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Q: The [rules-as-written] tag - still useful or is it junk?

mxyzplkA brief history of the [rules-as-written] tag (though all the discussion is ~2 years old): What, exactly, is the RAW tag for? (A good summary of what the tag's for and other meta Q's related to it) The [rules-as-written] tag is a good tag, but we've made it sick. Let's cure it (newer, but I don...

@SevenSidedDie For what it's worth, I was aggressively RAW for a good chunk of my eight-year time in D&D 3.5 and 4e (though for most of that time I was unaware of the specific phrase), so I am speaking from one individual's experience with the concept.
@BESW Oh, the irony! I am anti-RAW-as-approach-to-playing, and I find myself its defender, while you have known what it's like to be aggressively RAW from the inside in a way I never have, and you have written an answer that would throw it out. :)
(And, interestingly, my experience is a strike against the idea that "nobody who uses the concept of RAW is naïve about its meaning." I used the concept for years without knowing the phrase.)
I would not be personally sad to see the tag go, but I've locked horns across this perspective divide enough to feel that it is a distinct thing.
@SevenSidedDie Yeah, I think it's just not a useful tag for the Stack. Hmm. [goes to edit post]
@BESW It's a pretty fair idea that someone who actually bothers to read the rules would start out first as someone who plays entirely RAW for a while.
@Smurfton That's me in a nutshell.
@BESW Ah, hm. Yeah, I think I meant more there the concept of RAW while knowing it by name. I think anyone who uses the concept without knowing the Internet-common term for it will probably describe it fine without reference to the tag.
"Actually bothers to read the rules" has always seemed like a rare and unusual quality to me
@Smurfton It depends on the game you start with I think. Many games don't even have the appearance of being complete, so starting with a thorough reading of those actually results in the opposite approach.
@SevenSidedDie yeah, and there are also games that actively discourage the RAW approach. (the FATE family being notable among them)
I feel like the whole RAW-in-D&D issue is "these rules make no sense as a whole, what should we do with them? Well, the only certainty we have is that they're written in English, let's parse them"
@Shalvenay Ironically, I find that Fate encourages a fiction-first approach while letting you be completely RAW about it. I think maybe what people call a RAW style of play/interpretation is more about running a world mechanics-first instead of fiction-first.
@SevenSidedDie Alright, that's fair. I've yet to meet someone who plays Monopoly strictly with the rules, though.
why do I have this chat window open 3 times
@Smurfton Sign of a devotee.
@SevenSidedDie yeah. what I find is that I'm don't fit well into either the mechanics-first or the fiction-first camp -- I find myself going for more of a "world-simulation-first" approach, and that tends to be problematic from the viewpoint of both the mechanics-first camp (as it requires rule-bending just like a fiction-first approach does) and the fiction-first camp (because it doesn't facilitate any given concept of "good story")
Zach's punching to the core of it, I think: RAW is only a useful distinction when applied to games for which other distinctions yield notably different results.
@BESW exactly. it's something that I think is mostly peculiar to a few trad games -- the 3.x family, and perhaps a bit in SR because of its severe handbook dysfunction
@BESW yes. What games would those be, though?
I suppose RAW makes sense
RAW in Fate, or Roll For Shoes, or even something like Call of Cthulhu, approaches uselessness because the rules aren't structured in a way to make it a usefully different lens compared to other ways of reading the rules.
The Apocalypse World Engine, Solar System, etc.
@BESW exactly -- they are compact, tightly-written rule sets and accomplish what they set out to do with a minimum of nonsense
Q: In Roll For Shoes, can XP be used immediately after receiving it?

PJvGI recently found the game Roll to See if I Have Shoes On and decided to give it a try. There is something I was wondering though, can XP be used immediately after receiving it? Consider the following two rules: For every roll you fail, you get 1 XP. XP can be used to change a die into a 6 for...

