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Has it been ransacked and looted? Did a wildfire burn through? Is this an area noted for storms or earthquakes?
Q: Ia, Ia, [tag:Cthulhu] Fthagn! (Driving a boat through it.)

JadascWhile commenting on the need for a God Machine tag that stands separately from the nwod-god-machine tag, I made an offhand reference to a hypothetical cthulhu. Turns out we have one. Turns out it's being used awfully. Here's the description from the tag wiki: "Cthulhu is a fiction being [si...

Recording this at the end of my settings ideas document
@Quentin Hi!
On the subject of Cthulhu... Margate Fhtagn (a song)
You know, sometimes it is nice to see that people care.
Today is one of these days. :-)
@Mourdos that's good, do we get any context, or just get to feel happy for you?
@Mourdos Yey!
I think as a 5e gm IM going to want to vet multiclassed PCs
I've excised Turlough, because his complexity isn't good for a one-shot.
hmmm that is an excellent point
should replace him with tegan
this is who like scenarios using the cthulu dark system right?
Right now I'm trying to write up a young Sarah Jane without mentioning twisted ankles.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Actually it's a FAE one-shot for next week, to celebrate the new season/Doctor.
the obvious companion to write is K9
one sentence in and I am already laughing
Cosmic hobo is where it is at
@JoshuaAslanSmith not a bad idea...I'd be checking for obvious fails as much as OP stuff (I'm generally not concerned with crazy OP stuff as of yet in 5e)
right I dont think its buh-roken but more that players will misinterpret the interaction of class features to think theyve made win-sauce
@JoshuaAslanSmith ooh which one?
@waxeagle He's talking about the Doctor Who companion Adric, who has a gold badge for excellence in mathematics.
I made it one of his aspects.
it works both on a meta and physical level as aspect
@BESW aaaaah need to get on that watching of old Who
which is why it is awesome
@JoshuaAslanSmith I love it when I can do that.
How do I set a Drive doc so that people can edit, and their edits are registered as suggestions?
K9s trouble should be interesting
@besw right now it looks like I can edit and its a suggestion
Okay, good.
look at my test
Yes, that worked.
Try it now.
Okay, cool. Looks like I can edit directly but everyone else's are suggestions. (At first my edits were suggestions, too.)
sweet, I don't have to buy a new printer
was a bit worried as until tonight I'd had no success getting the printer to play nice with windows 8. Which wasn't a big deal because myn had a Vista laptop that played just fine with it. Said laptop is now a doorstop and she has a fancy dancy new Windows 8 laptop, so it became imperative to figure it out. Thankfully it seems the good folks at Dell have updated their driver...while not officially compatible, it works (also I don't think I've tried since Windows 8.1 dropped)
@JoshuaAslanSmith Here, have an appropriate song for the task.
@besw trying to decide whether his trouble should be his willingness to sacrifice himself or if it should be that there are multiple versions of him
or maybe just wheels
@JoshuaAslanSmith THIS.
For Tegan I'm kinda extrapolating and ignoring some of the bad writing she got saddled with.
Like Kamelion, I consider this an opportunity to think about what companions could have been.
@BESW hmmmmmmmmm. I kinda want to play him, too. I haven't played a character like him before!
@doppelgreener Hee.
That's good.
@BESW I left some comments on Kameleon for you to field
I have some concerns regarding his current trouble, but there's an alternative.
Yeah, it's a bit of a mushy thing. First off, though: Trouble aspects don't need to be invocable for benefit.
I am personally interested in playing Leela, Ace, or K9
Second, I'm trying to figure out how to re-phrase it so that it's less "I'm easily broken" and more "I'm in serious need of a tune-up because nobody knows how to do my regular maintenance."
they are cool, in my opinion, without missing out on having serious personal problems
K9 being at all internally aflicted is a new concept for me for the particular character
after listening to that song
even if it was not necessarily an intended character trait
Well, he's definitely surly and stubborn around the Doctor but generally compliant and helpful with Sarah Jane.
