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@ObliviousSage Yeah, that makes sense. Twig has been consistently updating twice a week though, for the last year that I've read it. I think you're safe.
"Jeezus, I've had marriages that haven't lasted as long as this campaign." -@UrsulaV on our 6.5 year old #dnd campaign
Just testing
Thank you for being a sounding board for my ideas about RAW last night, @doppelgreener. KRyan helped me shore them up and make sure I'm not totally off my rocker.
(I was conflating optimisation with RAW a few times.)
@BESW Very solid analysis from an objective POV
Thanks. It's been cooking a long time and finally went ding! some time last night.
....Then this morning KRyan told me what I got wrong.
@BESW yeah, reading up on your convo now. I feel like we've been making a lot of progress on this issue the past couple of weeks (hopefully it sticks), really appreciate everything your doing on this subject.
Yes, I'm optimistic.
We have to keep the effort up though; not out of the woods yet.
No, definitely not.
Our chat about hermeneutics was probably the catalyst for my ability to make that answer, so thanks for that.
It's one of those things where folks who are familiar with lens-switching and folks who aren't have a hard time figuring out that's where the mismatch lies.
So the idea that we need to call out RAW as explicitly a critical lens made everything else start to click into place.
glad i could help :)
@BESW I think the result that's come of it is quite excellent, and I enjoyed the talk.
Normally I'd read the backlog since I was in chat last, but... eh, too hard today
yeah, I gave up on that a few years ago, too hard to keep up, specially when major chatters are 12+ hours off from me
"Major Chatters" would be a good name for a band.
(Or possibly a Squirrel Girl nemesis.)
@Adeptus I never do this :D
@BESW a squirrelly nemesis!
Or a fuzzy sidekick!
@doppelgreener it's a beaver!
they chatter...don't they?
[consults Internet]
sounds like a goose almost
@JonathanCresswellCressy Hi! You'll need at least 20 rep on any one Stack Exchange site before you can type in chat rooms, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
Your thoughts please: is hugely swingy damage (like rolling a d100) bad in D&D 4e, and why?
@doppelgreener IMO: it's bad on the low end because monsters aren't threatening. It's bad on the high end because it raises the odds of a TPK to unacceptable heights.
@doppelgreener I'd say so. Imagine a crit on a high roll. Insta-gib potential is too high.
not sure if that's worse than other systems, but 4e pays a lot of attention to balance so it seems more important there
Also it will add 10 minutes to your combat duration by vanishing under the couch every time you roll.
In all seriousness though, 4e works to make the effectiveness of powers reliable.
Its value as a tactical strategy system would be compromised by wildly undependable effects.
I have a couple of small Fate questions to ask, but maybe they can go onto the site proper. Or maybe I'm an idiot and can't find the obvious answer.
@Magician if you can't find it, chances are someone else can't either, ask away :)
(that's my basic bar for asking, "can I find the answer within a few minutes of searching)
Aaaand I've found a similar enough question that BESW had already answered. Problem solved.
The script that shows similar questions as you type yours truly is wonderful. I couldn't find this one by just searching on my own.
Out of curiosity--what was your question?
yeah, really makes me happy when the system works :)
@BESW Exactly that, can you stack free invokes with a fate point invoke.
Another one was to do with whether free invoke of a consequence gives a fate point to the target, but the non-bolded part of your quote answers that one as well.
I'm not sure if another, much more involved question is a good fit. Probably. "How can I design an adventure that utilizes compels to their fullest?"
I think you'd have to be able to describe what challenges you're facing in accomplishing that without specific design.
We rarely have significant compels in our typical games, maybe one or two per game. We compel more often than that, even self-comple, but in the end they often lack teeth.
And at first I thought this was due to our D&D background, but we've been using Fate for a bit, and it's still not a thing that comes naturally.
That's about how it works for my game too, except for certain particularly fraught sessions.
However, I have found that the best way to get a lot of compels is to not start with complications.
The session begins with a straightforward line from "We're here" to "Our goal is accomplished," and then you start opening up with compels to create the reasons it'll take all session or multiple sessions to achieve it.
"It's a quick, easy trip down the coast to deliver this cargo... or it WOULD be, but you're Wanted by the Greencoats and darn your luck they just happen to own that stretch of coast."
"To avoid the Greencoats you're taking a longer route through the Many Isles? That's great, but they're known for their Capricious weather and a storm is brewing."
