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I started with D&D 3.5 and experimented with World of Darkness, Dogs in the Vineyard, and a few others but stuck with 3.5 for about seven years. Then I moved to D&D 4e as my main system for about two years, but continued to experiment with games like My Life With Master and Dawn of Worlds occasionally.
About two years ago I left the D&D paradigm entirely; my current primary engine is Fate (Core, Dresden Files, Atomic Robo), but we also play Cthulhu Dark, Lady Blackbird, Roll For Shoes, and a variety of other one-shot systems as the fancy strikes us.
My profile has some more comprehensive lists.
damn thats a lot, I play 4e for 2 years now in 2 groups and recently started next with one group
i kinda wanna try a cyberpunk world
In 4e, the closest you'll get is probably Eberron.
i mean gameplay like WH40k
or whats it called shadowrun
Aeon Wave is a good pre-made cyberpunk adventure for the Fate system, which means it's well-suited for jumping into the play without a lot of upfront cost in terms of money or effort.
i have never played Fate
Shadowrun is probably the most well-known cyberpunk RPG, but it's very complicated (and you have to buy 6 truckloads of d6s.)
haha luckily i already have 2x 36 d6 dice because i play magic the gathering
I like and recommend Fate because it's free, relatively simple, can be played with a small handful of regular six-sided dice, is adaptable to any setting, promotes a collaborative environment among players, supports social and physical conflict equally, and is equally viable for short-form and long-form campaigns.
i will check it out
but shadowrun just caught my eye once in a game store
I used to play & run Shadowrun way back in 1st & 2nd edition... Cyberpunk 2020 was more hardcore cyber, but SR was fun
@Adeptus Ah, the wonders of the Internet.
Scratch that, I said SIX truckloads! That isn't even one truckload!
going to bed, cya guys
> i want to start an all-positive conspiracy theory movement. chemtrails promote healthy bones. the moon landing was faked to give people something to believe in. the reptilians only wear skin suits to avoid startling people.
a softer new world order
@BESW cute, i like it.
@JohnP Suddenly I remember my friend telling me about Descartes and his statement of "I think, therefore I am" and the enormity of its significance.
So I'll splurge briefly on that:
(once i hunt down a term)
Splarf! Nevermind. I was doing some fact-checking (and re-consulting with a friend who told me about a thing) and I think I got some stuff mixed up. Gushing cancelled.
I will distract everyone with A Dire Warning About Tea.
(Although in truth the warning is probably more about mistaking correlation for causation and looking for evidence with the conclusion already in mind.)
@BESW Next you'll be saying that lightning doesn't make milk go sour.
@Miniman Well, no. It's the thunder.
@BESW That's sort of true, I suppose. Thunder causes lightning, which in turn causes milk to go sour, so indirectly, thunder does indeed cause milk to go sour.
Besides, the real problem is the sky dogs what do the thunder-barking.
So...not sure if I snookered myself or not.
So I have a question about this spell
@BESW I thought that was Thor and his hammer. Is Thor just making the dogs bark?
Would I need any of the Deceased Creature To Resurrect It? If So Would a Jar Of There Blood and Some fur (it is a dog) work?
@Kaz_king The spell text answers this:
> While the spell closes mortal wounds and repairs lethal damage of most kinds, the body of the creature to be raised must be whole. Otherwise, missing parts are still missing when the creature is brought back to life.
Any way to fix My Predicament?
You need resurrection.
> The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be resurrected, but the portion receiving the spell must have been part of the creature’s body at the time of death.
My Dog Died and The Druid in the Party ATE HIM!
Wait so would Blood Bone and Fur Work For that then?
Well I was wondering if I would need like a full on leg or something not just random bits
@Kaz_king If it was part of the dog at the time of death and collected afterward, yes.
Or get the druid to cast Reincarnate, and your dog could come back in a random form. Fancy a pet Bugbear?
Good luck, and consider having an out-of-character chat with the party about making decisions that reconcile characterisation with group cohesion.
in other words: if you took a blood sample, then the dog died, you couldn't use that blood to resurrect it. if it died then you took a blood sample, that'd work. if your party druid eating it left some blood on the ground, that might work.
@Adeptus Doesn't work that way: the spell would work, but bugbear wouldn't be an option.
> For a humanoid creature, the new incarnation is determined using the following table. For nonhumanoid creatures, a similar table of creatures of the same type should be created.
