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Trivia: The actor who played Alfred in all the '80s and '90s Batman films also played two different Doctor Who villains: once with the First Doctor and once with the Fifth.
@BESW That's true enough.
(And wow way to dance on the Bechdel test)
@BESW Neat!!
@doppelgreener Kill the Moon passed the Bechdel test with flying colours; Mummy on the Orient Express narrowly squeaked by with a portion of a conversation which then lampshaded how much it was otherwise failing the test.
I typed out an entire comment, accidentally closed the tab, and lost it.
When they say "comments are ephemeral," they aren't joking!
@BESW Wait, they demonstrated awareness of the bechdel test and self-awareness of their script and lampshaded it?
But I'm glad Kill the Moon did it.
Two women locked in a room. They talk about woman A's unpleasant relationship with her mother, and then about woman B's doubt about her relationship with the Doctor. Woman B then laughs and says, "Two women alone in a room together, and we're talking about a man."
Unfortunately, Kill the Moon is a great example of how the Bechdel test isn't a good measure of... anything, really... when taken by itself and applied to a single text.
@doppelgreener I'm not saying self-answered questions are a bad thing, but that particular question seems like it's not a real question, just that he's got this answer burning a hole in his pocket that he wants to get out there.
@BESW Well done there.
@BESW Well, yeah. (And I guess I don't know in what way you mean there.) I acknowledge it isn't a good test on its own: passing the Bechdel test only indicates you've passed the Bechdel test. Still doesn't necessarily indicate you've treated women as, y'know, people with brains and personalities and competence and stuff.
@Miniman Yeah. This is not about SAQs, it's about this guy's repeated attempts to force a short reflection on the physics of flight into an RPG Q&A site.
@Miniman You are talking about his SAQ as if the act of creating it to legitimise his answer is a bad thing, though, or at least it seems that way to me.
@doppelgreener Hmm, fair call. My first comment was out of line.
And, well, half the reason I leave these comments is for the learning benefit of the people initially being addressed. So my "Actually it's fine" is as much for the guy being able to learn what he did is, in principle on some level, totally ok. :)
Looking at this also led me to take a gander at the tag, and I'd appreciate opinions on this.
(though it may not be okay in this instance)
@doppelgreener I don't see it. Miniman's calling him out on literally copy-pasting a non-RPG answer into a new question context where he's fiddled with the tags to try to create a loophole into which he can place his pre-made non-RPG essay on an RPG site.
@BESW Ah, yeah, that is problematic.
While yes, SAQs are fine, Miniman's comment is specifically about this guy's inappropriate use of it.
(You can tell it's a copypaste because he didn't even remove the reference to another answer on the previous page.)
Right. To me it came off as more of a "you can't just create a new question to legitimise your answer" comment
@BESW I can tell yes. ;)
In other words: He got told his answer wasn't a good fit for the site, so he tried to see if he could exploit the site's willingness to consider simulationist approaches to shove the answer in anyway.
@BESW He got more or less invited to do it though.
Let's see if chat will do its magic thing with comments on deleted content...
Nope! but, there's a 10k link.
Those 10k links! [shakes fist]
Q: The simulation tag

MinimanThe simulation tag has an empty tag wiki and 9 questions. Of these, 4 are closed, one isn't really an RPG question, one doesn't actually appear to be about simulation at all, these two are game-recommendation questions where simulation was a requirement, and one is a question genuinely about simu...

Mmmm... not sure if I should actually quote them in here.
But, Brian and I both implied that this answer might be acceptable if the question permitted it, or on a question that permitted it. The natural conclusion is: "I still want to provide this info, oh hey, I can ask a different question about simulation!"
@BESW Actually I think I'm saying what you already know, but my point, I think, is this: "Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."
We can assume good intentions, but that they've carried through on them poorly.
I came via a question and a tvtropes page to one of the weirdest lines I'd ever forgotten about
> Obi-Wan Kenobi: It's over, Anakin! I have the high ground!
you mean unlike all of the rest of the fight?
