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I am most amused to find Wikihow has an article on how to keep safe from swooping Australian magpies
@doppelgreener My favorite thing on wikihow is the "how to become an anime character" type of article, but this is pretty amusing as well. The art is always... perfect.
"9. Have a heart." Help to summon Captain Planet. He is a friend to the magpies. Wait, we killed him with the internet, sorry.
@Pixie That one was pretty surprising and nice to see there.
And yes the art is great.
But yes, it's definitely good to remind people that they are just scared and upset birds.
@Pixie Wait, what?
@Miniman ... that the magpies are just...
No, people are definitely scared, upset birds. The sooner they realize this, the sooner they can calm down.
@Pixie No, the humans are scared and upset. The magpies are psychotic, rabid, vicious bastards who won't stop until they've eliminated every living thing in a 500m radius.
That would make an awful lot of sense actually
@Miniman here we see a small boy about to be destroyed and eaten by the local raptor (*magpie) population
alas, he should not have been allowed outside during quarantine hours (which is every hour)
@doppelgreener I hadn't even thought about the dinosaur connection.
his parents will now be less likely to pass on their genes, and thus natural selection runs its course and Australia grows stronger in its eternal arms war against the magpies
@Miniman I understand that they're a nuisance that people need to protect themselves from, but they are also animals acting on instinct. They have no malice, their brains are just telling them EVERYTHING YOU HOLD DEAR IS UNDER THREAT MUST SWOOP. That doesn't lessen the amount of nuisance they are or the necessity to defend oneself, of course.
@Pixie I sympathise with this though. I like magpies quite a lot. But they are still terrifying, so they wind up as scared upset vicious bastards.
@doppelgreener Oh yeah. In the moment, I can't really blame someone for their reaction, nor their frustration. Whatever the situation, you've got birds attacking you.
That said they're fine every other non-swooping week of the year, there's nothing much we can do when they are swooping, and the people who attack them in their trees are still seen as deplorable (and usually idiots).
(because you'll miss and get a magpie attacking you, you idiot)
@doppelgreener Yeah, why would you give them an extra reason.
@Pixie Yes XD
It's a bit like that dude from Firefly
He's killed several men, Mal's the first guy who gave him a reason to fight
Wait that's not really all that analogous because that guy was a tosser, but I'm rooting for the magpies in this scenario...
@JoshuaAslanSmith Original Netrunner, or the new Netrunner?
(disregard the Atherton thing entirely)
I haven't seen Firefly so I am slightly clueless here anyway. xD
It is very good but you have probably heard that much already
Yes. xD
(someone has heard of firefly and not watched it, they probably heard of it because of an excited fan telling them they should watch it)
* these fans are usually correct, in my thoroughly unbiased opinion
@doppelgreener It's not for everyone, though.
Heh. I have heard mostly good things. It's one of those series that is on my "consider watching" list indefinitely because I am bad at ever actually doing that.
@Miniman That is why I say "usually" c(:
@Pixie I have one of those lists too. There are far too many shows to realistically actually keep up with, so I don't pressure people they have gotta watch so-and-so thing already.
@Ashley Greetings! Welcome home, I presume!
@doppelgreener Yep, home, dinner made (french toast!) and adult things like taking the garbage out are done :)
@doppelgreener Yes... so many... @o@ Someday... probably. (This is why I have to become a lich.)
@AshleyNunn All of those things are excellent.
@doppelgreener Eh, adult things like taking out the garbage are more of a necessary evil.
@Pixie But if you become a lich, by the time you get to the end of your current list, there will be more shows! You need to have experience-sharing simulacrum or something.
@Miniman Well, adult things being done is excellent.
My colleague came across a list of alternative Lorem Ipsum generators and among them was Bogan Ipsum. Have some Australian culture, mates.
@doppelgreener "Australian culture" is an oxymoron :P
@waxeagle yo
@Miniman What are you talking about? We make cheese & yoghurt here! :P
@waxeagle @Grubermensch are we taking a break this week?
