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Or should I just explicitly mention the Back It Up! principle in my question?
Community wiki isn't gonna help, but I would love to see the question be asked.
And yes, Back It Up! is the key.
Give as much (relevant) information as you can on your problem and your needs.
Present, very specifically, your situation (like the physical constraints of your gaming landscape, how many aspects you need to deal with at once, and how often they change).
@MarcDingena This question may also help you, and maybe serve as an example for how to handle your question if it doesn't.
For example, I have three players in my living room and two Skyping in on my TV. That'll change my needs significantly compared to someone doing a fully online or fully physical game.
The thing is, I haven't actually played Fate yet, but I'm really ramping up to it. I know premature optimization is the root of all evil, but I have some players that need to be hooked on the first session or they will be gone forever. So I want to make sure the whole Aspects-on-the-table thing is clear to everyone. What type of aspect it is (color code it?). Who has free invokes on it? What is the Aspect attached to? Things like that
@Pixie Thanks, will read it before I go ahead with posting a question.
@MarcDingena Important stuff to mention. Also, even if you haven't played, do you have some idea of where you'll be playing?
@BESW Thanks, I'll make sure my question is most relevant to my specific situation.
@Pixie Yes, I play Pathfinder with these people.
@MarcDingena I asked that question, and its answers helped me a lot... and then my situation changed.
I got more players, and some of them were digital, and so I'd need to ask a new question.
@BESW I think this question and its answers might help me enough to not ask my question at all. Let me assess how much of a match it is with my situation.
Also, this SE is definitely my favorite, most upkept, most friendly and most personable Stack I've been on.
We get a not-insignificant number of protests that our upkeep makes us unfriendly, so it's good to hear from the other side of the user experience sometimes.
And you've got badges which say you're part of the solution, so thanks very much for your contributions in editing, voting, reviewing, and so forth.
@MarcDingena Glad you feel that way. :) I definitely agree.
@BESW Really? There will always be people seeing it differently but I wouldn't think it was in significant amounts...
There is a bit of a clash at times, yes.
The way this site is maintained amazes me. On Overflow my questions drown in the masses, on ServerFault nobody bothers unless you gave a 100 bounty...
We do have an advantage in the number of active citizens; it's enough that response times are good, but not so much that each item gets pushed off the main page before it gets attention.
Here your questions are noticed instantly, polished by experts then answered by several people all with high quality answers. Great :)
Well, it's also a much tinier stack than Overflow. xD So that accounts for some of it. But it really is maintained well as a community.
We've been sitting in a sweet spot for active citizen population for a while now, and it's glorious.
And our mods are awesome.
I keep trying to branch out, but I always wind up back here. >w>;;
I started on WordPress.SE, since I freelance as webdesigner, and using my real name to get some sort of "reputation" to back me up in online searches.
But I end up on this stack most of the time, my reputation difference speaks for it :P
Not that I would leave! But, for example, I could probably answer questions on English Language a lot more often than I can answer them here. It is just... a lot more frustrating an experience sometimes, heh.
I sometimes do that; I notice the "hot network questions" when I'm done reading answers and I hop over to the "other side", create an account (which is poop easy since I link everything to my Google account) and answer something there.
I've got I think 26 stacks where I have an account, but most don't really see any action...
I don't know how these stacks are run in the background, administator-wise. There seem to be some design differences between the stack sites. I like how Overflow has a different "My Profile" page, where it marks your progress towards new badges and reputation unlocks. Can we get that here?
The new profile page layout is being applied slowly Stack by Stack over months.
We'll get it. Eventually.
@BESW I've actually already read your question and its answers a while ago (I've been systematically crawling through Fate-tagged questions over the last few weeks).
@MarcDingena Ahah, you're the reason I keep getting random updings of rep.
I think my problem is that I have an idea in my head of how I'd like to solve the poker chip and aspect notes on my table, and kind of want some verification from this community, but I know that those are the bad kind of questions to ask...
Lol, guilty :)
@MarcDingena That is the sort of thing the chat's great for!
There's another one ;)
It's amazing how much you can learn from just reading Q&A. I mean I've yet to finish the entire SRD, and I'm still waiting for my hardcopies to arrive, but reading questions here has already answered so many things for me.