And yes, I love that song for pointing it out.
Chameleon Circuit has some great secondary character odes; Mr. Pond is good too.
I have already heard that. unfortunately, I was already aware of it's unfortunate, and at least a little creepy, subtext
@besw Teganaspect: Den Mother to the Tardis or something like that
@BESW Hmmmmm. Ok then.
@BESW How does that manifest in what he does?
@doppelgreener It's a Trouble, so it manifests in obstacles to his goals.
lol, if I didn't think it was a little too silly, I would suggest "Deus ex Dogina" as an aspect for K9
or Dog Ex Machina
Silly and overpowered.
it's really more of a joke
but I have to admit, in the show that seemed to be what he was mainly used for
@BESW Well, yeah, but concretely did that show up somewhere in the show, and how did it?
not to dismiss that summary of troubles, I haven't heard it put that way before and I have learned something about them, but that also wasn't the kind of answer I was fishing for ;)
This is in the interests of working out both how to use it, and how to phrase the aspect.
@doppelgreener No; he only showed up in three stories and hardly at all in some of them. In the show, his primary Trouble was that he could be dominated and controlled by strong personalities.
This... didn't really seem like fun in a FAE game.
@besw lol was trying to figure out how to free the image
I dont use gdrive for creation that much, stick to onedrive for that
@BESW yeah fair enough, not so much. So we get to wing it in what his lack of maintenance means?
Ok, I'll think on it. :)
I figure he gets compelled and invoked against for him to malfunction: clumsiness, momentarily dropping his assumed shape, forgetting things, etc.
So the because sections would be like Stunts in Fate
do they work terribly differently in FAE?
> Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], I get a +2 when I [pick one: Carefully, Cleverly, Flashily, Forcefully, Quickly, Sneakily] [pick one: attack, defend, create advantages, overcome] when [describe a circumstance].
> Because I [describe some way that you are exceptional, have a cool bit of gear, or are otherwise awesome], once per game session I can [describe something cool you can do].
I've added some more full-form Core-style stunts when it seemed appropriate.
(Like for Ace's can of Nitro-9)
@doppelgreener I can't get a tune-up?
goes to look at the description for flashy in FAE
I have a concern with this trouble...
The way it gets compelled, it sounds like it'd take this shape:
"I try to do something." "It doesn't work." - or - "I am doing something." "You suddenly can't!"
for arbitrary somethings
Well, remember it's "I'll give you a Fate point if you can't."
And it's also for invoking, IE: "I try to do something." "I spend a Fate point to make it harder."
hmmm and you can always pay a fate point to cancel a GM compel
@doppelgreener which trouble?
Kamelion's, which is basically "I can't get a tune-up."
Right. I guess I have an issue with it because I would be under threat of that invoke no matter what I do. (At least, that feels like a threat to me, this might be something I grow past?) At the same time, other troubles give me a clear route for "You do this instead which pushes thing forward but makes them go awry at the same time, and you are still actively doing something."
right I think its valid because without it his abilities are very very powerful
ah youre saying because its not a personality trait you don't see its invoking as being something you can readily expect/plan
plus, it really isn't a bad thing if your trouble can be compelled on almost anything
I think his lack of a sense of identity or purpose is more compelling as a trouble, because it could push him to do things he might otherwise not, and in the meantime cause problems.
I see where you're coming from, but his lack of a sense of purpose is equally unformed.
As a trouble, it'd basically make him the bad kind of Chaotic Neutral PC.
yeah Kamelion is trying to become a normal/goodish person after being used as a assassin and spy by various evil people
its why hes a great companion for the 5th doctor, really highlighted that incarnations strengths for lifting up others
...sometimes random phrases float through my brain. As now: "Help, I've fallen and my co-conspirators won't help me up, which has led to a cathartic realisation that I should change my evil ways!"
