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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

It's just a long, thin rectangle with a single circle at the fat end, which was then transformed to repeat ever-smaller toward the tip.
A lot simpler.
I am impressed.
It's from, like, CS4.
Yeah. From ages ago, like 2 years ago at least.
Actually. [thinks] I made it in summer 2011, which means I was still using CS3.5.
Morning all
Morning :)
How goes it for all around the world
Wondering why my Krita crashes aren't something that anyone else seems to be reporting.
Everyone else is all "Oh, OpenGL won't let me render my brushstrokes and sense pen pressure at the same time," while I'm sitting saying, "Wait, you can open a file without the whole thing crashing?"
@BESW Could be a graphics card issue. They're really an awful platform to write code for.
Sometimes it works.
Got worse.
Tried the beta and the alpha.
Neither seems more stable than the other.
Dear speedpaint videos: jumping from "half-finished sketch" to "and now the underpainting is finished!" is. not. helping.
Which one is better?
I honestly like the more threatening atmosphere of the 90's one better.
But the voice of Vic Perrin on the original is awesome.
The original actually feels like an interrupted broadcast, and the tone of the voice is appropriate in its straightforwardness. The 90s one is much more obvious. "Look at our cool effects! Look how spooky we are!" But I like that, too. [loves basically anything of this nature]
Any programmers/coders in the house?
I understand SOME code
Not a lot though
@Ben Yessir
I'm trying to figure out a way to modify a string
what language?
i can help, how do you want to modify it?
So I have a string: "abc-def - other stuff"
I want to split the string, and save the first half: "abc-def"
@Pixie Yeah, the 90s version is much more sensational. I think the matter-of-factness of the original is more effective at achieving a sense of actual disruption and lack of control: when someone tries really hard to impress you, it's usually less impressive.
sounds like you want String.Split
Is there a simple way to do that, other than to split it, then concatenate the first half?
is it "abc-def-blah" or "abc-def - blah"?
@Oblivious the second one
you can split on " - " instead of just '-'
Wait... really?
How do?
check the available overrides
P.S.: I wasn't going to touch my tablet again for a very long time. But all yours discussing made me back to art again. Repent for the awfulness you brought into this world... When you have time.
theres one that takes an array of strings
I've never heard of it until today, but goll-Y!
sorry, typing while playing gw2
@ObliviousSage .Splt(" - ") and .Split(' - ') don't work because it only takes a single char
@BESW Yes. The 90s has a certain cheese factor that I enjoy, but that's not necessarily a point in its favor. The original has aged far better. It has subtlety.
@Althis [pencils in repentance for next Tuesday]
let me look at the documentation real quick
@Althis If only it worked on my computer.
Also: Side question for fans of Monty Python's Holy Grail - Does Tim have a last name?
@Ben I always thought his last name was "The Enchanter"
yeah, was about to say, pretty sure it's enchanter not mage
@ObliviousSage Boom. Mischief managed. Ta :D
Timothy T. Enchanter?
Enchanter; The, Tim?
@BESW We don't know it is Timothy either.
Might be just Tim.
Could you imagine how hilarious it would be if all he ever wanted was to become a dentist?
T. T. Enchanter, DDS.
"the"... is that like "von"? Like "Strassen von Heisenberg"?
Why didn't this ever become a Flying Circus sketch?!
This is great.
I need to stop waiting until I'm hungry to order takeout.
@Grubermensch You end up ordering half the menu
I know the feel haha
More that I have to wait an hour while hungry, after spending ten minutes thinking about the food I'm going to eat.
This also
@Grubermensch You know what I do when I am like that?
I actually just order the food and don't order delivery.
And drive to the place myself to get it.
I get it a lot quicker, because the food usually takes about 20 mins to be ready, and that is the time I already spend driving, and I don't have to keep my mind idle in the wait.
Well, I haven't a car. And I'm not super crazy about taking the food on the bus. Also the bus I would take is notoriously slow.
Effectively, the time between now and eating would be the same.
What about a human powered pollution-free cycling vehicle?
I understand Pittsburgh's cycling infrastructure is still a work in progress.
I live in San Francisco now.
And I still don't feel at all comfortable with city biking.
Which does not fit my vision of San Fran at all.
South Park lied to me!
