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@doppelgreener Stop making me feel old! I saw all except the first in the cinema (well, I did see the Special Edition version in the cinema, but that doesn't really count)
#TheForceAwakens has had the biggest opening in galactic history. Witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational film franchise!
@Miniman Your hat-fu is impressive.
Jeebus, post a question and defend yourself sometimes....feck
Actually, I am a little more upset than that. But, I guess that will be for tomorrow
@BESW his hat fu is indeed over 9000
I don't know if he has that hat, but he might even
So, sort of random question: Has anyone on now played FF XIII? If so, do you know roughly when the advancement systems kick in, whatever they are?
I'm an hour or so in and I haven't had any kind of advancement system beyond getting better gear.
@Axoren I enjoy them. They're called lower case numerals (among other names) and they were in proliferous use before the 1900's
the o/0 confusion is usually cleared up in context.
@DavidWilkins you're talking about that one from a couple of hours ago? Help me remember--was it the "encourage role-playing, not roll-playing" one?
if so, looking forward to the upcoming meta post
@BESW Thanks! I'd actually decided not to bother this year, but they're just so collectible.
@nitsua60 if it is, it might be better being posted in a way that doesn't base itself off a false dichotomy prone to starting arguments
@trogdor Nah, I don't really ask questions.
@doppelgreener no argument here =P
Also there was a lot of confusion about subjective/objective/opinion/experience parameters for questions.
@doppelgreener Personally, o/O/0 and 1/I/l drive me buggy.
Some fonts will even make it 1/i/I/l.
@BESW Being unable to clearly tell letters apart is unpleasant for me (i/I/l and o/O), but I can stand numbers looking similar to letters.
This is relephant to my game prep:
2 hours later…
hey @nitsua60
Sometimes I answer silliest questions...
@Magician I liked how 4e's tarrasque had its own personal gravity to bring flying targets down into range.
Much more dignified than hopping about like some demented kangaroo kaiju.
...good name for a band, that.
@BESW Demented Kangaroo Kaiju and their hit first album, The Mighty Tarrasque Hops.
@Magician It's got a really strong drum beat.
@BESW then again, there are folks out there that'd be able to use that personal gravity well as a mighty fine targeting beacon ;)
@Shalvenay Except it's 4e, so extrapolating mechanics into physics doesn't work. The tarrasque's "gravity" only applies to characters, and only while they're airborne.
@BESW it doesn't separate a char from whatever's attached to them, right? and there's no limit on how far something "airborne" can be up, right?
There is a range limit.
There's also no mechanic for falling damage which would make extreme ranges useful.
D&D 4e just isn't a game where that kind of thinking gets supported, much less rewarded. It's a tactical strategy game designed to reward mastery of the ruleset.
hrm. not that you need falling damage to make extreme ranges useful...
The narrative/mechanical interface is effectively non-existent: the "in-world" flavour of a rule doesn't have any impact on the rule's applications.
In 4e events are derived from mechanics, not the other way around.
Real-world physics just doesn't exist.
@BESW which makes sense in some contexts -- it's probably why people argue that 4e has a MMO-like feel
All the tarrasque's rule says is that when someone starts their turn airborne within X squares of the tarrasque, they get pulled Y squares closer.
@BESW well, if the game designers care to provide a complete system of physical interactions, they can go right ahead and do that :) but , otherwise, at some point, you'll run into things that are outside the scope of the mechanics. (how would my inadvertently-exploding-well plot work in 4e, for instance?)
There is no implication that anything happens except airborne folks X squares away get pulled Y squares closer.
@Shalvenay It would work exactly however the mechanics the GM chooses to give it say it works, and the GM is encouraged to express those mechanics within the closed but versatile set of existing tools the system provides.
@BESW flags for Not An Answer
@Shalvenay Exactly. There's no objective "this is how a physical model turns into mechanics" in 4e.
on another note...I do know someone who once played a Tarrasque with a Ring of Size Alteration at a monstrous table...I suspect that'd probably break even 4e.
There's "These are mechanics, choose ones that fit your idea of how the thing would affect characters in combat."
@Shalvenay Depends what you mean by "break". In 4e, PCs and NPCs (including monsters) are fundamentally different on a mechanical level.
Also, the system heavily encourages players to reflavour things to have the same mechanical effect, but a different story effect.
Yeah. 4e doesn't have "play a tarrasque" as an option.
And yes, the idea that mechanics and flavour have any more than a fiat-based relationship is alien to 4e.
So, for example, you could have a Tarrasque character that hangs around at medium size most of the time just fine. Mechanically, he's a Druid or a Barbarian or something. He just happens to look like a Tarrasque.
4e is built specifically to disallow the kind of combat-as-war shenanigans that 1e-3.5e were built around.
