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@Miniman It's okay, I figured out where I went wrong! Thanks though.
("Percentile" is literally "through one hundredths" and definitionally "out of a group of 100." In dice terminology, it's common vocabulary that using a d10 as a percentile die means you're reading its digit result as the tens place.)
@SevenSidedDie Glad you worked it out! I was originally on the other side of the argument too.
@Miniman I got hung up on how clerics and wizards do spellcasting differently; what I overlooked was that Multiclassing doesn't just affect spells known (which is what gets talked about a lot, because wizards), but also affects preparation. Reviewing everything for an epic rewrite of the answer dropped the scales from my eyes.
@SevenSidedDie Fair enough on that comment nukage.
I was hoping the author would realise the issue, but then he just said "oh, that's just how it's graphed", so... ~_~
@doppelgreener That post, wow. Someone needs to go back to dice probability basics and lay out all the face combinations.
I don't think I've ever seen a post downvoted with such velocity though, so that's some comfort to hold onto despite not being able to make headway with comments.
Someone Is Wrong On The Internet! Downvote and move on.
But someone is wrong on the internet!
But yes, that's what I'll be doing.
90 on tens 0 on ones is 90, not 100
It was a satisfying thing to puzzle over overnight ("this model is completely wrong. but why is it wrong?") but I am done with that and the asker seems to have... reading comprehension issues and evasive responses (probably not deliberately!) and so on.
100 on 2d10 is 0 in the tens and 0 in the ones
Yeah, I tried to fight the good fight on that one, but he's just so thoroughly confused.
It's really that simple
Its an even 100 possible results, so there's an equal chance of 2d10 and 1d100 having the same end result
@Sandwich Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
@SevenSidedDie Ping, in case you don't get pinged by the response from TheStumps. Appears to have mistaken comments for a discussion zone. (Can't blame him, based on our responses it'd look like that.)
mmm. Hence my "Hey, put this stuff in the main answer to preserve it" as an attempt to nudge it that direction.
I just threw an answer up that wrapped that up pretty succinctly
You might want to pull out and focus on the fact that each roll BOTH a) produce exactly 100 results and that b) each of the 100 results is unique.
Only that combination makes it equal.
(Like, 4dF produces 81 different results, but only 9 unique results.)
[crosses fingers that an edit collision doesn't happen]
The next magic the gathering set comes out in... three weeks Friday.
For the first time I am actually legitimately excite for a new set, because it has a couple of dozen cards I want to put into a Commander deck I have been trying and failing to make and be happy with.
but I have to wait for it
It is going to be about Surrak Dragonclaw, and I want it to be thematic and have a vague sense of story to it, and 'til now I have had to choose between "has cards that are actually viable in Commander" and "is appropriately thematic". These Battle for Zendikar cards will let me have both.
@Sandwich Apparently, some crazy people read the 10's dice as 0-90, and the 1's dice as 1-10, and then add them. Much easier to just go "first digit, second digit. 00=100"
Well those people are wrong
Eh, if they want to do things the hard way, that's their business. As long as they're consistent.
@Doppelgreener in that edit
Why did you mention a d20
@Sandwich because I did a dum. fixed
@doppelgreener It's mathematically correct, that doesn't make it a good idea :P
@Miniman Taken out of context that is a beautiful sentence.
@doppelgreener I mean, you could technically do any one-to-one mapping of the results from 2d10 to 1d100 and it would still be mathematically correct.
@doppelgreener I saw a really good example recently of what happens when you continue to ruthlessly apply logic without considering common sense, but I can't remember what it was.
@Miniman ...one of the Original Star Trek episodes with a dictatorial computer?
@BESW No, although that sounds interesting. I haven't watched much original series.
Watch "Return of the Archons" and "The Apple" back to back some day.
@Miniman I can just imagine that... "I rolled a 64... let me look up my conversion chart... that makes it 95%! Oh, if only I'd rolled a 63, then it would have been 12%!"
Morning all
@Ben Hi!
@Miniman I would be interested to know what this is if you find it.
That dual-wielding lances question... if you're dual wielding, can you attack with both during a charge?
I did have a point to discuss, but I have since forgotten what it was.
@Adeptus Several people have tried to point out that 2d10 response's problems multiple times in multiple ways. I pointed out an enormous problem with it earlier, he waved it away. You're not going to make any headway with this dude.
He has a catastrophic problem somewhere in his understanding of probabilities and how to use them.
@Adeptus No such thing as a charge in 5e.
They really should change Charmanders name to Raptor of Arson
It sounds so much better
@Miniman They do have similar movements/rules though don't they?