@Smurfton I'm running HeroQuest right now: it's actually impossible to play rules-first because they don't have enough interconnections. It requires a fictional situation to hang together, bringing in the rules only when necessary to resolve something already happening.
On the other hand, systems like CthulhuTech and Eclipse Phase, anything derived from the d20 System, the 1985 Doctor Who game--the more sprawling an engine gets and the more distinct subsystems it invokes, the more a literal reading of the rules diverges from an intentional reading.
Speaking as someone who only wants RAW answers to most of their questions, the tag indicates "Don't give me any of your crappy suggestions, I'm perfectly capable of coming up with my own rulings, I just want to know what the rules actually say so that I'm ruling from an educated perspective."
Q: When advancing a skill can you spend multiple xp for a failed roll?

RobIn Roll For Shoes you gain a new related skill if you roll all 6's on your dice roll, however you can spend xp from failed rolls (you gain 1 xp per failure): XP can be used to change a die into a 6 for advancement purposes but not for success purposes. Does that mean if I roll a 3 and a 2...

@Smurfton Notice that the answer says "Whichever way you like, the difference isn't going to be an issue."
@BESW Wow. First intervention in the whole argument and I manage to nail it. This must be my best field of knowledge.
Of course, most answerers blithely ignore that, so the tag is definitely undermined in usefulness.
@BESW Yeah, true. The second question was a better example.
Even if you were only saying that's the way you played it, what I'm seeing is "My name is BESW and this is my understanding of the rules"
@BESW yeah, sprawled systems are where the RAW vs. other interpretations issue comes to the core
oddly enough, AD&D 2e is as sprawled as any though, and it doesn't come up there. why?
At least then, when you are asking about the rules of a game which has no focus on rules, RAW has a meaning.
Problem: no matter what we change to, it's not going to become any more searchable
Unless we make raw tags specific to games
@Miniman it's especially a problem because some of us aren't endowed with the knowledge of where all the rules-pieces for sprawling systems live
@Shalvenay Don't you know? Source books live on the internet. You search wikipedia for a list, then you search it's name in google, with the word pdf on the end, and, like magic, you have your very own source book.
@Smurfton what I'm saying is I don't have a mapping of what rules live in which books in my head
@Smurfton good luck trying that with apocalypse world XD
not for a system as sprawling as 3.5e for instance, and even less so for 2e because I've had to deal with less of the system
@Zachiel Yeah, ok. It's true, it doesn't work with every system.
@Shalvenay I'd offer tips, but I'm not a fan of discussing how to break copyright on the internet.
Also for many instances that's not exactly legal, and whatever our personal relationship with the law might be we shouldn't expect others to share it.
Speaking about D&D, the powerplayer in my group is pushing to stop playing 4e and go 5e
@Smurfton No need though? Tags can be combined in searches.
@SevenSidedDie this is new to me. Wow. huh. ok.
@Smurfton you still misunderstand -- the problem isn't just finding source texts -- it's knowing which pieces live in what books
I still want to play the rest of the set of adventures, level 10-30 awaits
@Zachiel 4e -> 5e is a radical transition in playstyle, especially for the DM, at least from what I know.
@Miniman Yeah, and that's a valid restriction - it's just not what that tag is being used for, and if the majority aren't using it that way and the community's not bothering to enforce it that way, then "it could mean that" doesn't help us
@Shalvenay well, yes. And I managed to find Armored Kilt (PF) somehow, despite not knowing the source book when I went to answer a question about it. I'd still like to avoid discussing how to do not-so-legal things, though.
@Smurfton It only works in the search box with [] around each tag name, so it's hard to find: not clickable. It doesn't help if you want to favourite "raw D&D 5e questions" though…
@Shalvenay I was a 3e and 3.5e DM so it might be possible I already know how to DM there but I'm somewhat comfortable with 4e paradigm and I want to see how the rest of the campaign plays out (but I don't want to redo statblocks to play iut under different rules)
@Smurfton what I'm saying is the problem still exists even if you have a giant bookshelf of source texts.
@Zachiel it's different from 3.x as well -- 5e harkens back to 2e's "rulings-first" mentality/philosophy
So... yeah, I'm in favour of "Have people use their words instead of a tag."
@Smurfton It's a system mastery problem, not a source material supply problem
RAW just isn't helpful enough as a tag to justify its noise, and it's getting less helpful daily.
@Shalvenay oh noes
While @SevenSidedDie's solution is clever and might work, it feels like "hide the tag from the noobs" and I'm not sure that's an attitude I'm comfortable asking the Stack to adopt.
@Shalvenay Any well kept wiki will either have references to source material, or, in the case that certain source materials are important, like, say, source books, categories for them.
@Smurfton and is the same true of every forum thread? sadly, no. sometimes it's even a problem on this Stack
(fortunately, most of the good charopt guides have at least abbreviated references, although they sometimes take a bit of work to decode)
Later, all. I don't think I'll vote on this one.
...Heh. I remember a question about a free-to-download system whose rules cover half the front of a sheet of typing paper, that got multiple answers that had obviously not even glanced at the system.
Access and convenience do nothing if there's no will.
@BESW Ah, I recall that. Not the specifics, but the facepalms are still very clear.
(There was even one answer which said "I'm not familiar with these rules but I'm going to guess about them" and then went on about specified damage for a system that had no damage mechanic at all.)
(It's now sitting at 3 deleted answers and three undeleted answers with a score of less than zero.)
Link it and let's see
Q: How to avoid arguments with a player about what "should" happen?