Ah, missed that clause. So, random animals then
Found a guy locally selling his D&D stuff. Way more than I wanted or needed, but some nice minis. We were figuring out cost for the minis, and he asked what I would do for the whole set. Deliberately way lowballed so I could just do the minis, and about 2 minutes later while sorting he said "Ok".
Thank you guys this seems like the best option
So far I have pulled out 6 of the AD&D figure sets, 4 different Thunderbolt Mountain dragon figures, 3 large ral partha dragon figures, about 12 different blister packs of figures and what looks to be the entire Dragonlance module collection, and I'm about 1/2 way through the first box.
And what appears to be the entire AD&D library, including the arms guide, castle guide, etc.
@JohnP Good score!
$340 for the lot. I feel guilty, but I didn't really want to buy it in the first place.
All of the arms guides and other soft covers are still in their plastic covers as well.
Sounds like ebay to me.
Maybe, for some of the ones I already have. There are three different "Art of" books, a Challenger series with untouched punchouts. time for new bookshelves. :p
a "Worlds of TSR book still in the bag he bought it in.
I started going through animals to check out the potential of the Bearbarian.
Turns out I'd still have shitty AC, because none of them have particularly good stats. :( I guess the Bear Monk is still a better option from that point of view.
@Miniman have you tried the [a completely different game to play instead] source book? ;D
@doppelgreener Oddly enough, no :P
hah! :)
Did pathfinder change it so that you can only have 1 summoned creature at a time?
Hey guys. Is it inappropriate to change part of your answer to incorporate part of someone else's that makes a lot more sense? Looking at this question at the moment. I did see @SevenSidedDie's comment before it was deleted but it was late night and had been a long day so I went to bed before bothering to change anything, figuring I'd deal with it tomorrow (today).
@PurpleMonkey Based on my understanding, altering an answer based on new information is of course entirely ok. If it makes your answer the same as another one, it's less ok.
I don't know what you're meant to do when it makes your answer the opposite of what it used to be, though.
Q: Do I edit or create a new answer when my view on my current answer changes significantly?

GamerJoshResearching my answer to this question: Can the arcane/druidic focus staff double as quarterstaff? has lead me to re-evaluate my answer to this question: Can an Elven Wizard use a bow for an arcane focus? Basically, my view in has gone from, "No, it's not possible per RAW, but you could house-r...

@Miniman - In the case of opposition, it was suggested to either edit and add and leave the original or add a second answer, because of the way the voting and stuff worked. I forget where I read that, some meta somewhere.
@JohnP Look up :P
@Miniman - Oh, for. Where's that squirrel link again? :)
I claim distraction going through the box.
@JohnP All good :)
Things I wish everyone in the world understood, No. 617: The difference between "intra-" and "inter-"
I'm just here for comic relief anyway.
@Miniman That's always an intraesting mixup.
@Miniman - Their, their, we feel you're pain to.
@JohnP Homonyms are even worse!
Nonsense. Everyone loves a homonym. You get to take your bride somewhere really nice for a two week vacation.
@JohnP You just killed 3 penguins in a single sentence. Are you proud of yourself?
@Miniman Slide?
:) Quite proud. I got more if you want them. Just ask.
I shot an aero into the heir...
and they promptly arrested me. :p
Everyone laughed at the Department Of Shooting Things With Lasers, but look now: txchnologist.com/post/104927326076/… txchnologist.com/post/108108114780/…
Sorry. That was a bit large.
Ok so basically I'm looking to change the second part of my answer to "In this case, based on SevenSidedDie's answer, the trigger is when the attack roll is made against you, so similar to the first case you'd have to spend your luck point after the roll but before you are told it's result. In a worst case scenario (if your DM rolls, determines the result, then tells you you're the target before you have a chance to respond) you could call for a do-over." Or something to that effect.
@Miniman I assume that would be too significant an edit/almost a complete reversal of my original idea
@PurpleMonkey Hey, I'm no expert. Last time I did something like this, I left a comment on my own answer. The meta suggests it should be a new answer. What you do is up to you :P
That awkward moment when you realise you've visited the site every day since you've joined...
(I might be addicted.)
@Miniman That was my situation for quite some time... though I apparently broke it sometime last week. Oops.
I've not logged in for a total of about two weeks in the last 28 months.
There's been a couple of days where I'd swear I haven't visited the site at all, but it hasn't broken my streak. My guess is that it has to do with the way SE persists logins.