I mean, plenty of people here bike, and from what I hear it has been getting better recently.
But I'm a highly risk-averse person.
This is making me hungry
I am sitting on the other side of a fairly large noisy room and I can still hear the guy in the other corner chewing and breathing loudly as if he was right next to me.
...that is a lousy superpower.
@BESW I have very acute hearing and superb alertness to my surroundings. I can shut neither off. It's definitely a double edged sword.
Also, many Asian countries don't consider noisy eating to be impolite, while it is generally perceived to be impolite or unbecoming in Australia. Many people raised in those countries' cultures haven't made the switch.
Living in an Asia/Pacific cultural crossroads, I was never really bothered by loud eating until I read What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
@BESW What did that story do?
@doppelgreener It burnt a unfortunate simile permanently into my brain.
("Unfortunate Simile" would be a good name for an album.)
I won't ask you to repeat it lest it becomes worse for me XD
Wise man.
An answer on that "how to pronounce Strahd" question has hit one of my annoyance buttons... only in American-like accents does "odd" sound like "ahd". British-like accents (eg, Australian) have quite a lot of difference between the two sounds.
@Adeptus You might say their pronunciation is... odd.
@BESW "You Burned an Unfortunate Simile Permanently Into My Brain" would make for a good song.
Sounds like a blues song chorus to me.
(Recently I've been listening to a lot of wonderful songs with very interesting titles, so things are leaping out at me as good song names promising of excellent subject matter, more than band names.)
I'm currently listening to "Steppin' in Her I. Miller Shoes."
One of my absolute favourite song titles (though the song itself is mediocre) is "In a Sweater Poorly Knit."
@BESW That could be an Edgar Allan Poe story.
Hey. If life were an RPG, which class would you be?
I've recently noticed that I can move extremely quietly, can jump really high, am really flexible and have a weird skill with bows.
So, probably either a ranger or rogue type character for me.
I play classless RPGs. What does that mean for me?
You need to stay classy
badum tss
I've been told I'm a bard.
I've been told I'm a wizard, but only in IT related contexts.
@Miniman I am - the Techno Fairy
I guess maybe something like Shadowrun's Technomancer?
They say "Ben, I'm having issues with [insert faulty technological device here], can you have a look at it?"
I look at it - Nothing wrong.
The Technomages are a group of sentient beings from the fictional Babylon 5 universe. The technomages shown in the television series are primarily human, but in the "Technomage Trilogy" books, apprentices and mages of other races including Centauri are named. They are described as using "science to create the appearance of magic". Galen, a Technomage, was a regular character on the spin-off series, Crusade. == OriginsEdit == In the "Technomage Trilogy" of Babylon 5 novels, it is revealed that the technology in question consists of bio-technological implants, and that the process of installing the...
"Dude, it was doing it 5 minutes ago!"
I'll take it
Things fix themselves in your presence.
In context I suppose I'm probably the psion
You are the observer that collapses the probability distribution of the Heisenbug into a favourable state.
Too Smart for their own good but too lazy to implement powers for specific gains
Lazy Psion
I know someone with the exact opposite power.
The non-observer who doesn't collapse the probability distribution of the Heisenburg into a non-favorable state?
[walks into computer classroom, sits at random desk]
[computer won't turn on]
[moves to desk with computer that's already on]
[computer crashes]
[moves to third desk]
[computer literally shoots flames for a moment]
[asked to leave the class]
He makes TVs go fuzzy or jerky (depending on if they're analog or digital) when he enters a room.
For me, it's: "I'm having issues with [insert faulty program or website here], can you have a look at it?"
Me: Does literally any random, completely unrelated thing.
"It's fixed!"
@BESW Is this Spaz?
The druid.
Did the flame shooting really happen? (I would believe it, but still.)
That's how Spaz tells the story, and Spaz doesn't usually exaggerate that sort of thing.
I think the technical explanation was "entirely unrelated and coincidental power supply failure."
It's incredibly difficult to make a computer catch fire without external assistance.
It didn't catch fire.
I've seen similar stuff myself: BAM, LOOK AT MY SPARKS.
(In my case, it was turning on a computer while a gecko was hunkered down on the power supply's circuit board.)
@BESW, so he is like a Newton Pulsifer?
No, he's a druid.
