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00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

@Sandwich I feel bad for this snake.
Tobacco companies approve of this snake
@BESW I'm at 8 / 78 / 160. If I get two more silver badges, and nothing else, it'll hit 1:10:20. :D
And now I find some clarifications I can make in an earlier answer.
(.... clarifications which really warrant being made, I think.)
@Solocshaw Welcome
Oh. Phew... I thought I forgot my PHB
It's alright... everyone clam down
@Ben Hide inside a clam, you mean?
You heard me :P
"Clam Down" would be a decent name for a band.
Perhaps you should writhe that down
Today in fun with SE Data Explorer: the rep cap has lost me 4.1k rep total :(
@Miniman Link to the code so I can parse mine without remembering how much I can't make it work?
@BESW 3360
I had to edit it slightly, and I'm not sure how to link the new query.
Ah, like this.
475 for me.
I don't hit the cap very hard, I guess.
(I'm averaging about seven surplus votes per rep cap I hit.)
The original version breaks it down by date.
Side note: I love that SE made authentication awesome, it'd be great if it applied to data.SE too.
[ahem]... write*
I thought you did it on porpoise.
Me too. (I can't think of a pun involving "me too".)
Completely unintentional. Two times
@BESW Vulpixel.
(And a year later, I am still mixing up my link formats.)
Interesting but not surprising: KRyan has the highest rep/day on the site.
[Light applause]
Also: I enjoy poking around in data.SE, but I appreciate that it's not interesting to everyone, so feel free to tell me if these tidbits are tiresome.
I find it fascinating; I just can't do it myself.
@BESW Now that I think about it, there's something slightly worrying about how I enjoy writing SQL, given that my job is 95% writing SQL. Maybe it's the variety of writing SQL for a different data structure.
@Miniman What do you mean? The open ID sign in process?
@doppelgreener So, this happened recently. I don't know about everyone, but for me it made things miles better. (In particular logging into chat used to be incredibly laborious at home and near-impossible on my phone, now it's seamless and awesome.)
But data.SE still requires me to specifically log in to it every time, which makes me slightly sad.
@Miniman Oh! So the improved cross-site behaviour and sign in, and that isn't on data explorer yet?
(Now that you mention it, I haven't had any sign-in issues on chat on my phone in a while.)
Ah yes, I did notice that. It was clunky before.
@BESW WHAAAAAAAAT. Is this where you got the Nibiru name from!?
@doppelgreener Yep, as far as I can tell data.SE's authentication is still entirely divorced from the rest of the network.
@Miniman Oh yeah, now I see I have to sign into it too, and it doesn't have the new sign in interface.
@Pixie To log in on my home computer, I used to have to login to rpg.se, open chat, login to stackexchange, open chat, then switch chat to rpg chat. Now I just open chat, it's amazing.
@doppelgreener Yes, Nibiru is a conspiracy theory name for a rogue planet associated with the Mayan apocalypse.
@BESW Tell me a bit more about this rogue planet theory?
(I have some fairly serious privacy settings which were probably primarily responsible for making things difficult.)
The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience and an internet hoax by astronomers and planetary scientists. The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the...
turns out there's a wikipedia page for it. :D
@Miniman Yeah. It wasn't a big deal for me at home, but if I wanted to hop on chat during a break at work, I had to do that dance every time.
@doppelgreener Ah, apparently it's because SEDE has its own issues.
Apparently the Nibiru theory involves a pole shift cataclysm too. Those are a problem, because the magnetic poles of our planet have swapped place multiple times during humanity's history and we've pretty much always been fine. Anything relying on a compass might get a bit confused, maybe there'll be some consequences for our power grids, but that's about it.
> This would be followed by the Earth's pole destabilising in a pole shift (a physical pole shift, with the Earth's pole physically moving, rather than a geomagnetic reversal) caused by magnetic attraction between the Earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet.
Oh. That's a bit worse I guess.
