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@Miniman i'll find out in a few hours :) got some stuff to work on first
@BESW Discussing the problems of D&D throughout the ages?
Whinging about it.
@Ethereal [wave] What's new?
@BESW You'll never hear me whinge about D&D. (Well 5th ed, at least). Unless it's to complain that it's just too awesome!
You know what's really awesome?
Hello, @Ethereal!
@Zachiel Also the word grognardery.
Can we please all share a moment to respect our favorite vocabulary words?
@Ethereal So, snuggling up to the chat biscuit, are you?
I am! I just opened it up
@Emrakul I do get a wonderful and unique feeling from saying 'Eviscerate' out loud.
so I figured I would check out all the hubbub
Cozenege, bailiwick, chirurgeonly, and sclerotic are among my favorites.
@Lord Hmm... have you tried shouting it? I've heard that improves the effect.
Defenestration takes the top for me.
@Emrakul And/or makes you feel like a Potterverse wizard.
@Emrakul No, I find a subtle murmur to be best, typically while fingering a sharp, curved object
@Miniman aha! figured out the @ feature, that's neat. I'm glad you liked that terminology. I try to be at least entertaining even if I'm being rather dense.
@Ethereal You can also reply to a specific message by hitting the arrow on the side.
@Ethereal And if you click on the small bent arrow next to the flag and the star you can see if you hover over a message, you can directly reply to specific messages
@Miniman thank you that helps
Ninjed, but -I was more exhaustive- u_u
@Zachiel Ninjas are never exhausted.
The chat also has a hidden feature that permits you to summon demons of desolation and hate by mentioning certain words out loud.
@gatherer818 Swearing-free version: Paizo boards are hostile (as in swarm of velociraptors) toward people who try to debate RAW.
@Lord_Gareth Seankreynolds
Slow down guys, I can only kill so many people at one time
[Nyarlathotep's tendril reaches through the void and into the chatroom]
Dungons and Dargons!
I need to get a list and MapQuest around
@Lord_Gareth What the hell is a MapQuest?
Also, the stars are bright tonight.
@Miniman It's the thing he'll use to find your house.
It's like a fetch quest, but all you're doing is tracing your finger on a map.
@doppelgreener AOL still exists? You learn something new every day!
@Miniman it does, as some kind of small tendrilly growth loosely linking much healthier organisms
@doppelgreener That...makes AOL sound better than it ever has before.
I think, actually, it might now exist mainly in the form of simply owning other companies
Same thing with Yahoo.
I know they still have a mail service...not sure whether they still offer a proxy web portal
@Miniman Speaking of which, last night I dreamed I ran a Lovecraftian campaign where cultists used pop songs to summon ancient horrors.
@Miniman Hello, Miniman, welcome to NetHack! You are a neutral male dwarf Ranger. The stars are bright tonight. Be careful!
@BESW Never gonna give Cthulu up! Never gonna let Cthulu down.
Str: 3d6
@doppelgreener This Ranger's not looking good already...
@Miniman Little in the middle but Hastur's come back!
Argh why did you have to remind me that 5e brought rolling for stats back
That disease was dead. DEAD
@Lord_Gareth Actually, there's a standard point array.
I think there may even be a point buy system.
@Miniman rangers in nethack usually have pretty decent strength actually
Pshhh, rolling for stats makes the most sense.
I mean, it comes out right on average, right?
@Miniman there is
But I've never met any players who didn't prefer rolling for stats anyway.
> That is not dead which can eternal lie...
and in fact point buy/standard is required for org play
@Emrakul The demon known as Murphy mocks your 'averages' from the blackest pits of Hell and weaves sorcery unknown to the quickling race of Man
@Miniman [raises hand] count me out of the stat rolling
@Lord If it's not working out, just make the average higher!
3d6+1d8, drop lowest!
@Miniman You can't make me and I will die first
@waxeagle That's legit the first time anyone has said that to me. Every player in every game I've been in has chosen to roll.
