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00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

It fits his job description.
I'm asking because my players in Fate have a penchant for proposing changes that push the climate towards the "kingmaker/adventure" and away from "grey eminence plotting". Then they seem to be surprised when the climate has changed.
@eimyr My group works hard to have an open-table policy on this sort of thing. It's important that we feel comfortable speaking up when something isn't feeling right.
Sometimes it takes a little while to notice, and that's okay.
We can steer things back if it needs to be.
I was asked to retire a PC who felt too grimdark.
@BESW I try to do that, but the guys don't seem to have a predictive ability to recognise that. E.g. they wanted to include peasant uprising from taxation (which basically says - the country is going to shit quickly) and still expected to have a plotting in a peaceful undisturbed court situation.
By contrast the concepts in Trogdor's "demon dimension" session haven't really been revisited; I think nobody's quite sure how it fits into the world. We're okay with it being there, but we haven't yet found anything else to do with it.
to be fair, it isn't like I meticulously crafted that session to be easily revisited with other people's ideas,.. I was kinda just trying to run a session
and I had about a week of actual prep, if that
@eimyr Hmm.
That sounds like they're used to "disrupt and move on" plots.
They are.
@BESW Did you call Stellata a talkative Groot? XD
... I'm surprised by how accurate that is.
One of them comes from DnD background, another plays a variety of dungeon crawls, yet another is fairly fresh to roleplay in general and the final one had experience with investigation/mystery themes
Do they know what they actually want and it's different but they're just having a hard time breaking murderhobo habits?
They don't realise that establishing a world-changing fact changes the world.
(... was Groot storing up all of his fate points until the confrontations in the ship?)
@doppelgreener He is Groot.
@eimyr This... is a difficult hurdle.
So, do they want to change the world sometimes, or are they happier in a status quo?
I guess the question is--are they against changing the world, or just having trouble figuring out what will and won't change the world so they're unpleasantly surprised by the changes they've wrought?
I just learned how Dexterity is "the god stat" of D&D 5e. I suddenly like 5e.
@Zachiel 3.5 is dead. Long live 3.5.
I'm suddenly reminded of the season 2 finale of The Amazing World of Gumball. For the entire series, things tend to remain at status quo, no matter what happened during the ending. In the season 2 finale, the protagonists learn that their actions actually have real consequences. (This drives the entire episode.)
@BESW We are still figuring out what is currently happening to the world at large. They know they want to have a plotfest, but they don't realise that "Peasants are revolting" and at the same time "King is universally despised" puts them in a position of establishing themselves as chancellor, king, interrex or whatever position of authority is available right from the start. And then they are surprised when I point that becoming a person in power is the END of the campaign, if at all.
Hey guys,
Maybe you can help me out here: I am interested in a Dungeon World Hack of Shadowrun. Apparently, there are at least three versions of it spread around. I'd like to ask what the differences between them are and which one is the most current. Since that is fairly obscure and not a published RPG, do you think it fits on the site? What tags would I use for it? [Shadowrun] and [DungeonWorld]?
@eimyr Do you immediately realize those changes? If I could, I would tell them "you realize this will change the mood of the game in these ways, and is maybe not a good idea for what you told me you wanted to play, yes?"
@Zachiel that's precisely what I do and they accept, but don't seem to stop with similar suggestions
@BESW I don't understand what "stinking on ice" mean
@eimyr they stink.
The joke is the french revolution is happening right then.
@eimyr Keeping food cold prevents it from rotting, and thus stinking. The king's saying the peasants smell so bad they stink even while cold.
Of course, @doppelgreener's provided the actual historical context which the king is ignoring.
double meaning of "revolting"
english is not my first language and such jokes sometimes elude me
Eimyr is levelling up! Eimyr's Wits went up to 8! Eimyr's Speed went up to 9! Eimyr's Memes went up to 5!
Eimyr is evolving!
Quick! someone hold down the B button!
[quietly refrains :D]
Eimyr has evolved into Eimyr! Eimyr is trying to learn Language! Which of the moves would you like Eimyr to forget? >GMing >Tentacle Wrap >Sarcasm >Breathing
but those are all so useful!
