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You're each talking about the exact same thing, but using words that you each define differently.
Or you can call an opera a story, where it makes a little more sense, but still not really the best word.
@BESW Maybe. I’ve had this debate before. Often the people really are talking about different things.
@BESW Expand.
Gareth is using "story" to mean the sequential progress of encountering and overcoming challenges in a contained continuity.
@BESW Yes.
@BESW I would call that a “scenario” or something.
“Story” is the wrong metaphor, as it implies things about characters and narrative that aren’t necessarily true for a “scenario” or an “experience.”
Bradd is saying that "story" is a poor choice to describe that because it has other connotations as well, but hasn't yet suggested a better word for that particular meaning.
Which is how we got there in the first place, because LG was saying, roughly, that characters are important to story.
"Experience" is even more vague and ill-defined than "story," and "scenario" has a specific meaning already ascribed to it in the RPG lexicon.
Let's put it this way, then.
@BraddSzonye PCs, yes. Characterization, not necessarily.
Experience and story are useful terms though in that they show the difference between levels of indirection.
Characters are the RPG's most common expression of a player's mechanical agency. The player's mechanical agency is definitional to the what-happens-ness of the RPG group's experience at the table.
The difference between life and narrative, roughly.
@BESW This works for me.
Thus, characters are the portals through which system mechanics are extruded into actual gameplay and create a forward movement of what-happens-ness.
@BESW Yep. Lots of playstyles and RPGs avert or subvert that convention, though.
Or make it a trivial thing, such that other play styles would not really recognize it as a “character” in the same sense.
@BraddSzonye Hence "most common," and then re-directing toward player agency.
You can probably assume that most participants in this chat know that for every RPG system which does a thing one way, another RPG will enact the exact antithesis of it.
Fiasco’s a weird example. It is so much about the characters, and yet the mechanics and player agency are so totally divorced from the characters.
Such that you can continue playing even if your character dies early in the story.
However, by and large character mechanics are the primary expression of player agency. That is a generalisation I'm comfortable making.
@BESW Would it be fair to say that a good generalization helps to highlight its exceptions?
I can’t put my finger on it, but I think there’s something very different about a character in Fate, versus a character in Paranoia.
> I realize that I am generalizing here, but, as is often the case when I generalize, I don't care. [Dave Barry]
@BraddSzonye Of course there is. But both of those systems use your character as the primary means by which you, the player, interact with the campaign world.
Even though both of them are what folks would call narrative/gamist RPGs.
Even in games where you're not engaging in characterization - like the truly old-school D&D sessions - your character is the hand you reach into the world.
Exceptions to this trend are modern and still rare.
@Lord_Gareth I dunno, it’s more like you use your character’s stuff to interact with the world in a lot of them.
Even when a character is purely the player's sock puppet with no personality or story of his own, the player's agency is defined (and usually limited) by the capacity of the sock puppet.
I think that’s what’s triggering the knee-jerk reaction to saying that it’s about the character.
@BESW This.
Because in some RPGs, it’s your ten foot pole that is your real avatar.
If the sock puppet has no sword, he cannot use agency which requires a sword.
Do you know what I mean?
@BraddSzonye Yes, and it is not substantially different from what Gareth is saying.
The characters aren’t even just sock puppets but largely interchangeable.
They’re just something you need to hang your ten foot pole off of.
"The capacity of the sock puppet" includes "access to a ten foot pole."
And to lead your henchmen and hirelings and followers around.
It feels like you're splitting hairs that don't need to be split for the point to be made.
The general notion is agreed upon by all parties.
I don’t think it’s splitting hairs, I think there’s something qualitatively different.
Unless you want to say something so generic as to be meaningless, like “whatever it is that gives you player agency in the game”
22 mins ago, by Lord_Gareth
Rules influence play experience, play experience influences the mood and social dynamic, which influences how characters get played, characters are the main components of the story.
@BraddSzonye At the point where you're saying, "I touch the door with my pole," and not, "The traps on the door are triggered and thus disarmed," your character is being used. Whether they're Kleenex or Shakespeare.
