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I am not so up on tabletop kickstarters, but if you want animation kickstarters, I try to stay on top of them.
Got the book I wanted for Aaron's planned game, and a few other hard-to-get 3pp books, and I got a job today. Turned out to be a pretty dern good day.
This is the most downvotes I have ever seen on a question here. I'm voting to delete just to staunch the bleeding. — SevenSidedDie 3 hours ago
WOW. That jumped.
I should not have had all that soup...
the odd thing is... its -25/+4
I think we've found something the site can rally around: It's stupid to ban someone from gaming because people like them sometimes cause problems.
@Tritium21 Four people have had their games ruined by immature romances, and aren't able to look past that?
4 people hit the wrong button and cant undo their votes till the question is edited
@Tritium21 lol.
Seriously though, I get that some people have been burned by this. I had a group get poisoned by one player getting rejected by another, and I wish I'd handled it better.
My answer...I am thinking about editing
It does happen, and some people take it harder than others.
But it's no reason to lay down blanket bans that forbid people who like each other from sharing a hobby together just because sometimes it doesn't work out.
It is very much the "it has already gone to far, heres how to stop the bleeding"
where i could emphasize prevention
... what's the rep loss that someone gets when their answer is downvoted again?
@Metool -2.
so they are net -10 on that question
+40, -50?
Vodka and math dont mix
No, it's that you second-guessed yourself.
I reject your reality.
And what actions can the user take that will directly impact their rep from this answer?
He can delete his own answer and get all his rep back...and loose any rep earned. it will be like the question never happened. all the downvoters will get rep back
Can a community wiki post exist with a score of -21?
Or he can re-work the question to focus on the non-blanket-ban aspects of it.
@BESW That's an indirect impact, but yes.
If he has a non-blanket ban thing to say, it would almost just be safer to delete and post a new one
Yeah, that answer's scope was pretty narrow.
> When should I make my answers Community Wiki?
> - When you feel your post would benefit from less concern about voting affecting the reputation of those participating in it.
I kind of want to do this if that post gets deleted. Tell me if this is not good thinking.
Is it kosher with the community to have 2 or even 3 answers to a question? I know the software allows it... but not sure about the community. also... what would that say about the question
@Tritium21 I don't know what you're asking here? Are you asking about two or three equally valid answers?
If you've got two totally different answers that you think might be equally useful, that's the best way to do it.
That is what I am asking.
Oh I see, you mean multiple answers from the same person. Gotcha.
@Metool this is not good thinking; community wiki is not a rubbish bin
But.... what does that say about the question?
And community wiki does not restore rep
various sites have tried the experiment of making crap/unsuitable questions community wiki. because if they're community wiki and crap they're fine right? (but you still have crap questions.)
likewise it's not a way for dealing with crap answers.
@Tritium21 Think about a game-rec question with three different answers suggesting equally-possible systems. If one guy thought of two of those systems...
what it is for is helping collaboration. three different people all write 1/3 of a huge answer, e.g. Brian cowrites one with two other people. Instead of being concerned about who gets all the rep for the entire post, one of them posts it and makes it community wiki.
I think maybe what this needs is a "you should not do this" answer, not to preserve the horrible answer.
@Grubermensch [flag as not an answer]
...eh, telling someone what they should not do is not nearly as helpful as telling them what they could do
As a component of an answer, then.
Strategy #1, Strategy #2, Anti-strategy #3
We definitely have high-ranked answers elsewhere that are like that.
@Grubermensch That works.
As long as you provide advice, a bit of anti-advice works
We don't actually need to keep crap answers as a sort of ward against posting more like them.
It's not like it's what we generally do.
And it's not like it will stop someone from posting a similar crap answer for a question on relationships at the table in the future, because in all likelihood that person won't have spotted this one.
Sometimes you take the executed prisoners down. most of the time you do, in fact. But some times you kill all the spartacuses, and leave them to rot on the road as a warning to others.
@doppelgreener Yeah, but while deleting bad answers is cool... deleting unpopular answers is not.
I'm not suggesting this as a ward against posting bad answers. I'm suggesting this because we have well-agreed that this anti-relationship rule is fairly common in the community, but is baseless. We should caution the querant against forming a deep-seated bias against intra-group dating.
@Tritium21 The thing about leaving them on the road is people see them. They don't have much of a choice: they're walking toward the city, and there's dead people right there. This, however, is just a pebble in a mountain of pebbles that someone wrote '-21' on, maybe with a >:( beside it.
@BESW Hey, I'm just commenting on y'all talking about "we need to keep this bad answer to ward off others like it!" It's not going to do that.