I have no interest in something that crucial to my character's existence being decided by random chance...I won't be rolling for HP either, thanks :)
@Miniman There's the difference, though: when you roll, there's a chance that you can get something better!
Same reason people play the lottery. Sure, it could cost me something in the long run, but I could win something better!
@Emrakul Exactly! I need 1 high score, and the others can be as bad as they want! Rolling can get that 1 score higher than the other methods ever could.
@waxeagle On my end of things, I don't want things about my character's nature and personality - like their mental ability scores - out of my control. It's not even about power at that point, it's about I Have a Concept, And I Want to Execute It
My players enjoyed the act of rolling, but often not the results. So in 3.5 we rolled, and took the elite array if it was better.
Once I've got my Int 17 (18 on a good day), the other scores can all be under 10, I'm not fussed.
Especially in 5e where you really only need 1 stat.
My very first PC ever rolled two 18s.
@BESW And probability cried in a corner.
It biased me for rolling for years afterward.
@Miniman We once rolled 17 1s in a row on 1d20.
We all nearly died.
Except by miraculous saving grace cough
Basically @Miniman, the thing with rolling is that it tends to create bad feelings, weird spreads, disable character concepts and force you to draft a personality around you ability scores
All of which gets filed under 'Screw that, seriously'
@Lord_Gareth In my experience, rolling has only ever caused wild celebration at the appearance of an 18.
(Note that roll 4d6 take best 3 is required.)
And quiet disappointment at the appearance of an 8.
Now, if it was roll for stats in order, I'd be first in line to say screw that.
@Miniman Be the guy who rolls a 4 like that
Be the guy who somehow landed straight 12's and 10's
And then tell me you're not upset
> And we'll never surviiiive you;
Earth'll run in our blood!
That apocalypse just ain't for us,
You'll rule without this human fuss...
@Lord_Gareth I've seen it done, the guy put it in Wisdom and roleplayed it amazingly well.
@Lord_Gareth nice League of legends reference
I'd be upset at straight 12's and 10's because you need one really good score.
But here's the thing: with rolling, it's wholly possible that you can end up with scores that suck
And 99% of the time, the GM will just say 'throw it out and roll again'
@Emrakul Word up.
Maybe more importantly, with rolling you don't get to come up with your concept before you roll
Which just shifts the average - may as well let the player decide, no?
@Lord_Gareth Every one of my players had their concept before they rolled.
It defeats the purpose of rolling if we say "4d6D1, but if it's less than N, roll again."
Like I said, if it was roll for stats in order I wouldn't touch it with a 3d6 foot pole
@Miniman How, praytell? How did they go about deciding on aspects like personality, education, intelligence, and backstory when all of these things inform & influence ability score selection?
I've done something like: roll 4d6 drop lowest, do that 6 times to make an array. roll 3 such arrays. if an array has total modifiers below +X, discard it and roll up a new array to replace it. pick one of these arrays, arrange the stats how you like.
@Emrakul Most DM's get a player to reroll the entire array if they end up with a sucky array, rather than individual rolls.
@Lord_Gareth Yep, pretty much. And placed their scores accordingly.
Point's still the same: if the scores are bad, make new ones
@Emrakul yep
the fun of rolling plus the safety of half-decent stats
Every step people add in the process just shifts the average up and tightens the curve
@Miniman Yeah screw that. I take deep pride in making my mechanics and fluff match as closely as I am able. I'm not about to settle for 'good enough' when I had something in mind and some RNG decided to screw me
If you're rolling enough sets, you'll eventually find one that's perfect for the character you want to create, which is what point-buy skips directly to
@Emrakul this, a million times this
@Emrakul - Amusingly, this conversation has an ongoing example of Oberoni: "Everyone fixes rolling, therefore rolling has no problems."
No, rolling has common fixes
It's got plenty of problems
@Lord_Gareth sure has
@Lord_Gareth Oh gods
It's got plenty of problems, but players still prefer it.
