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...as would "Ottertube."
Actually, "Ottertube" would be a good name for just about anything.
Video streaming site, city subway network, kayak brand....
@BESW Relevant: Pneumatic Ratsender, "Get Rats Where Rats Are Required. Pneumatically."
2 hours later…
WTfreakingTSG. My InDesign bug seems to be caused by a Chrome plugin.
Is it at least an Adobe plugin?
...I got nothing.
I haven't restarted the computer yet to test it myself, but I've got a half-dozen Adobe forum threads saying "we tried everything else and disabling Pushbullet fixed the problem."
See here, here, here, here, and here for the problem I'm having.
As a Computer Scientist, my qualified opinion is that computers run on magic and bullshit. Don't cross the streams.
I really like the "push to other device" feature, and the copy-paste is buggy for me anyway (it goes from computer to tablet and vice versa, but not computer to computer which is what I'd really wanted), so I'm going to disable that bit and see if that's enough.
The problem seems to stem from some clipboard competition between Chrome and Adobe.
So, I think the "InDesign works for roughly half an hour after I restart my computer and then derps again" pattern is just how long it takes me to copy-paste in whatever specific way makes the two bits of code go kablooey.
@Magician My mother frequently cites the "99%" rule, which has a name I can't remember.
Sturgeon's Law, Internet tells me.
No, it's a programming thing.
Then I don't know the rule you're referring to.
If two programs each have a 1% chance to bug out, when working together they have a 98% success rate instead of 99.
Stack together as many programs as a modern computer has, and we can be surprised things work as often as they do.
Heh. Yeah, that's what I collectively referred to as "bullshit".
Also magic.
...now pondering Magic & Bullshit, a roleplaying game of... spellslinging bards? Illusionists?
Pretty sure it's based on Now You See Me.
@Pixie [wave]
@BESW Hello!
@BESW Pixiewave is when the entire stadium flutters up and down, a column at a time.
@Magician With sparkle noises.
@Magician It's also a new ultrasmall sound system.
(Also with sparkle noises.)
Always sparkle noises.
@BESW Been reading through that mapping blog you linked earlier. It's good stuff. I sort of want to map things now.
@Pixie I know, right?
It's a nearly perfect intersection of Things Relephant To BESW's Interests.
Oh yeah, my boyfriend also linked me to Krita today, a free Photoshop-esque program. I recall us discussing PS alternatives and their lack of CMYK before. Krita has a waaay better interface than GIMP and says it supports CMYK too.
Have not had the chance to play with it much, but it seems promising.
Now I just need to think of something to map. :P If I map blindly, well... then I'll have a new setting on my hands.
Goodness, imagine the flooding!
Hmm. Idea just floated through my brain, gonna run it up the flagpole. (@doppelgreener in particular)
My group's about to spend a volume on a spaceship for a near-Sun voyage, and I've been thinking about ways to have adventure/drama on the trip without, yanno, aliens.
And a vague notion that just came to me is: space is magical. Like, seriously intensely creepy magical.
Perhaps the void between stars accumulates aether more slowly than the Earth, but over billions of years without any minds to tap into it, it builds up to un-heard-of levels. Power so potent that when a mind does finally come into such an area, you get mystical fireworks of Lovecraftian proportions.
No magical creatures, no aliens or shoggoths or demons, more like The Forbidden Planet.
Your Mind Makes It Real, Monsters From the Id, Your Dreams Come Alive, that sort of flavour.
Psychodrama In Space! Now with extra radiation leaks.
I think it'd be a good opportunity for my players to explore their characters a bit more.
Also it sets up some interesting directions for the Exciting Conclusion In SPAAAACE being more magicky than sciencey.
In that context players can really go crazy with story detail declarations.
My current thought is to introduce this with a session using Cthulhu Dark rules, until they get it under control.
I seem to be incapable of not writing essays. "I'm going to write a short post, it'll be just a few thoughts on a topic, I'll call it "musings on ...", maybe make it a recurring thing." 700 words later: "well, that's maybe half of what I wanted to say".
@BESW the moment you suggested space is magical i remembered the concept of the aether
also we're flying in there with magical burning demon rocks
one could say the demons have never attempted to shoot burning demon rocks into the space-aether before
@doppelgreener I'll be totally ignoring the magical burning demon rocks and just waiting for you guys to compel them.
@BESW hahahaha alright
They're so universally complication-worthy that I don't want to blow them unnecessarily.