@BESW i see what you mean then
@BESW hahaha.
@JoshuaAslanSmith do you think there might be a non-Chaotic Neutral trouble in there for him?
@Magician Hi!
I have a massive 4-way battle (one of the sides being PCs) coming up in the next Fate game, king-of-the-hill style. I'm not yet sure how to handle that.
I obviously don't want to actually calculate everyone's actions, and the real objective of the battle is taking hold of a particular person.
Unrelatedly, this:
Dear @Hulu, either you're very confused or this is the best show idea ever! #DoctorWho - http://t.co/Bahx8fO71D
@Magician Lots of ways to do it. That includes modelling each side as a single character, or the NPC sides as a single character, or even skipping those altogether and making something else the opposition. You can have a conflict, or a contest, or a challenge.
@Magician Nice. XD
@Magician [falls over]
@Magician I think more details would be needed in order to say how to run that.
Gladly :D
...I've started typing up the summary of the game so far, but that's probably too much. Suffice it to say, there's a very special (in an unknown way) girl being held by the mob. Dr Von Bat has called her his "daughter", SENSE agent Catherine Silver has called her an "asset", and mob capo Clarissa had called her a "friend". Everyone's converged to fight over her, and so have PCs.
Because whenever there's something other people want, the PCs want it too. Just to keep the others from having it, if nothing else.
The mob have thunder robots, Von Bat has WOMBATs (Burrowing Buldozers on Legs) and The Bouncer (a kinetic villain), SENSE has black helicopters and jetpacks. The showdown is on the fringe of the destroyed area in Sydney, which has uninhabitable buildings. The OD Girl herself is in a small cabin at the end of a giant crane, and has just woken up.
@BESW Pretty much. They'll likely take "Kickers of Beehives" as their Team's Trouble.
They've fought WOMBATs, Thunder Robots and The Bouncer before, so there are stats and everything.
My initial reaction is that this sounds like a contest.
Except people will definitely be trying to hurt one another.
But only tangentially, right? It's not the point of the encounter?
No, it's not.
That means injury is going to be a common "cost" for the "success at cost" option when someone fails an Overcome check in the contest.
Wouldn't a contest blow over quickly, though? I'd want to dedicate a significant amount of time to this.
This being the culmination of the past 3 sessions and everything.
That's a problem, yes; the time-at-table : importance-to-story ratio is skewed.
Okay, so I've got two ideas.
One is to make it a series of contests.
The other is that a "success at cost" option in the contest could be to zoom in on that particular opposed Overcome check and turn it into a full-on conflict, with the success on the Overcome check being the stakes.
I did that once when Problematic failed his "don't get eaten by wolves in the night" check on a survival-in-the-wilderness challenge.
We zoomed in on that check and made it a contest depicting his trying to escape a ravenous pack of wolves.
So. Figure out several stages for this (though I'm struggling atm). Each side rolls for a stage of contest. If the PCs win - great. If not, they get to compete with the ones who did in a zoomed-in conflict.
That's the first option which comes to mind, yes.
And whoever gets ahead, others would band together to take them down. Perhaps one side creating an advantage and letting another use it, just to knock them down.
Curious, I'll need to think of this further. Thanks for the idea!
Let me know what else you come up with!
@magician introduce the powerful enemies of each faction when that faction starts to lose
aka 2nd form boss monster style
This song made me cry.
@trogdor More dragons.
Hey @mxyzplk, I've been meaning to say this for a little while. I was gonna put it in my new-gm burnination answer, but it's probably beside the point there: I gave you crap in the past here about your mass edits, and asked you not to do too many at once. I want to apologise for that, and retract all that totally.
Back when Brian posted his comments per user meta Q, we got all active editing all over the place to incorporate comments into posts and then get rid of them. That resulted in many waves of edits wiping new content off the front page - and yet everything still worked fine, new questions still got eyes and answers.
The site is far, far more resilient than I gave it credit for.
