yes, that's one of the reasons that people who have been around here for a while will argue that votes/popularity is not a good standard of question quality
generally the less specific or system dependent a question is, the wider the possible audience, but also the greater risk of not meeting site standards
Concept for a website: Very simple page, prompts user to enter monster's Int and whether they're proficient with Int saves or not. Calculates percentage (rounding up), and also rolls for them.
Tangentially, it's kinda wild to see Forbidden Planet use the traditional flying saucer spaceship design for a human craft, after we've had so many decades of it being a default alien shape.
I love seeing old seminal works that have influenced modern culture, and how much their influence has drifted from the source material.
(Warner Bros. and Straczynski have recently talked about some kind of film based on Forbidden Planet, but it seems to be a dead project.)
(For which I'm glad, because Straczynski is anti-retro for this kind of thing.)
I asked a question a while back and it never really got answered to my satisfaction, but I realize that a huge part of that was my failure to ask it well.
So, recently, I posted a new question that was much better formed, and got some really good answers. What should be done about the old questi...
I am very concerned about tomorrow's game, because I have an outcome I'm trying to design towards instead of just designing scenarios and seeing what happens.
No, I meant when the campaign has a predefined story that the GM is just running the players through. This isn't exactly what BESW is doing, I just thought I'd mention it.
One of our players isn't going to be with us next week, and I'm trying to help orchestrate a way for him to get his character out of the story dramatically.
@Miniman No, that's the other playtest game.
I'm confident my players will work with me on achieving this outcome.
As an aside from the low-level "lecture" (I don't want to post there since this is only tangentially related), CR isn't terribly accurate. So, how do you fine-tune it to your particular party? (at any power level)
@BESW I have been thinking of expanded functionality, yeah. I'll try and get basics covered on the weekend, at least. I'm very much looking forward to making up the expanded version, the fillable Mandrake equation.
Figure out percentile chances of things you don't want to happen happening.
(granted, 1st level is a coin toss)
If the monster has some specific weakness, can the party actually target that weakness?
Gareth and Fro can elaborate more, but it's essentially trying your hardest to figure out how to brutally murder your party with it while simultaneously trying your hardest to figure out how the party can kill it.
@InbarRose Yeah, I can put any tag I want on the room and it'll try to link back an tag page, but I'm not limited to extant tags.
tables is up there as a pathetic attempt to make it more obvious that we aren't a chat for video games, mathematics, grenade launchers, or website design (the most common things which random people stumble in here to mistakenly talk about).
Here's a phrase: "Background mua-ha-ha-er." The villain in the shadows who is apparently behind every evil plot and minor mishap but has not yet actually done anything beyond laugh evilly as though the thwarting of his minions were all part of his master plan.
I asked this question and accepted an answer, however, another answer incorporated the accepted answer and is now clearly better. Should I change my selection to the now better answer?
D&D 3e's A&EG had a mundane armor property called quick escape, costing 300gp. I know it costs 500gp in 3.5e so there's been an update but I can't find in which manual it is. Google only finds out the A&EG version.
I was reading about the traveler's any tool and nodded off.
Dreamt that a fat dragon in a dress was being kicked by a rat man until it fell over. The dragon then farted igniting a gas puddle. That is when I woke up