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hey there @Ben
@Shalvenay Hey :)
Been a while!
@Ben sure has, how've things been?
Very busy! Work has been the main thing taking up my time lately, but I have also moved out, helped three other friends move out, manage office training, and I have started to try and plan a weekend trip halfway across the country, all in the space of a month!
@Ben wow. busy indeed! I've been having Jherala make a wyrmling-sized friend :D while helping nitsua60 here get the hang of the roll20 interface
but I have to eat, bbiab
Ahh fair enough, as a matter of fact, Toby has unfortunately just agreed to take on a permanent injury. I'm not sure what it will be, we'll see what it is when he regains consciousness!
@Ben zoinks
I kind of like it though... development of the character :)
Plus it was either that, or permanent death, so it could have been worse haha
@Ben ah
@Ben character development of that sort has historically not been one of my strong suits
How so?
@Ben my characters tend to overcome whatever trouble is thrown their way
(I say this while banging my head on what looks to be a fuse bit problem with the microcontroller I'm dealing with)
Ah. Well that's not all that exciting is it haha
@Ben they shipped the part with the fuses set for an external crystal. sigh
anyone around for a quick touch of brainstorming?
what kind?
low-impact sewer encounters
like a person who sees the future or something?
and trying to make it not too big a deal?
(EDIT: sewer, note seer)
PCs may end up having to escape riot in city through sewers
it'll take an undetermined time, so any hazards/dangers I'd want to be pretty low-impact
well, there are some classics, like Giant Rats
Albino alligators, of course.
giant rats, alligators, regular rats, other people
very obvious otyugh, I suppose
Carrion crawlers, too.
(this being D&D was an important missing piece)
even just environmental/scenic things, like stumbling through a crumbling section of pipe/wall
Oozes galore. Kobolds aplenty.
maintenance workers
pest control squads
foul air (with CON saves vs. basic poison)
changing gears: how 'bout things you'd see/cross paths with when in a traditional FRPG city in full-on riot?
@Magician sorry
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay heyup.
as to sewer encounters -- foul air is the biggest one -- maintenance workers are a thing too -- there are also currents down there due to storm drainage
btw, we are a go for tomorrow @nitsua60 -- waxeagle's game for tomorrow night got scrubbed
as for now? I'm listening to some LiveATC archives from last night's fog-up
@Shalvenay I'm probably not ready for anything--list of **** to do has only gotten longer as the week's evolved, not shorter =(
@nitsua60 ah
and my RL 5e AL game on Friday's consuming all my prep time
@nitsua60 ah
(building 3D model of arena as we speak)
@nitsua60 wow
(this is what happens when the list of things I should do contains nothing I want to do)
I suppose we can send Teovanth over to The Hangar -- I'm sure one of the CFIs there would be more than happy to babysit her ;)
not following: Hangar? CFI?
@nitsua60 The Hangar = Aviation.SE's Stack chat
CFI = Certificated Flight Instructor
nite, all
1 hour later…
So, I've started compiling what I'm tentatively calling "The 5e Cheapskate Index" - a list of content in all the free official 5e PDFs. I've done all the smaller ones, and am working through the SRD now.
Observations: 1. The SRD is big! 2. Basic contains more subraces & backgrounds than the SRD.
the SRD may be big but it contains... one kind of elf, yes.
So many magic items, so many spells, so many monsters. One feat, one background, one type each of elf, dwarf, halfling.
@Adeptus Very cool.
@Adeptus Ah, but you're missing the key benefit - any excuse not to allow the variant human or the drow is a good thing.
variant human?
It's just too powerful - there's very little reason to choose another race if it's available.
is it just a variance of mechanics?
Yeah, free feat.
well, previous editions gave a bonus feat before,.....
but I assume you mean another one, or that maybe feats in 5e are too powerful to consider that ok
The latter.
@Miniman Basic has the variant human, but no feats. SRD has one feat. So, if you were to pool all the free resources, you could get Grappler for free...