I am calling this post the Appian Way
@SevenSidedDie We delete answers that are spam, or inappropriate, or drastically fail the guidelines, or the like. Deleting an answer because it's unpopular--even if it does seem to be the most unpopular answer in the history of the site--isn't really something I think we should be encouraging. — BESW 15 secs ago
So, I don't know if that's directed as me, but I'm not encouraging deleting it.
Nor am I encouraging keeping it, I don't really care either way.
I'm just saying that if we keep it, it's not going to have some magical effect that we don't get answers like it again. We will.
No, SSD is encouraging deleting it for no reason than "lots of downvotes."
Oh, right, you're doing that "i left this comment" thing.
Ok, got it.
I sometimes wish it would expand comments differently
... what is the most unpopular answer in the history of the site...
Graaah. I hear a cat crying in potential distress, somewhere in the distance. I will never find it, but part of me wants to run into the night and try. This is making me feel bad. I am "can't hug every cat" girl.
As of about 3 hours ago...this one
Apparently that one, yes.
Yeah. It was outranked by one or two others, but it's now firmly in the lead.
Wow. As they say, that escalated quickly.
Followed by bwah and dah.
Hey, it's GLANTH.
Also, from bwah:
I have intentionally not deleted this, as I believe (at time of commenting) -7 downvotes is more instructive than no answer. This is an abysmally wrong answer, however. — Brian Ballsun-Stanton ♦ Dec 7 '13 at 7:00
@BESW As a model for NPC behavior, on the other hand....
@Grubermensch Naturally!
Ooh, I think we're going to have Duelling Bad Answers soon.
@BESW The Prince? Seriously? Seeeriously?
Michael's answer has that special 100% disapproval rate...
What's up?
@doppelgreener Which makes it even less appropriate as a guide for GM behaviour.
@BESW my thoughts exactly
Ate a bit much.
@Metool They terrified my cat. xD
Oh dear. Sorry!
No need to apologize. Sometimes looking at her does the same thing. xD
Oh, ha.
In our Exalted game, we accidentally started a free love cult because our runaway deathgod was so cute it was causing unrest among our budding civilization (people were fighting over him), and his response was basically "[cry] BUT I LOVE ALL OF YOU"
We freed a bunch of slaves and brought the ones with no place to go to my character's manse, and we decided that in order to bolster our forces in case of an attack, we'd divide them up amongst ourselves and teach our different specialties.
Er, I mean abyssal, not deathgod. Anyway, the abyssal, Moonlight, had already attracted one hanger-on prior to this. My character, Kiita, had suggested she and Moon sneak into the caravan leader's pleasure cart dressed as concubines and attempt to influence him into getting out of the slave business, since a third PC wanted to try to avoid bloodsheed. One of the concubines followed us out and figured us out. :v
So we had him, and then, as we attempted to move on with our classes, fights started arising, and people were obviously joining Moonlight's class solely to stare at him. We were like, 'hmm. I guess we can use this to bolster our budding society. Let's grow the magical birth control plant as a crop."
In pathfinder is there a way not to need any food with some wondrous item? I think I recall something from d&d3.5
In 3.5 there's the Everlasting Rations- no idea if they made it into pathfinder
@mawimawi ring of sustenance from 3.5 made it to pathfinder d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-sustenance
@IgneusJotunn that's "infinite food" rather than "no food needed", and it haven't made it. No problem to allow it as a houserule, though.
Thanks jeor
@Pixie did you get a chance to work on that holy symbol at all? Was thinking of revising my art request on /tg/
@Dorian Not tonight, sorry. D: I intended to, but a friend needed emotional support and that wound up taking up a lot of my evening. Go ahead and revise the request! I can still work on it if no one takes it up.
My art request on /tg/ is for the whole character art :P I was thinking of revising the request and including a pic for a holy symbol since I forgot to include that in the description before lol.
Either way the thread is nearly at bump limit, so I'll wait a bit longer and post a revised one in the next drawthread that pops up.
@Dorian Ohh, I see. Well, at any rate, if someone gets to it before me that's perfectly fine. I can still give it a shot, though.
@BESW That's pretty cool and interesting.
And in the context of "realistic" RPG mechanics I put it up there with "everybody gets their own bed at the inn" and "modern doorknobs" with things people don't really think about as modern innovations.
@BESW I am... ahem... too sleep-deprived to process such a long article right now, but I'm filing it away for later reading.
Me again
How are we all?