Mostly since Fate rules seem so much more freeform (from what I'm used to: Pathfinder), that I often think of edge cases, most which are covered on this site. It's a great read :)
Sometimes I look at my old Fate questions and answers, and it's like watching a progression of my slow learning about the system.
I'm also a big sucker for Legend of Zelda, and there was a question about throwing clay jars that sucked me into learning about the Fate system. It's funny how that works sometimes.
You may also find some useful/interesting conversations in the Conversations tab of the Fate chat room.
There are in-chat games archived there too!
I hopped into that room the other day, then got distracted by the dice roller script. Which doesn't seem to work for me.
Next to
> leave (all) | Role-playing Games roomâ–¼ | info
I don't see the "dice" button
I'm not a person who can troubleshoot scripts, unfortunately.
I'm using Tampermonkey in Chrome and it works pretty well.
so you must have the chrome extension before you see any of that?
You've gotta have some way to install the script. In Chrome that means an extension like Tampermonkey.
My bad, I thought it was more like StackApps, they just kind of run inside the question page. I thought it would apply to the chat rooms too.
[shrug] I'm just parroting what I was told when folks in this chat walked me step-by-step through installing it.
@MarcDingena Ah, yes, I enjoyed answering that one.
Now that I'm here in chat... is there a way to "pull" someone into a chat room? I started a room with D7, from his user page in the chat overview page... but I don't know if they get notified about it...
If you invited them, they'll get the ping.
Yeah how do you invite them?
I went to D7's profile page, then there is a button to "Create a room with you and SevenSidedDie"
Is that enough?
I'm... not actually sure.
I think so!
Can I try it on you?
Right, so I go here: chat.stackexchange.com/users
Then I type the user name and end up one a chat-profile page
then use that button to create a room. Will do it for you now
cool. But what if they are not online at the time. Does it end up in your inbox?
It made a big "BLAT!" and everything.
Yeah, probably will.
...I'm in chat too much to have much experience with that case.
Okay. I need some clarification on D7's answer and I didn't want to pollute the comments any further than what it already is... I missed him by 6 minutes or something... so I hope he gets inboxed about the chat room...
(I can leave chat any time! I just don't want to!)
@BESW Sure you can...
I seem to recall it working that way
Okay, so I wanna ask / chat about the physical organization of Fate points and Aspects on the table-top.
If I remember right I was invited to some chat or other at some point
possibly Fate chat
but it was a while ago and I could be remembering wrong
This answer pretty much nails it, and sets up the basic premises of how I'd like to organize it too. But, (and this is my pre-optimization kicking in, feel free to burn it down) I think I need it more granular than that.
@MarcDingena I hope other people will chime in, because @trogdor and I have the same experience at the same table.
Heh... I unfortunately cannot really chime in, as all my limited experience is digital.
For example, I feel the urge to differentiate between the types of Aspects. There are Aspects that are attached to characters, others to the scene / situation. Some aren't even attached to anything (or kind-of attached to the Game aka "Game Aspects"). I think if I just write everything on a sticky note, the table gets cluthered quickly...
When I was really organised and didn't have online players, I used different colours of index card.
All the aspects on one zone went on one index card, and all the zone index cards were one colour (and we could arrange them on the table to indicate how they connected physically).
Boosts could get put on sticky notes and slapped onto the appropriate index card (a zone, or a player's sheet) and then removed later.
With digital players, we mostly just keep a Drive document open and write aspects in it with parentheticals indicating important info like who/what the aspect is on, or how many invokes it has.
@BESW yeah that is a thing
@BESW I misread that as "boots." That made for a rather different image.
@MarcDingena it does. Also, strictly speaking you have tested the join feature and created a new room in the process. It is also possible to invite someone to an existing room.
Sorry, colleague walked over to my desk... I was typing this: So I was thinking about color-coding the notes. Scene and Game Aspects white, Character aspects Yellow (are usually double-edged), Advantages green, boosts blue (or any other color than the ones already used, since boosts are so temporary, need to be able to identify them before they fade away)
This is what our session tracking sheet looks like right now. It's got the remains of a session two weeks ago where a couple PCs (Stellata and Vogue) appealed to their mission supervisor to get a third PC (Myka) un-grounded so she could leave the lab and go on a field mission (via a time portal in her lab which leads to a tropical island three weeks in the past).