The other 3 are keepers, we'll find workarounds for that one.
@doppelgreener Does he have Gills?
[dumps @eimyr in water]
Alright alright
So, what about the ideas my players have? Any suggestions?
It's hard to say from this distance.
You never had a similar problem?
It's hard to diagnose what the problem actually is.
Also I'm kinda distracted by IRL stuff so I can't bring all my brain to bear on this thing.
Yeah, I don't expect anyone to drop everything and solve it. Thanks anyways.
k, I'll be later
@SPArchaeologist Sorry, was afk. Just wondering if it's possible (outside of 3rd party products) to upgrade Sharepoint version without losing version history on documents.
@eimyr If I get time I'll re-read and think.
@Zachiel It's not so much "god stat" as "finally possible to base a non-magical character on a single stat".
@Miniman which is my favourite one, yay.
@Zachiel It's not just Dex, you can make a Str-only character now too.
@Miniman I'm still a little baffled by all the "finally, you can [thing 4e did really well]" with 5e.
@BESW Ouch, fair call. I think somewhere in my head I still view 5e as basically 3.75e.
@Miniman Aw. I wanted dex to be vastly superior. So I could make a dex based character and still be OP
@Miniman 2.75e you mean
@Zachiel Nah, not in my head.
@Miniman Yeah, that's kinda how I see it too, except it's also 4-.25e.
@Miniman Well, I must admit that I don't usually manage version upgrades (or at least, each time I got that task, it was because of specific issues) but as far as I know I would expect/hope that an upgrade done via DB attach would keep the history since it is the same db as before, just upgraded.
@Miniman To be entirely fair, that's the narrative Wizards pushed.
@SPArchaeologist Sadly, apparently not. Googling, I've found a few bits and pieces of scripts, but nothing too promising.
In the past I have done some migrations, but they used custom tools. And also involved running workflows.
Ask Lovecraft considers Cthulhu vs Galactus. Excelsior.
@Miniman if it can be of some moral support for you... I have just discovered that a custom calendar definition will work perfectly except when you add an event with multiple recurrences unless the type id you have used for the list is exactly 106.
@SPArchaeologist Yikes. I don't actually work with Sharepoint, I just needed to look into this one issue.
Two more votes till Populist! :D
@Miniman I've used sharepoint, its uh.. alright I suppose. For ticket management.
Do you guys think this image would be a good choice for a bit of a joke in the Black lotus answer:
Where would you add it? As a comment it's frivolous, as an embed in the answer it's not relephant enough to justify taking up the visual space. The only place it might be appropriate to add is as a text link, but I see no place in your answer which would organically permit it, so you'd have to add whole new lines just to shoehorn in a joke that's only vaguely relevant.
Hahaha I forgot about Unhinged
Those cards were great
Yeah s'why I asked @BESW
Generally speaking, an image that's not a useful part of the answer should be a text link, if it's included at all. Otherwise it's just cluttering up the page like a chatty comment: something people have to scroll past to get to the useful bits, and not having "stuff to scroll past to get to the useful bits" is a major thing which separates SE from traditional forums.
@Sandwich Blacker lotus was in the Unglued set, not in the Unhinged one :P
(In some Stacks, like SciFi, random images are an attempt to shore up a weak answer with pretty pictures to get people to upvote because they like the picture. I don't think we want our Stack to do that.)
I remember them both
@BESW I enjoyed that. :D
Hmm. The Cool Stuff dropped off the pin list.
Ah man I'm ONE vote away from Populist, Curse you staaack
Curse you and your delicious shinies that I neeeed
@BESW We included an image in an answer once, and it did pretty well. (It was topical and great, but also not necessary.) We received disagreement in comments over its presence, I removed it, there was a sharp drop-off in voting.