An interchangeable avatar is still an avatar.
@BESW See and that doesn’t resonate with some of my experience unless you define “characters” so broadly as to have no flavor or meaning.
For example: “Avatars are the main components of RPG play”
@BraddSzonye So dig into it. Which bits don't resonate, and what's the experience which makes the resonance fail?
That is something I’d agree with more but is so toothless as to not really inform anything.
We've shaken down the "story" bit into its component elements, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.
Because the avatars and the play vary so differently.
Also remember: it's a generalisation. There will be contradictory experiences, which make it no less useful as a generalisation.
I just don’t see what it informs unless you replace half of the words he used with much more generic terms.
Talking about the contradictions can help understand the generalisation, but it's hard to tell if you're talking about individual contradictions or challenging its validity as a generalisation at all.
Er wait, that came out all garbled.
I’m challenging its utility as a generalization.
For one thing, because “play experience” and “story” end up being synonymous
@BraddSzonye I use 'play experience' here to indicate the 'present' of the game; how it feels like when it's happening.
And then the statement ends up being more like: Rules, mood, social dynamic, gameplay, and perception are all interdependent.
I think it's an "anger leads to hate" kind of thing, where the point is that it sets up an equality equation.
With 'story' being the progression of events that actually occur.
@Lord_Gareth For a lot of folks, that “play experience” is the only kind of “story” at the table.
That’s kind of at the heart of RGFA Simulationism, for example.
That play experience and progression of events are synonymous, with no meta-level story.
That’s what I was referring to earlier by mentioning levels of abstraction.
I think he means "play experience" is "how we feel at the table" and "story" is "what happens in the game."
@BraddSzonye What is meta-level to you, here?
@BESW Yes.
@BESW Yeah, there are minority but significant play styles where the whole point is to equate those two things.
like RGFA Simulationism.
@BraddSzonye Does that invalidate statements about the common gameplay styles which don't have that point?
@BESW Well, it unravels more of the generalization.
It is nigh impossible to make any statement about RPGs which is true about all RPGs. Does this mean that we should not make generalised statements about subsections of the RPG experience?
Like, for those styles the characters often aren’t the key thing, in a way almost entirely like and unlike the way characters aren’t the gameplay in Fiasco.
@BESW Perhaps.
Is it useless to make generalisations about one common playstyle in order to understand it, if it's not relevant to some other playstyles?
I have no idea what we are even talking about anymore.
> All generalisations are wrong
I know that I was trying to talk about a particular style of gameplay.
And that generalization by LG seemed spectacularly unsuited to that style of play.
So I’m just saying, no, that doesn’t resonate with what I was talking about.
Or with a few other minority-but-not-uncommon styles I’m familiar with.
@BraddSzonye It might help if you talk more about that style of play because nothing you've said has seemed particularly opposed to said generalization thus far.
So clearly somewhere we're losing intent in translation.
I keep getting sidetracked by this side argument, sigh.
Hello. This is a conversation! Can someone link me to the thesis statement that started it?
I don’t even know anymore.
(Ha, see, perfect time to get back to the main topic at hand!)
It’s like, I wanted to talk about something, and I disagreed with LG’s paraphrase, and instead of talking about what I wanted to, I feel like I’m stuck here defending why the paraphrase doesn’t work for me.
@BraddSzonye Then talk about the thing, my friend.
And it still doesn’t work for me, because too much of the terminology is a stretch, or things in my experience influence things backwards from what he said.
Though earlier than that it was a discussion about the relationship between legalese and clarity.
I feel like I may need to break out Vincent's clouds and things.
You do not want this, really.
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about old-school ten-foot-pole play.
That’s where I’m coming from here.
@BraddSzonye Would it help at all if I described the usual style of play I participate in and subscribe to?
@AlexP I'm going to pretend you mean this Vincent.
It’s often used as an example of everything that’s terrible about old-school gaming, and yet it works for the folks who like it.
And I’m from the generation of gamers that were specifically rebelling against that playstyle, while still retaining it to some extent.
(While I await an answer - DOES ANYONE MIND IF I PIMP SOME OF MY WORK?)