@trogdor Especially since you still get +1 to 2 stats (which is as many as most characters really use) and a free skill on top of that.
@Adeptus Wait, of every feat in the PHB, they chose Grappler to showcase feats?
I assume since you said it was a variant that there is a more "normal" version of humans
@trogdor Yep. They get +1 to all the stats they don't care about instead of a feat.
@Miniman Apparently, yeah.
@Miniman lol
@Adeptus Yikes...
@Miniman What's behind that reaction? What's with Grappler?
@doppelgreener It just isn't good. It's not a pure fluff feat like some, but the benefits it gives are decidedly minor.
Important context: Pure fluff feats are not actually pure fluff, and have an important if niche role.
@Miniman this is why the +1 feat houserule is one of Forrest's most strongly recommended (also it allows character-playstyle-defining options at character creation)
I was linked to here?
the funny bit is that not only is Grappler not a great feat
it was a feat printed with errors in the PHB
they left a bullet point in and had to errata it out because it referenced rules that no longer exist XD
Which is the minimum amount of effort you can put into an SRD and still call it an SRD.
they did at least put in the errata'd version
(regarding Variant Human, it's not that it's necessarily strong; most races have abilities that are much better in the long run than a feat, and VHuman has _just_ the feat)
(it's that there's a couple character-defining feats that enable a playstyle or concept)
if you want to play that concept, you need that feat. If you're playing at level 1, then that means you're playing a Variant Human. Not an issue of power but just the fact that your concept is not supported whatsoever outside of that race.
In the games I've run and played in, Variant Human generally wasn't picked even after a "feat at 1" houserule was instituted--once you have the one character-defining feat, it's not nearly as good a choice (outside of people wanting Sentinel+Polearm Master), and the options from other races outpace it.
What was the one feat that didn't look good until you parsed its wording very exactly?
I don't recall
@GuidingLight Well, for BESW and myself (and maybe trogdor) the baffling issue is they released a free DMG, and a free PHB, and... no free adventures to showcase actual gameplay.
If that existed we'd have played it by now and would be able to talk about the game.
@doppelgreener I would say that you could safely include me in that
I can't say I would object to trying even 5e D&D
I say even because I don't expect I would like it, but I would not object to trying it before I say so for absolute certain
Yeah. For the benefit of others, our group plans to do a one-shot so at least we can say we have some play experience in it.
2 hours later…
@doppelgreener For the benefit of others seems like a terrible reason to play a game you aren't really interested in.
Doing things you're not thrilled with because your friends want to is a central tenet of the meaning of friendship.
@BESW So, if I don't want to play Exalted, but my friends do, then I have to join them? I can't just say: play without me?
Of course you can. But that's not what's happening here.
That's not how it's coming across...
It's not "I don't want to play that," it's "I'm not really excited about playing that."
That's a big difference between ambivalence and distaste, and even if there is distaste, there's a big difference between "I choose to play this anyway because my friends like it" and "I must play this because my friends like it."
Interpreting the situation into its most extreme and unfriendly possible scenario is rather uncharitable, both of Greener's friends and him that he'd consider them friends if that's how they behave.
My view with regards to that is more black & white (and mechanics trump world fluff).
That last sentence makes no sense (to me)
I like the fluff of Exalted, but not it's mechanics, hence I bow out
I'm not sure where mechanics/fluff come into this.
@BESW Actually, it sounded like none of the people playing were interested and they were doing it solely to be able to talk to other people about it.
Better worded than I could ever say
Then there's a lot of confusion going around.
"For the benefit of others, our group plans to do a one-shot so at least we can say we have some play experience in it." - I don't think I'm confused as to the meaning of this.
The first part (For the benefit of others) triggered me
As a person in his group, I'm pretty sure he means that some people in the group are curious about experiencing D&D 5e, and everyone else is willing to play a one-shot to help their friends get that experience.
Well yeah, that's a very different thing.
