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Q: Why are minor edits discouraged?

Matthew NajmonFrom http://rpg.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/edit : Try to make the post substantively better when you edit, not just change a single character. Tiny, trivial edits are discouraged. So, basically, this covers most minor spelling and grammar fixes. These are not only discouraged, but ac...

@doppelgreener I'm catching up to your badgers!
@BESW You are!!
@BESW Also you need to talk to Lord_Gareth about how I chose to get a leg gouged
rather than simply being bitten on the arm
and may pick up another consequence slot, as opposed to another stress box
though considering the stress box would have a value of 4, i am not sure whether the stunt should give me a mild consequence, or a medium one (which has a value of 4)
i guess the medium consequence box has its own major drawbacks compared to a mild one
in that it doesn't recover quickly, and is proportionately more severe
(i will probably just take a mild one)
the medium ones hurt you more simply by lasting longer
yeah, and although they absorb more, i'll be able to use them less frequently.
One interesting bit: consequences absorb the same amount of stress in any circumstance; you can waste them on less stress, but it's always a choice.
By contrast, although a three-box stress track can absorb up to 6 stress, you can still be taken out by four 1-stress hits or one four-stress hit.
Adding two boxes to your stress track means you can absorb between two and nine more stress before being taken out.
So, I got an unrelated question. Is that creative build thread on GITP still open?
@Lord_Gareth Greetings!
I did! Hi!
Oh. Not me. Okay.
Still. Hello!
Something about badgers.
And The Oracle's mother.
To the Fate chat! I can't stay a super long time but I am sure this will spark some ripples even after I need to leave

 Fate chat and game room

Good questions raised here should hit the main site too! Fudge...
Wat iz?
Orianna cosplay, SFW
Sorry, no, this is Oriana:
Note the subtly different spelling
(You seem to be labouring under some mistaken delusion that I know anything about League of Legends except what I've gleaned from friends talking about it.)
(You don't need to know anything to appreciate the glorious detail of that cosplay)
So, last night one of my players actually said "Because that's what my character would do" to justify a major betrayal of party trust that would leave him abandoned and split off from the rest of the party for an unknown number of sessions.
The rest of the group stopped and went "ummmm."
The older I get the more I realize I'm Bones, not Spock.
(Silly copypasta fail.)
Q: What are the best ways to gain flight?

DorianI have spent some time looking into the various methods of flying and there are many and they are varied. So I'm asking others for their opinions on this matter. A comrade and myself are both considering getting flight for our characters for various reasons, and we both have vastly different ci...

So, what's going on lately?
Dresden Files Accelerated Editions playtest is progressing smoothly.
@BESW Welp, time to pick a fight; "My Guy Syndrome" is not universally bad. If, however, you're going to choose to exercise it in your roleplaying you need to be sure that the group is cool with it or, at the very least, that you have a backup concept and comfort with the first guy getting shot for the good of the story.
Thing is, it was a boring betrayal.
@BESW Yeah, that happens. Here's my thing: after splitting off from the party, I'd've handed my sheet to the DM and gotten the new guy out
Since it's not like I can come back
Without dying
And not a particularly sensible one; I was able to point at an aspect on his character sheet which said he wouldn't do it.
And the betrayal wasn't so much "throwing them to the wolves" or "stabbing them in the back" as "wandering off to do his own thing when they needed him."
@BESW Now we have reached the point of true stupidity on the player's part yes.
@Dorian I'm about to publish two books and I'm so nervous about it that I'm speaking entirely in italics
@Lord_Gareth I totally read that in Pinkie-Pie's nervous voice.
@Dorian I approve of this interpretation.
Now I wanna rewatch all of MLP:FiM again...
I forget (because I don't pay a lick of attention to any news ever) is there going to be another season?
I dunno, I haven't even caught up to Season 4 here
Q: Reword question or new question?

xenoterracideI asked a question about spec-ing npcs a while back, and I realize that I still don't really have an answer I like. The problem I'm having is either I make enemies that can easily tear the head off a player, or they just get creamed by the players. I don't seem to be doing a good job of judging h...

I think they've contracted for s5 and s6.
But yeah, I've got Path of War Expanded: Harbinger coming up as soon as the layout guy gets to it
And Psionics Augmented: Wilder
@Lord_Gareth Is that sufficient?
@Lord_Gareth Grats!
@BESW Indeed.
@BESW Yeah but now I'm at the stage of my design process where I bite my nails bloody and fret and worry.
Watched S4 on a site that was uploading them the day after they played. There were a few youtubers that did it too.

