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Oh, and @Emrakul, I'm taking a page from the Doctor Who RPG on initiative: initiative count is determined round-by-round according to the kind of action you're going to take.
In DWAITAS, it's talkers > runners > doers > fighters.
In FAE, I'm thinking about keying it off approaches: clever > flashy > sneaky > quick > forceful > careful, maybe.
That makes a lot of sense for this world.
Though it requires players to declare what they're doing beforehand
Yes, I'm a little unsure how to deal with that.
I may keep it at the narrative talk/run/do/fight level, for simplicity, and then make it so you can move down in the round but not up if you change your mind mid-round.
At the end of the day I suspect it'll just be loosey-goosey in practice.
Alternately I could keep FAE's approach-comparison initiative, but rank it across all initiatives.
So the Cleverest people go first and the most Careful people are last, regardless of their particular action that round.
[insert stunt to use a different approach rank for determining initiative]
Here's a possibility
Just say who wants to take a type of action
"Anyone [action type]?", and execute them in order of priority
Ah, so don't go round-by-round but turn-by-turn.
"Who hasn't gone yet that wants to talk? No one? how about run?"
I like that.
I usually do that?
I feel like games flow better that way
This is a kind of halfway-point, though.
Unlike truly initiativeless systems (RFS, Cthulhu Dark, Lady Blackbird, etc), there's a priority system for determining who goes before whom; it's just a dynamic system so there's per-turn priority evaluation rather than per-round or per-encounter like D&D--or per-session like Pilgrims of the Flying Temple and Microscope.
I'd argue that turns operate linearly in Microscope.
Everything is sequential in Microscope except in scenes
Turn priority is determined per-session by position at the table.
I am not entirely sure why flashy and sneaky are above quick
I do get why clever is
Because it's show logic, not "real" logic.
but I require my daily dose of real logic
show logic is like unappetizing junk food
Q: Why is asking how good role playing for the purpose of giving out experience too opinion based?

xenoterracidethis question was closed for being too opinion based. To be fair I got enough answers, but I'd like to bring it up here, because I feel almost every question under gm-techniques and problem-players is opinion based. I feel that this question was broadly applicable, and yet well scoped enough to n...

Hmm that question title is not grammatical. I think.
It needs quotation marks.
Wait, no, it needs an excision.
"Why is it too opinion based to ask how about good role playing for the purpose of giving out experience?"
Why is it too opinion based to ask about rewards for the quality of roleplaying? reads better, I think
It does, but the question that got put on hold is How do you determine what good roleplaying is?
Why is "How do you determine what good roleplaying is?" this too opinion based?
This post is a bit muddled and unlikely to get good answers because it is both a vote-to-reopen request and a challenge to the site's policy on the scope of a vote-to-close reason. Perhaps reading the official line on close reasons would help a little (for example, it seems that you're unaware the "too localized" close reason has been removed). — BESW 21 secs ago
He's got some questionable claims.
From the idea that "opinion-based" is to quash flame wars, to the belief that there aren't "years of scientific research into the art of being a GM" (I think Brian would beg to differ, and I know there's at least one small scientific journal dedicated solely to RPGs).
I have to agree the original question is not really appropriate because of it's incredible scope, but the meta post isn't asking how to improve it but declaring it should be reopened...
Could just ask what should be considered good roleplaying for the purpose of giving roleplay xp in wod
Which would be answerable by references from the book with some added experienced opinion.
Aaaand a quick glance at his question shows that he was told two weeks ago not to use the Pokémon defence.
I'm done. Let Mxy or Brian handle that; he's bringing relative excellence into it, which is more likely to get other questions closed than to get his opened.
pokemon defence doesn't work with me. I know practially nothing about pokemon :P
@Mourdos It's from an early Wikipedia rhetorical case: when an article's noteworthiness was challenged, its defender would say "X Pokémon has an article, and this subject is more noteworthy than a Pokémon."
I know of it, I've just read up on it.
Which ultimately resulted in Wikipedia saying, "You're right! Let's not have pages for every Pokémon. Now your article is more noteworthy than something we don't have an article for."
On a completely separate note I have a to build an exalted character (using 2.5 errata). I note a complete lack of actual guides for exalted characters, and I'm not looking to build the next essence reactor anyhow. Anyone feel like advising me?
I got nothin'.
I kind of like that the campaign spec is as follows:
Suggested: Solar, Lunar, Renegade Abyssal.
Talk to me: Alchemical, Gold/Independent Sideral
If you are Mad: Terrestial, God, God-blooded, Dragonkind, Mountain Folk, Fey
Go **** yourself: Loyalist Abyssal, True Fey, Akuma, Green Sun Price
And that is 90% of the document
I have a feeling I'm going to be a Solar
[sigh] "My question is perfect and I've been persecuted by unequal application of the rules" is kind of a non-starter.
We had someone try the martyr complex thing last month and it didn't work out well for them either.
Bah. I tried one last time, and he contradicted himself. I need to go to K-Mart; at least there I get useful items to go along with my frustration and high blood pressure.
Skill get: walking completely in the dark
@BESW Do you mind if I follow you on Twitter? (Asking because this is an odd medium and you probably wouldn't recognize my name immediately)
(Also, I just found one of the saddest songs I've heard)
oogie boogie is in our banner
2 hours later…
I wonder how balanced "I was Raised in a Forest, so I can move in the dark without stumbling." is as a stunt
Well it always depends on the setting. In some cases it would be entirely useless and others extremely useful.
For example in doctor who everyone spends like 50% of their time running away so that stunt could be very useful
1 hour later…
(Watch on 1.25x speed, improves it about 1000%)
I feel like this would make a cool RPG
Q: Should we start a community blog?