@BESW The photos of V838 Mon are pretty beautiful though.
And fascinating: what we're seeing in them is not an expanding ball of debris around the star. What we're really seeing a wave of light expanding through debris that were there all along and otherwise invisible. As the light gets further out, it's bouncing off the debris and arriving here.
That also means we're not actually seeing the outside of the debris; what we're seeing is the inside, the back of it, behind the star rather than in front of it.
@doppelgreener -- I suspect that it'll just be "whoops, big change to the magnetic declination today, better get the word out!"
re: a pole swap in the modern age
also -- I decided I'm going to try seeing how a GM-played char works alongside the party for an encounter and then force-level the PCs
(took the Acolyte template, married it to my Orcs-who-use-Half-Orc-stats, and gave her a quarterstaff, a dagger, and a pig problem :P)
@Shalvenay Make sure you read the good advice we have available on GMPCs.
(^ this being roughly the approach I'm aware of BESW using and that I know works well)
I've seen GMPCs work rather well by staying to the support roles; the funniest, if you can pull it off, though, is a GMPC "fall guy"
How's the GMPC fall guy work?
someone who's just a bit too eager to run into battle etal and winds up being the party punching bag as a result
(i.e. takes a bunch of licks for the rest of the party and often goes down or winds up in hard times as a result)
... that's a novel way to act in a supporting role XD
it's not something that I can do particularly well as a DM though I suspect
@BESW @trogdor Just noticed something while flitting through ARRPG in search of stunts:
> Tesladyne starts with three aspects. [Snip: they're a Mission Statement, and the volume's two pressures.] At the start of an issue, each of Tesladyne’s aspects starts with one free invocation.
We haven't been starting the issues with these free invocations.
Also, our Title aspects stay around forever and ever and ever:
> Tesladyne gains additional aspects over the course of a campaign. At the end of a volume, erase both pressures and add a title aspect—the title of the volume that just concluded, and reflective of what hap- pened during it.
Woah woah woah.
Atomic Robo?
Which means previous volumes are always available for invoking. That one time we saved that goldfish? Available for invoking via the title of that volume.
@misterducky Yes
Are you talking about an Atomic Robo rpg?
Sorry, I just came in, and didn't see much context above.
@misterducky It's unrelated to the context above. I'm just leaving some messages for two of the other players in my group.
@BESW @trogdor my messages left for you end here.
Oh. I see. And now I see that ARRPG must mean Atomic Robo.
Time to look that up
Thanks, DG
@Shalvenay It works, but then you have the problem that you're effectively just fighting yourself, and that takes the fun out of it for both you and the players when I've seen it happen.

I have had some success with a GMPC who is effectively just a heal bot, for religious/other reasons won't attack or be directly involved in conflict. Makes things easier for you as well :)
@Nyoze -- that's the approach I'm more or less taking with this GMPC
@misterducky It's based on Fate Core (available in PDF for free, also there's an SRD)
Oh, neat.
@BESW I have achieved this beautiful ratio. ;u;
Nice! Now get 640 more bronze badges without getting any of the other ones.
At which point you could just retire forever.
(ง Í ° ÍŸÙ„Íœ Í¡°)ง i am not sure this is a good challenge in practice but it sounds great in theory
That sounds like loser talk, DG. Pretty sure you're a winner.
@misterducky XD Thank you for the reassurance.
Well, think about it.
I like my gold and metal shinies though.
Are there any bronze badges that you can earn multiple times that won't increase to silver/gold?
It's kinda lame when your deity's favored weapon is on the Simple Weapon list...
maybe you should check out Ul'Ul
You get bladed scarf proficiency
This would be for PFS.
So, sadly, no.
Plus, I'm going with this deity for flavor.
Inquisitor of Mammon.
Basically a tax collector.
Well... Are you just wanting proficiency with a different weapon?
@misterducky What race are you going for?
Tiefling. I have a character I played once before the switch.
