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Oh my god that Old Man Henderson story was SO GOOD.
Is there any way to regain sanity in Call of Cthulu?
In CoC? depends on the nature of it.
There's temporary, indefinite, and permanent insanity; the first two are based on what percentage of your total score you lost at once, while the last is just "you hit 0."
None of it is truly irredeemable, but permanent insanity generally means you're going to be a raging hobo or locked up for months, if not years.
I don't know about Trail of Cthulhu, though.
I went and looked into it, because if I ever wind up in a CoC game, I wanna work another possible path to a Victory.
@Tarmikos11 Henderson was aided greatly by the GM being...the way he was.
I very much doubt such a thing would be possible with the assumed/intended caliber of GM
I'm trying to figure out the narrative positioning of the GM and players.
Like, when Henderson sees a lawn gnome stuck to the truck; who decided to narrate that in?
@BESW WHM's story implies that the GM put it there.
He makes it sound like the GM did it, but I'm having a hard time believing even that GM was derp enough to not see that's the worst kind of enablement you could possibly give Henderson and GOOD WILL NOT COME OF IT.
I'm aware, but I'm curious to see if I can make a CoC character become so desensitized to the horrors of reality that he/she stops losing sanity save for in INCREDIBLE displays of logic [snip]ery, resulting in them being able to basically use the powers of the dark, forbidding reality against the ones who weave it.
Except on purpose, and with intense therapy sessions between attempts at doing so.
@Tarmikos11 That would mean he has gone insane.
@BESW That's the fun part, trying to balance the horror with the power into an effective combination.
If you are not affected by cosmic panic, that means you are now one with it.
Okay, so perhaps tapping a level of a specific type of insanity that results in the horror being lessened.
@BESW Please do not become one with me, I already have a wife.
I suggest you read . It's a quick, short read that really essentialises the nature of the Mythos Investigator (as they're purely an RPG concept and it's not helpful to equate Investigator PCs to characters in any other Mythos medium).
You may also find this useful:
A: Did Lovecraft ever describe his fiction as 'cosmic horror'?

BESWYes, he used the exact phrase "cosmic horror." But not to describe the beings of which he wrote! So far as I can make out, when he mentions cosmic horror --whether in his stories or his essays-- it is the ideas, not the monsters, to which he refers. In his essay Supernatural Horror in Literatu...