@Miniman Trust me we have a very strong culture, only the stuff that makes us unique in the world is mostly incorporeal (and hard to notice since we're around it every day) - our values and attitudes, our behaviour toward people, our moral compasses, etc.
@doppelgreener There was also ice cream, because I did all the adult things.
@doppelgreener It was mostly just stupid; the trainer had a derp moment when he went to sooth the anxious bear, and treated it like a bear that wasn't caged in a flying plane.
@AshleyNunn I am suddenly pondering what cinnamon french toast with ice cream would be like.
@doppelgreener I think it would be delicious!
@BESW Oops. Ouch.
@AshleyNunn Me too!
And maybe a little soggy.
That sounds amazing.
@doppelgreener That's why you gotta be quick.
@doppelgreener Maybe, but now I want to try it. Perhaps not with the mint chip ice cream I have currently, though.
Especially if vanilla ice cream.
Yeah, mint chip would not be the best, I imagine. xD
@trogdor Yeah, he did some flying in Swaziland, and a lot of "air taxi" stuff through the isolated villages of Alaska, and since coming out here he's been working for Micronesian Air.
@Pixie Yeah, mint chip just would not go. But a nice vanilla, or the speculaas ice cream I had once, that would work. (Speculaas being like...Dutch gingerbread cookies.)
Apparently in response to the sugar gliders, my Twitter feed spat this out:
The trees here are full of flying squirrels, which would be awesome if they weren't in the endangered woodpecker's nest boxes.
@AshleyNunn Speculaas is tasty!
@Pixie I love them. My mom is Dutch, so I grew up with stuff like that and stroopwafels and stuff.
Is? Are? I don't know, but I have had them and they are good. xD
So it makes me laugh when I see speculaas ice cream and speculaas cookie butter being all trendy now
We have a local grocery store chain that carries a lot of European goods. I can't say whether what they have holds up, but it is actually imported.
@AshleyNunn Stroopwafel sounds like a kind of pheasant with a funny comb.
@BESW It's a cookie!
Think of like the thinnest crisp waffle with syrupy stuff in the middle
(And yes you do set them over your coffee/tea like that because then they get soft and awesome)
@AshleyNunn I tried some once. Microwaving also works.
@Adeptus Yeah, I just like excuses for tea.
And speaking of evolution doing bizarre things to animals, there's a tumblr for that (link is SFW, but the blog can get a little sweary).
@AshleyNunn That reminds me of this:
@Adeptus I have never had these!
I feel like I should fix that.
Hey, folks. I am not sure what to do with the Mjolnir / Hammer of Thunder question. Ruut's trying to search for something else we can use to draw conclusions other than a direct quote, I've responded pointing out that there's nothing extra we need because it's already perfectly clear they're the same thing, and only a dev quote would give the answer he wants but we don't even need that 'cause we already know what the quote would say (it's mjolnir).
... But those comments are borderline out of line since, y'know, they're not suggesting improvement. (Just responding to his musings on the question itself.)
What do I do? What do we do as a community in situations like this?
I see no problem with that question.
I don't think a sort of "what do we do with questions where the answer's already obvious and we don't even need to hear it" meta would be needed, 'cause this is the only time I remember even seeing something like this.
It's saying, "Hey, this seems obvious, but have the devs ever confirmed it?"
That... is a legit question, on topic, we can recognise good or bad answers to it.
Okay, good, so the question itself is probably fine.
And if there's no dev statement, then it should either have an answer exhaustively proving that lack, or no answer at all.
That helped me replace my last comment.
Mmm. This is one of those cases where "No answer is available" doesn't make the question any less valid.
An answer may well be available.
Someone might've mentioned something about it somewhere in those hundreds of dragon or dungeon magazines or in other media.
