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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@AlexMitan RE: our talk on fireballs and realism, I once played a game where a level 18 wizard cast fireball in a 20ft square room. The rebounding flames killed everyone in the party.
@Polyducks Rebounding flames is a 2E thing, right?
Just wanted to say: so long and thanks for all the fish. I'm giving back my diamond. Cheers all.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Wow, that was unexpected. Any particular reason? We're going to miss you.
1 hour later…
Burnout and lack of validation, to summarise.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'm sorry to hear that. Personally, I appreciate your modding a great deal, not least because you're active in hours that I am and other mods don't tend to be, and because you're pretty much a ninja.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Will you still be active on the site as a regular user? I'd hate to see you disappear completely.
I'll probably be taking a long break to recharge
3 hours later…
Oh no! I hope the rest will fill your batteries back up. The site certainly benefited from your modding and your presence.
@lisardggY Agreed, the mods really helped hammer this site into the right shape. (And the fact we reference mod-hammers just makes me appreciate this turn of phrase more. It came to mind naturally, I promise!)
1 hour later…
@BrianBallsun-Stanton you'll be missed :)
Here's one for the road
Is on a barbecue, because... you know why
1 hour later…
Oh my god passes out on keyboard
I've been working all evening on a program and I feel so proud of it, despite the fact that it sucks
How are you guys doing?
@AlexMitan ha!
@AlexMitan Good question. Reddit being reddit, there are nuggets of gold among a lot of meh. :)
I'm more fond of Stack chat than Reddit, but I might be a bit more fond of Reddit than the Stack itself...
I don't know, I just can't seem to grok the format needed for the Stack, and it feels a bit 1984 at times, to me
A lot of the time, I want very subjective, "human", maybe unreliable responses, which seem to be inappropriate for Stack
SE is good for some things. Not for others.
For instance, I hardly answer in RPG.SE anymore, because I don't feel I enjoy its format much lately.
I don't resent the stack for it, I just find places more suitable.
But I LOVE chat, jesus.. I love the chat and the people on it
Yes, RPG.SE chat is a good place.
Honestly it feels like the only chat, the others just feel kind of dead
I've never been to the programming chat, I could try
I can't wait to feel dirt-level incompetent!
Can you really do things like
!!google laziness
Wait.. okay.. where can I see chat commands
There aren't that many of them, and some are customized per-room.
We have Dicebot.
Ok, that was pushing it
Also, what a dreadful roll
There's a browser script you can install which adds support for it. :)
There's a room to test out dicebot, if you'd like.
Instead of filling up the main room.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll look for it
Oh, I think it's shut down for inactivity.
Oh, cool, Fate chat and game room!
That one actually sees some activity, too. Usually when BESW is around.

 Dice roller & formatting tests playgr

The roller supports: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You can roll ...
I think we need BESW to unfreeze it.
But you can find a link there, up the page, for the userscript for Fate dice.
Great, thanks!
What do people normally use to play Fate online?
Dunno. I only play face to face.
my group is sort of half and half
we just skype each other
And does everyone have their own character sheet and dice?
How does everyone see all the aspects and sheets?
But everyone on the other side of the Skype call is together, so that might not work quite as well for you as it does for us
We make copies of all of them
again, not perfect, but it works
Hmm.. alright... Could some sort of Google Drive thing work?
I even thought of a Powerpoint presentation screen share or something
Also, what should I say if they ask to "Loot the bodies" in Fate?
@AlexMitan Ask them what they think they should find.
Hah, ok, one of them will "loot" the bodies' traits and aspects, I know that.. but the others might expect MMORPG style looting
If one says "a magic sword!", then offer a compel, giving them a fate point in return for the aspect "Holder of the Sword of Lord Negrachak".
Which they can invoke for its powers, and which can be used as a plot hook to bring the Heirs of Negrachak on his tail.
Hm.. okay, sounds good!
So basically they'd be looting, unsurprisingly for Fate, more plot.
