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so...am I correct in my understanding that acid damage in D&D is meant to apply to damage inflicted by corrosive and/or oxidizing agents, no matter their precise chemical identity?
Pretty much.
@Shalvenay [puts on D&D wizard hat] What's chemical identity? What's an oxidizing agent? What is the street address of the department of these agents? How come I haven't heard of this before? Are they the ones handing out chemical identity papers?
@doppelgreener -- in simpler terms, what would a flask of NaOH or H2O2 be treated as damage-type-wise?
@Shalvenay No idea, but I'm sure a nearby alchemist would be able to supply you with an appropriate acid. What's H2O2? I haven't heard of the recipe for that thing.
In reality they're acids, in D&D it's "what are molecules and atoms? please stop talking nonsense, the list of acids we sell is right here on the counter and we don't sell any of this foreign junk you're jibbering about"
so i guess they'd be acids, but not ones that necessarily exist as yet in the game?
"I mixed Grimroot and Elven Leaves, and with a little magic, I made a potion that makes skin boil and bubble!"
@Emrakul that magic was cheating! i contest there's not even any grimroot and elven leaves left in there! you transmuted them, didn't you!?
actually come to think of it does acid-brewing usually involve magic or can you produce it without?
H2O2 -- take witherite and roast it in air at no more than 820degC, then mix the result with oil of vitriol
@doppelgreener In 3.5, there's a warlock invocation which explicitly says that it ignores spell resistance because it conjures non-magical acid.
Take that for what you will.
@doppelgreener Hey! The Beetle & Scale only ever uses gen-u-wine fine ingredients!
sure, that works if you're using modern chemistry and not some sort of pseudo-Aristotlean laws
@BESW this exception just shattered a little bit of my thinker
@Emrakul psh, fine, let's see how this 'skin-bubbler' thing works then
it feels like i'm repeating myself and not confronting the 'default' concept properly
You may be struggling around the notion that "default" seems to be used where "easy" should be?
The "default" difficulty (in the sense that it's what you encounter most often) in a Fate game should NOT be easy.
@BESW yeah that is a thing.
The word "default" comes from a Reddit user, not from any Fate manual.
The Fate quotes in the question talk about "not very tough" and "nothing stands out."
That's what your answer is driving at, but I think it's stumbling over the need to utterly reject the "default" phrasing: it needs to be a strong challenge to the question's frame.
Anyway, I gotta go sign a contract and pick up a package. ttfn
[pops back in] Something just clicked.
The querent's central question is actually "Why does Fate say +1 and FAE says +0?"
However, just before he asks that, he acknowledges that this isn't what the rules are saying at all, and it's his own interpretation: I know that "[not] more than a +1" includes +0, but I think this rule tends to be read as, "+1 is the default"
And then he uses a third party Redditor to defend the interpretation which he acknowledges is inaccurate.
it's a slightly mixed up question.
So your answer needs to focus less on telling him what he already knows, and more on deconstructing the justifications he's created to ignore what he already knows.
There is no difference between the FAE and Core advise on easy difficulties (they both say "Don't go over +1 or it won't be an easy difficulty anymore"), just a difference in how they say it, and a Redditor who's bringing D&Disms about difficulties to a Fate discussion.
[has flashbacks to the ninja-proof motel door]
Okay, now I have to go.
Okay, farewell!
@BESW Post reforged. Thank you very much for helping me disentangle this.
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener Nicely done.
@doppelgreener In keeping with James' progression of Chaos is... aspects, I just ran across the line Chaos is not helpful!
I'm going to try something difficult for my next 4e character. Bear Shaman optimized for healing
@BESW Hohohohoho
Might be nice to see that at some point
@Lord_Gareth Hello hi!
@doppelgreener Earlier today on the road I actually had a flash of an idea for an upcoming volume into which that would fit nicely.
@doppelgreener This is not one of those days where I came in excited. This is one of those days where I'm super salty.
So...normal, then? @Lord_Gareth
rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/55960/… <-Note the comments here (I just put the tag back, since it was on the question originally)
The querent had the RAW tag on originally, since the question is about the RAW of the spell.
Myx removed it. Twice.
After our extensive meta discussions which trend very clearly towards "assuming the question is wrong is not okay" and everything.
There is great fury in me.
I can see how that can be frustrating.
@DavidWilkins It's more frustrating because this is part of an ongoing difficulty with Myx. Which I will let someone else illustrate because my current version will have lots of CAPITAL LETTERS FOR SHOUTING and BARELY AVOIDED PROFANITY.