I think the fact that Thor himself is mentioned in the descriptions is... useful enough to make an answer out of. Upvoting them.
Just that Ruut was also wondering if we could add more evidence to the pile as a way to better substantiate answers. He doesn't need that. None of us do, we already have all the evidence. All he's really looking for is confirmation, so that helped me point that out.
Haruum. @doppelgreener, will you be joining us tomorrow?
flop There we go
@BESW Yes. I still have a cough, but that may stay with me for a few weeks yet, and I am probably not still sick.
So I am happy to sit around with Daniel and cough around beside him. c(:
@doppelgreener Hot tea with lemon and honey and ginger!
@BESW I will try this. (Any particular kind of tea? IIRC milk tea would be a no-no...)
@doppelgreener I just use like an orange pekoe tea
then add the lemon and honey (not ginger, because I don't like it.)
@doppelgreener Something herbal and non-caffeinated is best. This stuff tastes like medicine, but is very good for clearing up airways.
@waxeagle -- game today?
@BESW If it tastes like cough medicine that's not bad, that stuff is usually delicious.
I'm fond of hibiscus teas, myself.
@AshleyNunn I will check in at our local tea store. \o/
You might call them rosellas?
@doppelgreener Or like a rooibos tea, those are good too
@doppelgreener I just use hot water with lemon & honey (and sometimes ginger cordial, because I have it in the house already)
@Codeacula You were asking for 4e advice? I've got a little time.
@doppelgreener Milk doesn't actually make you produce more mucus, though the sensation of the milk itself might make you feel like there's more. If milk tea is what you really like though (it is in my case xD) it will not do actual harm.
Don't have my resources anymore, but the ol' brain might still be useful.
@BESW Awesome? In the Bar, here? Somehwere?
@Codeacula Here is fine. So long as we're talking about 4e, and not its relative merits to other systems, it's not inflammatory.
And in a conflict between 4e talk and discussions of teas and ice cream and cute animals, the non-RPG topics should go to the NAB first.
@BESW I was just going to say that I have PH1, PH2, GM Guide, and MM1. Are there any other recommendations for sources for a good core game? I think we're going to ignore PH3
Yes, definitely. Do not feel you are stepping on the toes of fun but ultimately off topic chatter. xD
@Codeacula Honestly all the sources--even the magazines--are pretty solid in 4e.
Psionics is a little confuzzling at first, but not imbalanced or out of place.
(And the very last Essentials book gets sorta silly.)
I've had a player specifically ask to not use PH3 for some reason. I think Psionics
I really liked the * Power expansion materials for the base classes.
Martial Power and Primal Power were lots of fun.
@Pixie Yaaaayy! I've just heard it's bad for sore throats or something or other but excellent! I can add ginger and lemon and honey to this. >:)
It's understandable to want to avoid psionics, but if that's really his goal it'd be better to say so.
'cause there's good non-psionic stuff in PHB3, and psionics crop up elsewhere too.
@BESW Are there any that scream out "oooo yes!"
The magazines can have problematically written powers sometimes that could've been through better QA, but they're usually entirely salvageable.
@Codeacula Depends on what you like, I suppose. I used the online Compendium mostly, so it's not natural for me to think in terms of "this book" and "that book."
@doppelgreener And those problems are a LOT less common than in 3.x's magazines.
(because the power itself is usually not the problem, but the way it is written needs revision to make it work.)
@BESW I'm going to be asking what sort of campaign they want, so I don't know about that. I guess I have enough to go on for now and find out. :)
Your player may also be suffering from holdover from 3.5 re: psionics. There's a common feeling (which I'm not in a position to confirm or deny) that 3.5 psionics were terribly overpowered. 4e's psionics are not.
This being tagged with raises questions with hilarious answers.
Hey @Nyoze!
afk a tick
@Miniman ... updoots are evil?
This question involves ethical and moral alignments in game systems.

I have ethical and moral questions regarding this question lol.