**Cool stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Kaiju Incorporated early preview drawing](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/122Jec8d_LojM53yzJzLosNpGzxHeoeeIgRCnoHT0dOs/viewform "Pacific Rim meets Wall Street");
[Uncanny Magazine 2](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lynnemthomas/uncanny-magazine-year-two "Return of the Space Unicorn");
[Numenera: Into the Ninth World](http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/montecookgames/numenera-into-the-ninth-world "Venture farther. Explore deeper. Go beyond.");
Its shiny pokemon all over again
And then my most highly voted answer here has an image. (The GM betrayal one.) COINCIDENCE??????????? (Not completely, the image is a vital part of its communication and is pretty effective if I say so myself, which I do.)
@doppelgreener My highest answer has an image too.
@Sandwich That one is also very topical and makes a good point. XD
Amateurs. My most voted question on Meta has.... Twily!
That's the one about the rules not saying that I cant eat your dog
@SPArchaeologist Marvellous!
...I'm pretty sure I don't have any inline pictures in any of my posts at all.
What answer of yours has Twily?
@Sandwich Unicorns, ponies, Winter Bash and haiku all in one post:P - and it is actually a question
@SPArchaeologist That was a lovely haiku. (Been a while since I read one that wasn't 5/7/5)
I was under the impression that it was a different kind of japanese poem and not a haiku if it wasnt 5-7-5
Not... really...
or you may just live with the fact that English is not my first language and I had some problems with the metrics.
I mean, taking a complex nuanced poetic form in one language, which has constraints on subject matter as well as syllable/line requirements, and keeping just the pronunciation-specific bits when trying to translate the poetic form into another language? Kinda silly.
I'm of the opinion that preserving exact syllable count is the least important part of moving a poem form from one language to another. It's just also the easiest to understand.
The concept of juxtaposing two ideas within a small textual space is much more crucial to the essence of the form than exactly how that space is shaped.
Anyway, I just noticed that someone must have upvoted. Nice, now I only need two more to reach 42 and add yet another meme to that post ^_^
I've done the syllable count thing myself, it's fun. But it's a trivial version of the haiku, and I suspect it's partly popular because of an over-emphasis on syllable-based English poetic forms in education (blame Shakespeare for getting cast as the quintessential English writer and being a guy who liked his syllable counts).
@BESW That is even better if you take in account that now some are discussing the possibility of Shakespeare begin actually an Italian that escaped to England and translated his name.
[eyeroll] The Authorship Question has one or two interesting points, but it's buried in classist issues that make it really easy for people to latch onto as a justification for their own agendas. Still, it's interesting that English sonnets are so attached to their Latinate roots despite repetitive rhyme schemes being a major stumbling block for English where they're so much more natural in languages like Italian.
@SPArchaeologist You were not wrong in writing that haiku. They do not need to be 5-7-5.
Now having said that I'm looking it up to be sure.
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Japanese tradition does indeed place haikus at 5-7-5, but that doesn't mean other forms are not necessarily haikus.
At this point I will firmly say: this is beyond my realm of expertise.
Yunikōn wa
yuki ni kirameku
no fuyu no chōkō
Better now?
@doppelgreener Even in Japanese, the syllable count isn't a strict requirement; the primary focus is on blending two visuals or concepts. And once you start moving a poem into an entirely different language, strict adherence to language-specific variables over conceptual themes gets hard to justify.
@SPArchaeologist PERHAPS! (Is... is that your first language?)
@doppelgreener Wish it was. Really wish it was, but no.
I just try to study something about that language. And culture. Mostly culture.
Alright :)
Jul 7 at 8:36, by SPArchaeologist
@Pixie to make tea you only need hot water, a chawan, and a chasen and a chasaku.
^ this was actually because I have studied the most basic rules of chadō
@SPArchaeologist ever been to Japan?
Sometimes I wish I'd taken Japanese instead of Spanish for my language credits; it'd be more useful here.
But in high school Spanish was the exotic, far-away choice; Japanese is what I hear in the mall from the tourists.
@eimyr nope, I would love to but for now I never was able to.
I remember reading about how the priest who invented the tea ceremony fell pretty badly as well.
@doppelgreener how so?
