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@trogdor Everything mom does is vet-approved, no worries.
@nitsua60 Yup. Mom had bought a little cat platform recently, and she's using it. I got in trouble again for moving the folded up comforter away from her cat cube, though.
@Pixie I didn't figure that was an issue, but I did just want to make sure
Yeah, you definitely have to be careful.
my cat's favorite place other than my own bed is literally a suitcase I laid down
the other cat likes a chair my dad keeps trying to use
it's his computer chair, but that cat will be dammed if he doesn't believe it belongs to him as his personal cat chair
Bags of any sort are cat magnets.
I like our cats, they seem to mostly have their own distinct personalities and they are charming and fluffy,... but if they were huge I would be scared
the white cat is definitely scary sometimes
I think they're drawn to bags for the same reason they're drawn to circles.
Definitely. This is why we do not have pet tigers (at least if we are smart).
they also like boxes
and I think it is yet again the same reason
if they can curl up in something that surrounds them from all sides, they feel safe and comfortable
They like things that they can fit their bodies into just perfectly, things that they can semi-hide in, and also things that are different from their surroundings because they're curious and they're like "oh what is that."
Hence their love of paper, towels, and such.
@Pixie gets Pixie a pet capybara to go with her pet cat
@Shalvenay My friend just mentioned wanting a pet capybara. xD
But we have enough animals, thanks. :v
@Pixie a real-life ROUS ;)
Happy New Year
@Pixie my GF is crazy about capybaras
however, she also realizes they eat 60+ kgs of grass and veg daily
yeah, I imagine their diet is a possible issue
@eimyr yeah, you never need a lawn service ;)
also access to water all year round
@eimyr that too
like, reasonably warm pool or pond
not a frozen one
Now I have a song about capybaras stuck in my head...
However, you can get a guinea pig (make it plural, they are social animals)
here keeping it unfrozen isn't a problem XD
but there are typhoons, so it would have to come inside sometimes
They are great and practically the same as capys, only water-averse and smaller
yeah... they are huge
about the size of a great dane and weight too
@Pixie what song?
@eimyr Here we are. Capybarabarabara, capybara.
of course this exists
Aaaand it's japanese. I should have known.
Im trying to think of a game that actually needs more than 1d20 per player, and cant
@Tritium21 I think there is one where you roll 3dX where X is the skill level, as it progresses d20->d12->d10->d8->d6->d4 and you roll under
@eimyr that sounds like savage worlds, and that only goes up to d12
then it goes d12+1, d12+2
I don't have any references
just a notion
Im just trying to figure out why my chessex pound-o-dice is half d20s
@Pixie I found electro-swing to be perfect ambience for Mage: Ascension tradition-related scenes
I can think of a use of a half pound of d6 or d10
@eimyr Haven't played Mage, but I love electroswing.
@Tritium21 Because d20 roll forever and ever, thus inevitably ending under the couch. I've heard of one d20 that did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs once.
@Pixie well, mage is like electroswing if it was made into an RPG
@Tritium21 at least you didn't get a half-pound of actual d100s
@Shalvenay hey, I'd like that!
@Shalvenay that would be exactly 1 d100
@Tritium21 :P
Once upon a time, I could have asked that on the site.
@Pixie but more Parov Stelar and Caravan Palace than anything else, for me at least
@Tritium21 Why not now?
@eimyr it would be a shopping question. or an endless list question
I should probably ask it on reddit
or 4chan
you'll probably get a right answer and some amusing slurs to spice up the game
I dont want the authors doxed, i just want to know the games!
don't you want to ddos drivethru?
4chan makes mos eisly look upscale
4chan makes hangover toilet morning look classy
@Pixie Actually, if I wanted to create a dream-team of non-Mage players I'd like to play mage with, you'd be on the list
why would you have a dream team of people who don't play it specifically?
Heh. I have in the past not been very fond of White Wolf systems. The ideas are very cool; I just struggle a lot with the execution. Not ruling out trying it someday, though.
oh, Mage is a White Wolf system?