@Althis Nice reference though :)
@Miniman, wasn't too hard, I literally just finished re-reading it this afternoon.
Animals appear around him and obey him, he grows plants ridiculously well, he's actually honestly allergic to metal...
@BESW Ok, I believe you.
I've had a laptop cable start sparking before. On my bed. It was scary.
I have a side job where I fix cellphones and computers for people.
It is really simple, and the extra money is great.
Often I get called by women.
(And that's before we get to the actually inexplicable bits, the "If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it" stuff.)
And apparently the broken things never remain broken on my proximity.
Just to become broken again once they get home.
They say technology has some kind of aversion to double XX cromossomes.
It is extremely mysogynistic, but since they are the ones that actually say it, maybe I will be forgiven.
A computer at my wife's work started spewing smoke once. When I was doing warranty repairs on computers, I saw a few after the fact. And our old airconditioner did it once too. ("Once", because after that we got it replaced)
I never had an aircon spark or smoke, but they did spit roaches fairly regularly.
It was not magical.
The thing is, I think it might actually have some truth to what they say. I would just like to plant the seed of conspiracy into your minds, and raise the point that it would be on programmer's best interest to make stuff stop working near women, it would make them look smart when they fixed it with they awesome technology powers.
The transistor might very well be the most exquisitely designed pick up device since people invented the labradoodle.
No thanks. I can look good in better ways, and I'd prefer my presence with another person to be about more things than fixing their stuff (or being passively present so they remain working).
That might be the other part of it.
Maybe they also did it in a way of securing jobs.
Plus, there are also the programmer dudes who like dudes, and the programmer women who like dudes. If we bury ourselves into that hole, we'd get technology that doesn't work around people.
Because if automation ramps up, there will always be a job opportunity for being the sole man maintaining a server farm in antartica.
@doppelgreener Well, the transistor is a fairly old invention, I don't think they were so forward thinking back then.
@BESW On your friend starting random fires
Oh, no, his roommate was the pyromaniac.
But there wasn't anything mystical about those fires.
@BESW, about that guy, have you ever seen him sing?
Did random critters instantly start cleaning stuff when he did?
@Althis He was not a Disney Princess.
Are you certain?
When did you last check?
Yeah. Not enough time to produce a Disney movie.
It must be safe to assume he is not a princess then.
He's more of a Dreamworks character, I think. He's got a flatulent dog and a horned lizard and a boyfriend in Canada.
Were you thinking about Shrek or How To Train Your Dragon?
It's weird seeing a burned-out motherboard... I think it was a toroidal transformer that was the culprit - the PCB around it was completely charred through
Either that or some kind of tinkerer character in high fantasy.
The kind that invents a jet pack in the middle ages.
and this was the days of Pentium II - the "cartridge" type units, with the plastic frame around the socket. The frame was melted to the CPU casing
Man that was an instantaneous downvote
[discovers that FireAlpaca lets you increase brush size far beyond the slider by dragging into the canvas]
I posted the answer to a question
And before a person would've had the chance to read it it was immediately downvoted
[rips out hair] What kind of interface obscurity IS that?
Probably about as efficient as the Cartridge bus on an NES @BESW
@BESW, why doesn't Krita work on your system? You running Mac?
It's in beta for Mac.
But I seem to be having more trouble with it than most.
I was really impressed by it. It is really good for a free program.
You might be able to run it on virtual box.
What little I've been able to use it, and what I've seen in videos, it seems pretty much exactly what I want.
FireAlpaca is... [sigh] Almost, but not quite.
Like, what kind of illustration program doesn't allow HSV colour picking?
A bad one
I like Sai's color picker
@Sandwich A lot of people have the habit of making a snap judgement, voting, reading, then adjusting their vote. We know this from complaints on meta stack exchange describing exactly this process and how the 5 minute lock-in for votes messes with these people.
Krita requires almost nothing out of my system, and it isn't even that impressive.
Just a 2.6 i5.
I reckon virtualization might be a worthy effort.
I'd have to start the virtual box from scratch too, as I've never needed one.
You could boot Linux into Ubuntu to run a lot of stuff
I had a friend dual-boot my last MacBook with Kubuntu, and it was a royal pain for him to get working properly. Haven't looked into whether it'd be easier now.