"So we can say we have some play experience in it" means that one of the reasons to play a D&D 5e one-shot is to be informed about our decision to not play it more.
(Or maybe we'll love it and want to make it our primary game. Though we doubt that, it'd be unfair to dismiss it entirely out of ignorance.)
Congestion at Victoria station due to a terrifying horde of shuffling automatons. Lifeless, soulless, their dead eyes will forever haunt us.
CORRECTION: Congestion at Victoria station due to passenger overcrowding.
@Miniman Oh. Uh. We're doing it to benefit ourselves. I was saying we were doing it, for the benefit of others understanding what we were talking about. XD
@doppelgreener Ohhhhh! Wow, that makes much more sense.
Behold, someone with a history of not being a complete doormat isn't being a complete doormat.
@BESW I wasn't suggesting that anyone was being a complete doormat.
Well, there was that one time, but it turns out doppelgangers never stalk out a place by pretending to be a doormat for good reason, not because nobody ever thought of it.
But there's no proof it was me so anyone who accuses me of being a doormat is probably wrong and a liar and thinking of the wrong doormat.
@BESW Any more thoughts on the topic of game encouraged player choice summaries?
No, my brain's been full of ESL strategies and giant crystal termites.
English as a Second Language.
I remember you wanted to fit TMNT pattern a bit less
I just finished a two-week class with Korean university students visiting Guam for an immersive English experience.
A lot of p/f pronunciation trouble?
Some. But we focused more on expanding the topics they were comfortable conversing in.
Most of them had some subjects they were very comfortable talking about in English, but anything outside those subjects would freeze them up.
My friend went to Korea once, and as a big (literally) foodie, he went to eat out frequently. In one restaurant he received a long stare from the waiter and then got asked in broken English "Would you like pork?" Well, my friend being a fan of house specials agreed and was very disappointed when the waiter brought western cutlery instead.
I'm reminded of the cooking show which taught you the Chinese art of Po Ching and Stee Ming.
What you're saying seems consistent with my personal experiences with Koreans. They seem very topic-focused in many aspects, English proficiency included.
Yeah. Pho King Bar comes to mind.
So I pulled out Thing Explainer, and we did debate exercises, and expository and procedural writing...
I wonder... is Thing Explainer worth having when you're not teaching English?
It's clever and cute. I wouldn't throw away The Way Things Work though.
I think Thing Explainer is better as a tool for learning how to explain things simply, than as a tool for learning things in a simple way.
When I was a child I loved Smart Answers to Stupid Questions, or however the english title might go
The "ten hundred most commonly used words" is an artificial limitation that does more to illustrate a point than to facilitate simplicity.
It would answer simple questions using simple language but going in depth, even when the answer is incredibly complicated.
E.g. Why is the sky blue? or Why does the bat fly all funny?
@Miniman I think that he meant for the benefit of other's information
he was just saying he wanted people to know what we were talking about
(Although, I thought The US's Laws of the Land was quite good.)
@BESW Yeah, I think it's supposed to be more amusing than informative
There are bits where it's painfully clear the imposed limitation is not helping clarity.
Like the fact that "nine" isn't on the list, so he has to say "the number after eight" and other circumlocutions.
Also, the whole page about "skyboat".
So! I've been thinking about an issue that was mentioned in an earlier discussion.
It's about the "oldchool" and "modern" RPG preferences.
Is "Oldchool" a goblin name?
I think it was mentioned casually that oldschool RPG players dislike modern ones because of their imposed narrative and/or choice limitations.
Now it is.
Mmm. Those are admittedly sloppy designations that I think people in this chat know are only useful when acknowledged as sweeping generalisations.
@trogdor Yep, he cleared that up.
ah ok XD
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But I've been thinking and indeed in ye olde tymes we picked a system that we liked mechanically well enough and a setting that was something we fancied, but the story could be anything, as long as it's appropriate, but we changed moods and themes more often than we changed systems.