@KitFox Heya. Haven't seen you in awhile!
Is there a particular meta thread to reference that includes myx?
@BESW Can I impose upon you to explain the situation professionally?
Aaand he removed it again. Because of course he did.
@Lord_Gareth I know! I was just talking about the sex cake story the other day too.
@KitFox I have forgotten this story!
@Lord Don't waste time; flag a mod.
Please tell me >.>
@Lord_Gareth Today is not a day I feel inclined to indulge pointless chat re-hashing of things that should be on meta. Hereafter I shall I be redirecting these things to the NAB.
I do recall a movement to banish the tag in question, but I rarely worry about individuals (especially in meta)
@Emrakul Under which flag? On the question itself?
Question. Edit rollback wars are something for users to not really worry about.
@Lord_Gareth Well you remember the site in question, where there were themed stories monthly in a contest?
Cuztom flag. Edit wars
And/or ask on Meta. But it's not worth continuing to fight, trust me.
You were the one who introduced me to it. I haven't been back recently, but I was inspired to cultivate that skill.
So I wrote a story I never submitted for the June 2013 contest.
But maybe you didn't come back to writer's chat after that? Because it's a rather notorious story now.
I flagged it too. Hope it brings you less consternation
@KitFox I haven't, no. I've been busy
@doppelgreener I've been toying with various ways "magic resurgence" might manifest in the world, and the version I'm liking right now is that in many parts of the world supernatural powers took over the local infrastructure and/or government. Amaterasu, as a "keeping supernatural stuff from impacting the common person" organisation, would probably have to go off the grid.
It's erotica. Don't read it for anyone who might find that offensive.
Too temping not to click
It's weird.
Not the kind of erotica you might expect.
Bookmarked then...I'll read it on my ride to work tomorrow
Basically boils down to:
in The Overlook Hotel, May 28 '13 at 17:31, by KitFox
I used a lot of erotic trigger words in a cake context.
It's short.
Oh! Was this from our discussion involving pornographic language and why erotica has such similarities in phrasing?
Going off the grid against supernatural opposition means having a supernatural ally, and wouldn't it be cool if that ally were... Father James, King of the Crystal Skull, for whom the mind meld with Agent Baker initiated a change in attitude?
@Lord_Gareth I think so. It was around that time anyway.
I want to make a new dating site. "You don't have to be lonely, at rollers only dot com"
I have the uncomfortable feeling that our social circles overlap, @DavidWilkins.
Also, all New Englanders must know @BESW.
So the logic follows.
I'm not sure if I've yet mentioned that I was drinking stupidly just prior to now.
@KitFox I should drop by the writer's chat sometime. I'm starting up a novel type thing centering around a girl with stained glass hair and her role in a conflict between conventionally fey beings and post-mortal fey
That sounds awesome!
My goal for this year is to revise and finish my Nano novel.
In new england? Check...drinking stupidly? ...no comment
Which sounds a lot less exciting than a girl with stained glass hair.
@KitFox Want a link?
@DavidWilkins Well, by stupidly, I mean that I have a terrible lung infection and I'm taking lots of drugs.
@Lord_Gareth Please, if you are interested in sharing
Ack! Stop drinking!!!
Errr,,, drink water nothing else
@DavidWilkins Like I said. Stupidly.
@DavidWilkins I've had three pints of that.
@BESW phbblt
@KitFox docs.google.com/document/d/… <-Only barely started, be warned
OK for me to bookmark?
Ok..drink a pint more of water between whatever else...please?
I've stopped for the evening.
I didn't really mean to have that last scotch, but somehow it made sense. Something to do with opening up my lungs...
Consolation accepted...and good luck with the infection...ech
coughs, producing sputum
I know noWade
No idea what you're saying there.
[Begins compulsively chewing his nails in terror of judgement]
I know very little spacebar, too, when typing on a tablet
Am I hijacking the conversation? I'm having little social judgement right now, so you'll need to be very clear with me.
And I shudder at the thought of @Lord_Gareth nudging me for chatting WAY off topic
Do I need to post more erotica?
Nudging? Fracking autocorrect...judging
Or perhaps some kitteh pics?
@KitFox Nuuuu read the thing T_T
Um, what?
[Gestures to linked story above]
omg space ghost.
@Lord_Gareth Yours? That's not going to distract you.
I'm already distracted.