@eimyr He gained quite the reputation for creating it. He became obsessed with perfecting it, and also a bit egotistical (by Japanese standards) in the process. A large statue was eventually erected in his honour in the main throughfare, and when one of the nobles (I think the emperor!? details are fuzzy) got sick of walking under it, he had the statue torn down and, IIRC, the priest was sentenced to death.
Wikipedia suggests it was brought to Japan from China, so I'm not sure where my memories of the story lie with regards to that.
If I'm totally completely wrong, please do call me out so I can learn XD
@BESW I'm in the same boat as you there BESW, Spanish was the only course available at my school. If Japanese was available I'd have taken that 100%
My school offered Japanese, Spanish, and for a very short time German and French.
Also the one year of mandatory Chamorro.
@Sandwich my school offered compulsory English, and compulsory one of German, Russian or French. A bit dull TBH
I've.. never heard of Chamorro. Where is that the spoken language?
@Eimyr I'd have taken German over Spanish, Russian, or French in a heartbeat.
I'd have taken Latin too
The Mariana Islands. Mostly the northern islands, for casual conversational use.
@doppelgreener you could be right, I don't know. Sen no Rikyū page on Wikipedia doesn't seem to reference that. Will try to see if I can find anything.
I did take German. Worst decision of my life.
@Sandwich It was suppressed for many decades and nearly lost as a living language (it's still in jeopardy), especially on Guam, so in the 90s a law was passed making it mandatory in the schools.
Good morning
Morning Aaron
@eimyr I studied French back in school. The teacher was so incompetent that after a year I decides to study German during the summer to ask for a language switch next year.
@SPArchaeologist had the same with German, but switching was not an option.
Both are long past uninstalled from my memory storages.
Well, I do have some rudimentary understanding of German in writing, though I'm unable to communicate myself.
I can speak spanish at a low-grade level
i'm not multilingual in a spoken language sense
Definitely need time to think about what I'm going to say
i speak broken english
I'm pretty sure that "multilingual" signifies the fact that someone has more than one 1st language - as is the case with e.g. immigrants or people born to couples of different nationalities
Nah, it's just "knows multiple languages."
It has connotations of fluency, but not primacy.
RAW nothing about the word multilingual means that you have to start with the languages
i mean uh
@waxeagle are we trying to play tomorrow?
@JoshuaAslanSmith unfortunately not this week, looks like my IRL game got dropped to Thursday again
we've been doing Wednesday since we've been going again, and our DM now has commitments that night. I may need to find a new night for our game if we keep having to meet Thursdays :(
the sadness is REAL
I know, I'll know more about future schedules after the game tomorrow night. We need to get back to the virtual table soon
was gonna say I might or might not be able to make it
@waxeagle I have a big interview tomorrow and might be out celebrating based on how it goes
@JoshuaAslanSmith awesome. Hope you get it
you guys planning to stay put for a while?
@Miniman You there?
@Sandwich Yeah, but it's 1:10, so not necessarily for long.
@waxeagle if I get this job that would be the plan
Its 11/23 on that question now
save up for a house because "I'm not having a baby in an apartment" as my wife likes to say
Wouldn't that qualify?
@Sandwich Yep, should do.
@JoshuaAslanSmith understandable
Does it take time? I haven't gotten it yet =\
we both enjoy SE PA and having the wide family support net for starting a family is a big bonus vs moving somewhere else
we moved twice while pregnant (once because we basically had to), the other time because our house fell into our laps
@Sandwich We actually had this question recently: meta.rpg.stackexchange.com/a/5708/15469
@JoshuaAslanSmith definitely
@waxeagle yeah moving holly with her broken leg is probably a good approximation of that lol so I can definitely empathize with that
Oh okay
Grace period
Definitely stat with this company for a few years if not longer, depends on what opens up but its a growing company
get certs and improve my skillset
my friend who got me the interview has worked there for the last 5-6 years gotten promoted etc.
@Sandwich It's not so much a "grace period" as "SE doesn't check these things continually" period. It'll pick it up whenever it does a sweep that includes that badge.