Needs one more off-topic close vote to be moved to meta.
@doppelgreener That's the opposite of where I was heading...I thought I might be able to become a Paladin by participating in Stack Exchange.
@Shalvenay @JoshuaAslanSmith sorry should have confirmed. No game this week. Probly not next week either :( probly travelling for business next week.
aaah, enjoy the trip :)
@Miniman Nope. You don't fit the "Stupid" Of Lawful Stupid, sorry.
@Nyoze Awww, shucks.
I think I know what Lawful Stupid really is: "There's no regulation/rule/law that says that I can, so I can't"
@Codeacula If your group doesn't use the online Compendium, I highly suggest they give it a shot.
It made our lives a lot easier, and if each person pitches in, the subscription fee becomes trivial for the benefit.
@BESW I might do so, then. Thank you :)
The searchable index with errata updates alone was worth the price of admission, but the smart character creator and separate monster builder made life so much easier for both players and GM.
And you can still easily just say things like "Hey, nobody use psionic classes, okay?"
I'll give that a shot, then
Gives you access to downloadable copies of all the magazines, too!
And the character generator gives print-out-able sheets for power cards that are pre-mathed for the specific character.
@BESW It fascinates me that people seem to object to having psionics in the game. What makes it (specifically) so objectionable?
@Miniman Well, I think a lot of it is the leftover reputation from psionics in 3.x.
But in 4e specifically... psionics is the closest the engine ever comes to a separate subsystem or overlay.
well, psionics had something of a reputation in 2e as well, best I can tell
It replaces certain parts of the power system (specifically replacing encounter powers with a power point system to pump up at-will powers).
(it's the one thing that is strictly off limits in our 2e table -- it doesn't help that it wasn't an idea that Gygax was ever a fan of)
Psionic classes have more at-will powers, but few or no encounter powers.
@BESW Ah, I didn't think of that. "Because it's got a history of bad design" makes a lot more sense than any of the objections I could think of based on the concept.
It's also effectively a second magic system. We played with it a bit in 2e, but generally, it's been "why do we need a magic-like system, when we already have a magic system?"
Instead they have per-fight "points" they can spend to increase the effectiveness of at-will powers.
So to the casual glance, it looks like they get more choices usable more often.
In reality, 4e psionics is mostly just more complicated at the table: you have more choices at any given moment in a combat than your non-psionic compatriots, but the sum effect of them is roughly equivalent because most of the time those choices are individually less effective than the choices another PC might have available.
Man they need to update these websites
@Codeacula Yeah, the one problem with the 4e Insider stuff is that, now 5e is out, there's a lot less incentive to keep it current.
@Miniman I was suspicious of psionics myself, when I first saw it in 4e: the reason 4e works so well is that it's abandoned the concept "subsystem and overlay" approach where each new flavour of option needs a new mechanical subset to represent it.
Instead 4e largely just tweaks the same basic mechanics to create new effects and experiences within the same paradigm, so it's easier to balance and you don't have learning overhead before trying something new.
Psionics is a slight departure from that discipline, and I'm still not entirely convinced its effect was worth the break.
But it's just a break from the discipline, not a break from the balance.
(That said, a lot of the most popular ways to make the system's balance weep do draw on psionics to some extent. Exceptions to the rules are the most likely to leak.)
@doppelgreener @BESW What's the syntax for a meta tag? [ tag:faq ] obviously isn't right.
[meta-tag:faq] =
@BESW Thanks!
Q: Why do some of my questions have a (-2) to reputation?

ProgrediHow do I get -2 Reputation for some of my questions? They are sincere questions. And I don't have the reputation to tag this with reputation.

Oh, @codeacula: the other thing that's in the PHB3 is hybrid classes.
Your group is probably right to ignore hybrids completely unless/until there's a very specific effect you want to achieve that's impossible any other way.