EmrakulStack Exchange runs blog services for some sites upon request on their blog site, Blog Overflow. Stack Exchange has a blog post dedicated to what they're looking for in a blog, and I think we meet and exceed it on all counts. We have people with fascinating ideas and experience, and who write rat...

I see that a [tag:god-machine] has been created.
for the NPC/Entity/Setting element of the God-Machine
Not certain it is a good thing to have.
Though i guess if we get to fully rename nwod-god-machine (they system) to nwod-2.0
it would be good.
@Oxinabox A meta post about this is a good idea, with explanation of the concept for those not familiar with WoD.
@Emrakul Sure, but I haven't posted on it in years.
mmm, I might get round to that later.
Q: What does a polished, quality campaign look like?

BoydDensmoreI've played many sessions of D&D 3.5e over the years as a player, but haven't played in about 7 years. I've decided it's time to start again, but this time as a DM. I've got a group of 3 players to start, and I'm working on creating my own world and campaign for them to adventure in. I've read ...

delete votes please; this won't get autodeleted on its own because of the positive score
@doppelgreener I don't think it needs to get deleted....
Closed, yes!
@BESW seems to fit the bill for deletion, though:
> Closed questions that are of no lasting value whatsoever should be flagged and deleted.
"no lasting value whatsoever..."
I have this never ending trickle of rep from an a answer to a very basic question on StackOverflow.
It is getting normally about 1 upvote per week, and has for over a year now.
Cos it is a basic answer, to a very common newbie mistake, it continues to draw upvotes everytime someone makes the mistake and googles it...
@Oxinabox I've got a handful of those here.
this kinda thing causes inflation in the rep economy
@Oxinabox that's an ok thing though
i still get upvotes for this one sometimes:
Q: ? Operator Does Not Work

sudoHow come this is not possible? I am getting illegal start of expression. (s1.charAt(i) == ' ') ? i++ : break;

yeah, it is.
I guess it is this kinda inflation that has SO having different priverlage levels to other sites, (and beta and private beta having lower again)
@Oxinabox i still get upvotes on my two highest scoring answers here
but yeah, SO is in a privileged position where it has a set of canonical problems that get googled all the time and it's a reliable source for answers
(a very very very large set)
SO normally has all basic questions like my python answer already answered, I guess i got lucky enough that it wasn't a duplicate and i got the first (correct) answer in.
I feel like I have earnt my rep more here.
It is abit weird the whole rep !=Work put in, Rep=number people helped.
Thus while only 3% of my answers are for dnd,
all (one) of those answers is in my top 3 highest voted questions.
@Oxinabox oh yeah i see what you mean.
and there's the fun outliers
Q: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

JeffI need to match all of these opening tags: <p> <a href="foo"> But not these: <br /> <hr class="foo" /> I came up with this and wanted to make sure I've got it right. I am only capturing the a-z. <([a-z]+) *[^/]*?> I believe it says: Find a less-than, then Find (and capture) a-z one or ...

When I first joined this chat, I ran into some discussion (theoretical, as the users involved were far beyond concern about scraping up more rep) on the way to get the highest rep:work ratio.
whoa. the author of this answer is still getting several upvotes a day from it:
A: Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?