Now it seems that I choose mood and theme first and then pick from a number of appropriate systems, so my game selection process is backwards to the one a decade ago.
@eimyr This is how I approached RPGs until about three years ago.
Now I'm the other way around too.
And yes, sometimes I choose mood and theme because the system I like inspires me to do so, but it's about as frequent as choosing the system for a narrative basis in ye olde
@BESW Don't worry! We'll learn next session how to get those termites out of there.
@doppelgreener I'm trying to stat them up appropriately; this is the big blow-out fight scene at the end of the Umdaar volume and I want to make it Battle Over New York epic.
@BESW Sweeeeet.
@doppelgreener call Reemus
@eimyr He'll just be poking everything and trying to combine it with everything else! That'll do more harm than good.
@doppelgreener I welcome suggestions.
Right now I'm trying to pump up the termites to epic awesomeness, but I'm not sure what to do about their life-energy powers, or what would make for epic scene aspects inside the engine hive.
@BESW Did you see the bull termite thing?
I am hoping this doesn't get too overblown XD
@doppelgreener Yes.
if these termites immediately wipe the floor with us that could be bad XD
@BESW Have you played the Overlord games?
@trogdor If the engine dies completely, I have a backup plan. It is completely insane. But it is a backup plan.
@doppelgreener XD
I guess I shouldn't be too worried XD
@eimyr ...No?
@BESW Laser beams. Some of them weaponised. Others gentle enough the workers are using them to ride up to higher levels, from which they are firing the former variety of laser beam.
@BESW In Overlord you are a Big Bad that controls a small horde of generic goblin-like minions who truly adore his villainy. You have many, many more than you can control at any time, because they, well, die for you AND you sometimes have to sacrifice them en masse.
@BESW Large, beating, wooden heart.
@BESW When you desire to forge yourself, say, the Apocalyptor mace, you approach a huge cauldron and a couple hundred of minions go down a slide, yelling in excitement, as they are melted in the lava to fuel the weapon's design.
@BESW Why not use your termites to fuel something in a similar way?
@eimyr Well, they're set up in the living crystal-and-wood engine driving an Atlantean spaceship, draining its energy to supercharge themselves.
So if the engine dies down, might they sacrifice themselves as backup power?
And I'm going to be using a single fractal for all the Soldiers in a scene, which can take stress to inflict stress on others by having some of its individuals explode, but erases stress when reinforcements arrive.
@BESW the thing which spawns ants should punish people like hell for getting into close range against it.
(The workers are just an aspect that grants bonuses to more complex termite fractals. If you can clear the workers out with an Overcome or Create Advantage action to change/remove that aspect, the bonus goes away.)
My idea is, the Soldiers are an obstacle fractal that play with their own stress tracks to inflict stress on others while also controlling their enemies' movement. The Queens are close-range behemoths who give bonuses to the soldiers when they aren't engaged themselves.
Do you think that the termites would be stronger the closer they are to the power source?
Do you think they might place power outlets to let themselves be supercharged using this?
The engine is the hive. There's not much "closer to the power source" than that. But yes, we've established that the engine is studded with crystals, many of which are broken, so I'm thinking that should be tactically involved somehow.
(Royal Guardian Termites, or tons of claws and sharp tendrils, or "where's the part that isn't a mouth!?")
So what do you really want to develop there?
I want the obvious/easy way to defeat the termites to be destructive of the engine.
I want the termites to be a threat that can't just be swept through; trying to remove them by killing them all one by one should be unthinkably difficult.
I want to set up awesome scenes.
So when the termites go out of power, they overload the engine somehow?
man, I'm so ready to DnD this weekend
I've had the urge since monday
just reached level 5 so everyone is gonna have cool new things
what's the game about?
@eimyr given the termites are eating away at the engine's life energy, it may be difficult to tell the difference between "charging up the engine" and "overcharging the engine"
we've never seen an operational engine.