@BESW just because it says "NPC" on the tin doesn't mean it has to be handled by the GM. :P (a monstrous 4e table would probably have everyone operate on the NPC mechanics -- it sounds like the simplest way to implement such a thing within the system)
@Shalvenay The questions you're asking and the scenarios you're proposing are fundamentally meaningless to the system. They're not even wrong.
That might be good for a 1-shot, but not much more. NPCs are way more boring to play, and have no concept of advancement.
4e NPC mechanics aren't just different from 4e PC mechanics. They're designed according to a totally different set of goals which are often actively incompatible with the basic player experience.
You can easily do an all-monster game in 4e, you just have to lean pretty hard on the reflavouring rules.
I had a DM once who had our special races use up our paragon path. Instead of picking one normally, we got a set of racially-themed abilities.
And all of our class powers were flavoured to be more like racial things.
@DuckTapeAl yeah, that sounds like a better approach considering just how far the 4e NPC rules are tailored to mooks
But in order to play a 4e game that works, you sort of have to be playing as actual player races and classes.
(I could see GMPCs being needed in a 4e game as antagonists -- as the NPC rules sound like they aren't meant for persistent threats to the party)
@Shalvenay Depends on how you define "persistent threat."
I once ran a recurring villain who used utterly different mechanics every time he was encountered.
Mechanically he was a totally new threat each time.
Narratively he was the same guy.
yeah...the reason I don't deal with 4e is because my existing tables lean Combat as War...
@DuckTapeAl although the opposite might be interesting, albeit hard on the DM -- (i.e. every character ingame is a PC)
(i.e. "yes, the shopkeeper really does have class levels")
That also wouldn't work. In the same way, PCs aren't built to fight other PCs.
@DuckTapeAl that actually sounds more problematic to me than it probably should -- but I think that's my persistent-world PvP instincts kicking in.
Also, the idea of "he has a few class levels" doesn't make mechanical sense in 4e. In 4e, everything is modeled as a character within a few CR of the party's level.
So a shopkeeper who used to be a Wizard might be a level 5 Normal, but when the party hits 15, he's a level 14 Minion.
that's...awkward to say the least. you'd almost think 4e would work in a persistent-world, until you get to that.
What do you mean by persistent-world?
@DuckTapeAl something closer to a MUD or multiplayer CRPG in its interactions than a traditional campaign-driven table. (i.e. without a unifying storyline, and with potential for interplayer conflict)
@Shalvenay It is persistent, though. You're just thinking of levels as the way to represent power, which 4e doesn't.
@BESW I mean -- the notion that the party is always leveling together is what breaks it. subbing CR for levels for a power representation is OK
In 4e, power is narrative importance to the story, usually reflected in how long the creature lasts in a fight, and is determined by whether they're a minion, standard, elite, or solo NPC.
In 4e, your level really only describes what abilities you have access to. It only loosely correlates to the level of threat you face.
@BESW can 4e handle parties of characters with vastly different levels? (that's the real question at hand here)
Definitely not.
@Shalvenay No. It's not made for that.
@BESW as I suspected.
Although honestly if you just hack the numbers out of the level-up and make levels an option increase, I think it'd work well.
It'd require a lot more DM attention if you still cared about everyone feeling useful in that kind of situation, but yeah, that might work. Maybe.
Tons of work though. You'd have to massively adjust most powers above level 5 or so.
aaannndd...I really, really should go to bed.
@BESW 4elite, born from much the same thoughts you've covered just now. Which you have probably seen...
I've actually played that variant a couple of times in games that were meant to be epic tier, but weren't worth the effort of everyone making an epic-tier character. They worked well enough.
Oh... oh wow.
This is nice.
@DuckTapeAl You mean you haven't read the entirety of my works? Tsk-tsk :D
Oh, is that your blog?
I've read quite a bit of your stuff, just not all of it. :P
Aye. At the time, I wrote a lot about 4e.
1 hour later…
...when Force Awakens spoilers are no longer verboten, I'll be re-tweeting the [snkt] out of KyloR3n.
@BESW this one is precious
Christmas tree hatten!
@doppelgreener It must be bigger, yes?
@BESW Yes. It is too small.
@Magician Thanks, good clarification on the jump check DC.
Thanks for helping make it better :)
@Magician you're welcome :D
2 hours later…
[waits impatiently for chat avatar]
@BESW What have BESW and a hypochondriac got in common? – They wait for the doctor far more than everyone else.
Hah, avatar's come through.
Man why is everyone so freaking adamant that monks CAN"T use gauntlets.
Or any type of glove for that matter
Sleep now. Happy Kissed-Moose eve.
good morning peoples
Gnight @BESW Good morning @JoshuaAslanSmith
3 hours later…
hey there @nitsua60 -- Merry Christmas!

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