@doppelgreener You need to read Darths and Droids to understand what was really happening there.
@Miniman probably that'd help a lot
I still remember their grappling comic
Wait, you've read some of it but not all of it? Is that even possible?
@Miniman yes
@doppelgreener You must have self control like crazy
TIL Abraham Lincoln was once challenged to a duel, and chose giant swords for the weapon so as to terrify his opponent into wanting to call a truce.
@trogdor Hi!
i just realised there is another excellent benefit of introducing the intimidate skill for fate H&S ^
intimidating someone into not even wanting to fight
Hi, Doppelgreener! hm. When did you ping me?
Also, how is Shattered Pixel Dungeon?
ahem Hi, @Doppelgreener!
@dopplegreener honestly you must read all of darts and dried prequel coverage. The plot is 10 times more interesting and makes far more sense than lucas' drivel
@JoshuaAslanSmith While at the same time being fiendishly confusing
@Lord_Gareth Wow, long time, no see cringe in fear before the demon of pure Raeg.
Yeah I've been mildly busy
I came to gather my minions but they appear to be absent, so now I'm just gonna hang.
Every time you type that I think of a LOL champion
@JoshuaAslanSmith I thought that was the point
@Smurfton Hi!
Shattered Pixel Dungeon seems pretty good. I haven't played the base Pixel Dungeon yet for comparison.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I watched the RedLetterMedia reviews, so I've had my fun at the Prequels' expense through that :)
@doppelgreener Good! I'll look it up, then.
Ah, you live
@BESW I'll watch it when I get a chance to. :)
@Lord_Gareth You can't prove that!
@BESW ok, I was right, this was the show that I saw
not all that many episodes though
Second seasons' probably best--first season is solid except for the female secondary character, and third season is too Merton-centric (and they lost a lot of the great supporting cast). But they're all good.
the one I mainly remember involved the "Nerd" character somehow creating an invincible version of his imaginary freind
"He can't be hurt because he doesn't exist!" Type of thing?
Oh, yeah. That was weird, even for that show's standards. I think it's one of the few that worked as a metaphor but was a little weak as its own story.
that one actually scared me a bit cause I myself had a couple imaginary friends
@Smurfton the only explanation I remember? "my name is Vince, as in invincible"
@Smurfton No, "Vince" was short for "Invincible." The imaginary character had the invincible trait as part of his original narrative.
They basically hand waved it
I don't know why he got to be invincible just cause he was imagined that way, some hand wave magic mumbo jumbo
Alright... What makes that scary?
then again, it was a while ago that I saw it
being a kid
hands down it wouldn't be anymore
but at the time it was
Vince was scary because he was a child's creation with superpowers.
and to be fair, he was evil, and at one point decided murder was a good idea if I recall correctly
When Merton rejected Vince, saying that he'd grown up and had real friends now, Vince decided that killing Merton's real friends was the best way to get Merton to play with him again.
@BESW Yeah that too
He wasn't just some guy with invincibility, he was also emotionally stunted and insane
And invisible unless you believed in him--though not intangible.
^That is terrifying.
in concept, at least.
My biggest problem with it was that the climax and resolution didn't pay off.
of the episode? or the whole show?
The episode.
Ah ok
didn't he just get tossed in a trunk?
It was more thematically ambitious than most of the show's episodes, and didn't quite follow through.
So, in general, was it actually worth watching?
Oh, yes. I've watched all three seasons of BWoC three times.
I thought it was,....
I have not
I am pretty sure I saw more than that episode, but not the whole show
The Vince episode was a great opportunity for Merton to have some kind of insight about himself, but the story wasn't written to take advantage of it.
that one is just the only episode I think I can recall to any degree
So my big problem with it is that Vince got defeated like any other villain of the week, but he'd been set up as something more than that.
I think my favourite episodes were the ones where it turned out Corey Haim had become a vampire on the set of Lost Boys, and our heroes had to stake him--and then the next season, Corey Feldman shows up looking for Haim.
