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the system leaves you with that, and nothing else
it doesn't actually offer anything of value
it just says you can do it, which I honestly don't need them telling me, I already knew that
I bought the system because I wanted them to do it for me
@Adeptus "The ability of the DM to fix a problem does not mean there isn't a problem."
but I'm just tired of trying to fight for something resembling standards for acceptable levels of providing what you claim to offer in the RPG industry
I feel, strongly, that D&D/Pathfinder massively miss the mark, in terms of supporting that which they claim to support
and I got shut down really, really hard for trying to show people that they're not getting what they were supposedly paying for
KRyan's not wrong here as well. There's been a feeling of censorship to some of the mod behaviors that's increased over time, especially in the evident defense of pet systems.
@Lord_Gareth to be fair, mxyzplk is not acting alone on this one
Unfortunately, your meta defence of that kind of answer totally sidesteps the issue at hand. Perhaps partly it's because of the meta's original title, and partly because you're used to people objecting to your thesis rather than the way it's presented?
also, meta and flags seem to support the moderator action
so the community disagrees with us
@KRyan I was not accusing anyone specifically, for once.
(Everyone mark your calendars)
Meta doesn't seem to think your answer is wrong, and a similar response was raised when a similar situation happened with a 4e question.
@BESW when it was you/your answer that was the highest-rated, but mine and doppelgreener's were well-regarded, I was comfortable with the notion that clarity and backing were necessary
but with Thales and mxyzplk's answers
I feel strongly that I am being told that I cannot criticize anyone's favorite system
@KRyan The persistent objection isn't to your point - it's to how you presented it.
the comparison of "4e=MMO" claim to my answer particularly irks me
@Miniman my point is that D&D lies to you
that is the statement and claim that I feel is the accurate response to the question asked
@KRyan Wat. From Thales: "If you want to say that D&D is a bad system to out-of-combat stuff, go ahead. That is perfectly possible to say without using such words."
This is not saying you cannot criticise a system.
And mxy says you're right.
is this conversation seriously still going on
I think the words are accurate, and I think avoiding them sugar-coats the situation inappropriately while letting them off the hook too easily
@Tritium21 it had died, was rekindled
@Tritium21 that said, I do like your answer
@KRyan thanks.
@KRyan But 'D&D lies to you' is at best an explanation of why this problem exists. Your actual answer to the question was 2 paragraphs down, and it was great.
Can we just hire KRyan a copy editor?
that is what all this is about.
@Miniman I felt it an important introduction as to why I was suggesting such heavy abstraction of such issues was warranted and why I felt those who hadn't wasted money on such things were getting it right
the really sad thing is
immediately after writing that answer
I came in here and asked for criticism/feedback
everyone present responded to it very favorably
then the question-asker responded to it very favorably
@Tritium21 It really really is about finding a way to be analytical and critical without being needlessly aggressive. There's a happy spot between "sugar-coating" and "abrasive."
@KRyan Lots of people agree with you. And even the ones who object to your anti-D&D sentiments think your solution was an excellent answer.
I maintain that, as is, it was a good answer that helped clarify expectations of the system and offered experience-based observations and solutions
@BESW This is exactly what a copy editor is for
@KRyan As I said earlier today, after I'd thought about it a while I realised that my positive reaction to it was based on things I knew, and you knew, but which we couldn't assume other people knew.
the sad part
I guess
another sad part, since I already used that line, is I actually rather like the game that D&D actually is, based on its rules
it's not everything, it doesn't work for a lot of things, and unfortunately it gives people the wrong expectations
but what it does do, it does well and enjoyably
the problem, to me, is purely in its claims, not in what it actually does
RPGs are more than the sum of their rules.
I enjoyed D&D 3.5--even far outside its optimal happy spots--for six years before it really started grating on me.
Especially traditional RPGs that rely heavily on a culture of play and published supplements.
Am i the weird one that played and liked 3.5, and never moved to pathfinder?
@BraddSzonye see, no; D&D is a product, and the value that product offers is in detailing and defining a way to play a game without you having to design and define how everything works
@Tritium21 no, you are not; most people I game with play 3.5 and find Pathfinder anywhere from mediocre to outright insulting
@KRyan I just found it unnecessary
@KRyan Yes, and that product included B2 Keep on the Borderlands, and S1 Tomb of Horrors, and The Dragon, and so on. You seem to exclude all of those things from the “system” because they are not “rules,” and I don’t understand why.