Disclaimer: based on sample of players I have played with.
@Miniman each to their own :op
@Emrakul However, your statements have been fairly correct re: those fixes do help mitigate those problems
@Miniman you clearly play with some craaaaaaaaaazy people
@Lord_Gareth <3
@Miniman Eh, if it's what the players want, then it's what the players want.
Based on conversations with my old players and what I've seen on this site, it's often a matter of constraints fuelling creativity.
I gotta admit, this has been an eye-opener. Everyone I'd talked to before has taken it for granted that rolling is much preferred.
I'd be curious, though, @Miniman. If I wrote a program that generated six stats, and had you sit and discard the ones that were terrible and reroll the ones that were suitable, what the distribution would come out to.
(It's often framed as "more realistic," which is patent pablum rising from people being unable to self-analyse and express themselves.)
@Miniman Someone fetch this man the "There is No Such Thing as D&D" article
But straight-up legit: being able to perfectly control the environment and choose all optimal options is not good for creativity.
@Miniman Here's what Lord_Gareth refers to. Basically, an exposition on how D&D means something completely different to everyone who's played it, ever.
In my own experience: when my friends and I were new to D&D 4e (i.e. not that long ago) we preferred rolling to stats. So we rolled 4d6 drop lowest for six. Two of my four players had arrays they were pretty unhappy with (even if they were playable), so I proposed the three-arrays thing. That worked out better. Now we're in Fate, they have no problem with the fact it's by default point-allocation. (Not to imply they had problems with rolling they just took it in stride and never said anything.)
No Such Thing As D&D is written by our own @Magician. It, and other useful/interesting RPG links, can be found in my profile.
@BESW Of course not, but when it comes to building one's own character player agency is pretty important, no? After all, with uncommon exceptions players are often not involved with the worldbuilding, nor do they have input as to the overall tone or progress of the plot.
@Emrakul Except that it reliably means you are probably using these rulebooks, and thus the game probably vaguely resembles so-and-so, unless you are playing in a rules-light-as-in-ignore-the-books game that is barely D&D at all but poses as such. But at least it means you're almost guaranteed to not be playing Dread or Fate.
@Lord_Gareth That depends on the players' attitude; many I've talked to like the challenge of being given a random set of stats which they need to adapt to. Remember, chargen is a solo minigame, and a game without some element of unpredictability is a lot less gamelike.
@doppelgreener I'm confused as to which statement you're responding to, sorry.
(because games that don't like the D&D rules but don't want to play other games can get really weird with the extent to which they'll house-rule but still consider themselves to be playing D&D)
@doppelgreener Zachiel can talk about that experience.
@Emrakul The one the bendy arrow will take you to. It does mean something different to everyone. The thing it does at least mean in common is that you probably are playing with something resembling the D&D ruleset.
@BESW Not everyone treats it as a minigame. When I'm making a character I have one goal: represent my concept. That concept is the tool with which I'll interact with the campaign world.
Building that tool isn't a game, it's a craft
@BESW Yep, he sure can
And I don't want some random ass putting his hand in it
@Lord_Gareth Therein lies the difference in how you view rolling stats.
@doppelgreener Gotcha. Yup, makes sense
@Miniman I'm actually legitimately curious. Would you mind if we ran that test at some point?
@BESW I don't understand how it can be viewed another way. Outside of hack-and-slash play, you're going to be spending 4 to 8 hours of game as this persona you're expressing mechanically. I presume you would like as much input as possible on who they are.
@Lord_Gareth And yet, people do --magically-- have different attitudes than you. It is not illogical, it's just a matter of different play priorities.
@doppelgreener So, the highest 3 of 4d6 averages to 12.25, and there's a 50% chance you'll get at least 13. If you have them roll three sets, and they take the highest set, that average shifts to 14.61.
And the standard deviation drops by a whole point.
To some extent, simply the fact that you are using an RPG system instead of playing free-form means that you, too, are willing to sacrifice some level of input on your character and your play experience, handing it over to the rules and system, and to the GM.
