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@BraddSzonye Because that exact same question keeps getting asked in various poorly formed guises and keeps getting the same answers. It's why we strongly consider banning game-rec questions. People liking it doesn't make it good quality. If he can't say what he wants besides "D&D but lighter" then it's not a question for here, regardless of what 5 site members think. Period.
For the record, I regularly upvote and vote to close.
@mxyzplk The question lists several requirements beside just “lighter.”
I understand everyone is always chomping at the bit to recommend Dungeon World, or FAE, or whatever yet again, but the fact that the list is just like those other closed questions should be a guide.
One of them is in the title.
Not really.
The list isn’t just like the other closed questions. I checked.
It has zero answers in common with one of them.
And the comment that the answers were terrible was demonstrably false, going from the author’s post on meta.
He had trouble deciding between several good answers to accept.
Q: Why close this twice, voiding reopen votes, instead of protecting?

Bradd SzonyeRe: European Medieval Fantasy RPG with less bookkeeping? This question has several upvoted answers that explicitly address the concerns and requirements stated in the post. The author asks for a “rules light” recommendation and defines exactly what he means by “light”: as little bookkeeping, cha...

I hear what you're saying, and the sum total of the requirements is "I’m looking for an RPG in a fantasy medieval setting that is light on rules, bookkeeping, character optimization, and system interactions, but with all the trappings of something like Pathfinder or D&D." And that's not sufficient. It describes pretty much every other D&D-like game of the last 10 years.
And there’s also the concern that re-closing the question has undone the work of folks trying to get it reopened, in a way that prevents us from helping further.
@BraddSzonye I think a point you might be missing is that the answers don't matter at all in deciding anything about the question.
@Miniman Then why was the quality of the answers cited repeatedly in the reasons for closing?
@BraddSzonye Good or bad answers can act as an indicator of the quality of the question
Ok, that sounded self-contradictory even to me.
@Miniman OK, so here we have several good answers, which address the question in detail, with dozens of upvotes between them. And a few bad answers posted by users with very low reputation, which have been improved or deleted.
@BraddSzonye Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that the question is too broad.
Q: Why close this twice, voiding reopen votes, instead of protecting?

Bradd SzonyeRe: European Medieval Fantasy RPG with less bookkeeping? This question has several upvoted answers that explicitly address the concerns and requirements stated in the post. The author asks for a “rules light” recommendation and defines exactly what he means by “light”: as little bookkeeping, cha...

That is, I'm not saying that the question is too broad period, I'm saying that if the question is too broad, good or bad answers don't change that.
Now that this discussion has been taken to Meta as it should...
In other news, the Pathfinder Occult Adventures playtest is up! paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/occultAdventuresPlaytest
@mxyzplk Yep, sorry.
@mxyzplk No worries, brought it up here mainly to help with the reopening, and when that got shut down, to workshop the meta question.
@Miniman No, no worries, just sayign now that it's in the real voting system we don't have to fret over it any more
OK I linked to the meta discussion with a summary of the practical advice that I took away from it.
Meta discussion here: meta.rpg.stackexchange.com/q/5108/8012 – short version, please be more specific about what you want to help narrow things down between things like retroclones, indie clones, older/newer editions of D&D, lightweight toolkit games, etc. — Bradd Szonye 1 min ago
@BraddSzonye Good to know!
@Magician It captures at least one common facet of playstyle (clash)
Happy to chat with you about it more.
Well, I need to write more on those clashes, offer some analysis and a conclusion. Any suggestions for what you'd like to see covered?
Is duplication a transitive property?
@Miniman What duplication we talking about? :P
@Magician If Question A is a duplicate of Question B, and Question B was closed as a duplicate of Question C, does that make Question A a duplicate of Question C?
Ah, not exactly a mathematical question, then.
Minor differences at each step could make Question A a bit different to Question C.
At a guess, probably, but not guaranteed. There could be enough small differences between the three of them.
@Magician No, more of a Chinese Whispers question.
@Magician As I was reading I had thought or two about motives or trust or something
I started talking about that the other night, that some gamers have trust issues, and some don’t.
And some gamers deal with potential trust issues by always doing everything by consensus, or always deferring to somebody they do trust (ideally the GM/referee).
Motive-wise, some people use the more moderated approaches because of trust, and some because of disparate ability.
There is definitely that. I've grown to be highly suspicious of rules that put all the power in the hands of the GM, despite not ever really suffering at the hands of a bad one.