@BraddSzonye published supplements, I feel like, strengthen my point more than not; they relied on setting specific expectations that the game could actually support
@Tritium21 My college RPG group moved to PF after I left because they wanted a "living system," but I stayed in 3.5 for several more years before I moved to 4e.
@Tritium21 it is unnecessary, though honestly one of the only major strong points of the d20 system is the massive amount of available material
@BraddSzonye Because D&D promises that you don't need those things, by offering you all of the tools and guidelines to create them for yourself and presenting those adventures, explicitly, as optional ways to run your game.
using more material usually makes things better just because it means more and more varied things
In my opinion, d20 has a quantity over quality problem
@Lord_Gareth Those things are part of the tools and guidelines they give you to show you how to run your game.
@BraddSzonye I think those things are excellent examples of keeping D&D within certain expectations and how it does not work as a generalist system
@Tritium21 it does, but it has so much quantity that it takes on a certain qualify of its own
Q: What is "the d20 bust," and what does "post-d20 game" mean?

BESWReading this gaming industry retrospective I ran into a few phrases which confused me. The d20 bust caused by 3.5e (2003) and the over-saturation of d20 products ran right into the Great Recession. What's "the d20 bust"? I came into RPGs shortly after 3.5's release, so I can't compare befor...

plus, even if 90% of everything is crap, 10% of 3.5 is still a ton of material
@BraddSzonye They marketed the DMG as the 'how-to' book. If they wanted modules to be the how-to they shouldn't have sold them as optional extras
Cool but unnecessary.
@Tritium21 I'm still on 3.5e. I only moved to 3.0 because my friend wanted to DM it, and I only updated to 3.5 because another friend wanted to DM that. If others hadn't poked me, I'd probably still be playing AD&D 2e...
@Adeptus to be fair, 3.5 is pretty much all upside on 3.0, and almost no one uses 3.0 anymore
@Lord_Gareth The version of D&D I learned from didn’t have a DMG.
@BraddSzonye That version of D&D is long years in its grave and has almost nothing, culturally or mechanically, to do with anything from 3.5 onward.
I mentioned B2 Keep on the Borderlands for a reason. Because that’s exactly how a lot of us learned adventure creation.
Even 2e introduced major cultural differences.
@Lord_Gareth to be fair, I did make rather sweeping statements about D&D as a whole
@BraddSzonye And you had to whittle your minis from scraps of firewood. In the snow.
@Lord_Gareth I wasn’t aware that we were only talking about D&D3+
@BESW No, but we did need to chalk our own dice.
@BraddSzonye we weren't, and I'm still not convinced that my statements only stand for 3+
@BESW and you had to walk 15 miles to the FLGS , up hill in the snow, both ways
@BraddSzonye Neither was I [amused grin]. That's the thing; "D&D" means wildly different things to anyone you say it to.
@KRyan Yes, but at the time of its release, I was sceptical... it looked like just a money-grab, after how long 2e lasted, to issue a "half version" relatively soon after 3.
There's No Such Thing as D&D being the relevant blog post, I do believe.
@BraddSzonye I ruined 18d6 with Sharpie before my Fudge dice arrived.
@Lord_Gareth Yep. I’ve personally played every version except OD&D and Holmes BD&D.
@Adeptus certainly fair; eventually I think the SRD would have moved you even if you hadn't been poked
(from 3.0, that is, not necessarily from AD&D)
@BraddSzonye I tried OD&D one time on a bet. I'm not sure what happened, except that I drank to forget the horror.
I grew up in 2e, played it for seven years.
Moved to 3.0 because my old group broke up
Moved to 3.5 because someone bought the books
One thing I wish the answers to that question discussed a little more, is the bit where some people want all that random gear in D&D for realism, and some want it for puzzle-solving, and some don’t want it at all. Seven’s answer touches on that, but it would be nice to see it actually laid out.
I was thinking about writing up something about it, but I didn’t want to further muddy the answers with a competing one, and I don’t really have time.
One time I gave my players a cool puzzle and all they did was want to leave the magical elemental orbs to go fight goblins
And now I'm contemplating 5e... once we get the promised "convert from other versions" rules/guidelines
@Adeptus Ooh, they've promised those?
@BraddSzonye And then there's me, for whom the 3.5 Arms & Equipment Guide was mostly a tool for figuring out how much my catfolk's mane jangles cost.
good morning.
Something something something holy trinity of books not released together? wat?</oldrant>
@BESW Haha, yes and there’s that too!