Doppelgreener is Stellata, and @trogdor was GMing. I was very tired and sat out of the session.
I feel the urge to manage Fate Points. I want to use poker chips, for extra "awesome" at the table :)
But some points are for the GM, some are for the characters, and some of them you earn but can't use until the next scene.
You can also use shiny little glass stones. Those are my favorite. But... well, I suppose anything shiny is destined to be my favorite. >_>
So to avoid stocking your Fate "bank" with different types of points, specifically those you're not allowed to use yet, I think using different color poker chips would help too.
I've found it's easier to differentiate points by where they are then by what they are.
White chips for characters, red chips for the NPC pool of GM, blue ones for the "frozen" points
Because they flow through the different "states" so quickly, just shunt them back and forth between different parts of the table.
@BESW This is exactly what I was hoping to achieve by asking this stuff.
Get feedback from actual experience.
The chips in the bag are the bottomless compel pool, the chips in front of the GM are the NPC pool, the chips in front of the player are the PC's pool, and the only thing you have any trouble at all with is where to put the chips that the PC can't use 'til the end of the scene.
I was thinking having some bowls with chips in it, representing the "bottomless" bags.
And that's just a matter of sanitising the pool process with something like "chips on the right are usable, chips on the left are waiting."
A bowl could work. I leave 'em in the bag because that's where they are anyway.
If you have any little cups capable of holding your chips but not so big as to get in the way, you could give each player one of those as well. Chips that can't be used yet can stay in the cup.
Those in front of everyone are theirs of course, but if the GM invokes a characters aspect against them, they should receive a frozen point. So the GMs chip goes into the white bowl and the player receives a point from the blue bowl. Then after the scene, blue tokens are traded for white tokens.
(Efficiency and laziness are often indistinguishable at my table.)
@MarcDingena That could work, but it's a bit... fiddly. After seven years of D&D, I'm allergic to fiddly bits.
I like Pixie's suggestion of giving the player's cups instead. Then you don't have to keep switching the colors
Moving a single stack of chips is faster and easier than exchanging one stack for another.
It becomes more like your "physical location is important" method.
Yup, cups can be great.
....but know your players.
Dun dun dunnnn
Props of any sort will become toys in restless hands.
Heh, yes.
I'm so guilty of that one
but, if you are hungry you can replace the chips with M&M
You've already got dice, tokens, and pencils. Think carefully before you give them a bukkit to put those things in.
Somehow everything also end up in my mouth.....
... also, I am very clumsy, so more things is more things to knock over. Still, I think I'd give it a shot if I got to play in person.
...hm. The lids of big bottles make good low-profile corrals.
I think I'll try the color coded chips. Can let you know how that went. It removes extra props from the table. And even if they start doing chip tricks you are always reminded that chips was frozen until next scene, etc.
I do think you may be overengineering for a problem that you don't know if you have yet, but it's good to have ideas in mind.
Yeah the problem is, I'm preparing for my wedding and all my games are on hold at the moment.... It's a real problem for me because I want to play badly.
Ah, yes.
So I just read and get psyched and start envisioning how it goes down at the table, and I already see problems that may not even arise...
The "private play" compulsion.
So, it's a thing :P I'm not alone!
It is certainly a thing.
It's a major draw in games with high out-of-game prep times.
@trogdor made dozens of D&D 4e PCs that he never used.
I did do that
The need for "private play" as a D&D GM is one reason (though not the primary one) I ultimately left D&D-style engines entirely.
But it's a feature, rather than a bug, for folks who want to think about their game when they can't play it.
I considered it a feature
I loved doing that in my free time
@Pixie So, now it is 1/3 Twily, 1/3 Fluttershy and 1/3 Derpy? You know that this really put you at risk of ending up on a shelf surrounded by other plushes if you ever find yourself near a brony convention?
That tendency in him is a reason he was the perfect test subject for my efforts to turn all my players into equal-share participants who could GM too.
@SPArchaeologist yay, a better target than me XD
Anyway, @MarcDingena, I used poker chips for a long time and they worked great.
I'm now using these metal Fate tokens, but obviously they don't actually improve the game itself any.
poker chips were pretty good
Not that I will need it anytime soon, but how do you arrange this digitally. You mentioned Google Docs... Is that all you're using? Does Roll20 support Fate mechanics?
