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How do you call it when one has serious problems understanding people?
I think that would depend on the circumstances.
I guess you call it Zachiel.
I'm trying to decide if venting or not, based on several dirfferent factors among which: is is interesting to others? Am I just ranting/whining? Will this identify me as a wierd person (well, more than it already is)? Will this chat being logged make it possible for a person to track me and find out I'm bringing to the public things that happened?
That last bit is the most important.
I'm gonna strongly discourage gossip and backbiting.
Well, it wouldn't be proper backbiting. Yet it's hard to explain without going into details and... well I probably need to talk about this in private with some friend which response will indoubtably be "you shouldn't care about what other people thinks about you". Sigh. Friends are so useless sometimes.
@Zachiel I'm never sure if giving the right response instead of the response they want to hear is being a good friend or a bad one.
Heh. I've got one friend where I can consistently say "Here's what you should do. And here's what you'll actually do."
@BESW I say that to myself all the time :P
@Zachiel Depends on the circumstances, and yes everything is archived
Well the answer I'd like is "you should tell this person this and this, and it should be enough to let him understand your position and cricize you less for it". What I wouldn't like to hear is "don't talk with that persona anymore, you're compromised", because finding new communities to try to get into and then having to leave them because people can't stand you (or even worse where you can stay but you can't talk to people you wish you could) is... well, stressful.
I guess anything in between would be an ok response?
@Sandwich Yes, yes, I know this.
@Zachiel I don't think anyone is going to respond with the latter "wouldn't like to hear" answer
[new tag dance]
With things like "you shouldn't care about what other people think about you," in an ideal world, that may be so, but it's just not actionable advice for some people. It's often not helpful coming from someone who's successful at it to someone who has to work around an inability to do so. "Just do x," where "x" is a learned and socialized behavior that cannot simply be picked up by somene who struggles with it, rarely is.
We're generally pretty accepting guys, and I don't think anyone is gonna tell you to stop talking here because you seem like a generally nice person who normally contributes to conversations here
Even the girls are pretty accepting guys, as this room is magical and does strange things to people. (We know not why. We have not wandered far. We fear to actually find out what that noise is at the bottom of the spiral stone stairs over there. The rest is about as frightening and confusing.)
@doppelgreener (Mystery? I tought it was BESW. :p)
@Zachiel (BESW is a side effect of the magic but not the source itself. Current theories are he is an illusion.)
Then, trogdor must be an illusion as well since the two go around telling they know each other in real life, right?
I am hallucinating him obviously
get it together XD
in Not a bar, but plays one on TV, Nov 12 '14 at 11:08, by doppelgreener
BESW is actually a hive mind of like a dozen and a half people
or maybe I am just an insane illusion myself
trogdor returned from one of the passageways with an impacted cranium and has never been the same since. We cannot help him but at least he has accepted his predicaments. We could only heal the physical wounds.
this is a strange place at any rate
This conversation reminds me of all the times I try being jokeful and people think I'm serious because I didn't put an XD at the end.
that is a thing I sometimes agonize over
but to be honest, I laugh at my own jokes anyway
@trogdor My theory is that the reason this place is nicer than other places is because it is logged and publicly searchable, and people know. But then, nicknames hamper traceability so... well, maybe it's not that?
I don't know, I feel maybe that could be part of it
but I think there be more to it than that
@Zachiel Oh, there are some SE chats that get pretty awful.
Ok, ok ok I get it. Well no, not the nice chat thing, how to say what I wanted to say without actually talking about it.
@BESW uhm, true.
Which ones, we shall not say.
@Zachiel That is a definite contributor. On another in-development site that's been working out how to handle temporary logging (or not) of chat rooms and for how many days, some people have expressed terror and discomfort at the idea of logging. As they put it, they say a lot of stupid stuff, and would rather it disappear quickly and not be permanently archived. The fact this chat room's archived must naturally repel such people or at least get them to put some thought into their behaviour.
This chat is excellent because its participants have decided it should be excellent and are willing to put in the effort to make it so.
It's not a passive quality, but an active attitude. When we get complacent, it slips.
That is so. ^
The archiving has only scraped off the absolute worst it can get.
Another great thing of this chat is that whenever someone new logs in we're all very curious to know why he's here, experiences and such, There's no closed group of people that's only interested in talking with people they already know, which would make it hard for new people to get accepted (and to feel accepted in the first place).