Alright, if committed to not sleeping for the night at this point. Tired didn't happen. xD
Gods sake, de ja vu of yesterday.. you must be exhausted?
I'm actually not. My body is kinda odd. I'm tired all the time except for when I'm supposed to be, and then, later, exhaustion hits me all at once.
Well you must be counting down now untill it hits you? :)
I am, but sadly I have to go to work in a few hours. xD
let me guess at 1pm?
Nope, at... I think 10 AM this time. It's like 7 AM here. Hopefully if I can stay up and make it through the day I can get to bed at a human hour tonight. But that's unlikely. xD
Lol right now here its 11:55am
The weather eh?
It was doing some kinda weird hail thing earlier.
Yeah , its kinda overcast and think it might chuck it down soon
Sounded like the sky was clearing loose change out of its pockets on my roof.
Haha, thats a great image! i love that :) :)
Thanks! My poesy sneaks in every once in a while.
Its Great, oh hey is the doll collector still here?
@MafaldaHopkirk That's me, actually.
@Pixie Things really havent changed since yesterday
Nope. This place is stuck with me now... I'm always bored, and there are always cool people here. :P
True, although i sense converstaion you flow easier
Hello Joshua
I'm one of those people who's freakishly quiet in real life and unable to shut up online.
In hear ya, im like that to :)

@Metool how do you know whether to pata or pon?
How is everyone today?
bit tired
@Aaron excited!
@waxeagle ?
@BESW the European Space Agency is going full Captain Ahab and harpooning a comet today
Oh, right!
ESA missions schedule: 1. land on comet 2. swing on a star 3. carry moonbeams home in a jar #cometlanding
TLP reference?
Wait what?
We are landing on a comet and gathering something?
@Aaron landing a probe on a comet, yes.
for the first time ever
Live feed available at xkcd.com/1446
(inevitable update delays due to distance)
@waxeagle TLP?
and the archive xkcd1446.org
@BESW The Little Prince?
Oh. No.
@JeorMattan All I am seeing is a white screen.
@Aaron it takes a minute to load.
Oh ok.
you might have to wait for the next refresh even, it updates every 5 minutes or so
I like the whales lol
"Whales: Not in space"
@doppelgreener Serious question?
@Metool Seriously asleep by now, I think.
(He's been off all five of my contact points for the last half hour.)
@BESW Fate questions! I read FAE last friday, and I can't say I understand what qualifies as an aspect, in contrast to a stunt
Hmm, okay.
An aspect is a pithy phrase describing something important to the story.
In particular, one of the example characters uses "That? Oh, That’s a Decoy" as an aspect, but I can't seem to figure out how this qualifies for the two-bladedness that aspects are supposed to have
Though what I can see it being used for fits the concept of a stunt much better (Get-out-of-trouble-free card)
Good permanent character aspects should be double-edged. Temporary aspects have much less pressure on them to be so, and sometimes shouldn't be.
An aspect describes a truth about the situation, or a character.
Although aspects are used to justify doing things you wouldn't otherwise be able to do (without an aspect saying you're royalty, you probably don't have royal authority to throw around), they don't give passive bonuses: they just say something's true, and that sometimes creates situations where you can or can't do things.
In order to get a modifier to a roll because an aspect exists, or do something rule-breaking, you need to invoke it.
However, stunts give non-invoke-related bonuses and rule-breakings.
You're right that sometimes it's not clear whether something should be an aspect or a stunt, but the basic rule of thumb is this:
Aspects describe significant narrative details, while stunts describe rule-bending.
Voltaire's aspect That? Oh, That’s a Decoy describes something about her character. It would be reasonable to also/or have a stunt which supports it, but it'd have a very different flavour.
Because a stunt is a mechanics-focused thing, rather than a narrative-focused thing, it's narrower. A decoy stunt might give Voltaire a +2 to Create Advantages to set decoys, or let her declare once per session that she's not where everyone thought she was.
As an aspect That? Oh, That’s a Decoy needs her to spend Fate points to do those things, instead of getting them "for free," but she can do either of them --and anything else she can think of that's decoy-related-- as often as she's willing and able to spend Fate points for the effects.
Seems like I underestimated how wide aspects are
It takes a while to wrap your head around aspects, I think.
(And frankly, that's not a very good aspect in my opinion.)
It brings up something I've recently been pondering/noticing: Trouble aspects are of limited use.
Yeah. I was trying to convert previous characters of mine into FAE, to get a feel of how to do it, but I stumped completely.
The main purpose of a Trouble aspect, I think, is to take the pressure off making all the other character aspects particularly double-edged. The Trouble aspect takes the heavy lifting for compels.