@BESW I need to look up this "the hybrid classes"
Hybridising is where you combine half the features of one class with half the features of another, to get a gestalt class that has access to the powers of both. It's also one of the only ways in 4e to really easily make a class that utterly fails to be effective.
If there's a really specific mechanical combo you've got in mind, hybrids can be super powerful. Outside of that, though, they tend to be neutered at best.
It's definitely a "For Expert Use Only" option unless you're just farting around to see what happens.
I think we'll stick with the basics for now
That said, one of the most powerful PCs I've ever seen was a hybrid warlord/shaman.
(interesting... chat doesn't onebox xkcd if you use a https: link)
Still. The PHB3 also has the minotaur and the runepriest, which are awesome non-psionic things.
(Seeker is a primal class, but it's... one of the few classes --Vampire, I'm looking at you too-- whose mechanics drastically fail to meet baseline 4e standards, however awesome the flavour may be.)
(Seeker is the class to play if you're an optimiser in a party of sub-optimisers, and you don't want to make everyone else feel irrelephant. You can optimise that class to your heart's content and the "picked options with my eyes closed" Ranger will probably still match your effectiveness.)
Oh wow...
That bad? :\
@Nyoze The flavour is awesome. The mechanics... well, it starts at the low end of baseline effectiveness for 4e classes, and has a really hard time rising higher than that.
Compare Ranger, which has a very high baseline effectiveness, and can be optimised to noticeably improve, but still has a ceiling lower than the most optimisable classes.
4e is on my list to try one day, if I ever actually can be bothered buying the books :(
(If a Ranger is holding a bow, he's doing good damage.)
Although the most effective Ranger I ever saw didn't deal any damage at all. He just made enemies stop, drop, and cry, while his friends stabbed them repeatedly.
But that was super-optimised hacks from a player for whom that was the whole point of the game.
Alright, heading home. Depending on the state of things, I might be back online later.
See ya :)
So my Fate game is likely to have a mysterious, inscrutable, forever-cloaked redneck/hoarder, an archaeologist-necromancer forever fighting the common perception of his magical profession ("shouldn't you be in a flaming skull fortress?"), and a musclebound cleric collecting items as a holy mission.
Redneck Hoarder adventuring? This I want to see :D
@Nyoze It actually started out as a misinterpretation. xD
@Pixie Hey, if it happens, then run with it! Run run away!
The player described the concept as "the idea of a character (perhaps mine) being just some kind of ambiguously gendered & grimily robed jawa/WV expy who just HOARDS the most useless **** imagineable," as in WV from Homestuck. But me and one of my players are from WV, so a third player (my WV player's boyfriend who visited here just recently) automatically read it as the state.
Jokes turned into "I'm playing that." xD
They're some kind of fey boogieman type being parents warn their children about, except they're really just a laidback redneck with an insatiable craving for garbage items people abandon.
One mans trash is another mans treasure :P
Precisely. xD
Wow... Today is really slow :\
I haven't even been at work for 2 hours yet, I'm caught up on everything that I need to do, and no one online is posting either :\
@Pixie ... is that the Mayor? (my daughter is a fan of Homestuck, I've only picked up little bits of it via her)
@Adeptus Yep, Wayward Vagabond/the Mayor of Can Town.
@Pixie For some reason that just delights me as a concept.
Okay, I think that's enough poking Roll20 with sticks (I am new to it, and my boyfriend and I are trying to set up stuff in it. He did most of the character sheet stuff, but I was trying to be nice and finish it while he slept. I think I have everything except the info it wants for crit dmg for my weapons.)
@AshleyNunn I've tried poking Roll20 - But it just confuses me...
(I am really new to D&D, I've only ever played in one very highly "simplified" campaign thing where we mostly just told a story and rarely rolled dice.)
@AshleyNunn It delights me too! This game is gonna be a lot of fun.