With one XP
Also, I don't mind using the shortspear, it just seems a waste to get that proficiency when I already have it.
I'm going to be using the Sanctified Slayer and Sin Eater archetypes.
Any traits?
I know absolutely nothing about rpgs but it would be funny if you had some manner of super-armor just for FMA
I picked the Soul Seer Alternate Racial Trait.
But nothing from the trait traits yet
Fourth level, I'll get a sneak attack
And I think I might focus on feinting
@Nyoze I just have to make 640 mediocre answers and somehow gain mind control over the voters so they never push any of them to 25.
You will be the true champion of mediocrity.
I feel like someone would notice eventually and just try to sabotage you
@HadesHerald Hasn't happened to me yet :)
My name will echo far and wide, quietly, from murmurs, when people quietly acknowledge "oh it's that guy" and then return to whatever they were doing.
And now we just went to meta-answering
Doppelgreener: he's ok, I guess.
@Magician thx mag
@misterducky Check out this Trait
I think it's been ruled that Masterwork Weapon doesn't stay between encounters.
At least in PFS.
Heirloom weapon doesn't give you a weapon, you'll need to pay for it yourself. It just gives you a free proficiency, along with +1 on AoO, and +2 on a certain combat maneuver with the selected weapon.
Yeah, unfortunately, it has to be non-masterwork.
@Nyoze no, it just gives you one of those (your choice).
And yeah, DG is right, they eratta'd it, you only get one
Our society is prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Not werewolves. Everything is going according to the werewolves' plan. WAKE UP SHEEPLE
Ah, shame.
And it's only with the specific weapon you buy when you take the trait.
And only simple or martial, not exotic... Damn.
@BESW This cracked me up.
@AshleyNunn But does it WISEN YOU UP??????????????
Like wolves among sheeple.
Back to trawling through traits. I remember seeing one that gives you a free racial weapon prof based on a race of your choosing, but can't remember what it was.
^Opening actual old chests. Seen on Reddit, quite cool.
I wonder if the Moonlight Stalker feat chain is worth exploring
Ah, found it. Adoptive Parentage human alternate racial trait, which replaces the bonus feat you could use for it anyway, typical.
Plus, racial trait. Which isn't the same thing as a race trait, and is dumb.
Yeah, exactly.
I knew I saw it somewhere, but damned if I could remember where. Sorry :\
Don't be, dude.
Just talking builds out is always nice.
I think I'm pretty set on doing the feint stuff.
Wow. Take the demon dancer skald archetype and become a mobile metal music video.
@Pixie Just flavour the Fiendish Maw into Metal Headbanging for a bludgeoning headbutt attack.
So, Mammon's holy symbol is a coin stamped with his head.
So I think when I get enough gold, I'm going to get a set of Kikko armor, and get the Reliquary special property, and flavor it as all of the plates are coins with his head on them.
Are proteans playable?
@misterducky The Moonlight Stalker Feint definitely looks helpful as a swift action feint, which you can then make a full attack after... I personal think two-weapon feinting or just straight improved feinting is a better choice with less of a feat tax.
Yeah, I think my level 1 feat will have to be Combat Expertise.
@misterducky you could also make scale-mail of mammon coins
The feinting stuff doesn't really have to come online until 4th, which is when I get my first sneak attack die.
I would, but Kikko armor is technically better. Higher max dex, lower Armor Check penalty
The Gang Up feat might be nice as well.
Again I know null about RPGS
It's cool
I think regardless of whether I go Midnight Stalker of just Improved Feint, combat expertise will be an important first level feat.
@misterducky Yeah... Combat Expertise is unfortunately a requirement of lots of different builds, which sucks your need for 13 int :\
Currently I've got 10, 12, 12, 13, 18, and 8
S, D, Co, I, W, Ch
Gang Up is awesome if you're surrounding medium enemies, or fighting huge enemies. I'd take a look at your party makeup though, and make sure you've got 2 other melee's to be there with you.
Well, like I said, it'll be PFS, so who knows.