MysticialYou are the victim of branch prediction fail. What is Branch Prediction? Consider a railroad junction: Image by Mecanismo, via Wikimedia Commons. Used under the CC-By-SA 3.0 license. Now for the sake of argument, suppose this is back in the 1800s - before long distance or radio communicati...

@BESW Oh yeeeeessss? [leans in closely with notepad]
The conclusion was that one should provide answers to questions, because the questions got a lot of attention and even the laziest answers on them got upvotes.
Q: How do I judge "no lasting value whatsoever"?

BESWMy 10k rep moderator tools include voting to delete questions, and it offers this guidance for my voting: Closed questions that are of no lasting value whatsoever should be flagged and deleted. I am then instructed to avoid deleting questions with good answers, and to be cautious in deletin...

@BESW a couple of my top answers are gm-techniques... but none are 3.5e!
And so with my spat of clearing a handful of misused new-gm tags I enter the 2k rep club
@Oxinabox Grats!
@Oxinabox welcome!!
I've discovered our site is remarkably resilient to edit sprees
and am unable to get rep via edits anymore. (I think that is the fastest way to get rep honestly.)
what do you mean resilant?
@Oxinabox only your first 500 approved suggested edits get rep anyway
so you can only get 1k rep tops from them
@Oxinabox look at how many questions on the front page right now are there with an activity stamp of modified by you or me ;)
Only one by you.
(I have anything related to dnd hidden)
@Oxinabox oh, well then add 4
Of the top 15: 5 by Hobbs, 7 by Ox.
@BESW that's it
so, edit spree of ~12 between us
which i used to get concerned about because it meant pushing a ton of questions off the front page and thus out of prime visibility
I feel that my interactions with the site as very shaped by my having dnd hidden.
I see a very differnt site to most users i suspect
but they get a lot of attention anyway.
What he means by resilient is that in 24 hour most of the questions will probably have been modified by someone else too, or will have dropped out of the top 15.
Again, I suspect not for me, with dnd hidden.
I find the site to be a fairly quiet place with i think around 5ish questions posted per day.
So editing sprees, which don't add significant content but are crucial to the site's "neatly sorted" goal, bring attention to questions that maybe didn't really need it--but then they go away and the site returns to its regularly scheduled program.
@Oxinabox Oh, man, you miss all the best drama and tantrums.
also, all the inanity where the exceptions in D&D 3.x's mechanics collide together with explosive, horrible, terribly confusing force
doppelgreen: you missed the pathfinder tag:
questions about dnd: 5,454
Sweet Luna on the Moon.
you see 37.9% of the site's questions
62.1% of the site's questions erupt from one single series of games.
that is probably not just due to popularity.
and these are the ones people didn't actually manage to solve at the table.
Yeah, complexity has as much to do with tag frequency as saturation.
I have not yet found a question to ask about Lady Blackbird.
oh wait, OD&D too: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/… Current total of 5457
(Except maybe "Where does this come from and how do I make my own characters?" --hmm.)
D&D 3.x was an emormous, apparently organically grown and complex rules system that cared little for having secure foundations to support a system at such scale
so we get an awful lot of questions of the nature of "what if I foo a bar?"
or basically, what happens when you put foo and bar in the same gameplay vicinity in some way
I was thinking about my relationship with 3.5 and this doggerel just ran through my head:
> I eat my peas with honey;
I've done it all my life.
I do not LIKE my peas with honey,
But it keeps them on the knife.
@BESW oh my goodness XD
that's a brilliant poem
About 250ish WoD:

I didn't quiet get all the wod tags, but i suspect very few WoD questions don't have one of the tags i did hit
@BESW I would like to know how to make characters
then again, I really really love the only one I have used
I wonder if there is a nice way to discover tag groupings.
then we could compare system-lines.

I suspect I could apply a clustering algorithm to tags and put them into familities.