Also, it uses a specific time zone.
Also, apparently being in chat counts as a visit, from what I've observed.
This just in: Jackdaws are stackable.
Do you know how smart those things are? If they stacked, it was to carry out a nefarious plan too complex for our puny human brains to comprehend.
(A lot of primates struggle with that.)
They also use tools, and devise and carry out multi-step plans.
(No source, since I'm at work right now.)
Speaking of clever Corvids! @doppelgreener: I've been toying (very lightly) with the idea of doing a brainstorm wherein one of the participants is trying to skew the conclusion toward something different than everyone else.
Like, the BRAC rolls as a participant to make things true which benefit their schemes.
@BESW oooooo.
and, of course, the hypothesis must incorporate all facts, including the BRAC's, and the hypothesis will be true
So it'd be "As you dig through those files, you discover that... [dramatic sting, terrifying fact]."
@BESW "The BRAC supercomputer could resist a thermonuclear explosion."
And I'd probably have the BRAC sit out on the roll to actually form the hypothesis, as the GM already has the opportunity to do that if not enough facts are 'found.'
naturally, GM shouldn't participate in the hypothesis, they have already done their work by messing with the fact-creation process for fun
@Emrakul Are you caught in a time-distortion field?
I just added [dnd-5e] to my ignored tags list and suddenly 18/50 front page questions have become faded out.
Since everybody's talking about their tag preferences....
@Adeptus My dad's business logo was based on The Great Wave off Kanagawa.
@BESW you could add [shadowrun-*] and [dnd-*] to your ignored tag list
@doppelgreener Ooh, incompletes splats work?
Yes, I've had [fate-*] on my favourites for a while.
unfortunately i've just found that [dnd-*] on your ignored list will override [dnd-4e] on your favorites list
So many waves
I said one thing
one thing
you gave me some ideas for updating my list
Character concept generator. With swearing for some reason, as the url attests.
@doppelgreener Here's mine.
> attentive Half-orc Wizard from the iron mountain range who forever picking fights to 'win back honour'
I like this one.
@Emrakul wait a minute, does * also match nothing here?
@doppelgreener Yeah, the combinations it comes up with are actually quite decent.
Oooh, DNS has finally updated. I present to you the (very early) version of IDOdds!
I found out you can host a static page on dropbox, which made everything so much easier.
@doppelgreener Yeup!
[edits further, efficiency levels up]
my homepage now looks very different to before
The only reason I've got mine set to "greyed out" instead of "BEGONE, FOUL POST!" is a sense of duty to know what's going on in the wider site and use my tools.
But yeah, 6 of the 50 most recently active posts aren't greyed out.
Interesting. I read posts from every system, I just don't post anything on the ones that I don't know anything about.
@BESW yeah, same here
Maybe I'll try hiding [pathfinder *l5r* *world-of-darkness* *shadowrun* *gurps* *dnd* *savage-worlds*] for a week and see what happens.
on BGSE i have the ignored list set to "BEGONE!", but my only item on it is Bridge, and when I enter a bridge question it's like I've entered a foreign language site. I wouldn't know how to spot something going on there unless there was spam or someone was throwing swear words around in all-caps.
I'd leave them unhidden if I visited the site more often.
...sweet monkeys of Gibraltar.
My "active posts" page is set to "top 50" but there are only six posts on it. I didn't realise it wouldn't change the pagecount!
@BESW So, it picks the top 50, then filters your tag preferences?
@Adeptus yeah
@Adeptus It's much more complicated to do it the other way around.
@BESW And now you know why I don't visit the site that often :P
Well, hey, my top fifty six have all had activity within the past day.
OK, I know some of you have SQL knowledge... is there an easy way to query "all columns except this one"? ie, adding exceptions to SELECT * rather than listing every column
@Adeptus To my understanding, there are five tag columns that each parameter would need to be checked against.
Obviously, I don't work at SE, so I'm not an authority on their table setup, but it'd make the query a lot more expensive (and take a while to code).
(I'm joining 2 tables, which share some column names... and I only want the shared ones once)
the answer may be specify all the columns individually, but I just think a SELECT * EXCEPT type syntax would be useful
@Adeptus Unfortunately not.
Ah well, more typing...
SELECT * is an extremely unreliable and buggy feature to begin with, you shouldn't be relying on it under any circumstances.