That actually sounds good
One thing I still don't get, though, can Compels be beneficial?
Or do they always have to be detrimental to the PCs in some way?
I'm not talking "holds fate point up As we all know, you have [The Most Ridiculous Luck Sometimes], so you've won the lottery"
But can they be.. "good"?
@AlexMitan In my last session, as one character was planning to sneak into the library where a fight was breaking out and attack in stealth, the GM compelled the player, using one of her aspects, to charge in unprepared. He felt that would have added more drama to the fight.
It did. It was fun. And it didn't harm the character, even if it did put her at more risk.
A Compel is exercising narrative control over a character, without being the character's player.
We've often had Compels accepted immediately and gratefully by the player, in an "Ooh, that's cool, I didn't think of that" attitude.
Hah, okay, so it's not groan-bait
So good compelling is a part of good GMing, right?
I think that a basic assumption in Fate is that the players are in this together for everyone's enjoyment.
I guess I had the reflex of perceiving Compels as something adversarial
Sometimes it means the characters suffer, yes.
But it should never mean that the players suffer.
@AlexMitan It's the primary tool for adversarial impact, which isn't a bad thing - conflict is a good narrative element.
But in essence, it's a tool for making other characters do things you think will benefit the game.
Hm, okay, thank you!
Offtopic: What's Area 51? It seems to have a Sexuality SE that I was going to ask about before
But it's all strange.. you can't answer the questions
prepares for newbish slap-and-wake-up
Area51 is StackExchange's site for proposing new SE sites.
You can suggest a new site or support an existing proposal.
Oh, okay
New sites go through several phases, like "Definition", where people work out what a site should cover and propose sample questions for it. Then "Commitment", where support is gathered from as many potential users as possible to show that there's interest.
So there isn't a Gender/Sexuality/etc SE yet
How comes?
@AlexMitan Because not enough people supported it yet, I suppose.
Sites exist because someone proposed it, and people defined it, and people committed to it, and people participated in the beta.
Nothing exists until people bring it into existence. :)
Sexuality seems to be deep into the commitment phase. If you want to support it, commit to it. It's a button click away.
Yeah, welcome to RPGs :))
So a thing like Magento, whatever that is, has a SE, but human sexuality doesn't
And here I was thinking I know how people work and what they care about
Only 45 more committers needed to move on. Go click!
What does it imply?
> This proposal is in: *Commitment*
Before the site is created, it needs people to commit to use it. Right now, it's 77% complete. When it reaches 100%, the beta will begin.
> 77% 155/200 committers in total
> 100% 117/100 committers with 200+ rep on any other site
> 100% commitment score, based on committers' activity on all other sites and how old the commitment is
So what does my commitment to something consist of?
Clicking a button, basically.
It's a declaration on your part that you intend to participate in the site once it goes up, but of course, nothing of the sort can be enforced.
Wonderful, here I go
But of course, if a site gets enough committers but no participants in the beta, it will be closed.
I love listening and contributing to topics regarding sexuality, especially gender-related and such
Contributing is good, listening isn't as useful at the beta stage.
@AlexMitan it's also a part of being a good PC
typically you can't expect your GM to do all the compeling
cause you have other players next to you getting compels, and the GM also has to run anything else that is currently happening
but yeah, getting your compels right is a big part of good GMing
and as lisardggy says, it is indeed meant to allow people other than the Player in charge of a character to basically make a suggestion as to what said character does in a certain situation
If it is deemed by the group unlikely that said character would do said thing under said situation, the compel is void
If not, a Fate Point is paid, either to the player doing the action, or by the player to avoid it
PC's can also compel each other, basically as a tool to say "I think it would be awesome if your character did this because of this aspect they have"
The one problem I've seen with this is that it leads to falling into stereotypes.
Yes, I have the "Reckless" aspect. But when other PCs constantly compel you with, it becomes a caricature, not an aspect.
Luckily, that's usually easily solved by talking to the players.