@BESW compel us that our efforts to actually beat up termites badly damage the engine. be prepared to do it at least twice. like atomic robo kicking his brace loose in that page that's about doing things at a cost, ARRPG p77.
they explode horribly and the engine seems to shudder and melt.
Also, the whole spaceship is currently Supercharged with two free invokes.
(Its batteries weren't charging because crystal termites ate the organic wires, so it's on full solar energy absorption to compensate. Greener's character re-grew the wires, but we haven't figured out how to turn off the "maximum intake" setting yet.)
@BESW Big wires leading to the engine that look kinda like glowing veins or roots and are visibly hulking up the termites tapping into them, and that are visibly shooting off little sparks of lightning.
@BESW Put a giant freakin' device that is also the absorption shield controls in the same area, so we have something to do besides all be on "beat up termites" or "save the engine" duty. Myka or Doctor Light could shine there. Termites still might freak out about us tampering with that device.
If we can't all be there to save the engine because there's another pressing priority, which is changing the shields ASAP [compel compel], that means the termites don't have to be strong enough to take on absolutely all of us at once.
Doctor Light might rather be fixing the shields, because he probably helped plan them, and his usual aggressive approach might do more harm than good in dealing with the termites. To both his freshly regrown self ("Eargh! I don't want to disintegrate again!") and the engine (sploosh, sizzle)
Myka might have the skills to deal with the shields if Light doesn't take that compel.
Okay, so broad strokes: the termites are tapping the engine's power so it can't work. Also, the ship is drawing too much power. Clearly, this means that if the termites stop drawing power, the ship will overload.
@BESW so the termites have become why full absorption mode this close to the sun is even possible.
so, that's perfect for compelling someone to also work very hard on fixing that shield thing.
...mechanically, this means so long as the Pearl of Rebirth is black, the termites are getting free invokes on being super-powered--and if the termites aren't there to get those invokes, the ship starts taking stress.
@BESW sounds nice
Now, the question becomes: why fight the termites? Fixing the Pearl to stop sucking in power first seems like a very reasonable plan.
Obviously, we have to fight the termites because the control relays for the charging mechanism and batteries are at the heart of the engine.
@BESW because they are also visibly eating the engine, which we've established is only a separate symbiotic organism.
(a healthy engine might not have all those holes in it)
@doppelgreener took the words right out of my mouth here
For the benefit of others (!), this is my inspiration for the engine's appearance:
Like that, but crawling with crystalline termites the size of ponies.
@trogdor are you on Skype? I'd like to talk about the backup plan with you. Skype says you're offline.
@BESW "why fight the termites" is we need the engine to move away from the sun instead of towards it
@doppelgreener ah I am offline, just a minute XD
I forget to log into it somtimes
ta :)
On an entirely separate topic, I have just found out about The Marvel World of Icarus, a 1972 prog rock/psych album about Marvel Comics characters.
Hey all <3
@Polyducks Hi!
tfw you should be building websites but you're reading up on 2E necromancers between typing.
@BESW your thing about termites sounds inspired. Hats off to you.
I was reading about this cult of pestilence that are all about spreading plague and disease.
@Polyducks He did have our help too. This is Fate. We're all making the story. The GM, currently BESW, does have to do a lot of hard work though at times like this.
I really must try Fate. It sounds like such a great game.
Hats off to you too then, I suppose!
@doppelgreener I am logged on now
@Polyducks And @trogdor ;)
but thanks
@Polyducks It's pretty great, as long as you're telling the right kind of story.
I said "There are crystal bugs eating the organic wiring of the Atlantean computers," and pretty much everything else comes from my players.
From the fact that they're specifically termites, to them infesting the engines and eating the power and being giant....
@BESW how does that conversation go?
Are you playing now?
We play on Saturday nights.
It evolved over the course of a session.
@Polyducks it goes partly off of an ARRPG mechanic
We started with Greener's character (a tree person) trying to fix some wiring and getting covered in bugs (as a cost: he failed his roll and accepted "covered in bugs" as the price for succeeding anyway).
