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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

hey @nitsua60
8 hours later…
morn... zzzzzZzzz
haha morning
literally just got into work, asked my colleage - "Have a good weekend?" "Yeh." Then came here for better morning chat.
So unbelievably dull.
My colleagues, I mean.
I think this place has actually died down for the day mostly
heck, most of the day no one seems to have said much
I mean, technically it's a different day somewhere but still
UK here. Only just started.
just winding down here
not that here is the majority of users anyway
but everyone seems to have been less active in chat for the past several hours regardless
UK and America were on downtime I guess. UK asleep and US at work
successfully poached @eimyr into our DnD game :)
that accounts for a lot of people here
he was looking for one wasn't he?
Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how he does
He seems to have bonded well with the group
it's always nice to get someone new into the group
we just got someone ourselves, if he keeps showing up that would be great
seems like a cool guy anyway
Yeah, attendance can be annoying in any game.
I've managed to whittle down my group to the people that show up. Nothing like expecting a group of six and getting two.
it's one of the most major problems our group has had
It's even worse in online games
that being said, I don't blame anyone
Yes... in online games you can be Moon Dancered too.
people just happen to have jobs that sometimes conflict with our usual time
and I would rather the people in our group show up some of the time ( which is what happens currently) rather than quitting
Christ, @Derpy. It's too early for MLP.
never too early for Derpy
Yes, I know what you mean.
I like everyone in our group, I would rather see them some of the time than banish them for spotty attendance XD
@Polyducks Actually, it is two days too late. The trogdor wasn't there ;_;
Ah, I had to banish one of my players. They'd say they'd turn up, reserving their space
then quit at the last second
four times in a row is pretty bad
Like, I wouldn't mind if they just said "I can't be there"
you know?
I can see what you mean yeah
if someone can't make it it is best if they actually say that
I won't judge you on that XD
generally our group is pretty good at actually knowing when they can and can't make it
Yeah, totally!
the only two people who are literally always there are BESW and I
Oh, you play with BESW? What's it like playing with a greybeard?
I don't want to go back to it always only being us
it's pretty cool
he is pretty much the linchpin of the whole group
i'm just the guy who doesn't miss rollcall XD
@Polyducks From the little I saw, I was thinking of him as something more like Tom Bombadil
I need RPG's, therefore I do not miss game night
@Derpy you mean singing songs and generally being untouchable?
@Polyducks He is there, you really don't know why, but he was there before you came and probably will be still there after you leave. And you can't even hope understanding who he actually is.
it's also hilarious to watch people here give opinions on what he is like XD
I've not really met him, only know the rumours... so yes, that's pretty accurate @Derpy haha
Speaking of roleplaying games, I was playing RUST last night. Have you guys played?
I don't get too into the whole multiplayer survival thing where everyone could just screw you over for all your stuff
not the kind of thing I want to do to other people or have done to me
haha funny you should say that
We started a survival group called Naked Town
because when you start, you start naked
we had a neat little police force
(unrelated: I may have found a place to apply for:P But it is a little far away ^_^. Look at the link and you will understand why)
@BESW speak of the devil and he shall appear...
are you on holiday?
@Derpy taking a look
@Polyducks Why do you ask?
I was just wondering what the photo was haha
@Derpy >click link >see pony >close link
That's from a year and a half ago, but it's one of the very few photos of BESW that've hit the chat before.
@BESW Where are you? Under the bridge? :D
Also, that's my home island.
yeah, no need to vacation to go to that place
(Although it's on the southwest side; I hardly ever go there.)
it is slightly out of the way
Also, if that WAS vacation, it would quite an odd choice of travel, economy wise
wouldn't it?
@BESW Are you sure you aren't the one in the middle here?
No, I'm on the left.
I knew it! BESW is a tree.
Morning @eimyr! Didn't see you there :p
sneaki deaki
Is that BESWerman or SlenderBESW?
In all seriousness, only my ubiquity here lends to my mythologising. Derpy is more mysterious (two accounts! oooh.), Greener is more perceptive, Magician produces more eloquent RPG reflections on a wider variety of systems...
And I'm just here as wallpaper ;)
and I am apparently just the peanut gallery, and washed up 4E expert :P
Troggy's around almost as much as I am, and the only reason we don't notice that Tashio is always here is that he never says anything.
You have a point.
But also you are the owner of this chat.
that does tend to make people talk about you XD
though I think it was happening before that
@BESW a) lies; b) produced, past tense. I'm barely around anymore.
And trogdor's myth is easier to explain - he burninates stuff, has an attitude towards peasants, doesn't enjoy countryside and skips leg day.
this is all scandalous, but true
I'm room owner by virtue of chattiness.
But you also deliver on it.
You take care of our superstar wall entry
look up links to put there
