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BESW. High concept: The avatar of patience and goodness and avoiding drama
Trouble: Impossible to brew into a Fate character, see high concept
Aspect: Must be the GM, see Trouble
Trouble: Doesn't need an excuse for walls of text, just an opportunity.
@BESW Hahahaha! Okay you got me
Although the aspect still holds; one reason I'm better as a GM is that as a player I tend to dominate the spotlight.
Operation My Tofu Is Too Wet was a success, by the way.
I drained it before I chopped it into crumbly little cubes and stir-fried it with onion and garlic, sprinkling tumeric powder, curry powder, pepper, soy sauce, and worchestershire, then seared some bell pepper in olive oil and dumped that on top. Served on a bed of brown rice and lentils.
@BESW Yum.
For years I kept trying to marinade the tofu, or steam it in a sauce, or pour a sauce over it while it fried.
Now I just sprinkle powders and dry spices onto it while it fries, with the occasional dash of sauce to help things move and stick.
Still gotta dry it out a bit first, or it boils and steams instead of frying.
Aspect: The chef is willing, but the food is inedible.
@BESW mild consequence from kitchen combat
I have a tab open with StackOverflow chat. They're talking about D&D now.
I'm confused.
[squint] I see.
Wait, no.
What's the opposite of that one?
And now the other SO chatroom I'm on has started talking about Star Wars and sci fi franchises.
It's like RPG Chat and Mos Eisley are replicated, only into WPF and C#.
I suppose, in retrospect, it shouldn't be surprising that the science fiction chat started replicating.
An illustration of the D&D wealth system, courtesy XKCD's "What If" 111:
Seems reasonable enough to me
[wave back]
great, now I'm looking into the amount of money that Scrooge McDuck has
speaking of "what if" his book comes out today!
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.”

― Friedrich von Hayek
today targeting wants a third t...
@JoshuaAslanSmith What a coincidence, I was just reading this.
@BESW that actually looks like a great way to quickly work out a system
Except for the bit where they're like "Hey, for a one-page system you can totally just rip off an existing larger system and ignore the other 299 pages of that book! But don't forget to mention how vehicle rules work."
Points five and six are both "Don't do this, but if you do anyway" for random game elements which are clearly chosen only because of the author's personal playstyle bias. If I were writing it, those would be "talking your way out of trouble" and "insanity" instead of "combat" and "vehicles," and it would make as much sense to have in the how-to guide.
And changing "Intelligence" to "Science" is somehow broader? I dunno. Gnome Stew occasionally has little flashes of brilliance, but they publish too often to do anything except churn out poorly edited pablum most of the time.
(Also: most solid one-page systems I've seen use dice pools, not summations with numerical modifiers. It's one of the major stumbling blocks for my own attempts at writing a small system.)
See the new question proposing a merge of WB and SciImag?
Nope. Haven't been over there much.
@waxeagle you see that tasty 4e weapon power quesetion>?
@JoshuaAslanSmith I did. Love it when they get their own action type wrong :(
I no rite?
AV seems more and more like it was shopped out (internally) to people not 100 percent up on the system
@BESW interesting looking article, will have to give it more time latter
@doppelgreener You be makin' me blush >.>
@Magician I fired the tumblr cannon.
So you have. Interestingly, my RSS feeder doesn't grab the second post, only the intro one. Hopefully it'll work itself out.
@Lord_Gareth I worked in mcdonald's for a while, then a restaurant then a cafe, I understand what you said about food service so well
@doppelgreener Honestly I feel like half of the problems would be avoided if customers would believe we're not deliberately screwing with them T_T
What can I do to make this move to or
@Oxinabox [this](http://example.com/)
also multilines break markdown
markdown doesn't work when you use newlines
yes ^
fixed. thanks
@Lord_Gareth Yes! Unfortunately also my Dad has had bad experiences with people getting his order wrong all too often... or the meal involves 2 parts or he orders it with rice, and the second part does not get brought out.
All understandable! Except it kept happening for a while like some kind of spree!
And only to him!
