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"Enormous False Dichotomy" would be a good name for a band.
@Miniman "Enormous False Dichotomy and the Unusual Euphemisms," perhaps.
@Shalvenay I would suspect that balanced or not, those character concepts do not fit with the worldview they have of the RPG/LARP/Chosen environment.
@Shalvenay Well, if you play a character who thinks that everything is a combat, and stick true to that concept, then yeah, I'd rapidly get tired of your character as well.
There's nothing more boring than a one dimensional character, especially if that dimension is belligerent psychopathy.
Begin your frenetic linking, there's an official basic 5e rules website now. dnd.wizards.com/products/tabletop/players-basic-rules
Nvm, just worked it out.
@JohnP -- "dimensions of character" is something that I have never had defined adequately for me...
Dimensions of character is no different than dimensions of self.
well, dimensions of self isn't something that's well-defined for me either :P
I realize that you mean that facetiously, but have you noted that anytime anyone gives you any advice, you come back with either vague or concrete objection?
@JohnP -- I'm trying to tease out the argument for your position
@Shalvenay Does the position that one dimensional characters are boring really require an argument?
@Miniman -- are you saying that it should be treated as axiomatic instead?
@Shalvenay No, because it might not always be true, but I think for most people it's the default assumption.
Okay, that went tangential fast. I think "Thou shalt not" rather than "Do what?" is the underlying issue here.
@BESW -- yah.
Shalvenay is asking, sincerely, for help understanding what a dimensional character looks like, and how one goes about creating that.
If you think he's being facetious when he says that he's not good at real-life characterisation either, you probably haven't been privy to earlier conversations on the subject.
@BESW -- yeah -- that was self-deprecating more than it was facetious. :)
So telling him that something he's unfamiliar with is just like something he's not good at? Is going to elicit bemused responses.
right now -- I'm uncertain if the dimensions are referring to activities, or what I'm speaking of as "contexts"
He's looking for "Do Y" rather than "Stop doing X." In his mind, "Do Y" should probably come with guidelines and procedures and be minimal on the fuzzy "just feel it out" advice. If we think that's not a useful approach to the issue, can we lay out why that is instead of appealing to "common knowledge" which, if he had, he wouldn't be asking for this kind of help in this way?
or something else altogether
@BESW -- that would be muchly appreciated, thanks!
@Shalvenay I'm well past thinking I can help with your challenges, but I think I understand the challenges well enough that I may be able to help explain them to others more clearly.
@BESW Because various people (yourself included) keep trying to, with no visible effect?
@BESW -- the problem with "just feel it out" is it's assuming a level of implicit feedback -- it's asking me to read OOC intent into IC action and speech, even.
@Miniman Actually, the amount of advice which contains guidelines and procedures for behaviour has been fairly minimal. One of the most recent instances of it --Emrakul's suggestion that Shalv place more value on small talk, with clear explanations about why small talk is valuable in real life and in a storytelling environment-- was acted upon to positive effect.
@Shalvenay This is why my final advice is that you should try to gain these skills in a different environment.
@BESW -- well, I think I might be getting some opportunities to do that soon, so we'll see how it goes :)
Most of our advice has been on the level of attitude and outlook rather than habit and procedure. While that's really hitting the heart of the issue, it's much harder for Shalv to enact because it entails a fundamental shift to underlying worldview. Simple behaviour modification is a lot easier to implement within his comfort zone.
Unfortunately, the hard stuff is the only way that'll effect any lasting systemic change.
@BESW -- have a star.
It's impractical and frankly impossible to create or provide a comprehensive set of procedural notes to improve your RP experience, because RP requires on-the-fly improvisation which pre-made procedures can't substitute for.
It is much harder, but in the long run more effective, to change the foundational habits and attitudes which influence your improvisation.
I agree there -- but by attacking specific problems, I think I can make a character that's good enough in common case scenarios.
@Shalvenay And as your group shifts, the ritualistic behaviours you've learnt will become increasingly ineffective and you'll have to start all over again.
Good evening.
hey there
Barbarian tonight, I see.
Well, not tonight for you.
I'm updating and securing my dad's computer so it's harder for him to accidentally or un-informedly do Strange And Terrible Things to it anymore. He wants to watch.
....so he's currently sitting there watching a progress bar labelled "Installing Security Update 1 of 6."
I myself am spinning my gears.
Don't get dizzy.
Too late.
I'm considering drinking.
Amongst other activities.
Hydration is crucial to proper brain function!
Well, water was not was I was considering drinking.
I am unbelievably happy right now.