We use a Drive document and Skype. That's it.
Access denied to " campaigncoins.com/coins/fate/" according to:
- Ericsson Code of Business and Ethics and Conduct and
- Monitoring the usage of systems and services
We once used Hangouts for the dice app features, but they got in the way.
This page is categorized as: "swimsuits-and-intimate-apparel"
@MarcDingena ...huh.
What the actual....
@trogdor It really depends... do you happen to know if @pixie also has misaligned eyes? If that is the case.... she's doomed.
My employer is blocking your page :P
Will have to check that link at home
@SPArchaeologist A flaw in this plan: I am not a plush! ... probably.
Kickstarter is fine
That'll let you see what the tokens look like, anyway.
And so is Facebook... I guess our system administrators want to visit those sites themselves :P
@Pixie Maybe you are a really advanced talking one.
They look pretty dope :D
They're very cool. We got them for a good price through the Kickstarter, and the metal clinkage makes me happy.
I'm off for lunch. Back later :)
@SPArchaeologist that is not within my knowledge nor do I seek such knowledge, also you scare me :P
working hard for an hour never feels so rewarding as this
@doppelgreener That sounds lovely!
yesssss it is
I love cooking pasta
... curses. I thought my blanket was finally dry, but now I do not think it is. It is just going to have to be dry enough.
oh no T_T
It's just a little damp on the edges, I believe. xD
Oh!! That's not so bad.
Thats the worst
that is never cool
Slightly damp blanket X3
@trogdor I often seem to do that to people.
I can't imagine why
That is why I was here all night again. I was going to go to bed earlier... really. >_> But then I discovered someone had put my freshly washed good comforter with things that were not clean, and I had to wash it all over again. Drying it takes 2-4 cycles. TwT
@Pixie I know that feel.
woona xD
The Dread Lord Laundry is a thankless taskmaster for whom all must endlessly toil.
I will be doing some of that tonight after my pasta!
@BESW Alas. It is never satisfied.
@trogdor nor do I, the CMC drinking milkshake image is one of the most famous images in FiM vector edits, anyone would recognize it.
Wasn't that the one where scoots was bobbing her head
but I meant other things XD
At least I polished up a playlist, so... not a complete waste of a night! This thing is so good, and I will never, ever stop listening to it.
@Sandwich that one, yes.
@doppelgreener I have bad news. @trogdor I have not-so-bad news.
It is the same news.
One of my friends is leaving next week (CJ Boy), and we haven't seen him for a long time, so he's coming over to hang out and play Betrayal at the House on the Hill this Saturday.
@Sandwich ... this GIF is very fun with unfitting music.
@Pixie Benny hill is funny
@BESW what is that exactly?
@Pixie or Heavy metal
@Sandwich Right now, Syunikiss by Malice Mizer.
So... lots of pony fans here then?
@trogdor It's a haunted house board game.
@MarcDingena A couple
@MarcDingena Rather. I've got a pony system design concept on the back burner.
And by that I mean no less than four
@BESW ah ok
What's the appeal?
@MarcDingena The morals
Every episode has something you can learn from.
Colorful animated ponies doesn't hurt either
I'm not judging, I just don't understand. Although I only know those ponies from way, way back. This looks like it's been drawn recently. You know in terms of art style.
Ponies from WWB look creepy as heck
It's well-crafted (good writing, good art, good acting, etc), it's sincere, and by not talking down to kids it manages to also speak to topics which adults generally don't feel comfortable addressing directly.
Did it get rebooted or something?
Yeah Lauren faust rebooted it in like 2010 or something like that
And, yes, it's a total reboot designed by Lauren Faust (she was associated with Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends).
technically like, 3 separate times yeah
Is this stuff on Netflix?
Yeah I believe so
Great, I'll put it on my list, see what I think
Don't preface your prior knowledge of pony with this new stuff though
Its totally different
I only have like a gajillion other series to watch....
Most adults who like the current show "Friendship is Magic" don't find that their appreciation casts backwards to any of the earlier franchise iterations.
The ponies actually have brains and such
And unique personailties
And they give each race of ponies their own cultural identity
@BESW I can't talk about the actual stories because I never managed to view a single episode, but I must say that the pre g4 art style for me is a big no.
