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...there was much kerfuffle in trying to figure out what to do with an uninitiated male who'd received the mark of the highest priestesses.
I imagine.
it was all fun and hilarious hyjinks ensued
It concluded when Pharaoh Hatshepsut (amused by the gender reversal which paralleled her own claim to the crown) decreed that the man had been given Bast's blessing, and it would be churlish of her followers to reject such an obvious miracle.
I wish that campaign was more open to other PC's,... but it focused on my character rather a lot
... ker-fluffle?
(That was the wrong picture the first time. :P)
that cat is mad
...and there's where the fun began, as Ajani struggled to adapt to his sudden rise in station, and the antagonism he faced from almost all his new peers.
Funny thing, Beerus was in the wrong picture.
@trogdor And fluffy.
@SPArchaeologist I'd shown it to someone earlier and these accursed keys don't work half the time, so ctrl+c apparently failed. xD
@Pixie If I said "VMWare syndrome" you wouldn't get it, right?
VMWare is a pretty famous software vendor, mostly involved in machine virtualization technologies. One of the recurring bug in their software (one that actually is pretty common in other vendors software too, but not so aggravating) is that often the copy function(ctrl+c) between the VM and the host won't recognize the key combo.
@BESW I did enjoy that campaign a lot
but it paradoxically sort of wasn't as fun as it could have been with more PC's and was kinda too focused on my character to easily bring other PC's in
this is the reason why they often say that the fastest way to recognize someone that works with VMWare is to look at the way he copy a file. If he/she furiously tap ctrl+c multiple times then you will know VMware has another victim.
Ahh. My issue is all physical. The keys on this laptop are just really stiff. I have to press them harder than any other keyboard I own, so my typo incidence has skyrocketed since I started using this computer again.
@trogdor I've had fantasies about reinstituting that story with other players coming in as guest NPCs, with popular NPCs getting more permanent roles.
@BESW if everyone else was fine with that I wouldn't mind it
but we are still in the middle of a campaign ATM XD
I was mostly toying with it at a time when we had semi-regular attendance but you were the only regular player.
Ajani is one of my favorite characters
and that campaign gave him hilarious problems to deal with
...aw, I missed the window where I had 900 helpful flags and 999 profile views.
Quick, nobody look at my profile until I get 93 more helpful flags!
1000 \o/
1 hour later…
I have been introduced to a new favourite twitter account.
"'I smash you to nothing!' said the ogre. 'That's physically impossible,' said Dean. The others agreed, and the ogre admitted he was wrong."
"The Great Tree was as tall as it was old. Which is to say it was very both."
"'I'll see what I can conjure up!' said Daryl the Conjurer for the four millionth time."
"'Fae is sick. They call it the Plague. The Wizard said he can protect us with a spell.' 'Hmm, best not. I hear his spells cause autism.'"
"The heroes thought that the Elven city was stunningly detailed and beautiful. If it were a video game, it would clearly be the PC version."
@doppelgreener Someone hasn't filled in anything except his high concept.
Once I read about a discussion between a gm and his players. The group was going down a corridor, about 3m wide and 3m tall. Suddenly, they find the path "blocked" by a glowing pyramid, also 3m wide and 3m tall.
[screams and runs away, babbling about yetis]
from there it seem that gm and players got lost in a discussion about the possibility to just continue past the pyramid since in a square corridor a triangle must leave some space on the sides...
@BESW hee
Bah. Glowing pyramids that size are usually psychic containers for ancient god-like beings that want to suck out your brains, literally and/or metaphysically. Squeezing past them just isn't a winning proposition.
See also: alien mummy robots from Mars.
(Hmm. Idea for a new self-help book: Shanghorns are from Venus, Osirans are from Mars.)
@trogdor Yetis are gentle, timid creatures.
(For those who weren't there or can't remember... there was a Cthulhu Dark game.)
it was brilliant and horrible
@BESW may as well be the tip of a Tetrahedron generator....
@trogdor I'm not sure I'll ever be able to top it. The group was perfect, the timing was right, and "Yetis are gentle and timid" hit a note I'm not sure I could ever hit on purpose.
Don't forget about DUNGEON MAN!
@BESW yes
it was odd that it evoked what it did
Everyone was really eager to buy into the tone and have their investigators act like characters in that genre.
@BESW remembers me of a friend of mine that always roleplayed "animal tamers" characters. He would go for hours claiming how timid, cute and defenseless creatures Nightmares where.
