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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Yes, I was surprised how hard it was to find
Especially given that I'm in London and there's a single place that runs it
I might have to man up and offer to DM some after getting plenty of experience with it
D&D 5e has its own thing called... adventurer's league I think?
Your service will be appreciated, citizen.
are the tags you're looking for at minimum
I thought it had become "AL", now I know why I was surprised the event at my FLGS was "Encounters"
@StuperUser AL is divided into 3 sections - Encounters, Epics, and Expeditions.
That's not confusing at all.
@BESW I think they might be dumping those.
Oh goody
@StuperUser Don't quote me on that, I just vaguely remember reading something.
How do you guys get involved with the storylines of DnD?
Are they written out as blog posts or something, or must you play through them?
@Polyducks I'm not sure I understand the question.
@Polyducks they get sent to gaming stores and people run the games for them
I think he's asking how the consumer's experience of a 5e adventure path compares to, say, the consumer's experience of a White Wolf or Dragonlance story arc.
@Miniman @BESW @StuperUser Ah, here it is.
@BESW @Polyducks I think I see. Personally, my involvement is limited to buying and running a campaign book with my group, I don't do any event-based or store-based stuff.
@Miniman @BESW No, it's more of a question of... how do you know what the writers are talking about on twitter, in other social media etc? Recently there was a release that involved Tiamat and another which involved demons and Chaos. These are fictional lore which, from what I can tell, "changes everything". How is this given to the public?
Like, is it released in official gaming modules or what?
Or written as official stories? I find it very hard to see where the Lore is coming from
@Polyducks This is the first I've heard of it, although I'm trying to avoid spoilers atm.
@Miniman spoilers of what though?
Is there an official story that is written in books or what?
@Polyducks I'm playing in the Out of the Abyss campaign under another DM.
So it is a module
and that's where the story comes from?
@Polyducks It's one place. The Neverwinter MMO has bits, Forgotten Realms novels have bits, the AL modules have bits, the main campaigns have bits.
So what is the official word of god in these situations? Is the only official thing the rules?
@Polyducks Do you mean WRT story and lore?
What's WRT?
With Respect To.
@Polyducks With respect to.
OH! Yes, sorry
Yes, WRT story and lore
@Polyducks Then...I have no idea.
@Polyducks That would form a good question "Who decides whether published works (story books, modules, Encounters/Adventurer's League, other source books, podcasts) become D&D canon?"
@StuperUser WOTC decides :P
Oh yes! Thanks @StuperUser
I'll make that post later. I'll also try to refine it so it doesn't get too broad
It'd be interesting to see if there's any non-canon published works too.
I had the thought because I was trawling through old recordings of convention panels for @Eimyr's questions and the writers were talking with a large amount of self-importance about various story arcs, and until that point I was sure you could only experience a story via a DM.
They had spoiler alerts and so forth and I was just thinking - what are you spoiling, really?
But I guess if they're in the form of written campaigns, that could be it - but I don't know anyone who has played through campaigns in any sort of order, let alone finished them
it's the difference between watching Breaking Bad and watching Talking Bad, I guess
Yeah, I got into it through Acq Inc, so there's a way of experiencing canon without participating (given that Omin is a masked Lord of Waterdeep) (spoiler)
And a nifty cameo from someone in the 2015 games
@StuperUser please spoiler like that
well that's weird
http:// is necessary.
I never use it in real addresses... do I?
@StuperUser what's talking bad, Acq Inc and Omin?
good morning
@eimyr you're just giving a title to a url. It's a hacky way of adding spoilers.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Ayy :)
@eimyr Most browsers tack it on when you copy-paste from an address bar.
Talking Bad is a TV programme where people chat about episodes of Breaking Bad
so they'd be spoiling Breaking Bad
Acq Inc is the Acquisitions Incorporated podcast series that Chris Perkins runs
with the live games at various PAX events
"turning D&D into a spectator sport"
Im trying to find good sources of character art for a star wars game wookiepedia is actually pretty terrible for this which is surprising (Im avoiding big name characters from the movies and the wider EU)
@StuperUser I think those con shows are useful for getting people hyped about the experience of D&D, but a bad baseline for a usual game session or campaign
@StuperUser DnD can be a good spectator sport :)
@BESW i'm poking there, quality is as always on deviant art, a roulette
This makes sense. That's a great answer, thanks @StuperUser.
I'll probably post the question later for distribution of points. I'll give you a ping as it should go on record for future searchers.
@Polyducks <shudder> nothing I like less than an audience when RPing
Same here, @Quentin. If someone is at the table (or virtual table) and without a character, they get cast out pretty quick.
It's very easy to feel judged in those situations
Like having someone listen in on a private conversation
@besw hmm the fantasy flight games star wars LCG seems promising
Guyssss I bought Katamari Damacy for PS2 today
It should arrive at the end of the week
That's an RPG right?
def not
though a very relaxing and enjoyable game
But...you're playing a role, right?
Of space-prince?
@JoshuaAslanSmith indeed, unless your DM is Chris Perkins.
@Polyducks did you read the game play description or did someone tell you about "an awesome roll playing game"?
I asked my friend whether he thought I'd enjoy it and he said "Na. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-naaaaaaaa.."
The character is a prince, but the gameplay is action arcade where you roll a growing sphere around to pick stuff up and get bigger, so you can roll over bigger stuff and pick it up so you can get bigger and... etc.
Fun, but not an RPG
@stuperUser 'Roll Playing' I get what you did there
omg, you are now my favourite guy on this chat for your Katamari jokes. +10
@Polyducks in so far as any character you inhibit is "role playing" then yes but you arent making choices
I forgot to check the stack this weekend....47 days down the drain!
bummer :(
I didnt even do anything this weekend either lol
well, you didn't exchange any stack for sure
yeah I got burned on that one just because of the time zones and when stack ticks over to the next day
isn't it timezone agnostic, just like the rest of the stack?
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, depending on your TZ, it's pretty easy to miss a day even when you're on every day
@eimyr it uses GMT to determine login days
I need a bot to log on for me...
I'm on day 92
I think I'm in a bit more precarious position... as next weekend is 98, 99 and 100
@eimyr set you a reminder in your phone :P
I think it works too if you check the site via app?
@waxeagle I flipped the proverbial table and then stopped caring about that one badge
@PremierBromanov I'm pretty sure some people have those (or did the last time I looked around). Honestly, the easiest thing to do would be to use the task scheduler to open the page once/day
@JoshuaAslanSmith lol :)
I think I got it a long time ago and stopped caring about consecutive day logins
@JoshuaAslanSmith What is the proverb with flipping the table?
there are more important badges I should work on, specifically the ones that I didnt have that the site deemed important for the last mod election
Guess ill just vote on 600 questions now lol
@PremierBromanov that's the easy one :)
Sounds like it's encouraging me to vote on questions I know nothing about, like 3.5 stuff haha
you shall all feel my uneducated fury
@PremierBromanov totally fine. It's pretty rare that you want to downvote questions that have upvotes
hand out those upvotes like candy.
I like that the badges also encourage me to dig up dead posts and edit them lmao
answers require a slightly larger amount of care to vote on, but really not much. The important thing to do is vote (says the one who doesn't vote like he should)
@PremierBromanov yes! it's one of those things that distinguish us from forums
Erm... I just visited the bagdes page and I can't seem to find the one abotu voting on 600 questions?
I got it.
(oops wrong one, Populist is the one about having a good non-accepted answer)
Yeah... It's a shame that populist requires you to post your super cool answer after another one is accepted
I think it defeats the purpose...
Or I guess I can go for silver dnd5e and make 52 more answers lol
@eimyr I think Ive gotten that a few times
@eimyr totally not at all, sometimes a person rushes to best answer and they dont use the site and you have a wholly better answer
also on more subjective posts best answer might be what works for that user specifically but the community shows they support a different answer
also mo rep dont hurt
@eimyr the order there doesn't matter, my populist was posted first.
dat privledge
I had that recently with one question, but I didn't get the populist.
almost there
A: Is there a subtle difference between increasing DC and adding detrimental modifiers?