@Zachiel It has been a careful and perilous journey of practice to reach this point personally, with a lot of mistakes made along the way. I find that it helps to ensure that something in what you say is just so patently absurd no sane person could accept that you're being serious in even the most unlikely scenarios, and must necessarily conclude you're joking. Also, don't kill the joke in the process. (This takes some working out. Patently absurd claims don't have to be wild claims.)
Mostly I do it subtly. It's there and noticeable enough but doesn't pull attention away from the important bits.
I guess it's also because of in-jokes. If I say something about BESW not being real, he knows I'm joking and all is fine (unless the thing becomes trite).
That too.
It definitely requires the effort of the participants, but thanfully that endeavor seems to be largely successful. I've been in a lot of RP-related spaces online. A lot. Things that go down just fine here often make me pull my hair out and eventually stop trying elsewhere.
I have never specifically been to other RP related places
but I have been to see forums and such
and it isn't by any means the same thing, but online games tend to have plenty of trolls too
I have a pretty long history of RP-related forum and chat participation.
Robo happened.
It was a doozy.
Actually, that was my biggest issue with it as well.
I honestly found it too easy.
For the GM, that is.
Because the brainstorm takes a lot of the work from me.
I actually missing doing more stuff.
This sounds like great news. XD
"This game makes GMing too easy. This is terrible!" - Althis 2015 [not actually quoted, defamation lawsuit impending]
What'd your group get up to?
Exploded drunk giant gerbils.
And fled in a fast car as the frozen tundra exploded around them.
I just wish they had brought their sunglasses.
That scene definitively needed them.
Brainstorming and some other aspects of Atomic Robo interest me.
Btw, the first session is always a bit crazy right? Before we start tying all the madness together?
Umm. Our first session of Atomic Robo had one of amazon.com's nuclear physicists (because of course amazon.com has those) get kidnapped by giant Canadian moles hired by Russians.
That is normal then.
It concluded with a PC swimming in a nuclear cooling tank to help catch a radioactive goldfish.
I had a feeling it would be, since there is very little to tie the world together at the first session, you are still coming up with all the mythos of what is normal and accepted or not in this world, and you probably need some time before you start understanding it is not just nonsense.
Although our world isn't actually the Atomic Robo setting. There's magic, too.
Yeah, neither was mine.
I guess if it were it would have been less nonsensical.
@BESW I think you could make a strong case for the existence of magic in the Atomic Robo universe.
Since it IS a established thing.
Next session I will start drawing from tropes made up this session, and then thing will start seeming more cohesive.
But yeah, I really didn't like how little I got to do.
You'll find your sweet spot eventually.
My group brainstorms every other issue or so.
I think I need something to feel more proactive.
Wait, you only brainstorm every session or so? I thought it was an "every session" thing.
though I suppose that is the same thing? it still confuses me
but we don't have to have brainstorms all the time
partly because we don't always run into weird stuff that is already unexplained
Brainstorms aren't mandatory.
they are just a tool, like anything else you can do
Yeah: like any other mechanic in a Fate game (except the Fate point economy), brainstorms are tagged in when the narrative makes them the best mechanic to deal with what's happening.
Yeah, but I thought you were supposed to keep coming up with new stuff.
I thought that was within the spirit of Robo.
Sometimes it takes several issues to deal with one particular thing.
And sometimes "what's going on?" isn't the question, but rather "What shall we do about the obvious problem?"
Like, recently in my game:
We had an issue where we encountered a time portal. We were too busy dealing with the giant carnivorous worms coming out of the portal to brainstorm about it, and then the portal closed on its own.
So for the next issue, we started by seeking out a time portal.
This time, knowing a bit about what we were up against, we did a brainstorm to figure out what makes portals open and close so that we could control it.
yeah,.. it was strange that we never brainstormed that the first time
oh well XD
The issue after that (our current issue) we found another time portal, but in a new context that's raising more questions. However, we haven't yet come up against a question that's really suitable for brainstorming.
I did an interesting thing today.
So, my friends were coming over, and one of them gets here first.
And we start talking about this hollywood conspiracy and aliens.
And then we decide it would make a great campaign.
And people want to run with it.
So, instead of doing my expected conspiracy about Pinky & Brain.
We do this one.
