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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

AWWWW YEAH I love vulnerability day! It's my favorite irregularly-occurring celebration of how much we're all so screwed!
I'm thinking about some social contract stuff.
There are a few things that I'd like my players' help with.
So I wonder if there is a blatantly obvious thing I could accept my players' help with but which I cannot think of right now.
Because ideally I would suggest to them we split those things roughly evenly among ourselves.
So, thinking of starting a new campaign (to run alongside my current one, which is PbP and thus painfully slow)
@Anaphory What system, and what sorts of things do you want help with?
I'm tentatively calling it There Will Be TPK
@BESW Fate Core: Finding 5 different tasks that are in the same effort category, like “sorting out food”, “writing session report”, “sorting out the playing room”
Unlike my other campaign, it will be a once-per week online meetup, every Monday somewhere between 2pm and 8pm pacific time.
Well, keep in mind some tasks are more effort for some people and less for others. I wouldn't worry too much about precise labour equality.
That's true and that's fine!
Ideally there is enough effort and people difference that the preferred task for all five of us is different!
Last month Greener helped me a lot by taking over designing the pre-made PCs for a special session.
But that's not a regular thing for most games.
@doppelgreener are their rep limits during a beta?
@Grubermensch it's a good thing vulnerability doesn't stack.
@JoshuaAslanSmith the 200-a-day limit?
Put someone in charge of Fate point and aspect tracking during the session, maybe--I like asking my players to help with the bookkeeping.
@doppelgreener figures, then I already maxed it for coffee today
315 rep
(And "bookkeeping" is one of my favourite words, because it has three double letters in a row.)
Currently my list is like: Sorting food, Sorting drinks, Writing up what happened last session, and sorting the game (that stuff you mention) and sorting the room afterwards.
@JoshuaAslanSmith wow, nice. i'm still not sure what to ask or say exactly on there!
@BESW i'll never unsee that now, and will tell my mother, who is a bookkeeper.
Now I'm looking for a word ending in VVb, so someone can be a toobbookkeeper or something.
@Anaphory Is there any out-of-session organisation or coordination for the group? Like, my group's starting time and the people who can show up changes from week to week.
@doppelgreener I blame Donald J. Sobol.
@BESW why do you blame him? (did he point it out?)
@BESW These weeks with exams and new semester, but normally we have a fixed day and time.
@doppelgreener Yes, in one of the Encyclopedia Brown books.
Apparently if you want to utterly destroy all life on a planet, you don't need to blow the planet up, just shoot a chunk out of it
Someone in a spelling bee deliberately flubbed a question about words with multiple double-letter pairs, in order to have time to do something dastardly unobserved. Unfortunately, she had just earlier been bragging about her awesome bookkeeping skills, which made flubbing the question extra suspicious.
@doppelgreener There's so many ways, as what-if.xkcd.com has taught me…
@Anaphory okay, well, yes, that's true, there's loads.
but i mean, in the context of something like Star Wars where people have gone to the effort of developing planet-busting lasers which destroy the planet utterly, all they really needed to do was skim a chunk of the surface!
Eh, the Death Star was never about destroying planets.
It's a weapon of fear, not of efficiency.
(Also, the "scoop" method leaves the planet some time to retaliate/evacuate.)
A point singularity projector would be more efficient
Hmm. There was one of them about laserpointers towards the moon, but now I'm stuck because there are a few I haven't read yet…
@BESW I had thought about that one, and I'll keep it in mind for any future campaign, though.
You can also encourage your friends to think of things they can do.
It'll take a little while for all of you to get into that mindset, so don't feel too much pressure to have it all upfront.
@BESW "The death star was never about destroying planets" - Said about a device whose sole purpose was to destroy planets.
I just wondered if there was an obvious thing I missed.
Though, funnily enough, I agree.
@Anaphory Think about it this way: one thing your friends can help you with is to figure out what they can help you with!
@AgentPaper We prefer the term "Peace Moon"
@doppelgreener as part of my work duties as a soda jerk I made a lot of espresso based beverages at yelp.com/biz/the-franklin-fountain-philadelphia
@JoshuaAslanSmith those are some amazing photos. could you enlighten me as to what a soda jerk is?
its a traditional term for an ice cream shop/soda fountain/ drug store counter clerk
called soda jerks because they jerked the soda from the soda water taps
I dont know how familar you are with american history and the rise of the soda fountain/ice cream parlors in the early 1900s, especially due to technological innovations and prohibition
I specifically made malts, floats, shakes, sundaes, fountian sodas, coffee beverages, among other things
Im specifically looking for a picture of me working there now
I was in at least 2 couples engagement photos
so there should be one somewhere
Soda jerks are kind of non-alcoholic performance-art bartenders, sometimes with more salesclerk-y duties on top.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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