And there’s a big difference between somebody who uses abstract or moderated mechanics because they don’t trust the GM’s judgment, versus somebody who does it because they don’t have the personal skill to play a warrior/diplomat/casanova/etc.
For one thing, games with a lot of history of distrust or disagreement have a lot more legalistic rules, in my experience.
Also just from a practical perspective I’d try to avoid the Rule of Three, especially if you don’t want people to perceive them as poles or camps or whatever.
@BraddSzonye I do try to emphasize these are all valid and variously applied approaches.
I think people naturally want to see playstyle triads as the axes of a three-dimensional spectrum, or corners of a triangle.
@Magician Yeah I know but that never works, Bullwinkle.
So if you could think of another approach, or split one of those into two, I think it would cut down on style camping.
I hope, anyway.
I'll consider, though I haven't thought of one so far.
You already have hints of that, for example, with the difference between Fate-style narrative consensus and D&D5-style refereed abstraction.
I think most people see consensus vs refereeing as essentially different, too.
@BraddSzonye LOL "Must be the wrong hat"
@Adeptus Ah I’m so happy when somebody actually gets that joke!
Even though I mangled it a little.
@BraddSzonye A very interesting point. Though there's an important distinction in the matter of trust: thinking GM is actively hostile and not to be trusted (get out now!), and thinking GM is fallible and that's disruptive.
Yeah or in my case, not really wanting the responsibility for being referee all the time.
That's a big one, too.
GM wears a lot of hats, and while I’m comfortable being the referee I would much rather have consensus.
As to the player ability, I've certainly had brainfart moments where after a few seconds of everyone looking to me to say something I'd give up and roll the dice so as to move forward.
Although lately I’ve been working as an actual (sports) referee, which has changed my perspective a bit.
So you could actually set up five styles
Referee decides, consensus decides, referee weighs, consensus weighs, mechanics decide.
Not in any particular geometric order there.
Referee/consensus decides is your “flat gated continuity.” AD&D exploration is (usually) referee decides. Fiasco is consensus decides, at times.
Perhaps “judge” is a more appropriate word than referee there.
And then your mechanically-supported creativity is split into refereed and consensus varieties.
I'm not sure trying to cover games like Fiasco is worth it: it's very different, and stretching definitions to include it would perhaps be less than useful for the core case.
@BraddSzonye Can you give me an example of both?
Petitioning your DM for Inspiration in D&D5 is referee moderation.
Invoking aspects in Fate is consensus moderation.
In principle they share a lot but in practice they come across very differently.
And notably, you can handle things like D&D5 advantage & inspiration with consensus moderation – and a lot of players would find it totally alien.
They are different, but I don't think it's because the group gets a veto vote. Rather, it's because invoking uses fate point economy, so there's a strong sense that the player has the right to do so - they're paying for it.
Whereas advantage is a pure handout.
There’s also the interesting bit where one player can hand off his inspiration to another. In which case that player is the “referee.”
It’s possible that refereed vs consensus isn’t the only relevant difference between the two.
Part of the trouble here is that I personally see very little difference between the way I play Fate and the way I play D&D, but I have an unusually consensus-driven approach to D&D.
I know that it’s a big deal in practice for other people, including my players, who I think are sometimes uncomfortable that I don’t just make a decision and run with it.
Well, in any game players could make suggestions or challenge GM's call. Sometimes, they get called "rules lawyers" for their troubles.
Yes, exactly.
Heck that’s more evidence for them being different play styles.
Because when you put me in a refereed game, my consensus style makes me a rules lawyer.
Instead of a valued contributor.
I can’t help the kibitzing.
You can probably leave off the consensus fiat, or at least leave it as a small note, as you’re right that it comes up more in fringe games.
That certainly gives me something to think about, thank you. My current intuition is to have this referee-consensus be a separate scale, as it's seemingly independent of the other playstyle matters.
It’s something I see a lot in storytelling games and rpg-storytelling hybrids. It’s a rule in Once Upon a Time, for example.
Consensus is also way fringe in mechanically abstracted styles.
Because such rules are designed to be minimally refereed (to varying degrees of success)
So while you could in principle do consensus refereeing of strict mechanics, it would probably be pointlessly inefficient
(Another problem with my consensus playstyle, honestly.)
I guess a lot of this explains why I have been gravitating toward games like Fate and Apocalypse World.
Although Apocalypse World is yet another thing.
It’s not really consensus or refereed.
The AW GM is more like a cheerleader than either.