I will say that the death of puzzles/traps as relevant or interesting things in D&D was mostly on WotC
@Miniman I think so. Or maybe not "promised" but "rumored"...
the skill system means that they almost certainly cannot be interesting without ignoring the system
@Adeptus Damn you, DMG late release! [shakes fist]
@KRyan It may be because old-school D&D treated puzzles and traps as things deserving instant and hideous lethality
I only survived White Plume Mountain because I could afford a loooot of rezzes
@KRyan That’s sort of one of the long-standing feuds in RPGs though, about player skill versus character skill.
(so, in fact, I failed to survive it repeatedly)
@Lord_Gareth At first glance, I read that as "hilarious"
@BraddSzonye yes, indeed
I dunno whether anybody has worked out a system that does a good job of supporting both in that realm.
I honestly find the concept of player skill very odd
seems like metagaming to me
and while it certainly can be interesting in its own right, at least in certain cases
@KRyan The idea of metagaming being bad is relatively modern, though. It's hard to understand but there was a long time in which roleplaying was not present in RPGs.
And your character was just you.
And essentially disposable.
it seems antithetical to roleplaying, which is weird since you tend to find the same people claiming "old-school" adherence to... both
@KRyan It's only metagaming if you think the game is about being in-character, as opposed to playing a character.
I have yet to see a trap or puzzle that made any sense at all. The only way to justify them is "crazy wizard"
In the sense of moving it around on a board.
@Lord_Gareth loot: n. Collective noun to describe a collection or group of expensive objects. "A loot of alabaster figurines." Sometimes used for non-tangible things. "A loot of resurrections."
@lisardggY Which is another one of the long-standing playstyle feuds!
so I'm guessing that there are two ... separate groups of "old-school" players?
@BraddSzonye Majority opinion seems to have out-bred the old school idea that your character is a piece to play.
is one older-school than the other?
@KRyan Gygax invented and sustained the no-roleplaying RPG
So I'd say yes
(Sweet Asmodeus I hate that man)
I remember in my first RPG, which was red-box D&D, the paragraph about separation of player knowledge vs. character knowledge. Looking back, I see how this was added to BECMI (and perhaps earlier) as an explicit move to change the Gygaxian player-first model.
@Lord_Gareth I think it’s still around plenty. D&D4 was a pretty large-scale demonstration of the PC-as-playing-piece, I think.
it's an hour later than I should have gone to bed
But it took me years to get over that paragraph.
Gygax founding the RPG community was a lot like Freud founding psychology. "Thanks for inventing this cool thing but did you have to screw it up on every level before you left?"
@BraddSzonye I disagree, I think it was mostly criticized unfairly as that
And honestly, playing your character, instead of playing in-character, is important for a lot of players.
@lisardggY Fate is still trying to navigate that topic.
@Lord_Gareth Sometimes a d20 is just a d20?
@BraddSzonye 4e was not, though. It still treated characters as roles you slip into and represent, still treated player and character knowledge as separate and its rulebooks defined the idea of metagaming as a bad habit to be avoided.
4e mostly just said "go, freeform your roleplaying, don't let our rules stop you!" and people hated that, even though D&D's rules never really did much but get in the way
It's emphasis on tactical combat is a case of honesty, not bad roleplaying.
A lot of RPG players are strongly averse to playing in-character.
(Including me, sometimes.)
4e was just the only time they admitted they weren't going to mechanically have anything to do with it
I don’t see playing your character as a bad thing.
@KRyan Not entirely unfairly. 4e has definite elements of explicitly letting players know details, including tactical details, that their characters wouldn't necessarily know, because that's the only way to properly handle tactical battles.
@KRyan As much as I don't ever want D&D of any sort to go back into my regular game rotation, I love 4e for this.
@lisardggY like what?
@KRyan Who's behind that wall?
@Miniman 4e... has line of sight rules?
I think the indie theory folks would call it Author stance rather than Actor stance, and I personally think it’s a very important thing.
I'm not aware of anything in 4e that suggests you should automagically know who is behind a wall
@BraddSzonye eh, I don't think that's precisely the same distinction
for instance, an author can continue to have his character act in-character
@KRyan I mean that in every edition of D&D, you always know the location of party members. Even the invisible, noiseless thief is somehow exactly pinpointed to his allies.
in fact most authors consider it pretty important
@Miniman ah, sure but what does that have to do with 4e specifically?
@Miniman Citation needed there, buddy.
The old-school arguments were mainly about Actor versus Author or Player stance.
I've had plenty of cases where not knowing where the friendly was lead to issues.