I had not known that XD
because Mage has an incredibly rewarding backstory and universe, which is perfect for the kind of a mystery and discovery games, where players explore the setting by playing from knowledge level zero
@Pixie 20th anniversary is my universal response
I guess my ignorance is showing
the 2nd edition mage core book was one of the most difficult ones to read, as well as one of the poorly written ones
The only bit I know about it is from my boyfriend telling me about the character he's creating for a potential game, but that's not much. xD
it had an index entry for "Rules"
@eimyr that may very well be the Mage book I ahve :/
they just left so much stuff unclear it was almost unpayable by raw
I only even know White Wolf is a thing because BESW has mentioned it to me before
@eimyr ...dysfunctional handbook :/
Mage 20 is apparently very good
Revised was better, but it had a major tone change, which disrupted a bit what people think of when they say Mage
I have Mage 20. I've only started reading, but after 100 pages (out of 700) most core concepts are laid out clear
@Piixie what Tradition?
@trogdor actually White Wolf is having a resurgence. Onyx Path is a company that continued its legacy on a license, formed mostly by former employees of WW, while the WW itself has been very recently bought by Paradox Interactive, the very same that brought us video games Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis
There is also something called Mage the Awakening, but it should be burninated. It's the Jar Jar Binx of White Wolf
@eimyr that could be interesting, especially after CCP had to drop the notion of a VtM MMO on the cutting room floor, sadly
@Shalvenay Paradox intends to do what Disney did to star wars
@eimyr this maybe could be arranged, if only because probably no one would use it if that is the case XD
They want to wipe the board clear and start anew, keeping what they think worked
@eimyr hrm.
Also, they intend to create some video games in the universe, but details are scarce. So far Onyx Path doesn't seem affected as they happily released another M20 splatbook
@trogdor just don't confuse Ascension with Awakening. Ascension - good. Awakening - well, good, but not Mage anymore.
I mean, I have not had any reason to want to branch out of Fate
nor have I known all that much at all about White Wolf stuff
@eimyr He did tell me, but I can't recall. [search search]
but it is still interesting
@trogdor my problem with Fate Core in particular is that there are so many narratively-related moving parts its hard to get started for someone who is a worldbuilder not a relater
@Shalvenay ah, I basically come at it from the opposite end
I used to play D&D 3.5 and 4E, and I loved role playing in those games but there wasn't much actual mechanical support for it
so Fate tying narrative into the mechanics the way it does is just what I needed
I was a little skeptical at first
I did love 4E for it's mechanical bits
@trogdor it's not that I don't like RP -- it's that I take such a strong worldbuilding-simulationist view of it that it causes problems when you try to force narrative structure on me.
but I think by now it is safe to say I like Fate better
@Shalvenay you don't like certain things about Fate, that is fine
it isn't for everyone
@trogdor interestingly enough, FAE fits me much better than Fate Core probably would
@trogdor MAge would be OK to play in Fate, but unfortunately, Fate has a certain enabling feeling, while Mage is a game about what you can't do
I personally don't like FAE as much, but just different tastes
nothing wrong with that either
Hmm, can't find it. I'll ask him sometime.
although I don't deal with the Fate point economy much at all or at least haven't yet
@eimyr ah, I might not like that about it
I would probably honestly have to try it to be sure though
@Pixie what was the char like?
@trogdor it's about how the technology rules the world and oppresses people. The game to work has to have a certain limiting feeling, especially since you play a magical dude with godlike power that can do anything in a number of ways
A good mage character is narratively God Tier, limited only by mechanics.
ah, so what you mean is more like the limits you do have are felt more strongly because of what else you can do?
or how powerful you are
that probably isn't as bad as what I was thinking then
@eimyr can you explain this concept of narrative power tiers to me btw?
@eimyr He called him a "speed demon" and also described him as a "healrogue." Finding more specifics than will be difficult.