@Nyoze I managed pretty okay (It helps that we had the info in a standard character sheet so I was just filling in values for the most part, except that crit stuff I am missing)
Yeah, I guess you already know what you're doing, so that helps. I was just poking it to see what it could do, and I didn't know where to start lol.
Q: What's so bad about Seeker anyways?

Brian Ballsun-StantonI remember being unimpressed about playing a Seeker, and the handbook certainly regards them as a challenge, What core mechanic is such a poor fit? Are there any standard remediations (choice of feats, items, or class features) that fix these mechanics, besides "Play a hunter?" From a purely ...

for the long version
@doppelgreener Yeah, I saw that lol.
@Nyoze Yeah, we had created the character separately, so I knew I could just kinda fill in the blanks for the most part. As to what happens next, well, that we are less sure on, but we will poke it with sticks when he is not feeling sick and sleeping. :)
For some reason I don't see stuff on the character sheet that tells me about the crit damage for the weapons she has, and I wasn't too successful datamining the 5e Player's Guide, but that might be more of a lack of knowledge and experience with D&D and the Player's Guide and everything on my part than any failure of the systems/data.
When you say Crit Damage, you mean the range and multiplier?
@Nyoze Let me check exactly what it asks for....
@Pixie "Flaming skull fortress?" I thought that old stereotype of gay necromancers had been laid to rest.
Okay, it has a spot for the weapon, the attack stat, the damage dice and bonus, the damage type, then just a box that says "crit damage" and that's the one I don't know - I am thinking it wants to know what extra if anything happens when you crit
(This is where my lack of knowledge of the inner bits of D&D starts to break down, because I know critical hits are a thing, and usually you add stuff extra when you do so, I just don't know what that is for the weapons my character has (a light crossbow and two daggers))
I would be tempted to write "yes" in there
It doesn't help that I don't know what standardly happens when you crit on damage
(It has been months since I played, and even then we were....very lax with rules, because of some of the people in the group)
(It was fun, I am just now missing knowledge bits.)
@AshleyNunn Did you say you were playing Pathfinder?
@BESW [giggles madly] is the only response I have thus far managed.
@Pixie I think 5e, if I remember what he told me right.
(If I recall, he is poking an Eberron thing to work with 5e?)
@AshleyNunn Ah, I am thinking of someone else who mentioned PF tonight then. I am sleepy. xD
(also, sorry for all the questions from a newbie, I just figured you lot might know, considering the site topic.. :) )
Sorry, don't now how that works in 5e myself. Hope you can find the info you need though!
@Pixie I will keep poking the things with sticks, eventually something will cough up what I want. :)
[lights the @Adeptus signal, and the @Miniman signal]
Your 5e knowledge on crits is needed!
Actually, wait. Would Crit damage just refer to the x2/x3/x4 multiplier?
@BESW ... I'd be lying if I said I didn't love that outfit.
It's pretty swag.
@Nyoze That's my guess as that seems to be the only thing I've not put down so far
I just don't happen to know what those are for these weapons.
@AshleyNunn That I can't help you with :(
No worries, at least now I have a better idea of what info I might be trying to find.
When I am less tired I will go back to checking my Player's Guide PDF, I am just running out of oomph tonight.
@BESW Kind of reminds me of Thraduil's grandiose opening shots.
Except, yanno, with more Eric Roberts hamming it up and less riding a dire elk.
Doctor Who and the Campest Master of Swag.
(the episode where he actually gets defeated, because he can't handle all that)
It's kinda sad that as much as RTD and Moffat have tried to make the Simm and Gomez Masters as camp as possible, they have yet to out-camp Ainley or Roberts.
@BESW Oh, sorry, I mean the outfit itself (not the acting) and the... excessive "LOOK AT ALL THIS GRANDEUR" introduction in Desolation of Smaug.
@Pixie Ah, yes.
(I don't mean excessive in a bad way but that is the only word I have to describe it.)
@BESW Yes this. xD
Decadently indulgent.
