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I honestly don't know.
I've received mixed messages (Australians all themselves and each other that, but so do rappers with the n-word. Wikipedia is unhelpful)
I have no problem with it... And I really honestly can't see why others would either.
Then again it is Australia. We do like to have fun messing with people sometimes :P
E.g. Riding Kangaroos to work. We don't do that anymore.
drop bears too
I have heard that one so many times
Yeah. Roos don't quite fit anymore in the beautiful alpine ridges of Austr(al)ia.
Yes. Drop bears are fake... [wink]
I don't even live in Australia, though admittedly Australians do vacation here sometimes
It's possible... that some people might find it derogatory... now I think about it... particularly immigrants
Immigrants? Would they then be called Aussies in the first place?
well if they live there now,....
I live in the UK now, but I'm still a Pole not a Brit.
and I assume they would even adopt the accent if they became permanent residents/citizens
@eimyr it is weird how that works
I have lived here my entire life and I am still not automatically considered local
@trogdor That's true. "But where are you REALLY from?"
Pretty sure Aussie is not derogitory
@eimyr I do get that, though more often I just get asked multiple times if I am from here
What's funny though is the term Pome
While you might be considered an "Aussie" (on Paper), some people might think, "no, I'm still a [insert home nationality]"
Which is now often used to refer to the British, when it was actually a term given to Aussies many many years ago, standing for Prisoner of Mother England
As an aussie (scouts honor), I have never heard anyone that has a problem with it
Yeah, I've heard about the original British idea of what to do with Australia
So, back to the original question, would Kiwi be similarly innocuous as Aussie?
We're the Aussies and the Kiwis
@Ben Aussie Rules, Union, or League?
Bit of everything haha
Whatever's on :P
Looking forward to WC?
Yeah :) Good reason to have a few mates over and have a few beers :P
I work now with a pretty multicultural group in England. What amazes me the most is the fact that Brits consider a trip to New Zealand a no big deal, whereas a journey to, say, Eastern Europe or Turkey is a trek of lifetime. Dear god, it annoys me to no end. It's only the other side of the globe.
Yea just going to suck how late they are for you
Yea Eimyr but most europeans think if you drive 30 minutes away or more you pack an overnight bag
That's mostly because of population density and availability of, well, everything.
I am quite mobile in rural England, driving for 1-2 hours is not a problem at all.
though what I'm referring to is that cultural connection.
In Poland Australia is as far as it gets, Asia and Americas are really distant.
In UK it's all mangled. NZ, South Africa, India - these are just so available and easy to travel to!
Whereas going to Germany would be much more challenging in terms of perceived (not actual) difficulty.
Yea here we consider Europe close
outside of that it's a bit of a pain
But I think for those who travel it's not that much of a pain beyond being more expensive
Slightly off topic - who knows about the minion rules in 5e?
Minion rules?
For example, are minions refined to class? Can anyone have one? What is required to get one?
What do you mean by Minion?
Where might I find this information?
You talking like henchmen?
Erm... a follower... a lesser being that clings to the servitude of a character...
So henchmen
Henchman... yeah...?
You acquire one usually through RP
No class has them specifically
Henchman-chan, i-it's not like I like you or anything ~desu
They might be an apprentice to a mage, or someone who's life you saved and they are trying to repay that
@Tashio hmm
There used to be Leadership feat in 3e, what happened to it?
There are generally no specific rules stating how and where and when you get one
Don't think Leadership even got into 4th
Remember 5th is based more on 2nd AD&D than 3rd/4th
@Tashio Actually now I think about it, I think I actually have one in my current game... She's a "Changeling" and is pretending to be my "Girlfriend"...
@Ben They don't have to have a class either, could be a normal civilian, they usually have classes because a civ not going to survive a high level dungeon
The reason I ask is becasue I'm attempting to make PC Variants of superheroes...
So looking for rules for Sidekicks?
and you want sidekicks?
I made the Green Power Ranger before, now I'm working on some of the Transformers
@Ben Remeber, even Gandalf is a 5th level wizard.
Specifically Starscream... He uses some mini-transfoormers
using dnd 5e for a superhero-themed game? that's a bit unusual I think
Haha, no, I'm just making character variants. I'm not adapting the whole game to match the character. In fact it's the other way around
@eimyr So yes, Iwant some kind of that. Sidekicks/Minions/Henchmen. Specifically something the PC can control.
Here is my "Tommy Oliver/Green Ranger" Character. AKA "Thomas Olive/Dragon Ranger"
@eimyr I feel slightly ashamed it took me so long to get this. I decided "ok... It's been starred now... What's he on about?" [Google "minions ban-"] oooohhhhh... duh.