DoorknobI recently GMed my first real role-playing game with a few friends who are also new to tabletop RPGs, and it went quite well except for a few parts. Here's an example; the basic scenario was (a few parts left out for brevity): Me: "Okay, so you shoot the lock of the door. It's made of strong ...

It's a game I've actually played. Wow.
There are some very good answers too; yours is well voted.
Oh gods, it's the insulation jacket one
[grabs his own head with both hands and stares at the ground]
It's especially weird because someone is trying to use Science in a setting that doesn't really care, but they're Sciencing Wrong anyway.
hey now I'm getting upvotes for it
I won't say it's the setting that doesn't care, but the rules surely don't.
@BESW yeah -- the Sciencing Wrong would bug me even more than the setting/system not caring to begin with
@Shalvenay Aye, but in this case it doesn't matter if they're Sciencing Right or Wrong, the problem is that they're putting Sciencing in front of the things the game actually wants to do.
@Zachiel hey Zachiel, can you invite me to the NAB? there's a line in your answer that sticks in my craw
@Shalvenay Is it where I say "build" instead of "built"? XD
@Zachiel no, actually
Let's head to the NAB, I have no idea how to invite you there
Found it!
gah, dismissed it by mistake, try again please!
@Shalvenay Can't you just go there? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/13848/…
In the future, the Site Rooms page shows all currently active rooms associated with this site.
@Shalvenay Also if you star the room it appears in the sidebar in the desktop UI when you click [Rejoin favourite rooms].
@SevenSidedDie ah, I didn't know you even could star a room
@Shalvenay Yep! It's useful. It also gives you a tab in the Site Rooms page that just shows your starred rooms.
I have nine rooms starred these days.
2 hours later…
I have been able to limit it to five XD
Hmmm. [digs out DFRPG and dusts off casting mechanics] I think I have an idea for tonight's session....
I've put a link to tonight's session notes in The Spoil-Lair.
mm, so I probably shouldn't see that XD
I'm quite sure you don't want to.
1 hour later…
What's new?
been working on more PF stuff for Dreamscarred. Managed to get my game back on track. Felt I'd stop in and see what was up
I've just finished statting up the terrain and NPCs for tonight's dramatic fight with pony-sized crystal termites empowered by energy drained from the living Atlantean engine they've turned into their hive.
(that's a hell of a sentence)
I see "Vril"
Yeah, usually Atomic Robo rules in a custom setting, but right now we're visiting Umdaar.
I normally associate that word with Atomic Robo so yeah that
@Forrestfire I love this campaign so much, not least because it lets me say sentences like that.
some of the sentences in my game are like that
(Last week we hacked and imploded Elon Musk's spaceship after he hung up on our Skype chat.)
(The week before that, the Swamp Thing fought Philosoraptors.)
My players are awesome.
Almost all of this stuff is the result of ideas from the group.
I just have to stat it up and mash it together.
My last couple sessions: the party fought a series of novel snippets turned into alien shadow monsters in an underground space station that was dimensionally-displaced as a result of a sloppy cosmic retcon someone in the "prime" timeline invoked.
"Novel snippets." Sounds Nextian. [takes notes]
Also: "Underground space station." [more notes]
it wasn't supposed to be underground
it was supposed to be an orbital laser cannon
Are you sure? We found a forest of metal trees that grow spaceships underground like potatoes.
they managed to revive some of the crew (aaaaand accidentally-knowingly enslaved all but one thanks to their method of revival)
and got information. The party wizard has been given Ideas about new weapons
Oh dear.
I gotta dash out for food before the game, back soon.
