major friends once postulated that Lawful Good is rule utilitarianism while Chaotic Good is act utilitarianism.
summon summon
Do you think we could have a word re: Dog Eat Dog outside of the chat?
There's something you might want to hear that's not really chat-worthy.
How would it be achievable?
What's your text chat of choice? Skype, Facebook, Hangout...?
Skype or FB
I'm more on FB than skype though
I can give you my fb here if you wnat?
Nah, I found you already.
You get to see my Actual Name.
@Sh4d0wsPlyr Hi!
oh right, you have the Trello thing
I feel like at an audience with Chat God.
@Pixie I'm glad you were here to WITNESS MEEEE!!!
New avatar, by the way?
I've seen things. I've seen them with my eyes.
Yep! Vulpix was always supposed to be temporary anyway. xD
anyone got SQL chops?
totally off topic
but I find this a better resource chat wise that the dedicated rooms at stackoverflow
@JoshuaAslanSmith Whats up?
@BESW care to explain?
Utilitarianism is the idea that you should act in ways which create the most happiness, measured by degree of the happiness increase and the number of people it affects.
Act utilitarianism says you should evaluate this every time you have a choice, and make context-dependent choices on a per-case basis.
Strangely, the D&D monster manuals have never included the utterly terrifying Utility Monster.
Rule utilitarianism says you should figure out what principles would, if everyone in the world acted on them all the time, maximise happiness, and then you should always use those principles to make every choice.
@MaliceVidrine I always figured that was just humans in general. A random NPC commoner in my mind could be terrifying if he had the right tools/planning.
I think I might have figure dit out
@Sh4d0wsPlyr was trying to do a join as part of an update statement so I could specify what rows were updated based on attributes of other tables
and it wasnt working but I realised I could do a select within the where statement inside () to achieve the results I wanted
@Sh4d0wsPlyr - I was making a silly joke about the philosophical thought experiment concerning so-called "utility monsters" who experience happiness so keenly that their wants and needs would far outweigh those of many ordinary people.
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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