You could also boot Mini XP on a Mac with an intel processor
Mini XP is like a shaved down version of Windows XP
Shaved down as in
Like 23 MB
24 if you round up
Nighty night all.
Night Althis
All these options would be a lot more viable if I had the same background and training as the people suggesting them.
@Sandwich That can't be legal :\
What cant be legal
I'm confused
Mini XP.
Well XP isn't technically selling licenses anymore
And its unsupported by Microsoft
I know that, but still.
I mean distributing MSDOS isn't illegal
Isn't it?
I always thought it was, or that the licence had expired due to being so ancient lol.
Ah yes
Due to awful copyright laws in the United states
MSDOS's Copyright is set to expire in..
Well... That's helpful.
3.1 is 2050 then?
Something like that
Well I'm going to bed
Did you guys know that The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall was released as Freeware?
This is a list of commercial video games released as freeware; games that, in their original license, were not considered freeware, but were re-released at a later date with a freeware license, sometimes as publicity for a forthcoming sequel or compilation release. Some of the following games are not freely redistributable software, as they have only been made available as a free download as freeware, but may only be downloaded from certain websites and with the explicit permission of the copyright owner. Consult the software license agreement. For games that were originally released as freeware...
@Sandwich I actually did!
Really? Maybe I'll look into that eventually.
Yeah its interesting
R-Type is on that list too
I occasionally think about playing Arena and Daggerfall, but I can't quite get myself motivated.
Huh... So S2 had a couple of online RTS/RPG games before Heroes of Newerth... I never knew that.
I woner why their considered Freeware but other online games aren't though.
[squints] Tiefling ages in PF are really weird if you roll them based on the chart. They have a human lifespan, but their age rolling dice are basically an elf's, minus one d6 in trained. So... even an intuitive class tiefling is likely to be middle aged if you roll them. An intuitive class human can't be older than 19 and even a trained class human can't be middle aged when rolled.
Same goes for aasimar and maybe some others if I went through the whole thing, but I'm working on a tiefling right now.
That is very strange.
Tieflings acknowledge that years seem shorter the fewer of them you've lived.
Tieflings also apparently reach adulthood 5 years later than humans, but the rest of their lifespan is the same. (That is the thing I actually needed to know, so I didn't accidentally make my character a baby.)
@Pixie Character concept: A level 20 human Fighter who happens to be 3 years old.
@Pixie Wow. High level monks stop aging, too, so that kid is going to be like that forever.
@Pixie This follows the errata that changed the dhampir to have starting ages that are older than their maximum age, right?
@IronHeart ... that is hilarious. This chart doesn't reflect that, but I checked their entry on D20PFSRD and yep, 110 years base.
Tiefling base age is 60 years on d20PFSRD, too. Who to believe...
If we consider things from a human age scale, this is the difference between being 15 and being 5.
Go with the print version.
Make up something that's sane, as opposed to the also made up thing that is insane.
I don't have the print version, but I do own the ARG PDF, and also whatever, we know how old my character is. :v I just find this amusing.
@IronHeart Where's their maximum age? (dhampir page on d20pfsrd, for convenience)
if it's on there
> Dhampir: Middle-Age 35 years, Old 53 years, Venerable 70 years, Maximum 70 + 2d20 years.
Apparently they actually included new figures for starting on the PRD‌​.
OH. I think I know what happened. I'll have to consult my PDF (since I think I got it when ARG was new), but they had printed tieflings, aasimars, and dhampir with base ages of 60, 60, and 110 respectively, so people made characters with those ages. Then they errata'd it to be 20 for them because they're supposed to be more human-like.
It doesn't look like they changed the age dice, though.
@IronHeart oh! i guess that isn't included on their PRD page
(or "middle" doesn't show up in a CTRL+F on that page)
The hilarious implication that nobody would actually implement is that suddenly all of these characters are dead because a character older than the maximum age is dead.
oh! but it does on that Age page! wow.
@Pixie Playing a character who is already dead would complicate things mechanically.
@doppelgreener Indeed, we'd need to start adding Ghost templates so the characters can finish their business.
@doppelgreener "What happened to Alanna?" "I dunno, she looked fine yesterday. Now she's a withered corpse."
Dhampir: the deadEarth errata.