They describe Shoggoths as looking vaguely like poodles, so if you played a character that was naiive enough to see them as actually being poodles, it could result in the horror being lessened... Or perhaps make it FAR, FAR worse.
That could represent a successful roll to not gain insanity points, but it would trivialise the insanity mechanic if you could simply narrate away the need for making the roll.
So basically, it'd be luck of the dice at that point.
@Tarmikos11 Let me put this to you as tactfully as possible: you are missing the point on every possible level that you could miss the point. Narrative, check, gameplay, check, simulation, check
@Lord_Gareth Clearly.
No GM worth his salt would let you get away with a character like that, because it's actively subverting the game everyone's there to play.
The insanity check is not as-compared-to-normal-thought.
It is not the insanity caused by a hurt mind trying to heal itself
(and failing obvs but that's a different conversation)
Horror gaming is a delicate construct which needs buy-in from the players in order to not become farce.
The insanity you get from witnessing the Things That Should Not Be is from having every component of your brain assailed with a blue screen
It's from being bludgeoned to death with primal fear
It's the insanity caused by having everything you ever knew to be real getting ripped appart.
So clearly I don't understand the concepts of this game, and therefore should not play it.
Got it.
You possibly should have gotten the hint when they said point-blank that Henderson was a troll character designed for revenge from beyond the grave of 3 unfairly slain characters that robbed the player of his agency
Old Man Henderson's stories are... not to be taken as representational.
The GM really broke the cardinal rule in the worst way.
You don't rob players of their agency.
In a big involved campaign world, players get to control exactly 1 thing
Taking that thing away from them is tantamount to asking them to leave
I started to get the impression of how anti-GM Old Man Henderson was when they went into detail about the shear insanity of the character's Background story.
@Lord_Gareth On the other hand, I have a player who is seriously upset that he hasn't yet been able to accumulate 6 Insanity and become a cultist.
@BESW You spelled it 'player', but I heard 'avid fan of having weasels stapled to his crotch'.
@Lord_Gareth [Starts laughing and coughing to near-death again]
@BESW eh?
I'm getting the feeling that your presence in this chat may cause me to kill my first man. I am unsure of how to feel about such a comedic act of negligent homicide.
Unrelated to all of this. I love how the local convenience store makes a point of making sure that the Soda Fountain doesn't run out of the flavors me and my family drink.
Every game of CD, the same pattern: most of the party shoots up to 3 or 4 Insanity really fast, and then the Investigator with the least Insanity uncovers something horrible skyrockets to 5, and everything goes to hell.
@trogdor Dan.
I was the player who hadn't ever died till our very latest game
Fun fact - stapling a weasel to anything makes it extremely angry. At that point it's just a matter of picking your target.
The one Lovecraft-style game I ever played, my character was the daughter of cultists who narrowly survived the disaster that killed the rest of her family and emerged out the other side in deep denial about being dangerously genre savvy
and surprisingly I think we only had 2 cases of 6 insanity characters
But the ST made the mistake of trying to run an actual horror game in nWoD
Erm, sorry, oWoD
Things turned into action heroes very swiftly
Because oWoD is a freaking cesspit
All the Old Man Hendersons?
Except minus the troll side of things?
@Tarmikos11 All the reality-warping mage apprentices
Well, that's no fun.
Like, legit here, dangerously genre-savvy girl disrupted a cultist ritual by causing them to garble the incantations while hallucinating correct ones
Thus making all of them explode in waves of uncontrolled 'dox
That killed the BBEG
Time to total plot destruction: three hours
Somebody has to be left to cope with the crippling realization that everything they understood about Reality isn't worth the dirt the players are standing on.
Four months of careful planning, wholly undone by the ST not understanding that oWoD is mostly composed of false advertising
... What in the flying hell is oWoD?
Wait, nevermind.
World of Darkness.
Old World of Darkness
Took me a bit.
A very poorly written supernatural action movie RPG
That lies to you
And claims to be about horror and deep moral questions
I'm usually better with Acronyms, Idunno what's wrong with me this year.
youtube.com/watch?v=k76IGLi6jWI Related to the topic of stapling weasels to things.
@Lord_Gareth Thanks to The Power Of Unclear Pronounce Reference, I'm going to choose to read that as meaning stapling a weasel to something enrages the thing the weasel's been stapled to.
@BESW Free barbarian rage exploit!
@Lord_Gareth [Takes note for Furnok]
Friendly reminder for folks that the plot of most Fallout games can be summed up with "A young adult deals with the troubles involved in making it on their own."
Guten morgen, alles.
Guten morgen, meine freund.
Guten tag
What, no one remembers that boss saying that? I feel old...
@Magician In the 20 years since I've played Wolfenstein, other German associations have overridden that one. :)
What's up with the German? ;)
Ich habbe keine idae. (Please don't shoot me for badly spelled German. I took the class three years ago.)
Can't a guy just casually greet his chat-room compatriots with a bit of borrowed German he can hardly speak? :)
I got no problem with it.
So, I went and bought myself a Cigar from the convenience store, and I regret it.
Because those cigars suck.
@lisardggY No problem, just curious. :)