and moderate waht needs moderatin'
Fair. But it's not much. Room owner means nothing if the chat is hostile to the owner's ethos.
(DAMN! I really need to make that Misspells goblin/kobold party)
Misspells party?
Apparently it's enough to have you recognised as the extant chat deity.
You guys moderate the chat, I just flex on your behalf.
I mean, you do more than others and people appreciate.
you do more than I would XD
or at least I think so
@BESW I think the whole point is that you seem to be connected at brain level to wikipedia.... common mortals aren't like that.
Also, in case anyone's curious about the history, this is the fateful moment.
unless I have an over inflated sense of what you do
@Polyducks My most common misspells as names for goblins and kobolds. So far I have Htink, Thorugh, and Taht.
I would not, I think, like the responsibility
@eimyr And now Waht.
@BESW You also have a grandfatherly knack for explaining stuff, your theories and opinions are often supported by evidence, experience or references and therefore hard to dismiss.
@BESW huh, I could have sworn I was there to see that
maybe it just got linked to me or people were talking about it
@trogdor You were sitting on the couch next to me.
that must have been it
@eimyr Flattery will get you... quite far.
At any rate, my point is that as amusing as my myth is, I don't want to see it overshadowing other peoples' contributions. This chat isn't mine, regardless of what the "owner" title might imply, and feeding the ego isn't always healthy.
@BESW Was that a compliment?
Also, there is one more thing, why you get mythologised by newcomers quickly as well.
It's called the Starwall.
@eimyr Good choices. Is that how you named your character's entourage? ;)
@BESW Not as far as you can go if you create a yellow coat and pink mane equine as your character... during a MLP themed online game beta test.
@Derpy This is a data point I have no comparison for.
@Polyducks nah, the entourage is Fat Albert, Slim Albert, Snips and the one with a name that got me into trouble on chat before.
I let it slide on account of it being in keeping with your character :p
@eimyr That's entirely everyone else's fault.
Yeah. Polyducks invited me to his game and I'm playing the Douche Knight.
@BESW I beg to differ. You say stuff that's easily starrable.
@Eimyr how are you getting on with the constant barrage of Cards against Humanity in the party chat?
Your sentences often summarize or simplify many discussions and you don't tend to reference your other messages, so they form a non-dependent piece of writing. Perfect for the wall.
[takes notes]
[also takes notes]
So if I use a lot of indefinite articles
[meticulously draws a duck]
and break up my ideas into
If you don't want that happening, use more pronouns, split your messages.
multiple lines, I might get
fewer stars?
[draws... something else that ends with 'ck']
@Polyducks Hey, nice artichoke.
Yeah, that's what usually happens in this kind of situation as he pointed out like that.
@Polyducks Easy, I don't look at it.
@BESW Th...thanks...
lol @eimyr
@Polyducks I've sent you a skype msg about my attitude towards the dnd skype convo. No need to reiterate it here.
So glad the weekend is over. I actually do less work during the week.
@BESW unless it was a subtle way to say you are like Brainy Smurf with his "Quotations from Brainy Smurf" book.
@Polyducks ...s-senpai!
@polyducks Oh, not on skype right now. I'll be around later to check. I fully expect the word 'triggered' to appear.
I'm going to be disappointed if it doesn't.
I'm dying right now. So troll. Very BESW. Wow.
nope. this is troll - star the middle one so it jumps up :P
> we're sorry, the starwall you are trying to order is out of service please hang up and star again later
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
(For the record, the starwall uses roughly the same formula as the Hot Question maths.)
(Also, as I've said before, I feel free to use my room owner powers to unstar messages when things get silly and reduce the usefulness of the starwall as a record of conversations for people coming in later--especially when it's my own messages I'm unstarring. So have your fun, but don't expect all those stars to stay long.)
I think it sends a powerful message.
Right, later gang!
Tonight's dinner is quick and simple, using up the fresh food that's almost turned: potatoes, carrots, onions, and kale; steamed with garlic, salt, and pepper; served with garlic toast.
always good on garlic
it sounds very green and not very caloric
I always imagined BESW as a grandfatherly figure of authority and girth
@BESW, are you Santa?
@eimyr That's how my WoW raiding guild imagined me, too.
Well, maybe not the "girth" bit.
For the Horde, eh?
Forsaken healing priest (female), mid-to-late Burning Crusade. Specialised in patiently teaching new recruits while gearing them up in Kara, and in making people very confused by my build.
....also fishing.
I player a Forsaken destruction warlock, specialized in pulling too many mobs and tweaking other people's equipment through gems and enchants.
Back then there wasn't a lot for a heal-spec priest to do outside of raids without dying more often and more ridiculously than Aeon Flux.
Not a lot of people were confused by my build, but many expected me to be affliction.
And fishing + cooking gave me some of the best buffs for my build and for my tanks, with enough on the side for guild tribute and auctioning.
That was back when there were classes that couldn't reliably solo, right?
Well, priests could solo quite easily... as shadow. But re-speccing was extremely costly.