Lately I've been largely out of pony activity, but I've been busy as frick anyways. I'll occasionally check out the Friendship is Dragons webcomic but I haven't even done that in a while. I'm such a casual brony it sickens me! not. lol. Been busy with D&D, NWoD, work, and hookah. Leading a pretty damn full life. Yesterday was my first lazy saturday in... months? idfk lol
Anyone know of some good dragonwrought kobold art? (with or without wings) Also... was gonna start a kobold appreciation thread on 4chan's /tg/ but then I found someone brought up 5e kobolds and it turned into a kobold appreciation/discussion thread lol
That's a thing
Tell me, @Dorian. Do you like reader-input webcomics?
Sometimes. Last one I enjoyed was PrequelAdventure, and I haven't even read that in a while. Problem is I'd love to be able to read webcomics on say a tablet, but I don't have a net connection at work, i have a shitty tablet, and I don't have one of those nifty smartphones or android thing-a-ma-bobs.
@Dorian Ah, all future reference; we try to keep this chat PG-13.
My exposure to webcomics these days is few and far between. I used to stalk dozens, now it's rare for me to look for them at all.
[Has problems with that at times]
Now I'm confused... Was it the S word? I don't recall that being over PG-13...
Depends on who you ask.
And this is keeping in mind that I really love to cuss
In any event, a friend of mine draws this one: wildwestscifi.net/gencrawlgaiden/10117
GenCrawl Gaiden. It's a roguelike, of sorts
Currently 51 updates in
This chat is less "never say anything naughty!" and more "only use it when it really counts and is necessary for the idea."
@BESW In that case, my usage of it is appropriate. It really is a s****y tablet :P
It's this generic Polaroid "internet tablet" that runs off some sort of gimped Android OS mockery. I use it for reading PDF's of my gaming books at work and storing chara pics for the tabletop games I go to and that's pretty much all I ever use it for.
I bought the thing off someone for $30 iirc. He needed money to get his dad something for father's day. His story on the tablet seemed legit, including his daughter dropping it to give it this crack in the screen. (there was a video on it of some little girl that kinda looked like him playing with it and dropping it, and a few pics of him and the little girl, and more vids of the little girl accidentally turning on the recording lol)
Incidentally @BESW, why do you think it is that on/in chat rooms with less roleplayers you see a marked decrease in emoting?
That's especially interesting to ask me, because I was narrating myself, out loud and in real life, long before I ever started role-playing.
@BESW Now that I believe.
Although in that context it's more "literary," as in full-sentence third-person narration.
(He clarified helpfully.)
As one must.
Clarifying unhelpfully never caught on.
I suppose what I'm getting at is this
Emoting, to a small (very small) extent, replaces body language and non-verbal expression that text can't match
Heads tilt curiously. People blink in shock. We shift our weight or hug or glomp
Chats without roleplayers still lack those methods of expression
And yet they don't develop the sort-of-solution that emoting represents
[shrug] I honestly don't see it. Just about everyone in my circles and chats--RPers and non-RPers--uses emoticons and other substitutes for body language and tonal cues.
In chat, people often use "emoji's" I think they are called now, like :) or ;| or :P or whatever. Also they use punctuation, the word choice, and sometimes even the flow can express what a persons emotions are.
Harry Potter fanficcers on LJ *glomp* each other; MSN IMers go :P at each other.
@InbarRose Emojis are a unique, specialised pictorial language which has evolved from the emoticon.
Okay. Yeah. I'm not hip.
But yes, the emoticon itself--the smily and its family--are a nigh-universal subsystem for providing body and tonal cues which are easily lost in text-based communication.
3 hours later…
Q: What steps do you take when building your world?

xenoterracideI want to take a chronicle off the rails so to speak. I feel as though I only ever have one plot in front of me. I also always feel like I'm directly under the player deadline. I'm just ahead of the game most of the time. I'm trying to find a process in which I can build the world that make sure ...