That's so cool.
@Emrakul That looks wonderful!
Is this for anything in particular?
(I can imagine one of my friends ordering this for a Victorian costume.)
@doppelgreener Honestly, I just have a thing for pocketwatches and mechanical movements.
I got it because I needed a watch. Unfortunately most mechanical movements that would withstand the rigors of sitting for hours in class wouldn't last very long here, so this is quartz. Still, I'm happy.
Gosh, AVG, you can't uninstall yourself properly? You have to walk ME through it? Classy.
[makes self feel better with picture of lamplighter weasel]
That's a nice picture.
Sometimes I want to run a gaslamp fantasy game with anthropomorphic animals.
I've always found anthropomorphism hard to play right.
I think Fate might help, with carefully designed aspects.
I'd be prepared for the game to turn partially - or at least initially - into an exploration of what it actually means to be anthropomorphic.
@BESW Thanks for the link! I've just bought the alien anthology, which has 1-3 and Resurrection. Is that last one is one of the bad ones?
three was the worst
I wonder if a question on the main site about how to make a multidimensional character when one perceives things primarily logically would be constructive... (or if it's just too broad and vague to answer)
@Shalvenay - A couple questions if I may - Would you rather read a fiction book or a text book? And when presented with a time to act, is there in your mind only one course? Or many?
@Emrakul that is great :) I like mechanical watches too personally; I have one I bought with my brother that I love and will resume wearing come wintertime.
@Emrakul Is quartz not the best kind you want?
@BESW I would be totally down for this. I looked up gaslamp fantasy whilst I was out and about. Wikipedia suggests it is Victorian era stuff with fantasy elements, but without the extraordinary world of science themes involved in Steampunk. Seems like fun.
@BESW Aha, I dug up your previous messages. Alien yes, Aliens and Alien 3 optional (with 2 > 3), Alien Resurrection avoid.
@JohnP apparently it is not the worst
@doppelgreener Call me old fashioned, but I love the feel and sound of a mechanical movement.
Though there's something equally satisfying about one-tick-per-second...
@doppelgreener - 3 and Resurrection were both pretty bad, imho. Could be a tossup :p
Aliens was good, unless you really wanted a continuation of Alien. If you treat them as two separate movies, they are great.
Alien was groundbreaking for the time, so tense the actors refused to go on sets alone.
@JohnP Oh wow. :)
@mxyzplk Thanks for the news!
I read the novelization of Alien, and he suggested in the book (Which was never made clear in the movie) that they were bioengineered, and the "who and why" of that was never pursued in the movies, which was a huge disappointment.
@doppelgreener - Sorry, evidently missed that the novelization was done by Alan Dean Foster, one of my favorite authors.
@Emrakul for real yeah, I like these. I think I might find that satisfying too. Whatever it is I enjoy mechanical watches. :)
@JohnP then in comes alien versus predator! and prometheus!
Yeah, I didn't see Prometheus, and I didn't waste my time on the AvP franchise. I thought it was a sellout. :p
I wanted to see it (Prometheus), just never managed it.
I think we have both AvP movies. They're in the "haven't gotten around to watching" pile...
I didn't see Prometheus, and AVP was the first Alien movie I saw -- an artist I like aired it during one of their livestream sessions.
@Adeptus - I see you survived the H2SO4.
@JohnP Yes. Or maybe I'm a clone...
Would a clone be aware that it is a clone? Or would it think the other versions were the clones?
@JohnP you might enjoy Eclipse Phase...
@doppelgreener Yeah, there's something about them that's just... satisfying.
I don't know what it is, but mechanical watches almost always feel right. Their weight, the light ticking, the passage of time - all of it adds up in a way that feels profoundly correct.
@Emrakul I like them for the heft. They just feel more meaningful.
At least to me >_>
@doppelgreener - Looks interesting!
Kind of like changeling meets bioshock.
@JohnP Or Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed meets space adventuring meets other major transhumanist issues
@doppelgreener - Believe it or not (it's just me) I have never seen GitS or Appleseed.
And bonus points if you get what that song lyric comes from.
Does anyone have that Eclipse Phase image @Magician is fond of? I can't dig it up anywhere.
@JohnP no bonus points for me ;_;
@JohnP I strongly recommend them, if you're interested in transhumanism fiction.
Eclipse Phase is a world in which you might fork your mind and let the fork run off elsewhere and do something, then come back and merge with you again. It's great! You can be in two places at once. Except if one of your forks decides they don't want to come back to merge with you... or, wait a minute, were you the fork meant to come back and merge with them?