@Ben :D
@AlexMitan How's you Fate thing going?
gtg, be later
@eimyr I'm gonna upload it now! I found some kind of interesting things to happen, but not as -conclusive- as I would think
I'll upload it now
[sigh] If emergency rooms had rewards cards, we'd have enough stamps for a free morphine drip.
good morning
@AlexMitan oooh.
With two people... oh god
I got the First Volume of the Fate Codex, and it's SO GOOD
Two is a very good number.
The Fate Codex is absolutely mind-blowing
it's so good
Whether it's setting adaptation to better represent something (from zombie apocalypse type horror to mecha to lesbian noir to transhumanism/robot human rights), suggestions (inclusivity and comfort, cooking up one-shots, two-hour games and first sessions, magic), entire new systems that feel GOOD for things (as I said, magic, heists which have a planning phase that feels a lot like the initial worldbuilding, stealth reworks, momentum dice)
It's just so pleasant to read and fantastic
And the various stunt examples peppered in almost every article are so fun-sounding, on a side-note
I particularly like the Heist play, it's meant to be modelled after Thief and Assassin's Creed or Dishonored in terms of playstyle (one detection doesn't end the mission, but it does endanger it badly, combat is a last resort, predicting movement and planning things out is a focus)
And naturally, treating the heist location as a character in itself, with a Security skill and whatnot
Ship designs and scaling... you can take a bit of everything from these settings and cobble up your own mechanics in such a pleasant way... my larger games, in my mind, would involve both ships AND stealth, some magic but maybe base-building too
since that world could be a huge melting pot, the Codex's Cultures could work so well
I don't mean to impose or bite off more than I can chew, but I REALLY recommend the Fate Codex to everyone that cares about Fate even remotely
Magical hunger-games-meets-quidditch sports!
The latter runs on FAE approaches for magic, and each approach is described as:
[Approach] magic is [this and this and that.] [it does this]. It runs the risk of [complicating things even if it succeeds in this way].
@BESW is your dad alright?
@eimyr He's not worse than we'd already known, at any rate. Just developed a new symptom that gave us a bit of a scare.
@AlexMitan I've had the courtly intrigue game last Wednesday. Went well.
@eimyr Yes! Do tell!
@BESW good to hear that it's under control then. I hope he's not in any immediate danger.
@BESW Is it? That's what my next few games are going to be: Me, Z(very close, roomie, etc) and some other person we're very much into with little RPG experience, but also little concept of restriction of action in gaming
@AlexMitan Yes, two players is very fine, especially for a close, comfortable play. The players have to get close and if they don't it's even more exciting.
@AlexMitan I find three players is the best, but two is pretty durn good.
@eimyr I'm convinced I have to do worldbuilding first, I was dumb to be stuck in the "I must prepare their game" mentality from before
I'm just worried I won't make good -scenes-
I fear that everything I'll come up with is either nebulous and unresolvable, or resolvable in a single roll or something
What do I -do- for one-shots?
I feel like I'll [snip] it right up from the start
@AlexMitan The game started with the setting creation. I aimed for (as you might remember) a high middle ages, no or very low magic, medieval technology and culture, British/French based.
@eimyr Yep, I recall... how much did that last and was it an entire session?
Do you mind if I dig for how it specifically went and worked?
@AlexMitan I ended up with a rennaissance game with gunpowder (but no printing!), three flavours of magic, celtic/venetian/byzantine culture
Oh btw did you make characters before or after the "okay, so there we have the world" part?
after, of course
The key to one-shot games, for me, is to keep the goal simple and obvious. Don't keep changing the goalposts or complicating the resolution state; just add complications and drama to getting there.
but the guys had ideas before, so they wanted certain things in the world (like gunpowder) because they wanted to have guns.
PC creation and world creation can go in any order you want. Usually we do it simultaneously.
We needed about 2-3 hours to work through it.
including characters
and then we had an hour of play
I'm not counting bathroom breaks, snack time, sharing stories etc.
I asked the guys to prepare courtiers of varying flavours. I expected social flies, spies, politicians.
@eimyr I'd be very happy with a first session composed like that.
The long-form campaign we're currently in started that way, actually. We spent a lot of the session on the world and the characters, and then we had time for a single "mission briefing" scene.
We have, however, a merchant, a warlock, an ambassador/spy from a magocracy nation (scroll magic no less) and a bloodthirsty barbarian (who is indeed the most negotiable and socially apt of his tribe, but still an uncivilised brute)
@BESW I'm very, very happy with the game.
Sounds awesome.
@BESW we managed two scenes - skirmish on the road (to showcase game mechanics, all four actions were there and all four outcomes, invoking/compelling, active and passive opposition, everything) and arrival at the crowded city gates.
Most excellent.
Sorry for off-topic, this is how my "experiment" turned out
@BESW @AlexMitan I actually described a "travel tired monk" begging for charity on the side of the road while putting a "Disguised Robber" character card with "Monk attire" and "Handy knapsack" aspects on the table. To my surprise, the players understood immediately how that works.
