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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Sandwich Hey.
(Was experiencing a disappearing vanilla crisis. Cake does not have vanilla. Sad Pixie.)
Vanilla coke is my favorite soda
I'm never without vanilla
Vanilla cake > vanilla Coke. Alas, I have neither.
Krillin nooooooo
Backed the Numenera Kickstarter because a) I realized I was the worst girlfriend and never got my boyfriend anything for his birthday and b) he was telling me about it and it sounds fun and something I could actually see myself DMing someday (because I always feel like D&D has SO MANY things to keep track of that it is overwhelming)
(And also I am a sucker for fancy rulebooks, even in PDF)
(so yay things.)
If you want to GM something easy just GM roll for shoes
Who came up with the idea for a "rupoor" anyway
A rupee that steals your money? How?
How does a rupoor even work
You put it into your purse like a fool and it collides with and cancels out one of your own rupees
(Nice job breaking it, hero)
@Sandwich I was nearly there with an answer for you
I don't agree with their closing of the question
Not to mention whoever wrote that comment has awful awful grammar
I love Link's face on finding Rupoors in the various games.
I want to take their spelling behind a barn and shoot it
("you son of a [bleep]")
@doppelgreener >:I
@Pixie pretty much XD
but then there's Skyward Sword doing this:
oh Link. You are actually excited to find one.
he looks so excited and mildly confused
That is seconds before he is absolutely betrayed by his discovery and heartbroken
Someone came up with a mechanic to break Link's heart and they might just be very slightly terrible people.
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by Yuuki
The question is asking how, using physics, the rupoor deducts rupees from Link.
Would you say that's what you were asking?
Ok, that's why it was closed.
That's effectively Dev. Intent, which is off-topic
@Sandwich It's something only the devs can answer - there's no in-game explanation or lore that covers it.
@doppelgreener I,.. never found one of these in any of the Zelda games I played
and I think I played most of them even
If you were asking (which what I thought was going on) how it works in-game, (can I get the rupees back?) might be ok
@trogdor Have you played Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword? They showed up in those.
ah, no I don't think I did
We tend not to take conceptual "how could this happen in-world" sorts of questions unless there is something in-game or in supporting material that explains it
@trogdor It's only in 4 swords, Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword
And for a lot of video games, those things just don't exist :(
Its like
Rupoor is a concept for the player not having fun
@AshleyNunn Which is how I was answering it
"We know you collected all that money and now you cant have it anymore"
"Enjoy your fun, go cut more grass"
@Ben ah ok, makes sense then
I did not play those 3
@Sandwich Not exactly
@Ben Yeah, but if it was asking more in a "how does this occur in the world and what happens to the money physically in the world" we don't have an answer, really
Beyond "it goes poof" which...is obvious.
As I pointed out in The Bridge:
in The Bridge, 7 mins ago, by Ben
- Four Swords: Commonly known as a "Black Rupee", it causes a random amount of rupees to fly out of the wallet, which can then be picked up again, if you can manage. Note: This can actually be beneficial: if the Links are under the influence of Rupee Fever (all Links have full health), the amount dropped can be doubled if they are taken back.
@Ben Yeah, that clears it up for one game, but they don't work like that in all of them, no?
Like in some games, the money just....goes away
No, Which was the rest of my answer
(Admittedly, the stance on lore type questions is nebulous and contentious, so I am just trying to explain the usual logic of why they tend to get closed)
I was explaining exactly how it worked in each indiviual game
THe point made about "the magical force" and "why do they exist" is very much dev intent, though
So yeah, you can answer from a mechanics per game part
Again, not using physics explanations or anything, because that wasn't my interpretation of the question
but less so in a lore-based "This is how weird stuff happens in Hyrule" sort of way
So it mostly comes down to "are we answering from a why/magical force way, or a game mechanics way
If the question is intended to be game mechanics, that's one thing
If it's "how does it work and why does it work" way, that's a separate issue
All-in-all, I can see, and I agree with why the question got closed now, as I said my original interpretation wasn't correct
at least, that's my understanding
Shiny :)
I hope I don't sound like rude mod-hammer-y we hate fun
Sorry for that :)
SO, after all that, @Sandwich I would suggest you change the question to ask about how the Rupoor functions in-game.
@AshleyNunn All good. I completely understand and agree with you.
@Ben Oh yay :) (Sorry, I am used to having more pushback, so I tend to over-explain)
@AshleyNunn I can understand that haha. Not everyone likes their question being closed :P
It's one of the joys? dangers? of being a mod :P
@AshleyNunn The folks here tend to be pretty well-educated about Stack policies and needs.