Which we then said were termites because that's more horrific than, say, spiders, for a tree person.
Oh man that's gotta be a bad time. Were these normal-sized termites?
Yes, they were normal sized but made of living crystal.
Later on we went to investigate why the engines weren't working.
I handed that over to my players, who used the ARRPG mechanic 'brainstorming' to formally take turns competing to "find" (read: make up) clues, and then one of them got to put all the clues together to say what was wrong.
...and what was wrong was that crystal termites had infested the engine and were draining its power to become giant and super-charged.
So we started with a kinda funny "oh, hey, here's an idea" thing on the spur of the moment when deciding a cost for success, and later we used that established detail as part of a new major plot complication.
We do this quite often, and it means that every time we re-visit something we learn more about it.
My mind is blown. I didn't know something this involved could come from co-operative play.
Two of our big story antagonists started off as one-shot characters in a flashback to a PC's misspent youth.
It's first about making everyone at the table feel free to suggest ideas, and second about reaching back for established details when a gap needs to be filled to make the world a more coherent and interconnected entity.
A GM can do the latter without player support, but it's such a joy to have everyone in the group contributing ideas: takes the pressure off of me to always have a good idea, and makes the story a lot more diverse.
I suppose the players also get an investment from being involved too
Our very first session, I said "You're going to meet a nuclear physicist. Who does he work for?" and the group agreed he works for amazon.com's secret physics lab.
I would never have thought of that.
In a session that Greener ran, we found an AI and did a brainstorm to identify it.
@BESW we had just come off of deciding what our own secret organization was, so it kinda made almost-sense at the time XD
The result... it's not an artificial intelligence at all, it's the preserved brain of Charles Babbage in a neural/machine interface tank.
Now Babbage is a PC.
And yes, it's much easier for my players to be invested and engaged when they're helping make the story more than just through their PCs' actions.
(Though I'm aware of some players in other groups who find such meta-level involvement to be distancing and distracting and prefer that the GM handles all such things invisibly.)
(I ran games like that for a long time and it was fun but I eventually burnt out.)
@Polyducks You may find this relephant.
Do you find your players ever try to make things turn silly?
I guess that comes down to the players
We get quite silly sometimes. But part of the round-table approach is that if things get too silly (or too serious, or otherwise off tone), people feel free to say "Hey, maybe that's too far."
Ah yes, that's a good point
@BESW I'll try to thumb through the post when I'm not being observed... ;)
I think it could work quite well at my table - though this says otherwise. i.imgur.com/uv3whVy.jpg
But, you know. Two sessions ago we had an evil vulture-woman sorceress fighting two Philosoraptors while disguised as a Swamp Thing, and last session we hacked and imploded Elon Musk's spaceship after he hung up on our Skype call.
Our own spaceship (before it crashed) was powered by a nuclear goldfish.
Silliness. We has it.
Silly, but inventive and fun as hell
I'm just worried my game will turn into memes.
That's something you need to talk with the group about. Before it happens, perhaps.
Your silliness is Hitchhiker's guide. My group's silliness is scraping the scum off the foot of 4chan.
I once had to put a moratorium on Monty Python references.
Yeah, I think so. I should address that before I rage out and TPK.
There are always xp penalties for Monty Python in most games I've played.
(Monty Python quoting in general bemuses me; the group's genius lies in their improvisational skill and the unexpectedness of their material. Once everyone can recite a Python line in unison, it's divorced from its comedic value and becomes a badge of belonging rather than a joke.)
I think that was the appeal of the Holy Grail. It attacked so many tropes that it became a label and because of that it's easy to apply to most situations.
I'm so excited for the game tonight. More for what the NPCs in the universe can do than what the PCs are going to do next. All sorts of abominable horrors and nightmares and magic potions are going to be released from the player's actions last game.
Oh dear.
Hence reading up on Necromancers.