Well, a starting Mage character is about as powerful and versatile as lvl20 Sorcerer in DnD, if played with creativity
So the power to derail plots and solve mysteries is great
however, it's bloody difficult to use that power in combat, because it's hard to use on the spot, without preparation and consequences of doing so outweigh potential gains
so, to put things clearly, you can make the Big Bad rethink his life choices and join you to reverse his actions, but you can't fireball him with impunity
Actually, fireball is the poster boy of poor imagination in Mage.
@Pixie sounds like Verbena or Cultist of Ecstasy
@Pixie it might be anything else though, if he said things like "computer" or "spirits" or "death"
Well, he didn't say death, but this is a preexisting character that I know well. I would not be even remotely surprised if he went with something deathy for this guy, since he's a necromancer in other RPs.
@eimyr yeah...although I'm not sure what the reaction of the table to mages messing around with the innards of what mortals know as "science" would be. creating an infinite fount of energy simply by performing an unreproducable act?
Oh, right, now I know why I can't find these things... we talked about it the most in a voice chat. :P He mentioned something about a spell/power that lets you touch ghosts or vice versa.
@Pixie Euthanatos
@Pixie that sounds like the kind of thing my 5e Paladin would have, but only because she's of the "Hug a Ghost" club
so, amorously spectrophiliac ;)
@Pixie Euthanatos with Spirit, Life, Correspondence and ofc Entropy. Almost exactly like my own favourite char
@Shalvenay in this world the one and only real axiom of the world is "world is what people believe it is"
and mages are just people whose will is stronger than the local resistance of the consensual reality
@eimyr yeah. that's problematic for me because that'd cause irreconcilable problems for basically all experimental science. you wouldn't have tech in such a world, just magic -- because modern science couldn't develop properly.
a Paradigm is a set of coherent beliefs that each mage has - it might be paradoxical and nothing like the "science" one. It is explicitly stated that "science" is just one of these paradigms, that has made great success with people who are not mages
@Shalvenay That probably describes this character, too. :P
@Pixie I had a play-by-post character (well... this one) who had a platonic relationship with his own gun. Treated her like a fine lady she was. I could link, but the game is in Polish.
@Shalvenay okay, this is actually established in-universe. At the beginning there was no such thing as a unified, global paradigm. every tribe had differing set of beliefs - some said thunder is god's wrath, some claimed it's discharge of ancestral energy etc.
They were all right in their own unique ways.
A certain group of mages, called the Order of Reason decided to enable common man by promoting a set of beliefs that's so easy to understand it's reproducible with little effort
They created science. At the forefront of the science it was indistinguishable from magic - but they introduced it veeeeery slowly, so that common poeple would believe a new invention when they saw it
and this is the greatest success and the greatest failure of mages, because with the advent of scientific thought, a global paradigm was established and all others were diminished
so it's not that world is scientific and reproducible because it is - but because we were conditioned to see it this way, according to mage's lore
@eimyr well, a pseudoscientific belief system -- a rational philosophy if you will. :)
Now, if they decided to say, go with system of chakras of distinguishable entities, we would measure energy in chakras per hour and levitate by concentrating, because it would be considered normal.
Reproducibility and non-paradoxicalism is just part of that belief system that we embraced
@eimyr it sounds like you can make any belief system reproducible in the M:tA world, given enough followers.
finally, for the uninitiated, how is the quantum dot LED display distinguishable from magic? Only by words, descriptions, smoke and mirrors.
@Shalvenay You got it. Welcome to the reality.
@eimyr and paradox is when two incompatible belief systems are trying to operate on the same thing, basically
In fact, Technocracy (new name for Order of Reason) has labs where currently impossible science happens - FTL transport, neural interfaces, dark matter operation - but it's not reproducible yet, because it's not part of the belief of common man
@eimyr interfacing to nerves is an engineering problem, first off :P
Engineering is also called the Sphere of Matter, by non-technocratic groups
for certain values of "nerve" we've done it IRL, in a mass-deployable way.