@BESW Yeah, that was totally my "I am used to the Bridge/Arqade" biases showing
I'm sorry, guys.
No worries. I'll vouch for ya @Ashley haha
'sokay. It is nice to have stuff explained to be sure we're all on the same page.
@BESW So the game I was talking about yesterday, "Hargrove"; completely home-brew (well, very lightly based off DnD 3.5e), and he's been working on it for ~4 years. This game was his first ever "official" campaign game.
Why "Hargrove"?
Looking for dinner movie suggestions. In the serious mood for something chill and cool and smooth, like a cold dark hearty beer after a good day at work, like Jack Johnson's music, like a misty full moon rising over a slumbering suburb.
Not entirely sure. It's the name of the Global organisation, the one that everyone knows, it runs everything and is super advanced. What it has to do with the end of th world however, we don't know
@Dorian Sounds like something noir to me. Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, something in that space.
@Dorian Hector and the Search for happiness
Someone suggested Hector and the search for happiness to me on my emo I need something to cheer up day also.
@Dorian Have you watched it yet?
is brick a movie? o.o also, noir might be pretty cool, I don't often watch noir.
no I haven't ben
hey, ben... are you the ben?
the ben that I've gamed with?
...The ben...
Ben from where Ben..?
Brick is a 2005 American neo-noir thriller film written and directed by Rian Johnson in his directorial debut, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Brick was distributed by Focus Features, opening in New York and Los Angeles on April 7, 2006. The film's narrative centers on a hardboiled detective story that takes place in a Californian suburb. Most of the main characters are high school students. The film draws heavily in plot, characterization, and dialogue from hardboiled classics, especially from Dashiell Hammett. The title refers to a block of heroin, compressed roughly to the size and shape of a...
roll20. i guess have you ever gamed with a dorian? :P
No I haven't haha
Ah, then you're not the ben :P
@Dorian I have suggested it to multiple people, and everyone who watched it, loved it.
Anyways, yeah, something about noir generally makes me think more drama.
@Dorian I could be someone's "the Ben"...
I mean, it's cool, but not what I'm in the mood for
"An Indefinite Ben" would be a good name for a band.
It would. Hmm
@BESW I'll write that down
@SevenSidedDie Could you add a comment in this question indicating why you think it's too broad? I think the asker feels like he's already given all the details he can.
Any of y'all actually listen to Jack Johnson?
might watch hector and the etc
I discovered Jack Johnson thanks to a friend of mine in hawaii. I'm always too lazy to research him but he's like... so totally friggen chill.
He embodies the Hawaiian mood I think. Not "paradise and vacation" though but so laid back and relaxed, even when all the shit blows up in his face.
i would not be surprised if he was raised in or lived in hawaii
@Dorian Sorry, not ignoring you haha. Was just looking for the trailer for you
No worries, im rambvling a bit atm.
[insert lamenting comment about illegal herbs]
@Dorian wikipedia says he was born and raised in Oahu, Hawaii
@Dorian I'm with ya there :P
Thankyou doppelgreen, I figured as much either way lol
I like all kinds of music but I'd have to say Jack Johnson is tied for first in my books regardless of genre.
The other one who ties for first is Lindsey Stirling.
It never ceases to amuse me, the kinds of things we can get out of in Exalted by our Abyssal crying. Except this time it was our Abyssal crying, one Lunar scolding the offending party for making him cry, another Lunar lecturing them, and our poor young Solar awkwardly trying to support us. Teamwork.
got hector &da etc up, gonna watch it after this song. thanks for the suggestions, cheers!
Now we're talking about having the lunars turn into baby deer and birds and such and congregate around him as he cries pure, innocent tears. Snow White it up.
We had some teamwork last night: To escape an erupting volcano, our Ace pilot from another world turned out to have "borrowed" an Area 51 alien escape pod rocket--but it was designed for space, not for atmosphere. So once we were away from the volcano, the G-Man with wonderlust used his gravity gun to make the rocket hang in mid-air while the Inquisitive young dryad grew herself into stabilising rocket fins.
@doppelgreener, @trogdor: Solarpunk proposed motto: Move quietly and plant things.
Added Thunderbirds Are Go to my influence map brainstorming.
@doppelgreener Could be part of Stellata's nature-priest concept.