I can't do anything about it until play starts because it's just general common sense not to over-plan
D&D necromancy is so narrow and predictable it makes my teeth itch. There's so much more you can do with the concept.
Even within D&D, there are implications about approaches to necromancy that almost never get supported mechanically enough to make them viable.
There really is. Dude, you need to read this book I'm reading. It's a 2E supplement. It's really opened my eyes
@Besw check it out gctm.free.fr/add/necromant
And of course, almost any talk about exploration or subversion of fantasy constants that I'm in is going to swing around to Ursula Vernon eventually.
There are anatomists, plague clerics, necrophiliacs, witches, corpse-queens...
Ursula Vernon?
A prolific author/illustrator of books and comics for both youth and adults (her weirder, more off-market stuff is published under T. Kingfisher, because branding).
For example, she just published the short story Razorback, which features a twist on an old folk story of an undead animal.
What I love about Vernon's stories is (among many other things) her protagonists are both practical and emotional in very real ways.
@BESW Trogdor and I have spoken. We've got a viable backup plan in case the thing we're calling the engine dies. We'll need you to play along with the details of it, if it becomes necessary.
I think I can do that.
T. Kingfisher's Seventh Bride also has an interesting take on what I'd call a necromantic type of power, in the terms D&D describes necromancy, but it's not a skill set a D&D necromancer could ever accomplish.
Its antagonist steals peoples' gifts and sells them to others: someone's voice, someone's sight, someone's magic--someone's death.
Since D&D tends to describe necromancy in terms of manipulating life energy, that would fit neatly into the scope of a D&D necromancer. But...
(Also, the way magic is limited in that novel, he might just as easily fall into the D&D school of thaumaturgy.)
@BESW mmmm....tasty tasty termites :D
So I hear.
Sorry, back from lunch. This Ursula Vernon seems like a great writer. The concept of stealing a voice is very little Mermaid's Ursula.
@BESW wow, this razorback story is... wow.
amazingly well written
it reminds me of a real woman - my first DM's mother
She was a witch - or so she said - and there are certain things about that sort of person that are other wordly.
I questioned her a lot about what it was she thought she was. Maybe it was a psychological thing.
All I know is that I felt very calm and at home when around her, like she was my own mother. In many ways I like her more than my old DM.
She lives far away now. Thanks for bringing that back.
1 hour later…
My first DM's mother practiced Wicca. She was also my first (and at that time, only) party member. Fond memories there as well.
I guess it's something about Wiccans.
I knew another, she was a girl at my age, constantly off her face on ketamine. She was like one of the greek oracles. Sylph-like.
The fond feelings there were quite different :p
Anyway, she sobered up and moved to South Africa.
So good for her I guess.
Hey Knight :)
Good day so far?
So far, on my way to school.
I have a meta-esque question about rpg.se... are questions about a published setting's details considered "on topic"?
I would think so.
What sort of thing do you have in mind @seanicus?
My question regards a specific detail of the Day After Ragnarok setting for Savage Worlds. Specifically: how far into the sky does the corpse of Jormungandr (the Midgard Serpent) extend?
Would that be considered an on topic question, @Polyducks?
@seanocis Is the question about an RPG? Yeah. So I guess it's on topic.
and unfortunately I don't know the answer to that question. Viking lore isn't my specialty ether.
Ok... I just wasn't sure if rpg.se was more about rules questions than "world" stuff... thanks for the help, @Polyducks!
You're welcome :) From my experience it appears to be anything RPG.
Including inter-player politics and specific system rulings.
and also flavour ;)
sweet! thanks again!
I am now officially tempted to use Prezi to explain system details to people.
I am overdoing this and I feel horrible.
3 hours later…
Q: Are "Does this type of product exist" questions acceptable?

rStyskelI am interested in knowing if a particular type of product exists, that is a campaign setting entirely divorced from a game system. I am not looking for a list of products (though a single example would be nice). I might be interested in financial/sales information, but I know that's a stretc...

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