I know, the added sense implants and remote motor control.
@eimyr it's reproducible at the convention where the paper is presented? :)
@eimyr I was thinking of the vagus nerve actually
@Shalvenay it's reproducible in tightly controlled lab conditions by people whose belief temporarily overrides the common belief
that's why technology uses so many artefacts - silica, tools, wires and whatnot
these are called Foci by magicians and can be anything - computers, crystals, wands, potions
they serve one purpose - to make the magic more palatable by its wielder and the audience as well
technology just makes it more palatable than anything else
Foci lend plausibility to a thing happening by offering a justification. If it's a justification that the dominant world belief system accepts, the thing happening is considered commonplace.
Which is the same thing with said with more complicated words...
If you go back far enough in history, you find bubbles of belief so that, for example, a healer using four-humours-based cures would be successful in Greece, but would be utterly incompetent in China.
According to Mage it happens now too - say with ivory-based potions in Hong Kong, which are rubbish scented water with keratin in Berlin.
His cures would simply stop working because the dominant belief system said they're quackery--unless he had a strong enough will and belief himself to temporarily overpower the Chinese healing system.
But if he does that, he gets paradox for having something that 'everyone knows' doesn't work... work.
paradox being a backlash force of the gestalt global paradigm at the moment of the effect coming to life
usually manifesting as damaging reality hiccup, think deja vu from matrix but one that teleports your liver to Zimbabwe
@eimyr ever see one of those sentences where you're pretty-sure you know every word, but...
@doppelgreener Do you remember that article I shared a couple years ago, about ancient views of how the world works?
@nitsua60 Paradox is reality saying "NO! You didnt do that! BAD MAGE!"
"Here, take some damage"
or "Here, have this nasty weird effect for a month/year"
@eimyr makes perfect sense in context; just coming back from putting the kids to bed, that was a hell of a sentence to try and wrap my head around =D
or "FINE! You want to shape reality? Now you do it unconsciously, but can't do it intentfully anymore. Also, you're not aware of it."
So heres the thing with paradox ... you hold out your hand in front of everyone and make a cigarette lighter appear out of thin air, you get blasted with mega amounts of paradox. Do the same thing in your pocket, and just pull the lighter out? No paradox.
like the description of the effects of a Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster: wrap a lemon around a gold brick and hit yourself repeatedly in the head with it. (IIRC)
@Tritium21 would it still be paradox if you were performing as a street-magician, such that observers might just assume (mundane) prestidigitation?
hmm... cool.
that's coincidental (game term) meaning it passes as a mundane coincidence
the idea is that you can warp reality much more when no one is looking than when you have a large audience
same with obviously-magical effects witnessed by small children?
@nitsua60 If you were Penn and Teller, no paradox. If you are david blane you get paradox. And this has more to do with how they approach magic as an art.
e.g. you can stop a cullet to your heart because of course you always carry a pocket bible
@Tritium21 don't know Blaine
@nitsua60 depends on the children
@nitsua60 It suffices to say he believes his job as a magician is to warp the audiences view of reality - to make them think he actually has magical abilities.
if the child believes in tooth fairy and you transform into one it's cool
That makes any actual magic he uses vulgar.
Also, there is this situation when you critically fail and you stop believing what you're doing while doing it, which is usually a very bad thing
yeah, the difference between him and them for the purposes of this is not only belief, but how they treat it in a different light
basically, you're your own audience
@eimyr like ~realizing~ that you threw yourself at the ground and missed?
like realising that summoning a tank is impossible and now the tank is everywhere and you are part tank and you get tank damage
reality gets weird when it suddenly changes
A mage with 5 dots in any sphere is a god among men, and fears his own power more than anything else
the weirder, the better the game
well, if you reach 5 dots, you better banish yourself from the material plane unless you never intend to do magic anymore
but you can do insane stuff with the rating of 3 easily
also, you can fly insane stuff past the radar if you dress it up as plausible
"That building blew up!" ... "where did that movie crew come from?"