Mm. One thing I might need to add to her when she starts going druid-y is the ability to use plants regardless of her surroundings having them.
i.e. spontaneous plant eruptions.
I approve.
Maybe this'll be something that gets switched on like Baker's thing?
I have plans...
or more like... she can do it during that session... she won't be able to do it again until a while later... but now she has a thought put onto her: "I could do that then. Couldn't I do it now, again, if I can just remember how it works..?"
Alright xD
If you want to hear about 'em, we can hit the spoil-lair.
And as always, my plans rarely survive the players' agency.
I am on the fence as to when Dr Light should come back
@Dorian hope you like it :)
5 hours later…
@doppelgreener Way ahead of you :)
Also, irony overload: the phrase "the rate of fraudsters in the internet is alarming".
Hey, nice! Killed without any mod intervention necessary!
Spam flags will regularly do that even without 10k or 20k users available.
Moderators will probably swing by later to destroy the account.
I think it was unregistered.
It's an account nevertheless, and will be destroyed.
Oh, learnt something new. I thought unregistered meant they posted without signing up.
Correct, and nowadays that automatically creates a full user profile for them that waits there until they feel like signing up. And then it turns into a registered user profile.
Used to be we'd get anonymous submissions that just had a name and no user profile, apparently it's more useful to generate the user profile for them.
That's pretty cool. Also means if they want to sign up they get credit for their questions/answers
Pretty much, yeah.
It also means we can track that individual's contributions even if they are unregistered, they hit the various speed limits that keep them from getting into trouble, etc.
2 hours later…
So that's when someone thought "Hey, what if elementalists were completely horrifying?"
@Storyteller Hi!
elementalist horror story is pretty good
ran a homebrew system, to use shadow magic you had to walk through the shadow plane, which basically has ether for air and frozen ammonia for ground
how is your day going? Ijust got up
Me? I'm doing quite well!
Heat is taking a toll on my state as always, but I'm holding up
How are you?
realises in eternal cringe that that was probably not towards me
its towards everyone. currently, Im determining if I want to write for 3.5/OGL or invest in 5e...
Write what?
normally, I write my own systems and supplements, but I am looking at building some brand recognition by building more traditional supplements... its very difficult to write completely generically
a set of adventure modules and a few campaign settings
right this second, Im looking at a 'one-shot' of commoner/npc classes vs a small band of goblins or some such
I don't want to sound one-note, but A Spark In Fate Core seems amazing for worldbuilding regardless of actual system..
@BESW you should definitely give it a look! You and your group, of course
oh, I havent really had a group in ages
here n there I get to play, but not often. mostly I work on stuff for people to use
You don't necessarily need a group for that
It's just a very good worldbuilding system
interesting guide on worldbuilding
well, Haven has 13 core worlds and there is a loose collection of things for building custom worlds
Im trying to step away from Haven though, I spent a long time on it, then spent a long time on it playing with my exwife. While I want to finish out at least two books, the main guide and the book of planes, I want to explore other options for awhile
@BESW Do you think Fate works with 5 players?
Or would it drag on for too long?
no spotlight, etc
My group does five players semi-regularly. It works if the GM is aware of spotlight management and the group is pretty good at staying on task and resolving discussions efficiently.
basically, haven was my opus. its an evolution of ideas I had as a youth, that culminated in the core haven system. Skillbased Classless roleplaying, very simple d10 single roll mechanics,
i have... 2-3 milkcrates full of material and going on...75 -80 pgs in the quick start guide (the free pdf Im releasing)
It sounds sweet! Is there a character sheet image online?
Im rather burnt on it tbh, oh, no, no character sheet atm
I should do that, skill sheets are needd too, you will probably have 1 front page and several skill pages and a few inventory sheets
I usually look at character sheets to maybe divine what an RPG feels like when I don't have much time or material to go on
im releasing the QSG this fall
finished or not
You look at a D&D 3.5 char sheet, then a Fate one, then a Risus one, then a RFS one... it helps sometimes
yeah I gotcha... back in the 90s, I musthave read... 200 RPGs
give or take... you are right, char sheets give a lot of insight
so, at the moment, Im trying to break away from 'my own walled garden'
and build some things others are likely to use
so, Im looking at 4 short series, with 2-4 modules/adventures/sessions
and 2 (maybe 3) campaign settings
one for certain, and 1 still in creative stage (me thinking about it but not writing it down yet)
@Storyteller You could also write for a market that does not have many adventures in it yet.