Other players wish to go further with that than you do, but it's still just a matter of degrees.
@BESW My play experience is fine. If I sit down to play a system like 3.PF I'm expecting a certain amount of reaction-action to happen
Which I suppose is why I'm so meticulous about characterization details
I want to know who that person IS
So I know how to react
In my groups I've seen very different attitudes towards RNG for character creation
some players take pride in being able to roleplay whatever the dice give them
some just hope in three 18s. Which they got.
@Lord_Gareth And that's fine, I'm similar in my playstyle.
some are just nostalgic. The edition I started with did it that way, so that's what I want to do.
I'm just saying, the only real difference between sacrificing character control by limiting yourself to the system's rule options, and sacrificing control my rolling your stats, is that you know one of them ahead of time and can more easily predict its impact on the character. It is not such a fundamental paradigm shift as you're making it out to be--and even if it were, don't act like it's badwrongfun.
me, I sorta hate when the dice fall short, so I'm more for point buy. But I never seem to get enough points, and Point Buy does not like getting very high stats
@Emrakul Sure, but players don't necessarily choose based on overall average. They pick based on the fact that this is the set with the 18 in it, or this one has two 16s, or this one has a 15 and 17.
('course, on average, they'll be more likely to be able to access good arrays like that)
@JoshuaAslanSmith I have a few games I've rebought on GOG & Steam by accident.
That's fair. The merits of that method of rolling are not something I think I want to comment on at the moment, but just wanted to let you know :P
it's late. tt
It does almost double the chance of an 18.
@Zachiel night!
@Emrakul Yeah, though, then again that's kind of the point ;) massively increases their chances of getting something good they'll enjoy using
rather than "these are your stats" ".... oh. ok."
I'm reminded of the Cthulhutech dice pool options.
(which comes back to why LG does not like to roll at all)
@BESW What are those?
Let's say you have 9d10 to roll on a DC 12 (average) task.
Before you roll, you can choose how to determine the result of the pool: highest die; sum of highest multiples; or sum of highest string.
With the first choice, you got a 10. With the second, also a 10 (highest multiple is two 5s). With the third, 27 (8+9+10)!
Sum of highest multiples = sum of numbers that are duplicated?
There are two multiples: two 3s and two 5s. 5 is higher than 3, so add the 5s together.
@Emrakul Sorry I wasn't here for a sec, I'd be happy to do this experiment.
And quite interested to see the results.
(There's also game currency you can spend to add dice to your pool, even after you've rolled.)
Seeeeems like highest string is almost always the way to go?
@Miniman Sure! I'll write up something quick and dirty in a minute. Little busy, sorry.
So if I added 1d10 with a Drama Point...
Now highest multiples is 20.
@Emrakul I haven't run the math on it yet, nor read the rest of the system to see how it interfaces with arcanotech, but --yeah, seems like.
@Emrakul All good, me too.
I'ma run some sample rolls in the back room.
@BESW Define how "highest string" is determined. Is it the string of numbers of which the highest number is the highest?
@doppelgreener Yes, I think so.
i.e. a string of [3 4 5 6 7] vs [9 10]: the former has a higher total (25), but the latter has a 10 in it, so you go with that
@BESW straight is a better word, no?
That seems to be the intent.
I mean, I keep rolling strings of four on my desk. 7,6,5,4 that comes out to 22, and 8,7,6,5 that comes out to 26. I could just be getting lucky, but this in no way compares to either of the first two.
@waxeagle Yes, my bad. That's the word they use, now that I'm looking at the book again.
I haven't had a roll under 20 yet.
@Emrakul I just rolled three 6s, but no straight at all.
(And apparently in the system, you only roll a lot of dice if you're pretty good at something, so straights are less common than strictly 9d10 rolls indicate.)
And your highest straight of none is... a single die, so that's equivalent to the highest single die?
Or is it just taken to be 0?