That was a go-to tactic of one of my former groups.
another one like to set off chains of events
This is why my vampire in a mixed game had a canon c300
he wanted the car blown up? nah! let's make that cargo helicopter change route and the freight cable be worn and the freight is a propane tank due ot a mistake
@Tritium21 was your vampire also lawn furniture?
mind if I ask a quick WB/workshopping question?
@eimyr Naw. The vampires were catif, the werewolf was ronin, the mages were orphans...
we didnt know we were supposed to hate eachother
@nitsua60 go ahead
(never mind--be back in a few)
@nitsua60 we have a room just for that
yes :)
@BESW I do not
Found it! It's the garlic/magnets thing:
Dec 11 '14 at 11:16, by BESW
We feel no need to test our belief that garlic has no effect on magnets, just as Plutarch felt no need to test his belief that garlic had an effect on magnets--and we feel this way for exactly the same reasons that he did.
ah, then yeah
why should I need to test it? I know garlic does or does not have an effect on magnets
it would be silly if it instead didn't or did instead
just silly
@trogdor such an Aristotelian.
I suppose that might be true
if, by example of that you mean practical philosophy
I prefer, if philosophy is used, that it either have a practical use or be hilarious
even if they only person who it amuses is me
to be fair, I took one or two philosophy courses, but I don't remember too much about what specific thing is the product of which philosophers ideas and such
I do remember that many of them still built/build on each other like with anything
and most of the ones I know anything about are Greek, Indian, or Chinese
possibly some stuff from Japan, but they didn't deal so much in philosophy as straight up religious beliefs
and I mean, most people probably have heard of Aristotle, Plato, and Confucius, so I don't see knowing those names and maybe very little about them too much of an accomplishment on my part XD
Is asking questions about narrative technique on-topic here?
For example, I want a way to portray a certain NPC's state of mind without using a certain tired trope
I think that is fine? but some might expect you to also post it as a question on the main site?
I doubt you would get in trouble for asking here though
oh, by "here" I mean the main site
We just closed a question on this topic
Though, that question may have had other problems
@Tritium21 was it a duplicate?
Include as much detail as possible about your specific situation, and it'll probably be okay.
@trogdor Primarily opinion based
yeah that would do it
Q: How should I role play a madman NPC?

Mr. UniverseAs a DM I always try my best to include unique characters in my adventures. I wanted to use a lunatic character who has completely lost his mind as a sort of minor plot hook to introduce the players to a new part of the world. How do you think I could make the NPC believable, without revealing mu...

My question would be similar, but a little more specific, though I'm not sure that it would be specific enough
@Tritium21 it was really an unclear question -- I think the VTC was correct but had the wrong close reason attached :/
Yeah, that's super vague. No system, no setting, nothing about how or why he's mad...
@tophandour @besw I think this is something you can test fire on meta to see if it is a good fit or not? Or if you are daring with a thick skin go right to main and see if it gets a vtc
but basically, I want the party to discover that a certain mage who was trapped in a dungeon went mad over the course of many years. The first thing that sticks out to me is the trick where the party finds journal pages as they explore and the journal pages happen to be in an order that shows the progression of his madness
I've done that one before, though, so I was trying to come up with other ideas
NPC isn't around anymore to talk to
Ah. That... might be a bit too much like brainstorming.
What system/setting?
yeah, that's what I was thinking
You can brainstorm in chat!
DnD 5e but I'm really mostly interested in just anything in case I happen to write a story or something involving a similar situation
Hey gang
In my experience, the best examples for "Heeeey, this guy who we aren't meeting has influenced the environment we're exploring in ways that indicate he's going totally cuckoo" is the Myst franchise.
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

this is how you show a decent into madness, by the way
I've seen that answer before :p
@Tritium21 trying to parse a CFG with regex?
well, CFL
FYI, REGEX can be used to parse HTML.
I've done it and used it.