So, right now my thoughts for the volume are to start with a Cthulhu Dark session about adapting to the aether of space, and then cut straight to arriving at the N-1 Object and seeing what that's about.
I expect the bulk of the volume will be spent on/around/in Nibiru-1.
Yes, although as a spirit-propagating medium rather than a light-propagating one.
...that is not what I expected a font called "Aaargh" to look like.
@BESW i find it concerning that its titular samples have less than excellent kerning, and yeah I can't imagine why it is called that
I'm looking for legible but curvy "Art Nouveau" title fonts and sans-serif body fonts which complement them.
Also, kerning is something I can fix manually.
I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be, but I know how.
oh god the r and g there
maybe that's why it's called 'Aaargh'?
Actually looking at the specimen, I'm becoming convinced of it. There are so many details in this font that are driving me up the wall.
Unfortunately, because my college was focused on the visual rather then the typographic end of design, I'm having to slowly catch up on this stuff on my own.
6 hours later…
....every time {spoiler} in season 4 and 5 of Primeval makes a pop culture reference, I wonder if he picked them up naturally or if he's carefully peppering his language with them to fit in.
What's new?
Not much. Almost finished with my current game.
Yo. What's new?
Not much. I was wondering if you could help me formulate an edit to my question (the one that generated the most recent meta discussion)
Have you seen this comment yet?
So, if I want to link to chat, can I just put [chat] in a comment?
I had not seen the latest comment, but I did read yours
@IronHeart yes, that links here
@IronHeart Yup! Also [help], [tour], [meta], and [*.se] where * = specific Stack.
Guessing that one is meta in brackets.
@DavidWilkins In essence: tell us more about the specific circumstances which led you to ask the question, so the Stack can leverage its citizens' experience to tailor the answers to your needs, rather than asking us to work as a data compiler to provide a neutral list of options you'll still have to wade through and vet.
@BESW the edit I want to make, or rather the information I want to include, is precisely that, and for those reasons
@DavidWilkins Excellent!
So it's just a matter of teasing out your situation into expressible terms.
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with 5e, so I'm not positioned to ask the best sorts of questions to guide you through this.
That's fine, you won't need to know the system to help with the question, methinks
Generally details should describe the situation the creature will be used in and the role it needs to play.
They will, but the situation's particulars aren't system specific, even if the answer is. That make sense?
So party level and composition (lots of ranged or melee, for example?), environment (dark and cramped, bright and open, developed or wild?), and combat role (defender, leader, striker, to borrow from 4e's terminology?) are all likely to be useful information for answerers to have.
Is the creature supposed to be a major threat or a nuisance? Does it matter whether the creature can talk (so it can divulge its master's Terribly Clever Plan, for example)?
The latter part is more applicable, but some of the former part will be included as well
Do you need to be able to justify the creature having a lot of treasure drops, or none at all? And so on and so on.
Something as simple as "And cannot fly" would slice down at least a quarter of the current list.
Let me make the edit, giving as much of that information as I can (where relevant) and if you could take a glance and let me know if it looks good?
Does size matter--the pixie might be too small to create the impression you want.
Fair enough. I'm just listing things to get your brain kick-started, it's by no means an exhaustive list.
I could do this all night.
haha, these are all things that I have already, or should have, considered before approaching you
@BESW to get that first bit, you'll need to give present party level as those threat types change based on where you are in the progression CC @DavidWilkins
the other concern I have is that you basically have carte blanche as a DM to sub in spells. So basically that list is "any caster"
@DavidWilkins Basically anything that would influence your choice of creature as a GM is potentially useful info to include in the question, provided it can be expressed clearly.
There's no such thing as "too specific" anymore: SE used to have that as a close reason, but we realised that it was just obscuring other, more fundamental close reasons that extremely specific questions sometimes --but not always-- suffer.
In fact, since good answers to specific questions include a discussion of how they arrived at their solution, and that "how" is often generalisable, specific questions garner better and more broadly useful answers than broad questions which get vague answers that lack process.
"more broadly useful" is exactly my thought process here, and I think I can see how to get there with appropriate information about my situation
The big issue specific questions can run up against is the X/Y problem.
@DavidWilkins Don't worry about tailoring your question to be useful to anyone except you. The Stack likes it that way, and is designed for specifically-useful questions to provoke broadly-useful answers.
No no, that's not what I am doing. My question will be quite specific to me or anyone else facing the exact same scenario
but the answer might be useful to a much broader base
(In other words: our citizens like to ramble anyway, we don't need encouragement on that front, they'll do it anyway.)
Alright, we're close here, I can feel it.