@Miniman Makes sense
@waxeagle our new APT that we got in feb is very nice even if its in the city and we have to pay philly wage tax as a result, but we'll see what happens I could see us staying here a year or 2 more before getting the house. Moving a big distance is just pretty intimidating.
@JoshuaAslanSmith completely understandable. It's a hard choice, and if you can find something that you can enjoy/stay at/succeed in close to home that make it a much easier choice
Bye for now - later :P
@waxeagle You should probably post on G+ so Ken knows what's up.
Too bad we can't play this week.
I'm out next week on account of Dragon Con.
@Grubermensch I did
I wish I could go Gruber
I went in 2010 and havent gotten to go since
I live less than 2 hours away too
yeah, I went for a day back in 05...haven't had been back. and same, live 2 hours from Con, can't go most years.
If someone could post a corner of their hotel I'd be able to afford the ticket and the gas
@JoshuaAslanSmith I hope your interview goes awesomely!
I also feel you on moving woes. It's becoming more and more evident to me that it is a thing I need to do, but picking myself up and moving way up north on my own is a terrifying concept. xD
1 hour later…
I completely just read "Battle Master" as "Master Butler." [rubs temples]
1 hour later…
It never gave me my gold badge and then that guy changed my answer to the accepted one
1 hour later…
Anyone here understands Doctor Who?
I've watched it, but I don't know if I understand all of it necessarily
Can you explain to me what is Blink?
Blink is a particular episode. If I remember right, it's the one Neil Gaiman wrote.
So... It is horror?
Did Dr Who really do horror?
I was wrong, it was apparently written by Moffat.
I wouldn't call it horror, really.
Like it is one of Doctor Who's "scarier" episodes but it's not what I'd call horror
"Blink" is the tenth episode of the third series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It was first broadcast on 9 June 2007 on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The episode was directed by Hettie MacDonald and is the only episode in the 2007 series written by Steven Moffat. The episode is based on a previous short story written by Moffat for the 2006 Doctor Who Annual, entitled "'What I Did on My Christmas Holidays' By Sally Sparrow". In the episode, the Doctor—a time travelling alien played by David Tennant—and his companion Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) are trapped...
That has a pretty good description of the episode, if that helps.
It does.
I wonder how scary these "Weeping Angels" must have been to a kid watching it.
Weeping angels are terrifying
If you blink you're dead!
@Althis Doctor Who is at its best when it's being a very scary show.
The one with the people being turned into the robots was pretty scary too
From its earliest days, it's a show that's able to switch genres from story to story: historical drama, murder mystery, action adventure. But it's always returned to horror, and that's always the bits which are most memorable. "Horror of Fang Rock," "The Curse of Fenric," "The Abominable Snowmen," "Blink," etc.
I use Doctor Who plots for my best and scariest campaigns.
The very earliest days of the show in 1963 birthed a British meme about "watching from behind the sofa" when the Daleks or Cybermen were the villains. The second story ever, which introduced the Daleks, brought the first calls for the show to be pulled because it's too scary for kids. The most recent episode, from last year, has people saying the same thing.
So, yeah--one of the most enduring elements of Doctor Who, a show that can change its actors, setting, genre, and themes from one episode to the next, is that it's always been deliciously scary.
(It's also always been wonderfully camp, due in no small part to its traditionally low budget, but --except for some beautiful costume failures like the time a sea monster turned out to be a pantomime horse whose actors were high on the fumes from the still-wet paint-- that doesn't make it much less scary. It's the ideas that Doctor Who deals with which frighten.)
> GM: I'm back to bring up an important issue
GM: three of y'all have horses, you gotta name those horses
GM: and describe their manes in three paragraphs or less
Classic blunder. It should be three paragraphs or more.
I know, right?
Seriously though, naming horses is probably the best part of having horses in games. Because horse names are ridiculous.
Well horse racing names can get crazy
Non-racing horses usually have pretty pleb names.
Or at least names that aren't closer to sentences than names.
Racing and showing horses both have the ridiculous names. Pet horses less so.
All showing animals' official names are weird though.