@Ben Not even close.
Oh. Well then
The changes in how movement works between 3.5 and 5 are incredibly vast.
I do only have an incredibly minimal understanding of 3.5
"Raptor of Arson" would be a good name for a hit single.
There's a "Charger" feat, but all it allows you to do is make 1 attack as a bonus action on a turn when you take the Dash action.
Yeah fair enough
OK, so what I expected happened.
Comment exchange: "Hey, based on the values in this graph, your model has a big problem." "That's just the way it's graphed." "Could you correct the graph?" "The graph is fine, it's just how you look at it."
@doppelgreener You tried to find out how wireless charging works, and all you got is blank pages, therefore describing it as magic? :P
(I didn't expect the "it's just how you look at it", actually, I just expected him to say the graph was fine after all)
@Miniman doh, forgot to look at which edition it was talking about
@doppelgreener Which question is this?
@Adeptus From memory there are actually dual lance builds in 3.5. If nothing else, they were referenced in an OotS strip.
@Ben It is this answer which is drawing commenters to point out why he's wrong like moths to a flame.
@doppelgreener Because he's SO wrong.
(and like moths, getting burnt...)
@doppelgreener on a yr old question...
@Miniman He is. And he seems to be mistaken enough he doesn't even interpret our responses all that well.
@Adeptus Yep. I suggest you give up and flag for removal.
@Ben New answers are fine, he thought he had something groundbreaking.
Ok, there they go. Comments nuked.
I suspect the fight will continue. Every time someone with a basic understanding of probability sees it, they're going to react like this:
I have read one sentence so far, and I already have an issue... I haven't read any of the comments but I'm guessing someone has already pointed out the "Assuming fair forms of dice, a d100 is a pure set where each face equals its face value in probability" part of it? He's saying you have a 100% chance of getting a 100 on a d100...
On the bright side, he might provide some competition for this answer.
Not sure if it applies, but I flagged the answer as Very Low Quality.
It's ok, you can delete it now. I have copied it so I can show it to my friends :P
@Adeptus Which one?
@Ben It's 100% chance of 100 or below.
Or below. Right. Yes... the saving words...
@Miniman the d% probability one
Wooow. Hotmail really is a special case isn't it
Every couple of years I'm surprised that Hotmail still exists.
Me too.
@Ben What made you say that though?
"We don't recognise the place from which you are attempting to log in from. Here, we have another hotmail address you can send a verification email to"
hmm. I can't anydice.
what's the probability curve of 1d12+1d4+1d2 as opposed to 3d6?
1d12 1d4 1d2 3d6
On a 3d6, does that mean you only have up to an 18% chance to roll an 18 or lower?
@IronHeart very different
@Ben our roller doesn't have a 1d2, is why that didn't activate it
Haha yeah I know :)
Smart people.
Talking about dice.
Is a d7 even a thing?
@BESW Cylindrical dice let you build something with pretty much any arbitrary number of sides, as long as it won't just roll right off the edge of the table and then under the couch in the next room.
Well, yes. But it counts.
I'm not contesting that.
I am just saying things about cylindrical dice.
"Saying Things About Cylindrical Dice" is an awful name for a band or album, but might be a decent B-side single.
(once again also, I am confronted and bemused by the phenomenon in internet chatrooms where neutral statements made in reply to someone have a predisposition to be interpreted as objection and argument, unless a distinct position otherwise is given)
@BESW There is a song by Dream Warriors called Roll of the 12 Sided Dice
@doppelgreener I like apple pie.
Is the non-cylindrical one even balanced?
It seems like the 7 side has a lot more surface area.
@BESW [disarmed and floored]
@Althis I'd be more concerned about the placement of corners.
Then there are these.
But I am not sure what shape they even are in.
@BESW Do you like apple pie @ us, sir?
I do like apple pie, sir.
I say night, sir.
Now to the bottom of my box I return.
@BESW [moustache detwizzles on its own!]
@Pixie No, sir, I do not like apple pie @ you, sir, but I like apple pie, sir.
@BESW Do you troll, sir?
Troll sir! no, sir.
[now imagines above conversation unfolding between vaguely puzzled Shakespeare and master troll kitten]
...that wasn't what was in your mind before?
My cat doesn't do anything except help me edit!
@Pixie Marvellous!
@doppelgreener I don't know what I'd do without her.
This monster person generator is fun. It's sparse and not well proofread, and some of the words in there smack of reckless thesaurus usage. Despite that, it's just the right amount of variety and weirdness that the results give me this distinct impression of a character. (And when it completely fails to make sense, it's still pretty funny.)