Oh, that does remind me
I have a work in progress.
@BESW that sounds cool. we already operate virtually off the grid, except that the right people know our phone number. :)
@doppelgreener You play Pathfinder, yes? I just did a flurry of edits to the playtest doc for Lords of the Night, and would love to secure feedback from you/your group.
@BESW that would be pretty great. :D
@doppelgreener Faction aspect: The new management is under new management.
@Lord_Gareth at this point i've created a character and just barely played it.
@Lord_Gareth You wrote the story about the demons, right?
@doppelgreener Your thoughts on the worldbuilding and flavor aspects are also appreciated :V
@BESW this is confusing but i like that. i guess at least it'll last that way until Amaterasu goes off the grid, at which point it'll go: The new management is no management.
@KitFox Ah, which one? I've got the pornographic demons and the non-pornographic demons, with the later group having more than one member.
Or change to something entirely different to reflect them managing themselves.
@Lord_Gareth I think I've read a bit of both.
Ironic...and probably ironically ironic
...maybe we should talk in the writing room?
@KitFox, @Lord_Gareth Mebbee at this point you can move to the writing room?
@Lord_Gareth I would be happy to give it a read, but that might have to wait a little. I am moving house tonight and tomorrow.
@BESW Jinx
@doppelgreener Do you want the link now or lateR?
What race and class would Oprah be in Pathfinder?
@DavidWilkins This is a deep and terrifying rabbit hole down which you do not want to go down.
Pathfinder is terrible at modeling anything even approaching reality.
don't do it to yourself
I dunno....thinking bard//cleric elf...or Eladrin...
Maybe a stretch...bard/rogue/shaman
@Lord_Gareth Might as well leave it with me now, but it'll be a day or two 'til I get to it.
Alright that brings me to a real question...How best to multiclass a, bear shaman to optimize healining
@DavidWilkins in which edition?
I seem to recall that cleric is one of the best options for healing optimisation via multiclass, but it's been a couple years.
I should never be in melee combat
(Gives you access to the lion's share of healing fear, feats, and advancement options.)
Shaman/cleric, or is there a shaman/cleric/someting to consider?
My dm will allow almost anything
I'm pretty sure 4e doesn't let you take more than one classworth of multiclass feat unless you're a bard.
Shaman has to be included
Why, though? 4e classes don't usually benefit from spreading yourself too thin unless there's a specific mechanical interaction you're going for.
Bear shaman multiclassing into cleric seems pretty solid.
But then, so does straight-up bear shaman.
Healing optimization as a shaman is my goal
Then don't multiclass unless there's something specific you have in mind to gain from it: a paragon path you need to qualify as cleric for, a healing enchant that can only be applied to an implement shamans can't use but paladins can, etc.
Yes, theres . My answer
And there are plenty of "shaman as healer optimization" questions already
This does not seem to try to solve the querent's problem, and as a refutation that the querent has a problem it does not seem sincere or persuasive.
Actually that question asks for an opinion and is off topic
@BESW It's clearly sarcasm.
@Magician I agree. Hence "not sincere."
@JohnP still too soon!
@Adeptus I made one of my co-workers cry when I said, "Man, this shift is more dead than Littlefoot's mom."
@Aaron Have a look at PCGen - they have several (most/all?) open-license RPG rules included. Some they have publisher permission for. But there should be a list of what's what.
Also gives you some ideas of that type of program - it's a character generator, and also has some (unstable) DM tools.
@BESW It would probably be easy enough to find, but the thing is that any of Dr Lights fears about himself, in a he is evil capacity, would probably be very subconscious
whereas just finding any fear would obviously be easier, or at least something he is more directly aware of
Watching the original Futurama episodes again. Forgot how great the series used to be.
Goddamnit, I didn't even realize it, but yes, yes it is.
@BESW It is the 90s.
Strongly resembling the wombats of which she wrote, she nevertheless was somehow not universally reviled by readers. #myozobituary
5 hours later…
Hah! I found two wobsites that'll send Wacom tablets to Guam for Wacom prices with a Wacom warranty.
In pathfinder, when the stats of a creature says: "DR 10/cold iron or good", it means that the creature has damage resistance for every weapon that strikes it except for a weapon made of cold iron? what about adamantine weapons? and what about magical weapons? furthermore: "or good" does it mean the wielder of the weapon? so when a neutral good character hits the creature with a standard short sword, the creature has no damage resistance?
PFSRD on damage reduction: read that and see what's still unclear.