But he’s definitely still in control.
Seeking consensus in rules-heavy games is about deciding which rule to use.
Yeah, that’s true.
As, inevitably, rules can't cover every possible situation. That's also where the rules lawyering arises.
For the four styles I’ve been talking about, I would call them in brief “Judged, Moderated, Refereed, and Consensus.”
Judged is where (primarily) one person weighs all of the input and makes a decision.
Refereed is where you follow a ruleset as closely as possible, with (primarily) one person deciding only how when when to apply the rules.
Can someone please rephrase my comment such that "we need a way of judging good from bad" translates?
Moderated is the compromise between Judged and Refereed that D&D5 and Apocalypse World take.
And Consensus is the approach used by Fate, Fiasco, and Once Upon a Time.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I see what you mean, although as I’m thinking of how I would revise my Fate and D&D5 answers, I can also see that one matches up with those new requirements a lot better than the other.
(Posted as a comment also to the question.)
I can’t speak for DW, as I’m only familiar with AW that it’s based on.
Even as a fan of D&D5, I’d say that it fails about half of his requirements.
And AD&D1 even more so.
Whereas Fate misses a couple of (different) ones that end up being not such a big deal in actual play.
@BraddSzonye The more I think about it, the more I think it's a different scale: who or what has authority at the table. The underlying notion in my paradigms post (which I'm yet to actually express there) is that they demonstrate what's important to players, what's getting traction: ingenuity, creativity or system mastery.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Good discussion on the meta post.
And now I must afk for a bit.
Yeah me too, gotta go costume shopping!
Thanks for the chat.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton And thanks for your help with the D&D Lite question.
Just had an awesome session of Cthulhu Dark with @Emrakul.
We did Horror of Fang Rock (the third or fourth time I've run that particular scenario), and it worked quite well with just a single player--I was worried that a lot of the horror came from character/player knowledge dissonance due to splitting up the party, but being alone and confused worked just as well.
@BESW is a wonderful game-moderator, for the record.
I already know that thank you :P
Also, as a side note, an eviscerated body is not "seemingly innocuous."
Just... just felt I had to make that clear.
A GM can't do a thing without good players.
Psshhhhhh. That doesn't make you any less of a great GM. But thank you, still :]
And now it is time for OODLES OF NOODLES.
Also, the whole thing took about 2 hours. Nice.
well you did only have one person
making choices and such
no party splitting either
Often twosies go slower than having three or four players, because the one player gets burnt out.
Emrakul was getting a little "WAT DO" toward the end, but that was more of a story thing than a wearing-out thing, I think.
I do often feel less inspired when I have to constantly be the one doing things on the player end
one of the reasons I prefer there to be other players
Is it weird that I'd rather get downvotes than no votes?
at least it shows that anyone is actually paying attention?
@BESW Was that one I know of?
@doppelgreener Vince and Rueben in the lighthouse.
Aha :D
Interesting note: Emrakul had seen the Doctor Who episode it was based on, but didn't recognise it during the game despite my changing basically nothing about the location, characters, or premise.
You triggered none of the memory cues. :)
Your telling vs Doctor Who's telling is like the description of a Kirin vs a Giraffe.
That said, I just realised that it may not be that people created the Kirin based on verbal descriptions of a Giraffe, but that they just have uncanny similarity in terms of features.
@doppelgreener It's actually not known whether the Kirin was based on descriptions/glimspes of/tales of giraffes
I'd love to see what the mušḫuššu is based on...
@Miniman Suddenly, intrigue!
@BESW It's based on the mushussu of course
Obviously. And I'd still like to see one.
Huh, apparently the author who contended that it might be a real animal pointed out an iguanodon was a relatively close fit, and if so it might be a descendent of that.
From my reading, the big thing is that the Babylonians of that period had major artistic separation between real and fantastical beasts: different styles, and rarely shown alongside each other.
...And the mušḫuššu is mostly shown in the "real" context.
Yeah, and that it's displayed consistently.
which suggests that rather than working off contemporary designs (i.e. visual broken telephone) they had something persistent and consistent to work off.
@doppelgreener Maybe call it broken telephone?
Oh man I am glad there is a version of that game without a dumb racially-oriented name.
That works better than just 'telephone' too; 'visual telephone' is what star trek has.
@doppelgreener I was just glad to see that huge games have been played across the entire world!
@Miniman Unfortunately many people don't seem to have grasped its thematic point.