Have you guys ever played the puzzle game where somebody presents you with an absurd situation and you ask questions to work out how it happened?
@Lord_Gareth Trying to avoid further distractions from my point.
@BESW I'm going to pretend he means this Vincent
@BraddSzonye 'Kay, then it would be unhelpful and I will refrain from doing so.
For example: A man walks into a restaurant, eagerly orders the albatross sandwich, takes one bite, then kills himself in the lavatory.
The point of the game is to figure out why the man would do such an absurd thing.
@Lord_Gareth Go for it
And you figure it out by asking the secret-keeper yes-or-no questions.
@BraddSzonye That reminds me of a Monty Python skit... "Do you get wafers with it?"
@BraddSzonye Oh god. Yes, I'm familiar >.< I hate that game.
My impression of really old-school D&D is that it was basically that game played with swords & sorcery & scifi adventurers.
And the rules and ten-foot poles and spells took the place of the yes-or-no questions.
And going down the wrong path basically got your adventurer killed.
And so you rolled up Bigby to replace Rigby.
I have very little patience for open-ended "guess what I'm thinking" games--largely because I had several teachers who would ask open-ended questions and not accept reasonable answers which weren't the one they were thinking of.
In some cases the puzzles were fair, in other cases you basically took your chances. Tomb of Horrors is full of both, for example.
@BraddSzonye Bigby would be a dangerous guy to try to steal the identity of
In the D&D context, it's slightly more reasonable because there's usually a smaller pool of possible answers so it's not totally open-ended.
@BESW Yeah, which is also why a lot of people hate that style of RPG.
@BESW It's a big problem on puzzling.SE, actually
I’m not a fan myself (even though I like the puzzle games it’s related to)
Like, I love the absurd guessing game.
@BraddSzonye There's a different and more significant reason as well. It can take, especially these days, a lot of time and effort to get a group of players together. Schedules need clearing, gas needs paying, food needs to be made, bought, or stolen.
So when you treat the game and the investment people make in it the way that style does, it can come off as...rude. Dismissive of others.
But in D&D, although the individual PC is replaceable in the long run, it matters which skills and abilities and items he has access to because that defines the kind of "yes/no" questions he can "ask" by interacting with the puzzle.
I first started thinking about this when we had that debate about the “what is all the D&D equipment for?” thing
@BESW That’s truer of today’s D&D than of Gygax’s D&D.
Or Moldvay & Cook’s D&D.
Because fighters used to be pretty much all the same, except for which tools you packed for this expedition.
Wizards too, except that “packing your tools” was a lot more complex for wizards.
I also get the impression that linear fighters, quadratic wizards are less of a problem for that style of play.
I'm still not really seeing the important difference that you are, between "the stats on my character sheet" and "the items on my character sheet."
But I don’t have enough personal experience to say whether that’s true or why.
...I'm writing that post on paradigms of play, ok, no need to have pages upon pages of debate to convince me it's needed :P
@BESW What about Zork?
And the AFGNCAAP: Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person
@BraddSzonye I'm not sure what a computer game (which I haven't played) has to do with this. That'll need a lot of unpacking to be anything except a non sequitur to me.
@BraddSzonye ...and what about it?
Because that model of “character” plays into that style too.
@BraddSzonye That's the longest way I've seen someone write "murderhobo".
Note that Tomb of Horrors is its own special weird thing. And also that even early D&D has, like, Sir Fang and stuff.
(Or Lord Fang? Whatever. The vampire PC.)
@BESW I was afraid of that. Let me asplain.
You've said that player agency in these games is more about the equipment than the guy holding it, and I'm fine with that; it makes sense.
@BESW Yeah, or more generally the available tools.
Which might be character abilities or spells, or it might be your inventory, or it might be your castle and your followers.
But equipment, and spells, and so forth, are still things you write on the character sheet.
Old-school exploration/puzzling RPGs and Zork have a lot in common.
Including the Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous Adventure Person (aka “murderhobo”)
They're the tools of a player's agency in the world, and they're stuff you write on your character sheet.
I'm not sure what your point is, I guess.