Indulgent, yes.
Uh, and this time, really good night and best wishes.
@BESW Wow, that is indulgent grandness. XD
@doppelgreener Even more so when you observe how it is filmed.
@Pixie Perfume ad
@doppelgreener Basically!
[watches 10 more times, sighs in exasperation] elves
"Try the new fragrance, ANTLER, and be an elf-lord."
Okay, now I can't stop picturing that appearing in a fashion magazine with one of those tear out scent strip things.
(Is that still a thing?)
@AshleyNunn I think I have come across them in the break room.
@Pixie Lee Pace was so perfect for that role.
@BESW I know!
Pitch-perfect nailed the "Elves are prissy narcissistic drama queens who will mess you up."
Also, his eyebrows ascended to a far higher level than even Legolas's. They confound me.
But yes, I can't possibly imagine a better Thranduil.
@doppelgreener @AshleyNunn From my limited 5e knowledge (I haven't played, I've read the books but don't own them, & mostly refer to the Basic PDFs) 5e crits are always 2x (ie, roll the damage dice twice). The official 5e character sheets don't have a spot for crits, so it being on Roll20 may be just a carryover from previous editions.
isn't there an "eyebrows intensify" picture somewhere?
@doppelgreener Several.
@Pixie Google fails me in finding them
@doppelgreener ... I might have made one.
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I did.
This is not a new thing. I have been confounded since I first laid eyes upon them. I will never be free of this spell.
Nov 22 '14 at 4:40, by Pixie
He Whose Eyebrows Know Not Their Own Power. (Actually I think that's Thranduil.)
Do share? :D
@Adeptus Okay, cool, I will use that for now. That is what I thought it was, but I wasn't sure.
@AshleyNunn Player's Basic PDF p75:
@doppelgreener I think it's on the other computer. I will investigate.
> Roll all of the attack’s damage dice twice and add them together. Then add any relevant modifiers as normal. To speed up play, you can roll all the damage dice at once. For example, if you score a critical hit with a dagger, roll 2d4 for the damage, rather than 1d4, and then add your relevant ability modifier. If the attack involves other damage dice, such as from the rogue’s Sneak Attack feature, you roll those dice twice as well.
@Adeptus Yes, this is perfect.
This is the information I was failing at finding!
Thank you so much :)
(Augh, sorry for cutting you off there @Adeptus, I thought you'd already posted that and then it reappeared under my message? It was strange.)
No worries. Search function in Acrobat Reader is useful ;)
@Pixie Yeah, I was trying to get it to format as a quote... edited my 1st post to split the quote out
Oh, I see now!
I suspect I just wasn't looking for the right thing. So much appreciated.
..... The Ziltoid album has a song called Wandering Eye and it reminds me of Gunnerkrigg Court.
@Pixie aw yessss
this is the one I remembered!
I enjoy these intensify images a lot XD
Excellent. Now do that for this:
@doppelgreener I recall now that I needed it at some point and to my surprise could not find one. Though I believe there is one of Satsuki from KLK? xD
There had better be! :D
... googling for it brings some fun and unrelated results
@BESW Ahaha.
(that's all)
@doppelgreener I want to say I found it in the gallery here. I could be misremembering.
Is that this?
@BESW YES that one.
(Found it in a search for "capaldi eyebrows intensify.")
(I was too lazy to animate mine. Perhaps someday.)
I also found this.
@BESW Ha! Fantastic!
They are very intense eyebrows.
As entertaining as Capaldi being self-referential is, I'm not sure I buy the Doctor being so caught up in his looks. I mean, he looked like this for quite a while.
So while I'm okay with the show being amused by Capaldi mugging for the camera, I'm not sure the Doctor himself should be commenting on it so much.
I think this is what I was thinking of when recalling extant Thranduil eyebrow memes. Also this (language) and this.
Yeah, Capaldi memes tend to be language-y too, because of his previous work (warning for very language).