@lisardggY my group has the opposite problem right now
we don't get enough compels of anything in general
We don't have too many either, but I've started to notice this trend.
my group does usually seem to have quality compels when they do happen
in fact, we usually don't end up declining them.
What are some of the most interesting compels you've had?
Most of the ones we've had were used to encourage action. When a player is dithering and not sure whether to act or not.
Action is almost always more fun than inaction.
Well, we had one when we were playing a short Doctor Who campaign, and we were up against this alien thing that was using headphones to suggest to people what to do
But it's often easier to see it from the sidelines, when you're not worried as much about consequences. :
one of our group put them on and got hit with create advantage to attack the Doctor
..surely you mean Cybermen?
after spending a bunch of Fate Points to resist it, our GM compelled the PC to just let it happen because he would have more fun that way
@AlexMitan Cybermen were involved, but they were not the only party
Ah, alright
he kept all the Fate Points he was going to use to resist it, got one from the compel , and made the entire session more interesting and memorable.
Ugh god I can finally breathe properly for the first time in three days
that is one of the best compel examples I can think of
That sounds great, so he retroactively got multiple points back?
You can be quite loose with that sort of thing, right?
both because it was presented by the GM in a superb way and because the PC was more than enthusiastic about it
@AlexMitan yeah, specifically because the compel was targeting an action he was spending Fate Points on
Generally the compel should come into play before the compeled person has spent Fate Points on it
so in that case the group decided he should get his spent points back because otherwise he was taking a loss for no reason
Alright.. good, nobody'd mind that, I imagine
Oh, okay
if you spend a bunch of points on something and THEN get compelled to let that exact thing go a different way it just seems like good practice to give the spent points back
but if he had spent any Fate Points on anything else that session those would stay spent, because they were not related to the compelled action
Okay, that sounds like a good mentality
If I ask for the players, casters especially, to spend FP to do magic with a greater effect than normal, will it be unpleasant or will they get to the point where they feel like it IS more valuable?
Such as a warlock mind-controlling someone for a while...
Or should I just let it be a Create Advantage/fluff?
@AlexMitan generally speaking, spending Fate Points to do things better requires some aspect to spend the Fat Points on
Warlock Mentalist Whatever of The Mind Warping Gargantuan Old Ones
If you have a warlock who wants to mind control someone and that is a thing he should be able to do you have a few different options as to how that would work
First of all, if you feel like it should be a requirement in order to have this power, he might need a stunt in order to do it
At least for the first session I'm thinking of just letting them be awesome and not adding much to FAE other than a "misc inventory"
Either way though, you need to have a skill tied to his magic in general, and maybe (though not necessarily) a different skill tied to each different type of magic he could do
we're...going with Fate Accelerated...
the way I see using mind control magic best is to create advantage
still, said magic might need to be tied to specific approaches, otherwise he just picks whatever he wants and only uses one approach ever
a bunch of them will have some weird powers I'll be modelling mostly as we play
yeah, I'd say it depends on the spell and circumstance..
if you are mind controlling someone, I suggest that either you have to spend your turn and make an opposed roll every round, if you win the roll you keep them controlled, if you lose they snap out of it and get to do what they want again
Especially the warlock.. I'm 90% sure he doesn't care about having different mechanics for magic, like in D&D
yeah, that's good!
by the way, this is PC's controlling NPC's
the other way you might do it is that the controlled person gets an oppose roll at the start of their turn, but this way might make the mind controlling power a little too powerful because it doesn't add the loss of the controller's turn
I have not personally tested either of these suggestions, so I don't know if one really works better than the other
Mhm, okay... I was thinking non-combat too
Either way, I shouldn't charge him FP just for using his ability, especially outside of combat, right?
I think they all have something vaguely magical or over-the-top about them
but you should give the person he is using on it an opposing defense roll when first attacked, and when it is being sustained.