If he's been living in a dungeon for a long time, he's made changes to it more than just leaving behind journals. He's made devices, repaired things and broken things and decorated things.
But yeah, I'm stuck on:
1: journal scraps
2: "memory shadows" like the brief flashes you might see in the Fallout games
3: The party just sees the aftermath and for all they know, he was always crazy, except for maybe one or two sane older writings
@Polyducks eh -- not in its full generality :/
@Shalvenay tbh you convert the html to a string first.
So use that: all his work shows an obsession with the number five; all his decorations are of the same scene, but it changes in disturbing ways; he's learnt how to catch and distill frogs to smoke...
@Polyducks go back and retake your theory of computation course sigh
@Tophandour Why do you want a madman anyway?
@Tophandour Have you played Portal (2)?
@Shalvenay Thanks, I'll do that when I'm not making a living from it. sigh
I've played Portal 2 very briefly. The Cave Johnson bits are kind of like the journal scraps I mentioned
Murals of his ascent to godhood, statues of his family.
...*viciously shattered* statues of his family.
@Tophandour i was more going for the graffiti.
But yeah, I'm stealing an idea from someone else because I like it: mage went nuts and decided to make himself immortal by putting his soul in an enchanted item
What drove him mad?
Which would be a sentient wand of wonder, basically
That's the first thing you need to know, really.
The dungeon was created by a god of order. Everything was extremely clean and orderly and sterile and the tick tick tick ticking never slowed or stopped
@Polyducks you can construct a regex that extracts a specific thing from a specific sequence of tags.
so he started doing small things to try to cause some variety
but that's not the same as parsing HTML
over time he started trying really hard to just completely rebel against all of the order
Solitude is not a guaranteed to drive someone to madness. There are records of people being underground for 6 months to a year with very little psychological effect
Traditional reasons for folks to go mad include Meeting A Powerful Being, Getting Laughed At By Those Fools At The Academy, Losing A Loved One, Forced To Do Something Against His Nature...
@Tophandour that sounds like a lich to me. I'd recommend reading some good lich stories. Tends to be the same in most stories, that as the body decays you start to see memory loss and alzheimer-like symptoms. Names being forgotten, confusion, repetition of tasks...
...Denied Justice For A Grievous Wrong, Learnt Knowledge Not Meant For Mortals...
and inevitably he just started doing completely nonsensical things
Shell Shock
@BESW are you literally just reading out a list of tropes?
I think we are starting in the middle here
Ooooh, that's an idea, @Tophandour, you should go and look over tropes for Liches.
Seriously, I'm just popping these off the top of my head. TV Tropes doesn't have A Monopoly On Capitalisation.
Yeah, what Tritium said.
Who was this guy before he ever went into this place?
in gross terms, what made this guy tick... what were his motivations and goals?
A researcher-cum-achaeologist who really hates snakes.
The dungeon isn't just a big clean clockwork sealed series of rooms, though. It's strongly tied to the concept of Order. It tries to slowly creep in. He just chose to violently reject it
rolls @Polyducks over with a boulder
On a slightly other topic, I did my first low-poly model today: pbs.twimg.com/media/CXmjom6WMAAWerS.png
anyway, this guy was a researcher, treasure hunter, and enchanter. The dungeon contains plans to create a certain axiomatic weapon and he was hoping to get the plans and learn from them
@Tophandour But what was he like as a person. every character was a person before and after the event that they are known for
He had a fairly strong will and a dislike for authorities other than himself
and he believed things should belong in a museum?
Was he the power hungry type, or just someone who had no patience for people?
He just had a strong idea of the right way to do things and had a short temper for people that thought that they knew a better way
How I see this man loosing touch with sanity is indulgence. He spent so much time believing his own hype without any reality checks that it went to his head.
To the point where events he has no control over appear to him as playing into his plans.
@Tophandour Would anyone who got locked up in that Axiomatic place probably have gone mad, or was this guy particularly primed for it?

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