@Magician Hi!
@BESW lol
Out of curiosity, how strictly are we supposed to stick to the premise of the chat rooms?
@BESW OK, that sold it! I'll have to look it up...
I was going to let my rantings from a couple of days ago go, but then this question happened. Which is as clear a clash of paradigms as one can imagine.
@Smurfton As strictly as the people in the chat room want.
Perhaps writing that post would be useful after all.
@Magician Yessssss.
@Magician Oh, excellent, yes.
@BESW thanks.
Now, all I have to do is make will saves against Civ: Beyond Earth tomorrow...
@Smurfton In particular, if the topic is potentially going to make someone uncomfortable or be especially contentious, or if it has a history of taking over the chat to the exclusion of all else for hours at a time but isn't close to the chat's ostensible topic, it should probably move to a place where only those who want to see it will be subjected to it.
We've actually made a chat for that, because it happens frequently enough.

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
If, on the other hand, the topic is OMG AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON TRAILER SQUEEE, it's fine.
Ultron seems like a great guy with visionary ideas we can get behind. #Ultron2016 #AvengersAgeOfUltron
Speaking of the Death Star, there was a petition to the US government to start building the Death Star by 2016. It received >25 000 signatures, which requires an official response. Pretty hilarious.
Okay, so... would it have been creepier with the original version of that song? I think so.
@Magician So. Iron Man now looks somewhat like Optimus Prime?
@Smurfton That's Hulkbuster armor. Made because they're the bestest of friends.
But can't the Hulk just get bigger? Sure, he's about a constant size in Avengers, but I thought that there was no established upper limit to his healing, strength and size?
Depends on the version of the Hulk.
Fine with me.
He generally doesn't so much get bigger, as stronger. And yeah, Hulkbuster Iron Man tends to lose that fight...
So far as I know, none of the Movieverse Hulks have explicitly had the rage:power ratio thing going on--and the Marvel movieverse is having a hard time nailing down which version of the Hulk they're going with.
Rage:power Hulk gets taken out when he's attacked quickly with overwhelming force, before he can get mad enough to power up more.
@BESW To be fair, so do the comics. From writer to writer, Hulk is one of the most inconsistent characters.
So, Ultron is full of tinier suits, then?
Well, it could be, if it wanted to. It's an AI, destroying a robot body doesn't do much.
Ultron's main thing is that he's an artificial intelligence--usually made by a human, accidentally or on purpose--with omnicidal tendencies.
Its robot bodies range from "I dare Superman to punch me" to "I make 'em cheap 'cause I can always jump to another."
This is my favorite version:
Any of you decide to read the petition response that I linked?
I think most of us who would be interested have heard of it already in the nearly two years it's been around.
@Magician already preloaded it
Automatic will fail
@JoshuaAslanSmith Oh, I've done the same. But I can choose not to click on the icon tomorrow morning. It's possible.
I have to wait the longest
possibly unless you live in europe
it releases at EST midnight in NA
Living in Australia has its advantages.
so all my cali friends get it 3 hours ahead of me
@Magician yeah for this one game lol
australia tax
1 hour later…
yum 3 match winning streak as Vi
I really need to get more champs so I can actually play ranked
@Lord_Gareth I do love that Cho'Gath skin
though honestly I like all the skins he has that aren't blatant re-colors
most skins that arent re-colors are great skins
Aetherwing Kayle is probably my fave skin for appearnace though I also like full metal jayce
true, but I think my favorite skins just mostly belong to Cho'Gath anyway
not to say there aren't plenty of good ones on other characters
oh def, chogath is sort of a hilarious champ anyway so reskinning him just addds to the sillliness
@Lord_Gareth What's in the bottle?
Looks like a Potion of Revelation
Or at least what it used to look like if they changed it since I stopped playing
@BESW Have you heard from Josh re: River Bend?
Not a thing.
Sadness. I quite like that little world of ours.