I feel Eight Kinds of Fun is useful here. Choice of equipment and its usage are the tools of Expression in such playstyles, no less valid than personal drama.
I feel like we're agreeing on every point, except that you keep saying we aren't.
@BESW Sure, and yet how fast do you get a flamewar if you try to tell somebody that this kind of “character sheet as your lever on the world” style of play is OK, let alone equivalent to a storyhobo character sheet?
@BraddSzonye ....and now I feel like we're in a totally different conversation altogether.
Heck, how many people would roll their eyes at the very idea that a zorkhobo is a “character” in any sense of the word other than that it’s on a “character sheet”
I didn't think value judgements on playstyles was part of our conversation.
I may have skipped a step there. Hang on.
Or not said something out loud.
@BraddSzonye I roll my eyes at the idea that Gordon Freeman is a protagonist. ;)
I thought this was about differentiating the role of mechanics and equipment from the role of character in player agency, with a backdrop of the interrelationship between balance/legalese/clarity/complexity.
So you’ve got this old playstyle that I’ll call “zorkhobo” with very plain characters that are mostly about what tools they can bring to bear on a puzzle.
And most of the puzzles are of the freeform variety, where you lay out a scenario and it just makes sense that you can poke some things with a ten foot pole and other things will get you killed.
And if you do something dumb like go into a dark room without a torch, you might get a realistic result based on what your group believes about stumbling in the dark
Or you might get a snarky DM who just says you’re eaten by a grue for doing something dumb.
But in any case, you don’t have much in the way of actual rules about anything, because you’re all working toward a common goal of solving puzzles with a pretense or veneer of realism.
There are a lot of people proclaiming their chosen playstyle as the best and only kind. Such arguments are inherently useless: yes, a "zorkhobo" character would not satisfy someone looking for personal drama, thus they're not a true "character" from their point of view. At the same time, a character full of "drama" would be useless in the eyes of the "zork" player who's there to solve things.
@Magician Where I refer to them both as characters because they're both singular tools used in a paradigm where a player gets only one tool with multiple functions.
I.E. equipment, spells, features.
Now, are you saying this is a thing people did? Or are you saying this defines "old-school play." Because I'm not sure about the latter.
I’m saying this is a thing people did.
A lot of people, for a long time, really.
It’s a staple of tournament D&D play, for example.
D&D tournaments are weird, though.
Just like RPGA play now is weird.
Most tournament modules are about laying out wacky scenarios with their own special ground rules about what spells work where and such.
They're always at least a little bit of a square-peg/round-hole situation.
And they got expanded into the classic D&D adventures like the Slavers and the Giants and the Special series.
You can see a lot of evidence in the old modules.
And in old Dragon articles and such.
So old D&D looks pretty rules heavy but a lot of it is sort of random and obsessive-compulsive wargame rules tacked onto this essentially very rules-light and judgment-based Zorkhobo game.
(And actually Zork had the combat rules too, they were just hidden from you and only used in like three places in the game.)
I don’t know whether D&D influenced Zork more or vice versa, but they have a lot in common.
So you have this essentially zero-rules game with a wargame and a magic system bolted on.
@BraddSzonye I think D&D predates Zork, but I'm not certain
@Adeptus It was probably mutual.
And because of the zero-rules and judgment-oriented aspect of it, you can do pretty much whatever you want with it, although in practice it’s mostly about this exploration and puzzle solving.
Then later parts of the hobby get more into other things like acting and intrigue and politics.
Ah! Google is my friend. Written 1977-79, released 1980
@BraddSzonye I'd like to pause you here.
And just like the puzzle-solving core of the original game, all that stuff is in the zero-rules part of the game.
@Lord_Gareth Sure thing.
So, I've been writing this thing after some rants in the chat. And it's not finished yet, but it's way too fitting for the current discussion. So here's the draft of the first... two-thirds, I want to say.
Maybe you can find something useful there, or give me feedback. Stuff.
@Adeptus Zork: 1977. Chainmail: 1971. OD&D: 1974. D&D came first.
