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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

BESW is context free. You cannot parse BESW with a regex
You can match BESW, just cant parse them
@Tritium21 tony the pony. he lives.
Paranoia nears another stretch goal. Are you happy citizens?
I don't think that Black Glove KS is going to make it.
paranoia always sounded better as a boardgame
vs. an RPG
or maybe just an RPG that was waiting to be run off tablets, smartphones and in online platforms like roll20
@JoshuaAslanSmith they're aiming for a hybrid which I think will be well suited
since the players usually are all working against one another
(cards + rpg though not board)
and there needs to be a ridiculous amount of gm to 1 player convo lines in secret
yeah thats fine
@JoshuaAslanSmith it works well in an online setup
that's the only way I've played it. Because yeah private convos are the norm
note passing is apparently highly encouraged in the IRL game
yeah Id imagine online is perfect especially given the sort of cyberpunk meets fallout aesthetic of the game.
oh yeah totally but writing and passing notes takes a long time and I see the GM always being the bottle neck because they have to communicate with X number of people which is always greater than 1 whereas the player is mostly communicating with 1 person
It works great as a larp
and by boardgame I just meant mechanical resolution that was less arbitrary than most RPGs are
like I said, I haven't done it IRL yet. I've been on the lookout for a reasonably priced sourcebook for a while, and it's been OOP for a few years unfortunately
someone needs to pick up the digital rights
@JoshuaAslanSmith mongoose has said they'll probably put up what they own of the back catalog on DTRPG when this is over
ah gotcha
Ill never understand why anything is out of print at this stage when On-demand-printing is a thing
@JoshuaAslanSmith I think it's mostly about some kind of misguided sense of protectionism
we want to make sure people want to buy our new product so we'll limit access to the old one.
WOTC finally realized this was stupid and is starting to change it. I think other companies will too
yeah I also think its like, they dont wanna pay someone to go over it format it for printing again or as a digital pDF
but I agree with you totally
A misunderstanding high up about how RPGs with very different feels and editions apply generally to different people
Im either going to want the old and the new if I like the old or just the old theres too much competition for me to be forced into something I dont want at this stage, yey capitalism
Man, my rep has been boing aircraft all day
@doppelgreener Thanks for the suggestions.
@Tritium21 bouncing around? or shooting up?
@waxeagle It started as a 707, then it was the mainline carrier 737, now its the small and efficient 767
Ah! the manufacturer!
@Aaron you're welcome!
(it's Boeing btw)
i...Missed an E
I usually add an extra E to words
I've been doing this thing lately where I'm late with my spaces and the last letter of the previous word is the first of the next.
hmm WOTC forums are down I think
WOTC has forums?
@waxeagle Wouldn't that mean you are fast with your spaces?
@Aaron ^^
@Tritium21 yes for just about everything called communities
was a very big deal during 4e
all of the optimization centered on the char-op sub-forum there
@Aaron can be read both ways. but the wayi t happenst o me ist his one
luminaries like LordDuskBlade and others really cut to the bone when it came to analyzing things and it was a great resource for campaign discussions and GM issues.
@Tritium21 yes, and a lot of super useful 4e guides are there, like op guides and the rules of hidden club
@waxeagle Ah I see now
WOTC has forums centered around 4e play
@doppelgreener yeah, I was thinking it was just me since my filter gets annoyed sometimes
compendium was down yesterday, so maybe they're having issues
They could be having issues, or they could be trying to kill the community around a product they arnt selling anymore
@Tritium21 they're 5e forums are pretty big now too though they kinda get argumentative quick and aren't great for your sanity
@Tritium21 they are still making money no 4e. Me and a whole bunch of other people are still paying monthly subs
ok, so my conspiracy theory is out!
yeah Im still subbing
because Im always thinking about running a 4e campaign (but then I get weary about it) and because there are still 4e questions coming in about items and powers and its a great way to answer those
@waxeagle the mtg site went down last week for a while too, they may be doing major maintenance work
yeah, I technically still have an ongoing 4e campaign though we haven't met in months. And yeah, answering 4e questions is still a thing and I'm not going to dig through books
@doppelgreener good to know. Hopefully they get it resolved soon
Is a main solution to every problem-player question "Talk to your player out of an in game context"?