And I have no idea what to do.
@BESW There could be many such opportunities in the dwarves session, come to think of it.
So I come out with a problem: The Gerbils.
And I make them brainstorm what they could be all about.
And I used that to inform how the rest of the session would go.
That might be why I felt I didn't have much input in it.
The GM can't take part in the brainstorm.
This is a kinda good thing though: it means you're taking what your group gives you (and it gives them space in which they are to give you what they want), and you run with that.
That means you're not just telling the story you feel like telling. You're telling the story they feel like hearing, which is important.
As a GM, my proactive element in brainstorms is taking it and running with it afterward.
You know what I wish?
Doing my best to make the new information an integrated part of the world and make it matter.
That after you had all the facts, that the GM would bring it all together into an hypothesis.
Not the players.
Because they already came up with several things.
And the GM gets to come up with things all the rest of the time.
yeah, I don't see how that should be a thing
And the GM is the one integrating the hypothesis into the scenario for the rest of the issue.
the PC's have to spend Fate points or at least get good rolls every time they declare something
the GM can do it for free
So, @BESW, I didn't do much of that today.
As someone who's a player and a GM in the same ARRPG game, given a choice between a player vs the GM being the one to make the hypothesis, I would always choose the players.
Maybe next session I will feel a little better when I get to do that more.
And honestly it's really no different from any other time the PCs spend Fate points or make creative Create Advantage rolls to influence the story in ways outside their own character's agency.
The GM has enough work making sense of things, and enough opportunity. The brainstorm is the player's turn to shine, all on their own, and they should get all of it, including the final decisions. It's theirs. The GM is meant to sit out and hand over control, this isn't their turn to have it.
The brainstorm is a concentrated pocket of player agency, but it doesn't change what the players can do or reduce what the GM can do in any fundamental way.
plus, PC's like to spend Fate points on a few more things rather than only declaring stuff
@Althis That could be the case.
"The players already came up with several things" but yeah, so did the GM, the entire rest of the time. The players don't surrender control after some brief influence - they are supposed to have it, and regularly.
brainstorming is for the PC's
But if you feel that the GM needs to have a privileged position over the players in terms of worldbuilding, Fate may be hard for you.
I never said that.
I just think the GM also needs to leave a session satisfied.
Like any player.
And today it didn't cut it for me.
Aye. What satisfies you is the rub.
Difficulty, problem.
I like the problem.
It was easy, tonight.
Too easy.
It sounds like the problem wasn't "it was too easy" but that you had less ability than you would've desired to have input and control over the world and didn't get to put out there all the things you wanted to, and that the things that got put out there weren't what you were after.
When you say things like "I wish the GM got to make the hypothesis because the players already got to come up with stuff," when the GM is making up stuff all the time for free and the players need to spend resources or trigger specific events to make up stuff, that sounds to me like there's a disconnect with the Fate player/GM agency paradigm.
That was just a suggestion.
and if the PC's fail at the Brainstorm, the GM then gets to tie things together himself everywhere where they failed
I think my problem is what @doppelgreener said.
I didn't have much agency today, so I have this burning desire to squeeze things to get any of it I can.
I really hope next time I can come up with more stuff.
So, the Fate GM's primary agency is in setting the scene.
I also only played one NPC today.
I get to lay out the starting scenario and then the players come in and I roll with how they interact with it.
Because there were lots of gerbils.
And they were not too smart.
@Althis we see that, but the reasoning you gave is insightful ;)
"There's a time portal spewing carnivorous dinosaurs onto a golf course" is the set-up. After that, the party can brainstorm to figure out what's causing the portal, and can plot to deal with the dinosaurs, and I have to let go of any ideas about how it'll turn out or what they'll do.
I had so much fun with Dresden and Core, and love the spirit of Robo just so much I wished it were more. I guess I am just disappointed.
I had lot's of fun, though.
I create a point of tension or drama, and I add complications through compels and costs.
Just not that something else I get in other games.
I will give it longer to grow in.
Maybe once I start fleshing out the conspiracies I will feel more agency, and all will be well and fine.
Oh! I also did that explosion thing.
That was a great tool!
We had a lull, and I just unleashed an orbital drop.
I suspect the problem may be that it sounds like you asked for a brainstorm to find out what the scene would be, rather than creating a scene that would prompt a brainstorm to find out what was really going on.