This is a fairly modern conceit, but what I've found these days is that the culture around a game has been divorced, judgment-wise, from the mechanics. The 'zero-rules' aspect you're talking about is a cultural aspect; it's a way the game was played. And people see it that way - a way.
(the link will work for two hours, apparently).
Which is what makes conversations between very old gamers and very young gamers difficult.
@doppelgreener And of course Zork also came from Colossal Cave.
Most old gamers see culture as a feature.
New gamers tend to classify it as a bug.
Or, maybe more accurately.
@Lord_Gareth I think that's pretty unique to a certain subset of D&Ds and a few related games.
New gamers tend to not classify it as a part of a system.
Young gamer here, what's this zero-rules aspect?
4 mins ago, by Bradd Szonye
So you have this essentially zero-rules game with a wargame and a magic system bolted on.
this thing?
@doppelgreener A lot of old-school RPG play didn’t actually have rules for the main focus of the game.
From my experience with young gamers, it'd be: "if we're not using the rules what the hell are we even doing with this book?"
Like how old-school D&D was largely about exploration and puzzle-solving, and yet the game has very few rules for that kind of thing.
(though that's hardly speaking for all young gamers, we are not a homogenous group nor hive mind)
@doppelgreener I’ve met gamers who take the opposite stance: Why do you need rules for those things when you have a brain?
@BraddSzonye If we're not going to use the rules, why did we spend any money?
@BraddSzonye new gamer: well, why the heck have rules for anything then? right, combat, let's throw this book out, it's just complicating things. the goblin stabs you in the shin, what do you do?
So there are a lot of old-school games where there are surprisingly few rules for the “main course” of the RPG, and instead there are minigames
Not trying to start a debate, but couldn't resist that reply. c(:
Like the bolted-on wargame in early D&D.
@doppelgreener Nope, it’s a fair criticism
@Lord_Gareth I think it's pretty obvious, just looking at anyone who owns more than, say, six D&D books for one edition, that "Will I use this in play?" is not the only reason people buy RPG stuff.
@doppelgreener This works. Srsly.
@AlexP I owned more than six and used them all, not sure what you meant.
Also, a lot of gamers have the conceit that they have all the tools they need in their heads for things like social interaction and puzzle solving, but you can’t swing a sword around the dining room table.
So a lot of RPGs only have rules for the things that the designer thought you couldn’t do around the dining room table.
And everything else is a matter of cooperation and debate among the players.
For some folks, that’s a feature, for others it’s a bug.
Because some people want the RPG to get out of their way when they think they don’t need it.
And other people think the RPG isn’t doing its job if it’s not telling you how to resolve things.
Thus you can get arguments where the former group thinks, “D&D can do anything you want it to!” and the latter group thinks, ”Lies! It hardly tells me how to do anything useful!”
@AlexP I believe it does, and I agree. I think I'm in a different position to a lot of other gamers thanks to the experience and perspectives RPG.SE has shown me (e.g. the variety of games available and what they do and do not do well), but I buy RPGs when I can use them to help me do things I want to do.
The reason I moved away from 4e was because the most important bits had no rules support, so why was I using it?
@BraddSzonye "D&D can do anything!" isn't busted because the book doesn't cover everything. It's busted because it's tacitly saying that the rules it gives you don't create structure.
@doppelgreener Which is cool, and yet there’s a valid point of view that says “D&D doesn’t interfere with the important bits, plus it helps you out with the stuff you can’t act out around the table.”
@BraddSzonye This can be related back to folks that like acting in their roleplaying; that is, if a socially awkward person wants to make a socially suave character, they shouldn't be forced to rely on their sub-standard real life skills to fulfill a concept.
@BraddSzonye In my case that doesn't fly even a little as a valid argument; it did interfere directly and palpably due to what it did and did not support.
D&D has a gigantic reward cycle that has become, like, an entire genre of games because of how addictive/fun/simple it is.
@AlexP That’s also a criticism, but many people really do object to the fact that it simply doesn’t give you rules for a lot of things.
A lot of folks expect gamers to use good judgment and object to rules that try to take all the judgment calls away from them.