Ok, tell me what you think: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/55852/…
Here, have an upvote.
good deal, use case is important. Are they starting at L7?
Yes, 7 or 8.
I have a good clear vision of what you're looking for, and when I see an answer I'll be confident that I can vote on whether it's actually useful to you.
This is off topic to the question, but I'd suggest you consider starting them farther down the road in the adventure.
I haven't looked at the adventure yet, but I will insert them somewhere appropriate...They are currently in Ravenloft, so anything would be easily justifiable
a lot of the beginning stuff is small potatoes for low level characters
Since SE uses voting to turn its questions and answers into neatly-sorted piles, it's important for questions to provide enough detail that voting on answers is informed and useful.
I didn't want to read ahead because if someone else ends up DMing it, I don't want to spoil it for me
I guess I should page @Miniman so he can update his answer
I'd go ahead and remove the check too
(and if this was a case where the answerer wasn't a site regular, you'd want to flag it as Not and Answer in addition to a comment so the mods know to check back/clean it up if it doesn't get edited)
Thanks again @besw and @waxeagle for all the support
Our pleasure. Thanks for sticking with it.
I have been listening to the same music for a couple months. I need some new music. Any recommendations? I'm not that picky
New, or new to you?
@Aaron Awesome Mix Vol 1
(and/or basically all the Marvel instrumental sound tracks)
I would just get on Pandora but due to my work I have to be on a VPN that says it is in Canada. And Canada does not allow Pandora DX
@Aaron Loreena McKennitt, Janelle Monae, Lupe Fiasco, Chameleon Circuit, Bob Dylan (any era, but his recent Tempest is pretty great)...
can you use your phone via wi-fi?
@waxeagle I leave my phone with my wife or I would use it.
...Blind Guardian, Star One, Tom Waits, Tool, Aqua...
@BESW Oh I know Loreena. Good songs.
...Silvard Kool, Phillip Glass, the Myst franchise soundtracks, the Riddick franchise soundtracks...
Blind Guardian is good, if you like that then you may also like Hammerfall, Volbeat, Nightwish or Dragonforce.
Muse is also good.
@JohnP Dragonforce did through the fire and flames right?
I have a love/hate relationship with that song because of Guitar Hero
Blind Guardian keeps more of the operatic elements of power metal than most other bands/songs I've tried, which I like.
@Aaron yes. And same here.
I love how it sounds. But DAMN was it hard.
@BESW - If you like operatic metal then you'd love Nightwish.
@JohnP I do not, actually, love Nightwish.
I really like their concept album Imaginareum.
Not really. Nightwish is a lot more screamy and metal-y, a lot less full-orchestra and choral.
If you like Jethro Tull at all, you should like this song.
I do like Star One, despite their often-unpolished productions. Especially the middle of their first album. The Eye of Ra (Stargate film), Sandrider (Dune), and Perfect Survivor (Alien) are pretty sweet.
Their newer stuff is less screamy than their early stuff. I like it all, though. Any metal other than death/scream whre I can't understand the lyrics.
But now it's past 1am, so I'm for bed.
I just created a playlist with 5 songs from each of the suggested bands on grooveshark. Except Silvard Kool. They apparently don't have any songs on Grooveshark.
@Aaron I am not especially surprised on that count.
@BESW Gnight. Thanks for the suggestions.
He's a marine biologist who also does baroque piano music.
@Aaron That's gonna be one twistedly whiplash playlist.
@Aaron - It depends on what style you like. Hammerfall is very fantasy oriented, as is Dragonforce. DF is speed metal on crack, Hammerfall a little less so.
@BESW My normal playlists are similar.
As are mine. Enjoy!
@JohnP Speed metal
I need to pay more attention to Genres.
@Aaron For speed I like Anthrax, Helloween Judas Priest and Testament. If you don't mind the lyrics, Mercyful Fate has good melodies, but I don't like the lyrical themes.
I'm much more into power metal and older heavy metal.
H.I.M. is decent too, although their lyrics also get a little titchy for me.
And I really like metal covers of pop songs. Disturbed does an absolute genius rendition of LAnd of Confusion (Genesis).
And Korn does a really good Brick in the Wall cover, and Pain/Eleanor Rigby is excellent.
I know and like Disturbed and Korn. H.I.M sounds familiar. I think my friend listened to them. What do you mean by titchy?
While I'm not practicing now, I was raised Roman Catholic, so satanic lyrics are offputting to me.
Oh. Maybe HIM isn't who I am thinking then.