@SPArchaeologist In this case, it seems that yetis really are gentle, timid creatures.
We just never met any--we only met robot yetis controlled by a malevolent disembodied intelligence from beyond the universe's creation.
@SPArchaeologist part of it was that there were multiple people saying it, and that yetis were being confirmed to exist
I get your point. Anyway, he still managed to be the only paladin riding a nightmare I ever saw/heard of.
"We've just been attacked by a yeti!"
"Psh, that's impossible."
there was an implication of either these not being yetis, or something making them act differently than normal
"...I know, I didn't think yetis existed either!"
"...no, where have you been? Of course yetis exist, but they wouldn't just attack you."
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/65363/… should this question be reopened?
It's got four re-open votes already.
I'm not voting because I dunno the system well enough to say.
@BESW I get the difference. The whole point was that he one-handed managed to "persuade" the gm (or to be more realistic "stress the gm enough to have it like he wanted") that the nightmares where just "poor victims of the circumstances and actually good-hearted"
basically, he managed to turn nightmares from "demon horses" to "cute underground horses"
The most imbalanced ability in any RPG is Manipulate GM.
the next step would have been a paladin with a black dragon familiar.
just because it breathes acid doesn't mean it's evil
@DavidReeve sure, but isn't exactly what I would expect for a familiar. Owned by a paladin. Who rides a nightmare.
i think the paladin riding a nightmare is a bigger deal lol
> Hey I didn't say thMMPH! Once per session you may, at any moment, loudly and obnoxiously clear your throat and then pretend to be the GM for one sentence, as long as you're also acting an impression of their speech as well (badly). You must pay a fate point for each subsequent sentence.
@doppelgreener you have to mimic the GM perfectly in speech though
@trogdor Yes this too.
for balance, and hilarity
mostly hilarity
...this is a decent battlecry.
@BESW I like "FOR MUSTARD AND KETCHUP!". Sure to also rile up any true believers in Ketchup and BBQ sauce. The people who shout for BBQ Sauce and Mustard have just given up and accepted its unpopularity.
@doppelgreener Someday I really have to try to rp a 4th wall breaker in a Fate game.
@SPArchaeologist We once did a brainstorming session for stunts based on prop malfunctions and similar 4th wall breakage.

Bad movie stunts

Oct 10 '14 at 4:16, 2 days total – 46 messages, 5 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked Oct 27 '14 at 11:18 by doppelgreener

I might be biased but my favourite is That Part Of The Script We Forgot To Change.
... but all my other favourites are most of the ones BESW came up with. :D
I like that too.
Also "We Went Over Budget."
You forgot something like "Don't ask where it kept that", the almighty power that enables any good rpg videogame character to find a sword inside a dead sewer rat.
This was stunts for things that happen in bad movies.
@BESW You are right, my bad. Then maybe something like "Give them the popular characters" that enables you to call on your side a famous character from your setting for the rest of the session... even if that does not make any sense at all. For a totally random example, you may want to call an elf ranger to help you on the road to a lost dwarf city...
Even better if you are going to save a princess and manage to have said princess join you in the journey.
good your morning, mine is already long gone
@Sandwich What is this?
@trogdor Only two more hours 'til it refreshes.
> Why was that even there..? Once per session you may produce one piece of equipment that you found in/on a nearby storage place or corpse, regardless of how likely it was to be found there, or whether they're even remotely the same size.
@BESW true enough
but am I wrong? no I am not
it looks like Earth Bound?
"It's a kender, it's a kobold, no! It's--"
it is earthbound
It certainly looks heavy enough that I wouldn't expect it to fly.
@BESW Speaking of Kobolds I introduced a friend to pun pun the other day.
They were suitably amused.
Dungeon man is a man
Who is also a dungeon
He is the first fusing of man and dungeon
...He Fights Crime.
@doppelgreener "If we had a cannon, gunpowder and some cannon balls we may try to blast this wall off" "Let me check that dead bat we just passed another time..."
i love dungeonman so much that i have a race of anthropomorphic dungeons in one of my pathfinder games
how does that work?
@DavidReeve I think I remember this they work kinda like fly traps right?
They lure in adventures and eat them?
well that's what they do but i don't know what you'd remember it from lol
Haven't you mentioned it before? I remember talking about something similar on here.
Oh. Must have been someone else
Jeez, dungeon-beasts. What else, Quest-people?
wandering spells
A quest where you have to save your living sentient world from all the dungeon creatures digging into it to setup their dungeons are slowly killing it.