So one of my friends was playing the Star Wars RP recently
They had a situation where they were pretty much just stuck in one of those slaughter arenas, there was a bunch of other commoners as well, and they were all running away from the giant beasts trying to kill them
They were doing ok, all the other commoners were getting slaughtered... all except one
He wasn't anyone special... he was "C4" on the GM's NPC sheet...
But for some reason, nothing could touch him... He didn't have any gear, just the clothes on his back, but every time someone tried to attack him... they always missed
@Ben -- talk about some luck xD
eventually at one point, he was pinned, and had no other option but to attack - he managed to find a makeshift weapon nearby - rolled a nat. 20 on the attack
By this point everyone was rooting for this guy. They got so into it that they started rolling up stats for him, a background, all that jazz
They gave him one of the abilities "Force-touched" (or something similar)
This guy was impressive.
And then they gave him a name. And as soon as they decided on one...
He died.
So now, any time an NPC gets a name ("You there, Guard! What's your name?" -- "Uhh... Me? Uhh... Jeff, Sir") I immediately fear for their lives
In other news - I have a question:
If a Tiefling falls and hits the ground (and takes fall damage), can he use "Hellish Rebuke" on the Earth?
@AnubianNoob my knowledge of it is primarily from 5e
Well the ground would fail the dex save
But I don't think fire damage would do much to it
or any damage for that matter
but if you're lying on the ground...
2d10 fire damage vs Earth's HP of... Several billion?
Planet HP is compartmentalized, and it'd be way way higher
There's a question... How much "HP" does the world have?
well let's use a swing of a sword as a baseline
and pretend it's a shovel
1d10 + 5 damage == 1 pound of material?
Ok. Sounds reasonable
1.317e25 lb is the earth
so the health would be smth like 1.3e26
1.3e26/(1d10 + 5) = ??
My math might be slightly off lol
that's divided by 10.5, so you're going down to 1.3e25, which is how many hits with that sword you'd have to make.
Multiple by (1d10 + 5) to get the health of the earth
@doppelgreener Yis
Well, now that it has stats, we can kill it, right?
1.3e25 lb * 1d10+5 hp/lb -> 1.3e26 hp
@Zachiel Exactly
@Ben With pollution and atomic bombs.
Yeah but that number is big
And it doesn't seem big because we just can't comprehend shit that big
But it's big
wait >:l
@Zachiel We're nearly there. We can do this! Go team!
1.0e5 is notation for "times this by 100,000 when you want the real number because we compressed that magnitude out of the picture" right? i've forgotten
@doppelgreener yes.
ok good.
I wonder how many Joules of energy it takes to inflict 1 HP of damage in D&D...
(for a given damage type that is)
(I suspect the number varies per damage type)
Actually going back to the Hellish Rebuke thing... I once hit our Tiefling with a torch. He wasn't expecting it, so he reacted... [Poof] torch lit.
@Ben -- LOL
Assuming you never eat, sleep or get tired, and can keep hitting the earth every 2 seconds with that sword (which is pretty energetic!) you'll take 823,907,880,000,732,544 years to destroy the earth with a sword. Which is about 800 thousand million million years.
Divide that by the number of humanoids on earth to begin with
(Did I get that notation right, I think I did.)
By the way, I think Earth has 10 resist all but is already bloodied.
Planet has tons of resistances
Esp as you go deeper
Oh yeah. This plan sucks.
Who would've thought that a plan to hit the earth over and over with a sword until it's dead would suck?
Didn't see that one coming
Even deeper the planet will start damaging you
Actually come to think if it what we are doing is just um
On the plus side however... If you used Hellish Rebuke on the Earth after taking Fall Damage, you inadvertently burn anything in contact with it.
Digging dirt, so that it goes elsewhere inside this gravity well of ball of dirt
Which is hard to justify as calling damage to the earth at all
2d10 fire damage to anything in contact with the earth's surface - half that to anything with fire resistance
It doesn't create flames. It just does fire damage
So there's no rules for contact?
If I hit someone with a sword and do damage, people that touch them don't take damage
That is - if anything is touching the creature being damaged by Hellish Rebuke, they aren't affected?
Spells are different though... aren't they?
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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