I'm just glad to have finally introduced some of the background elements into the game, after like eight months of sitting on them thanks to slow pacing and missed sessions XD
I should probably sleep. Was nice saying hi. Have a good one all
@Forrestfire Nice to see you! take care.
3 hours later…
> I remind my occult investigators that I'll be waiting for you today at 2:30 PM for the last part of the King in Yellow quest. Always remeber: 1d6 investigators per round.
And that's what my cleric is heading into today
2 hours later…
Tonight we fought part a lightning-throwing termite queen the size of an elephant, and her pony-sized soldiers, in order to fix Umdaar's power problems.We then reversed the polarity of the Vril flow to destroy all the termites, and Umdaar is now heading safely toward Earth.
Along the way Baker got a pet soldier termite of his own, which he rides.
2 hours later…
Note to myself. Very probably, if instead of enjoying the narration and waiting for the DM to introduce elements in the scene I just go at the door he still has to describe, cutting the scene short and wanting to get things done, I'm no better than my players telling me what they do before I'm done telling them what's in a dungeon room, and maybe I shouldn't touch character introspection with a 10 foot pole.
3 hours later…
I request your assistance!
@eimyr fire away!
I'm in this game
And the GM asks everyone for feedback.
I only know this guy three weeks, so I'm a bit tentative on my feelings about the game. I like it overall and find it worth playing without any changes
Now the thing is: that GM comes from practice. He knows what he's doing, he has a plan, he has a style and plays very much like an old D&D lover, though I know he has experience with Fate and other systems too.
I come from theory. I didn't GM as much as others, but I think a lot before each game, about what I want to do and how to accomplish it. I might be a bit sloppy with delivery (like, descriptions) but I like to believe my games have structure and story.
Can you see where I'm going with it?
yeah -- it sounds like you should just say what you feel :)
it sounds like you have a very solid DM
There are... little bits.
E.g. he has never heard of the Same Page Tool.
But further than that, he does not feel the need to explore "table consensus" as a formal idea
Also, he awards XP like I was awarding it 10 years ago.
Specifically everyone gets a set amount for participation, then players vote for the Man of the Match in terms of usefulness and the best RP performance of the night, who get a bit more (you can't vote for self).
I don't think there is any harm to it in this particular setup but it just rubs me the wrong way.
So my thoughts are that I should voice my concerns, but I don't quite know how to address them without going too far into theorycraft and GMsplaining
I definitely don't want to undermine his position and also I don't want to be seen as the guy who comes as a player and teaches the GM his only righteous way
@Eimyr What don't you like in specific? Is it a rule issue, or that you aren't DMing?
It's a feeling of disconnection, that makes me think about how I would do stuff instead of enjoy a somewhat foreign style of gming
Unfortunately that is the way of being a player. You want to be the DM, not the player, and your creative juices are over running.
Yeah, I guess.
I just feel that sometimes it's inappropriate to challenge or uestion some GM practices, because I'm not the gm
I think you need to approach it with a more open mind. Learn what you can from this new DM and see how the players react
It's for this reason I usually only take players that are newbies, because they haven't been tainted by a previous expectation
Same page tool is overrated :)
I agree, but the concept of consensus is not.
I don't know. I guess you just start playing and see what's happening.
I've tried the "vote for one guy" thing in the past and don't use it any more. There's no harm in it though