Meanwhile, a lot of folks don’t trust other gamers’ judgment and don’t want to give anyone else an inch.
And a lot of DMs (like me) don’t really want the responsibility of making all those judgments.
There's a lot of weird generalisations being made here.
It's the classic "if you've got a hammer, everything looks like a nail" problem: If your character creation and advancement is mostly about combat, and your character sheet is more than 70% combat features, and the lion's share of the 300 pages you just read in the PHB are about combat, it's not reasonable to then say "Well, why didn't you just ignore all that and do something else? The game didn't stop you."
@doppelgreener Pretty much this. I'm not sure what's being said but it's vaguely offending me >.>
@BESW That’s what happens if you learn the RPG from the rulebooks rather than from play though – when you learn from play it can be entirely different.
So, Bradd, I think these problems have been solved years ago. It's just the culture of play of, say, D&D has yet to integrate that fully.
@BESW that sounds a little more like the game outright encouraged you
@Lord_Gareth There's a certain irony to this.
@BraddSzonye This is not a good thing. Your RPG should talk about and enable the style of play you want out of it. New players are a thing. They need to be a thing, if you're gonna sell books.
Sadly, one cannot ship the designer with the rulebook, so the rulebook has to do the teaching.
@Lord_Gareth The D&D Adventurer’s League, Basic Rules, etc. seem to be challenging that idea.
And historically it worked for D&D too.
@Magician Only if you’re learning the game in a vacuum. Historically a lot of us, perhaps most, learned from other gamers.
@BraddSzonye [raises hand] Not I. I'm a first-generation gamer who taught nearly everyone I ever played with, based on my own reading of the books in a vacuum.
That's localized both in time and space!
@AlexP And I’m not sure what “problem” you’re referring to, as the Zorkhobo style I’m talking about is not considered a problem by the folks who played it.
The advent of the Internet means more and more groups are spawning on their own from multiple interested people who have never played before, or barely played before.
I've learned to run roleplaying games in 2000 in a small town in Russia. There were rpg communities in the country, but not really around. And man do they have weird ideas sometimes.
@BraddSzonye Problems of trust, judgement, &c. That tension you're talking about. I think it's easily dissipated with a spot of great game design.
@AlexP Ah that makes sense. It’s also easily dissipated by playing with people who like each other and aren’t abusive jerks.
The onset of D&D, popular in USA beyond wildest dreams of current games, was a very specific environment. It was dense enough that a culture of play could spread and become a norm. It's simply not the case anymore.
I suspect that a lot of disagreements in RPG theory arise between people who’ve been forced to play with jerks, or forced to play with people who hate your playstyle, and those who don’t.
@Magician And even then it was SOOOO cargo cult.
I learned D&D 4e with my friends and a little contact on the internet.
Like half of all the OSR people have stories about "we picked this up when we were twelve and had no clue what to do and here is the weird thing that happened."
@Magician I’ve noticed that a lot of people discount learning the game from the adventures, which is one good way to get a feel for how it’s actually supposed to be played.
I picked up some basics about D&D from, like, three or four sessions in a university gaming group, and didn't understand a damn thing because 3.5e was incomprehensible to me.
Because honestly if you go by weight of rules, you’d think that RPGs were entirely about making characters, and not playing with them.
My early 3.5 play was marked by some (thankfully minor) toxic experiences which arose from having learnt bad habits about GM/player roles from the 3.5 manuals. We were friends, we tried not to be jerks, but we also tried to trust the rules to be good teachers of the RPG experience.
@BraddSzonye That, that phrasing right there, that's where the hackles are coming from. "Supposed to be played."
Those are not words I like.
@BraddSzonye I think too many people learn rubbish habits from looking at published adventures. Which are inherently designed around things like pre-planned storylines and big empty voids where the protagonists should be.
It wasn't until I read Making the Tough Decisions that I was able to understand the problems I was facing and deal with them proactively.
@AlexP Oh gods this. The first year or so of my GMing career, I've spent running free WotC adventures from their website. It was pretty terrible.