"Oh, how lucky you have a sea witch on board. Too bad he's Always halfway down a bottle and when he hiccoughs during the simple weather spell it runs you aground."
Hrrrrm. I think we often handle the second type of event as just... stuff happens. There's a storm brewing, because I thought about it in advance and it seemed like a fun thing to do.
The GM does have the power to simply say "stuff happens."
Whether it's a GM call or a compel is something dependent on the group and the circumstance.
The "Army of Wool" is a bunch of sassy floof.
I guess, for me the difference is in how unfortunate a timing something is. For instance, the party is at a pirate settlement in our game right now. There was a bar fight on their second day there, just because I thought it'd be fun. I think, had they been involved in something at the time, I'd make it a compel instead: Everyone's a Pirate, wouldn't it be terrible if you got interrupted by a bar fight.
@BESW <- @Pixie
I love freeform RP.
Two characters in a relationship saying goodnight to each other.
Then just. Someone randomly interjects with a completely out of place burp.
They're not even sitting next to the two people. It's just. Quiet, peaceful tavern, and then across the room, someone burps.
@Magician Free invokes never turn into fate points. The only thing that generates a new fate point is a compel, iirc.
@BESW I plan for an upcoming session to involve several compels. The adventure itself will be one of them.
I have some logs to study to teach me more about compels.
@Emrakul freeform is great. Better if they're just two people in a remote cabin in the woods and nobody else is there and neither of them burped.
There's a story floating around about a couple who caught a burglar, because one of them told a joke and heard a laugh come from upstairs.
@doppelgreener Iunno, I actually like it better.
It's a pretty organic thing to happen in the middle of a tavern. Two people are having a moment, and it's, pretty crudely interrupted by someone burping.
That's good too. :)
@doppelgreener Apparently, in addition to dwarves, unicorns bowl too.
@BESW they probably play it differently
I'm sure it involves glitter, and poetry.
yeah, and possibly just a little less death and dismemberment
@BESW where do you think dwarves got the idea?
@BESW @doppelgreener Oh my gosh I love them all.
The Bombay assassin has also made me realize that hey, George might be part Bombay. He looks quite a bit like one. Also, he'd absolutely be an assassin.
I did not even see this thing
all cats are assassins, I don't know what the fuss is about XD
Well, berserker seems about right for the only (probable) Maine Coon I ever knew.
ah, berseker
this is true
though I do not believe for a second it is due much to breed
His name was Snuggles. He was incredibly sweet until he wasn't.
that describes a few cats I have met
Cat breeds actually do exhibit specific behavioral traits, although I do not know if that is one that accompanies Maine Coons in general. xD
I am still waiting for tuxedo cat to show her true horrible colors (ha stupid puns duh huh) XD
@Pixie I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised to hear that
I have almost no experience with specific cat breeds
I've met some purebreds, although most of my experience is with cats who show clear traits of a certain breed or family but can't be confirmed because they were strays.
I have cats but they are "generic", and I have house sat for people with cats, but the majority of those were also not some specific breed
and the ones I think were some breed,.. may have only been mostly that breed
Like we've got one who's very probably a Persian, but is she a full Persian? Who knows.
Yeah. That's pretty common.
plus, the ones who might have been mostly a specific breed all did exhibit vastly different personalities
Yeah, they still always have their own personalities.
I've known a few cats who would happily order your death, but not want to actually do it themselves.
I sat one place a while ago with two cats who I think were either the same general breed or even from the same litter
one of them was sometimes affectionate and sometimes agressive, the other hid from you at all times in fear
I don't recall if the owners said something about a previous owner abusing the second one or if she was just naturally skittish
Mama, one we have currently, might be part Maine Coon, looking at her. As opposed to Snuggles's occasional ferocity, though, she's an utter angel. A very nervous cat, and a bit odd, but friendly and sweet.
I guess one thing that makes personality traits hard for me to pin on their breeds is the fact that they are, of course, all going to be different from each other in some way
and other factors like nurture conditions and such
but I suppose a lot of that is my lack of all that much experience with that kind of thing
I'm listening to the James Bond theme by Garbage and hearing "The world is naughty 'nuff."
if I had sat, say, 500 of some specific breed or other and got a pretty strong impression of a/some specific similarities they had,..