HIM = His Infernal Majesty - They had a couple mainstream hits, I think their biggest was "Wings of a Butterfly"
1 hour later…
AHHHHHHH witcher 3 previews
@Grubermensch yoz
lol, I do that all the time
I think of him as sam now and not grubermensch because Ive actually conversed with him
There's gonna be a lot of extra attacking next session
Ooh level 5 seems pretty big for Ken's bard
And the wizard gets 2 level 3 spellslots
yep :)
oooh I get some spell slots of the 2nd level
and another known spell
hmm time to do some reworking
keeping fog cloud
@waxeagle tough choice between pass without trace or silence
though silence is sphere based so a wizard could just leave it
2 hours later…
And to think, I had gone so long without experiencing a TPK
@JoshuaAslanSmith Sorry, was getting ready for work, then staff meeting.
Also, IIRC cantrips get better at L5
@Grubermensch in 5e? Yes they do. I forgot and was casting 1d10 Fire Bolts at level 6 for a little while
@Grubermensch hmmm I do not belive I knoweth the cantrips
no, you get multi-attack and horde breaker and other things, no cantrips for you :P
Oh I know
(though the EK also get multi-attack and cantrips)
it makes sense
(though, do you not get some eventually?)
yeah but those things conflict action economy wise
@waxeagle zero cantrips
I dont think pally does either though
yeah the action economy conflict is problematic
Id much rather have horderbreaker than cantrips
reality is that unless it's very specific circumstances, after the fighter gets multi-attack, he's going to be hard pressed to find a reason to use attack cantrips
(ranged backup perhaps...but he'd be better off with the bow still)
does he get any buff cantrips?
he has access to abjuration right?
not sure if EK gets whole wizzy list or just abj/evoke
Basically just Abj/Evoke
which is crap
because all the good Abj/Evokes are Warlock
I belive I did suggest youd be better off warlocking it
with the blade invocations
Yeah well, the things we could have done.
if wishes were horses (well...they could be, but not until L17)
though you did hit with all your polemaster opp attacks
even if you missed with all the rest of your attacks
$%*(ing polemaster
Polemaster is best
I'm thinking of taking Mobile at L8
CANT WAIT for lvl 8, take me that sweet sweet medium armor mastery
bee-tee-dubz though we should as a party not fail stealth checks when it matters from now on
+10 to up 6 including me within 30 feet of me
is that one of your new class features?
There's no way I'm getting better at Stealth.
Alas, the day has come
When I would hear people talking about D&D and realize I'm not getting their builds
@waxeagle level 2 spell, pass without trace
I get 2 level 2 spell slots at level 5
and learn 1 more spell (4 spells known)
so I picked up pass without trace
Pass without Trace 2nd-level abjuration

Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S, M (ashes from a burned leaf of mistletoe and a sprig of spruce) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you and your companions from detection. For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage.
is ranger one of the ones that learns one and swaps one basically every level?
yeah anytime I level up I can change one of the spells I know for another one from the list
I kept the 3 I already knew though
I thought about swapping out goodberry
since we havent used it at all this campaign
I still may
thers a good bit of healing between ken and shalvenay
there is
and they'll likely pack on more with the level up
so maybe Ill pick up a spell I also might not use but could be clutch
Huh. So, evidently I'd be a chaotic good dwarf fighter, 7th level.
@DavidWilkins Updated, although it didn't actually change much.
1 hour later…
@Zachiel Whoever put forth that argument about full attacks, haste, and whatnot? That person is a blithering idiot. Why are you playing with this person?
@waxeagle heh, limited wish should be able to handle a horse
@KRyan is that a 5e spell?
(I haven't memorized the whole spell list yet)
Because as you know I play in a game where there are many DMs and he's one of the best rule-wise and workload-wise - except when we get to those things he's always done differently from other DMs and goes on a "prove that to me" stance.
If I bring those questions here is because we (several other people) still haven't found ways to tell him he's ---an idiot--- wrong.
Anyway, he conceded because of the number of people telling him it's done differently
Our last point was "ok, don't trust statblocks, but at least look at what is written on the monster manual description of what those stats are"
Anyway, I think I never had him as a DM personally
@waxeagle point, I'm not sure whether or not it is.
@Zachiel huh?
@KRyan Sadly, no.
@Miniman eh, they still have the littlest wish and that's way more important
@KRyan And everyone has their own version of it now. Even Monks can get something similar.
@Miniman is "it" here wish or littlest wish?