@Adeptus Actually, the tags is just one column in the Posts table.
It's just a list separated by spaces.
@Emrakul I'm talking about a separate database, not SE. Though I can see why you might think I was.
...oh, I thought you were talking about the efficiency of tag filtering
ugh... "SELECT A.*, P.*" just turned into about 7 lines of column names
@Adeptus Sorry. But * really isn't a good thing to be using.
Tractor beam engaged; extraction commencing.
@Miniman I know it's not the best in terms of optimisation, but I didn't realise it was buggy & unreliable?
Q: What is the reason not to use select *?

Chris LivelyI've seen a number of people claim that you should specifically name each column you want in your select query. Assuming I'm going to use all of the columns anyway, why would I not use SELECT *? Even considering the question *SQL query - Select * from view or Select col1, col2, … colN from view...

Actually, that article is much more helpful than the question.
@Adeptus I can't remember the exact circumstances, but at our work we had it miss columns a couple of times.
Also, the more concrete stuff @Emrakul posted.
Hmm. I need a picture to put on the front of my new bullet journal.
@BESW A bullet?
I like putting some image on my binders/notebooks/whatever that makes me happy when I see it, as well as helping to differentiate them.
@BESW Yep, I was suggesting a picture of a bullet.
Bullets don't make me happy, though.
Gothbat was on the cover of my D&D binder for all my D&D 3.5 campaigns.
@BESW Ah, but it would differentiate it as a bullet journal :P
@BESW An animal with a hat.
Also with a camera.
@doppelgreener That sounds suspiciously like a... tourist.
I just found out experts-exchange changed their domain name
Unfortunately, my bullet journal is going to be a professional accessory too, so the picture needs to be... relatively dignified.
Which leaves this out:
@BESW d'aw. :)
put that on the inside cover.
And on the other inside cover:
@BESW Have you seen the Ultimate Productivity Blog?
@Emrakul ...no?
Seems legit.
@Emrakul [goes back to work]
(i am pleased with its content)
Wow, that's some serious broadness.
He'd be better off with a rec question for a set of rules they can add to Pathfinder for social situations.
How do people edit their posts without an edit history coming into existence?
Edits have a five minute grace period for revisions.
Huh. Didn't know that.
Actually, I'm amazed I've never noticed this, because I tend to post a post, then rapidly make a bunch of small edits to it.
Comments, however, have no grace period.
@BESW Well, you can edit them within five minutes (within page refresh).
Yeah, but in terms of revisions.
[waits with bated breath for inevitable meta post]
@BESW I'm assuming you mean for this?
"I can think of no other way a level-based system could possibly function."
There's a flaw implicit in that statement...
I'd try to rebut, but not having played anything other than D&D I'm definitely not the right person for it.
You don't need to have played anything else.
> I can think of... [ergo one doesn't exist. Prove me wrong.]
@Zach [wave]
Hello. I keep forgetting this website has a chat room.
Motto: We aren't official, but we try to be useful.
@BESW New room description?
@Zach It's pretty handy, particularly for questions that don't work on the main site. (I tend to have a lot of these, personally.)
And, yes, there is one revision I've realized I need to make to my question. I'm looking for level-dependent game mechanincs
It's still quite broad, to the point of uselessness. As your combat example shows: it boiled down to "Characters have qualities which are compared to the corresponding qualities of other characters to determine outcomes within fields of competence."
This is not an actionable generalisation: Stack is a site which prefers to deal in specifics.
Your combat description is equally true of almost any sort of mechanic in an RPG--or Magic: the Gathering, for that matter.
Honestly, I should probably have focused a great deal more on the request for examples, as that's what I'm really after. But, I felt that would be a bad question, considering no one game would, by nature, be better than any other for my purposes. Plus, I was kind of hoping someone would present a general basis for social-based mechanics that I just didn't see on my own.
36 mins ago, by BESW
He'd be better off with a rec question for a set of rules they can add to Pathfinder for social situations.
@Zach Right. That's a good sign that you're not yet at the point in your research where the Stack can help. I imagine this chat would be happy to recommend some places to start researching so you have context in which to formulate a more specific answer than "brainstorm some examples and I'll see if any are useful."
A well asked recommendation question for social game mechanics that can easily be added to Pathfinder would make for a much better question, I think.
(The Stack's voting process needs questions to provide enough info so that people can vote on them with more informed criteria than "I like that.")

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