@BESW That first time, it kinda does sound like that. Also, I love that song. And band. [listens for hours]
@trogdor True! xD And it's not always super specific either, but things like tendency to vocalize, energy levels, likes or does not like water...
yeah the water thing makes some serious sense
I have seen some documentaries and read some books that touch on that kind of thing
and like, Tigers and Lions, for example, like water a lot more than house cats
not the same animal of course, but they are definitely related to some degree
@Pixie oh, on the music note, Gooseworks finished "Dummy!"
in case you cared, and also were not checking for it XD
@trogdor !!! I actually checked recently and it wasn't up, so this is good to hear.
I only checked today, and it says it was posted on the 10th
I think
I kinda like it
I'll tear myself away from #1 Crush long enough to check it out and possibly get hooked on it instead.
it adds something without taking away the bits I liked
It is pretty neat, although now I'm spoiled on that electroswing cover of Ghost Fight. This is nice though. Bombastic.
I do think I would have been blown away by this more if you had not shown me that XD
not that I am complaining at all XD
Ooh. Someone did an electroswing Dummy now, too.
lol, I found that the same way I think that you just did XD
I happened to spot it in the related. xD
not sure I like it as much as the ghost fight one
yeah, that was it
it's still neat though
@Pixie I loved that encounter!
I have to move when I hear that version of Ghost Fight. I can't hold still. I had it playing while I was getting ready one day during Magfest, so I was like... dancing in a bathroom while dressed as the evil doctor from Hatoful Boyfriend.
@doppelgreener hee, that was a thing I liked as well, but I also just really like the theme
@Pixie nice XD
Pixie and I have had some discussion on Undertale themes and remixes and stuff before
that was pretty close to the time all three of us were talking about music a little while ago
well, and throwing links around
This is the Ghost Fight we're discussing.
it is pretty dang awesome
I would prefer a Dummy! version of it, but no such thing will probably ever exist
and I am not entirely sure it would be very different?
but it is awesome all on it's own
Ooooh. I just found this.
Q: Websites about 5e vs pathfinder

TeralynxI have 5e, and I was hoping to have a couple friends over who have played pathfinder and do Mines of Phandelver with them. My question is, are there some websites I could give them that would state the major differences between 5e and pathfinder? I'd appreciate your help.

Anyone knows how to change the duplicate?
@Zachiel I'm not sure. Maybe flag it for mod attention?
Mornin' all :)
@Pixie pretty nice, not as high energy though
@Zachiel I flagged it for mod attention like @pixie suggested.
> this is a Pathfinder vs 5e question, but got closed as a duplicate of a 3.5e vs 5e question. As comments are pointing out, please re-close this as a duplicate of our Pathfinder vs 5e comparison question: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/53766/…
Did I just play a bad game of Dawn of Worlds, or is it generally not my game?
@doppelgreener Thank you
That is, can someone who played Dawn of Worlds before tell me whether there are any rules bits enhancing or enforcing player interaction beyond mutual destruction, consistent style and God's personality?
The one time I played it was... not ideal... but it did feel only 3/4 complete.
As in, you felt like you were lacking a quarter of the rules? Or a quarter of the story?
@BESW Army of Wool reminds me of Pugmire.
What's up?
HAven't seen you in a while
Down Under (New Zealand), so I'm probably 12 hours away from you ATM.
Doing some research in Auckland and travelling for the last 3 weeks, so I got to be here even less :)
I see.
which also means I should go to bed soon :(
It does sound like it
What do you do in Auckland?
Sounds like a major trip
One month research with some pundits in my field, and one month of travelling given that I am here already.
Good opportunity!
@Polyducks Got the gold!
@Anaphory that marks a hiatus in RPG area, I assume. Do you have anything ongoing atm?
Went to a society game here today (thus the mention of Dawn of Worlds), and looking forward to Empire LRP after I come back at Easter and prpping things for that.
Nothing really ongoing right now.
Nothing to be planned before I settle down back in Europe in four or in my new job in about 12 weeks
I have no idea what Dawn of World is, but I see you didn't have the best time with it.
It's a worldbuilding game. It was nice, but not amazing, and might work better with a different setup.
But I have played world building games that I liked a lot better.
A, need to go. Talk to you folks soon, ttfn.
2 hours later…
@eimyr In Dawn of Worlds, each player is a god who, on their turn, gets to create or manipulate some part of the world, like terrain or a species or an avatar.
Bottom link on this page is the Dawn of Worlds pdf.