@Pixie Reckless Thesaurus Usage would be a good song in a concept album about a writer whose actions have wild consequences.
> Fantastic yeti boy who wears make-up and dislikes Channel
i, too, dislike channel
Interpreting what the heck it means is half the fun. xD
maybe he has opinions about Chanel
maybe he dislikes TV
maybe there is only one channel in Monster AU, imaginatively titled The Channel
"Vigorous fox girl who wears armor and thinks about Pocket" Clearly, she wishes her armor had some pockets.
(The Channel was the only survivor of the fallout of the Imagination Wars, because it stoically refused to have any imagination at all)
@Pixie She is a developer of Pocket
@doppelgreener Or both.
> Clueless orge girl who wears stunner shades and wants Ukraine
She'll stop at nothing until she conquers it. (Alternately: she just likes Hetalia.)
She's going to use the stun ability of her shades to invade Ukraine
That does seem like a pretty useful ability to have.
> Sad dolphin boy who wears a police uniform and thinks about Millimeter
He's sad that some countries still haven't adopted the metric system
@Adeptus Aren't we all?
"Why did I have to be born in America? Why am I a dolphin impersonating a cop? I have so many questions."
> Baked Bakeneko girl who wears jeans and dislikes Detail
She's just like, you know.
That's great.
It is.
1 hour later…
@Nyoze hola
How's things?
> Chivalrous pegasus girl who wears armor and thinks about Wrist
This thing knows what I'm already playing, somehow.
> Screwed scorpion girl who wears handcuffs and hates Grill
That can be taken so many ways...
> Rich jellyfish girl who wears hipster glasses and likes Time
... in what way.
Time magazine?
Is it romantically?
Well, she's rich. So probably.
I have so many questions.
She's probably in Time.
@Nyoze What kind of monster hates Grill?
@Miniman Any monster who doesn't want to be eaten, duh :P
Or maybe she was a gansta' and now hates teeth grills because they remind her of her past before she got screwed.
> Obscene insect boy who wears fancy dresses and wants Carol
Now. Which monster was Carol, and why does he want her?
> Fresh satyr girl who wears battle gear and wants Bow
@Nyoze Clearly he wants to sing Deck the Halls.
I guess so :P
@Pixie Are these written in HTML?
@Nyoze I am not sure!
@Nyoze Clarify what you mean by that question?
That doesn't help. Stupid generator things :P
Poked page source. Is javascript, if you mean the generator.
Yeah... Is it one you filled out, or is it just an online one?
With very rare special exceptions, every single webpage ever is composed of the Holy Trinity: HTML (for content), CSS (to make it pretty), JS (to make it do)
JS is how the web do.
@Nyoze Just an online one. I think this site lets you build 'em, but this is not mine.
Ahh, I must of misread earlier then, sorry :(
oh, wait dur i guess there's applets and whatnot
[out of sync with conversation]
@doppelgreener You forgot PHP :\
Flash objects, even.
If it were mine, it would grammar good. :v
Nah, grammar is overrated :P
@Nyoze PHP is a thing that is used to generate HTML. It is not a thing webpages are composed of from our point of view.
if you want to dive into server side, there's looooots of things webpages can be composed from.
@Nyoze In this case, the poor structure adds to its charm. xD
Yes, I guess that's true. Isn't JS the same though, it just manipulates HTML?
@Nyoze Client-side, not server-side.
The web has a client and server divide.
There's a server which does a whole lot of work to churn out a page for you. That shoots over to your browser, which is the client. Browsers present HTML, prettified by CSS, and which do interesting things with the assistance of JavaScript.
That's a point. I know PHP is resolved before the webpage renders, thought Javascript did the same thing except... It doesn't need a full refresh, which means it's client side processing.
Server-side languages like PHP will do things before the page is sent to you from some distant server. Your browser downloads the server's stuff, displays it in your browser. JavaScript will do then things to it within your browser, right there on your own PC.
Duh Nyoze :\
I have to say, HTML5 does some prettty cool stuff though.
@Nyoze Yep!
@Nyoze It's getting pretty fancy.
Also, PHP is abhorrent, the Mind Flayer of server-side languages. Do not let it poke its tendrils into your mind.
@doppelgreener It's too late... PHP is what they use here and what they're teaching me :( What would you suggest using instead?
(Lots of languages are flawed. All of them have faults. All of them have good sides and bad sides. All of them have things they are good at or bad at. PHP is objectively badly designed, and you should seek any other language to do server-side stuff.)
@SPArchaeologist LOL. Niiiice.
