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So--Harry Dresden had a zombie T-Rex. Dr. Dinosaur had a cyborg T-Rex.
Apparently Voo-Doo Ben had a zombie cyborg T-Rex. Because with a brain the size of a pea, nobody could get an effective headshot on it.
1 hour later…
This pleases me.
And my autism.
Heh heh heh...
don't you dare break it :P
Long since done :)
Now I have to go downvote 5 things to fix it!
Doesn't matter that much though, got my screenshots, I'm happy
I guess there's no way for me to take those away from you :P
nope :P
thank god
can you imagine that trolling?
Gotta love how much my autism is balanced with my laziness lmao.
@trogdor The trolling potential is infinite.
it is
Editing people's achievement screenies, their gaming screenies, hell editing all their pictures on their computers...
Oh, wait, it is possible to do that.
Just most hackers good enough to pull that off from the internet have way bigger fish to fry.
Unless they're really really bored.
yeah true
if you can pull that stuff off you can do much worse
but it isn't like, something you can just do without the proper skills
Can you imagine though, uberhacker/godly programmer, life pretty much set, gets immensely bored one day and picks a random person on the net and just screws up everything on their computer with really stupid crap lol
I'd love to be a Brony White Knight type of uberhacker, that would just be funny.
"Oh, you hate Bronies and flame them left and right? Well let me just hack into your computer and replace everything with ponies.
Actually that's more like a Brony Batman now that I think of it. Dark, works outside of laws and rules, doesn't just kill your computer...
"Because he's the hero Bronies deserve, but not the one they need right now."
or maybe the other way around
anyway, switching someones pictures into ponies probably isn't the best way to make em stop flaming bronies
The hero Bronies need is the one that will bring to light all the questions and misunderstandings, share the love and friendship with everyone, and promote love and tolerance.
The one they deserve is a massive troll.
Also, did anything Batman ever do really stop people from committing crime? No.
It just temporarily delayed them and pissed them off more.
I need to go to /mlp/ and request this now...
Nice, but still not a brony hacker batman
that's just a ponified batman
I just got 2 First Post reviews in my queue...on posts that are over a week old.
@Miniman sometimes they refine the criteria slightly and new things get captured.
@doppelgreener Interesting! What criteria for First Post is there beyond it being the first post a user makes?
@Miniman dunno, probably whichever one they adjusted that wasn't getting those captured :D
might've just been a bug, even!
2 hours later…
...I wonder if anyone's written comparing the Cornetto trilogy with Fight Club?
That's Shaun of the Dead etc?
1 hour later…
...dammit, this gives me another reason to get campaign coins.
Huh... Looking at their website. I made something very similar to their Dice Chests in high school woodworking class. Not to the same quality, of course, and missing the felt lining & lid-standing notch. But it makes me think, maybe I should dig out my old box and put it to good use
@BESW there's a reddit thread about how you could make an awesome show where the main cast have all had tattoos from birth, and spent the show tiny to figure out what those tattoos meant
Then someone pointed out that that was basically MLP
1 hour later…
not entirely
it does have a reversal, IE those ponies get tattoos that magically appear after they learn something about themselves at a relative age
but mostly right,.. no new ideas exist under the sun
@BESW What brings that to mind?
.... I asked for a 1/1000 roll for something not to happen... and the player made the roll. I HATE the dice right now
@Tritium21 shoulda ruled it was impossible if you didn't want it to happen ;)
I messaged the player and we decided to 'tip the die over' as it were
1 hour later…
die tips over, falls off the edge of the book, rolls a bit and lands with the very same face pointing up still
if i set a dc that rare and someone rolls it, the universe will bend to make it happen
@doppelgreener Oh, thinking about the strangely specific subgenre "action film which explores themes of dissatisfaction in the single middle-class white man as he reaches his 30s and faces Really Being An Adult" and how that genre shifts and changes as it deals with different generations reaching that age.