thats what Im thinking, Im torn between 3.5/OGL, which is free, onine, well understood
or buying out like $100 in 5e stuff and supporting it
I read the 5e online docs at WotC, and played a few sessions at the game store
Are you looking to write stuff commercially? (I'm under that impression but I'm not sure how buying out and supporting 5e stuff overlaps)
yes, writing commercially
well, you need rule books to support rules, to know what the players are goingto have ccess to
one of those 4 sets of modules is a set of small castles. I liked the 5e inspiration stuff and built several magic items that support that rule
the modules Im doing are meant to be 'drop ins', stuff you can bring in anywhere, 4 castles, ranging from 1-4 level, 3-8, 7-12, 11-16 etc. a set based around a certain generic inn and some stories involving it and its owners... stuff like that, things that can be anywhere
what do you guys write for?
Guys, I was trying to explain RPGs to someone kind of new to the idea that has a bit of a skewed view of it
I basically tried to explain in terms that he's more immediately aware of, and I described the RPG system, Fate in particular, as the programming language of the game
Is that accurate enough? If so, then what's the GM?
As I said, RPG has zero awareness in here, it's totally alien to them
roleplaying is like acting. its when the actors sit around a table doing a read through of a play
except everything is improve
'its like playing a video game with yor imagination'
improv, sry
what was the other one, its like a bunch of people telling a story together, each person gets to be a character and th DM is likethe narrator
@AlexMitan Do you understand programming languages very well?
As a programmer I would not describe it as a programming language, I would compare it to lego or a toolbox.
@doppelgreener Pretty decently, yeah
So like a... libra..ry?
@AlexMitan If they are unaware of how RPGs work, then comparing it to programming languages probably isn't appropriate.
Those things that you #include
Compare it to board games, or video games, or so on.
@AlexMitan No, I would not bother with using a programming language analogy. It's not fitting.
'a board game without the board'
used that one a few times :)
I passed my computer science exams two months ago, haven't done much since then
Congrats ;)
Thanks... I took a break from it during summer to focus more on psychological recovery and research
Cognitive therapy especially
oh? Im starting a PhD next fall in digital media with a specialization in cognitive science, what kind of stuff are you looking at in Cog Therapy?
way to go on moving forward in yor studies
Mostly I've been reading up and using it to cure myself of a lot of troublesome crap from before
About eight of the twelve years of school, for me, were really abusive and damaging, so I could only start recovering once it ended
I'm doing less research and more recovery really
I used to research much more before, as a kid, but I don't know
things are pretty odd for me now, and for once, quite good, so I have a lot on my mind
@Alex That sounds like good stuff, and I hope it's going well.
sounds like you are moving to a more positive place in your life. thats great man. keep it up and try notto let things get you down.
Thank you :D
It helped a lot when I became aware of the Cognitive Distortions
and how they were messing with me
the worst offender was Personalisation, which was the sixth or something
basically, attributing negative events that I had no control of to myself
blaming myself for the suffering of others, which interacted badly with how protective I am of my close friends
well, gf came home from work... her vote was 5e players, since they are the ones spending money
The "new thing" syndrome?
well, 3.5 is a bit old and its free, I do not know if people are spending money on 3.5 products
probably, I'd never go back to D&D, but 5e is still the closest thing to something I'd like, from that category
much more approachable
5e is new, people are spending money on it, and there is not a lot of stuff for it yet
I started in 2nd, played a bit of first, barely touched 3.0/3.5/d20/ogl
The thing I hated the most about it is the high ACs, and the missing all around... if you ever decide to go balls to the wall and do a hack that has more attacks and spells actually landing, you'll be my hero
until recently, played 3.5 a few timessome years ago, ifind it to be.. pretty much baseline for rpgs in general
well 'i didnt like this one thing in dnd so i made my own system' is basically the justification for this industry
Ive read a ton of stuff, but I mostly use my own systems
True, true
But if you manage to add something like Fate points, or anything that influences a roll's result after it's done, I feel it'd be a huge addition
Ive written, developed rather, dozens, of systems, all of which amalgamated into Haven... well and a couple others Im throwing around
Sure, all I'm saying is that if you still manage to drive on 5e's success while improving what I see as glaring flaws, it could go really well
however, Im not sure I would get much market share with it right now
so, I want to get a few modules out there and build some brand recognition
get feedback on my style
yeah, thats the one, 3.5.. is established
I still somehow feel like merely using 2d10 for D&D would be a step in the right direction
5e is still a bit new, to write effectively, I need to really dig into it
d&d uses lots of dice because they are archtypal
Hey, who knows, if there's ever such a thing as 5.5e that you even slightly contribute to ;)
euclidian solids or whatever
I know, but I meant using a different dice curve for the main d20 rolls
Basically what a flat curve felt like is "Who cares if you have +7 and environmental advantage on that? This snipped roll says you still snipped it"
coupled with the finality of the roll... I don't like the finality of the roll either
you can play dnd with 3d6 all day long
That's what initially drew me to Fate... you can spend resources not to be at the mercy of luck
and those resources are NARRATIVE
how crazy awesome is that, it said. And it probably is. I'll find out in the next 5 days
But I've seen first-hand accounts of it being that way :D
yeah, haven uses 1d10 entirely, very basic system, main attribute + skill, +/- any modifiers, roll under that on a d10
its based around speed, and role-playing over rule-playing
the less swingy the better..