Discipline was considered a throw-away tree, not good for anything more than 11 points in; you either went Shadow for DPS or Holy for heals, and the cost of re-speccing twice a week for raids was prohibitive.
I did 5SR dancing with a half/half Disc/Holy build, and seemed to be the only person on my server who even knew it was possible. Made me very durable for venturing out while fishing, but not very good at finishing fights.
I'd almost certainly win... half an hour later.
When I played respeccing was not too bad (only gear was a problem, but that's before endgame) and Discipline was considered the best single-target heal in the game.
Yeah, Disc got major buffs later on.
But it took them a long while to figure out what its theme actually was.
Yeah. So did destruction.
It used to be the tree for impatient brats.
And later it was just bursty like no one's business
After they did away with the 5SR, I had to go full Holy until the next expansion.
wait, what's 5SR?
I think I have played with it...
They removed it toward the end of Burning Crusade.
Then yes, but I've also played without it for the majority of my time.
I joined late BC - early WoTC.
anyway, WoW still appeals to me
when I finally rolled something other than a warrior one of the first ones was a priest
I feel I would have just SO MUCH FUN if I played it
I liked all three specs, but that's partly because they had changed how they worked by then
but heroin offers the same as WoW and is overall better for you
I played for quite some time, but it was the people that really kept me around. As they left and I couldn't find new communities that offered what I wanted... eh.
(I did love the updated bear. Tanking with my face rocked.)
(druids rule)
Also, whenever I get nostalgia for WoW I take a look at what the talent tree is now.
@BESW it was fun running for that Raven Lord mount and healing your ridiculous bear
Trealing was okay, but I could never get the hang of DPS in any class.
The disgust cures my yearning for about a year.
I tried DPS as a boomkin, a cat, spriest, both kinds of stabby/shooty shaman, a warlock, probably others. I wasn't just less happy with them, I was only ever mediocre at damage no matter how hard I tried. Heals and tanking, though--yes please.
(I did teach a few hunters how to make the most of their class, despite my own inability to level up a hunter. You heal the pros, you pick up some things.)
Yeah, I guess.
I never liked paladins though.
It seemed to me that paladin players were very often aholes
Well... belfs.
I didn't try a paladin until it could be a palacow. And by that time they'd done interesting things with the mechanics so it was less tedious, but... eh, didn't really tickle me in any spec.
I ran into paladins who ganked me in neutral cities and got away with it because of the stupid bubble
no one else could ever kill me in places like that
though I have heard of rogues sapping people repeatedly
@eimyr ...Did I mention before what was my role on my old UO server :P?
well, I guess they are more neutral camps than cities
the actual neutral cities mostly didn't even allow PVP
Have you ever done RP in WoW?
Only in a very lackadaisical, disorganised way.
Never anything with continuity beyond a few minutes.
@BESW Thanks for continuously expanding my vocabulary.
And you wonder why you're mythologised.
I understand the phenomenon. I just think it gets out of hand sometimes.
I don't do it :P
I doubt you've ever for a moment been able to think of me as "grandfatherly."
@BESW what would you recommend doing to a person who has too little Fate experience but wants to run a Fatey game?
What is the most common pitfall, bar misunderstanding the rulebook?
For running a game? Hmmm.
Basically, you have me, a man with modest Fate experience and some newcomers.
But I still want to deliver something very Fatey.
Using a tried-and-tested adventure in a vaguely defined scifi setting.
So basically: How to run your first 5 Room Dungeon in Fate?
(maybe it's a siteworthy question)
I can only speak to my own group's experience, and @trogdor and @doppelgreener will have some more insights, but--preparing things that will happen rather than opportunities for complexity and drama; calling for rolls when an outcome will be boring; not pushing the Fate point economy.
Also we have several great questions about pitfalls of groups new to Fate on the site already.
....And read Umdaar.
Umdaar is the closest to dungeon-crawling I've studied in modern Fate.
@eimyr I'd be wary of using a non-Fate-designed adventure with Fate.
Preparing a path for your players to follow. They'll see it and be afraid to rock the boat.
Instead, have problems that arise between setting aspects,and see what your players will do, and prepare for them to do nothing you expect
Create points of tension that the PCs can't ignore. Profit.
@BESW As the adventure is of my own design, there is nothing that prevents me from making it Fatey.
Basically players enter a derelict spaceship which unfolds into a self contained adventure.
It's nice because it offers the Five Room structure, but does not enforce to follow it.
Basically: you enter X room or solve Y problem, Z happens.
Order is unimportant.
I think that the biggest mistake I would make is not pushing the Fate point economy, which I find quite hard to apply.
Would you have advice/resources to jumpstart me?
Juicy aspects fuel the Fate point economy.
How often should I offer a Fate Point?
@eimyr "you piece of $@#& if you don't accept this €π¢^ fate point I swear I'll..."
Q: How to revive a stagnant Fate points economy in my game?