@mawimawi DR/10 cold iron or good means if the weapon is cold iron it bypasses the DR OR if the weapon has been given an alignment of good via a spell or class ability (Example being the align weapon spell) If the entry read DR/10 cold iron AND good. The weapon would need to be BOTH instead of one or the other to get through DR.
Also good morning
@BESW May I pick your brain?
You can try.
You have experience with a wide variety of different systems correct?
I can give that impression.
I don't have deep experience with many, but I've dabbled with quite a few and studied even more.
I am designing an application that, upon it's completion, should be able to used by many different systems. Out of all the systems you have used what would you like in an application that could apply to them all? Or are they all too different for a single template to be usable?
What's the difference between your application and Roll20?
@BESW Ummm. More detail and homebrew possibilities. We are mostly making it for practice.
Ahuh. Okay. Hm.
I'd like to see the ability to create custom templates, really.
Templates to add to creatures?
R20 has it a bit, but R20 is so map-focused that a lot of its utility is obscured.
Basically, create an application that has the raw building blocks for RPG forms: character sheets, creature blocks, Microscope cards, whatever.
It has a lot of utility but it is complicated.
And make it easy for users to create their own iterations out of those building blocks, save them, and share them.
Drawing from my experiences...
Aside from map-and-minis, all I've ever really needed was character sheets, dice, and index cards.
That should be simple enough.
And often the index cards WERE the character sheets.
If I could have sizeable index cards that can be moved around on the "table" and edited by everyone, and I could pre-make various fillable forms for the cards, that'd be awesome.
...it's also @doppelgreener's Fate Looms browser-based Fate online tabletop project.
Ok. I can already see how the templates and such would work for characters and creatures.
Customisable, form-able, and moveable cards; ditto tokens; ditto a sketchable surface; you get the picture. Reduce the tabletop to its component elements and don't worry too much--like R20 does--about building them back up into pre-made content.
Provide some common templates, and let users customise their experience beyond that.
@Aaron sorry about not being available last night
@DavidWilkins It's ok. I was playing LoL anyway. Lost all 4 games.
Yeah I could NOT for the life of me get my computer to work with my headset and finally gave up trying
@BESW Ok. So focus on utilities instead of the tabletop.
I just need a new laptop...thats all
@Aaron Yeah. R20 does the detailed map-and-minis experience pretty well. Don't try to compete: target the non-map-and-minis audience like me. I'm overwhelmed by detailed features I don't care about obscuring the features I do want, and I play a lot of games that require group-specific customisation of utilities--games that aren't common enough for templates to be available, but I'm too overwhelmed by features to make my own.
@DavidWilkins :( at least that's not the crazy investment it used to be (unless you're going top shelf)
@Aaron Thanks Aaron, I did not know of the weapon alignment, this helps me a lot! (and good afternoon from europe)
@mawimawi No problem. It was confusing for me at first as well.
@waxeagle I would love a top-shelf alienware laptop, but I will settle for something around $500
yeah, I've had the privilege this year of playing with both ends of the laptop spectrum. We just bought my wife a nice enough low tier laptop from Lenovo. She mostly plays FB games and we watch movies on it. Then this past fall we got laptops for work, my work machine is a beast. i7, 8gb of ram, 500gb ssd, extended battery, And to be honest, other than the battery life, I'm not sure I do enough on it to tell the difference between my wife's laptop and mine.
(startup is quicker, but that doesn't matter that much, and programs load fast...so the SSD is a factor)
My current laptop runs great, but apparently the headphone/mic jacks don't work, and the power cable falls out easily...Given how little I use the headset though, I don't know if I can justify splurging on a new laptop
@DavidWilkins yeah, you'd be better of buying a new headset that's USB
I hadn't even though of a usb headset. Spiffy!
I have a busy day at work today so I will be hopping off here. See y'all later and have a nice day/night.
the power cord though, that can be annoying (and depending on where it's at may mean soldering on the mobo/replacing the mobo to fix)
I've had jack problems that were fixed by driver fiddling, and once by sticking a toothpick in the port.
(The little fiddly bit that says "There's a plug in my port!" was sticking.)
It very well may be a driver issue. I tried reinstalling them to no avail
That day, I learnt MacBook audio ports glow an evil red colour when they think they're plugged into.
windows recognizes when something is plugged in...I should try it on my linux side
(Usually you can't tell because there's a plug in the way.)