A straight is three or more consecutive numbers.
@BESW Do you know why this mechanic exists?
@doppelgreener I'm assuming because in Cthulhutech you can do AMAZING AWESOME OVERPOWERED STUFF... but it's not guaranteed.
So you can go for the big numbers to succeed at something others wouldn't dare--but it's not like getting a flat mod on a d20; you could just fail miserably.
(And coming up 1s is very bad.)
(Like I said, I haven't read the rules for arcanotech and mechs yet, which I assume is where this gels.)
I thought of this mechanic in relation to rolling stats vs flat arrays: do you risk everything for awesome results, or guarantee relatively safe results without the possibility of intense awesomeness?
afk a bit
I want to make an anydice graph of 9d10 take highest run or 9d10 take highest pair, but i have no idea how
but 9d10 take highest is going to be pretty safely a 9 or a 10 most of the time: anydice.com/program/4559
@doppelgreener In my current 3.5e game, the DM rolled a bunch of stat arrays, and let the players choose from them. I picked the one that let me have everything at least 10 (and one 17) after race mods. My wife picked the one that had an 18.
@doppelgreener If you're less trained, you're lucky to have a 3 or 4d10 in the thing.
@BESW Hold me. Someone just informed me that Racial Holy War exists
@Lord_Gareth ...unless that's a Chick Tract parody, nothing good can come of it.
@BESW It's a deadly serious Aryan Superiority RPG
I feel like we have already had all productive conversation we can have about this RPG
(in that we have not even begun discussing it XD)
I could quote the introduction but that might actually cross several lines
Though I sorrowfully state that it's technically on-topic
aye, just because it's on topic, doesn't mean it's a good idea
Quick we need to flee this topic! I think Paizo is the greatest company in RPG history!
oldest message in star list is now only 11 hours old. I like this chat room.
@Miniman I dunno bro, they might have trouble competing with White Wolf's top-notch editing.
@doppelgreener I'm sorry, I had to escape any discussion of the previous topic.
[Pauses to listen to the sound of irony killing everyone]
Looks like I succeeded.
@Lord_Gareth [takes 201d6 nonlethal irony damage, dies]
Incidentally, I think the Soulbow is the best and most well-balanced class in 3.5.
@Miniman Soulbow is the single-most functional form of soulknife, yes, and hovers at high tier 4 and eminently in the realm of playability. Why?
Potential D&D monster: An Avatar of Irony. All damage it deals is strictly nonlethal. However, it deals such large quantities of nonlethal damage it still has a good chance of killing you.
@doppelgreener Also it is a monk?
@Lord_Gareth Oops. Maybe I should've run with monks.
@BESW It cooouuuuld beeee
@Miniman That also would have been difficult, as then monks would be competing with the perfection that is Commoner
@Lord_Gareth The difference is, Commoner does what it's meant to do - be useless.
@Miniman I think you miss the thrust of the joke
And will now be buried under my tidal wave of chickens
I'm fine with both of those things.
Although you might as well explain the thrust of your joke.
@Lord_Gareth Ha, I get it.
@Miniman All of the in-the-rules 'fixes' to make a 'viable' monk also create a 'viable' commoner
The common joke is that this means clearly commoners are OP
Didn't someone here once have a player who put several levels into an NPC class like Commoner, for good reason?
@doppelgreener I remember someone who had all their players start as commoners and slowly transition to adventurers.
Q: What happens if a commoner takes a prestige class?

IgneusJotunnI'm currently in a 3.5/pathfinder campaign. (Mostly 3.5, but since it's steampunk we're borrowing liberally from pathfinder as we find the need.) We started as commoners, the idea being that we would gain base classes as we began to act like heroes, and as circumstances warranted. Our fighter kil...

Speaking of things that should not exist... Hollaback Thriller Girl - a Michael Jackson / Gwen Stefani mashup
It's well done. It's just... wrong...