@BESW Huh? I might be one of those people, since I have no clue what you're talking about.
Broken Telephone is one of those games which has underlying themes baked into the conceit of the thing. It's almost certain unintentional, but it's very important. Games like this teach kids basic truths about interaction and social understanding.
In this case, Broken Telephone teaches that information degrades the further from the source it gets: IE, gossip and third-hand information is untrustworthy.
@BESW @.@ Wow so deep and meaningful. This has never occurred to me.
These games provide fundamental building blocks for exploring our assumptions and developing schema.
Watch a group of kids with ages ranging from 6 to 10 play "rock, paper, scissors" or "eenie, meenie, minie, moe," and you'll see a progression from superstitious play ("I don't understand how this works but I know a ritual which produces an effect") to analytical play ("I've experimented and practiced to have an understanding which lets me manipulate the effect").
@BESW What about "21 is in"? I've used it to make decisions for 20 years and I still have no idea what good strategy is.
It's especially obvious with using eenie-meenie to determine an outcome "fairly." Superstitious players have faith that it is fair. Analytical players know that given the number of things to choose from, the outcome is pre-determined by the starting point--and then they start experimenting with different incantations of varying length.
@Miniman I'm not familiar with that one.
@BESW I'm trying to find a wiki entry for it
Huh. I can't find it. Maybe it's a localised thing.
It's used for choosing a single participant from a group.
Players from a circle, then each participant simultaneously puts a number of fingers of their choice into the circle. One player counts up to 21 going around the circle of fingers
Whoever's finger is number 21 is chosen
@BESW Link-hopping in Wikipedia is fascinating. From mushussu to aurochs to European bison - I didn't know there was a European bison!
@Adeptus They went extinct pretty early
@Adeptus Eventually to philosophy!
Gods, I really want Fate tokens.
But they're so useless when pragmatically compared to poker chips.
@Emrakul Except awesome.
@BESW Yeah, except awesome.
Yes! And yes! From the looks of things, I'll get fate coins just as we wrap up our Fate game and switch back to 13th Age for a while.
@Emrakul Or you could use chocolate coins, adding an additional element of 'I need my Fate points but I really want to eat them.'
Chocolate Fate tokens!
After Doom Candy, little terrifies my players more than walking into the game room and seeing a bowl of M&Ms.
@BESW I remember when I started to notice this.
I mean I don't remember exactly when but I remember having that "oh my god... eenie meenie minie moe doesn't pick something at random!" revelation.
@Emrakul We used to play Blackjack for Skittles. Nothing motivates you to play well like winning a big pile of Skittles.
@Miniman ..... that's a good idea.
My friends like poker, but they don't like me taking all their money. And playing for money seems to make them averse to taking risks.
Maybe we should play for candy.
@Magician ...I want to incorporate Doom Candy into a session again some day.
@doppelgreener It works pretty well. And if anyone isn't enjoying themselves, they have the option to eat themselves out of the game :)
@Miniman Nice! XD
@Emrakul Honestly, it was such a part of my childhood that it never occurred to me that other people didn't do it.
@BESW Doom Candy?
@Miniman A bowl of the group's favourite candy, sitting in the middle of the game table, clearly labelled "DOOM." They are free to eat from it.
@BESW ...Er, so?
First described here.
They can get some special this-session-only benefit (like a re-roll, or a bonus) from eating a candy when they need that benefit, or they can just eat it anyway.
And when the bowl is empty, obviously, DOOM happens.
That's a pretty cool idea. I did think when you first said it that it was some sort of purely psychological mind game. Put the bowl of candy on the table with DOOM on it, say nothing about it, and wait and see if people actually eat the candy.
Oh, they did!
My group was much more tentative.
Well, except Ben.
Does Doom Candy work in Fate?
I have yet to try it.
.... I'd like to try it.
Doom candy for invokes.
@doppelgreener Oh shooosh, you just want candy! :P
@Emrakul Well, yes, but, I'd still like to try the doom candy thing!
@Emrakul Dammit, I was just about to make that joke!
Plus I'd be the GM!
I wouldn't be allowed to eat the candy!
@doppelgreener Then the more the merrier, if you're the GM. /grin
... I'd just have my own private doom-free stash.
Doom Candy would be difficult to manage with Skype attendance.
Oh, no, you eat out of the Doom Candy too.
@Emrakul Again? Seriously?
@Miniman ;)
@doppelgreener I disagree! Occasionally putting your hand into the doom bowl and munching on a few with a grin is the best thing ever.