Yeah, I've seen the PDF since.
Thanks though.
Anyone have experience DMing a TPK with a dragon? That might be happening next week
Dragon falls, everyone dies.
that would leave the Necro alive...
with a bunch of very special zombies, I might add
@DavidWilkins I did it.
@Zachiel I am mainly interested in the tactics the dragon used and why. Care to share?
You are looking for dragon tactics?
rolls up sleeves
So, how to use your dragon to squish the NPCs, aye?
or the PCs
The party was level 4, the dragon was adapted from a 3e adventure and it had hover despite being too small for having it under 3.5e rules. It used the cloud of debris to go undetected and pepper the party with breath and singling out lone enemies. The battle took place in a courtyard.
or whomever
What are the Pcs?
Here's something I learnt from experience: don't let the party toss the grapple-fighter into the air so he can pin the flying dragon and make it fall into the path of an oncoming boulder.
It would make a good mainsite question though.
Think so?
@BESW Experience? Were you part of the infamous Los Tiburon game?
No, this was my 4e game running Thunderspire Labyrinth.
A dragon's tactics in D&D-like games tend to depend a lot on how much time the dragon's had to prepare.
@BESW And whether it has spellcasting capabilities or not. Heh heh heh.
I would say: if you don't want the dragon to curbstomp the players it's harder. Anyone can drop an ancient dragon onto a battlefield and make it hover out of range spewing fire.
Unless you have spellcasters in the party. Bloody killjoys.
Alright, so this is an Adult White Dragon and he is in his lair, so he gets lair actions. He has a couple of scrags (water trolls) that can come to his aid. He has been aware that danger was close for a couple of days. The party includes a monk, necromancer (wizard), a swordsong (bard/rogue), and a fighter
5e, by the way
party level?
oh, I left out the paladin. All level 9
By my calculation, only the dragon is a "hard" fight. Add the trolls and that tips it into "deadly"
Realistically? An intelligent, wealthy creature who has advanced knowledge that powerful, crafty enemies are coming to kill it? Is going to stuff that lair with traps and move to his winter home for a while.
Sorry princess, but your dragon is in another castle.
@eimyr Slowing the dragon. :(
Also this castle is full of traps disguised with illusions of other traps.
This "castle" is an iceberg.
It is only the tip of the iceberg. It sinks as soon as PCs reach the middle cavern, from which there is no escape.
he could, I suppose, destroy the floor of his nest, which means the adventurers fall into freezing cold water inhabited not by a dragon, but by those aquatic trolls
This is kinda the problem with D&D's vision of dragons. They tend to be wealthy enough and smart enough that their combat powers shouldn't ever matter.
But D&D has a combat-forward ethos, so GMs find reasons to ignore that and make it happen anyway.
Reason number one: ego. A big enough ego will send a dragon out to fight mano-a-mano even though he knows it's dumb.
I honestly don't know if my party is expecting to die or expecting to kill a dragon and take his loot
why are they assaulting a dragon in the first place?
They're brazen
It seems like something a group that will whine that "we're supposed to win" after a TPK would do
which might be a valid concern if you haven't signalled "the dragon is too much for you" well enough
I don't think this group would whine. I think if it was cinematic enough, they'd consider a TPK a lot of fun. Another note, they started this adventure with new level 8 characters, so they're not time-invested into them
[outside the dragon's lair]
[a folding table with a pile of tan trousers]
[a nicely lettered sign reads "In case you forgot your own brown pants."]
Jan 19 at 11:30, by Toshinou Kyouko
I always thought it could be fun to convince players that they are entering a dragons' lair with loads of signs outside like "BEWER OF DARGON", but actually it is some dude's dog called dargon and the owner can't spell
@DavidWilkins I have a story idea. These players are clearly going for it. Cool. Let them battle the water trolls first with every intention to obliterate them. Then, the trolls capture the PCs and bring bound and gagged to the dragon for feasting. The dragon eats them.
@eimyr interesting
@DavidWilkins Then you can have an adventure about finding a chuckle opening to escape the dragon's innards (or making one)
It would help if you made the dragon extra large.
@eimyr The dragon then replaces them with hired doppelgangers who continue to adventure as normal, but according to the dragon's agendas: taking out potential rivals, retrieving coveted treasure troves, etc.