@AlexMitan your hexagon charts also show one unexpected thing. Characters with polygons with a large surface area show dedicated characters that play to their strengths. Small area signifies a versatile character.
I just found the best character generator ever. Here
@eimyr Yeah, I've found that if anything it's easier to embrace the privileged position of players over characters than to try and act like players and characters can have the same set of knowledge.
@Aaron Oh, yes. That one's fun.
"He's a flea bitten
U.N. senator
who believes he's a wolf.

She's a nymphomaniac
magician's assistant
from another dimension.

Together, They Fight Crime!"
Sounds like a Constantine comic.
God I read a Constantine comic. He is an asshole
@BESW Maybe, I never had that insight before. But they even recognised that Handy Knapsack aspect is a clue to search it after the battle.
The movie did not do justice to how much of an a-hole he really is.
@Aaron The TV series did a slightly better job, but yeah. The film did a good job with Gabriel and the Devil and some of the visuals, but Constantine? less so.
@Aaron I actually prefer the "smooth criminal" Keanu impression.
@eimyr As do I. Comic Constantine is pretty much an evil dude from what I can tell. "greater good" evil type
What'd a compel on the skirmish look like, @eimyr?
Also, did you tell them it was an impostor or did they look for that? What did you show them?
@Aaron My favourite character for modern settings is a film Constantine expy. I somehow find him more bearable and identifiable.
I told them that it's a monk begging and placed a card that said it's a robber. Everyone rolled Notice, but no one got a success, so I kept "Hidden Bowmen" and "Ambusher" away until they revealed themselves.
They said that OK, they get it and that they are not going to metagame, but asked if it's really how the game is played. And so it is.
The guy how got a tie I told that "the monk is looking shifty", but without saying he is a robber.
He was a bit reserved and one of the characters gave the guy a coin.
About the compel - just after the battle they chose to interrogate the survivors (most of the robbers didn't get a chance to concede before they were ripped apart by magic, decapitated by a barbarian or had their throat slit open while incapacitated). I compelled the barbarian's "Hot blooded" aspect to just off the lone survivor in fury.
Later on I got to compel a (positive) Globetrotter aspect to "Oh, but you've been there and the guardsmen remember you as a nuisance"
Point of order that I have a hard time remembering myself: decision compels are done best when the GM doesn't suggest a specific decision, just says "I think that in this situation, [aspect] could easily lead you to make a decision that makes things more complicated or dramatic," and lets the player suggest what that might be.
@BESW Good to hear.
Usually the GM's got something specific in mind if needed, but the player --given half the chance-- will often come up with something much more awesome.
Okay, so that positive compel is okay, right? But isn't it something like an invoke of the player?
@AlexMitan It's not a positive compel.
Oh, NUISANCE, sorry
It was a VERY negative compel, but of a positive aspect.
so what happened as a result of that?
It's a compel for a complication (the guards remember him being a nuisance) but it's triggered off an aspect that's intended to be mostly invoked by the player.
@AlexMitan If it were me, the guards would give the PC and his friends the extra-special frisking and maybe even put a tail on 'em.
The guardsmen recognised the guy and exclaimed that he can't enter the city, because the last time he shagged every whore in town. Another character (a merchant) had to make it worth the guardsman's while.
Hah, okay.. how so?
If you don't mind me digging
If you do, tell me and I'll stop
It's fine, really. I actually enjoy the fact that you're interested.
But sadly I don't quite understand your last question.
@eimyr "Another character (a merchant) had to make it worth the guardsman's while." He's asking for more detail about the narrative and mechanics of how that went down.
What did the merchant do, and what mechanics did you use to represent it?
Oh! Sorry.
First of all, the whole fornication business is left with the player. The guardsmen believe it was him, but that's not necessarily true. Vicious rumors? Misunderstanding? That's up to the player.
I feel like I'm not sure where compels lay between "this'll haunt your PC for the rest of their life"and "this is a momentary, fun, dramatic but rather ephemeral setback"
Compels can be either of those things.
It depends on how they're responded to, largely.
A compel should make people go "ooh," at least a little. If that happens, it's probably worthy.
I am not great at making sure a compel lasts longer than the current session
Oh, okay
I mean I'd appreciate both, but I don't know how a compel that takes up half a session to resolve would work, I mean wouldn't that just make the PCs NEVER get to their goal?
I should probably balance it with flat invokes, right?
Compels introduce complication or drama in a way that demands response or changes the situation. It's often impossible to really predict just how big or small a response or change they'll cause.
to have them have FP
Wait, I gotta go for a bit, I'll be right back, I'm sorry!