I don't usually like Mac product, but I would love a macbook pro
Anyway, enough about computer....I can't wait to start playing my Bear Shaman healer in 4e this weekend!!!
My experience with 4e shaman is rather... nonstandard.
After you've seen the damage a Lazy Warlord/Shaman Hybrid can do to game balance, everything changes.
I hope to do more support than damage...Have to see how it plays out
Mm, notice I didn't say it dealt damage to enemies: Lazy builds attack as little as possible.
haha I just re-read that...yes I do understand :P
In 4e, "Lazy" builds are designed around granting actions to others.
The lazy PC stands around doing little or nothing but shout at his friends, who are inspired to superhuman accomplishments.
And the shaman's spirit companion buffs them the whole time
That can be the case.
But this particular lazy PC was designed for a player who wanted to avoid rolling d20s as much as possible, so he went for eagle shaman.
"My weapon? It's a smoking pipe. No I can't do damage with it, but I can enjoy the encounter more"
With the right set of feats and items, he was able to grant even his opportunity attacks to others.
There are more powerful Lazy builds than warlord/shaman hybrid, but warlord/shaman is the best way to never attack ever.
Well, I don't mind occasionally attacking, especially if a side result is allowing other party members bonuses, but for the most part I plan to spectate
With the right party build (emphasis on effective basic attacks) it can be terrifying.
Hallow @KitZ.Fox
Now with 100% more zed.
well, 100% more of nothing would still be nothing, so its even more awesome than that?
Don't yew use yer fancy mathematics to muddy th'issue!
+1 Zed of Awesome.
It's a thing we're doing in the EL&U chat, because a middle initial makes you look smarter.
According to some random Venn diagram that somebody found on the Internetz.
So what do my two middle initials do?
So does a title... you should be Dr. Kit Z. Fox, esq.
I have a title, but I don't use it.
Too much real identity then.
@BESW I always think of you as compass points.
I like your cardinality.
@KitZ.Fox B/N
Borth, East, South, West.
Anyway, bed for me. ttfn
@IronHeart Oh, yes. Borealis, actually.
It is always a struggle to either look busy while I am working (waiting for scripts to finish, and whatnot) or look busy while waiting for work to do.
@waxeagle indeed
I accidentally triggered a compile from our application once a few weeks ago. Tried to let it finish, was still running 4hrs later :( (thankfully it has a command prompt compiler that is multithreaded and runs in about an hour)
I'm just glad I'm not responsible for writing the multithreaded compiler itself. I'd have very little hair left I'm sure
I'm really glad I didn't write this entire piece of software :). We bought it and have to develop on it...
I need a string theory computer. A "hello world" program would be theoretically capable of performing any task
Can yuu pre-order elemental evil yet?
Sweet! thanks
Thanks for reminding me :)
oh man that terribel 3.5 fumble table
If fumbles are instant, but crits have to be confirmed how could a fumble table ever be balanced by an "awesome"crit table
@JoshuaAslanSmith - Rolemaster tried that with their critical and "tiny crit" tables.
fumbles are like, this makes for great stories, but a terrible experience
nat 1s should only ever be auto misses
@JoshuaAslanSmith - I dunno, I think a 1 and a 1 should have some effect.
I mean hell, you see it in movies all the time, hero gets sword stuck in door, sword knocked out of grip, etc etc.
@johnp makes for great stories, and terrible experiences
ultimately is a critical fail in combat about progressing combat mechanics/play or about random story generation
because crit fail prolong combat
or cause party wipes
some people like a lot of randomization in their d20 based systems
hence the ridiculously large number of 3rd party table books for combat and loot
but I think crit fails are a particularly egregious example of this because of how they rob player agency
and punish players for no reason
@JoshuaAslanSmith - Then are you for banning critical hits as well? Because you can make the same argument in that direction, in that critical hits rob players of combat satisfaction, etc.
@JohnP That's not quite the same. One of them is removing potential future enjoyment, whereas the other is directly removing present enjoyment.
Though you can make some argument about the duality of fumbles/crits based on which end of the spear you are on
@Grubermensch Either way, you are potentially removing enjoyment, or enhancing it depending on your view/approach. I don't see how you can logically embrace critical hits and eschew critical fumbles.
Now you can make arguments on the degree of the fumble, which I entirely agree that some of the fumbles are ridiculous.
But, just like when I spar in tournaments, if I miss badly, I'm going to eat a foot. A fumble in combat should act the same. Not deadly, but you still pay for it.
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