So, I got a bi-polar friend who's in a down time. Anyone know anything about helping that?
Nevermind. Figured it out.
On the occasions that my gaming groups contained people who could draw, it was always awesome when they drew the characters or scenes from the game.
Not being a particularly visual person, I am often surprised at how my own characters come out when drawn.
I particularly like how both me and the players are listed as authors of the story. Which is very true, and why I'm loving Fate.
@Magician I'm looking forward that with this DFAE playtest; until now most of our games have been more traditional in terms of GM/player relationships to plot.
But I really want to hand it over to the players this time around.
"I'm investigating!" [rolls success with style] "What did I find out?"
"What *did* you find out? Please, tell us."
@BESW I hate to potentially be a bother, but, I have a vague feeling that you've heard me mention my foray into DM'ing, and I was wondering if you had any advice that helped you when you got started?
BTW, @Magician, I told my mother about Citizen Science, and she in turn has informed me of Citizen Cartography.
@Tarmikos11 Hmmm.
Do you have any particular challenges you're facing, or are you looking for general wisdom/insight/derp to avoid?
Mostly the latter. Take your time thinking on that, I gotta get ready for work.
See, most of the gamers I knew when I started GMing were almost as new to it as I was, and none of them had any experience GMing at all.
I'm in the same boat, but I still wanna make sure that if/when they play with a different GM, their standards aren't SUPER low.
So I didn't have a lot of advice being given me outside of what the 3.0 and 3.5 DMGs dispensed, and I had to learn mostly from my own mistakes.
I wanna give my players a memorable experience that's not just memorable for being the first game (For some of them) but memorable in relation to other games later.
And a decent set of standards for what a DM should be/do.
Thankfully, even though I'm working in my own setting, I'm keeping the adventures fairly standard fare 'til I get my metaphorical sea legs.
They're starting at level 2, so I figure around level five I'll have garnered a combination of my own experience and the advice of others enough to start running more complex adventures.
I was extremely ambitious, adapting a bizarre setting from a novel which I now realise was written as a subversion of the D&D setting.
I showed up to the first session with great stacks of plot notes which I had to throw out half an hour into the game because Rule One: Your Players Will Never Do What You're Counting On Them To Do.
I'm running an AU version of the Greyhawk setting, set in a fairly distant future from the typical setting (Though not having progressed much in technology) where all the classic Gods have died, (Save for Obad-Hai) and an artifact was made to account for the power vaccuum.
Which tests would-be gods based on their achievements and personal merit.
Kinda like a sorting hat, but with a much simpler set of options. Yes or No.
So, there are as many version of what GMs should be or do as there are GMs, it seems.
Well, I'm kinda worried that every time anything happens that's bigger than a few monsters at a time, my players will wanna go to where this Artifact is and try for Godhood.
I have plans for discouraging that, but I worry it might seem like I'm arbitrarily punishing them for going outside my plans.
A D&D Dungeon Master has a different set of expectations than a Fate Game Master than a White Wolf Storyteller than a Call of Cthulhu Keeper, and within each of those contexts there's a wide spectrum of "the right way to do it."
I think this idea of mine is a good one, in regards to the God Artifact. Wanna hear it?
Here's my cardinal rule of gaming, for players and GMs alike: Make sure everyone is safe and happy, in that order, and talk with the group about what will help keep them safe and happy.
Safe in real life safe? Or in-game safe?
Because from what I understand, you don't really want them to feel safe, otherwise the experience of winning a fight becomes trivial.
Real life safe. I know that seems kinda no-duh, but believe me: it's not always obvious and easy.
I was referring to in-game safe in the thing I mentioned.
Also, for the real life side of things, it helps that I'm running it through roll20 and not at a real table.
Table environment is paramount. If you have a group environment where everyone feels safe and knows their ideas about how the game experience should go will be listened to and respected, you've won.
Lots of potential for inter-party conflict with this group.
"Safe" includes physical and mental safety. I've got a player who will leave the group if I ever make bees a threat in the game; I've had other players who feel real-life discomfort if certain religious or sexual topics are handled too bluntly.
To explain, Lawful Good Cleric, Lawful Neutral Sorceress, Neutral Good Bard (With a Lawful Evil side, long story) True Neutral Rogue, and a Chaotic Evil Barbarian.
If you can get a group dynamic where players feel free to give input on the experience, and you listen to it, then your mistakes will be forgiven and your triumphs will belong to the group. That will make a memorable experience.
[Nods and tips hat] Much obliged.
I made a TON of awful mistakes at first, and @trogdor will tell you I still commit massive boners on a semi-regular basis.
I hate to be rude, but I do gotta start getting ready for work, so I'll see you and the other folks here later.
Aight, see you around.
But I respected my players enough to own up to my mistakes, make restitution and ask forgiveness, and I listened to them and tried to learn from them.
In turn they gained enough trust in me not to second-guess and challenge my choices unless it was actively making them uncomfortable.
here, have a story from one of my very first sessions:

The Tale of The Dwarven Cleric, or I Poke Him: 101 Stupid RP Tricks, Volume One.

Dec 26 '12 at 12:06, 7 minutes total – 36 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jun 25 '13 at 19:03 by BESW

@Lord_Gareth I have a tweet for you.
Someone take the internet away from me, I'm using it to get into fights with people again.
1 hour later…
Thank you, @BESW, for this wonderful gift
@Lord_Gareth [bow and a flourish]
New Doctor Who episode: lots of nods to some questionable but classic Old Who stuff, no Missy, some deliciously indulgent ridiculousness, and an actor who really should have been cast as the Master.
Huh. This pic of /V/'s daughter is pretty awesome
Also: fan theories are beginning to lean toward a Green Lantern crossover.
@BESW I'll watch it in an hour or two, after the baby's asleep.
Finally watched Guardians of the Galaxy, though. I'm back in the conversation!
@lisardggY I'll just say this: "Pink, Blue, and Scarlet."
@lisardggY yey!
@BESW It's not lacking in flaws, but it's the Marvel movie I've most enjoyed, I think.
@Lord_Gareth Nothing will go over your head.
In other news, I've been playing this ex-ganger in a Star Wars freeform I'm in. She was up in a training match against a classist bully, decided to fight him without her lightsaber. Notable for this story in context: the two of them are training to become Imperial Knights, a Force-using tradition from the EU notable for their militaristic culture and favoring gauntlets that can short out lightsabers.
My usual line when someone asks for no spoilers on something is to go "But there was the awesome bit with the aliens!". This, I realize, works better for shows and movies which do not, in fact, have aliens in them.
Dude makes fun of her for not having a weapon, she laughs and says she's wearing four weapons.
@lisardggY Well, in that case.
Classist jerk charges her with the saber like it's a claymore and she grabs it to short it, clocks him across the face ("One), uppercuts his jaw into a splintered mess of bone ("two"), kicks his knee in ("three") and then stomps on his chest and leans over. "Four. And if you ever say anything about my lover again, the stomp goes where you don't heal."
@Lord_Gareth But there was this awesome bit with aliens a duck Kevin Bacon aliens!
Rest of the squad's looking at her like "What the hell?"
(And then she got in trouble for excessive force in training :p)
You know, one thing that bugs me with RPGs in general, but especially ones that claim to model realistic combat, is both how non-lethal unarmed attacks are, and how little putting on stuff like boots & gauntlets helps.
I mean, if you put on a plate glove you essentially have a mace at the end of your arm.
Big plate boots will mess a dude right the hell up in a decidedly lethal manner
DFAE setting: a little town on a tiny island off the coast of Hawaii. Generally not a particularly supernatural locale; there are some little folk on the fae side of things, but in the "real world" there's just the occasional changeling or minor practitioner.
@Lord_Gareth I don't actually know many that really try to model realistic combat.
Even the ones with hit locations and location-specific hit points and such don't really try to model combat, only to give the player more crunch to fiddle with.
It's home base for a gang that operates on the mainland, because the only access is by boat so they can keep an eye on who comes and goes.
It's more detailed, not more realistic.
@lisardggY D&D and Pathfinder make a big deal about it, which is annoying when they do failsauce stuff like that.
Or, say, the sling reloading mechanics
Which are just...painful.
Current issue is probably related to organised crime; impending issue is that a LOT of international-level supernatural powers are about to be looking at this little island very VERY closely.
And to continue with that specific example
@Lord_Gareth I disagree. 3.PF are entirely unrealistic. They have little bits like reloading and stuff, usually for balance's sake, maybe flavored as realism, but I don't think you'll find the word "realism" used much.
(The White Council and Monoc Securities already have agents on the ground there.)
A ton of the stuff 3.PF adds to stuff don't actually balance the game and are explicitly stated to be there for 'realism'
Like crossbow reloading
Just because there are more details to mess with doesn't mean it's going for realism.
@lisardggY Designers running off at the mouth like idiots usually does, though. Explicit statements are a nice thing that way.
There's a difference between believability/internal coherency and simulated realism.
Although the two are often conflated.
Potential places to give aspects and faces: the dock, a bar and/or a club; a seedy apartment building; wherever the gangsters hold court.
Even by designers.
And now, goodnight.
@BESW It's all pretty cool, since I'm guessing most of your players won't be pacific islanders, so the setting will be innovative for them
You know, Riven is a great example of a character whose beliefs change when they are challenged without involving a total rejection of those beliefs (related: youtube.com/watch?v=FITJ_aB0HpQ)
Riven was raised in the city of Noxus (in the setting of League of Legends), believing in the Noxian values of strength, independence and worth through might.
She joins the army thinking to earn glory and prove her strength, her value to the city she loves.
During the course of the war she fought, she assassinated civilians, crushed enemy battalions on her own, no questioning of her orders.
And then she saw the other side of Noxus - the side that gas bombs towns with mutagens, the side that shields their elite instead of making them prove their worth, the side that preaches strength and practices weakness
And she left. She left but she hasn't abandoned Noxus as an ideal. What she has abandoned is the idea that strength entitles you to do whatever you want
The strong should rule, in her mind - but only so long as they remain responsible to and for the weak
She sees Noxus as a place that's betrayed its own ideals because of leadership that perverts them
And that has been my rambling about Riven
@Magician - I think I may do my next blog post on the idea of opportunity costs, possibly specifically opportunity costs in 3.PF and how that influences design & character optimization decisions
Or possibly how it should influence design decisions since Paizo made it clear ages ago if they gave less of a damn they would enter Platonic levels of not caring about their own work.
2 hours later…
Q: I think I just created a tag, is it appropriate?