Then, the noble managed to get leave to enter the city, showing that he is an ambassador from another state. The guardsmen were unappreciative to the company as a whole - a warlock, a flamboyantly dressed foreigner, a barbarian and a known troublemaker... The merchant, however, said that for all his troubles he will be welcome tonight at his cousin's winery, to drink away the sorrows of the service. He succeeded a Rapport roll and spent a Fate point to narrate a cousin into existence.
@AlexMitan My intention with the compel was however a bit different. Because they were occupied trying to convince the guards of their legitimacy and a crowd formed around them, the difficulty of them Noticing cutpurses filching their cash were a bit higher and they ended up with Strapped for Cash aspects, that will be around until they get some more coin one way or another.
That way the merchant can show off that he is business savvy with a Resources roll, but the Barbarian might need to get a job...
Since everyone else got a chance to shine - the warlock and barbarian during the fight, ambassador just after that. Merchant needed some limelight and hence my ruse.
Oh, that's super clever... that sounds like it's quite intensive too though
..How am I gonna know when to let them create advantages though? Such as during a challenge or before a stealth incursion or something
Also, should I ask for a Fate Point in situations like "Is there a chandelier in this room?" ---> "Maybe... [ask for FP to declare aspect]"
@AlexMitan I suggest the dichotomy you're drawing between careful and forceful, and quick and clever, do not really exist and may hamper your understanding of approaches by seeking an opposite patterns.
We discussed characters overall, but let's look at actions:
- A stage magician's card tricks are both flashy and sneaky. You're directing their attention somewhere, while doing something sneaky elsewhere. If someone wants to pull this off, they might take sneaky and flashy actions in conjunction.
- A weight lifter is careful and forceful. An earthbender is careful and forceful. A jiu jitsu wrestler is careful and forceful. All three types of people exert _great_ amounts of force, in a precise and careful manner. Same again as the magician: you might use these approaches together to perform
If you go trying to conclude there's opopsites, you might obstruct learning something pretty simple: these are just approaches to things and that's it, they can coexist or oppose each other freely. a variety of actions may use any of them together in any combination. sometimes any combination of things won't help. there are some natural inclinations, but i don't think adding structure to it is going to do you many favours in being able to freely associate these approaches to each other.
I know, I know, I wasn't necessarily imposing opposites
or even -claiming- that they work like that
I just did a little experiment because I felt like it and because I'm a huge nerd
Oh, by the way... when characters have stunts such as "Once per session, I can Forcefully attack two characters at once in the same zone"... is it shift splitting or the same attack applied to two enemies?
If someone rolls a total of 5 shifts of stress and wants to "attack two people", is it two attacks worth 5 each, or a 1 and a 4/2 and a 3?
ah, hm, i thought your purpose was to draw opposites and companions or something
never mind then! :D
so it's just to graph people out or something?
@AlexMitan For a once per session stunt i'd go with two separate attacks so they can feel cool. Shift splitting would be a once per scene stunt, or a hardware-oriented stunt (fleshed out as a proper ARRPG hardware stunt just after).
Hm, okay.. I should go now, though
That graph thing was just an experiment, I get that it was kind of defeating the point of approaches, but...
I just felt like drawing things
Sure! I misunderstood what you were doing.
The graphs look cool, and I'm interested to see what you do with them once you play around with this grouping thing.
I really want to come back, but it was a way to blow off some scientifical steam since tomorrow I'll be running my first game omg
Break a leg!
(* preferably only in character or after the game has already concluded! broken legs during game time are bad!)
salutes will do my best
and have fun :D
Thank you... I've been reading so much and I hope I've remembered the..stuff
I have so many worries
I hope it won't just flop like D&D
Ok, gotta go, gotta go
if your mind goes totally blank and you can't remember anything you studied, just keep going and having fun :P
tally ho! see you :D
And thank you very much for.. just being a part of the games that I started reading up, it helps a lot
I am happy to be there.
How are people today?
I am well and wow it became 1am without me noticing and I should be sleeping imminently. A big week at work is over. How are you!? :D
i'm very stressed this week. i'm applying to schools again and running training sessions at work that nobody seems to be retaining
@DavidReeve Good luck with everything.
4 hours later…
Anyone still around?
I am
though I wouldn't say still around as got back an hour or so ago
Q: Is this a good question? - What is a dungeon crawl?

MalandyFrom these comments, I want to ask "What is a dungeon crawl?", but does it feel worthy enough?: I would add the concept of the dungeon crawl where a band of diverse adventurers (wizard, fighter, elf, etc.) battle monsters in an underground setting, including a final boss monster, is straigh...

1 hour later…
that horrible sinking feeling when you hit Reject on an edit and realize three seconds too late you were exactly the opposite of right.
2 hours later…
Ok, self. The dream about the entire cast of Fresh Prince secretly being were-prehistoric-sharks was pretty odd even by your standards.
@UrsulaV "That's it. I quit." - Carl Jung
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