STT LCUBackground I'm a novice Fate GM, with 4 more novice Fate players. We all have experience with RPGs, both pen and paper, electronic, and LARP. We all wanted to try Fate Core because it's much less mechanical and crunch-heavy than other systems (like D&D) and so far we really like it. The problem...

Q: Negative Aspect Compels: How often is too often?

Professor CaprionI've seen quite a few Fate-powered games where there are Extras that use negative aspects as permissions (such as having "Limited Battery Pack" on a lightning gun, or "Unstable Mutation" for a superpower). How often would be too often to compel those sorts of things? An annoying GM could try ...

Q: How do I encourage players to use Fate Points for declarations?

ExtrakunI have hacked Fate Points into my 13th Age game and I notice two things that are happening - the players hoard them, and often use them for the re-roll effect instead for declarations. (Irrelevant musing: Perhaps as 13th Age uses a d20, a re-roll is more valuable than re-rolling a 4dF?) At any r...

Offer compels when it makes sense or is cool, obviously. But look for opportunities to compel when things are too easy, or when PCs are running low on points.
that's a good point
And remember, invoking a PC's aspect against them gives them a Fate point at the end of the scene, while a compel gives them the point right away.
2 hours later…
@ToshinouKyouko What's up?
@eimyr not much, I was browsing rpg and thought the chat might contain like-minded people
5e is my game of choice
Depends. Are you ready to join SE's kindest and most welcoming community?
hmm, maybe
I do like being welcomed
Ha, now away with the shameless self-promotion.
5e is a fine game. Do you have a game going on already?
I originally hail from the foreign land of Anime & Manga
I do, I'm playing a halfling druid at the moment
Many folks here hail from Equestria, as you will find out sooner or later.
Although, I'm thinking of switching out for a half-dryad bard
I just joined a 5e game and rolled a bard
> Many folks ponies here hail from Equestria, as you will find out sooner or later.
I was thinking of going a poetic route rather than singing
Now I'm perplexed how to build him. I want him to be a competent melee combatant, but it seems building him like an Eldritch Knight is an exercise in futility.
I think you can fluff it however you want.
As long as the abilities work the same way.
hmm, I prefer the utility roles
although I kinda wanna be a monk from a desert
so many possibilities
I would just place one caveat: if you are fond of low fantasy medieval themes, then you'd find many poets recited with musical acompaniament.
hmm, that's true
In fact, most chansons d'geste, prose and poetic tales were written to be recited to music.
esp. in early medieval period
hm, how about a warrior poet?
Like, say, 13th warrior?
I haven't seen it :(
It's a good movie.
It's silly and pure fantasy, but nevertheless.
the last fantasy movie I watched was Krull
that I didn't see
it's kinda so-good-its-bad
I would say that in terms of mood 13th warrior is similar to Outlander.
does this community have any secret stashes of homebrew content anywhere I should know about?
oh, outlander was decent from what I remember
Yeah, I liked it. Not so much for a rewatch thought.
Secret stashes? I doubt it...
Though there are some tools that this community favours and applies in copious amounts to any and all problems.
the new markdown tool is pretty cool
I presume that is old news here
Mostly it's Same Page Tool, Player Agency and the dreaded Talk To Your Players, which are recommended to anyone and everyone and purportedly cure cancer too.
new markdown?
This blew up
I haven't seen it yet.
but i love it!
@ToshinouKyouko not particularly