encourage Fail Forward too while you're at it
...and maybe make a good spellmaking system
: )) okay, sorry, sorry
I just see you as a bit of a D&D Jesus, come to..write for its sins
Haven holds...5-6 different magic systems
one of which is basically making your own spells
it uses nodes that modify spells and you pump elemental energy into them, so you 'build a matrix' then power it and trigger it
so, you have Elementalism, with say, 'fireball' a small ball of fire energy, and it does X damage based on your stats, you could use a 'split node and two targeting nodes' to turn it into two smaller fireballs, that you have to dodge each one
or a whole giant 10 page list f stuff you can do
@AlexMitan Well also your rating with a skill or approach is going to be about as large as the dice's swing, give or take, making it important and valuable.
@Storyteller Oh, that all sounds really brilliant! I might buy it some day just for that
So do you spend each turn charging, and the spell could be anything, or do you pre-build the spell?
it depends
manacraft, is raw 'magic energy', its shaping and using the raw energy in your character or the world around you... its 'purple'
so, you get so many 'mana points' and if you want to throw a 'manabolt' you spend a small cost to use the spell and can put MP into it equal to your base attribute plus your skill and it by default, damages MP first
that would be instant or near instant
you can also "channel", and draw in extra energy each round, equal to your channeling skill for a number of rounds equal to your skill, so you can 'pump up' spells to be stronger
This is very interesting
and you get some 'boons' in the mana craft spell, one is 'focus' which takes a partial round, and it causes it to do physical damage outright
so, Manacraft, can be anything from tiny bolts that make you tired, to a full on Ha-do-ken that knocks you down and breaks bones
in that one spell
Okay.. so how would that work for that fireball with the.. split node?
Wait, I really have to go for a bit, will you be around?
elementalism is more rigid, so you have elemental affinity, and you either specialize or stay general
each level of elemental affinity offers new spells, and opens new ability to increase spells
yeah, Im up all day
its only 8:40a here
anyway, yes you can channel elemental spells
Sorcery is what changes spelss with nodes
wizardry is more like DnD arcane magic, gestures and components
Druidism is 'Nature elementalism'
sorcery also opens odd elements, blood, shadow, ice, time, etc
arcana is magic you can cast by tapping into 'global spells'
Haven was designed to facilitate really custom magic to please a lot of different imaginations
I'm back, sorry for that delay
This sounds very interesting..
so are nodes a fluff thing or are they mechanical?
@Storyteller Let's say I wanted to do that split fireball thing... what would I do, on a turn-by-turn basis?
How does the matrix construction and triggering work?
well, you could cast it in one turn possibly
you can get a thing called hang spell, which lets you form a matrix and keep it ready
you can put them on items etc
so, basically, you would say, Im making a split node for 2 (or 3 or 4 etc) and then you run threads to two targeting nodes, (these make things go to a target instead of just in a direction) and then you would make a sorcery roll and pay a few MP to make the matrix and you would pay the MP for a fireball and roll for elementalism and cast your spell
"sending a fireball from your hands that splits in two and blazes towards the enemy"
you could probably cast that in one round if you had decent skill level
there are a couple dozen nodes that do different things, split cuts a spell in two, multiply actually multiplies the spell into more MP worth of stuff... tracking, targeting, delay, etc, I dont have the list in front of me. to take it to another level
a low level caster begins channeling energy, there are braziers or fire present, so Fire mana can be channeled easily. A simple matrix of split (x4) follow thread and shape thread are used to make a four part spiral on the ground, this requires a few MP and a sorcery roll to create the matrix, a few MP are spent each turn during channeling. Now the caster has to spend lets say 4 rounds channeling up their Magic (6) plus skill (4) times 4 rounds,
they have now, 40 MP from channeling and 40 MP of their own so they cast an 80 point spell:
Hah, okay, that sounds like a great system
Only problem might be that the mage player seems to be doing nothing a lot of the time, correct me if I'm wrong
But it sounds fascinating!