Hrm, sounds somewhat like the Pathfinders in one of the Star Trek: OTS books.
@doppelgreener This one?
I think I have found the tablet I'm looking for: blog.laptopmag.com/asus-transformer-book-chi-hands-on
Now I just need to decide between the 300 and the 100.
@JohnP Greatest American Hero theme song. I am here to claim my imaginary internet points.
Everyone in this room is smarter for having had you around. I award you 10 points, and God smiles warmly upon your soul. (Another 10 points if you recognize the quote I just bastardized).
@Magician That's the one! :)
4g ram, 64g SSD, starting ~ $800.
So, the file transfer to my external HD was slated for 10 minutes. 20 minutes later, it's slated to finish in 20 minutes. Yay windoze.
@JohnP Nope. That one, you've stumped me on.
@Adeptus - Billy Madison (Adam Sandler) appearing on a game show. The entire quote is:
At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Oh, nice. We are now 40 mins into the transfer and now I have an hour remaining.
@JohnP -- for the most part a text book, although I have found some fiction (Clancy, for instance) to be decent. when it comes to time to act -- there's generally one course that stands out to me, although usually it'll be among 2-3 alternatives.
@Shalvenay - Ok, so that suggests to me that you are a very linear thinker. A to B to C or D. What you need to do, is instead flip that around a bit.
So, you are at A. You want to be at D. Try going to F first instead of B.
And, then once you are at F, reassess whether or not you even want to be at D still.
@JohnP -- I see where you are trying to go hear -- the problem I find with nonlinearity is that I'd probably wind up far, far outside the conceptual bounds the other players place on the world
part of that, though, is because the level of detail I tend to work at is outside the typical notion of 'fantasy'
@Shalvenay - Well, I don't know the other people or how they handle OOC so I don't know how they would react.
Ah. Work in broad strokes. Think paint roller rather than trim brush.
The next time you have a situation, think about what you would do "normally" in the course of the game. Then take a mental step back for a second, and see if there are any other options that will get you to that point other than what you considered.
If you have to, think of 4 things to do, and roll a 1d4 to see which you do.
@BESW I just wrote "True because it's obvious." on my math homework. Congratulations. You have ruined my math education.
@Emrakul People in Aristotle's time would have said the same to a question saying "Garlic makes a magnet stop working. True/false?"
worth investigating ;)
no, but a 1gallon metal paint can makes a startlingly good EM shield -- far better than your average tinfoil hat!
Well, I... hm. I mean... magnets are pretty good. But also, garlic.
Garlic beats magnet, because garlic beats vampire, vampire beats light, and light is related to magnetism.
@Emrakul Sufficiently bright light kills vampires.
Maybe your definition of "beats" is different to mine.
Hrm. I hadn't considered that.
@Emrakul BESW linked an article a couple of weeks ago about how we categorise things in the real world to assist our mental modelling of it, and how it benefits us but also can give us really strange ways of thinking.
We need an RPG version of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock.
@JohnP Fighter-Rogue-Pit Trap
@Miniman In the presence of a strong light source, I'll grant that garlic might not nullify magnetism. But in the dark, it definitely does.
See Harry Potter and the Natural 20
@Emrakul Hooray for science!
I am going to dump some quotes here.
Dec 11 '14 at 11:11, by BESW
Bad summary: The way we interact with claims about truth is influenced by how we categorise the sort of things those claims are about.
@Miniman - That's only three. You need two more.
@doppelgreener I'm intrigued.
@doppelgreener - What is truth but a personal perception?
Dec 11 '14 at 11:14, by BESW
Ancient Greeks thought both garlic and magnets were "things which attract and repel." Such forces, they knew, interacted to enhance or reduce each other. The claim that rubbing garlic on a lodestone would make the lodestone no longer attract iron was totally logical, to the point that questioning it was laughable.
Hips, hips, hairspray!
Dec 11 '14 at 11:15, by BESW
Modern people have reclassified garlic and magnets into generally unrelated categories, so now we find claims that rubbing garlic on a magnet will make it lose its attractive power to be laughable illogical.
Dec 11 '14 at 11:16, by BESW
We feel no need to test our belief that garlic has no effect on magnets, just as Plutarch felt no need to test his belief that garlic had an effect on magnets--and we feel this way for exactly the same reasons that he did.
@JohnP Well spellcasters don't work, for obvious reasons.
@doppelgreener That's actually fascinating. I'm going to read more into this.