@Tritium21 it's very often a major part of a useful solution
especially since most people who come here seem to be trying to solve their interpersonal problems through the game
Part of "these are your friends, don't be a jerk" is talking with your friends as friends instead of seeking rules-based solutions to social-rooted problems.
@Tritium21 pretty much yes
(it's also among the harder solutions)
just about every player issue comes down to either an out of game thing or the social contract of the game
e.g. "another player is being a jerk and trying to kill everyone, what can I do about it ingame?" has been a recurring theme in a lot of questions, and answers often provide ingame solutions where it's appropriate, but also say "hey, y'know, it's another human being in punchspace at the table, you should talk to them about why they're doing this and ask them to stop"
It's amazing how often these problems come up and the GM hasn't tried to ask why a player is doing what they are doing
@Phil I've been that guy myself.
oh yeah, its easy to get into an 'in-game only' mindset if you aren't careful
its sort of the stereotype for the rpg player and gm but we generally are system focused people
its easier to work on a system
than it is to social engineer for a lot of us
so theres a natural blindspot/avoidance of entering that space
there is also something of a knee jerk reaction with any out of character conversation being 'bad' in some way
@Phil yeah, people seem to forget that they can have those conversations at all
I was thinking of adding this to that Messiah complex answer. Is it complete enough for an answer or should I put it in a comment. @JoshuaAslanSmith already gave a good answer I just wanted to add this suggestion.

Use his savior complex to create some awesome Roleplaying. If it will not discourage him try putting in choices or situations where he can't save everyone or, he has to choose between two things both seem to be the good thing to do but in reality one would cause more harm than good.
It's a really bad idea to use players' real-life values and goals as setups for orchestrated Bad Choices in the game, unless they're totally on board with it from the start.
So add something about discussing it first?
@aaron I almost put something like that myself, that you can use his natural impetus as a plot point, that the person he thought he redeemed was only faking etc. but I feel like that takes player buy in to not be a "gotcha" and that the tone from ard Catlanthe is pretty dismissive toward the player so I dont think he'd handle that with the finesse required
Yeeah. It's really hard to keep it from turning into Duelling Ideologies at the table, not just in the game, unless the group has a much healthier dynamic than I think that one does. Like, a dynamic my groups--awesome as they are--rarely achieve.
(And if it does work out, it's going to probably sideline everyone else in the party!)
I am veerrrrry leery of using real life at the gaming table. It can easily turn the table toxic
A big BIG mistake I have not run into personally, thankfully, is a GM using a real life trauma as a motivation in a game. I have heard of GMs (mostly unknowingly, sometimes knowingly, the scum) use the rape of a female pc (played by a female player) as a motivation. These cases, many times... the player had that particular tragedy. This makes my stomach turn, so i just try to avoid real life at the table
Just consolidating the pins.
@Tritium21 I have a player for whom I must remove all bees from any adventure he shows up at.
@BESW Thats... different, but easily doable
Yeah, bees aren't exactly a common trigger and they're easily enough excised from most adventures. But rape? That shouldn't ever be something you throw at a PC without making sure everyone's cool with it first regardless of gender or history.
That's symptomatic of far deeper problems in that sort of group.
@BESW And yet I am aware of more than 3 podcasters who have admitted to that mistake happening at their gaming table.
When Greener chose a troll-blooded changeling for the DFAE playtest, I made sure he knew the kind of backstory that almost certainly implied.
Changeling the lost?
...no, the DFAE playtest. Dresden Files Accelerated Edition.
Ah. Well, in CtL, ALL the characters have been horribly violated in their backstory
Yes, but this isn't that. DF isn't a happy 'verse, but many PCs start out play happy before the supernatural world runs them through a salt-laced barbed wire fence.
lol yeah the rape trope is an issue with really lazy writers or GMs
its like oh that character is female, what the worst thing I could do to a female (focusing on gender, vs the character holistically) = rape
It's really bad and depressingly widespread.
I've read authors who get told by other authors that if their solo-adventuring heroine doesn't get sexually assaulted at least once, they're irresponsible authors.