Which I like, especially for the first campaign, I want to help them dislodge from a "menu-based" approach and let them come up with their own traits and abilities and ideas
Yeah, that makes sense.. something like a free Overcome action, no?
costing FP every turn would be him spending that FP to keep that opposing roll from happening as a sort of compel
but it shouldn't be something he is forced to do to use said ability
part of the cost is going to be that he loses a turn every time it doesn't work
@AlexMitan yeah, sort of like that
specifically because the victim is not going to get a choice to take a turn overcoming
so that has to be worked around
But what about mind-controlling his NPC ship captain friend to convince him to get off of it because it's doomed
Let's say there's this huge airship...well, island rather..in the sky
its "captain" will be aware that it's going to crash, but it will be very difficult to convince him to save his own life and get off
If the victim was under any other kind of effect, say petrification for example, they already both got to defend for free against the attack and could, if the group decided this was a more temporary lift able effect, make an overcome check every turn because he at least still gets to decide what he is doing.
@AlexMitan then he could, for example, try to cleverly convince said captain to abandon ship or use his magic
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, no FP needed because it's just something he CAN do
would you call it Flashy though?
the only difference would probably be narrative or change which approach is used
@AlexMitan possibly
that is the thing
it depends how he is doing it
What approach would you use for insidious, mind-controlling cursey magic applied directly, looking-straight-into-their-eyes from up close?
if he outwits his captain friend it is clever, if he is really dramatic about it it is more flashy
@AlexMitan probably forceful
basically a direct battle of the mind
clever could work too
and then I would probably apply either one of those as the approach usable to defend as well
but you could still make a reasonable argument for some other approach.
Well, he'd have to
Yeah, that sounds good
How would a barbarian intimidating someone weaker than them be though? Forceful or Flashy?
Is it a legitimate worry that Flashy accounts for stuff that's very wide, like both seduction and intimidation and persuasion and such?
Or is it fine, because you look at the other approaches and they are just as varied?
A: Approaches for shooting?

BESWUse the approach which makes sense for how you're shooting at the time. Approaches were a little difficult to wrap my head around at first. Unlike skills, they aren't about what I'm doing: they're about how I'm doing it. Any approach could be appropriate for shooting a gun, depending on the cont...

@AlexMitan if you think flashy is able to be used in too wide a range, just remember that you can call your PC's on it's use
@BESW, also known as the "I have an answer for that" fairy.
if they don't actually describe a sufficiently dramatic action, the flashy approach is not the correct one
this goes for all the approaches really
you can't be careful at running full tilt
@Miniman 's famous last words: "I have an answer for that fairy".
@Magician [blinks] Wait, what?
@Miniman Those are less famous and much more universal last words.
@Magician Well played.
Don't mind me, I'm amused by strange things at this hour.
@AlexMitan and the above link from BESW is quite appropriate
@BESW.. question, from your own answer
"To re-visit the sniper example: Maybe I'm also trying to do it stealthily. But I can't roll Sneaky and Careful, so I have to decide which is more important: hitting the target or staying hidden?"
What if hitting the target was more important, but he'd say otherwise because his other approach is better?
say the target number for him to succeed is 4, and he can roll either careful or sneaky for this roll, if he hits 4 with sneaky maybe he misses the shot and the target gets away, but no one knows where he is
Yup, exactly.
Trogdor's all over this, you don't need me.
but if he hits 4 with careful, he hits the target but now he is discovered
I like choices like that..
it's all about tailoring the actual description of the action and the outcome to the approach they selected.
and of course, they should be fully aware of this
making trade offs like that, and keeping everyone aware that there are such trade offs, is the key to making approaches work
And everyone's in on it. Everyone, player and GM alike, should feel free to ask each other for more detailed descriptions or revisions, or make suggestions for compels, or whatever.
also, in that same scenario, you PC could make a create advantage roll first to set up and aim carefully, for example
but if they do that they might have waited too long and the target moved
you don't want to just move the target all the time, but giving them too many free turns isn't too great either
but maybe they have to avoid patrols on the way to get to the sniper spot they picked out, being creative, and being aware of what each approach means, and everyone being on the same page are all important
I don't really agree with this, though.
yeah that isn't quite the way I see it
Compels are about drama, complication, obstacles obscuring goals.