So, here's what I was thinking.
@Magician Oh man. XD
I'm imagining this as a very game-specific mechanic.
It's not just the chocolate, it's the hopes and dreams that melt in your mouth.
Imagine a game where the players are priests. Every time they invoke their gods to do something emotionally (not necessarily an Invoke), they have to eat candy.
@Emrakul Oh, yeah. It's the sort of thing you reserve for a single dramatic-conclusion session.
@Emrakul Surely they'd have to give candy offerings to their gods? (I.e., you the DM)
...this might be something that could get woven into Great Ork Gods.
You keep mentioning that.
@Miniman Hah! You got one :P
@Emrakul Heh.
@Magician GOG? I really want to play it some time...
I'm wondering if there's a unifying aspect that players could all tap into, that might give something like +1 instead of +2, but slowly wears down to devastating consequences.
....I'm conceiving a game 'round this. The most powerful priests in the land have been so for thousands of years. Their power comes from a vast source, but over thousands of years of abuse, that source is running dry.
But because it's been thousands of years since the Order was founded, they have no idea.
I've read a few novels along these lines.
Huh! Really?
@Emrakul Where power is drained from the earth either by people who don't realise that's where their power is coming from, or evil people who just don't care
Hmm, interesting. I vaguely recall a couple, now that I think about it.
Though most of this comes from the Myth series.
From which I gain such glorious quotes as:
> "In times of crisis, it is of utmost importance not to lose one's head." -- M. Antoinette
@Emrakul As in Myth-Adventures? I don't recall that the power could run dry in those
@Emrakul And yeah, those quotes at the start of chapters are just awesome
@Miniman Yeah, I didn't think so. It just reminded me of that... that's the closest I think I know.
I'm having trouble remembering a specific example, but Anne McCaffery's The Ship Who Won is pretty spot on
Is it a book you'd recommend reading?
@Emrakul Nah, it kinda sucked.
That's why it wasn't an example I wanted to give :P
Fair enough!
I think I gave up on The Ship Who Verbed long before that one, along the same time I gave up on everything else she wrote.
@BESW I get bored and visit my sister's bookshelf
@BESW I think I tried reading an Anne McCaffrey book once...
1 hour later…
I have Atomic Robo volume 4.
This one has Dr Dinosaur on the cover. I am excited.
@doppelgreener Revenge of the Vampire Dimension?
which probably also contains vampires
First though: atomic robo and the shadow from beyond time.
Okay, yeah, that's the same one
Is May Contain Vampires the new Everyone's a Mind Flayer?
Hardly anything in Atomic Robo may contain vampires! Just alternate realities and the sub-atomic froth.
A rule universally applicable to RPGs. Don't mind me, stray thoughts leaking.
[hands sponge]
Is it at least a mind flayer sponge?
It's made from the pineal gland of an intellect devourer.
Egads, I haven't finished IDodds. Dammit.
@doppelgreener 3, 4, and 5 are all tied for my favourite volumes, I think.
@BESW Woo! And I have two of those on hand!
probably 3 and 4 nudge out 5 just a little.
...... This volume has Howard Phillips Lovecraft in it.
It's called The Shadow from beyond Time.
You appear to presume me to be aware of the titles of Lovecraft's work
Not unreasonable I guess, but I'm not x)
Oh, wait, I might have misunderstood that as a "well it's called this, wouldn't that have clued you in?" instead of something else
Even without knowing Lovecraft's specific Shadow out of Time piece, it's the kind of title you'd expect him in.
@doppelgreener I believe this was the mistake you made
I could be wrong
I totally expected lovecraftian stuff, but I didn't expect Lovecraft himself! :)
@BESW Where was Vince's viscera?
@Emrakul In Ben's bed. You never found him.
Huh. I thought that was Ben's viscera.
Ah, yeah.
Oh, and why were there thousands of dead fish? Besides the intuitive
Pollution from the crashed ship.
That makes sense!
It's all very straightforward when you're not in the middle of things.
The kick is not bothering to explain or even giving decent hints about the nature of the events which lead up to the experience: just present the effects as fait accompli detatched from any apparent cause.
That's why "Doctor Who without the Doctor" can work so well: the Doctor provides context which is unlikely or impossible for humans to have, making the events nigh impossible to decipher without him.
(But because there is an underlying reason, it doesn't feel like a series of disconnected random happenings--just that the reason is beyond the participants.)
