we haven't rolled the dice yet in the FATE PbP I'm GMing
a fair amount of worldbuilding, and some narrative
although -- that brings me to my next problem -- and that's the mapmaking mess I've waded into
I am building the locations for my RP based on RL geography (southwest US)
and getting certain features RL-right is quite important, or else humongous logic holes open up in the RP
for instance, there's a fictional shortline RR that'll become part of the RP later on
but, for that piece of fiction to make any sort of sense -- said fictional RR has to have a connection to the imported-from-RL railroad network somewhere
@doppelgreener -- that's the thing: "building a junction somewhere sneaky" doesn't work so well when you have to interchange traffic with the railroad you're connecting to
@Miniman -- it's hard, that's for sure! but as a GM -- RPing a deity is something that can come up, and the concerns the OP raises are valid and interesting
@Miniman -- he's at one of those nasty "intersection points"
where he's after an answer from someone who can combine expertise in a domain (religion in his case) with a solid understanding of how roleplaying works
arguing that questions here should be limited to things that are solely the province of roleplaying and tabletop RPGs is a bit...awkward to say the least -- it'd make simulationist answers to anything awful hard!
well, simulationist questions, but also simulationist answers
A Summary: What to do
Have a meta-discussion to decide on what wording to use for step 2 before amending our FAQ.
Add a section to our FAQ defining what is on topic or off topic.
My second draft of the wording (that I'm still not completely satisfied with):
Question about a general real-wo...
@Shalvenay The gist is that if an RPG expert would know better than some other expert, it's on topic. If not, it's not.
@Miniman -- agreed there -- sometimes you get into a situation where the "some other expert" has trouble with the RP aspects, and the RPG experts have trouble with the domain aspects
also -- I've been in a running argument with rpg.stackexchange.com/a/48982/16044 for a while now -- it's an answer (springing from a comment discussion) that directly contradicts a question-comment left by the OP
well, assumes something contradictory to the OP's statements
(in particular -- the answer assumes the questioner's inn is stick-built/light-frame construction, whereas the questioner stated outright he had a log inn on his hands!)
I know there's a SE app, but it doesn't seem very full featured. It seems to let you read SE alright, but I haven't worked out how to log in, post, chat, anything else (if you can...)
But then you need to identify a source for the magical darkness, which could unravel the whole plot to being pointed towards destroying that source, or whoever made that source. HOW CAN I RAIL-ROAD MY PLAYERS IF THEY'RE MORE INTERESTED IN POINTLESS BACKGROUND CHARACTERS THAT JUSTIFY MY -Snip-WITTERY?! -Sarcasm-
No idea what mindsight is, but Blindsight is just a matter of having range-focused enemies in sections where magical darkness are key, and tremorsense can be combated by reach/ranged attackers.
Mindsight is a notoriously powerful feat from page 126 of Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations.
A creature that has this feat possesses innate telepathic ability that allows it to precisely pinpoint other thinking beings within range of its telepathy. The creature perceives where the oth...
"Didn't Bob break that door?" "I thought he did. Bob, did you break that door?" "YEARGH." "Bob says he broke that door." "Well, it's back. And it's locked. Again."
The whole dungeon is a floating island, though, fully sentient, adapting to the players breaking down doors and accidentally hitting the walls by making it harder to break walls and doors.
And after you beat the final boss, THE GOD DAMN DUNGEON ITSELF, it dumps you of the bottom, literally dropping you like a load of bad tex-mex diarrhea.
And the dungeon's a masochist, so as it's dying, it gives you feather-fall so you don't explode when you hit the ground.
Alternatively, (scaling up), the whole dungeon was just its mouth, and that boss fight? You guys tickled its throat just enough to make it cough you out!
**Cool RPG/SE stuff:** [GameMechanics.se](http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/80264 "in the Definition stage"); [Numenera boxed set](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1433901524/exclusive-numenera-boxed-set-edition "a big box of exclusive stuff"); [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!"); [Codename Morningstar](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/trapdoortech/codename-morningstar "Trapdoor’s post-DungeonScape thing");
I am still considering getting one of those Numenera boxed sets.
I like everything i know about that system so far. I haven't played it yet though and might have my hopes and dreams of loving it ruined when I do. But I'm pretty sure I'd like it. And the box is full of so many nice things.
Oh. Haha. Minecraft. I should probably get on my own server once in a while. (And get off my butt and transfer it to the new, larger one. I kept falling asleep last time I tried.)
Heh. Again, that's basically what my boyfriend does. Openers, finales, and extra special ones. (Flutterbat isn't the best of episodes, I just really like Fluttershy and also really like bats.)
Long ago, long before Flutterbat, I was toying with the idea of an MLP setting with bat-winged ponies. I didn't do much with it though as I think I just liked the concept far more than I'd like actually playing it.
Because the pilot is basically "friendship-themed sailor soldiers," complete with a powerful and beloved queen who banished a dissenter to a lonely existence stranded on a distant heavenly body.
I think of the Black Moon Clan whenever I watch the pilot. I also think about how similar Princess Celestia and Neo-Queen Serenity are when you consider them from the angles their source works rarely consider (tyranny, etc.). Luna also reminds me of Queen Nehelenia in some ways. [steeples fingers] I should perhaps use this concept in my own plots...
"So this magical queen elects herself ruler of the world because she's powerful, and everything is cool, except when it's not. When people challenge her authority and the idea that she's doing what's best for everyone, she just throws them into the depths of space, and no one really says anything about it..."
I rather like the bit you left out at the beginning, where the queen overthrew a chaos god who so utterly destroyed the natural order that she and her sister were able to enforce their takeover by taking control of the Sun and Moon, thereby holding the world hostage.