@eimyr If there's something you are truly not enjoying, I don't think it would hurt to mention it when the GM specifically asks for feedback. If he doesn't want to open himself up to potential disagreement, he probably shouldn't be asking for feedback at all. But I'd do so gently, especially because, as you say, you "find it worth playing without any changes." Also think carefully about exactly what is bothering you and how the other players seem to feel about it.
I am certainly overthinking A LOT of stuff
@eimyr Isn't the disconnect coming from the fact that the way in which the xp is distributed strikes close to home (you used to do it, he's still doing it).
Are you wondering why he hasn't moved past it?
Potentially this could be a different people, different glasses type of thing?
Well, I am overthinking stuff, he seems to prefer winging it as he goes.
Maybe that's why.
can you articulate why you stopped doing it?
i mean I know what my main reason was but what's yours
I decided that it a) makes it difficult to sync player power, which is mostly visible when approaching keystone levels
b) adds an element of competition among the players
c) sets up a dangerous precedent of "some players are better"
d) overgratifies "visible" players
@eimyr that I think is the biggest reason not to do a singular award
e) makes it very difficult for people who missed a session to still feel relevant
yep. pretty much the same reasons as me...well except for a
i didn't find a a problem
but that's moslty becaouse I'm generous with XP in general
what the 2e group I'm in does is has everyone vote on everyone else's training costs when they level up -- that way, missing a session isn't as big a deal, and power sync/XP isn't actually in play, but it still rewards players for participating/RPing
I did a different thing
I had a "base xp" pool which was awarded to everyone, present or absent
and about 50% of that in a bonus pool, which was awarded as follows:
most games I'm in don't use xp at all, we just level up at appropriate times
the only exception is western marches style games where people can play different numbers of sessions
well... basically, if they can demonstrate a great RP moment
@TimB yeah, I've been in forced-level games as well -- both the tables running published 5e adventures I've been in did it that way
basically they would all choose two-three examples of great RP and if I agreed, they would get the xp
@Polyducks I do that all the time while playing. It doesn't help that everyone I know criticizes my DMs
2 hours later…
@BESW it's a good post on his part, albeit with a think-o in the first sentence of the "Work for Play" section -- s/play/work there
No, he's saying exactly what he means.
@BESW oh?
I think I see where he's going now...
A great amount of the play experience in a lot of games falls into the "breakdown" category.
IE, a lot of systems don't work.
although I realized I have a more fundamental issue in play here, especially when I'm working with somebody else's premade thing as opposed to having a high degree of narrative control myself
@Anaphory "Apocalypse" was exactly the right word for the termites, thanks! I think it helped make the session a lot more tense and dramatic.
We had Apocalypse Guardians and the Apocalypse Queen, living in the Apocalypse Hive.
@BESW talking about this, I think I'0ve focalized things I don't like in D&D 4e
Feats or features that remove tactical complexity.
- Feats to avoid having to get into position to gain combat advantage
- Feats that allow you to have a monotematic character (only pyromancy spells! Bwahahaha, fire! Burrrrn!)
- Feats that take a situational option and make it way too strong (charging? Good for when you need the extra move and trade it off with the power of your attack. Enters Essential classes and the feat that gives you bonuses when you charge)
- Feats and items that make you ignore AoO for using ranged or area powers in melee
@Zachiel yeah, the last one is especially nasty, I'd say

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