Yeah, that's just it.
PFS... is that pathfinders?
Pathfinder Society, organised play groups for Pathfinder.
Pathfinder Society
ok thanks
where do you guys live?
Australia :(
G'day mate, I'm from Fort Collins, Colorado
Yeah... No :P
home of radio station WWV
What part of Australia? I visited Melbourne a couple years ago.
Actually it'll be like, three years in a couple weeks.
@Shalvenay is that where you live or a comment about where I live?
@HadesHerald a comment about where you live
Ah, ok
Not many people I run across (outside of FC) know that fact
@Shal lives in a place where dragons and airplanes are the same thing :P
So good for you
I have no idea what stone age tribe he found
@misterducky Tasmania, though I'm heading to Melbourne next week. I'm excited :)
@Nyoze -- wings are wings and lift is lift
are Tas Devils a problem in tasmania?
@HadesHerald -- they are having problems in Tasmania, sadly
(the Tasmanian Devils that is -- some sort of nasty disease)
Sure, the problem being they're all dying and actually endangered. :(
Yeah the stupid face cancer stuff right?
Yeah, that's the one.
Nasty business
Haven't heard much about it for a few years, so hopefully the quarantine program has been helping.
According to my dad (who was in tasmania about 8 months ago) it was helping, but the problem wasn't gone
So where does shal actually live?
Cause I confused
@HadesHerald -- somewhere in US CST
good enough for me
(and I subscribe to the theory that all winged flying things operate on the same aerodynamics -- the problem for dragons isn't that they can't generate enough lift to fly, it's that they can't generate enough thrust to fly)
you do world building SE too?
you might have seen a few of my questions
I'd argue that the mechanics how a dragon would fly and a plane would fly are fundamentally different
(or answers for that matter)
@misterducky -- take an Adult Red, have him spread his wings out full length, and launch him off a 20,000' mountaintop. push an equivalent airplane off the same mountaintop. see who glides further? :D
You're the one that proposed the flipping jet-powered dragons (which is terrifying btw) aren't you?
@HadesHerald -- no, actually
That is gliding, not flight.
@misterducky -- unpowered flight (gliding) is the first key step to full-fledged flight.
The mechanics of how they remain in the air after losing propulsion is similar
@HadesHerald -- my point exactly
But the way they get off the ground is very different.
@misterducky -- yes, their thrust sources are different
Which is why the fin jet-powered dragons are terrifying
it's kind of funny, actually -- an Adult Red can barely keep up with a Cessna 172 in a dive
The dragons share a propulsion/thrust source with jet fighters (granted overall speed: slower. Overall maneuvering: 0.0)
Now the Nazis have dragons... F... what new large reptilian creature will they acquire next?
@Magician, watched that treasure chest video. Kinda neat.
@HadesHerald -- haha. dragons also have the Swallow's problem -- hitting Mach 1 is going to mess them up terribly
Yeah!!! :P
@HadesHerald I wouldn't be too worried, nothing some 20mm shells won't dispatch handily
anything in the metal-monoplane era can out-dogfight a dragon handily
just keep two-circle flow in mind and use your energy to your advantage
How do you know bullets even work on dragons? All of this is only for a specific value of dragon. :v
@Pixie -- there are other things you can do besides bullets to mess up an opponent in a dogfight
a modern jetliner could beat one with a simple unloaded extension -- which'd be hilarious. Mach 1, Dragon 0
"Nothing some 20mm shells won't dispatch handily" though. :P Point is, as we've been over before, this is destined to come out only as you envision it because dragons aren't real. xD
on a different note -- my next DM session's going to be interesting
I still think a dragon would win, because they actually have more midair maneuverability then your average plane would, but...
half-orc-ess with a pig problem
We've been over this before lol.
@Nyoze -- maybe in terms of turn radius, but yes.
Yes, please let's not resume dragon vs aeroplane.