Also, it's this dragon's habit to eat adventurers alive for shits and giggles. There are half-digested adventurer bones everywhere and his belly is full of deteriorated, but cool loot, if they are willing to look hard enough.
Acid and frost damage all around
You could even have "traps", as in sphincter muscles, glands or slippery slopes with pools of acid. Enemies in the Inside Dungeon are mostly parasites, Frost Elementals and undead.
sorry if I don't respond for the next 20 minutes or so...work things
@BESW Basically the entire in-world premise of "Tomb of Horrors," right?
@nitsua60 Yup.
I'm fond of the extreme logical conclusion Dragons of the Cuyahoga took with this premise.
In that setting, dragons are extremely powerful, nigh-immortal loners, each one superior to any individual non-dragon being in the world. They consider themselves sovereign nations.
@BESW That's from back in the 80's when the river was burning, right? (he he he)
@nitsua60 Not, actually.
But humans and elves and other lesser folks banded together to create villages, and cities, and eventually nations of their own, with armies that could defeat a single dragon.
@BESW (My best friend's from Cleveland, so I feel intense pressure to mock it whenever I can get in a dig.)
@BESW nice
So dragons saw that their physical power was no longer sufficient, and looked at what other kinds of power they could wield to influence nations. They discovered wealth.
Yeah, you can't have an apex predator who can be taken out by five high-level characters. Not in any setting I can wrap my head around, at least.
To a dragon, gold is no different from any other rock. But a church, a government, an army--these can be controlled with gold.
So dragons amassed wealth, and became political creatures.
When (due to events of the novel) a few dragons moved to our world, they quickly became daytraders and stock brokers, investors and lobbyists.
Running across young dragons at level 5 just screams jumping the shark to me.
In (one of) my current campaign(s) dragon's aren't even extant. But historical knowledge of them and natural-scientific remnants remind everyone that they were here, they were in charge, and who knows where they are now?
A dragon in Cleveland can move armies in Colombia, destroy businesses in Egypt, and pass laws in China. Their physical power is still awesome, but they wield whatever power their rivals understand and respond to most readily.
@BESW Nice.
(Notably, dragons are pretty much only in Cleveland, because Ohio is the only state which recognises them as citizens. They incorporate in Ohio and their corporations act on their behalf in the wider world. This becomes a plot point when a dragon dies.)
When was this published?
[nevermind: just ordered it on Amazon]
afk awhile: meetings.
The premise is "In 1991, a portal opened in the middle of a football game and elves walked out of it. Ten years later, a political news reporter is assigned to investigate the death of the most important dragon in the city."
and I'm back
So, in all seriousness. If your dragon is facing his enemies, he's studied them.
He's scried on them, he's sent agents out to investigate them, the whole works.
So he's going in with wards and defences tailored to the party's tactics.
@BESW right, is it safe to say that a dragon can benefit from, say, a ring of resistance to fire?
I'm not familiar with 5e's rules on that kind of thing, but if a dragon can't wear a ring, he can buy a scroll or wand or hire someone to cast it on him.
It is difficult to balance the thoughts of "I'm a dragon, no one can kill me!" and "I'd better be prepared for these guys, they mean business"
that's true
A dragon that's lived to adulthood has probably learnt the reason it's unkillable is that it's got all these awesome resources to draw on.
If it ignores its resources, it becomes less dragony and more killable.
@MoonLight Hi! You'll need at least 20 rep on any one Stack Exchange site before you can type in chat rooms, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
Also, what does the dragon want? What's his goal in life?
Surely it's not sitting on a pile of treasure to be killed like an idiot.
There is a lot of stuff a dragon can't do, either because of the size or other limitations.
A group of adventurers that can foil his efforts and underlings so much that they face him is indispensible.
Good question. This is a printed adventure, and I don't think it spells out this specific dragon's motive, but it does mention his mate being in mourning
A dragon's goal is usually to attain more treasure, and once the hoard is legendary enough it can do that by killing the morons that come to raid the treasure and taking theirs.
Dragons need to eat, though. Which is why you'll often find a dragon's lair surrounded by goblins and kobolds.
Either as a food source or as food providers to the dragon
This one definitely had a support structure before the party arrived.
They've pretty much been murderous heathens since then
Sounds about right
If his mate is in mourning, something must have happened.
It should be noted that some dragons can transform into a humanoid shape
8 of this dragon's kobolds are now the necromancer's zombies
Maybe the loss of a drakeling?
his mate's wizard master (why do dragons have masters? I dunno, that's what was written) died
Maybe her eggs were snatched. That's a great way to get fire and fury rained down upon a place.