(I see that got starred, I'm 100% ok with that)
@trogdor Doppelgreener linked to this in meta, and I wasn't sure if you'd see it there.
Q: I made us some Trogdor graphics!

iglvzxWe seem to have a tradition of using the Homestar Runner character 'Trogdor the Burninator' to request tag deletion. I thought we could use crisper images, so I made my own. >:)

ironic since I can't delete anything that isn't mine
or vote to, or however it works
I do still find it amusing
@BESW and you are right, I don't actually check meta really
I hardly actually even go anywhere but chat
I've got two choices for the Brigadier's quote and I don't know which to use!
> - Get off my world!
- You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets.
Actually, the first one makes a pretty good aspect.
re: first one
Ah, so his world is Earth? :)
I like his quote a lot!
Good point, I'll put his years.
Added 1970s and 80s.
(UNIT is the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, whose primary purpose is to defend against paranormal threats.)
(The Doctor first met the Brigadier when yetis were filling the London underground with lethal fungus.)
Also the 90's. Battlefield was great. Ace goes to a pub 15 years in her future and the Doctor orders three drinks. "That'll be £5 please". "HOW MUCH?!"
I wish you could get three drinks for a fiver in a pub these days!
@Quentin Ah, right. Got it.
If you'd like to take a look at the sheet of draft characters, it's right here.
Crumbs, the second 9th Doctor.
Or the first, depending.
On if you count Curse of the Fatal Death? :)
Shalka Doctor's my favourite, and a realistic painting of him seemed appropriate for a "generic" portrait.
Oh dear. I've just remembered what happened last time I was in a Doctor Who Companions game. The PCs were Ancelyn (from Battlefield) and Donna (from New Who).
Oh, my.
That pretty much sums it up
I'm avoiding New Who quite deliberately, because my players are mostly only familiar with New Who and I want to reduce the pressure to RP the companions "accurately."
If you've never seen Adric, there's no expectation that you'll be able to RP him true to the show.
@Quentin What system did you use for that game?
@BESW I wasn't running it, but it was DWAITAS
Cool. I haven't used any of the Doctor Who specific systems, but I'm going to adopt a loose version of the DWAITAS initiative priorities for this game.
All my players know Fate, and FAE is a quick easy system to make a lot of options for partly-premade characters.
2 hours later…
Good morning
guten morgen
Already on it.
Welcome to rpg.se! Please take a look at the tour and the help center; they're a useful introduction to the site. In particular, Stack Exchange isn't a forum, it's a Q&A site, and the format doesn't really work for questions like this where every answer could be equally right, so I suspect this question will get put on hold soon. However, once you have 20+ rep, feel free to join the Role-playing Games Chat: it's better set up for campaign brainstorming. — BESW 38 secs ago
@JoshuaAslanSmith IT IS DONE
I am also upvoting, because it is a good, articulate, detailed question which simply happens to be far outside our scope.
Why does this have larp tags? Are they useful tags for this question?
@BESW the specific larp society mentioned is a WOD larp society, but i think not; world-of-darkness and nwod already cover everything
editing now
@JoshuaAslanSmith Your wish is my command benevolent leader
@Phil benevolent!?
have you seen what this man has done to adorable animals
he has treated them with the utmost of decency and respect, is what
benevolent is a word we reserve for much lesser beings than his indescribableness
he transcended benevolence an eon ago
also is Tegan's thing on her head a hat or a fascinator or something else
I am not sure about this at all
@Phil You can call me Mr. President
@doppelgreener It's a dog food bowl, methinks
@doppelgreener airline stewardess hat
@Zachiel it would make an extremely bad one on account of being made of cloth
@JoshuaAslanSmith aha so it is a hat
she literally was getting dropped off for her first day of work heathrow airport
whent he doctor whowed up to fix a problem nd she got pulled
@doppelgreener It's a plush bowl for plush dogs u_u
@Zachiel oh yes alright now this makes sense
She literally is in that uniform for a whole season if not longer
and the airline uniform designer was confused and/or inspired yes i see
@JoshuaAslanSmith Really!? Jeez
its at least a few "episodes" by which I mean storylines
At least it's not a fez
I was wondering if she was, based on her being shown in it in some of her defining photos, but google images at least turns up some other stuff
Grapics.se is ignoring me, is somebody into photomanipulation here?