I see where this is going T_T
(He is actually pretty well spoken, all I can imagine is it was dumb luck)
I'll be back in the future. Night all
@Lord_Gareth He just has less patience for staff doing things wrong now, though not verbally. Doesn't get angry at them, just disappointed and frustrated, and keeps that to himself or mentions it in like a sentence or two to us and leaves it at that. And he's found a couple of restaurants he's comfortable with and sticks with them.
@Oxinabox Night!
@Oxinabox Get people who use that tag to say "yes, please do this" in an answer and/or comments to lend weight that this is a sane and healthy proposal maybe
Thank you @doppelgreener
@Zachiel No worries; getting to write stuff is satisfying and nice
I wonder what to write about
Metool wanted an article on badwrongfun
Pace yerself.
@BESW The undying hate recognizes no limitations!
@Lord_Gareth Write about it, save it in a text file, dump it a few days later, don't dump too much at once
or at least, that's the theory for steady supply of posts, if that's what matters
Also I noticed: you have unendingraeg.tumblr.com, but unendingrage.tumblr.com also seems to be available, if you'd like to take that one
@BESW This reminds me of when a player asked if they could craft a spell, "Protection from Wealth/Poor" to go in the Law/Chaos and Good/Evil sets.
Q: What to do with conflict-resolution?

MrLemonA recent question has pointed me to the conflict-resolution tag. I liked the sound of it, especially in light of a recent meta question about problem-players and problem-gms (that I can't find right now). It has no tag wiki and is currently used by 6 questions: How to avoid arguments with a pl...

@MadMAxJr You mean protection from peasants, right?
@MadMAxJr Marxist Magic!
@Lord_Gareth I haven't looked yet, but open with talking about the events that formed the basis of your RPG experience, focusing on what were good things and what are terrible not-fun things that are to be avoided, separated from RPG experiences, put into a box, then blown up by the explosive ordinance disposal team.
Protection from burgeoisie?
Choosing a set of metaphysical axes can actually be one of the more interesting parts of designing a setting, and a magic system that is influenced by it.
Detect CEO.
You have to be careful using Detect CEO in Silicon Valley. Lots of false positives.
Good/Evil, as we all know and will not go into, are real, concrete metaphysical elements in D&D. Law/Chaos, taken from Moorcock, are too. But can we think of additional dichotomies that can set the tone for the game?
I think I saw Nature/Technology once in a steampunk setting
...I don't know how I feel about a setting with detect gender spells.
Detect Apathy
Detect Marxism.
Man, the 50s would've been a lot different with detect Commie.
But Marxism is classless, isn't it? You can't put that in a d20 derivative. ;P
@BESW Introduce gender identity to the game, then present the person with a genderfluid/bigender/agender individual and ask them how the spell works. (Possibly as inclined, introduce the concepts of sexual identity and romantic identity.)
@MadMAxJr Well played sir
Dungeons and Classless Uptopias
@doppelgreener @lisardggY and there we have the Male/Female dichotomy, and everything inbetween
@doppelgreener I humbly submit that you have missed the joke.
male female is a biological dichotomy down to the level of DNA
Detect contribution to society
Oh god my boss is casting that every Monday and Friday at the SCRUM meetings.
@Lord_Gareth Oh. Well if there is some reason you picked Unending Raeg then I have missed it yes! I just know it's been a way people (including you) have written it in this chat.
Detect sports team affiliation.
Wow, I got 3 stars for that Marxism remark pretty quickly. Nice.
@BESW Oh man. XD
Protection from sports team affiliation would be very useful.
That would be the start of so many family arguments.
@doppelgreener It's an interwebz thing. urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=RAEG
@BESW the collegiate version of this is cast when you enter Alabama
@lisardggY Ha! Mine is an amused laugh.
@doppelgreener @BESW may be able to explain it more eloquently, but 'the raeg' is a sort of tongue-in-cheek parody of the actual emotion while also being a recognition that I repeatedly take it to needless levels.
Protection from [sports team] would be extra handy in countries where soccer (or futbol) is a big thing.
Which is to say, the fury is typically not in proportion with the stimulus.
Detect dog lover and detect cat person.
(See also: detect allergy, which cats have as an at-will SLA.)
Of course, this begs for the spell false alignment to get extended into these.