Like, how many times do I see someone going, "Here are my adventure hooks!" and I'm like, "Okay, but you know who the PCs are and you know what the players like, so why are you making up generic hooks like this??"
@AlexP I’ve not personally seen a lot of linear storylines in published adventures. The ones I’ve seen have been much more sandboxy.
(Not least in part because it was in a set of essays that introduced me to critically questioning the D&D text.)
@Lord_Gareth It’s a good way to get a feel for the designers’ intent and culture, then?
@BraddSzonye There we go.
Drat, I need to run too, I’m late with dinner.
@Lord_Gareth Sorry, didn’t mean to be prescriptive, because I’m not. I just meant to say that the adventures are often a better sign of the designers’ intended focus of play than the rulebooks are.
@BraddSzonye Whereas I try to consider all styles of play in which no one is harmed non-consensually as being correct.
Because the rulebooks are usually aimed at clarifying the most tricky and confusing and difficult stuff, rather than the stuff that is actually most common in play.
If no one who doesn't want to be hurt gets hurt, you're doing it right.
@BraddSzonye Hmm. I can't think of a game that doesn't explain its basic purpose and structure well that actually does explain tricky stuff well, either.
Which is also consistent with the idea that you don’t need (many) rules for the most important stuff, if it’s obvious to everyone.
@AlexP Even just the idea of exception-based rules means that the vast majority of your rules are going to be about the exceptions than the meat of play.
And that’s a very popular approach to writing rules.
Aaand I really gotta go. Nice chatting, guys!
see ya
@BraddSzonye Not necessarily. PF's rules are terrible but they still establish a general case, then exceptions.
@Magician You should write about playing D&D in early 2000s Russia at some point. Actual play is fun.
@AlexP Do you want to cringe a lot? Because that's how you cringe a lot.
Barely passable understanding of English language, lack of "culture" in the vicinity, lack of any kind of deeper understanding, D&D 3.0, stock adventures of "go kill things". Need I say more.
You're replicating 1978 in 2000. Nothing to be ashamed of!
Dude I started by cargo-culting my way through Spelljammer.
A boxed set that my dad got for $3 at a toy store because of overprinting.
I spent six years playing in Ravenloft
Then moved into 3.5
I recall at one point, a year or two into our RPG foray, a friend had invited a Big Name GM (in very small circles) from Moscow to run a game for us. It was a very AD&D adventure made in 3.0, plot being something along the lines of "there's an enemy army marching on the city, we know where their commander is, go do something." We were level 1 or 2. We made the best of the situation, tried to draw out enemy soldiers, fought valiantly, died.
Apparently, we were supposed to go in and try to bluff them into not attacking the city (or something, it's been ages). It was a clash of expectations of epic proportions.
One thing it taught me is the necessity of communication. When handing 3.0 character sheets to an unknown party, an experienced GM really shouldn't have expected an unfamiliar group to do something other than use those character sheets.
@doppelgreener - We're reaching a closing window on your opportunity to be involved in [REDACTED]. I don't suppose you'd be up for discussing availability?
@Lord_Gareth I think I should decline, based on how busy I am finding myself with other things.
@doppelgreener Very well. @Magician, order in the assassins. He knows too much.
Can I get some agreement/disagreement of this?
I would like to join, but I have found myself getting very busy with sorting important life stuff out, like exercise and study and other personal projects and etc.
@doppelgreener Do you see yourself joining in at a later date, as a consultant if nothing else? Because you have insight. And assassins are expensive.
@Magician Yes, I could do this.
By all means I am interested in helping, and have no intention of slamming the metaphorical door shut. It's just a matter of you are offering me a project to join in with, at a time when I suddenly have a lot of important stuff going on.
@Miniman Commented.
(Either because it is necessary, like developing my budgeting techniques and so on, or because it is personally important but would have to give in order for me to join [REDACTED].)
"oh christ sarah he's going to read poetry at us" "what do we do" "play dead?" "no that's bears" http://t.co/5wKCVX05q5
Boo this twitter box doesn't do images.
Why do I even bother, then?
That's why I follow the Twitter box with an image box.