[innocent face] it's for a PC avatar
It's not my specialty, but what's up?
I have this image of a woman with smokey hair and a stark white background, this player would like to have the background be transparent to show the background of the site the avatar is published in
I tried white to alpha
But what happens is that most of the figure has some white in it
Have you tried a simple magic wand?
does not work because smoke
which is supposed to show the background behind it
I tried making a cutout of the solid figure and white-to-alpha only on the hair
but it looks bad because the main figura has a lot of white and outside my cutout it just abruptly switches from white to transparent
Feather the selection?
Mh, I'm starting thinking the problem might be unsolvable
Give me a shot at it?
It's definitely not something I'm great at, but I've got a lot of fiddlewith experience.
and the reason is: the only way to distinguish from white smoke or skin color and white background I want to become transparent is redrawing the whole thing
oh, I'm not the only one who's been asked to work on it, let's see if the others manage to before involving externals ;)
but thanks for the wossname
your description of the picture instantly made me think of this.
@Zachiel You've wordified an unpossible new verbiage.
@BESW willingness
How did...?
@BESW from the Italian word. Don't ask.
@besw good call on moving that over to the bar
Open with profanity and it's not even a call. That haystack is getting sent to the moon.
Don't ask, because I'm telling you anyway.
You know when you can't translate something and you're all like well, let's hope their word has the same etimology
ibility isnt a free to use suffix
but ize/ise
go to town its for making non-verb nouns into verbs
@JoshuaAslanSmith -ility I supposed to be
also, I cannot partecipate in conversation now. Too much disconnecting.
Hi. Can find this anywhere in help but is it okay to post multiple-question posts? that is one post containing several short and simple questions or should each question get it's own post?
In general, one question one post unless they are very, very closely linked
(and welcome! :o)
Thanks for the answer. Now I guess I have to go spam the questions. =)
you can ask multiple questions when it's all the one issue, basically. "I want to do X. Can I do it with Y? What happens? Is this a stupid idea and is it better than the usual option of Z?"
those are not separable
@doppelgreener much better way of putting it
@Phil both good! i was just adding demonstration
@Chryckan listen to him, not me ¬¬
@Chryckan But also make sure you don't do the XY question thing. If you have a specific problem and are asking a bunch of questions to tread around the edges of it, please do ask us straightforwardly about your specific problem.
Yeah, but most of my questions is fairly simple rules clarification that mostly can be answered with a yes or no. But few of them are connected.
@Chryckan rules clarifications cover a large amount of our D&D stuff
how about you just ask one first and see how it fares?
like one of the obviously-independent ones
and one of the ones with multiple issues tied in
see how the community responds and see if they ask you to split them up so you can get a feel for it
Right. I'll do that.
Thanks for the help.
no worries
@Chryckan also, try not to make assumptions about probable answer lengths. Most good answers will attempt to explain why a particular answer is yes or no
@Phil indeed, a lot of the very simple rules questions turn out requiring a bit of reasoning
some get very nebulous
Like "Is the Dragonwrought Kobold a true dragon?"
Q: Is a Dragonwrought Kobold a True Dragon?

KRyanThe Monster Manual refers to some creatures with the Dragon type as “True Dragons,” and some later books refer to True Dragon status as a prerequisite for various options. Races of the Dragon offers the Dragonwrought feat, available to 1st-level Kobolds. The feat changes the Kobold’s type to Dra...