Would be a good quest for a group of druids
Ha! And in that andventure all the remaining are incredibly stupid, because all the high INT wizards went into the dungeon long time ago
i haven't played a druid campaign in forever
@eimyr equipment dogs
I might make this a thing. Sounds kinda fun
I would use Spheres of power so that every druid could be very different
@DavidReeve Would you be interested?
I may run this
yeah, i'd be down
i don't know how i feel about all druids, i might rather play ranger or something
That would work as well.
or depending on the system i could do feral child
But with Spheres of power and Archtypes in pathfinder everyone could be very different even if playing the same class
i suppose
@DavidReeve That is quite the class
i think it's a silly archetype but a neat character idea
It is.
i guess the point of archetypes is to more closely emulate a particular character idea though
Raised by wolves
Or whatever animal
Lol. Raised by Mice!
raised by equipment dogs
raised by dungeons?
raised by dracoquins?
how about a character concept, a wild child raised by a talking sword
+1 to Diplomacy towards Warforged
How about a child raised by a dungeon...man
+1 Knowledge Dungeoneering
elf-like passive spot
the feral child gets trap spotter in their favored terrain
you could do favored terrain underground
@Sandwich That wouldn't be a bad idea. The sentient planet recruits a child raised by one of the dungeons that isn't harmful. (It's an above ground dungeon or something)
@SPArchaeologist YES.
note to self: hand out a dog suit as loot sometime in a suitably weird game.
a suit that is a dog. a suit dog. a dog suit.
Dog suit loot?
A Jake Suit, but we don't have a Jake, so it'll just be a dog suit.
You could heavily imply that its a jake suit
Sounds like an RFS character.
The suit, I mean.
is the use of dogsuit prevent you from using a catsuit at the same time?
Of course
Suits follow Mario-Tanuki suit rules
If you put one on it causes the other suit to disintegrate into nothingness
Also if you get hit by something it causes the suit to explode off of you like a ghost
Makin pancakes makin bacon pancakes. Take some bacon and you put it in a pancake. Makin pancakes makin bacon pancaaaakes
Dogsuit protects you from bacon grease, obvs.
@Aaron in my campaign the party befriended one of the dungeons
but it was because they were a wizard's tower and were benevolent
how do dungeons reproduce?
I would assume the most natural way is by mitosis - simply wall off a portion of the dungeon and it could be separated
that would mean cloning and could explain why sometimes different dungeons have in fact little variety
@Sandwich Well, while I would probably pass on the dog suit loot roll, I would really love a sci-fi version of it that operates like Megaman ZX biometals
@eimyr my dungeons were natives of the plane of earth, born underground through magic
if new ones were to appear, they'd either come from there or a wizard did it
@Sandwich but..... what if instead of a dog-suit it was a dog-shoe? Would it still go by Mario rules? Because, you know.... you could wear a Tanuki suit and be in the Kuribo Shoe at the same time.
Well obviously a shoe doesnt count as a suit
What if it is a suit made of shoes?
a suit made of shoes is a shoot
but it is not a shoe
@DavidReeve it is not a shoes but it is some shoes
you don't wear them like shoes
you wear them like a suit
@DavidReeve And if I was a giant foot creature?
If a foot monster from Snake Rattle N' Roll wears a shoe, does it also qualifies as a suit ?
Nope still a shoe
Now if it were a sock...
That would qualify as a suit
So even if I call it a suit is not a real suit...
Suit is a state of being maaaaaan
Well, if you get enough people to agree that something is a thing, then it becomes that thing. Cause words are just agreed upon signifiers. Get enough people to call your shoe a suit, and it becomes a real suit, cause that's the commonly held objective reality.
Who's crazy now?!
but it's a shoe
a rose by any other name
Roll for Shoes
@sillyputty it becomes something called suit. The idea it represent is still different from the original suit
Well, have to go for now. Later
@doppelgreener "Why was that even there..?" makes me think of Maid. That is the kind of thing you can do with a Luck roll. It does require the roll, though, and odds may be high. (But then, somewhere I saw someone sum up Maid as "roll if it would be funny if you failed, " so this isn't a bad thing per se. Failure is comedy in a proper Maid game.)
"Don't worry, master! I have that right here! [pulls out something completely different, or falls on face and breaks thing, or shoves it into master's face]"
On that note, the four outcomes in Fate will be fun, I think.