@doppelgreener Depending on who you ask, everyone.
@doppelgreener Basically: The chaos god Discord ruled the world until the sister gods Celestia and Luna overthrew him. However, they were unable to fix the damage Discord's magic had done to nature: seasons and weather no longer changed, the Sun and the Moon no longer moved.
So the sisters took control of the celestial bodies to force them into their natural movements manually, every day and every night, forever. They used this, and their power, and the gratitude of the populace for overthrowing Discord, to establish themselves as god-rulers of a sizeable part of the world.
In the process, they set up a social structure which largely revolved around citizens working to keep nature in motion: manually changing the seasons, controlling the weather, assisting animals that no longer knew how to make nests or migrate.
When the younger sister Luna attempted a coup, her elder sister Celestia used the same magic they'd defeated Discord with to banish Luna to the Moon, and re-wrote the histories to cast Luna as an evil mythological villain.
In the process, however, the magic was broken because it had depended on the emotional bond between the two sisters. The remnants of that magic were secreted away in their old home, and Celestia built a new, grandiose cliff city from which to rule alone.
so they weren't, like... born into the position of controllers of celestial bodies, but they were just regular (mostly) unicorns/alicorns who just opportunistically stole control of them because everything was in such shambles they were actually able to do that?
I'm reading a direction connection between Discord's downfall and the sister's rise which isn't stated but can easily be seen.
Specifically, the notion that the reason ponies have to do naturally-occurring things manually because of Discord's influence is never outright stated. However, the historical bits we do see imply it heavily.
Alicorns (winged unicorn ponies) appear to be ascended forms of powerful ponies who take on the role of avatar of a concept.
To explain the similarities I find in Sailor Moon's mythos... man, that's a pretty big job. But: Serenity is the princess of the Moon, not of the Earth. In ancient times known as Silver Milennium, Selene was goddess of the Moon, and the Moon Kingdom's job was to watch over the Earth from afar.
A huge war between the Earth and the Moon is caused by a manifestation of Chaos taking control of Beryl, one of the Earth's royals, darkening her and twisting her while promising to give her what she wants (the affections of the Prince of Earth, who happens to be entangled in a forbidden romance with Serenity).
Celestia is Sun: Law and Reason and Restraint seem to be her portfolio. Luna is Moon: Dream and Fear are among her domains. Cadance is Heart: her domain contains Desire and Goodwill and Comity. Twilight appears to be Magic/Friendship, which domain is not yet well defined.
It's likely that these ponies were "normal" at birth, and became alicorns--and thus nigh-immortal avatars--through some life event.
More than this becomes... complicated, as the manga and anime differ considerably. WikiMoon sums it up better than I do, and this will also avoid airing spoilers for those that don't want them. See "ascension" and "The Black Moon."
There are definitely justifications for a lot of the behavior of both Celestia and Serenity in their respective series, and I wouldn't necessarily want those things to really "go there" in terms of examining them critically. They work for the tone of the series. But thinking about the synergy gives me fun ideas to play with (which are really what I was summarizing in my little blurb, not the intricacies of what either of them actually did and what justification there was in canon).
person answers question. questioner queries answer. answerer replies stating that the issue is they feel the question is unanswerable........SO WHY THE BLEEDING HECK DID THEY ANSWER THE QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
Pretty much what it says in the title. I recently asked this question and it has been suggested that it is unanswerable.
A previous question of this type is here, which by my understanding was decided to be a legitimate question for the site, but I could be wrong.
@JeorMattan there's definitely stuff available that other people have done that can help you with the conversion. The SW forum is definitely the place to go
I'm a guy that's never DMed before but I'm looking at doing so very soon (I will be DMing for about 5 players.) However, due to the amount of free time I have, I won't be able to create many of my own stories for my campaign. So I'm just wondering, which pre-planned campaign books should I buy in...
@spyingspy Here is the thing: there are a lot of D&D 4e adventure books. We do recommendations only in the provision you provide criteria which narrows down the possibilities such that there can exist an objectively judgeable correct/best answer. Nothing in this question narrows the list down from "any of them." Please see our rules for game recommendation questions (our general 'shopping advice' category). We don't usually apply stringent rules to other kinds of questions, but without these rules this type of question would be banned entirely. — doppelgreener4 mins ago
Also, I have rolled back your edit about being open to suggestions for another ruleset. There are literally thousands of RPGs in existence for all kinds of games, so just asking for one has the same problems: we could just provide you with any of them. Hop on DriveThruRPG or RPGGeek to see what's available. — doppelgreener13 secs ago
@JeorMattan ah fair enough. Zadmar is the go to person for 3.5/d20 conversions though imo. They have a greater understanding of balance within the SW system than pretty much anyone else as well imo
Wow, there are 150 votes on the accepted answer to the "toxic male players" question? I didn't know we had 150 active voters. Probably made it to the Hot Network Question list.
Hmm. Anybody got experience jumping systems within a campaign for a few sessions to achieve a particular effect that the campaign's primary system doesn't support?
@BESW 'fraid not, though it's a thing we've talked about before in some of our games. And I was considering doing an Ars Magica interlude in a different system before I handed off the reins.
I wanted to switch systems for a short adventure to see if the change of scenery, so to speak, would shake the players off their normal "always play it safe" state of mind.
Some of it comes from inertia and experience with the terrible things that have happened to the characters in the past. Some might come from the really painful consequences of wounds in the system.
I figured some sort of quick and flashy system (I wanted to check out Savage Worlds for it) would change the pacing.