Great tool for keeping up the action.
@BESW No. The brainstorm was to get the beginnings of what the conspiracy was going to be.
The following scene I set myself.
[shrug] I don't have the full picture of how and when your session progressed, so I'm just going on what I see.
@BESW Yeah. But anyway, something I was meaning to ask you Robo veterans.
Does the world start making sense after a while?
What I see is a brainstorm that was used to determine what the problem would be, when brainstorms are best used to explain an existing problem.
Once you start knowing established things about it?
Ours does not make too much sense
if you look at it from a real world perspective at least
Our world has a lot of open holes, but it's got an internal narrative consistency: the same themes and organisations and threats recur.
@BESW Yep, that is exactly what I wanted to know.
Example: We had a flashback session to explore the origins of a PC.
@Althis This is what he's referring to though. Your session began with a brainstorm that decided gerbils were the issue. Alternately you could present a strange situation, which the players brainstorm the cause of. Both are fine. The first didn't work well for you though.
Because I was thinking, that to have twists and double crosses and stuff, people need to know what to expect.
The other players invented new characters who were his young friends decades ago, and played them as PCs.
Drama happened, and the characters parted on bad terms at the end of the session.
Worked well in creating a session but this time apparently didn't come with satisfying stuff for you to play.
@doppelgreener That is also not how it went either. I gave them gerbils, and they asked:"What... Why?!" and then I made them create an hypostesis as for why.
Now both those "friends from long ago" have returned as NPCs who turn out to be involved in existing plots we'd already had going before the flashback.
Alright then.
So, you guys just had a single volume so far?
We're on our second volume.
What was the first one about?
Gathering components for a near-Sun spaceship.
And you were flying to the sun why again?
Our second volume is about dealing with a sudden rise in magic and Weird Stuff like time portals, and increased cult activity.
In the third volume we'll fly to intercept a mysterious moon-sized object that's causing solar flares and may be associated with the rise in Weird Stuff.
Hopefully we'll be able to keep it from crashing into the Sun, because that'd probably be bad.
I came up with the "intercept the Nibiru Object" concept for our first session, based on the backstory of one of the PCs which made it reasonable for him to be involved in a near-sun space launch.
Really? I thought stuff crashed into the sun all the time.
The spaceship is treated as hardware, and the first volume was about meeting the requirements and overcoming the complications that the hardware needs in order to be put together.
So you actually let them use the spaceship around earth?
I guess it would make a rad ride.
@Althis Not moon-sized blackbody objects capable of course correction, which started causing solar flares while still further out than Venus.
It isn't finished yet
@BESW Good point.
It is either evil, or not a moon then.
Possibly both.
"Evil Moon" would be a good name for a band.
Evil Moon Rising would be a great album for them.
I've put a lot of thought into what the Nibiru-1 Object is, and that will be how I describe it. But I won't actually say "this is what it is," I'll just say, "This is what you see," and if brainstorming or declarations move the concept in a different direction that'll be awesome.
What you are telling me.
Is that it IS evil.
And moonlike.
If I say, for example, that it seems to be made of living flesh, I might be thinking of it as a kind of innocent space "whale" that feeds off the EM energies of stars.
It is probably not evil.
@doppelgreener Do you think it is just misunderstood?
The fox is not evil for eating the rabbit nor trampling the insects underfoot in the chase.
But my players may decide that "made of flesh" means it's a bioweapon created by the Black Raven Atrocity cult, crafted from the mutated remains of crash-landed Martians.
(Spoiler: I will not say that it is made of living flesh.)
@BESW How did you know what I was thinking?!
@doppelgreener the fox isn't killing all grass in existence though
(Obviously it is a vampire moon composed of UnDead flesh.)
or all rabbits
Q: Should the DMG be an assumed resource?

nitsua60Many questions have simple answers... If you have the appropriate reference at hand. But should we expect the DMG is ubiquitous? I know that at my AL table there are plenty of people with only the PHB, and some with only freely-available materials. Many questions seem to be--at least, to a compl...

Thank you Oracle.
very appropriate to the conversation, you are sooo good at this
that link just fits like a glove
She says what we're all thinking!