You get Fate points when things get more complicated or dramatic for your character, and you spend them to overcome obstacles and make things less complicated.
Fate isn't about giving up narrative control, it's basically the opposite
The Fate point economy is about the cycle of crisis and victory: every crisis you face contains the seeds of future victory; you cannot triumph if you don't have something significant to overcome.
if you take a compel, the only way it is forced on you is if you spent literally all your Fate Points
and even then, if that compel is something you just don't like in any way, and it doesn't fit your character?
it is void
compels should be something everyone can agree on, thus, they are never you the player giving up narrative agency
they are more like bribes to let something interesting, and most likely dangerous, happen to your character
How d'you think things would change if resisting compels was free?
That'd only really be functional if compels were being over-used.
If the GM is to be more or less an equal authority, then Compels being a suggestion rather than a Fate Point vacuum cleaner being pointed at a player, at worst, would be in the spirit, right
When I say "Fate point economy," that's not my term. It's a developer concept at the heart of the Fate system.
It's just hypothetical though, I get why it's like that
The GM's ability to compel from a bottomless pit of points is the way he adds currency to the economy.
(And remember, players can solicit compels from the GM too, if he's not on the ball with it!)
if the GM and a PC can't agree on the validity of a compel, the group as a whole should mediate
and also, they should talk about why one doesn't like the compel
Wait, so if the PC suggests a self-compel that the GM disagrees with, who gets a point?
if the answer is only "I don't have fate points to buy it off" , that isn't good enough
That's just a group disagreement, right? Not an economy matter
but if it is "could you just change this thing to something equally dangerous to my character, but this change is more in line with what they would actually do"
that is great
@AlexMitan assuming the compel is worked out, the PC still gets the Fate Point
but if it isn't able to be worked out to the satisfaction of both parties that compel is not a good compel
anyway, I gotta turn in, it is late here
Alright, thanks for the help
I'm thinking of using that Marvel-like initiative for the first session
To see how it works.. the "Acted this exchange/Ready" mechanic
and after X's turn, X decides on the next Y to act
If you have trouble tracking it, write every character's name on a card and flip each over as the character acts.
That way X can see his options for Y easily, and at the end of the round you just turn them all face-up again.
And if the GM has multiple entities, do they act individually or all at once?
I usually group them into between one and three fractals that each act independently.
@Miniman Too true, Miniman. Yes, rebounding flames is 2E. We were using OSRIC.
I love it when I can better get stress and other Fate-unique mechanics.. and their fully narrative ways
How I can actually think for myself in terms of that
What are you guys chatting about? :)
I feel like D&D tried to hold my hand regarding this, and that, and that, and forgot that I'd need 100 hands of my own to respond
I'm part relishing in reading about Fate, part screaming internally about not being able to play for about a month
How are you, @Polyducks?
@Polyducks The general topic right now is , with focus on the nature and implementation of compels.
But topics shift easily.
I fear that I won't get in the reflex of asking and proposing interesting things quick enough to get my players hooked
I'm gonna miss Brian
He was a cool guy
He doesnt afraid of anything either
I like the way in which normally taken-for-granted things get addressed, for the good of the narrative, like Ok, you recover from your Shaken Mind mild consequence.. but why?
@Sandwich Brian will be back as a talented and knowledgeable citizen, once he's recuperated.
Or.. your spell failed... why though? You're a fantastic caster
I'm well thank you, @Alex. At work, so I've only got half an eye on chat. It's a relief to be in a chat room where I know what's going on, unlike the javascript room!

@BESW awesome! I have a fate book at home in my bookshelf. I've never actually opened it though. So much else to look through! Is it space only, or have I misinterpreted it?
@Polyducks ....Fate, space only?