And it was a bitter argument.
@BraddSzonye I think the fact that the Gygaxian mode is player-driven may make it seem similar to the Author stance, but it's still deep in Actor stance, I think.
@Lord_Gareth hmm, that's actually an interesting question; I'm not sure what the books have to say on it
Lots of folks thought that if you weren’t acting and in-character, you were doing it wrong.
My favorite being when an enemy wizard turned an injured party member invisible so we couldn't land the touches to heal him.
pretty much every game I've been in has assumed that allies were more-or-less aware of one another
Player Stance, if you will, is very limited to the powers and abilities of the character, even if those are augmented with player-based knowledge.
@KRyan And that's not necessarily bad? Like, combat communication, awareness, that sort of thing.
(Not sure I’m using the term Player stance correctly. I mean it as the game-token stance.)
But then someone drops an obscuring mist. Why should you know where your buddy is?
@Lord_Gareth I mean, it was always assumed, never questioned
@Lord_Gareth Marco!
@Lord_Gareth maybe in an explicit case like that, yeah
we wouldn't
Just that, generally speaking, in Ye Olden Days, most groups had a preferred author/actor/player/token stance, and thought that everyone who did it differently was an abomination.
but if someone goes sneaking off on his own actions, rather than being hidden from view by enemies
@BraddSzonye This hasn't actually changed. The RPG community is still a pit of knives.
This is not changing nearly fast enough.
Heh, good point.
@Lord_Gareth I suspect that much of this community would argue that you and I are as bad as any of 'em
@BraddSzonye Were you here for the "is murderhoboism typical?" thing... yesterday, I think?
@BESW Missed that.
Sounds fun though.
@Miniman annnnd now this is literally happening to me at this moment, so I will go
@KRyan Possibly. Then again, there are people under the impression that asking designers to engage in halfway decent math is the equivalent of summoning Satan, so...
@KRyan Yep, that's what I meant
Not sure how much I care. I support the idea that if your table is having fun, you're playing correctly.
@Miniman including the fiancee wondering where the hell I am
later folks
That does not mean that I'm going to play at your table.
@KRyan ttfn
G'night, KRyan.
@Lord_Gareth Ah, yes. The old "safe-and-happy-first" rule. I learnt it from taking care of kids, but it works nearly everywhere.
@BESW Pretty much! As long as no one is being harmed non-consensually you can do whatever you like.
(Appropriate caveats for those incapable of consenting etc)
The corollary being that if anyone isn't safe and happy, changing that should be top priority.
@BESW But this, too, is a new concept to the RPG community. The old-school attitude was that it's the DM's game and you could go stuff it if you didn't like it.
I believe we've spoken at length as to DM empowerment.
Yeah I am totally anti-DM-godhood.
I fought against that one for a long, long, long time.
Whats your take on the golden box?
Ironic thing is, lately I’ve been working as a referee (the sports kind) and I’m starting to see now that my consensus-based DMing is maybe not the best way to do it.
I came from an attitude of benevolent godhood myself, not least because I started running RPGs as a way to hang out with my friends in an environment I had full control over.
Plus, my groups have always just seemed happier when I took charge and made decisions rather than running it by the group.
In any event, for the specific thing of a survival-type game; D&D offers rules to model a survival scenario (starvation, survival tools and equipment, tracking mechanics) but then fails to deliver on creating the tropes and themes that survival demands without heavy modification.
Like, I have always wanted to push responsibility for decisionmaking, style, etc. onto the group as a whole, and my players have resisted it, even the newbies.
This was true in 2e, where the penalties were trivial (and easy to avoid) and only became more true in 3.0 forward.
In a lot of cases we talk about the system being deceptive because it offers you tools that don't work.
@BraddSzonye I'm working through this with my current group.
And then we feel cheated because we expected them to work.
They like the stories I come up with. I like the stories they come up with. Push, shove.
@Lord_Gareth I was talking a bit about this earlier in the dedicated chatroom.
@Lord_Gareth I don’t think oldschool folks treated it much as a survival game, but instead just assumed that you would buy realistic equipment and amounts of food, to go along with your ten foot poles and candles and mapping parchment.
And most players, being reasonable people, went along with it and bought bedrolls and so it just wasn’t an issue.
You can see system artifacts here and there from the few people who didn’t play along.
And different peoples' ideas of "realistic" is vastly different...
They mostly take the form of absurd monsters clearly designed purely to punish rules lawyers.
Q: Why is Survival not a class skill for animals?