@BESW And the inverse: Scry Allergy
Requires a hair from the intended target
Also, guys, realistically I'm not going to have a steady stream of posts. I work 46+ hours a week right now (GUESS WHOSE JOB JUST LOST ELEVEN WORKERS?), I have irregular days off, I'm busy writing professionally too
False Sports Team Affiliation, requires a misspelled knockoff piece of fan gear that is poorly made.
Regularly-scheduled posting? Not gonna happen
Slamming my face into the keyboard because I have free time can happen
@Lord_Gareth well, regular as in: happens reliably frequently, not so much happens at a reliable time
but yeah that's up to you
either way works
I don't think anybody holds tumblr writers to a regular posting schedule.
Tumblr does have "post at X time" features.
@Lord_Gareth (WAS IT YOURS)
@doppelgreener IT WAS MINE
And most of them are our experienced workers too!
@Lord_Gareth Oh dear.
One got a new job, three went off to college, one's retiring
Quite a few got fired
Ooh, ooh.
Two girls quit just straight-up
Holy wow.
[counts on fingers] 4 got fired?
And they're threatening to fire another
Aspect: Going to college in the fall. Invoke for perspective and insight; compel for illogical nostalgia.
How does this happen? Legitimately interested on account of learning about being an employee / not being the kind of employer where four people have to get fired
And back on topic: Protection from salesmen.
So we're getting slapped around like a mouthy 50's housewife and most of our losses are people trained to run the hot case.
@BESW Add time travel aspect; now compel for retroactive nostalgia.
detect future. detect past. That could lead to an interesting cosmology in a time-travel universe.
@BESW Ward against Real Estate agents. Place on property owned by said real estate agents for amusement.
Protection from durn kids. Used primarily on the lawns of retired folks.
@doppelgreener One girl was stealing whenever she went on lunches, one got caught banging a manager in her chain of command, one decided to get into a spat with a customer and lost her temper and the last one couldn't seem to follow the "You cannot create tags on food you're going to buy" rule and burned through her infracs.
wait so spells specificially?
Protection from Institutional Politics
Decipher Propoganda
Comprehend Support tickets from non-technical staff
@Lord_Gareth Dispel Euphemisms / Dispel Spin
@Lord_Gareth Was the manager fired as well?
@lisardggY No idea if they were fired or sent to another store.
But they are now gone
@Lord_Gareth what kind of a company do you work at/position? just wondering
@Lord_Gareth Hopefully the latter; it's a problematic issue but unless something unethical was going on...
@JoshuaAslanSmith Supermarket, in the deli
ah yes this gels with my work experience in a supermarket
and food service writ large
@Lord_Gareth [insert salami joke here] [...wait.]
@Lord_Gareth so your starred comment about fate and D&D, talking about 5e and inspiration?
@JoshuaAslanSmith No, talking about "Wizards rule mundies drool"
@waxeagle trevor_wotc is the community manager for D&D right?
@JoshuaAslanSmith yep
also Perkins joined twitter this weekend!
hope he's actually active
cool he seems like the right person to tweet as there is no longer a contanct us page/email on D&D's site and [email protected] is a dead address
depending on what you want, Mearls and Crawford are useful too
regarding the meta for RSS feeds for the chat
@waxeagle I find this statement to be inaccurate, as it implies that Mearls is useful.
Not that I am bitter
@Lord_Gareth if you're asking about design intent he's a good resource.
the formerly bugged RSS feed (infinite morningstar news item) is now just dead
and Im seeing if there is a new RSS feed address
@JoshuaAslanSmith gotcha, yeah trevor's the guy then.
@waxeagle Mmmr. I feel odd about that, in a pay-to-play system. With something like Legend or an open beta, being able to ask about RAI is great. If you shelled out the cash already, the author is frickin' dead.
Especially when we wanna talk Mearls, since he has this long giant history of writing for games he fails to comprehend.
not an essentials fan?
@JoshuaAslanSmith Not a Mearls fan. This guy having a job is a daily insult.
right but are you saying his pre-essentials work basically?
