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@Aaron Do bards get dispelling?
@Metool Yea. They get dispel magic and the greater version.
I was not aware of this.
I just went to their spell list and searched for "dispel"
The Secrets of Cats looks pretty great, but CATS was a childhood favorite of mine, and supernatural cat RPs were some of my first. Had I a group that felt the same, I'd be tempted to run it.
@Pixie I would join if the time fit.
I might be able to get my wife to as well.
@Aaron I'll keep you in mind if I ever find time and more interest!
@BESW We do not have Hague's Mermaid at the library (or any of the libraries in our system). We did have his Andersen anthology, which includes The Little Mermaid, but I don't know if it's the same art (or all of the art). I didn't see some of the pictures from that blog post I found last night.
I'll just have to snag a used copy from Amazon and see. If it's not worth keeping for my own collection, I shall donate it to the library.
3 hours later…
Q: Should we clean up the L5R tag?

Wesley ObenshainGiven that L5R 4th Edition has been around for a while, and the L5R tag contains questions from multiple editions (and is often multi-tagged with L5R-4e) I'd like to make L5R a synonym of either L5R-4e or Rokugan and create a new tag for each of the other editions (such as L5R-2e and L5R-3e). Rig...

"Agent Diamond" sounds good. I'll run with that.
(Since Dan's character, who I've created my PC with a mind toward interacting with, is named for one of the Doctors Who, I've named mine after one of the Doctor's body doubles.)
Heh. Watching that intro reminds me of how I used to name most of my magical girls after gems, stones, and metals. I think I have several Diamonds. I am fond of themed naming, but I don't know whether my magical girl game will have it yet. Entirely up to the players.
What we did determine was that the jellyfish "guide" is actually going to be next to useless, at least at the beginning. "What do we do now?!" "... I don't know! I'm just here!" "Excuse me?" "I thought it would be fun! It got real too fast!"
Possibly with some basic jellyfishy maneuvers like slapping monsters with a venom sting if they get too close, but pretty low-powered. Potential plot significance later.
Possibly having a more powerful form later or access to more knowledge, a la Keroberos from Cardcaptor Sakura (come to think of it, Luna in Sailor Moon had some of her memories sealed at the beginning, too). The other idea we're working with is that the jelly is more of a side effect of the Weird Stuff, possibly a product of one of the dimensional shards the magical girls have to enter and attempt to fix.
@Pixie I may have to have the 'cat snake' make an appearance in my game and see how long it takes the players to work it out.
Still haven't found a picture for my character. The wiki feels empty. :)
*glances at star board*. Oh, metal cast miniatures.
I've finally found a Fate character where I'm very content not filling in all the blanks yet.
I found a panel from the Sandman comics which I vaguely remembered which is close to what I had in mind:
@lisardggY Me too! I'm considering contacting an old friend from uni and asking her to draw for me.
But I want a picture, not a drawing, and with less of a blank look.
@lisardggY Ah, that's always tricky. I usually browse through my collection of videogames that use character portraits.
Hmm. Michael Ealy would be a good base, but I'd want someone a bit older.
@lisardggY Try a clean-shaven Morgan Freeman from more than a decade ago.
I'll check that out. Also look at Ealy's pics from movies to see if he's playing someone a bit less shiny.
Hmm. Apparently there's a page out there to help you distinguish between Morgan Freeman and Martin Freeman. A worthy cause indeed.
Morgan Freeman was a good call.
His face looked a lot longer when he was younger, especially without the facial hair.
And, well, it's hard to find a picture of him where he looks blank, and he usually looks kinda old in the eyes even when he was very young, so it seemed a safe try.
...is anyone else having trouble with avatars on the chat?
Seems to work here.
Actually, it seems to be most all images on this page. That one didn't load either.
...yeah, for some reason Tashio's is the only graphic on the page that's still loading.
Hmm. Wasn't thinking of bald, though it's a good picture. imdb.com/media/rm1315491328/nm0000151?ref_=nmmi_mi_all_sf_521
Yeah, I stumbled into my new PC being bald when I went looking for pictures.
This is for the homeless guy, right?
Ex-cop who moved to teh slums, yes.
If he tries to take care of himself, I'd go for the shaved head. Makes it a heckuvalot easier to avoid lice.
Hmm. He's not quite there yet.
(Also saves on shampoo.)
Oooh, just came up with a new aspect for my agent. I was having trouble showing that he's really dedicated to serving his country as an FBI operative, but his exposure to the occult is skewing his perspective.
The FBI's motto is "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity."
So he's got the aspect Fidelity, Bravery, Instability.
Oh, nice.
That's getting more toward "Hey, that's Morgan Freeman!" than I'd be comfortable using, but it's good.
Heh. Ran a google image search on that picture, and it gave me Johnny Depp and Scarlett Johansson.
Hmm. Firefox can see the icons, so it's a Chrome problem.
But... I haven't done anything to Chrome to precipitate this.
And it's just this window.
[restarts browser]
Ctrl-F5 doesn't reload fully?

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