Excuse me while I shop that to my metalhead friends
So that I might feast on their suffering
They may actually like some of DJ Schmolli's other tracks, eg Queen Will Slay You
Shh, I'm supposed to /hurt/ them
oops I killed the chat... pokes with stick
@Adeptus [burbling noises]
I think I've linked Puddles' version of Royals here before.
(Not really a genre shift, but still a ridiculous premise that actually improves the song.)
@BESW I counter with Weird Al's parody, Foil. Second verse really takes it to the next level.
I do like that one.
Word Crimes is still my favourite off the new album
Every time I see a downvote on an answer I've given I feel like screaming 'no don't do this to me'
@Miniman after a while, you learn to shrug and move on. If there's a comment, sometimes it's actionable, if there isn't, you can scan and try to figure it out...but usually it's tough to do it
@waxeagle I know all of these things. But deep down, there's still a little voice screaming why...
@BESW @Adeptus Going to listen to both now in order :) I love both of these
@doppelgreener I feel that Puddles manages to take what was presented a whiny, self-justifying song that's really more about the narrator convincing herself of the thesis (rather than explaining the thesis to others), and he makes it a genuinely defiant (if somewhat melancholy) anthem.
Argh Paizo posters hurting my soul. "3.5 was perfect until they ruined it with splats"
@Lord_Gareth While this is obviously untrue, splats complicate 3.5 to the point of unplayability.
@Miniman Core did that.
Hence why there is no such thing as D&D
@Lord_Gareth So...remind me how you're making a living?
@Miniman I cut meat in a supermarket deli. Your move.
@Miniman i never found 3.5 that complicated
@MattGiltaji Depends how many splatbooks you allow. With none, I'd agree it's not particularly complicated at all. ducks also
The point being, 3.5's great strength - possibly its only strength - is the sheer weight of options. It means you can do almost anything in the rules - which, in a super-legal system, is a blessing.
Jun 5 '13 at 3:53, by Jonathan Hobbs
The knowledge my companions had seemed arcane to me - they understood stuff and could tell me what it meant and it made sense but I had no idea how they actually knew the stuff they were telling me, and their interpretations of mechanics made sense once I heard it but it took them knowing stuff I didn't to arrive at that interpretation.
@Lord_Gareth If only there was a game system that had inspired another game system that had companies that wrote additional material for it that would hire you.
it was pretty ungraspably complex to me
@doppelgreener I started in the PC games, great way to learn.
@Miniman Pathfinder is not less complex.
@Lord_Gareth I didn't say it was. I said it would be great if it existed so you could make money from it :P
Also, what is not less complex?
I know you were there for when they linked that, @Miniman
@Miniman he might make some money from it, but it's more likely he makes a starving from it. the deli job is his living.
@Lord_Gareth There being at work where I don't follow links.
@Miniman Essentially there is no unified D&D experience, which is a symptom of several factors
The biggest one being that D&D lies to you like a filthy cheating cur
@Lord_Gareth i roll a sense motive check!
everyone houserules their own thing, plays different types of games which the system doesn't do a good job of supporting (and so houserules more), bans or permits different manuals or mechanics or classes or etc
@MattGiltaji You can see through any lie.
sorry, never seen the 1d20 command before
@MattGiltaji There's a room for playing with the dice commands
It's partially my fault, but we definitely needed it.
You know, Weird Al actually re-did a song theme, and this surprises me
His latest album has this little ditty: youtube.com/watch?v=bwvlbJ0h35A

 Dice roller & formatting tests playgr

The roller supports: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You can roll ...
@Miniman Alright, I have the program
In any event @Miniman, that'd be the whole, "There is no such thing as D&D" bit
I can send you a .jar, or if you'd like to look and run it, I can send you the source
@Emrakul Send me the source! I'm excited now, I assumed you'd just do it in chat
@Lord_Gareth He'll touch on the same themes if he has something new to say; in this case, it's definitely a different approach and tone. The social commentary is repositioned.