I've found that one of the most effective single things I can do to invoke a sense of dread is to present something which should be chaotic as having been obviously deliberate.
...huh, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I'm curious why that works.
Something killing people is terrible. Something killing people and gutting their bodies is horrible. But something killing people to carefully dissect them is horrifying.
@Emrakul It indicates intelligence, but hints that the intelligence may be beyond our ability to reason with.
@BESW Yeah, that was pretty bad
Animals can't be reasoned with, but we can hope to outthink them.
While we might not be able to outthink an intelligent person, we can hope to reason with them.
An intelligence which commits chaotic acts with deliberation quickly quashes those hopes: we can hope neither to outwit it nor to reason with it.
I really need to finish reading that book @mxyzplk recommended to me some time ago.
It was... [digs up] Nightmares of Mine: An in-depth examination of horror suitable for any role playing game, by Kenneth Hite.
@BESW That soundsm fascinating. Linkification?
It's a little hard to pin down and my Internet's slow. Try a googles?
(Also, a lot of it is apparently in GURPS Horror Fourth.)
@BESW The googles! They do nothing!
1 hour later…
i cannoT CONTROL THE case of MY TExT
You're a loose cannon and got taken off the case.
did that game-rec question get reopened
fricking silly that it was closed
A clear gamerec question with lots of helpful answers... closed cause ONE person didnt get it and sadly that ONE person was a mod
@Tritium21 which one, the european medieval fantasy one? because that's been explained on meta and is getting discussed there too
@Tritium21 bash.org/?835030
Has no one seen Austin Powers?
@Tritium21 I have, but if you were referencing it it wasn't obvious
@Emrakul ha, awesome
I cannot control the volume of my voice.... how do i tell them i have no inner monologue
okay now i get it
I have an ARRPG plot hook.
@Tritium21 You might also want to add a [help] link to your welcome comments.
@BESW ...Not for someone with 16k rep on other SEs
Then he shouldn't need the tour, either. The help is more specific to RPG.SE than the tour is.
the help center is pretty samey across them. the tour includes more specific information for a particular SE
yup. I got confused
edited it
I shouldn't review questions while coding.
...and judging by the mistakes I am making in my coding, I should not be coding right now either
Judging by the mistakes in some of the code I'm working on, neither should the original developers on this code.
Wow. I really am turning cynical and bitter.
If there is a more dull activity, it is reviewing errata for RFCs
Documentation and Technical specs; who needs 'em?!
( Of course I'm joking. Don't lynch me :P )
@Mourdos I've been writing a lot of specs this past week. And trying to harass my team into telling me whenever someone adds as much as one field to an interface so it can be put in the docs.
The upshot of which is that I've been defining all the interfaces, which is fine with me. Nobody adds a field, they just tell me what needs to be communicated between client and server and I add it to the docs and tell them what to do.
Congratulations on your psudo promotion to management?
I'm not even an employee there, I'm a contractor. :)
But I've been team leader and feature leader before, so I know what to do.
Arg. That question on Worldbuilding bugs me. The question effectively boils down to "How do I exploit a bug to control a system?" without specifying what the bug is, what the intent is or defining the system well.
I saw it as asking what sort of bugs could be used to exploit a system when you are 100% inside that system.
(We're talking about the "hacking the universe" question, right?)
Yes. Have you seen the meta?
No, and I haven't actually read the comments and discussion on the question itself, either.
On that note, come join us in chat there :P
what should I do today?
Sleep until tomorrow.
I do that later
Join a new SE
Learn something new :-)
sleeping until tomorrow is dangerous.
could be forever.
only if tomorrow is evaluated recursively
and relative to the sleeper's perception.
so, depends on compiler.
one more person slept until tomorrow and lived! morning.
... Stack Overflow's review queue ...tests...people
@Tritium21 it is the great sifter
@JoshuaAslanSmith Evening
I mean..quite literally. It showed me a an already closed answer and told me i 'passed the test' when i flagged it for closing
You are a living unit test
technically the subject of one!
or i guess both at once really :)
I feel so used....by jenkins
or travis
Hey anyone mind taking a look at this and telling me if I need to do some editing or corrections?
What iz?
@BESW A little advertisement I put together for the next campaign I am running.
@BESW The game idea is the players are stuck in the game. So I put this together to look kinda like an advertisement while also showing the house rules I will be using. I will have the rules explicitly stated somewhere as well but thought this would be fun.
It's not very comprehensible to my tired, Fate-addled, and contextless brain.
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