I feel its to the point right now where even if you have a legitimate and well thought out story that involves any character being raped (which is probably .01% of any and all possible permutations) it should just be not written because the wider context has made it inviolable and distracting
Im not sure where Weber's Honor fits in all this either (the only recurring female character Ive read consistently) or how I feel about it
That's a bit extreme--it's a topic that shouldn't be ignored in media either--but yes, it's really hard to get one presentation of a topic read coherently in a culture that tends to present the topic in a very different way.
her backstory does include a rape attempt (this was written 85 when the trope was used but not over used at that point possibly) but its an attempted rape that ends with her beating her attack senseless
@besw if you are writing a story that directly deals with rape than yes obviously rape, but I mean if its just a throwaway character detail or not part of the main plot in anyway its worthless
I've mentioned before in this chat how my mother stopped teaching Richard Corey to local high school students.
I'm confused, which drives me out of lurking... Are you talking about the poem?
Suicide is a major issue among teens on Guam; it's almost unheard-of for someone to manage to graduate high school without at least one friend or family member killing themselves.
hmmm that interesting, have there been and studies on it?
So when my mother tried to teach them Richard Corey --which uses the suicide of an apparently-content wealthy man, and the ensuing confusion by the poor in his town, as a means to comment on various class issues-- it was almost impossible for the students to see past the fact of the poem's suicide to analyse the narrative purpose that suicide was intended to convey.
Instead, they focused on analysing the suicide itself.
yeah that totally makes sense
@JoshuaAslanSmith Aye. It's a big combination of factors, with drug abuse (by the teens and by their families, leading to a big family violence problem too) as a major factor.
Guam's got a big meth problem.
wow 60% of all suicides in guam are under 30 yrs of age
and now I know what micronesia is
I learn so many things from my interactions with you BESW
Happy to be of schema!
that is apt
@waxeagle its ridiculous that Fey beast tamer is as powerful as it is
that it blows away classes and subclasses built around pets
shaman, beast master (ranger), and the power builds for wizards and artificers focusing on pets, they all fall by the wayside
Learned a lot about mimics from the wiki.
"Dungeon magazine #19 (October 1989) includes the adventure scenario "The Vanishing Village", by Marcus Rowland, which features the house hunters; these creatures are described in the adventure synopsis as "gigantic relatives of mimics, able to imitate cottages and other buildings up to the size of a small inn or temple." Unlike mimics, the slow-moving house hunters work in a pack and cooperate to catch prey, usually disguising themselves as a small village."
Either my sleep-deprived brain is malfunctioning, or that's the best thing to have come out of old-school D&D.
@Magician That can't possibly be efficient.
A whole village of house hunters sharing... what, maybe a small pilgrimage caravan at best?
No, that doesn't work at all. [fiddles with]
I am now a carbon fiber aircraft
@BESW Well, yes. It's a community of giant shapeshifting amoebae, that have decided they will reproduce human houses in intricate detail, and migrate over the landscape slowly.
Which part of this plan doesn't seem reasonable to you??
> House hiders are an unusual strain of domesticated mimic, bred for their size and docility by a particularly secretive gnome tribe.
Capable of taking on the form of whatever building the tribe needs, house hiders allow their masters to maintain an itinerant and secretive lifestyle in luxury. For table scraps and massages, the enormous mimics provide shelter and comfort when the tribe is at rest, and let the gnomes travel in style when it's time to move. When camping in a hostile area the house hiders often take the form of a grove of trees, hollow and cushioned inside for their masters to
I did look at the wiki in search of mimic lifecycle information. Unless they spawn wholesale (and they could, A Wizard Did Them), they'd probably need to do the cuckoo thing and infiltrate a merchant's backroom, pretending to be ever-larger boxes of supplies.
Yeah, see, it makes a LOT more sense for a house hunter village encounter to be a group of starving, feral house hiders whose masters were wiped out.
...I knew there was something inherently sad about them.
Because a herd of that size and speed kinda has to be either herbivores or carrion eaters, and D&D has a proud history of saying "A wizard did it!" which we might as well leverage to our advantage in order to gloss over evolution.
@Magician It's tragic, really.
House hiders are now cannon in my setting. They fit perfectly into fantasy post-apoc.
I'm imagining them as being very long-lived, with a single house being the family domicile/pet for generations.
I have a strong There Will Come Soft Rains vibe.
How are the mimics domesticated? If I remember, the larger versions are very strong, but will start bargaining if it appears that it will lose.