@KRyan Littlest wish :P
@Miniman awesome! I hadn't noticed that. I've long felt that everyone should get it; it's just a little bit of cool
@KRyan Well, everyone has a variation. Druids have druidcraft (I think that's what it's called), clerics have thaumaturgy, etc
@Miniman heh, what's the monk version called? ooh, does the warlock get a special one, or do they just call their littlest wish prestidigitation like the wizard?
@KRyan The Monk one is only for the Way of the Four Elements monk, and I can't remember what it's called. I can't remember if/what the Warlock gets, although tieflings have thaumaturgy by default
@Miniman neat
@KRyan Yep, although making them thematic to each class has made them a leetle less powerful than the original
@KRyan Since the monster manual explicitly says that the full attack line is what a creature can do in a full attack action (not quoting verbatim here) the statblock things looked a little less "they just filled the form, they're not intended to be rules" thing he added to the "they're often wrong" thing
monster statblocks are... extremely problematic
for a lot of reasons
NPC statblocks are worse.
@Zachiel massively so, yes
And that's just to be able to rant on them
not because it somewhat diminishes what you said
But like I said with a friend, the tarrasque took toughness as a feat. Six times.
@Zachiel whaaaaaaat
"Yes" I said, And he said "no!" and then I said yes exactly 5 more times
"toughness (6)"
The tarrasque has 18 bonus HP
there was a general problem with 3.x, I think, that the designers didn't actually talk to one another very much, and at least two of them had very different ideas about what sort of game they were making
one of them designed the spellcasters, the spells, magic-related feats and options, and magic-using mosnters
the other designed the warriors, the general and combat feats, and the non-magical monsters
I'm sure there were other feats the Tarrasque could take.
and they did not realize they were designing two very different games
@KRyan I almost believed you
@IronHeart Oh yes, many. But he didn't.
he took +18 hit points instead of anything useful.
to be fair, he's got what, 48 HD?
16 feats, out of just the Core options?
on an Int 3 creature?
slim pickings at best here
Replace one of those with improved toughness and bam, you free 5 feats with just one splatbook
@KRyan We did a core-only D&D 3.0 campaign. Or it was core + FRCS only
@Zachiel horrifying
Well one guy wanted to play a fighter, then realized he had too many feats and took barbarian instead. Still got the space for lightning reflexes and iron will
@KRyan I know but my players are lazy. Give them all the manuals, they use 5 at most. And still break premade campaigns. Well, even just core does.
It was the campaign that ended with the archmage casting a Disjunction with friendly holes
@Zachiel I bet plenty of my characters use just 5 books, or could easily do so by removing only minor details
it's just that I'd pick the right five for the character
@Zachiel I think premade adventures are made for the beer-and-pretzels roll-up-characters-the-evening-of types.
Depends on which books. In their case is core + the first 4 completes
@KRyan ah, well, of course.
mmm.... uhm
yeah, there's... little and less worthwhile in those books
The type with system mastery less than 1%.
@IronHeart That's why I like 4e. You use premades and they work
when the enemies are drow vampires or squads of drow fighter 4 wizard 5... against level 16 opponents...
this makes so much sense and I don't know why http://t.co/rKiUt52bSr
user image
i-it does
Needs more geese, though.
@BESW -- agreed on the geese
BTW. That "ancient techniques rediscovered" archery video that keeps making the rounds? The voiceover is a little hyperbolic in its declarations: while Lars Andersen and many Westerners may not have known those techniques, they're not lost to the cultures that originated them.
It's very cool that Lars was able to figure out so much from old art, and kudos to him for using almost exclusively non-Western art in his studies, but the amazing thing is that he's self-taught from pictures, not that he discovered techniques which professional archers were unaware of. Because he didn't.
@BESW it was them or the chicken, so i'm happy the chicken got in
@BESW well that is a mix of cool and not so cool and slightly disappointing
@doppelgreener I actually find it very cool. It means that historical artists were faithful enough in their depiction of archery techniques that even an amateur historian could learn the techniques they showed. It also means that Western LARPERs are looking into non-Western source materials for their inspiration and taking it quite seriously.
And it's a useful reminder that often what we think of as the all-encompassing scope of a subject ("archery") is actually quite narrow (actually "modern Western archery").
@BESW Yeah, that is very cool. And I'm also going to attribute this to the guy not having any idea, not malintent, so it's more a matter that i feel bad he's wrapped up in criticism for something that was otherwise super great in every regard.
...and it's a reminder, in case anyone forgot, that movies' dedication to historical realism is about as strong as a wet tissue.

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