Too board?
I have run about 3, 1hour panels on 3 subtopics of this,
concluding with a workshop where we made a campaign in 1 hour.
and all through that it was filled with disclaimers, like "This is just one way to do it, I don't even do it this way all the time."
@Oxinabox Make this a comment.
If you ever feel that your question needs both a system tag and the tag, it's probably too broad.
If there is a tag, that is for your entire question ([tag:world-building], and your question is no narrower than the tag wiki,
It is probable too broad
If there is a SE Site that is for your question (worldbuilding.stackexchange.com) and its purpose is no narrower than your question,,, it is probably too broad
Ooh, sass from the scifi.se meta: "I have no idea whether this site is supposed to be child-friendly or not, though judging from the language in some of the posts, grade school children do read and post here."
I was going to make a joke about the mods are asleep post 5e chat when I saw wax eagles comment, but then I realised I'm not witty enough to think one up.
How about 5e ponies?
seems impractical
so it was 5e in all but name
Looks like it
a fun read
even a bit inspiring
It's certainly not the first RPG he played with his kids, though.
well still
I like it, is that a crime? :P
Probably not.
it doesn't make it worse if he has played rpg's with his kids before
Table of Random Laws says no. This time.
[disappears to find cheap ac items for a caster]
Hirelings using Aid Other.
They're like ablative armour, for only coppers a day!
So far I'm using mage armor, a +1 mithril buckler and an amulet of natural armor +1
Sounds like 3.5. Shield is useful.
(Stacking with the buckler is... weird... though.)
I'm current at 19 (10+4(dex)+4(mage armor)+1(natural))
And don't discount spells that grant resistance or miss chance.
My gold allocation went as such 46k base, 16k on +4 int, 17.5k on a lesser quicken rod, 2 on mithril buckler +1, 2 on amulet of nautral armor
got 8.5 left
I should probably pick up a cloak of resistance +2 for 4k
Know that feel.
Current 3.5 charbuild project is something that will make most people cringe or hate me. Anyone wanna hear?
No? Alrighty. I'll go get me some morning ENERGY
@sarthak [wave]
Afternoon / Morning
I've started trying to piece together my Wild West DFEA playtest for Aslan and Emrakul.
Since they've only made one PC and haven't added much to my setting sketch yet...
@Dorian charbuild... project? Do tell me.
@doppelgreener [wave]
Maybe you can help me with my other DFAE game!
[inserts spoiler buffer in Lair]
[corrects reply so as to be gasping at the right message]
A: Reword question or new question?

doppelgreenerProbably a pretty simple rule of thumb is: Are you asking a totally new question? Or did you totally stuff up expressing your previous question, and want to ask roughly the same thing better? If it's the former, ask a new question. Otherwise you should probably revise. You could consider flaggi...

i left some advice here and would appreciate sanity checking, including downvotes and comments if i am being dumb
(general invitation to the entire chat, not BESW specifically ^)
2 hours later…
Hands AfroAkuma a bag of potato chips
[Has Chai]
...Curses, there was something I was going to ask Afroakuma about last night and now I've forgotten it.
Check your logs, it'll probably come up.
Allo Tarmikos
It was something I'd been thinking about on IRC. I'll figure it out eventually.
That's what I mean; you should be able to find it in the IRC log.
Oh. Heh. I, ah, I don't keep logs. Or know how to.
Emerald does
the chat also automatically logs using Delvin's service
Or, ask me, @Lord_Gareth.
Like I said, it'll come to me. I have chai. Chai solves all ills
So, @Lord_Gareth I'm debating something and I want your opinion on things.
@Tarmikos11 Speak, supplicant.
1:51:36 AM <Lord_Gareth> It's a /very/ friendly community
1:52:22 AM <Lord_Gareth> BESW is, like, Broseidon
1:52:26 AM <Lord_Gareth> God of the Brocean
Interesting terminology.
I'm trying to make a Flanking Striker to work with Metool's character in Aaron's game, and I was wondering which you thought would be better to mix with Rogue? Paladin of Freedom, or Chaotic Good Cleric? (I have my heart set on Divine Caster for this, because back-up heals).
If it's the casting you value, cleric.
As a general rule, Cleric is always the superior dip
The only thing Paladin brings to the table, really, is the stronger saves.
Esp. because of how versatile domains and domain powers are
I'm trying for a balance of things here that doesn't fully fall into the domain of striker.
Not to mention devotion feats
And/or DMM
@Lord_Gareth Pathfinder?
I've already got 6 levels of Rogue involved in this for combat ability, I'm just trying to balance out the saves, get a bit more hit points out of it, the heals are a must, and the weapons I wanna use are covered fully, so that's nothing to worry about.
@Metool Statements about domains remain, then, and clerics have very solid 1st-level casting
PF!Paladin is mostly only good as a striker to begin with as well
Since Smite
Can't forget lay on hands/channel energy (the value of which is multiplied by a vitalist in the party).
The smiting is what drew me to Paladin in the first place, but, then I figured I could pick up aligned channel and get some damage out of channeling.
Damnit, I hate waffling on choices like these.
@Grubermensch Greetings!
5 hours later…
@Zachiel "@Arkhaic They cast labyrinth? Add a second copy of the toughest monster to any encounter."
1 hour later…
5e is now the 6th ranked tag on the stack with a good ways to go to catch #5 , and it will probably take a while as they will increment together on numerous questions.

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