@trogdor to such a being we may just be the ant nest that gets flooded out when it forages beside their pond or something.
but we are not evil if we end up swarming it and killing it like an angry nest of ants either :P
If we were to do that
@trogdor correct
Beings aren't evil! Beings just do evil things!
@Pixie Ha! I love how real that scene suddenly gets.
Here, have some magical forests.
@doppelgreener "That's just nature, Gunther." was all I could think. xD But yes I like that scene a lot.
@Pixie I hear his voice saying it.
1 hour later…
@BESW I. Love. This song.
One of my favorites.
@Pixie Ditto.
The version on Purrfect is pretty good too. Can't beat this performance, though.
Saturniidae moth caterpillar is pure beauty. [photo: Marco Fischer] http://t.co/soaIKC7HHF
@BESW This is one of those things that will murder you straight out, right? The mantis shrimp has taught me to be ever suspicious of pretty animals.
It wants you to think so, at the very least.
it looks like a combination of the aliens in terraria
@Grubermensch I dunno, it's made of ferns.
@Miniman You can never trust ferns.
Oh, yes. Some of that family can kill humans.
I'm guessing that's one of them.
@Grubermensch What? There's a fern in the same building as me! Should I run now, or will that just provoke it?
@Miniman Go lightly. Never let it out of your sight. Try to appear bigger.
@misterducky Hi!
I think we've talked before.
@BESW Once they evolve to adulthood, apparently Saturniidae moths don't eat or have a digestive system and just survive for about a week on food storage left over from their caterpillar stage. I am not 100% ok with this arrangement of affairs.
@doppelgreener This is a fairly common setup for a wide variety of insects: the larvae eat so the adults can spend all their time working on reproduction until they die of exhaustion/starvation.
It's efficient! For values of efficient.
While they are around, at least some of them are very cute.
And sometimes they have chicken faces.
@BESW Eeeeee.
@BESW and a triforce. don't attack this chicken(-moth).
I have never seen a moth IRL that was anywhere near that good looking
@Pixie They are cutie patooties, that is a large part of what makes me unhappy with this state of affairs XD
@doppelgreener It is tragic.
@doppelgreener If we're in LoZ, just don't attack chickens.
Just don't.
but it is so fun
Fun and dangerous!
then they murder you
Yes. It comes at a price.
A chicken with a triforce would be terrifying, in that light. They are bad enough normally.
"Triforce Chicken" would be a good name for a band too.
@Pixie Actually, anything that has the whole Triforce shouldn't be terrifying at all - you can only have the whole thing if you're pure of heart (or something like that).
...or a WoW guild.
@Miniman It shouldn't be terrifying if you're also pure of heart. Otherwise, well...
@Miniman But would that stop them from summoning every chicken in the world and swarming you if you started it?
@Pixie I don't think saying "But he started it!" works if you're pure of heart. (Or over 12, for that matter.) :P
@Magician Hmmm, good point.
Chickens, though. One could argue that they're pure of heart in their simplicity. They cannot grasp malice.
@Pixie Is that because they're pure of heart, though? Or is it just because they don't have hands?
At least they can't wield the Sword of Time.
@Pixie One could say the same of polar bears though.
@doppelgreener From what I hear, polar bears can grasp reeeeally well.
Police, upholders of the law, are fine. Obey the law, you've got nothing to fear. But paladins... What if one looks into your heart and finds you lacking? How can you not dread their judgement? We all think ourselves decent people. But what if a paladin were to look at you and sigh in disappointment? Not today, then tomorrow.
@Magician I would cast Summon Sunglasses. They would descend slowly onto my face from the heavens. And when they land, I would burst into the dance of Can't Touch This silently.
The paladin calls for a police officer to arrest you for public disturbance.
@doppelgreener I think that only works if you have the flashing "THUG LIFE" subtitle.
@Miniman This is possible with prestidigitation or other illusion magics.
@BESW A very quiet one.
The officer would arrest you quietly
> You fail the Create Advantage roll on summoning sunglasses, and choose to succeed at cost: a few sunglasses drop from the sky and shatter--then a downpour of black shades sends pedestrians scrambling for cover.
> The officer ducks into his car and adds "littering" to your arrest sheet.
Oh my goodness this sounds beautiful.
I want to do horribly disastrous silly magic and fail.
Anyone have any feat ideas for Pathfinder for an inquisitor of Mammon who is basically a Holy Tax Collector?