I have "half-orc-ess vs feral sow" on deck as a starting point -- maybe add another pig in if needed :P
@misterducky Actually... Tieflings have a case for being naturally proficient with all Martial weapons. Check Here
(as in NPC half-orc-ess using the Acolyte block from the back of the MM and with a quarterstaff for a weapon, and one angry feral sow)
also better dragon thing -- how do you park 20 dragons in a space that should only fit 10? :P
@Shalvenay If you talk to them about "parking" them, you probably won't be around long enough to "park" any.
I see where you're coming from with it, but I don't think it counts.
@misterducky It was pretty widely accepted in 3.5, at least.
You quickly rustle up some VIP parking spaces so they don't eat you for trying to shove them into inadequate accommodations.
You give them a compelling amount of treasure that they'll accept not having two wingspans' worth of room around them, and then make sure they're out of there before they start arguing.
Don't do anything - they'll make space.
> Mal (to Simon): You ever see twenty dragons fight when they got no room to fly out? It's kinda like a meat grinder.
2 hours later…
Nice feeling: Giving the usual "Welcome to the site, please take the tour" comment...and then seeing them actually do it.
@Miniman that felt nice just to read about.
@doppelgreener I hadn't realised you didn't know how much I was directly pulling on extremist 2012 conspiracy theories.
Granted, the Nibiru Cataclysm is one of the weirder ones.
@Shalvenay I didn't see this earlier - I've done exactly this. The problem is, (no false modesty) I'm better at D&D than my players were at the time, and my character outshined everyone else, despite being theoretically just a punching bag.
Fortunately it wasn't a serious campaign, just a few of us trying stuff out.
metalsucks.net/2015/08/21/… And this is why i have a tag blocked...
Warning: strong language
@BESW I thought "2012 apocalypse" was about the extent of it, with lots of room to come up with fun things around that. Crystal skulls being one of those fun things for no particular reason.
@Tritium21 What's this thing and what is it about? (Since you're warning us about strong language)
Its about the 'myfarog' role playing game, released by a convicted murderer
and arsonist
what. O_O
It makes FATAL look like a well balanced feminist masterpiece
@Tritium21 So why does this mean you have a tag blocked? There aren't any myfarog questions on the site.
[checks tag list] appears we at least don't have one by that name
@doppelgreener HAH.
The game came out...a few days ago? I am preemptively blocking it
(Fist bumps self for ninja-ing doppel)
@Tritium21 Yeah, but what if we get the question: "What is wrong with myfarog RPG?"
That person should be banned, because they are trolling
Besides, we dont answer those kinds of questions anyways, i dont think
"Whats wrong with D&D5?" answers could range from "Nothing." and be right and "Everything" and be right
I should get to bed
@Tritium21 Ttfn
@Miniman [quietly disposes of Miniman and takes his place]
@doppelgreener [urrrgh]
@Tritium21 Hm. We've never had a question about Fatal, and the only one about Hybrid is where to find it because someone is curious about playing it (which is an impossible endeavour).
@doppelgreener Reading Hybrid is an impossible endeavor :(
Does anyone know what the occasional "edited by Community" means?
Never mind, MSE has the answer as always.
@SPArchaeologist Hi!
@SPArchaeologist Incidentally, you're something of a Sharepoint guru, right?
@Miniman Something along the lines of edited by someone who has a guest account I think?
@Nyoze Nah, it's a free bump for questions which haven't ever gotten much love: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/43015/…
@Miniman It means it was edited by our lizard underlords (like overlords but beneath the earth) and meta.SE is wrong as always like the sheeple they are.
Yeah, suggested Edits by anonymous users.
@Miniman Check Here
There's several causes.
If there's an actual "edited by Community" on the post, it's an anonymous edit that our suggested edit queue agreed to.
@Nyoze Ah, the one I was looking at didn't actually edit the question at all.
Huh, that's odd...
@doppelgreener I'm choosing to read this as: "Here's a cool new word for you to steal and use - Underlords!"