NetBeans good, or just the .java file? (There's only one source file)
@Emrakul .java please. NetBeans is for Apple users shakes fist
I'm running NB on Windows? Have been for a long, long time? But sure!
@Emrakul Sorry, I have so much enterprise-y stuff I'm pretty much locked in to Eclipse.
@Lord_Gareth WDTAHTM is about misdirecting trauma into triva; FWP is about privilege, consumer culture, and overindulgence.
Fair enough! Here's the file.
Pretty simple, just writes to out.csv
Ideally enter a high number of iters, but whatever you feel you have time for. It goes by pretty quickly.
@Emrakul I see this becoming the RPG.SE personality test - how spoilt are you about your stat arrays?
We should create a website for it!
@Miniman "Ability scores? what are those?"
@BESW Quiet, you narrativist.
(Which is another thing I found... cute... about that "one-sheet RPG" article; it was so obviously and obliviously focused on D&D-likes.)
@BESW Sorry, which article?
I just noticed Pathfinder has a write-up for Cthulhu (YMMV). It refers to him as being imprisoned in his tomb in R'lyeh, until such time he's released. Is that accurate?
@Miniman This one. It popped up in the chat feed earlier today.
@doppelgreener AHAHAHA
Pathfailure fluff
Don't listen to it
@Lord_Gareth Yeah, hence my asking.
@doppelgreener He's dead. And sleeping. Or both. Roll insanity.
I don't imagine Cthulhu could be imprisoned anywhere
[loses it]
[hands Insanity token]
[burns the Paizo shelf at each friendly local gaming store]
@BESW Huh. I can't think why you would want to create your own system under someone else's constraints. Surely the only reason to make your own system would be to avoid other people's constraints? (Has no interest in creating own system.)
@doppelgreener Roll to succeed; if you do, roll to lose 1 Insanity.
(in my mind the last dice was the insanity one. Phew.)
I'd roll a failure die, but your 6 makes it impossible to fail.
Roll to lose 1 Insanity.
You're at 4 Insanity. [takes token back]
(For the uninitiated, we were using the free-to-download two-page rules; link in the tag wiki.)
That was cathartic
@Emrakul That is very pretty Java. Have a badge for successfully knitting a scarf out of spaghetti.
(Mostly joking, I'm fine with Java. Mostly.)
BTW, @doppelgreener, what is your profession, that it's within your expertise to set fire to bookstore merchandise?
@Miniman Ahh, thank you! And yeah, it's a... verbose language. I think it works well when it works, though, so I don't mind. /shrug
@Emrakul It was a bit broken, line 30 should be return str.trim().equals("y");
Otherwise someonce could go through 50 iterations and get back 0's for every array
Oh, whoops, I was just using a new line to mean true
Want a new room for these tests?
Up to you, I was just going to do it again and send you the result
Fair enough!
I'm just used to "Y/n" meaning "default Y" and "y/N" meaning "default N," but forgot to actually check for a literal 'y' or 'n' >__>

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
@BESW Works for me!
@Miniman Well, I can see an argument that a system you like, if it's particularly unwieldy, could be trimmed down to just the bits you like.
@BESW IT professional. Killing unthinking things with fire and extreme prejudice is part of the job.
(The unthinking things may still be alive at that point)
(Especially if there's a lot of the system you don't use in your games because of your playstyle.)
@doppelgreener Fair enough, but don't expect to get away with that in a proper game. (Although I'd let you roll the profession die to decipher scripts not meant for human ken.)
...we do not have a tag for Og. Huh.
@BESW Yeah I probably wouldn't have done that had I paused to think a few more seconds :)
And tangentially, I still really love the elegance and functionality of CD.
It's the little black dress of horror gaming systems.
A behind the scenes shot from The Tomb of the Cybermen which began on this day in 1967… More @ http://bbc.in/W6raap http://t.co/UxtBUOJ27g
("Tomb" is one of my favourite Doctor Who stories of all time.)

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