[everyone in chat goes silent to find someone to play Scissors Paper Rock Lizard Spock with]
[alternately to harass into playing it with them]
how do you shape the lizard
Like you would if you had a sock puppet on your hand.
Theorem now proven: You can stop a group of gamers cold by throwing a new game, any game, down in front of them.
Odd factoid of the day that will immediately be put to use by 5 different people: You can kill 150 people with a gram of cobra venom.
@JohnP what was the circumstances -- in what way did you stop them cold? were they walking? arguing? broken out of their old ways? confounded?
They were here. I tossed out RPSLSp and the entire room died. :p
@JohnP My condolences. When is the funeral?
@JohnP The room goes oddly silent pretty often.
Oh! You meant here! Us!
(Also, I suspect most people have seen RPSLS before.)
I thought you meant someone local.
I dunno, I think the room just hit one of those moments. I've seen it before too.
Other times we've thrown down a new game and people have gone "oooooooo!!" and asked more about it.
1 hour later…
something seems off here.
@Metool Hm?
if that's re: my comment on that answer, please do let me know
Oh, no, not at all...
Something's just... missing.
i deleted a message
I suppose you did.
it was initially to find out some stuff about this answer before i commented on it or started a bounty on that question :)
if that answer was helpful I was gonna start a bounty going "someone provide a comprehensive answer pl0x"
but it seems as though it isn't?
I don't understand the difference between Miniman's answer and Alexis' answer.
Alexis' answer actually seems more detailed than Miniman's.
oh, it makes sense when I read your comment
yeah, the diff is Alexis is pointing out the PHB, Miniman is pointing out the MM.
mattdm points out everything at once, and has thus thoroughly earned first place.
4 hours later…
This really needs a final close vote: it's asking for a list, and answers are providing a single entry from that list.
(Probably because the full list would be colossal.)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Hi!
wrote a mana symbol userscript for boardgames.se... no recent questions use mana symbols... eventually i will see my userscript at work on a new question ;_;
@doppelgreener That's pretty cool, either way.
@Miniman yeah! it came out really well and i had to learn a thing i never thought i'd have to learn (actual direct DOM text node manipulation, no help from jquery)
it feels 95% worth it, when a new question arrives that has mana symbols it will feel 110% worth it
@doppelgreener Oooh. No d3 or anything?
@Miniman d3.js would help?
but no i just used Stack Exchange's already-there jquery, and the DOM API. no bells and whistles.
@doppelgreener It's one of the better libraries I know of for manipulating DOM. That said, it wouldn't really be suited to this sort of thing.
I don't know a lot of javascript, was just curious.
@Miniman yeah it seems like it'd be like using a freight train to crack a nut
@doppelgreener Heh, yeah. I've done the equivalent a few times.
totally forgot about last nights person of interest
despretatly watches it
@doppelgreener as in for MtG cards?
@JoshuaAslanSmith yes
finding and replacing those text patterns with icons: fun!
working out how to make it pay attention exclusively to plain text, and not title attributes and other stuff: oh god what have I gotten myself into
but it was relatively easy thankfully once I'd learned about the relevant bits I had to use!
Ugh. 1:00, time for sleep.
@doppelgreener very nice job even got those special mana symbols in
People have probably seen this, but wow! acaeum.com/forum/…
There is something not quite right here.
@BESW What?
@Aaron - 156-144 BC?
Unless that is supposed to refer to the age of the dice rather than the time of the Jurassic period from whence the Camarasaurus comes
@Aaron About six zeros, or an myr.
so bored at work
cant wait for lunch
shrimp po boy
3 hours later…
Apparently Leomund's Tiny Hut is too OP for our new DM
@DavidWilkins Oh dear. Whyso?
Apparently the description says creatures and items inside the dome when cast can pass through it, but nothing else can
so his ghoulies were outside unable to get at us while we pelted them with arrows.
Or were we using the hut wrong...I think I'll actually ask this on the site
On this question, am I way off base in my assumption in my answer? rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/45021/…
@DavidWilkins - Missiles, weapons, and most spell effects can pass through the hut without affecting it, although the occupants cannot be seen from outside the hut
@DavidWilkins - And the 5e version: Creatures and objects within the dome when you cast this spell can move through it freely.
Doesn't the 5e rule say that it is otherwise impassible?
@DavidWilkins Creatures and objects within the dome when you cast this spell can move through it freely. All other creatures and objects are barred from passing through it.
But, it specifically states that objects within it when created can pass through "freely", as in no restriction.
Right, so our DM is wanting to nerf the spell
Well, that's his prerogative, but the argument that I saw was that the casting time was what counterbalanced it, having to protect the caster for the time it takes to do the ritual.
