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@Aaron I played in a homebrew system that used locational HP. It also had armour absorbing some of the damage (and/or converting some to temporary) rather than making it harder to hit.
@mxyzplk @C.Ross @BrianBallsun-Stanton There's a Moderator.SE now!
or @Magician in case Brian doesn't actually get chat pings at the moment
also @waxeagle ^ :)
@doppelgreener haven't spent any time there yet, but it seems like it might be cool. Even if it's not the dedicated private stack the mods have been clamoring after for years
@waxeagle is it worthwhile having it be a public thing though? that way regular users get insight on moderator issues
unless the privacy is so that, say, specific users can be discussed or w/e
@Aaron I think this looks very paladiny. What do you think a mouth-frothingly zealous follower of a faith look like? Not always the gleaming knight in shining armor. Especially not for all faiths. ;)
(I like this kind of book art a lot: the art which defies stereotypes and shows you different ways a class can appear, rather than fits stereotypes: like Pathfinder's black female paladin, where a lot of books picture paladins as white men)
@doppelgreener yes, definitely
@doppelgreener for the most part we have solid channels for this stuff, and very few moderator tools aren't public.
there are certain things that come up over and over (such as how to use the specific tools that aren't public), and some specific procedures that it'd be good if we had questions to point people at. They've actually addressed this recently with a mod specific section of the Help Center
@waxeagle Hmmmmm. Does your Moderator NDA prohibit you from asking about the private tools in that Q&A site?
essex vs gencon...
I think i would rather got to essex as it is in a country i would like to go to.
on the other hand i don't speak german
being able to communicate is a pretty important thing when visiting a convention ;)
@doppelgreener [gesticulates wildly]
@BESW [confused, offers BESW an only half-burned copy of Dead Earth]
[gesticulates even more wildly]
@BESW [startled, puts it away, offers fully intact version of Dead Earth]
[offers pristine copy of "Book of Erotic Fantasy" in trade]
[frowns, pauses for a little while, rubs chin, accepts trade]
[tosses deadEarth book on pile of other deadEarth books, wanders off to find someone who wants a used copy of "Book of Erotic Fantasy"]
[suspects this pile of other deadEarth books is a pyre]
So, this Saturday I expect to have Trogdor, Raycia, and maybe her brother. BenHardy will be off island.
If you and/or Dan want to join us, I don't see why it wouldn't be fine.
Me neither, that could work :)
Probably Lady Blackbird.
@waxeagle suddenly i learn why our badges are hexagons!
@BESW I'd be happy to try it out
@doppelgreener lol, subtleties :)
It's one thing I like about this site's design; elements like badge shapes are thoughtful but not intrusive.
The site feels no need to say "Look, I thought of a clever thing!"
1 hour later…
@BESW yeah, i appreciate very much that it's that way ;)
I've put a couple of comments on answers to this Q:
Q: Is necromancy necessarily evil in 5e or Forgotten Realms?

SurrealAnalysisWith Forgotten Realms being the default setting for 5e, I am curious if there is the possibility for a necromancer, specifically a wizard, to be considered not evil: In terms of alignment In terms of how they are viewed by the general populace. I haven't seen any rules specifically pointing o...

should I flesh them out to make an actual answer, or leave them as suggestions to the other answerers?
I think it could make for a good answer.
Q: "Unanswered" questions not showing up in that list because of a single upvote

gatherer818I have yet another Shadowrun question, and I noticed it's attracting views quite a bit more slowly than most. I didn't give it much thought until just now, when I went to the Unanswered Questions list looking to see if I could answer some questions, and noticed mine wasn't there. So I went back...

@Magician Yawp.
@BESW You, sir, are a barbarian and a reprobate.
Which is to say, good morning!
I contain multitudes of barbarians and reprobates!
@BESW As any good roleplayer should.
TIL Whitman was a GM.
@BESW Done. With much referencing of Basic v0.2
Nicely done.
I'm considering coming back with a bounty for that later.
[stops self, shuffles off to 5e room]
[Shuffles suit, groaning undeadly]
Ooh, is this a Lurch for the Cure?
@BESW no just a regular zombie walk
this puzzle may look familiar, but i'm linking it for the hilarious responses
Q: Join all circles together with 6 lines

Riddlein the picture below can you draw 6 straight lines that passes all the circles? as soon as you start drawing lines you can't take your pen up until you draw all six lines. hint: you don't have to keep the polyline inside the square