HydroniumQuestion in title. Seems odd that an animal isn't naturally inclined to get bonuses to Survival, which typically involves dealing with the wilds and it's associated difficulties (an animal's natural home). This is mainly in respect to Pathfinder, but I believe DnD 3.5e also lists some animals w...

@BraddSzonye But that's not a feature of the system, is the thing. Culture is not a feature. If anything, culture is a bug, because it makes people gain impressions of what's in the book that are not actually true.
That's part of why I usually bring discussions back down to RAW to ground them, then talk about how to modify RAW to get what you want.
Because RAW provides a reference point anyone can check.
Like, (made up example) once one of Gygax’s players was a jerkass and insisted that obviously bedrolls were useless because there were no rules for them. And Gygax being Gygax invented the Bed Bug monster which ate players who slept on bare ground.
And then people said “too silly” so eventually detailed rules for bedrolls appeared in Unearthed Arcana.
@BraddSzonye Except what Gygax actually invented were monsters that hid as swords and then stung you with lethal poison when you touched them. He invented cloakers to be disguised as cloaks, mimics for fake treasure, and a sapient floor that eats you.
Gygax was a sadistic power-monger and people justified his cruelty post-hoc
@Lord_Gareth "Culture is not a feature" would be a good tag line for your expanded usercard.
@Lord_Gareth Because there have always been people who’ve said if it’s not RAW it doesn’t count, where others have always said, “it’s obvious dummy, we don’t need rules for that,” while others have said “rocks fall, everyone dies”
@Lord_Gareth I always got the impression that he just had a huge sense of wonder and loved to play pranks.
Mar 14 '13 at 23:50, by BESW
The Doomlock Aerial Boulder Squad is never far away.
OK and now it’s my turn to obey the fiancée and let people be wrong on the internet
I am making us late for dinner. Thanks all! Sorry if I stepped on any toes.
WhooooooOOOOOooo Pentakilllll
@BESW ...?
Expanded usercard. Citizens with 1k+ rep can get an expanded user info plate when people hover over their icons.
It defaults to containing your profile info, you but can code it for another line of text instead.
Take a look at one of my posts and hover your cursor over my icon.
You are aware that my profile information contains precisely one thing, which is a useless quote in place of my location?
You should also put in your tumblr link.
You do also recall that I didn't bother acquiring an avatar until someone put one in my lap?
I do not social media
I have a link to your tumblr which says differently. [thbbt]
@Lord_Gareth Those are all really cool ideas, incidentally.
SE is social media. Its a social network for nerds, that focuses on the best things nerds do: brag about the size of their brains.
@Miniman ....I have no words for how much I disagree with this.
it has fake internet points and everything
Second part, yes. First part, no.
@Lord_Gareth So I take it you're not a fan of the fake save point that attacks you, either?
If it were a social site, chat wouldn't be a third-class citizen and comments would be for discussion.
Ahem. Sorry. I missed most of it.
@Miniman I Wanna Be the Guy is up front. Like consensual BDSM, it informs you that it offers nothing but pain, and lets you make the choice for yourself.
@Lord_Gareth I was actually thinking of something else, but that's fine. My point is that something like a mimic is an awesome surprise to spring on someone, far more so than a simple trap or ambush.
@BESW Not necessarily. It's a social site with a specific focus and orientation. But it's still definitely social. People interact, memes arise, people get to know each other. It's through a specific prism, but it's still social.
Fair enough.
@Miniman I liked how 3.5 handled the mimic concept; that is, they give you a fair chance to spot the mimic and then counter its power.
...now I want to meet a mimic in Fate.
I would use Rapport to get a talking hat.
@BESW Mimics cannot change their mass, so that might be fatally unwise.
@Lord_Gareth The bigger hyu hat, the more rezpekt hyu is gettink.
And if anyone laughs at my hat, my hat will eat them.
Random fun fact, you can wash the mimic's glue away with booze
Fallen London has most exquisite hats.
And strip it of its stickiness by dousing it in such
This chat has become hatful.
@Magician ?
Perhaps we should clam it down.
@Tritium21 It is full of hats. Also, terrible puns. But we knew that.
My brain cant pun right now
Then you'll just have to punt.
@BESW These puns are getting grizzly
@BESW I can't punt, but I can oo, does that count?
That was pretty unbearable.
@Sandwich Brought that one out of hibernation, didja?
@Sandwich Owl have to bear it.
@BESW I warn you, you'll be brought before the parliament
Bear puns and outloled by decree of Owlbear Overlord.