It's something I've had in the back of my mind as An Interesting Thing since I first saw Fight Club, but being a week away from 30 myself now, it returned to the fore.
whatever you do don't start a fight club
@DavidReeve Shhh. We don't talk about that
7 hours later…
Wow it was dead in here today.
It's seen low activity since roughly the election.
@MadMAxJr Ah
I'm about to head to the store for parents but before I go I'll drop this in here before I split. If any D&D 3.5 players could provide some advice on this build that'd be appreciated. And hey, with a dead chat this will probably still be right at the bottom when I come back.
@MadMAxJr Woot! I'm alllvoted out
Used up all 30 for one day?
@MadMAxJr Just my one, for the election
1 hour later…
@waxeagle Are we supposed to level up for tonight's session? IIRC we don't, right?
1 hour later…
@Grubermensch correct no level up this time.
@SevenSidedDie It would make me personally happy if the Stack started saying 'traditional forum' or 'message board' or something similar, instead of calling message boards 'forums' like that's the only kind of forum around. I know the intent is usually clear, but I think it'd be nice to be more specific.
@BESW What distinction is it conflating? I don't mind changing by pro forma comment to say "traditional forum" at all, mind; I'm just unclear on the imprecision it fixes.
A forum is any place where ideas and views are exchanged. The Stack is a forum.
This is not uncommonly a source of confusion when people are told it's not a forum, or when people want to talk about how the Stack is a place where ideas are exchanged but can't use the word for exactly that.
The Stack is not a message board.
@BESW Oh, the broad dictionary definition. I'm not sure it's really necessary since "forum" in the context of the web does mean something specific. But I do like that sticking "traditional" in there suggests that here is not the usual kind of forum.
Stack Exchange is a network of question and answer websites on diverse topics in many different fields, each site covering a specific topic, where questions, answers, and users are subject to a reputation award process. The sites are modeled after Stack Overflow, a forum for computer programming questions that was the original site in this network. The reputation system is designed to allow the sites to be self-moderating. User contributions are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. == History == In 2008, Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky created Stack Overflow, a question...
> The sites are modeled after Stack Overflow, a forum for computer programming questions that was the original site in this network.
@BESW Wikipedia is often bad at definitions and its ledes shouldn't be considered a taxonomic authority.
(I know, I admin there.)
Yes. But it's still a primary source for the people we work with. If we're going to assume they have enough cultural context to know "forum" means "message board," we should also assume they're going to use Wikipedia to understand us.
I'm not sure that's a stable assumption.
[shrug] It's not pivotal to my point.
My basic point is, it's trivially easy to avoid the confusion I've seen caused by people using the broad word "forum" to imply something very specific.
Our own meta is littered with belligerent "but it is too a forum!" responses to, eg, comment deletion policies.
I usually see "SE is not a discussion forum," though it's been a while since I've seen it at all.
Welcome to RPG.se! Please take a look at the tour; it's a useful introduction to the site. It seems like this is more an open discussion than a question. Questions here have specific answers rather than requesting general input. Your question might be better suited to a forum, as you'll get more helpful feedback in a place intended for open ended discussion. — SevenSidedDie ♦ 29 mins ago
I've update my pro-forma gist, in any case.
Much appreciated. It's another step toward making the Stack's arcana more accessible.
yeah -- especially in a community (TTRPGs) that by and large is used to message boards
that's what most people who come onto this Stack are familiar with if they are at all familiar with TTRPG-related communities
So I just concluded a sessions with a BBEG summoning two demons inside the city. The demon is supposed to be too much to handle for the players, but they still need to be the deciding factor to defeating them.
I'm thinking about having them complete smaller goals during the fight. Like, distract one of them while reinforcements are coming.
Anyone have experience with that?
@William'MindWorX'Mariager don't be surprised if they come up with a clever way to deal with them anyway
Hehe, yeah.
At least they were smart enough to not stay around when they emerged.
I run a somewhat merciless game. I try to keep deaths interesting, but plain stupid just results in boring death.
I guess they didn't want to run the risk :P
Give them something that lets them handle it.

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