3am thought: awesome, awesome with style, funny, funny with slapstick.
Other 3am thought: Sweet Luna, let me sleep.
A fantastic framework for failing forward in four phrases, by BESW.
1 hour later…
@Pixie was that 4d dress?
@waxeagle What is the status of game this week?
@Aaron if you want to do that game, let me know when and what system
@DavidReeve I will. And probably PF.
Q: Do we need a separate [scroll] tag beside the [magic-items] tag?

SevenSidedDieWe have a scroll tag with all of six questions (though one doesn't seem to deserve it). Do we need this tag, or does magic-items suffice? Should it be merged with magic-items as a synonym?

@Grubermensch @JoshuaAslanSmith @Shalvenay No game this week, officially travelling for business :(
@Grubermensch thanks for reminding me
@waxeagle THE SADNESS
I don't have a game this evening, either :(
Which is technically good, because I have a PhD to write, but still.
@waxeagle appreciate the heads up though
@Anaphory "until publications increase"
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah....lots of travel lately with this erp implementation.... only 2 hours from home, but some multi-day stuff
@waxeagle Gotz to plan those entreprise resources 
@DavidReeve No, 4D Dress lets you produce anything in the mansion without a roll. As long as it's conceivably there, you can pull it out.
If you're looking for something that has no business being in the mansion, or you don't have 4D Dress as your power, then you would roll Luck. The less sensible the thing, the higher I'd make the roll, but if you're trying to use Luck this way, you probably have high Luck (or are prepared to fail hilariously). You can also spend Favor if you really want to succeed.
@Kymvaris hi!
@JoshuaAslanSmith lol yeah, actually travelling today...and then on Thursday/Friday
@doppelgreener ...well, that was a lot more emotionally well-adjusted people than JKR's ever written.
@BESW Hi (:
What's new?
@BESW Posts like this often are. :P
@Pixie I think it's easy to miss, beneath all the bombast and slapstick, just how tragically the Wizarding World is emotionally broken.
@BESW Yeah. There... are many things wrong with the Wizarding World. There are some pretty good analyses of this floating around, too.
I wish AJ Hall's essays were easier to find.
It's just one of those things that completely skews and/or breaks down if you think about it for very long.
Applejacks last name was hall? Hmmmmmm =I
Pokemon is this way too, but for generally much better reasons/in ways that are much easier to accept. It's funny, though. People love to concoct grimdark fan theories about Pokemon, but you don't even need them. Its world is absolutely horrifying.
Pidgeys eat caterpies
I assume they're delicious
Children are literally catching the souls of the dead and pitting them against dragons who never stop attacking everything in their path and living toxic waste.
But I'm not a Pidgey so
Pokemon are so dangerous, like so dangerous, and people are like, "Well, child, you're all of 10 years old now! Time to go out into the world and tame these creatures so you can pit them against each other!"
And that's honestly just scratching the surface. :P
But let's briefly examine some ghost Pokemon. Just some of them.
> Each [Yamask] carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.
[Drifloon] are called the "Signpost for Wandering Spirits." Children holding them sometimes vanish.
[Haunter's] tongue is made of gas. If licked, its victim starts shaking constantly until death eventually comes.
[Haunter] hides in the dark, planning to take the life of the next living thing that wanders close by.
If anyone dares to grab [Honedge's] hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely.
They're pretty much all like that, but.
Yeah Pokemon are dangerous as heck
Ash should be dead
He got licked by Haunter
Pokeymans journey end right there
Anime Pokemon are considerably different as they often entirely discard the pokedex, which is kind of funny since the entire point of your Pokemon journey is supposed to be collecting this scientific information. :P
I'd have loved for Ash to get the pokedex info for haunter and then it tells him that entry
Then he's like
Wait wut
Then boom
It's not just ghost Pokemon, either. Spoink dies of heart failure if it ever stops bouncing, Ninetales can curse you for 1000 years for pulling one of its tails, and Xatu "stays still and quiet because it is seeing both the past and future at the same time."
This isn't even touching what Pokemon are physically capable of, either -- just the ones that are by their nature terrifying or distressing.
Just imagine if Team rocket had built a machine to see what is inside a Xatu's brain instead of trying to capture the same pikachu for thirtyteen seasons
(They would've failed at it like everything else actually evil they attempted as well, but, you know.)
Like that whole Mewtwo thing. Didn't go so well for them.