The playtest will be over next week, but I can carve out a little more time. If he can't show, you and I will finish it up anyway.
Ahhh, okay! I really appreciate it.
Are we not allowed to continue after the playtest?
I don't know of such a proscription, but we won't be making any more survey reports to help them.
And as I've said, outside of the playtest context I have little interest in the Dresden Files universe as an RPG playground.
Though our little game manages to defy a lot of the Dresdenverse's big problems, for now.
@BESW That's fair. Oh well! I guess when it comes down to it, I'm more so fond of your GMing than I am of this particular world.
That reminds me.
@BESW, summon me to the Spoiler Lair
I have an idea for you
I am not sure it counts as summoning when you tell him to do it
He needs to perform the appropriate rituals to make it suitable for my evil.
then how come you can easily cross over here?
oh wait I know
everyone here is already evil

 BESW's Spoil-Lair

CAUTION: High chance of plot. Not for BESW's players.
oooooh shiny link
2 hours later…
Morning all
How are you today?
[looks at questions for easy pickings]
I'm marvelling at how the 1932 The Mummy is less racist than the 1959 one, which in turn is less racist than the 1999 one.
I mean, at least the 1959 one tried.
Tried to be racist?
Tried not to be.
When you try not to be racist, that can sometimes just highlight your personal racism
especially if you don't entirely consciously know what way that is
They hit all the Bad Stuff with miscasting and condescension and Evil Foreigners and so forth, but they also gave the Evil Foreigner an anti-colonial-destiny speech which was clearly "He's got a point, though he probably shouldn't use it to murder people."
The 1959 Mummy has a really anvilicious moral about the stupidity of Europeans hacking apart other cultures and taking them home. Which is an anvil that needs to be dropped. They do it awkwardly, with a few cringe-worthy bits and some really bad "we couldn't find enough Egyptians, so how about some African Americans with Chicago accents and a white guy in face paint?" casting choices. But they do it. The anvil gets dropped without hesitation.
The 1932 Mummy is the only one of the three where the girl saves herself. It's got similar racial casting problems, but it focuses on the personal rather than the cultural narrative.
Also it's the only one of the three where ancient Egyptian priests aren't completely stupid.
The 1999 Mummy? It's got a running joke that Arabs are smellier and less pleasant than camels. That's it, that's the whole joke.
Seriously, though, both the 1959 and the 1999 Mummy have the titular character turned into a powerful UnDead being and buried next to his love as punishment for loving her and trying to make her UnDead. Apparently the proper response to "You have committed a blasphemous act to be close to your beloved for all eternity!" is "Let us help!"
The 1932 version is "Hey, that's not cool. We're gonna kill you long and slow and bury you in an unmarked tomb far away from your love, and we're gonna bury the tools of your blasphemy with you."
Good morning.
This is a much more reasonable response, especially compared to 1999's "We're going to punish you by making you capable of taking over the world and just hope that never happens."
@InbarRose hi.
I am seeking some advice on world building.
Yes I know.
But it's not got an active chat.
In what sense not active?
I mean, if you're looking for RPG-specific stuff, this is the place.
But general worldbuilding... it's good to encourage the beta.
Well, more active than last I checked. But its very bright blue.
No, it's worldbuilding for an RPG.
I am purposely being vague about the world I am building. I have a whole lot already made. And then I realized I have a major flaw in the ecology, such that it is not sustainable. I need to fix it in some way by adding something new or changing something. However, most of the things I think of end up changing too much of what I already have.
My question is: Is it worth it to keep looking for a better solution that will have the least change/impact on what I already have, or should I hand-waive an explanation, knowing that hand-waiving is lame... but not wanting to ruin or change too much of the world.
Can easily solve the problem with a magical handwaive.
Depends on how close you expect your players (and the story) to get to the handwave.
That is great advice.
Put another way: Will the handwave ever need to be more than an okapi's butt?
Interesting post.
I will have to ponder that.
I suppose that yes.