cue huge amounts of research and citations extending back through the history of D&D 3.5e exploring the zaniness and many layers of dragon-ness
in The Ink Spot, 2 mins ago, by JohnB
I don't do any tabletopping but this is awesome http://tabletopaudio.com/
Yanno, I still don't have an adventure for next week.
Something pithy, with violence and technology and investigation.
For Cthulhu Dark?
Doctor Who one-shot.
Using FAE.
@besw when you doing the one-shot
and glad you liked the tegan aspect suggestion
Saturday evening.
My usual Geek Night time.
oof 15 hour time difference I FORGOT
@besw sounds like youd be starting 5am my time
are you a day ahead or a day behind?
is it august 25th or 26th currently for you?
I'm in the World of Tomorrow!
I'm half an hour into the 26th.
would definitely be on-time for church if I got up at 5am then
@BESW cue montage of 1940s futurist news reel clips
@BESW time for me to sleep augh! goodnight.
To Sleep, to dream
Okay, thinking about Doctor Who one-shots.
Arrive someplace; something bad is happening; identify nature of bad thing; identify cause of bad thing; become subject to bad thing; resolve bad thing.
[wanders off to Spoiler Lair]
[mad cackling emerges from Lair]
@besw follows the trail of BESW to the spoil lair
@JoshuaAslanSmith [doesn't do it very well, though]
The Spoiler Lair.. Does that have the DM-mobile?
@MadMAxJr No, but it has a Stream of Consciousness running through it.
@BESW work happened
The dreaded lair of the Dungeon Master. A bizarre 15 floor dungeon that goes /upward/ in a bizarre STEEL and rock structure. Before you even get into the dungeon, you must pass the first test. Find parking.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Pesky work getting in the way XD
In the first floor, you must pass the dreaded 'security desk'. A foul room of boredom where you may either attempt to fill out the form correctly for a guest pass from the dungeonkepper, or simply fight your way past.
The second floor is a sea of twisting flimsy separator walls known as 'cubicles' where you must deal with the numbermancers known as 'accountants'.
I roll [knowledge: architecture] to find the elevator, or barring that, the fire stairs.
Don't forget the El-e-vader an evil steel golem with a puzzle inside, press the right button to find the right floor.
Oh, good. I'm much better vs puzzles.
The third floor contains the mail room, where clever players may attempt to form a clever disguise to blend in, until Jan asks if you have her package, then you must make a knowledge: local check to see if you can remember which department she's from and if her package is on the cart.
Floor Four: Domain of the outsourced printing elemental
@waxeagle I'm not sure that's what an ele-vader looks like, though.
@MadMAxJr have you not seen cubicles and careers?
I did, I thought those were great.
@BESW different, this one has a second dash :)
5e questions like wildfire.
@MadMAxJr yeah, we've had something like 50 in the past week
to be expected really
It's shiny and new.
2 hours later…
@MadMAxJr I can show you something shiny and old
Q: Is theoretical charop on-topic or off-topic?

SevenSidedDieI just noticed that the tag wiki for optimization says While practical CharOp, solving specific build problems for a specific character in a specific game is encouraged here at RPG.SE, general theoretical optimization questions tend to be broad guessing games seeking things like "the best DPR...

Yeah, thanks to that one question, I'm going to spend the rest of the day pondering how MC Cleric works. Nothing starts a fight like the MC calling out the biggest enemy in the opposition to a rap battle.
@MadMAxJr obviously his main class is bard, then he Mcs cleric of knowledge. Half elf.
Master of skills, double prof in performance
Weapon Focus (Turntable)
(although weapon focus isn't a thing in 5e)
I don't think in 5E yet. Giving it some time to simmer before I get into it myself.
"The dragon has bested the party as you flee the lair, but his street cred is ruined, because your MC Cleric totally served him in the dance off."
hi there
your question might be better for chat here or on a forum
As I said in comment I feel like your core question is a general design question, not specific to RPG design
the situation you elucidate could just as easily refer to a screenplay, a business process workflow or a bit a software program
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