(It's about the man who wrote what's probably the first afrofuturist stories, and who seems to have been writing dieselpunk in the diesel era.)
Well, that would make it good diesel punk inspiration, but dieselpunk as such requires distance fir anachronistic purposes.
In my opinion.
Anyway thanks, I'll take a look.
It's... troubling, really, in its approach to contemporary social struggles and ethics.
...back to my favorite subject, me. Any thoughts on that draft?

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
@Magician I'm wading through it slowly.
@Magician "A Hollowing in the Wall" seems... unclear.
"Found a Hollow Part of the Wall"?
The post itself lacks much of the actual analysis and conclusion atm, but I hope it at least defines the premise well enough.
Or "The wall is hollow here." "A hollowing" is... nonstandard.
I thought you might have meant "a howling."
Ah. English language! Speak it, I am.
"You will excuse me. I know I am speaking in marvelous accent without the slightest English." - Viktor Frankl
@Magician Overall it's a good start, I think.
I wonder where RFS and CD sit on the triangle, though.
From what I know of CD, it actually sounds like FGI with Fiat being shared by all the players.
As in, your ingenuity will let you do whatever you want, but may be called into question by anyone.
Speaking of which, I need to ask a question about GM fiat in CD.
So much in the Mythos doesn't allow success at all.
So, for example: there's a thing so wrong, so malevolent to reality that simple proximity to it imposes horrific visions or terrible mutations. In CD, the Investigators are unlikely to ever experience that if they're allowed to roll against it in any capacity.
(Even with a failure die, the chances of failure are very slim.)
So do I simply tell them it happens and demand an insanity roll? That seems like undesirably removing their agency.
Hrm. There seems to be an equation here, between being able to roll to resist, and agency.
It may be an erroneous one.
I'm still wrapping my head around what Cthulhu Dark is.
I've run a couple highly successful games of it, and some very awkward, stilted games.
Mythos is uncaring. Sometimes players' agency is in how they suffer.
@BESW So far you've done stuff like say we see {horrific sight I won't describe} in a boat in a shed. Then we say we're rolling insanity or you suggest we maybe should.
Sounds like the same should happen there.
Fair enough.
So if they do something that means bad things hug their brains, it's fair to say "bad shit happened to you, what are you going to do now?"
"Roll to see how well you go insane."
Also, I think I figured out part of why this Castle Bravo adventure has so much stupid padding.
It's a time-sensitive adventure, but not in the "pressure's on!" way until the end: instead it's got to delay the Investigators by any means necessary until the plot goes critical.
If they figure out too much too early, they can stop it undramatically.
[fiddles with]
Still, I think that with the right tweaks it can be a great investigation-heavy story.
@BESW Clearly what this needs is a cameo by Old Man Henderson.
@Lord_Gareth I wouldn't let Old Man Henderson anywhere near a plot set around the Bikini Atoll bomb tests.
That could only end with Doctor Strangelove discovering he can walk.
...too obscure?
@Dyndrilliac Hi!
@BESW Greetings.
@BESW But it'd be a brilliant side-story? "You need to stop this old man from getting near the nukes."
I'm glad you wished him multiple greetings. If you wished him only one, I would be concerned!
@Emrakul [Walt Whitman reference]
@Lord_Gareth Honestly, I'm a little concerned about the context of the adventure anyway. It's set around the biggest fallout disaster in American nuclear testing history; seems a little tacky to add horror to that.
@Emrakul When in doubt, err on the side of verbosity.
@BESW Americans have this habit of adding horror to tragedy. It's a great cultural failure of ours. Whenever anything bad happens in the USA we assume it had to be the work of great and terrible evil.
@Dyndrilliac Eschew egregious obfuscation!
@Dyndrilliac Only when not being charged by the letter!
Look at the folks that blame Satan for 9/11 as if no one else has ever suffered acts of war or terror.
We have this total inability to process that bad crap happens everywhere.
"Forty letters. That'll be forty reputation, please."
@Lord_Gareth To be fair, the adventure does not blame the Castle Bravo disaster on any fictional evil. Instead, it has fictional evils taking advantage of that human horror.

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