gatherer818I didn't notice we didn't already have a roll20 tag for the pretty big virtual tabletop located at roll20.net. I added a few tags to a new question and afterwards clicked the roll20 tag to see the tag-wiki for it out of curiosity; and then noticed it not only didn't have a tag wiki, but it only ...

2 hours later…
We seem to be growing a plague of "do what is the most fun" answers, particularly to technical questions.
@Lord_Gareth Pretty awesome and what the hell happened to her thumb
Q: The [rules] tag has just been burninated

doppelgreenerI just burninated the rules tag. It had no wiki, and appeared to be uselessly broad, since almost every question on here is about rules. I'm leaving this question here to record this burnination. If this tag crops up again, we'll know it isn't the first time, and maybe it'll be worth blacklistin...

@Zachiel that is a good question and i wonder if the painter is asking themselves that
@Emrakul Yep, getting answers is tough around here. Especially since we're not meant to use the tag.
@doppelgreener approved
@trogdor good to have your seal of approval on your seal of approval
@Emrakul on which questions, 5e questions or in general?
@doppelgreener Well, really any question regarding the interpretation of a spell, or "what should I do as a GM?" questions
@Emrakul if it is a major consistent problem, you could point it out in a similar fashion to how BESW pointed out the fate gremlin:
Q: The gremlin in our answers: "Fate is narrative" answers to mechanical Fate questions

BESWIt seems like there's a gremlin in the Fate answers. He bites without warning, no one is immune, and while he'd been quiet for some time, he's back now. And he's making it hard to get good answers, which makes people not want to ask at all (I'll explain that at the end, after I've defined what I'...