At some point this explanation I need to place in the game will probably be scrutinized.
Then probably it'll need to be able to stand up to scrutiny.
So back to the chopping block.
Retconning a world is annoying. I have this flavor that I like. And now I need to go and change it so that the worlds ecology works.
Argh. :P
My complex pre-made worlds that I wove from full cloth usually took about three months before they were game-ready.
Sounds pretty fast honestly.
Anyway, thanks for your advice and time. I am off.
Well, I'd leave a lot of the small details of each area to flesh out so they met the needs of the story when we got there.
I was always doing more work filling in the little things the week before we got to a place.
I suggest putting a giant monster at the center of the world that eats anything in the environment or ecology that is superfluous, and exudes anything that is missing, thus acting a universal balancing agent.
Voila, instant ecological balance!
Or better yet... magic
just magic
A: How to deal with player MacGyver-ism?

Tritium21In a word Don't. You have smart players that like to take advantage of putting together common things to solve unique problems. At this point, my advice is to create even more convoluted problems and provide them with even more common items. Your players obviously like doing this kind of thing...

I think that's good advice if i do say so myself, however i wonder how it will be taken by the community
@Tritium21 Your answer seems inline with the two top-voted answers.
It's kinda rambly; the bit about the character sheet seems unrelated. And it doesn't seem to address the problem I mention here.
I do agree with the basic concept, which is "this is what the players enjoy doing, so the game should reflect that".
However, there's another question which should be asked: are the players doing this because they think they have to?
As our site's questions clearly show, often players feel pushed into corners where they're "forced" to behave certain ways in order to stay relevant in the game.
If the players think the GM or the system is only survivable/winnable through MacGyverism, they'll MacGyver whether they want to or not.
I will address this in my edits.
I haven't seen any of the answers address the possibility that the players are doing this in response to the challenges they face, and I think that's really important to mention.
[throws votes at]
@Tritium21 One nitpick: Your last "if they're having fun" bit could be read as disregarding the GM's need to be having a good time too. A gruding GM makes for toxic gaming every time.
Also: poke me in three days and I'll see about dropping a bounty on that answer.
Edited again, for that point.
@BESW I uh...will.
A lot of advice i have for gaming I have garnered through a podcast of all things
Most everything I ever learnt about D&D 4e came from Magician's blog, so...
One thing is learning a particular game, i find it much harder to get good actionable advice about the hobby as a whole.
Oh, yeah. That's practically impossible.
Fear the Boot
The tabletop RPG medium is so broad and deep that any piece of advice except "keep the safety and happiness of everyone your top priority, and don't be a jerk" is going to be useless to someone.
A lot of the best advice is "These are your friends, this is a hobby you do to have fun. remember that."
Good morning
@Tritium21 Sadly my first thought was the old Saturday night cartoon thing instead of the giant wave caused by an earthquake.
that's 'toonamy'
@Tritium21 I know but when I was a kid I always pronoused it tsunami
Not to be confused with the soonami, a wave of promises of future content by Blizzard.
... I have to wait an entire 25 hours before I can start a bounty for one of the answers on that MacGyver question.
and then another 24, I think, before I can award it.
which answer?
funny you of all people should ask ;)
So this is bothering me still.
Q: Can a Ranger learn spells outside the Ranger spell list?

fluff_thorrentI'm playing a Ranger in a Pathfinder campaign. I've been looking over the spell lists, and I'm a bit miffed as to just what spells a Ranger can use - is it limited to only using the Ranger spells list? If the Ranger can use other spells, how does it "learn" them? Can the Ranger keep spells not i...

[forcible nudge]
@doppelgreener I was considering bountying the same answer.
I am thinking of posting a meta about it. Something like what do we do if an answer is wrong but accepted.
@Aaron Downvote it.
I did.
Upvote or provide the right answer.
"Accepted" doesn't and can't mean "right."
Stack Exchange doesn't actually have ANY means of definitively saying which answers are right and wrong, and it can't.