@Smurfton A wizard did it. From the young age.
They aren't independent mimics individually manipulated; it's a separate breed. Think wolves and dogs.
@Magician great reference to that short story
Oh, that makes sense.
And yeah I wanna run a serious D&D post apoc one day because all the economies and general tropes of D&D are in fact post apocalyptic
@JoshuaAslanSmith Isn't that basically the premise for Prime Plane adventuring in 4e?
I have no idea of official 4e lore
I think Points of Light is not so much post-apoc as fall-of-empires.
Peele wrecked the economy with walls of iron?
Ill never pickup a fantasy tie in and I never owned any 4e books
so Just dragon and dungeon mags (which I only combed for alternate rules since all the items and powers were already in the compendium)
@Magician Same smell, though: tiny isolated pockets of society struggling against the encroaching darkness and savagery, huddled in the ruins of the dead civilisation which spawned them.
True. I think the difference is that they can't even point to GODWAR or MAGICNUKE, it's just that things went to shit over time.
and my train of thought just led me to the fun it would be to play A non-magical seer/wise man Called the Economist
@Magician Actually, they kinda can. Nerath was razed by an endless army of gnolls led by a demon-touched emissary of Yeenoghu on a campaign of worldwide destruction.
You know more about it than I do, then! Which really isn't hard.
@BESW @Magician your making me think about Eberron but that is pretty explicit in its cold war-esque setting
@JoshuaAslanSmith I just tried to open the wiki for my setting, and it's not having a good day. Apparently, something broke in the couple of years since I've last touched it.
Nerath was the Second Human Empire (the first was human in propaganda only, as it was ruled by a tiefling upper class). It was the only major civilisation after Bael Turath (the first "human" empire) and the united dragonborn nations of Arkhosia destroyed each other at least a thousand years before.
And Nerath was the last Primal Plane civilisation of any note up to the "modern day" time period for PoL, which is somewhere between 30 and 200 years after Nerath's fall.
I really should sleep. G'night!
And those three nations are pretty much the only Primal-Plane-focused civilisations run by mortal humanoids to ever exist as major powers controlling significant portions of the Primal Plane.
(I ran a year-and-a-half campaign set during the war between Bael Turath and Arkhosia. The Points of Light setting's decision to deliberately contradict itself on most details about its history means that in order to learn all I could about that time period, I had to know about the stuff around it too.)
NO! NONONONONO.... episode of a show, shot in Vancouver, is set in my home town. EVERYONE so far is using a new york city or new jersey accent. We dont talk like that here in buffalo >.<
I can let the fourteenth precinct go (there is no fourteenth police precinct)
1 hour later…
Woot 144 rep away from 2k my rep has gone up 50 points today XD
@Aaron Apparently there's a Fate Core adventure on DrivethruRPG set inside a video game.
Maybe there are ideas there.
@lisardggY with d20monkey art!
@lisardggY Looks entertaining
@lisardggY This is what I have so far. Fantasy Online This is what I have for the Daily spin so far. Daily Roll
I have a separate page with the house rules spelled out but thought this would be a fun way to show it the first time.
when it rains it pours, I've gotten a stupid amount of rep this past after a dry spell of a few months where it only came in trickles
I've made about 20k since June...it's nuts
I probably couldve made more on the 5e questions there were a few I was too tired at the time to answer
hmmm all those monsters in the 5e gm guide basic pdf
which Ill need since my books stil lhavent come lol
just sent grace note an email being like, hey did htey ship them, ?
that is weird that you haven't gotten them
yeah and I specifically used my parents address because its a pretty safe package drop location
... I really need to leave the holocaust question alone
VTC as too broad
though opinion based could also apply
I flagged it as too primarily opinion based
holocaust question?
The question made me a little uncomfortable considering the author of the book in question has said as much as... "we couldn't ignore it in oblivion, but i really dont expect it to be used in actual games"
Q: Charnel Houses Geist

Bryan GustafsonI know that Charnel Houses of Europe is technicality a wraith supplement but the idea of "Holocaust Survivor Geist" is too interesting to pass up. So what parts of this book could be used to fill out the backstory of a geist that made the bargain in period of the nazi occupation?