They wouldn't fail so much if they just did a snatch and grab
Ash is plenty stupid
Hell there was an episode where they brainwashed every electric pokemon in like a 1 mile radius using a power plant
And they just kept pushing their luck
They could've just walked
Netflix to Feature the Original #ReadingRainbow Series http://adweek.it/1HZhvGo http://t.co/9e4eyJJPDV
@BESW What. Omg. Yes. Yay!
@Pixie those were funny to read.
@BESW Woo, now they've got Bill Nye and Reading Rainbow. A powerful combination.
@Sandwich They are not very good at what they do. :v
(Aside from being fabulous, which they are very good at, and I love them more than anything.)
@Pixie [Wolverine reference]
I've gotten so used to quick answers here that I get upset when they don't get answered timely over on SO
Stack overflow? You want an answer on Stack Overflow? Lol!
You ueez fonny
@BESW [looks up] Yes. They are the exact inverse of this.
@Sandwich I used to get them! And answer them!
I think most codemonkeys would rather work on their code than someone elses :P
Though it doesnt hurt to ask for advice
@Pixie You've read the Harry potter books yes?
@Sandwich Through 5.
What would be a cool spell if it existed
@Sandwich It was a good experience for me before, but I think that was because of C/C++ questions. Now I have fringe questions on Jasmine/MongoDB stuff, so it's not mainstream enough to get replies :(
Oh yeah hella people code in cpp
I have a book on CPP sitting in my closet
@Sandwich Appearify Cupcakes. It has one use and one use alone.
@Pixie I can think of a few uses for it
Does the spell give you cupcakes?
@Codeacula It appearifies them somewhere.
Finding them is half the fun.
@Pixie I'm currently in a 1x1x2 area by lava. Monsters are no doubt spawning.
@Pixie How hard is it to cast? Could I just cast it forever and flood the world in cupcakes?
@Pixie Ooh what else
@IronHeart I have no sticks and my only pick is silk-touch.
@IronHeart Oh no. Do you want me to come find you. xD
In emergencies Bender's ass can be used as a Flotation device
@Pixie Wouldn't mind!
Do you have a bending unit
Could you like
Dig up and then pillar up?
@IronHeart On it! Well... I probably need to update on this computer. :I
@Codeacula There are reasons the spell is not often spoken of. The inherent danger of infinite cupcakes is far too much power for most to handle.
@Pixie Some people just want to see the world cupcake.
@Codeacula Is that like the world-serpent?
@IronHeart It's like the Batman quote, but instead of "burn" it's "covered in cupcakes."
@Codeacula A shame, that.
@IronHeart I agree. I'm not a fan of cupcakes.
I like em
Muffins are far superior.
but too many would be a pretty bad thing
and I do generally prefer Muffins, depending on what kind
@BESW I agree!
@Pixie What other spells :O
@Sandwich One moment, I'm mounting a daring rescue to Morning Musume songs.
Are you an Elite beat agent
Tell the truth
Morning Musume is the best way to get pumped for things like punching skeletons to death with your bare hands. (I know of people who do the same thing with kpop and MMO dungeon raids.)
I normally just listen to like
Pumping up music
Like "You spin me right round"
I drink for MMO raids. And make sure I'm drunk before it starts
...I used to get a 5% boost on skill when playing Halo to Tool albums.
During the main boss fight I would start with "Running With The Devil"
In raids I'd generally keep music down so I could hear the voice chat and fight cues. Except for Shade of Aran, of course.
Also this is the best song for doing anything game related
Nope, definitely jpop, especially cheesy 90s jpop.
I've never actually played an MMO with raids myself, but it's true enough that I'd probably forego it on GW2 dungeons. It might be too effective.
I like the part with Jinx the best
@Sandwich I'm kind of disappointed the whole thing isn't her. :P
I could listen to a whole song about jinx
Oh wait
I already do
Riot made it
Haha, yes.
I'm not actually a LoL player myself. Tried it briefly, didn't especially get into it. But a couple of my friends are super into it, and Jinx's trailer song had just come out around the time of the anime convention I stay at their house for. So I heard Get Jinxed... roughly 1000 times. xD
Jinx is probably the most time and thought riot has put into a champion
Cant go wrong with Bad Apple during games either though
That feeling when your rogue puts their ear to that door to hear whats on the other side
Steps on a pressure plate, accosted by space bees
@Sandwich that song is wonderful
Touhou doujin music is so good in general.
Speaking of good, this song is very. That chorus... *o*
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