I was digging out a previous event in our transcript and I just discovered that one of our resident trolls from back in March is now suspended for a year - with 308 days to go.
This is a little satisfying.
(Just a little, since they haven't bothered us again. It's nice to see mod action when it's delivered upon individuals who thoroughly earn it.)
Or I guess to be precise: it's good to be reminded the system works.
Shopping! bbl
Then I came across this picture and suddenly I kinda want to have a site or service or somethin' with appointed moderators just so that I can send them little "thank you" statuettes of mjolnir.
what a bunch of trolls there. Love it
and good morning or whatever your time is
@doppelgreener I will happily accept any and all Mjolnir statuettes which you might wish to furnish me with.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Duly noted ;)
How to be an SE troll: write a good answer that has a jarring formatting or spelling mistake, but the fix is a change of less than six characters (i.e. too little to submit as a suggested edit). Make sure that all the other content is stellar and does not warrant any change at all.
Can't you just add spaces at the end or add some random tags that do nothing?
like ** **
@Mourdos Hmmmmm, I suppose you can.
@doppelgreener Also, you linked back to a post, and I spent several minutes thinking that the user you linked to was the troll and trying to find what they did.
That came up because of this answer. (Still the current revision at time of writing.)
@Mourdos Oh. No. XD Sorry. This was the troll:
Mar 4 at 11:32, by Utkarsh
A good portion of their trolling got deleted.
I found it after a while. But cheers, having their stuff deleted makes sense I guess.
Hmm, quick question in pathfinder. Does a creature receive a +8 racial bonus to fly if it has a permanent fly speed?
Ah never mind, maneuverability replaced that. And the +8 is a "special" under climb
I think the +8 is also there for swim
It is. And in 3.0 I think there was a "fly" skill of some sort which got +8, but it was removed for 3.5. Dunno if PF reinstated it.
PF has a fly skill
But is doesn't give you a +8 for having a fly speed
Ahh well, time for the Eidolon to take Skilled(Fly) for the +8
Correct. Unless you have perfect maneuverability
Got a +18 Fly (including a -2 from non masterwork chain shirt)
I think it might be time to make him an agile breastplate and see if agile applies to fly.
"The armor check penalty for Climb checks and jump checks is only –1" Agile Breastplate
I might see if I can get a special one made for flying instead
I'm probably going to ask the following:
What situations require you to make a concentration check to use a spell-like ability. Casting defensively is obvious, but what about vigorous motion? Its not actually a spell.
In 3.5 vigorous motion forces concentration checks.
But... SLAs are weird.
and in pathfinder?
I'ma have to look it up.
I think this covers it, but I'm not sure of the source:
A spell-like ability has no verbal, somatic, or material component, nor does it require a focus or have an XP cost. The user activates it mentally. Armor never affects a spell-like ability’s use, even if the ability resembles an arcane spell with a somatic component.

A spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 standard action unless noted otherwise in the ability or spell description. In all other ways, a spell-like ability functions just like a spell.
I spent seven years in 3.5, but all I know about PF is what I've gleaned from a couple years on this site.
Same with me. pathfinder trips me up on almost everything.
"Using a spell-like ability works like casting a spell in that it requires concentration and provokes attacks of opportunity."
From here.
Why is this under "Using abilities" but not "Spell Like Abilities" where it would make sense >.>
"Sense," you say. What is this "sense" you speak of?
We're talking about 3.PF. Expecting sense is a sure-fire way to be disappointed.
Right, so Using my summoners SM3 ability requires a DC 13 check for Vigorous motion. My Concentration check is 1d20+6+5.
I'm happy enough with that
If only It didn't need combat casting
Found the one I need: d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/focused-eidolon, except that I'm a master summoner, no shield ally
@Aaron I'm very surprised nobody mentioned powered by the apocalypse games by that moment. (Apocalypse World, Monsterhearts, Dungeon World, Tremulus and so on)
Also, good morning everyone
Yeah, right, mine is only a morning, no good one. Fell down a flight of stairs (but I'm fine)
(I also considered this one or this one.)
...but since I hurt my pinky toe yours is fine.
[How to make a cat cry](prequeladventure.com/2011/03/prequel-begin/"How to make a cat cry)
@Mourdos Link format is: [text goes here](http://www.dontforgetthehttpitsveryimportant.com)
....and spaces break the links too.
%20 might work as a replacement.
Ah, there ya go.
Its a very sporadic update, but its fun
away from tab for a while, but pingable.
BESW = Big Eyes Small World?
Big Eyes Small WAAAAARG?
Just my initials.
I am loving Legend.
I love the somewhat Humorous wording they used.
Cheerful Hemoglobin
Your blood is quite happy where it is.
You gain fast healing 5 and immunity to bleeding
I had this weird experience last session with my players.
They made an actual rational decision.
Not something that happens too often.
Still heading straight for a TPK unless they wise up, but at least it's a step in the right direction. :P
a TPK predicated on logical decisions can be quite fun for everyone
(provided it has meaning)
(and isn't seriously drawn out)
It wont be drawn out. They'll know immediately that they're in big trouble, so they get a last chance of reconsidering their actions.
Funny, "logical decisions leading to terrible outcomes" is a pretty common thread in most of my games.
I need to go look at this update
@JoshuaAslanSmith lol, mind your chat windows :)
via allusion
I'm a 5th level Allusion school magic user
heh, it just looked like a continuation from what you said in teh other room :)
Lord Ballsun-Stanton shan't ever know
I kind of just want to answer my own question with "yes" and another answer with "no" and see which gets more votes.
@Mourdos it's not an uncommon thing to do on meta....though it's not a great idea since it doesn't leave room for discussion which meta supports more of
@Mourdos I counter with "Maybe, maybe not, it's impossible to be sure."
Now we have three options :P
Mostly, its a discussion going on in my group now.
Hmm, not quite the answer I was expecting
@mourdos check my answer
I did, thats what I was refering to :P
so here's my thought maybe you could get away with something like silver or gold bullets at cost (though I think 10% is not at cost for those materials)
so maybe like 25%
because they would be incredibly easy to as soft, elemental metals to melt and cast
I'm not sure, because you quotes alchemical, but I was referring to bullets.
right, but I guess what kind of materials
And the word regular or normal is not used, it just says "bullets"
like are you trying to make a bullet out of a lich's phylactery bone or something exotic like that?
Special materials is rather well define
I can go into further detail, and I can give both balance reasons and reasons of simulation why 10% cost is bonkers
Our gunsmith is trying to make adamantine bullets for 6 gp :P
rather than 60
I'll link special materials for clarity in the question
Does he have a giant processing facility? I have no idea what the in fiction reason for adamantine is in PF, but it sounds basically like adaumantium from marvel
Its basically so he can overcome things wth DR X / ad...
Silver bullets are the wrose. They automatically confirm crits vs lycanthropes
okay so adamantine has a hardness of 20, nothing else comes close except mithral at 15
We have the relevant equipment to do the forging
So lets say unless he has mithral tools, he won't be able to effectively finish the bullets
even then hes going to wear out the mithral tools at a steady rate with that sort of discrepancy
What is the hardness on diamond?
@Mourdos where do you get the lycanthrope part from?
Hearsay, I should probably check the actual rules
we have been fighting lycanthropes
and apparently they auto confirm
on the Mohs scale 10, but thats IRL
it's neither at silver, not at lycanthrope
ahh... should have known bullets were an exception
"Gunslingers are special"
it's PF after all, where no 2 things can work alike, like, ever
Apparently guns are cheaper than everything else to craft.
I actually have ranks in craft(weapons)
The gunsmith just bumbles along with his free feat and crafts 1000 gp worth of gun in a day
reminds me of this: docs.google.com/document/d/…
"A Gunslinger just sat down at my table. What do I need to know?"
oh, that also says something about gunsmithing bullets
@mourdos I guess what Im asking is are you trying to justify these being made on the cheap or show why they arent?
I'm looking for the actual answer.
As I read it, I think its possible.
the very light rules blurb on gunsmith, and alchemical cartridges leads it to be GMs Discretion in my opinion since special materials is not name dropped
I should probably add the RAW tag
there are arguments both ways RAW
Hearing them is good
hokay dokay Ill go edit my answer to be the RAW against it as much as I can
I'm basically gong to link my group to it and see what they say
d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/… mentions a lot of special material bullets actually
hmmm good point
the fact that they already exist (and are not custom items)
So mine will be Yes but youll need special tools
combined with the lack of "normal" or "regular" in the gunsmithing feat
docs.google.com/document/d/… does actually support the 10% argument, but the whole thing is a guide, so not authoritive
I included it in my answer anyway. All PFS GMs I know use that folder, and PFS is quite RAW by design