Wizard master? Maybe it's the guy that hatched her
Maybe they used to roast marshmallows together
frost marshmallows
these are white dragons
@DavidWilkins which pub'd adventure is this?
Rise of Tiamat. I will say, HotDQ was much better written
@DavidWilkins ah, is this the bit up north with Varram? If so I'm running the same section on Thursday, haven't had a chance to read it yet though
No, but it is in the same part of the story. This is Aurauthator's (sp?) Lair
My group chose to go after Varram before the Sea of Moving Ice
Now, they've forgotten that they were supposed to find out about the Draakhorn
This is why player characters need travelling NPC bards to sing about their to-do list constantly.
gtg. Meant to be working hard, not hardly working ;)
Dragons also hoard treasure as a status symbol. Like rich people that keep costly car collections in their underground hangars, you know.
Well, if the two arrows of dragon slaying actually hit, I think this dragon is gonna get the heck outta Dodge.
Not before sending most of its treasure to the bottom of the sea, though
keep in mind that the draekhorn is sounding continuously it's not something they should be forgetting :)
like it's just straight unsettling all the time
The Zoo in my hometown increased its population by one baby giraffe
nice! ours is doing a capital campaign right now to bring in giraffes
Ours just has all the local populace living in it. We call it 'Wythenshawe'.
a strange magical beasts are being sighted terrorising the village
Weird maned griffon and an eerie striped pestilence bringer.
PCs are requested to slay these foul beasts at the request of local clergy and then confess their sins to be cleansed of satanic influence.
A week later, local liege lord is still looking for his lioness and zebra that escaped from his renowned bestiary.
The church claims innocence. Eyes turn towards ignorant PCs, who now have to choose - collect a reward for slaying the spawn of satan and summon his lordship's wrath or pretend to not do anything and maintain plausible deniability.
@Polyducks Why-then-shave or Vych-ten-showe?
5 hours later…
@eimyr If it's British, then Wishaw.
@BESW a shibboleth?
Proper names in the British isles are famously shibbolethtastic.
@BESW Soczewica, koło, miele, młyn
I'm not sure if you're aware, but Polish language pronunciation is a) very simple, each syllable has just one universal non-idiomatic pronunciation, much like in French b) still incredibly difficult, unless you learnt it from infancy
Unlike in English, where one can possibly get rid of the foreign accent or tech oneself a different accent if a native speaker, it's impossible in Polish.
Yeah, but you guys don't pull tricks like "Saint John."
And we just love having foreigners pronounce Polish words.
I'm not sure what that is?
@eimyr Same for (some) words in our local dialect here near Venice
(The first line, with 4 words was used in the late medieval to distinguish Polish ethnic group from non-poles living within the Crown, supposedly with mixed effect)
@eimyr "Saint John" is a not uncommon British male name. It's pronounced "SIN-jun."
Nah. But we have names like Szczepan or Grzegorz or perhaps Zdzisław.
@BESW and where would the trick be?
@Zachiel If you're talking about an actual saint, it's still "Saint John."
@BESW The difference between a chemist and a plumber is the word "unionize".
'course, there are at least three ways to pronounce the family name Balajadia here on Guam.
Is one of the "burninate"?
@BESW Exactly what I had in mind when I first talked about shibboleths, earlier.
@BESW Don't let me started on Italian reporters trying to pronounce "Schumaker"
@BESW in general, English language is full of exceptions and pronunciation disasters
Mainly because of authoritative meddling to "fix" it over centuries.
Well, more because it's a creole. The "fixing" doesn't help, but there's a fundamental inconsistency in the nature of the beast.
english has a bad habit of taking other languages into back alleys and robbing them blind
Well, the whole idea of englishness is an assumed state
So I can't really argue with that.
@waxeagle I've already heard that, where's that from?
I think I've said it a few times in here...
maybe not
"The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
--James D. Nicoll
was just about to post that
a beautiful quote.
"The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy"
--Abraham Lincoln, 1864
heh :)
and now that's in my clipboard instead of the 150k line spreadsheet
83% of all statistics are made up.
Do you guys actually have a favourite all-purpose quote?
> You will excuse me. I know I am speaking in marvelous accent without the slightest English. - Viktor Frankl
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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