In iterations of Fate like Atomic Robo, the Trouble slot has been excised entirely and there's just a sense that all aspects should try to be double-edged.
It's up to you and your group how you want to turn that dial.
I find it's hard to make Trouble aspects that are easy to compel in a wide variety of situations without getting tiresome.
@MrLemon Back away from mechanics and take some time to just describe the character narratively: talents, flaws, passions, motives, history, and so forth. Then come back in toward aspects and stunts from that.
Directly translating mechanics from one system to another is always hard, but in Fate it's nigh impossible. The PC has to get abstracted into pure narrative first.
And often I encourage my players to leave blanks as they go into play.
Like these pre-made PCs I made for a game: they've got an aspect and a stunt slot blank, and half their approaches aren't filled in yet.
By "convert" I meant trying to figure out how to best describe the character via Aspects.
@MrLemon I would be hard pressed to describe a lot of my D&D PCs in more than three aspects. They just didn't have that much going on.
@BESW I quickly abandoned my D&D chars^^
Probably my most complex D&D PC ever:
> Exiled catfolk serial killer
Suspicious and superstitious
Keen-eyed archer
Always ready to run
Made a pact with Death
Even he's got a lot of overlap in the aspects, indicating that he didn't have a lot of roundness to the character.
I went on with my Deadlands Character, a former Chicago cop that went west after his partner was murdered, to pursue the murderer.
came up with: Irish former Chicago Cop, Dr. James Doyle Sinclair killed my partner and I'm getting too old for this
Those are pretty great.
(and yes, that is James Moriarty, Arthur Conan Doyle and John Sinclair)
Questions I'd ask if you were my player: Does he have any hobbies? Does he have a possession that is especially meaningful or useful? What kind of cop was he?
@perry Hi! You'll need at least 20 rep on any one Stack Exchange site before you can type in chat rooms, but you're welcome to hang out until then.
His most prized possession was the (incredibly cliché) pocket watch of his partner's, that stopped right when said partner died
After going west, he adopted the "Bad cop" style of gathering information at all costs, though he was concerned with keeping normal citizens life normal. I moved away right before that Character would have become one of the Union's Agents
Was he a homicide detective? Beat cop? Missing persons?
That's a good question... I never actually specified, but homicide would fit best
I'm trying to tease out attitudes, skills, relationships, or other things which would help define how he views the world and how he chooses to interact with it.
For example, if he's a homicide detective that means he's seen a lot of really bad stuff--both dead bodies and awful people. How does that colour his worldview?
Oh, he was cynical as hell.
Is he Tired of all the violence, or feel like Everyone's rotten inside?
Is he Angry at the world or does he feel like he's The only sane man?
You get the idea, I hope: find something solid and specific about his life, and then tease into it for an insight into his soul.
I think I do.
As for the pocket watch...
Dr. James Doyle Sinclair killed my partner might be replaced with I still carry Jim's watch, if the group understands the narrative context that implies.
Remember, aspects don't start out by creating truth: they describe truth, and so they're only as meaningful as the group understands them to be.
(Later on, an aspect might gain unexpected meaning in a new context, but that shouldn't be the initial goal when creating it.)
Ooh, I like that one.
Aspects are basically saying "We all know the story, but this bit here is what I think is important."
@MrLemon I like aspects which revolve around Significant Objects, because they're symbols and practical effects.
I still carry Jim's watch can be invoked equally easily for him to be motivated to push through a hard patch, or for the watch to catch a bullet.
And of course, it can be compelled for his vengeance to make him get into bad situations, or for someone to try mugging him for the watch.
(And imagine the Extreme Consequence opportunities!)
You might wind up changing the aspect to Dr. Sinclair stole Jim's watch!
Anyway, I should go to bed now. I'll be back around in 7ish hours, likely.
Alright, thanks a lot and good night
Anyone watching the feed of mission control for the comet?
@Aaron raises hand
It must be so stressful for them to not be able to do anything but wait.
Oh, without doubt
That's something I don't get.
There's 28-minute lag, they still receive landing telemetry.
What do you mean
They have a computer program landing it, they are just receiving status updates.
Looks more like "triple-check everything and run around the ceiling, worried, looking for the signs of trouble" than simple "wait".
They are probably just looking for signs of trouble that they can hopefully send a command to fix before it causes trouble on the landing
@JeorMattan Well wouldn't you be worried? This is a ten year mission. if anything goes wrong they probably won't get another chance.