there is often room for 'do what is fun' in those questions but if it comes in place of actually answering the question that is a problem
@doppelgreener I've thought about doing something like this, but it's a scarily contentious issue to go near.
@doppelgreener My impression is that the painter wanted / was asked to put her thumpb on top of the joystick and, rather than redrawing the whole arm...
@Zachiel that'd make sense, though I'd err to just leave her thumb off it...
or move the joystick?
@Miniman first step would be to gather some concrete, super good examples of what's going on here, so we can work on it further
if it's a case of people simply not answering the question - i.e. not providing any insight into the problem - and instead saying something like "do whatever's fun!" then we have a category of non-answers that is pretty close to the case of the fate gremlin
if I have a pointer1, and pointer2 pointing to pointer1, and I set pointer2 equal to nullptr does that create a memory leak?
@Hellovart 100% off-topic for this chat
@doppelgreener I think the tendency is more towards 'I don't know about the rules but here is how I would rule on that issue.'
Which is an answer, it's just a fairly crappy one.
@doppelgreener I did not find that meta post especially helpful to make; this one is better:
Q: How do we handle a desire to challenge the frame of a question?

mxyzplkSometimes, someone asks a question that seems like it might suffer from the XY Problem (asking about your attempted solution instead of your actual problem) and you want to point that out. Or you feel that something about the question frame makes answering the question invalid and the only tenab...

Hey, look, a plot hook:
A combo gunsmith and collectible doll shop moved in next to the grocery store. I love this town. It worries me sometimes.
@BESW this is a lot like Moylans Party World, and Moylans Guns and Ammo
they are literally the same building
cut into 2 halves
For those not familiar with Guam, there is also a Moylan's Insurance.
@BESW Both were helpful. Yours at least pointed out the behaviour, brought out discussion on it, brought attention to its impact by the people engaging in it, gave it a name, and gave us something to link to when people did it.
Worst part about reading back through the weekend's transcript... do I reply to a days-old conversation that interests me, or not...?
@Miniman oh. yes, agreed.
@Adeptus I know exactly what you mean.
@trogdor ... i can see how that would work well together
@doppelgreener yes, but that would likely be an illegal party
@BESW This Moylan guy sounds awesome. And probably Mafia-ish.
@Lord_Gareth this made me smile a lot
@Miniman The Moylan family is also prominent in the local government.
How do you strikethrough in chat?
But on mainsite it's <s>strikethrough</s>
@BESW This Moylan guy sounds awesome. And probably Mafia-ish.
@doppelgreener Half-Life: Physics is really hard.
@Miniman especially during alien invasions
Half-Life: Physicist's upper-body workout regimen pays off.
It certainly does
I don't know anyone else who can sustain swinging a crowbar indefinitely
@trogdor Never mind that, he slaughtered hundreds of professional soldiers by himself!
he did
I am not saying he didn't
@trogdor Well, Jack from BioShock.
It's a wrench, but same smell.
@trogdor And you don't find it more impressive than swinging a crowbar?
I am saying some of those soldiers, and also some aliens, have very suspicious crowbar shaped wounds
@BESW 100% coincidence.
@Miniman that isn't what I am saying
the crowbar swinging is a product of his strength
@trogdor Or is it the cause? Does his upper-body workout regimen consist entirely of crowbar swinging? This would explain much.
he is a strange person
and since he doesn't talk, we may never know
imagining Gordon Freeman as a maniac who swings crowbars endlessly each day for exercise suddenly explains so much
@doppelgreener it does
this is something I imagined while playing Half life, during certain points
The one I still don't get is Red Faction. At the start of the game, you go through a tutorial where they tell you you're a Red Faction operative who's going there to help the revolution. Then the game starts and you're a random miner who's never even heard of the Red Faction.
I would sometimes charge people who were shooting me, swinging a crowbar, and still manage to kill them all
@doppelgreener @trogdor If you have anything to suggest re: issues/faces/places for our DFAE game, I'd love to hear it.
@Miniman That sounds like a Paranoia plot to me.
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