@BESW We're gonna have to ship you back to the punnery for that one
@Magician That ruffles my feathers!
@BESW lowl
@BESW - I think in conclusion to the earlier thing is that we need to, as a community, look for where the acceptable line actually is so we can direct people at it.
In theory, that sounds good.
In practice... I'm not sure it's really possible.
Line for what? The lunch queue?
I'll have a pallet of lasagna and a keg of Vanilla coke
We can see from this and past instances that the community isn't of one mind about behaviour, and that it changes over time, and that sometimes the meta mind just doesn't match the community's main-site actions (see: research questions about non-RPG settings, where meta liked 'em but the community shuts 'em down).
I wish there were more opinion based questions
Those are fun
@BESW Possibly a sign that the meta is not working as intended?
I mean, if we're being honest, 'the meta' is the same few high-rep users
@Lord_Gareth Not really. There's a common tendency to want to be inclusive and permissive when talking about theoretical questions, but when an actual question shows up on the table it gets evaluated by more realistic merits. Not something meta can fix.
@Lord_Gareth Wait, what counts as high-rep?
Opinion is sort of a weak thing in boards like Information Security, but in RPGs it can provide useful insight into certain situations
It's not that meta decides something and others act differently.
It's that the same people who felt one way about a broad policy changed their minds when the theoretical became practical and a specific question was being looked at.
@Miniman m'dunno, I've just mostly noted that meta has a strong central pool of contributors and that others rarely choose to contribute.
@Lord_Gareth This is the nature of meta on all Stacks. Participation is voluntary.
@BESW Failure to participate is treason, Citizen.
Tough crowd
No love for the Paranoia joke
They have been done all day
You hit 1k rep? GO MAKE A POST IN META
Tell us what you think should change, in four paragraphs or more, gogogo
I kid, I kid.
Any of you guys play League of legends?
@Sandwich Used to, stopped for reasons best left alone for the sake of not starting another fight.
@Sandwich I do.
Pretty much the best game I've ever had
@waxeagle I'm good for the game this week, provided we start at 9:15 EST and not 8:30 like last time :P
I think i have retagged all the wrong edition tagging in wod
Vaporizing Flu
I gotta use that one next time
@Tritium21 Grats!
@BESW Thanks?
@BESW I did it because it annoyed me to see nWoD questions tagged oWoD
1 hour later…
Oh no. d20pfsrd.org (i.e. the wrong site; it's d20pfsrd.com) is now home to a scam survey thing.
I visit d20pfsrd.org all the time by mistake because the other one is d20srd.org.
I can fix that for you
Type d20pfsrd.org into your search bar, then press down and then hit the delete key
It will remove it from your search terms
yeah, I have to do that each time :)
but I still manually type out "d20pfsrd.org" by mistake regularly
but I'm saying oh no because other people are going to make the same mistake and fall for the scam survey thinking they're in the right place but the d20pfsrd is doing some fun survey thing for them
You could contact your DNS server provider and have them reroute the link
Or you could install an add-on in firefox to block scripts ( Noscript ) or to autocorrect d20pfsrd.org to d20pfsrd.com
@Sandwich the hosts file exists for a reason
But you're right greener people could think its legit
yeah my concern is purely for the fact a scam like this exists, I'm not concerned about running into it myself
because I'll go "whoops, i visited the wrong page"
Today, I feel disappointed by the BBC
Is there a game system to run espionage games in the vain of hunt for red october?
@Mourdos ?
What has Auntie Beeb done now?
user image
@Tritium21 Hmm. Let me think about that for a bit.
Also: "vein" is the homophone in that idiom.
Who are the PCs and what are their goals?
@BESW Ok. Also, even though english is my native language, I do suck at it :D
PCs are intelligence analysts. Not agents. The goal, in a very cold war feel, is to avert war. Very much a tom clancy feeling, but the situations will be origional
Their tools should be politics more than brute force
Do you want them to feel competent and proactive, or overwhelmed and unconfident?
Overwhelmed, and in something pretty deep should be the feeling
That crosses out Fate, then.
If generics is the order of the day, perhaps GURPS
GURPS, as much as I understand it, is not designed to create specific atmospheres of play.
Well, even the amount and type of dice effects the feel of a game - 2d6 makes exceptional rolls far more rare than 1d12
...I wonder if a Mouse Guard hack would work.
Good morning everyone.
Long time.
What's new?
I was on vacation in Singapore for 3 weeks.
Humid. Actually.
not cool enough

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