@SPArchaeologist Brreezies and Seaponies.. shudder
That said, I recognize that the old art made the ponies look more like horses. The new ones continue to remember me cats.
Lauren Faust is very good at what she does. The show definitely has its flaws, but it is generally well written. It was an honest-to-goodness attempt to craft a quality cartoon. Aimed at girls, on top of that, while actually daring to step outside the cookie cutter mold that American female-targeted cartoons tend to fall in.
And that is a good thing for me.
There's a made for TV movie called "My little pony the Princess Promenade" that is awful and hilarious at both the same time
@BESW This is ok! HAVE FUN!!! :D
(I also collect toys. I actually immensely prefer the old toys and, sometimes, the art style to the new ones. But there is no question that the new cartoon series is far better than any predecessor. :P)
What would seem embarrassingly obvious and trivial to discuss in a show with live-people actors can be addressed seriously when candy-coloured ponies are doing the talking--and that lets the show address very grown-up ideas about identity, community, and relationships in direct, earnest ways which would feel awkward or forced in the mouths of humans.
That it's actually managed to do this, without (much) condescension, on a pretty regular basis, in a show for a franchise that a few years earlier thought "hee hee boys and dresses" was sufficient for its target demographic, is mind-blowing.
The adult fan base has been called part of the "new sincerity" movement, and while I'm not sure that's accurate, it comes close to the truth.
Also, there is another thing I think.... the authors are a big group of "nerds" that in total disregard to the supposed age target group love to disseminate the shows with reference that only people over 20-25 would get.
(But really, the craft is a major draw. Many adult fans were first attracted by the high-quality animation and musical production values. It also has some of the biggest voice actors in American childrens' cartoon television.)
@SPArchaeologist That's not new or unique: good shows and films for kids have known for decades that they need to add in stuff for the parents.
GOOD productions know that they can also do that through the main story and characters rather than throwing the parents little pop culture references, which is where FIM succeeded so spectacularly that non-parent adults started watching.
@BESW new sincerity sounds like a beautiful thing. I do not like the level of cynicism I natively have. ;_;
@BESW I think that mlp is on a total different level with some of the less know stuff.... the final sequence from the Canterlot Wedding is a direct scene by scene replica of the ending of Star Wars episode 3.
@BESW Winter wrap up winter wrap uuup
@doppelgreener I'm glad it's a thing.
And the "geek" culture was already pretty involved with unicorns before, having the show wink at them just called them in.
"Came for the references, stayed for the stories"
Most American (and, really, many western) female-targeted cartoons can be summarized thusly: "Somewhat outcast girl in high school becomes a cheerleader and butts heads with a popular girl who is either outright evil or cluelessly snobbish. Rival is probably an obstacle to a super-cute popular boy. Competition ensues." (Variant: girls form a band instead of being cheerleaders, or do both.)
@Pixie Yup. Astonishment at adults enjoying MLP:FIM is more an indictment of other programming for young girls than of the out-of-demographic FIM fans. Older folks enjoying programming for young male demographics is ordinary and unremarked-upon; the difference is, sadly, that shows for little girls don't usually get an equal amount of effort put into them.
Anything else tends to be tacked onto this model or still heavily incorporates it despite having a different "main" focus. See: Kim Possible.
@Pixie Congratulation! now you know why Flash Sentry is so loved by the fandom...
@BESW Yes, exactly this.
@Pixie Though in all seriousness I'd absolutely LOVE a Naco right now
I'm secretly hoping Flash Sentry will figure out that Twilight only likes him because he's so similar to her older brother, and run.
(grabs its "Delete Flash Sentry" flyers and starts giving them out to passing peoples)
@BESW Since that is probably impossible, I just hope he manage to do something worthy if we will have to drag him onward.
@Sandwich Hah. Same.
That, or the voices of EG3 begin the last EG movie reveal themselves true
@SPArchaeologist I'd be really fine with Flash if he were --even subtextually-- a way for Twilight to work out her infatuation with her brother and move on to other stallions.
The thing is, not all of the shows in that mold are bad, and girls do like them, sometimes. But the fact that almost every American female-targeted cartoon can be summed up as such, vs the diversity of male-targeted cartoons in similar age demographics, is indicative of a rather large problem.
That'd be an unexpected sort of story.