In that sense they did every thing possible already. We'll be receiving data about touchdown in 15 minutes or so; any command from here will only get to the probe after the landing due to the lag.
@Aaron I certainly would.
Lol. I am not even invested in this project and I am worried
I wanna know what happen!
current xkcd status picture highly relevant.
@Aaron so, my idea. I'm awake now and can talk about it lol
Will require some homebrew solutions (more like alot of homebrew solutions) but before I start working on anything related to it or whatever I want to pitch the concept to ya.
If you're here that is >.>
I am here.
What is the general idea?
Alright, so I'm interested in Wayfinders. I was thinking my character could be very interested in them and their interaction with Ioun Stones. Studying and potentially creating more Wayfinders and collecting Ioun Stones whenever they can.
But what to do with cracked, flawed, and burnt out ones?
Then it hit me. Eventually I came to the conclusion that I can take the Wayfinder ability to enhance/resonate with Ioun Stones and tweak it, put it into a gun...
Take the burnt/cracked/flawed/useless to me Ioun stones, crush them, mix them with gunpowder.... Make a caster gun!
Why not just play a spell slinger?
Of course my Caster rounds would be very limited, so I'd have to use them sparingly. And the result of each Ioun Stone fired through it (whether each stone makes one bullet, or each stone makes a few bullets, depending on your rulings) would have to be determined...
With fluff of needing special powder
This character was going to be a Magus/Gunslinger anyways, and have spells as well, but the Caster Shots would be a different thing.
Look at the Caster Gun as a powerful wand with interchangeable abilities I suppose.
I'd still be spending loot/money on it.
It'd be the equivalent of a caster buying a few wands to keep in reserve.
Each Caster Shot would have either very powerful effects, or utility effects, depending on the type of stone used. Some of these effects might not be on my spell list, or they might just be stronger than my spell list can provide. Or maybe they're just for when I'm running low on good spells.
Because that's exactly why wizards get wands, one of those three reasons lol
So effectively you want to refluff wants to be "guns"
Sorta. But I don't want to flat out have it given to me. This is something I want to study and earn in character.
Plus I love the idea of building Wayfinder(s) and collecting Materia Ioun Stones
I expect alot of Spellcraft, Knowledge (Arcana), Craft (Gunsmithing), and Craft (Wayfinder) rolls to be involved.
I also expect my first couple tries to go horribly horribly wrong.
Because they tend to do that to early craftsmen
Hmm. I don't know.
I kinda want to avoid too much homebrew stuff.
Well like I said it's your call.
List of homebrew items
>Caster Gun (stats on gun would essentially be made from wayfinder materials and would have specialized rounds, dependent on the Caster Rounds)
>Caster Rounds (how are they created? how many are created from each Ioun Stone (or how many stones are needed per round)? what do the different Ioun Stones do in the Caster Gun? (could be compared to spells, each stone assigned to a different spell or something, and the quality of the stone determines the caster level?)
>Custom Wayfinder (I hope to make at least one custom Wayfinder besides the Caster Gun)
So technically the custom wayfinder and caster gun are a once and done thing, the skill check DC's would be set up along with the caster rounds, and the caster rounds themselves would be the most complicated thing, and you can make as many as you would want.

I kind of equate this to players creating new spells anyways.
Any wizard can create new spells with enough time and effort lol
With Dm approval yes.
Make some example abilities and I will give you a more certain rulling
Alrighty. I'll give it some thought, fiddle with things.
I guess the first question to ask along this though would be how many Ioun Stones per Round? or Rounds per Ioun Stone?
In Pathfinder lets say a high level wizard casts "charm monster" on someone. This spell lasts a couple days. If at the end of this time the wizard is not near the charmed monster to prolong the spell, is there any way for him to make the spell last longer? Via scrying or something similar?
Hmm... there could be. I would say give the charmed creature an amulet with a contingent spell on it that would activate at a certain time.
There might be better solutions though, might wanna put up a question on that.
Holy crap microsoft made visual studio, the full thing - not express, free an hour ago
Too bad its 2013 and (when it comes out) 2015
visual studio?
the expensive application development suite for windows. the compilers
usually $700 + $1200 subscription
Now, they are limiting enterprise use, but it looks like honor system, not nerfing
now if only they did this with 2010, the second section of this would have been much shorter.
much woot.
"The shift that’s happening here is Visual Studio is basically going freemium."
It doesn't really do much for me as a student though. That, and I only program small stuff in python
I also need to leave now, so have a nice [insert local time]
@MrLemon It does if you use c extensions on windows, in... upcoming versions of python.

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