Witty as heck.
@Nyoze Ruby or Python with your choice of server framework or engine, NodeJS (which, to confuse matters, is a server that runs on JavaScript), ASP.NET MVC using C# and where applicable F#. There's loads of others, these are about the most common.
All languages that no one here would touch :\
@Nyoze How come?
@doppelgreener That one isn't a joke, just a pretty widespread conclusion any dev seem to come to... This is another widespread one.
user image
Just not experienced. Half the guys who deal with web apps here use something call PHP-runner which computer generates php script, and don't deal with the code at all.
@SPArchaeologist HA! The unabridged version.
@Nyoze Welp, you asked what I'd recommend for server side work, that's what I'd recommend.
I'll hopefully look into some new languages eventually :\
@SPArchaeologist I've used classic ASP. Must be why I find PHP tolerable (generally).
PHP is fine if all you'll do with it is one document that doesn't have a scrollbar when you open it.
If you're doing anything bigger, you should move to something else, because you're doing something complex enough it'll benefit, or because you sure as heck want to be using something else before whatever you're doing gets bigger and moving requires more work.
Our intranet site here is in PHP. The few improvements I've needed to do to it, I've done lots of Googling.
Yeah... It's too late for that lol. Thanks for trying to save me anyway.
For all those who want some catharsis, or a good read, or who have a deep and abiding love of PHP and are wondering what the hell we're saying this stuff for, you may be interested in PHP: a fractal of bad design.
Our other sites are ASP.NET (non MVC)
I had no idea PHP was so bad. I haven't had cause to try to learn it yet, but I will now know better.
> PHP was originally designed explicitly for non-programmers (and, reading between the lines, non-programs)
I love that line
@Pixie I totally suggest you learn SharePoint. It is so nice....
@SPArchaeologist ...is that sarcasm? :P
@Pixie It is legitimately the only language in existence that I can seriously say is absolutely just plain bad.
One of its pros used to be "you can write a website really quickly in it!" but that's no longer a legitimate statement compared to its competition, which is also really fast.
@Adeptus ... What made you think that? My "Die SharePoint, Die" t-shirt? That's just German.... "The SharePoint, The"
Good morning!
I hate this not being able to sleep crap
Well, considering that this seem a common problem for users of this room, the fact that there were attempts to distract us by suggesting thing like mind flayers cults going undercover at work offices, and the fact that I have somehow been drawn here...
I may suggest we have some sort of sleep eater among us.
Silly superhero idea: The Extinguisher
@eimyr elaborate
just an idea
I'm not sure what the actual superpower would be.
Ability to stop a fire?
I think I need some help with that.
checks to see if there is a worlds-in-peril tag
stack exchange is now stack overflow
Whatchu talking 'bout, Willis?
Worldbuilding is also apparently the butt if every joke in the blog, since no one at SE expected it to do well... and it is
they changed the name of the company from StackExchange to StackOverflow
but isn't that just the company?
the rpg.SE is stil RPG.SE
Literally the only things they are changing is the company name and the Stack Overflow logo
Also, WB.SE is pretty damn deserving.
I tried getting into WB.SE, as worldbuilding is something I enjoy very much, but the subjectivity of answers, lack of any evidence or reason in many highly voted ramblings puts me off.
@eimyr That's an accurate, (if mild) description of how I feel about it.
@Miniman If I didn't want to be mild, I'd say that many answerers are not qualified to answer.
@eimyr I could say more, but I don't want to get into bashing it.
huh.... i wonder what the criteria for graduating a beta stack are... Worldbuilding has been in beta for a year (364 days, today), has an excellent rating on all the exposed metrics...
It is know that Worldbuilding, LifeHacks and Healt are just a sophisticate form of shadow-ban ^_^
Are there other sites like WB.SE, but not in SE format?
Coffee is going to die on the vine
Graduation criteria are complicated and unclear right now; the way I see it (not an official statement as a mod), SE is going through a period of redefinition, and is now in the process of answering the question "what are sites really trying to accomplish?"
Once that's answered well enough, SE will have a better idea of what it takes for a site to graduate, and maybe (though they've shown great reluctance to close public betas) what it tajes to be shut down.
well, the sexuality se was closed after a week
I didnt even have a chance to post in it
which is odd, since area51 says that betas will stay open for 90 days...
That site was in its death throes after the first day, unfortunately.
(That's referring to public beta.)
Sexuality never left private beta. Didn't have activity or user retention, and didn't have quality answers.
I blame society
huh.... the person who proposed THIS stack joined, never voted, never posted
Just to know, has anyone here ever seen "Voice of a distant star"?