I really should extra a machine learning dataset from SE.
Does Lady Blackbird only have premade characters, and not guidance on making your own?
I could train a AI to spot possible abuses of tags.
With a bit more difficulty I could probably make it discover meta-tags.
@Oxinabox has a list of its own system tags, so does . maybe and should have similar compilations?
I wonder if i can find a way to convince uni to let me do a PhD on it.
Probably, the hard part will be convincing them it is a form of electronic engineering...
@doppelgreener: does too. (because i put it there)
from 's wiki...
> NOTE: This tag is to be renamed and merged with .
Is that still current/accurate?
Hiya guys! It's been a while.
apparently not, it's from may last year
Hi @kviiri!
@Oxinabox aha:
I am scared of the mess around the WoD Tags, and have resolve to keep my little corner of clean
@oxinabox Do you know what the 4th paragraph is supposed to say in the WoD tag wiki?
> The tag applies primarily to cross-edition, all edition, and generic questions concerning World of Darkness games. Those original World of Darkness games that are listed among the old/classic titles below should get the tag. The tag applies to games set in the new World of Darkness in general, (...)
the two tags at the end do not exist. naturally, the last one should be , but what's the classic tag? is there one?
I need to go out and eat, but if you know what it's referring to, it might be useful to update it
but then again people don't regularly read these anyway ;)
off i go!
@doppelgreener as far as I know that is indeed the case
though to be fair, the ones I have seen are already pretty awesome
especially Niomi Bishop, at least in my opinion
BESW has mentioned to me that the Goblin is apparently the most popular
@doppelgreener classic-world-of-darkness is the official branding for .
as I understand it.
as I said, I fear the naming issues with the wod family
I wish they had have done something like:
WoD 1.0 =owod, WoD 1.5 = revised editions of owod lines, WoD 2.0 = nwod, Wod 2.5 (or 3.0) = nwod-gmc, WoD 1.75 = 20th anniversary oWoD

which we are kinda getting with nWoD-gmc being rebranded to WoD 2.0, but that still leaves difficulty talking about anything todo do with the other wods.
Q: is God Machine a good tag?

OxinaboxA new tag: god-machine has been created by xenoterracide. This is distinct from nwod-god-machine because it about the setting element/entity/character known as the God-Machine. Which while is a staple of the nwod-god-machine system, is not intrinsically linked to it and plenty of games of nwod-...

@doppelgreener Yeah, it's apparently a single-serving hack of a larger, more unwieldy system.
1 hour later…
do mods have the power to rename a tag?
rather than just creating a synonym I think it might be good to fully rename the tag.
@Oxinabox I think so.
@user1810077 Hi!
@doppelgreener [wave]
@Oxinabox yes, but it might be through the ability to create a new one and immediately synonymise the old one and then maybe even delete it
@doppelgreener I'm still trying to get the FAE Doctor Who pre-mades into shape; any input would be welcomed.
@RedRiderX Hi!
(I am doing my best not to go all OMGSQUEE on the chat re: Deep Breath. I hope you all appreciate that.)
@BESW Yes very much so
I haven't seen it yet :x
I will mention that there was a very sly reference to one of my favourite Fourth Doctor quotes.
Oh goodie the Canadian broadcaster of DW has finally gotten their act together with regard to their online stuff.
Available next day with ads.
Better then probably-available-next-week-but-who-really-knows-right, which is what it was for the last year or so.
Which was so painful last summer, as they decided to have reruns of all of NuWho, but with random videos not being uploaded properly and what not.
Which is why I still haven't seen Midnight
[blink] That's a shame.
Q: Would a place of business be gifted along with the territory it's in?

xenoterracideSo early in my chronicle I mentioned that a certain local bar (which is a 90% outside bar and very dog friendly) is a werewolf hangout. When the group decided they were going to all play werewolf (instead of the crazy multi game we were playing) they also decided that they had been gifted said ba...