a stream of red energy comes from the caster to the center of the matrix which erupts into a pillar of flames roughly 6 feet tall and two feet across. these split into 4 pillars that move outward from the center along the paths made, dealing 20 MP worth of Fire damage to each thing they touch
um, a lot of spells are instant, there arent really mages and fighters
most fighters can use magic, and most elements have a 'strike' spell that adds magic to weapons
gems are used to hold mana and cast spells, so a sword with a garnet or ruby would easily cast Flameblade at will
its very action oriented if you want, or can be more investigative etc
spellcraft in Haven is the construction of matrices ahead of time that become 'custom spells'
so you can build you stuff in downtime and use it with a simple dierll and spending the cost
anyway, you can use the skill system to specialize in spells too, so you can be an expert at just one or two spells and cast them fast. say a monk who is a expert in staff and hand to hand combat, he miht know a half dozen spells and can cast them at will as a normal action
so, yeah, you can have 'super heroes' with lots of combat and flashy spells and such, or a devoted scholar that takes several rounds to cast
Oh, okay
I like that a lot
is it grid-based?
if you want
it does not require 'gaming aids' like miniatures or boards
I intend to spend a few pages on miniature rules
I'm more a fan of zone-based stuff, but all of that seems like very clever mechanics!
Good job!
rules are basically written in 'feet' so you can use a board if yo want or not
many spells have descriptions like 'starts at 3 feet wide and spreads out to skill plus attribute in feet wide and goes for skill times ten feet'
stuff like that
so, like I said, Im pretty burnt on haven, Im looking at just doing some adventures for something popular and well played. Im asking in here, 'what system should I write for?' because its too broad for a regular question yet. More 'should I write for 3.5 or 5e?'
I'd say definitely 5e
@Storyteller -- 5e if you want a system where any character can shine and you appreciate a flowing table. 3.5e if you want a high-magic, high-power game, but with much less flow.
im leaning that way. I mean, ideally, Id write some stuff open to any system, but I think thats impractical
i have one short adventure Im going to do on 3.5 while I order the 5e books
'can pure setting worldbooks sell?'
yeah, I've played both -- and 3.5e is much more challenging to balance encounters for because of the wide swing of party power levels
you can write an encounter that can easily splatter a party several levels above it because they are low-tier classes, yet can get splattered in its own right by a party a couple levels below it because your players are mostly casters
Ive noticed that. The one 3.5/OGL module I want to do this month, is written specifically for the NPC commoner classes. Like as a restriction. Im doing it as a 'one-shot',
the other stuff, well, its 4 sets of modules, and they are collected and ordered by party level
I've written a 3.5 dungeon as well -- but it's designed mostly around environmental hazards and a fair amount of puzzle solving; it's good for making life interesting for Rogues (it tinkers with Disable Device in interesting ways) and making mages use their utility spells
one is 4 'abandoned' castles, each one bigger than the next, another is an Inn, with different quests as you go along, and one is a 4 part full campaign, that progresses in each module
the last is only 2 modules, but based on a certain gnomish inventor
Im looking at printing some of these with maps and foldouts, or possibly as modules on online roleplaying sites
not sure yet
yeah, my 3.5e stuff is something I've been keeping close to the vest for now; it's only received a small amount of playtesting from soloists and a 2 man party
cool. selling commercially has always been a goal. last ten years or so has been pretty caught up in schoolwork and 'life' and such
another thing about 5e for a full-fledged campaign is you have much more setting flexibility -- even though 5e treats FR as the "default" setting, you don't have near as much confusion when redefining how things behave because alignment locking isn't nearly the problem it is in 3.5e
A burly orc, clad in simple clothes, walks into the tavern with a lamb in his arms. One of the lamb's legs has been crudely splinted with a stick. He looks around and says in an Orcish-like Common "Anyone 'ere a healer?"
My hobgoblin tinkerer offer him a better splint and a syringe filled with glowing cave fungus.
also, oh lovely -- I stumbled upon an item duping bug in the NWN server I'm on
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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