Have not
Is somehow tackles a similar issue.
Basically a space war divide two childhood friends, one stays on the earth while the other get into the war. They communicate via cellphone messages.
While you have to avoid asking yourself how a cellphone signal could travel so far... the whole story is pretty enjoyable.
All is centered on the ever-increasing time-lag in the communication.
1 hour later…
I'm just sayin', everyone that confuses correlation with causation eventually ends up dead.
.... Phoebe just keeps getting better, and I am still reading the 2013 strips.
@BESW I don't know if where you live you have some number-extraction based lottery. Some time ago I was talking with a friend of mine, trying to explain him why the fact that a number wasn't drawn in the last N drawings didn't mean that now it will be more likely to be drawn on the next one.
Guam has a... complicated... relationship with gambling.
After some failed attempt, I finally "won" by taking out a coin from my pocket. "Let make a simpler example, what is the probability that the coin lands on head". He promptly replied "1/2".
I then asked how he could be sure that I didn't already flipped the coin yesterday...
Sadly, in my country a lot of people trust "delayed numbers". I can understand the pain.
> ...I wish it had been a unicorn. It would have been nice to have had unicorns.
....that may have been a tad obscure, but I stand by it.
@SPArchaeologist ... What is this from?
@SPArchaeologist No, but that person is drawing from the same source.
@SPArchaeologist This is rather amusing.
@Aaron I suggest you start from the beginning. While most strips can be fully enjoyed as stand-alone, the web comic does have some sort of plot.
I did
I get way into web comics.
I just re read the entirety of Questionable Content recently.
also.... you know... sometime you get some nice pearls like this one
Anyway, I just remembered I will have to check if Find Yourself had some new page added
user image
@waxeagle new car purchased whoooo, we still on for thursday game night so far?
@JoshuaAslanSmith not this week unfortunately, next week should be good. Hopefully we can do week after that too.
@waxeagle good to know thank you
Have to go,
Bye, my loyal subjects.
wow, WOTC killing forums
Yea because the cesspit that is reddit is a much better avenue to push your products
@waxeagle huh?
Killing forums?
@Aaron they are closing their forums
like kaput
Oh. That seems like not a good thing.
Isn't that their main point of contact with their customers?
Does this mean we're going to have another Linkageddon to clean up after?
@SevenSidedDie Yup
Dammit, WotC. I wish they would go talk to the people at Archive.org and just give them a backup, so it's preserved.
checks to see if ArchiveTeam knows about it yet
@SevenSidedDie a massive one
I tweeted at Mearls to plead he put the forums-person in touch with Archive.org, since they actively seek digital materials donations like these. Hopefully that will be noticed, though more people speaking up might help.
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah
i feel the need to archive the 4e optimization pages somehow
yeah, that stuff is so valuable
toats saving them as offline web pages and then I can scrub the real data off and make some kind of searchable database
my gift to the communicty
They should really, seriously just archive it instead.
That would be nice, yeah.
@Emrakul yeah if they published a total system archive (text only) that would be super cool
never gonna happen though
yeah archiving all the pages (but none of the discussion on following pages
and then i'll contextualize the data
yeah, I might make a copy of the same
Hey, folks.
@Emrakul Im going to zip it all up and host it public on my onedrive and I'll share here
Just got a reply - Archive Team is aware of the forums shutting down, and already are working on getting them archived as much as possible :)
I see you're altready talking about the WotC forums shutdown
@JoshuaAslanSmith some of the discussion is pure gold. I need to save the city built around the Tarrasque and the Rules of the Hidden Club and the... oh gods I have all of the OLD links this is gonna be a nightmare T_T
Luckily, tales of Wyre is on ENWorld
close last question in the feed, it lacks edition
1 hour later…
I see they decided to do The Ultimate Link Breaking Change (aka remove the content) after trialling a few smaller link breaks in their time.
"This just isn't inconveniencing our client base enough. How can we make our accumulated client-sourced content less useful?"
I'm going to make one of those thrown out of window guy comics about this at lunch. Not sure what to have that guy actually say though.
Also I am estimating they did it because they needed to cut some low hanging branches and "all these people just moderating one forum on the internet" were easy targets to reassign to new work or relieve. They didn't state much of a reason otherwise to not just keep maintaining them.
(Their only statement was they need to evolve alongside their competitors... But eliminating your community's official forum isn't necessarily doing that.)
whoops, "alongside our players", I mean.
Welcome to the Tower of London, have a leaflet. http://t.co/jj0SV8oysc

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