In terms of secret stashes
TOOLS yes though
even more so thats a bit secret since tool req questions went off topic (something I still disagree with)
some of my earliest and the most helpful questions that got me involved on the site were tool reqs
Don't we have a meta post about tools we use?
@eimyr there might be, I havent looked at meta in a month
we have this
Q: I've been told my question is better suited to a forum, but where should I go?

SevenSidedDieI asked a question that got closed for not being suited for the Q&A format that RPG.SE uses, and was told that my question would work better on a roleplaying games forum. Where can I find an RPG forum well suited to my question? Guidance for answers This should be a curated list of direction...

though I should probably stay active on it
maybe we should have a "I've been told my question is off topic because it's a tool req, but are there tools RPG.SE appreciates and recommends?"
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yes, especially someone like you should not shy away from the meta.
For the good of the site.
@eimyr while I think this would be helpful I dont knwow that we should try to make a list in meta
would be too long and many are system specific
maybe a google doc with some kind of voting/rec mechanic built in could have pages (workbook like excel) for each system
1000+ pages
Maybe a community wiki?
or split it to "virtual tabletops" "mapmaking" "charop" "plot design" etc.
or just constrain it to system agnostic
or we can just redirect everyone to chat
right, ideally it would actually be a database and thus you could search by system or by tool purpose/focus
and have fun with everyone
chat is good for some thing some times, its super hit or miss and there isnt a referenceable document when no one is chat
@BESW can probably provide permalinks to previous discussions full time
oh boy
I see where this is going
@eimyr I doubt that would be his joy
Doesn't he do it anyway?
@eimyr he likes helping people, but doing it all the time would be tedious, he'd much rather help people by talking to them than linking them to conversations
@eimyr this has however pushed me over the edge to sign up for the free year of basic tier AWS services from amazon to create a database
Ive been thinking about doing it for some time for other projects
we have a meta on A&M about recommended series
@JoshuaAslanSmith So are you going to create the tool database as well?
Does the SE general meta has a meta on recommended meta? Because that would be meta.
@eimyr I was referring to our earlier conversation about tools, my fault for not saying so I can see how it would seem like I was continuing on about conversations
@ToshinouKyouko I could sort of see that working but I think the tool rec worked well on the site because of tags which having them all in a big answer section to a single meta question would miss
that's fair enough
also I feel like a recommended list or lists in an answer section is very not SE though meta is a place for something like that to flourish if that particular SE community wants it to.
@JoshuaAslanSmith As expected, any mind flayer would take care for its own reserve of food. He wants you to be full of info.
@Derpy BESW Being categorized as well-meaning Mindflayer is something we can all get behind.
BESW is superior.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Forget everything. I wasn't supposed to reveal the plan so soon. :P
Well, have to go for now. See you later.
@Derpy its too late, @besw 's ineffable all permeating presence has already perceived your mention.
@BESW is the over Overmind now.
It has been decided.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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