I see. xD
@Pixie HA, that last one is fantastic.
@BESW Yes, that is indeed very language. Probably the languagest.
Use all the language!
In other news, Ursula Vernon's twitter feed continues to provide Amusing Insect Names.
I wrote 1400 words and finished the hamster art for the week, but today's real accomplishment was finding a Two-Lined Spittlebug in the yard
Ooh! And a new moth--the American Idia! (Not to be confused with the Green Day album.)
wow, that is a lot of intense stuff right there
@trogdor So intense. Very eyebrows. Much Capaldi.
@Miniman I think you mean "such intense."
@BESW Probably. Meme-ing isn't my strong suit.
The basic idea is that doge two-word phrases have to use obviously mismatched modifiers.
"So intense" is syntactically normal, so it doesn't work here. Same with "very intense." "Much intense," "many intense," and "such intense" are traditionally ungrammatical, and thus are good doge.
"So intensity" would work, though.
We are scooting Fate to next week so everyone has more time to prepare. This is for the best, I think.
> What light. So breaks. Such east. Very sun. Wow, Juliet.
What Romeo. Such why. Very rose. Still rose.
Very balcony. Such climb.
Much love. So Propose. Wow, marriage.
Very Tybalt. Much stab. What do?
Such exile. Very Mantua. Much sad.
So, priest? Much sleeping. Wow, tomb.
Such poison. What dagger. Very dead. Wow, end.
@Adeptus bravo sir, quite eloquent if I do say so myself
@trogdor I can't claim credit, it was in the link BESW posted on doge syntax
eh wtv
> High Concept: Very rogue.
Trouble: Such wanted.
Stunt: Much steal. +2 create advantage when pick pocket. Wow.
@BESW It's worrying how accurate this is.
@BESW Much character! Very rules. So roleplay. Wow.
So aspect. Very stunt. Excite.
We have, in the past, speculated about the potential of a Meme Fate campaign.
Trouble: Mah bukkit!
I remember we talked about this in M&M because there is actual mention of memes as a power flavor somewhere. They didn't mean that kind of meme, I am fairly certain, but...
Stunt: I can haz advantij?
@BESW ah ok, that is pretty cool
@BESW Doge is the replacement for the Rogue class
> I lied! Once per scene you can re-roll without spending a Fate point.
Gosh darn it, I can't figure out which chat we played M&M in.
@doppelgreener The caster class is a combination of Philosoraptor and Hagrid ("Y're a lizard, Harry!")
in Maids and Mares, The RPG, Jul 15 at 0:46, by Pixie
> Today is the first day that Spearmint Serenade, accompanied by her trusty staff of maids, will be in her new home in Mosy Meadows. It had come as a shock to the media when she announced her intention to move to such a small town. She also announced that she would be doing something extra special for her five year performing anniversary, but she hasn't said a word about what.

But that's only the public's concern. For the maids, the biggest problem is... the house is a dump! The wallpaper is peeling, the roof leaks in heavy rain, a few of the windows are boarded up, and the closet is full
was it not here?
@trogdor Oh sorry, I meant Mutants and Masterminds. xD I am bad about using acronyms out of the blue. =w=
> Pixie: Under sample power descriptors... "Memes"
Pixie: they are probably using this in a different way but oh the temptation
spük: ah. what an exquisite meme
Genome: that's leading you into Grant Morrison territory where you're injecting literary archetypes into your bloodstream and travelling through thoughtspace
spük: "the infernal tacgnol! we know of him in my homeworld"
spük: turns out memes are transcultural constants
I wasn't sure why you had trouble locating it
@Pixie There needs to be a word for "using acronyms with no context or explanation".
How about UAWNCOE?
@BESW I've never understood why M&Ms have Ws on them.
@Miniman Actually, some of them are Es.
@Miniman No, I'm pretty sure that's "under a wizard's nose, chaos only expands"

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