Yeah, free bump for quiet questions and yeah.
@Miniman In the case of free bumps, it will appear in the question list as "modified by Community" but there will not be an actual edit nor recent activity to be found in the question.
See.... I always think of Underlords as Cats. They like you to think you're in control, but you really have no choice in the matter.
@Miniman That's valid.
(I think that makes us their overlings?)
(or just "filthy ape peasants")
@doppelgreener Overlings works, I think.
@doppelgreener Definitely borrowing this - I might pull a reverse Laputa some day.
(I love flying islands with an unreasonable passion, no idea why.)
Anyway, I'm heading off.
@Miniman Cya! o/
@Miniman Well, to quote the old saying (usually believed from Socrates) at least "I know what I don't know". You needed something specific? I can try to give some help.
@Miniman Sounds like fun! I have a dare: underground, upside down, gravity reversed. There's a titanic magma flow beneath... um... overhead that is the main light source.
@eimyr morning~
@doppelgreener Yup. But I needed something to hang the original conceit on. I figured part of the fun would be stringing together incoherent and unrelated apocalypse/ancient alien memes to make our own mythology.
(If you recall, the object is called "Nibiru" because it was first observed by a conspiracy nut who made a big enough Internet Stink when astronomers tried to change it to something more rational that the name is now embedded in the public consciousness.)
@Miniman - you needed help for something related to SharePoint?
@BESW @doppelgreener By God, are you trying to play Scientology RPG?
@eimyr Our setting is a modern world where Weird Stuff (magical and mad sciencey) lurks barely hidden in the shadows, and only the average guy on the street is ignorant of it. We're playing in 2012, with the accompanying Mayan Apocalypse conspiracy paranoia reinforced by a mysterious moon-sized black object hurtling toward the Sun and causing massive solar flares as it goes.
@BESW interesting, what happens then? What do the players do?
For example, we've had run-ins with a cult that's backing up to pre-microchip technology to survive the polar shift.
@eimyr Niiiiiceeeeeeeeeeeeeee
@eimyr We're members of a field team for Amaterasu, an ancient Japanese society (currently masquerading as an international office supplies company) dedicated to protecting the innocent from supernatural menaces: "Using Weird Stuff so it doesn't us you!"
@BESW I'm thinking that playing something like this must be really, really great.
A bit like my old Mage the Ascension plots, but with less magick and more stuff
At the moment we're dealing with a series of time/space portals that are opening up across the world because of electromagnetic fluxes from the Nibiru Object hurtling toward the Sun and causing solar flares.
One of our PCs is stuck in the pre-Cambrian period (his player is alternately GMing and going through a gamut of other short-use PCs).
When the launch window opens, we'll take off for the Nibiru Object in our near-sun spaceship (newly built, shielded with minerals from a demon dimension, powered by a nuclear goldfish, and controlled by the disembodied brain of Charles Babbage) and see if we can stop it.
@eimyr It's amazing. Partly because it's Fate, and everybody feels free to GM if they have session ideas, so I'm as surprised as everyone else by a lot of what happens.
@BESW great! It really sounds very interesting.
Main PCs include two plant people (one's more like a talkative Groot, the other's more like a mad scientist version of the Swamp Thing), a retired FBI agent with latent psychic powers, someone with telekinesis and a laser sword who is totally not a Jedi, and a space cop with rocket boots and a time gun.
Oh, and a totally ordinary normal human IT specialist.
@BESW How do you deal with players who propose ideas that depart from the plot consensus?
You know, in a way that completely changes the "feel" of the game?
Our recurring enemy is the Black Raven cult, a massively splintered set of semi-independent cult cells with a general "mashing technology and magic together to prepare for the apocalypse" theme. One branch of it is run by someone from the FBI agent's misspent youth.
@eimyr If someone in the group thinks it's going too far, they speak up and we have a chat to work it out.
was he specifically FBI?
@trogdor I think so? Ish?
00:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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