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wow. Just saw BBS is stepping down. Big shoes to fill.
Its not really speculation
He uses terms like "Soulbind" which were originally pioneered in WoW
And I don't see how voting to depose a despot is a bad idea
Considering the alternative is suffering and having to play cleanup for a whiny baby
"Refuses to give up equipment he created during his 1/4 of the game" and "Refuses to read the rules" pretty much had me
Did stackexchange just crash?
Seems okay right now
I got six rapid notifications and then it crashed
Now I'm getting server not found for rpg.stackexchange.com
it is just you :(
@Sandwich I can't tell you why people are downvoting 'cause I didn't (and because I am not in a hive mind with them) but I can tell you why I have hesitated to upvote
Obviously because you're the king of all cosmos
Your answer contains much truth inside it, but the practical help of what to do is limited to the last paragraph, where it is also intermingled with condemnation: talk to them, and separately tell them you will have a hard time trusting them.
That question made me upvote an answer that starts with:
> I don't have sufficient reputation to comment, but I'd like to expand on this answer.
...I feel strange inside.
I assume we are talking about the "betrayed by my GM" question, also
Oh, sorry. I thought you guys were talking about the "GM doesn't listen to co-GMs" question.
This is so weird
Finally wow
@Miniman Oh, which one is that?
I couldn't send messages for like five mins straight
@Sandwich Welcome back! Sounds like a local DNS issue.
OH this one.
Q: How to deal with a DM that doesn't listen to or cooperate with his co-DMs?

abv2We are a group of five who rotates DMing with each quest. We have one DM who only does what he wants when he's DM, with no regard for other players, other DMs, or the rules, which forces the next DM in the rotation to scramble to salvage what is left from his quest. This one DM's quests consisten...

now i see.
@Sandwich My explanation was directed at your "betrayed by my GM" answer
Yeah thats the one
@doppelgreener Yes, I had issues with that as well, most notably his indication that beating up your GM is an acceptable course of action.
If you were living in a communist dictatorship I'm sure you'd jump at the chance to vote your czar out of office.
He created an evil deity and forced his entire party to become Neutral evil despite being told that they didn't want that to happen
For reasons
@AlexMitan re: fire magic and buildings -- you're assuming things about how buildings burn that aren't necessarily true
Unless they're made of thatch
Then they'll burn
And how
(Reinforced) Concrete, properly protected steel, and heavy timber are all actually rather resistant to fire
@Sandwich yeah -- thatch roofing is fire-vulnerable, but so are many modern roof materials
Fire resistant buildings include treated lumber, steel, concrete, clay tiles, and the like
@Sandwich -- yes. heavy timber is also in that category
Sod, thatch, and dry lumber will catch pretty fast if they're greased though
@Sandwich -- sod, thatch, and dry light lumber
a 12" diameter log isn't going to catch ablaze easily.
That's what the grease spell is for though (if you're playing with a DM that allows grease to be flammable)
I'd say that you'd be better off with an oil
Greases tend to burn in a rather ugly, smoky, not very handy for arsonists way...
although part of that depends on your def. of "grease" -- animal fats burn more readily than saponified greases do
and even with a coating of grease on its surface, a 12" log will charbroil black and not present much if any opportunity for further heat penetration well before it fails
That depends
@Sandwich wow, that is one messy situation
If you really want to burn it you can use Prestidigitation to heat it up
God I love that cantrip
@Miniman Yeah, that answer hit my DANGER button quick, and then I realised it was perfectly fine. I tweaked it to not apologise or meta-mention commenting, since it was already doing a good job of referencing other answers while answering independently.
@Sandwich -- yes, Prestidigitation is handy -- my question is "can you get the interior of the log hot enough to smolder to failure with the limited ability of oxygen to penetrate the char layer?"
@SevenSidedDie Tbh, I think it's one of the best suggestions there, since it might allow the problem DM to have more fun as well as everybody else. And it doesn't involve splitting the group.
Well Prestidigitation says it can heat something, it doesn't say the degree to which it can be heated however
We... we have a tag. Why.
Should probably be synonymed to .
@Sandwich -- I'd limit the heating to an amount of energy consistent with other uses of that spell
It'd have to be less than any other spell effect since it cant duplicate spell effects
So less than for example Heat metal
less than Heat Metal, yeah
which would put it at the "likely not hot enough to help much"
Heat Metal doesn't work on grease though, so that's fine. Prestidigitate that up to 100MK.
Prestidigitation actually says it can warm, not heat.
that too @Miniman
So you probably can't light anything on fire with it.
perhaps carbon disulfide @Miniman :P
@Miniman 100MK isn't fire, it's fusion plasma. >.>
Prestidigitation states: It cannot deal damage
Heat metal states:
Turn 1 Warm None
Turn 2 Hot 1d4 points
So it doesn't deal damage hot, but it can still keep someone from freezing
@SevenSidedDie That still goes beyond my personal definition of "warming", for some reason.
@Sandwich Simple! Make sure that the prestidigitated "warming" is nowhere near an object that has HP in the RAW, therefore it won't do damage.
It means that you can go into the arctic with naught but prestidigitation to heat your loins!
actually, no, not CS2 -- silane would ignite, but it's a borderline pyrophor anyway :P
But could you use Prestidigitation to create small burnable objects
Or if you created a silent image of a campfire and people believed it would it keep them warm
Or if you created a silent image of a bear to poop in a forest and no one was around to hear it, would it make a sound
@Sandwich Erm...no? It's called silent image for a reason...
But how would you know unless you rolled to disbelieve it
@Sandwich The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature.
Whether you believe or disbelieve, you hear no sound.
Unless you cast Ghost sound
Then its a Minor image
Or you could just use Major Image.
And waste a higher level spell slot? Madness.
Frivolous Wizardspeak!
Shadow evocation is a fun spell
@Sandwich The big question for me is whether you can believe your own illusions. If you can, it's an unbelievably overpowered spell.
Shadow evocation + Tiny hut for example
Or Shadow evocation + Dragon's breath
Or use Shadow evocation + Channel the gift + Another person to cast any other 3rd level spell
Greater shadow evocation + contingency is probably the worst offender
Its a shame regular Shadow Evocation doesnt go up to 5th level
You could cheese wall of force
Which is immune to damage
20% of complete immunity to damage is still complete damage immunity
@doppelgreener Secret ballot
@Sandwich right. that proposal is a bit perfect world-ish at the moment.
I'm fixing it now
@Miniman 100 million kelvins is warming, it's just a whole lotta warning
@doppelgreener Dictionary agrees with you [shakes fist]
You could say
Global warming
The answer is edited
Now to eat some fried potatoes
considering it might make the world combust, yes!
@Miniman plus, in the grand scheme of things, 300-400 Kelvin isn't all that warm
@Sandwich Oh, ffs. It's 3 hours till lunch time and I was just trying not to think about how hungry I am.
Well in retrospect
My name IS Sandwich
@Sandwich we don't generally encourage each other to think about eating fellow site members
Its cool I'm a cursed item
Cursed sandwich
Its actually a delightfully absurd story of how I came about my name
@Sandwich Let me guess, when you eat it you get hungrier? I've eaten a lot of sandwiches like that.
Yes exactly
Its also enchanted like a lodestone
So when you eat it it reappears on your person
Its the most evil object imaginable
that is a wonderful evil item
@BESW Hello!
It led to some interesting circumstances
Such as me using suggestion to compel someone to eat the sandwich
Since the sandwich reappears after its eaten, the cycle continues
Its a perfect circle of starvation
but they did eat the sammich!
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