Oh no no no no no
@AlexMitan Two nights ago I ran a game for Roll For Shoes with nine players, half of whom were new to RPGs. One of the great things was that they kept asking questions whenever something seemed interested or shaky.
@Polyducks Is it ?
That's a hard sci-fi game which uses the Fate engine.
@Polyducks Fate is perhaps one of the most adaptable systems that I'm currently aware of, unless you have a specific Fate-powered product
Fate itself is a setting-agnostic engine that can be used for just about anything with characters who are dramatic, proactive, and competent.
There are many games which use it.
@BESW Wow, NINE players? I... I think I'm actually afraid of RFS.. Like I'm both overestimating and underestimating it
@AlexMitan Nine was a little overwhelming, but it worked out well.
Really? How'd it go?
Everyone wrote down their character independently, then shared at the table "My name is _____ and I'm [something about them]."
We wound up with a Queen of Everything, a Robot Pimp, a miner with an eating disorder/superpower, a Russian paparazzo, a woman with wings....
Hahaha Robot pimp
Thats great
So, given such a diverse group with no obvious connection to each other, I decided they were all imprisoned beneath a gladiatorial arena on a desert planet.
We then spent two hours getting everyone out of the dungeon.
A spooky amusement park would've been just as deadly
Really? Wow, I'd kill for a podcast or detailed write-up of RFS
The Queen of All demanded to be released, along with her Russian paparazzo, and be shown to the showers. The guards cowered and obliged.
I still find the idea that I might get "difficulty checks" wrong daunting
One guy tried to dig his way out with a rat.
(That didn't work too well.)
The robot pimp drilled through the bars with his robot drill penis I bet
The cyborg kung fu master kicked the door off its hinges... just after the robot pimp bribed his sex toy to pick the lock.
One PC kept trying and failing to summon her molemen subjects to rescue her.
of the molemen
That's amazing... maybe I'll try such a thing to relieve some of the "I hate time" GM tension I'm accumulating
Aight, I'm off to lunch with my grandmother. ttfn
See ya later BESW
See you!
@BESW Yes! Diaspora! That's where the confusion came from
About that edit just now
It doesn't appear that that quote was actually said by Buddha
At least a google search doesnt reflect that anyway
Buddha once said, "If you don't have a twenty sided dice, two ten sided dice do not a twenty make."
He also said that broadswords are OP and gunpowder wasn't invented in the setting of 2E
@doppelgreener How come you hate the word Break doppel
@Sandwich The Buddha quote is regarding holding a hot coal. The edit is either wrong, or needs to also provide the book/manuscript source.
Hah, no. If we're doing HTTP codes, I'll use Vault 507.
Oh. Wrong channel.
Fallout Shelter on iOS! Wheee.
Yeah not sure who approved that edit but it should be reverted
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Thank you for your hard work in the earlier days of the site and the interesting discussions that were had while you were pursuing your doctoral research. It is saddening to see you go, but I completely understand your reasons.
@Sandwich Done and done. Aside, you can see a suggested edit's reviews by clicking on "edit approve [time] ago" in the edit history.
Ah thats interesting to note
2 hours later…
Thats a really interesting question
I don't get it
What's bad about my answer
@Sandwich Can't say for certain, but I do observe it contains a lot of speculation.
@SevenSidedDie That was my thought. It essentially says the same thing, that you either don't allow him to DM, or don't play when he does, but then you speculate about him being a WoW introvert, etc.
On a side note, @Sandwich, do you really think advocating beating up your GM is a way to solve certain situations?
@Sandwich It killed my parents, so I became the night to put an end to it and all others like it
for real though I don't, so that question confuses me
@doppelgreener - That answer was supremely sublime. I started looking for the original question, wondering what in the heck was going on. Well played.
@JohnP which one what?
i am just barely waking up and word choice is confusing me here
Whatever provoked the "becoming the night" answer. After I found out it was just a one off because you didn't understand where the original question was coming from, I mentally applauded.
oh! haha
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