I also have no idea whats happening in just about every nWOD question we get
people just drop a bunch o social names and are usually asking about world context vs mechanics
Thats a second edition oWoD book being asked about being used in nWoD
I think it is even the very last book of second edition oWoD
if not its close
not even close. anyways... its a book about the ghosts of the shoah
ANNNDDD rep cap for the day
my big answers are typically behind yours >.>
Prestidigitation is such a fun spell.
Barbarian pokes fun at you while eating. Make his food super spicy and/or sour
Wooo. Gained 90 rep today. If I get one more upvote I will hit the first 100 rep gained in a day I have done before.
you shoudl definitely have more rep than you do simply because of how often you are on here
you gotta learn some systems so you can answer more questions
I know. I have too many hobbies already though.
I play games
Participate in a game as a player.
Run my own game.
I am preparing to make my own chainmail
lol that is a time waster
I also have a soon to be wife
In 3 days XD
2 days
high five back
I just don't have the time or money to look into other systems much.
I am looking into a couple other systems like Exalted for the next game I run but not sure I want to dive into a new system by GMing a game. Seems like it would drastically slow down gameplay when I have to look up rules all the time
getting the feel of a system is typically free (quickstarts)
True but having enough experience in the system to answer questions on this site would take more than reading the free basic rules.
@aaron I would highly recommend checking out Dungeon World, its free
it seems to get quesetions often enough
likewise read up/into D&D basic for 5e as much as possible
I have heard that a few times. I even downloaded the pdf
YOu can answer a lotta questions between the Players and DM's basic handbook
@JoshuaAslanSmith Really interested in 5e. I am planning on buying it actually.
I like how balanced it seems
I guess it would seem balanced compared to your primary system
Hoping I can port Spheres of Power into it without a huge issue but doubt I will be able to.
it seems wildly unbalanced to most of us 4e folks
yeah, it's not 4e balanced :)
4e was rules strict though wasn't it?
5e is almost as strict, it just uses a few DM fiat systems and very loose words when describing spells and some mechanics
But the rub is there is going to be a ton of organized play and all of that stuff is going to get an official organized play ruling
@JoshuaAslanSmith I am not sure what you mean here
Personal milestone! Made 100 rep in a day. 90 from one question and 20 from another
Man, I don't like answers of "Force the issue" with the interpersonal problem questions
A: How do I deal with Messiah Complex Players?

fgysinPut him outside of his comfort zone Disclaimer: I don't know your friend at all, so take what I am writing here as a simple idea. I know it worked on myself and on friends of mine, but take a moment first and try to imagine how your friend might take this. It might be fun and challenging for him...

Howdy folks!
@waxeagle D&D4 was pretty tightly balanced for tactical combat. Less so for other things.
@Tritium21 That user has asked a bunch of questions, and they all seem to display this concept of 'my plot is an inexorable force which players cannot alter in any way'
@Magician Name change: they're house pets.
I really want to comment on it, but I don't know how to do it without being offensive
@Miniman Do you mean the person who wrote that answer, or the person who asked the question?
@BraddSzonye The person who asked the question.
asked the question
looking at their history... yeah
they have a GM god complex
So, @mcahogarth made a super-short honey badger game. >_> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15841671/honeybadgergame.html HONEY BADGERS UNITE TO BITE THINGS \o/
@BraddSzonye 4e didn't really try to do much other than combat. It's philosophy was largely "regulate combat, leave most other stuff to the DM"
@waxeagle Agreed.
I mean, the skill system was much more sophisticated than earlier editions too, but it didn’t really aim for balance.
I posted some new suggestions for improving the D&D Lite question that’s on hold.
A: Why close this instead of protecting? How to fix it?

Bradd SzonyeHere’s my suggestion for rewriting the end of Zibbobz’s question based on the feedback I’ve seen so far. My hope is that this both represents Zibbobz’s needs well and is sufficiently specific to request game recommendations. That’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for an RPG in a fantasy medi...

Feedback welcome, either workshopping here or comments on the meta post.
@Tritium21 I agree, although that particular answer approaches it from an interesting angle. It would be a great exercise if you first talked to the player about the clash.
@BraddSzonye The Clash?
@Ben Hi!
Hey :)
Does anyone know of any good RPG Character creation apps on Android? Someone suggested RPG Scribe and Skrye free but they're only on Apple :(
@Ben Character creation for which system?
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