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If I edit a question that is closed as a duplicate it is put in a reopen que right?
@JoshuaAslanSmith If it is denied being unlocked do I get a notification?
is it your question or someone elses?
Im not 100 percent sure, I didnt do a lot of edits at that rep level, almost all of my edits were post 10k so I cant remember
It is mine.
Q: Is there a ranged weapon with an 18-20 crit range?

AaronI have looked for a ranged weapon with an 18-20 critical threat range. So far I have only been able to find the Crystal Chakram but obviously it is not a good option for a main weapon as it shatters after each hit. Is there a ranged weapon, preferably a bow or crossbow, in Pathfinder that has a ...

It has a bit of a broader range so the question it is currently being marked as dup for doesn't really completely answer the question.
Guys, do we close this rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/50291/… question as an inane rtfm-prompting one or edit it for the better grammar?
@JeorMattan It is a fairly strait forward thing that simple research would have answered.
@Aaron exactly. Plus, I suspect that voice recognition was involved in writing it down.
I'll just submit an edit for that.
Propose an edit for that.
@JeorMattan I'd say there was a little bit of research involved in asking the question. Yoru didn't realize that casting spells provoke AoOs is all.
Approved your edit.
Does your edit actually change anything?
nvm RAW tag.
@MrLemon Hello
5 hours later…
On a single page of (mostly) obsolete comments, how many should be marked as obsolete?
can you link to what you're looking at?
Not really. I started browsing around page 5 of new questions, and many of those questions have comments that are obsolete.
if there are load of comments that are obsolete on a single question or answer, I usually flag one with 'other...' and give a custom comment explaining
if they're dotted around on different questions and answers, then flag them individually
I see.
Yeah, if a whole thread can be deleted, just flag the first one with a custom flag.
The mods have a "purge with fire" button that burns the whole thing.
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