Although, the next sentence is "Spells and other magical effects can’t extend through the dome or be cast through it.", so you could make the argument that magical weapons (+arrows, etc) can't go through it without disrupting it.
Which was our assumption...But he doesn't like that we could sit pretty while his ghouls could do nothing to us
only die from our arrows
Wouldn't giving one of the ghouls a scroll of Disspell be less confusing than changing the spell?
@DavidWilkins - Yes. Poor planning on the DM's part should not result in changing the rules.
Now, AD&D had rules about high (50+ mph) winds being able to destroy the sphere, so if he wants, he should house rule that part of it, not just nerf the spell.
They also changed it from centered on the caster to immovable.
yeah, I think I am going to suggest better equipped baddies over rules changing after one use
@DavidWilkins - Good suggestion. :)
yep, house rule changes should be a last resort
often there are much less damaging/clunky way to resolve issues
thanks for reinforcing my opinion, and obviously whatever the DM decides here goes
@DavidWilkins - "rumors speak of ghoul cities deep underground led by priests who worship ancient cruel gods or strange demon lords of hunger. "
If I was your GM, I'd let you "have" that victory, and then later have the priests or demon lord show up looking for their ghoul horde.
@JoshuaAslanSmith thank you :)
@JohnP wow. and the kid is wearing blue gloves to handle this stuff; this guy takes his collecting seriously.
Well, a box set that didn't look that clean was going for $4000 on fleabay, so yeah, I'd be doing that too. :)
w00t! KRyan agreed with my interpretation :p
did you guys see the video where a guy was unboxing an old, unopened MTG set and found a black lotus inside?
1 hour later…
Google said my password needed 8 unique characters, so I entered a Tennessee Williams play.
hey guys
What's new?
Nothing. Everything is recycled atoms in one way or another.
so, what do you think of this.

today I showed my DM my new character (lvl 11 wizard with +18 attack and a +12 damage on attacks) and he responded with this, i guess it's time to use the 30+ defense monsters. the dm usually uses homebrew monsters and they are always hard to kill, so I decided to increase my attack so i can kill them easier, but this is getting insane, the rest of the party has +/- 15 attack and we already fight monsters around the 28 defense.
@Tijnkwan 4e?
All good, just means I have no idea.
Although if I've understood correctly, that means you will have to roll around a 12 and your party members will have to roll around a 15?
it's no fun when you miss 75%
Needing to roll a 12 seems pretty reasonable for a challenging fight, but yeah, 15 is really harsh.
He's effectively punishing your other party members either for your optimizing more than them or for their failing to optimize as much as you.
yeah but optimizing is needed with their high damage, defense and damage. and as a striker (+18 and 1d10+12) i am supposed to hit more and so deal more damage
atleast 1 character dies every 2-3 sessions
That does seem a bit excessive. 4e is designed for its PCs to be more durable than in earlier editions.
@BESW It'd be pretty excessive in 3.5, too.
i don't know his exact attack bonus but 2 characters ago (so before christmas) my tank got hit several times with 36 vs AC and that wasn't a crit, so the monsters have a higher attack then most of my partymembers
i mean what would happen if i used my rogue build (+22 to attack) will the defenses be so high my partymembers can only hit on a crit?
@Tijnkwan If the reasoning really is that the GM is tuning for the highest numbers in the party, but that means only that character can hit anything because the others have noticeably lower stats... well, as tempting as it is to blame the GM, the problem lies in that one player choosing to play a numbers game that everyone else on his team isn't playing.
Sounds like the GM might not be handling it with the most grace and wit possible, but the problem isn't originating with him.
Layout heirarchy of a section of the site (with some elements in between): #contentContainer > #contentArea > #contentWrap > #contentWrapper > #content
[weeps quietly]
among the in-between elements in that hierarchy there is also a #mainArea, a #mainWrapper, and just a good ol' element called #wrapper
@BESW wow, that was really good.
hmm yeah okay, I will lower my attack
@Tijnkwan Both 3.5 and 4e have a tendency to fracture when PCs in the same group have wildly different effectivenesses. The onus for making sure this doesn't happen is on the players, with support from the GM; there's only so much a GM can do to mitigate the effects of imbalance if the players aren't trying to coordinate their own power levels.
(That way lies content banning.)
Marilyn Manson has nearly reached his final form as Nicolas Cage. http://t.co/FnG3kdQNi9
And now, for your amusement, an entire film in one gif.
so BESW what tabletop do you play?

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