I once stumbled onto a game about playing characters who were already dead. I don't know that I would use it (I can't even recall what it was called), but it gave me some cool ideas.
@Pixie A wild Vulpixie has appeared! Go, Absol!
Absol uses Magic Bounce!
@SPArchaeologist So I'll just stick around and annoy you. :P
(Confuse Ray, Toxic, Dig... ehehehe.)
@Pixie (.... Absol egg move Perish Song....)
@SPArchaeologist Rude. :v
Plot: Everyone in the party is really just a poltergeist haunting the one living dude among them, pressuring him into getting revenge for them. He's very reluctant and would really rather just be at home at first, but discovers he has some pretty good reasons of his own to enact that revenge, and eventually really gets into the swing of being a heroic adventurer.
@Pixie Who? Me? I even didn't Mega Evolve :P
@doppelgreener We have an oracle in our party who is haunted by the ghosts of her former bandit band. They all died except her. This scared her straight and ticked them off, so now they just follow her around annoying her.
@Pixie This is perfect, and more or less what this story should be like, except with them actually being somewhat helpful (and demanding)
They're her oracle curse, so they will do nothing helpful ever. :v A story in which they did would be pretty cool though.
(Though if I take the spirit totem rage power line, we may refluff it as being the same ghosties.)
I was inspired by whatever game it was to create two characters who explored their afterlife together, knowing nothing about their situation except that they were dead. They might have eventually broken back into the real world to combat a conspiracy putting more lives in danger, but I didn't go that far with them.
@Pixie Wasn't that one of the World of Darkness games? I never played it, but remember reading about it. Instead of a character sheet, you have a death certificate...
@Adeptus It wasn't a WoD game, it was something indie and free, I believe. I know there is WoD material about ghosts, but I've never read any of 'em.
... cat.
"...cat" would be a good name for a band that sings gibberish.
I was searching for some album I could link as a reply. Instead, I found this. I'm somehow worried...
Ooh. The show for RL Stine's Haunting Hour is actually fairly creepy.
Ok, I hoped it wouldn't come to this.
Finishing move! Ouchi ga ichiban!
@SPArchaeologist I counter with Aixia no Uta. Prepare yourself for a solid 4 minutes of cute.
Also, I don't think I would have ever slept again if I had seen Haunting Hour as a child. ... nope, not at all, never again.
@Pixie Chi Home Sweet Home episodes are about 3-4 minute long. And you get that song each time, for every single one... There are 104 episodes.
Tonight's dinner is diced walnuts and carrots toasted in olive oil with garlic and pepper before being mashed into potatoes, with a salad of apples, mandarins, and sunflower seeds.
TIL that Sting once refused to sing a Disney song because he wasn't "hip" enough to make it work.
I found a game where you play dragons who fight darkness with friendship in a dragon-centric world and I am all about this.
This is a thing I've had in the back of my head to read for some time now.
I'm trying to find if a PDF is available for purchase yet... the preorder thing says the release date is this month, but it looks like that may be a hard copy.
Anyone else having trouble with Skype?
The sign-in keeps timing out.
Same here.
that is happening to me as well
Then I'm not going to keep trying to sign into Skype to ask Trogdor if he can help me take my car to the Medler'z Wednesday morning.
I may be able to do that depending on the time
Well, I just need a ride back from the Medler'z after I've dropped off my car, so any time after ...0830, let's say?
If that's too late for you, I'll poke other folks.
later is better
I can definitely do that
stuff before 2 would be harder to swing
stuff after 2 should be pretty easy
it is mostly because Wenesday is a Park day
'kay, thanks very much. I'll bring work stuff so I can hang in their office 'til you show.
Also, I haven't got confirmation from Rich re: Rashomon Thursday night, but I'm pretty sure it's on.
when skype stops acting up I would like a refresher on where the Medler'z is
Behind the ITC building, past the old Star Printing.
ah ok
2 hours later…
Good morning.
Yeah this skype nonsense is interesting
As in it doesn't really affect me much because I just use Skype as an IM anyway
It is annoying.
I use Skype as an IM in ways that make this... very inconvenient.
What skype nonsense?
Skype's not letting people log in.
Just times out.
Ah. Well, mine is still on.
Don't know how, though, since even echo service seems to be offline.
Oh phew, it's not just me.
I came on just to ask about that.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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