Sorry, I'm not very Pathfinder proficient.
shrug It's okay
I feel bad, I got a little... shouty... at Hey I Can Chan today
He downvoted my answer because I didn't have a rules citing for saying that you'd use an inhaled potion in combat by opening a stopper or throwing the vial.
And I called him overly pedantic, because there is no rules about transferring crafted poisons to their containers at all.
That's an interesting omission, but not a surprising one considering the d20 System.
I think it's just implied that if you succeed at a craft check, you get the poison in the bottle.
Because, you know...
That's logical.
yeah.... there's a weird gap in d20 System rules/narrative/logic philosophies.
If there's a rule, it trumps logic. If there's not a rule, we're expected to apply logic.
This is difficult to navigate without resorting to extremism.
Which is something I think some people on stackexchange forget.
Well, no. When you make inhaling poison, you hold your breath (using swimming rules) and hope there are enemies nearby.
Actually, it's using suffocation rules, but heh
@Magician Offensive crafting? Tagging @doppelgreener for his alchemist concept.
He was like "What's to prevent a DM from saying "You created the poison, now make the save!""
And I was like "Rules for crafting poisons say you don't expose yourself unless you roll a 1
Mm. In an exception-based system like d20, that is a good answer: "There's a rule for exposure to poison while crafting, and that's not it."
Yeah, but I was still frustrated by his nitpicking. The question asked how to use inhaled poison in combat.
I provided an answer.
Then he nitpicked about out of combat scenarios.
I've started just responding, "That's a great subject for another question!"
I actually burned my first flag, and flagged it a non-constructive.
@BESW Extreme Combat Alchemy. Use enemy's laser fire to catalyze your reactions. Entangle their conductive swords in a wire mesh.
Also, technically, once an alchemist gets instant alchemy, as long as he has the materials, he can make an alchemical item in a standard action
So yeah, you could actually fast craft a poison right in front of an enemy
....be mind controlled and drop the bundle of alchemist fire vials under your feet. Been there, done that to Brian's character.
> Reactive Alchemy. When you defend with style against an energy attack, you can inflict 2 stress on a target in your zone instead of getting a boost.
@BESW Nice!
Did you guys see the question about weather you threatened your own square the other day?

The Tale of the Gobber

Sep 17 '14 at 5:09, 26 minutes total – 50 messages, 6 users, 10 stars

Bookmarked Sep 17 '14 at 5:41 by doppelgreener

@misterducky I don't pay much attention to PF questions usually.
Alchemy offers so many fun avenues. ;_;
And now I'm considering making her a witch in light of these summoning hijinx.
It does. It is such a fun thing.
And I can only pick so many stunts for it!
I'm actually not sure how the whole Alchemy thing should be mechanised. Like if I have a door and I want to get through that door... can I just do arbitrary transmutations to that door to open a hole in it or something?
Just like magic, alchemy is arbitrarily powerful.
You may want to set some Laws of Alchemy.
There are a lot of way you can interpret it, really.
It's true, and I am totally spoiled for choice.
@doppelgreener I think you want to transmute it from the Closed (Cl) element to the Open (Op) element.
I definitely want a more "I'm doing magic! Pow pow!" flavour out of this character than "here, drink this potion I made."
@Miniman Sounds OP.
@doppelgreener I can't remember whether you were involved in the FMA chat in NAB a while ago, but you could consider drawing some alchemical inspiration from Full Metal Alchemist.
@Miniman I might have been! I do like FMA anyway.
It's definitely a good place to look for action!alchemy.
It's interesting, thinking about it - Alphonse is pretty much the only person we ever see do alchemy the way the series presents as standard.
That's because he gets his Cool from being a possessed suit of armor.
Everyone else uses pre-drawn circles or no circle at all to beat the action economy.
(Side note: Action economy is an awesome term that can be applied to many things outside games.)
@Pixie I suddenly realise that if Alphonse were just some kid who had to doodle this stuff he'd be much much less cool.
@doppelgreener Basically. But he's not! He's a giant empty talking suit of armor. Others do not have this luxury of automatic Cool Points.
So...where everyone else gets to break the action economy, he gets to break the...coolness economy?
and Edward's cool points cost an arm and a leg.
@doppelgreener Heh heh heh.
B :)
Whereas Al's pretty invested in his... body and soul. :P
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