I can't comment on Essentials, as I haven't played with them, no
just seeking clarification
@besw random who stuff, I was just thinking about the impossible planet storyline randomly because it was a new who storry that felt like an old who story
@JoshuaAslanSmith The Thing in the planet was definitely a Great Old One.
But more than that, it felt like Classic Who because it was a Base Under Siege story.
And a good proper one, like "Web of Fear."
None of that excuse-for-slapstick junk like the Judoon platoon on the Moon.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Oooo. Is that the one with a space station and a planet orbiting a dying star, and they find something imprisoned inside the planet?
(Also: reusing the same sets for most of the story, aliens that are just people in plastic masks with a prop, a scary special effect that's just writing on a guy with a sharpie but still works... and the big reveal of the bad guy is poorly chroma-keyed. Totally Classic Who.)
@doppelgreener Yes. Except it's a black hole, so more like "dead star."
@doppelgreener Yeah, that's the one. A pretty good double-episode.
And the science makes no sense at all.
Which, again--classic Doctor Who.
You know, I've noticed this trend on the Paizo boards and I really have to wonder how the Debate Standards Board hasn't gotten to these savages yet. People go to critique something Paizo did, and a ton of posters show up to go, "If you think it's so easy, why don't you write your own system?"
Which has got to be the single cheapest freaking fanboy copout you can possibly invoke to avoid an argument
@Lord_Gareth Nuh-uh, their mother is the cheapest copout.
@BESW Well played.
So I wake up this morning and apparently a bunch of people want to see a wizard made out of wolves.
@Lord_Gareth People tend to identify with their system of choice - god knows the D&D Edition Wars taught us that. And just like a belief, sports team or other forms of identification, people dislike having their choice criticized.
(I'm pretty sure Lois McMaster Bujold actually did that one.)
The D&D Edition Wars are basically several different editions of the same war.
@lisardggY No dude. We have to go deeper
(Unrelated, but damn do I love the lyric work that Digital Daggers does. Been listening to a lot of their work lately, am an especial fan of a pair of line out of "Bad Intentions" - "Just pull the trigger, I'll take the blame/I'll be the villain, just play the game.")
But now, I shall leave you and head home. On the way I shall listen to podcasts and polish my thoughts - later to be blogged - on why I dislike most podcasts)
@doppelgreener yep
@Lord_Gareth What is this, a post-Dark Knight Batman concept song?
@doppelgreener @besw what I love is that the episode is equally hilarious (unintentionally I believe or at least so straight up dry thats my take) and dramatically serioius
the fact that I both laughed at shots of the antagonist and regarded him as a good threat is what made it so very classic who for me
@JoshuaAslanSmith Again, it reminded me of the Great Old Ones. Have you seen "State of Decay"?
I dont what that is
It's a Fourth Doctor serial about vampires.
if its a who ep Ive watched all of 4 and 5 and I watched new who from beginning until matt smith because of river song
hmmm I feel like I have
Adric and Romana, a little medieval town ruled by goths in a castle made from a spaceship.
And at the end, one of the most spectacular laugh-out-loud special effects failures since "Invasion of the Dinosaurs," not to be matched until "Terror of the Vervoids."
I probably blanked this because #hatenewromana
It's so bad, it's almost literally impossible to show a still or a clip of it because the entire scene looks like an unfairly cut segment of a better scene.
Here, try these guys out on your memory:
@BESW that guy is so photogenic
That is not an artist's rendering. That is a screencap.
sleep time I think. goodnight!
@Lord_Gareth this was a good song
@BESW Sleep well! [zz]
the makeup stands out
but yeah I really felt betrayed by new romana vs old romana
Good night
A conversation topic for another time
random meandering thought, Cthulhu is to boardgames as zombies are to video games
@JoshuaAslanSmith Cthulhu still has its honor though, compared to zombies (loosing a fight against plants...)
@lisardggY The fightin d20 Moderns don't stand a chance at the Super Bowl.
meh, both concepts have been completely watered down from their strong cultural iconography
I get why cthulu is everywhere, no copyright on it, a well known mythos so its easy to use and tap into a fanbase/casual person but it takes this really great idea about unknowable cosmic horror and then makes it mundane
the issue is far worse with zombies though
I 100 percent a gree

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