SE has two measures of an answer's value: votes, and acceptance. Votes indicate the gestalt community opinion on the answer's value; acceptance indicates the querent found that particular answer most valuable to his particular situation.
It just bothers me that the poster has seen the other answers and hasn't accepted them. and even though he knows he is wrong BBlake isn't fixing his answer.
That is unfortunate, but it happens.
It's why we have the Vox Populi badge.
Ok. Guess I have done all I can then.
Hi guys
First time in chat for God knows how long and I'm already downvoting someone
Your influence is certainly evil!
[wave] Long time no see!
[Zardoz] The downvote is good. [/Zardoz]
@JeorMattan Here upvote this to neutralize your downvote. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/49882/…
yup, was consumed in real life.
@Aaron upvoted the right answer in the same ranger question, thank you very much!
but the one you linked is good, too.
@JeorMattan Yea. I am going to ask Tumnus to wrap my answer's suggestions into theirs.
btw, does @HeyICanChan come here regularly?
Hardly ever.
well, back to the arguing in comments, then.
@BESW I think you mean Populist
@JeorMattan probably don't do that; create a chat room and invite him to it to discuss the matter further
Vox is for using your votes up
Ah, right. The one time I didn't go get a link to back myself up...
i.e. leave a comment saying '@HeyICanChan let's discuss this further [in this chat room]'
if the automatic chat-mover thing doesn't come up for you proposing that already (it will after a comment or two)
"you can do that automatically?" (c)
I'm not worried, then.
@JeorMattan after a bit of back and forth, an automatic message will show up inviting you to move the conversation to chat
@doppelgreener never seen that before. sounds like a cool feature!
it requires a back and forth of n messages between exactly 2 users. (I don't know the value of n off the top of my head)
@waxeagle And IIRC, they have to be @replies
@JeorMattan it would be better if you could trigger it sooner (like, right now)
@Tritium21 likely if multiple people were involved
but yeah it is good, and it creates the room already prefilled with chat messages representing the users' comments
that feeling when you log in and your rep has already been maxed
mmmm fake internet points
Hey! They're real Internet points.
@doppelgreener "take all the comments in a separate chat room" would be a sensible button.
@BESW they are Internet points.
And thus not fake Internet points, or they wouldn't be Internet points at all.
one probably should read that as Internet, thus fake, points.
since we're not in Eclipse Phase yet.
Mmm. And that leads into a whole big messy problem where treating things on the Internet like "fake" things cultivates an attitude that people on the Internet aren't real people, and then things go downhill fast.
I also consider points in a sporting event to be fake as well
So I'll take the real contentment I feel from these Internet points and enjoy it.
I love me some fake internet points, dont get me wrong
Speaking of points. I am now 286 away from 2k rep
@Aaron That's where things get real.
Hmm. Not sure if I would like my edits to answers and questions automatically going through though.
For values of real that include not getting and rep for edits.
@Aaron you'll get used to it :)
I don't do it very often though so.
@Aaron is it the issue that you'd rather have someone else confirming your edit is good?
@doppelgreener Yup.
I am not a confident person.
So I like to have people double check my edits.
I've lost my 1:2 silver:bronze badge ratio, but I'm still pleased because my gold:silver and silver:bronze ratios are 18.6:1 and 1:1.85
@Aaron FWIW: (a) People will notice, because your edits bump the post. (b) Also the author will notice. (c) The review queues weren't doing that anyway.
still only have 1 gold
I think Id need to pimp my questions via share links a lot more to get it higher
@JoshuaAslanSmith sometimes a populist will pop up randomly
I have a grand total of 0 gold badges.
the voting badge is an easy one usually
I can approve edits that look fine but introduce factual errors, because I don't know any better. Such edits can and often will get approved.
and 100 straight days is easy too
@waxeagle I am going for that one.
PRetty much going to log into the site on my home computer and just leave it open.
due to the weirdness of their 24 hour stytem I might log in every day fo rme but not them
if that makes sense
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