Midnight is one of my favourite Tenth Doctor episodes that has the Tenth Doctor in it.
It seems like people are trying to use mechanics to solve a social problem
Or Silence in the Library.
Which bums me out even more
I really should try to see it
Someday I shall run a Cthulhu Dark adventure based on Silence in the Library.
Oooh that sounds like it would be cool
It'll be a great exploration of meta terror.
Are the Vashta Nerada not based on anything?
Because my players will know it, and recognise it, and probably someone will remember that the scenario was totally unwinnable except by virtue of the Doctor being exactly who he is.
So without the Doctor...
Shadows that eat you seems like such a good concept I'd be surprised if it hasn't been done before.
@BESW Ah I see
The idea of darkness itself being the danger is definitely not unique to Moffat.
Sure I guess
Also, as I'm Googling it, I just made the most wonderful typo:
Science in the Library.
Heh now I want to read up on Library Science.
@RedRiderX If you'd like to chime in on my FAE Doctor Who pre-made characters, you're more than welcome to.
Is Romana v1 or v2?
Because they were a little different
I assume one from the mugshot
I'm going with one because she's more interesting and dramatic.
Ah okay
Romana II is... well, she's basically a smart-mouthed little gender-bent Fourth Doctor cosplayer.
@BESW Heh yeah hard to argue with that
But Romana I has interesting depth of character.
Adric "A desperate need to prove my courage"
I just noticed something from these reference photos: a lot of lighting in their era of film is too bright
Heh, yes, though part of that is just "low budget = bad lighting."
Oh yeah true enough
Could "I don't know why I like you humans so much" be "I don't know why I bother with you humans so much"?
It's pretty grumpy but Shalka Doctor was pretty grumpy.
Heh, yeah. I just added a couple of quotes from the Doctor on humanity to the comments on that aspect.
(I'm trying to hit a balance of Doctors for a generic "could be any of them" effect, with a tendency toward Fourth when I have to make a choice.)
@BESW Yeah a lot of the companions are around Forth's era too
Aye, he had a lot and they broke the "Doctor Who Girl" mould more often.
You should probably use his mugshot then, gets a lot more of the "Cosmic Hobo" across.
I started writing up Jaime McCrimmon, but he turned out to be too much overlap with Leela.
@RedRiderX Meh. I'm deliberately using a Doctor that has been excised from canon, to reduce the pressure to play him according to any particular portrayal.
@BESW Ah okay
If Peter Cushing's version weren't so recognisably Peter Cushing, I'd use him.
Oh, @doppelgreener, one all-important question: is there a character here you'd enjoy playing?
(And/or is there a companion you'd like to see added?)
@doppelgreener One problem I ran into picking companions was that over the years a relatively small set of companion "roles" was repeated over and over with minor variations. Jamie and Leela as bright but uneducated warriors; Kamelion and Turlough as sneaky operatives with shady pasts; and so forth.
@BESW I have to do a thing, but I will have responses for you later/tomorrow!!
Aight, thanks.
No rush; we've got all week.
2 hours later…
@BESW my main concern is i do not know anything about these people, except for Leela, who I have only seen a few scenes of
except new who does not do a great job of having independently interesting companions
but having a modern companion may help if i'm to play one
amy? rose? rory?
however, if it is not important that i remain faithful to their character, I would probably play Leela
I would likely not play a Leela anyone who's seen the show would recognise, though
but that is only a problem if someone has a problem with it ;)
2 hours later…
Designers & Dragons: A complete history of role-playing games by Evil Hat
I'm seriously tempted.
@Emrakul which is it?
oh I see you linked it later, nvm
Ive been super tempted by that as well
their cover art is very appropriate
2 hours later…
@BESW I can give you some
@Emrakul wow. True.
@BESW love me some Turlough
@doppelgreener the choice is obvious, Tegan
2 hours later…
@doppelgreener One reason I chose Old Who companions most of my players are unfamiliar with is that I'm hoping it reduces the pressure to play them show-accurate.
@BESW Excellent, that's perfect then
And I'm very interested to find out something: if I'm given these aspects and stunts, and I compel myself a lot, will I wind up playing a somewhat accurate Leela anyway?
I hope so.
That's part of my goal, and why I'm still trying to tweak things around.
Two things have occurred to me that I shall spill here:
1. D&D 3e, 4e and 5e might be a lot more awesome if class capstones were moved to 3-4 levels before the class's final level. Capstones have the chronic problem that you often don't reach them, and people also have complaints here sometimes because it's the last level of the class so you stop growing and etc.
So, give people the awesome stuff sooner, let them have it and use it sooner and for longer, but keep them growing in the last levels of the class. Use the final levels to make everything the class does stronger, but make sure they have all the amazing unique features already.
2. Ghost towns are an impressive piece of dramatic silence. How recently were they abandoned - last week, year, decade or century? What did the people take with them - everything, only the important things, or nothing at all (even the jewellery and jackets are there)?
I'm going to have a ghost town near the researcher's archives. It was abandoned decades ago, and a lot of buildings still have stuff in them.
@doppelgreener Compared to 3.5, 4e actually moved toward this by giving classes all their iconic features at level 1.
None of that "wait until level 5 to get something everyone with your class should have" junk.
@doppelgreener What people take with them would depend on why they were abandoned, and how quickly. Slow economic decline? People would take everything they possibly could. Epidemic or disaster? Take what you can grab on your way to the door.
@BESW Yeah, that's a good point!! :D
@Adeptus Yeah. ;) And then there's the eerie cases... like nobody took anything, but there's no signs of a fight.
I have some ideas as to why there will be a ghost town outside the researcher's lair, but (changing my mind just a little from what I said before) I'm going to tell my players it's there and was abandoned a while ago, and let them tell me what state it's in, and what the people took or left behind.
(Which is probably better than me deciding)
Also of note: the current state of the town reflects not only who and how and why it was abandoned, but what's happened since.

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