eimyrExisting answers are already very good and this one does not mean to replace them. Wax Eagle and TuggyNE did a great job. I would like to offer an alternative, narrative point of view. In games like D&D mathematics are supposed to express certain things and provide a difference in the mechanics ...

this thing, it was 2x when the answer was accepted
@eimyr it has to be true when the script runs and because it's dependent on votes that can change fast
oh well
3 hours later…
@BESW That's one of my favorite things about the show.
@doppelgreener I love this bird.
I wonder if it's the same as this bird.
Nope, they are different, looking at their markings. I want to put them in the same room.
> "You ruined it Yahoo. I don't even want to use Tumblr if it's going to be run by you," wrote one Tumblr blogger whose screen name can't be printed in a family newspaper.
Ah, the Internet. Such a wonderful, offensive, wonderfully offensive place.
Anyone remembers soup.io ?
@Shalvenay @Grubermensch @JoshuaAslanSmith not looking good for our game night, looks like I'll be away on biz Wed/Thurs
@BESW Thanks ^_^
@waxeagle I believe yo mean "Game night" vs game tonight
yes, that is what I mean :)
speaking of which, I forgot how much work making a campaign from scratch ws
lol well no worries I was gonna cancel anyways :P
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, one of those days I'm gonna try my hand at that
Myn and I have a sea campaign kicking around in our head that we want to write together at some point
Ive been hung up on finding images but then I remembered the fan community for the Star Wars LCG puts out digital copies of the cards after 6 months of a release which FFG is okay with and I can crop those and use those for NPC portraits and scene setting handouts
Emperor Norton I gets a shout-out, which makes me happy.
1 hour later…
@BESW I could have sworn he did something on 40k before
I just learned that in Pathfinder, it's possible to mass Sneak Attack...
A: Why can I not sneak attack with Magic Missile?

LegendaryDudeIt is because in order to apply Sneak Attack, the rogue must be able to precisely aim his attack at a vital body part (for example, creatures of type: elementals are immune -- they have no vital parts). Even though Pathfinder doesn't have specific body-part targeting by default, it is an abstrac...

> Surprise Spells:
At 10th level, an arcane trickster can add her sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, if the targets are flat-footed.
Step 1: cast multiple Grease spells to cover the floor under your enemies
Step 2: Enemies are counted as flat-footed
Step 3: cast Fireball on enemies, and add Sneak Attack
talk about dirty tricks
(and a smoky grease fire to slowly burn up the evidence, too)
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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