@Sandwich @Pixie what is a naco?
> A Naco is a combination of nachos and a taco served at Bueno Nacho. It is created by taking nacho chips and cheese, mixing them with the fillings of a taco, placing it all in a tortilla, and lifting up the sides to form the bag-like shape.
I haven't encountered Flash Sentry as I am very behind. This may be a good thing.
@BESW I would be fine with him if he manages to resolve the EG3 problem with the one-that-is-a-spoiler-but-Hasbro-released-as-a-toy-two-months-before-the-premier‌​e-because-they-are-stupid
@doppelgreener It's no chupaqueso.
@Pixie Quick summary: EG has the precise setting that you described before - school, "rival cheerleader", school dance party night and manage to have Twily looking at the standard guitar player boy. Just what FiM was not supposed to be about.
Fan rage ensured.
@SPArchaeologist I know. That's why I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it yet.
I saw it relatively late myself
but I have seen it now
@Pixie The second one actually manages to be better because it capitalize on the good thing the first one had.
it was not in line with what I like about the show, by any means
Sunset Shimmer and her "reforming"
@BESW this does not seem good for my health in any form XD
I... kinda liked it, actually. Obviously the whole Equestria Girls tropefest of high school clichés was necessary or the execs would never have let the film get made. So the writers ran with it and wrapped the whole problematic narrative in an alternate-reality dimension where the characters were forced to conform to tropes in order to achieve their real meaningful goals.
All the "gotta be prom queen" nonsense, the cheerleading and all of that, was presented as a set of ultimately meaningless hoops they were forced to jump through to accomplish what really mattered.
The only parts of the highschool existence that were shown to have lasting value were the friendships they rebuilt and the community they fostered.
@doppelgreener yes actually
FiM is (sadly) unique among American female-targeted cartoons in its strong focus on female friendship rather than female competition, its ability to explore a wide range of problems and situations, and its cast full of competent, diverse women. And it does this while still embracing the fact that it is a feminine series whose primary demographic is little girls.
though that was only one of them to be fair
I will keep hope that EG3 continues the "redemption" EG2 started
If you've gotta have a "compete to be dance queen" plot because The Money Said So, that's the sort of subversion I like to see.
@BESW What was a Chimmurito then? I seem to recall something in that show being called that
Twilight didn't give two bits about the dance crown; she was fighting for the magical talisman which gave her power to defend her friends and symbolised her responsibility to the ponies of Equestria.
@BESW I may still give it a chance someday, but from everything I've seen of it, I'm just not entirely convinced. Working in those constraints doesn't mean it's automatically bad, by any means. I don't fault people who enjoy it. It's still part of a phenomenon that irks me, though, applied to one of the very few exceptions to the phenomenon, so I may never get past that.
@Pixie Oh, I don't think it's great.
But within the extremely narrow constraints the creative team obviously had put on them, I was pleasantly surprised by how much it failed to suck.
@BESW did she care, the fandom would have burnt down the cinemas at the premiere...
Hah. That's probably a good way to put it.
I can't condemn it too much either, but at the end of the day I am vexed by the fact that it is associated with a show I like 10 times more than I could ever like it
I will say: Rainbow Rocks has some fantastic music, and that alone makes me kind of want to watch it.
For me, Equestria Girls was redeemed by a handful of moments that may or may not matter to anyone else.
Never said it was bad, just that it is a pity that they had to work with that settings.
@BESW this one?
That was amusing, but no.
still my favorites :P
(That just brought up so many questions about what Twilight was eating during her stay there.)
@BESW I seem to recall that someone pointed out some flowers in a vase in the library seem to disappear after the night...
@BESW the real question though is how Celestia managed to have a girl that shouldn't show up in the school list of enrolled students compete for the crown.
Oh, wait, I know... Aelita syndrome.
Celestia in any dimension is still a massive troll who manipulates her subjects for the lulz.
She's the best <3
she is very entertaining
I would not want to have to put up with her shenanigans though
Oh noooes the crystals
I would've been very satisfied if they had given Celestia a "glkrrhkh" picture after spike grabbed her tail
Oh man
Celestia is at least a wizard capable of casting sixth level spells because she just DISINTEGRATED THAT BOULDER
@SPArchaeologist that was one really sweet ending ;_;

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