Watching this whole conversation is forcibly reminding me just how far I've moved from my approach to RPGs in just a couple years.
I know what you mean, but I've hardly ever played differently.
Anyway, cheers
Like, FATE-like games. Actually, my Background is DSA4, and switching to D&D3.5 was nice because it was so much more rules-light
@Mourdos actually, Sling Bullets are also included in Gunsmithing by RAW
they are "Bullets" after all
Apparently Gunsmithing has more to do with understanding aerodynamics than with metallurgy?
you have obviously ventured far away from D&D-like games...
using logical reasoning? come on!
I guess that kinda pinpoints where I've changed: there was a time when the way non-intuitive conclusions rise from the interaction of interlocking subsystems was fascinating, and I welcomed its influence on the world and the story in unexpected ways.
Now such spontaneous idiosyncrasies seem like an unnecessary side effect of an overburdened system, distracting from (and directing away from) the natural unfoldment of the world and the story.
I'm intrigued by this other side of the coin as well, but I can't see me running games like that in the near future. I am horrible at improvising unfortunately.
I've always enjoyed improvising, but that's not at the core of the change in me, I think. I'd still love to run a highly structured SG-1 campaign some day.
@MrLemon only way to improve is with practice
I run into the same problem MrLemon
It's that the nature of my interaction with rules is no longer rule-focused.
I tried to run a game for my friends and they all backed out.
With varying degrees of pretending to want to play
@Phil Probably true, but I'm currently a little stuck with little to no RPGing at all, since I don't speak the local language (French) well enough to play, lest run a game. And english-speaking players are hard to get by it seems.
In D&D 3.5 I let the rules define the story space; if something didn't make sense in the Gunsmithing rules I would delve into it and that idiosyncrasy would become part of the story.
@MrLemon that sucks
4e helped me move away from that, with its "GMs get to make up creature rules" ethos.
So, still in a strongly non-improv-enabled system, I was able to move rules toward story rather than wrap story around an armature of rules.
@Phil yep, it does. I will play and run some PFS next weekend back in Germany though, so there's that. But I won't learn improvising there :)
you thought about running online stuff to sate your appetite?
Online games aren't quite the same, but I've had good experience running games in the RPG chat! I imagine you guys could find willing participants here.
should also check out roll20 - it's really popular for D&D and its variants
I thought about running a VTT using roll20 with some friends back home, but they sadly aren't that much into the hobby, and getting them to agree on a fixed date, no background distractions, etc. will be difficult
MrLemon, where are you bsaed?
Lausanne, Switzerland
hello doppelgreener
I'm in a game on Thursdays, we might be good with another player. We use maptools for the game, and the players voip on skype.
@MrLemon there are tonnes and tonnes of randoms on the roll20 site that would probably be interested
@doppelgreener [wave]
Randoms might actually be a nice idea. @Mourdos what game are you running?
Pathfinder Epic 6
I'm not running it, I'm a player.
Currently the party is three Tiefling siblings, but we might be able to come up with a way to introduce a 4th character
@Mourdos Adoption.
Was that the witch/polearm fighter/ZAM party?
We would need to get you in as a non orc. Orcs are slaves.
@BESW hi!
I'm actually trying to go to bed now.
@BESW bye! goodnight! :D
Keyword: "trying"
Brain keeps insisting there's something I should be thinking about.
[makes yoda quote whilst preparing chloroform]
"BESW, should we be going to sleep soon?"
"Yes, Other BESW, we should."
"But will we?"
"No, Other BESW, we will not."
I suspect at least part of it is that by this time most weeks I'm in "Must be sure to have game prep done in time!" mode.
But--Lady Blackbird.
@BESW find music with repetition
That lets me zone out, meditate or trance, but doesn't let me sleep.
the ghost in the shell movie soundtracks (either of them, eliminating the last 1-2 songs which only appear in the credits and are wildly out of tone from the rest of the soundtrack) work wonders for me
Gencon is currently ongoing, right?
@MadMAxJr yep
@BESW oh? they help me when my brain won't be quiet
Okay, that's why I can't find a few people online...
@MadMAxJr yeah, most of the gaming twitteratti is there
Spidey sense tingling, wanting to know what Fantasy Flight Games is showing off and dropping onto the gaming masses over the next year.
@MadMAxJr who knows, IIRC last year was star wars, right?
"Here's another $100 board game with 800 pieces. It's fun and impossible to teach new players."
(or has that been 2 yrs ago already)
@waxeagle I think so..
With all the work FFG has put into their 40k RPG lines, I was half expecting a tongue-in-cheek ORKS RPG book.
Three stats! Shootin, Choppin, Lootin. If it ain't onna da' three, ya don't do it ya git.
We can run it using fate :-)
Biggest player at da' table is da boss.
I would go with the one who brought the most food.
Just to encourage it
You have to steal it off him if you want it
If yous gets away wit bein sneaky when da' boss ain't lookin, it ain't against da' rules.
Yeah, okay, I couldn't read a whole rulebook written in soccer hooligan slang.
@MadMAxJr I was hearing Ditka
"All rules scuffles are resolved by FIGHTIN DA BOSS."
This is starting to look more and more the "the street bible" my brother got
Sounds like Munchkin to me
especially "If yous gets away wit bein sneaky when da' boss ain't lookin, it ain't against da' rules." hides 12 card hand from other players
Orks would make a good munchkin theme, since it's about working together long enough to get past a challenge, then deny everybody else the precious loot that was worked for.
Interesting. Has anyone here tried running a Munchkin-like campaign, where no 2 PC's motives don't clash somehow?
Clashing requires motivation
I like having friends after the session is over, so no I have not.
Being a hired merc is fun
@Metool guten morgen
> Help ensuring my monk will pull his weight in pathfinder
Excuse me a minute. I need something to drink.
I'm enjoying my ZAM
that's what I thought immediately when I saw the question
make him a Zen Archer
I thought about adding it as a comment
But then I saw the two rangers
I'm tempted to suggest flowing monk
So that he does something differnt
and doesn't try to complete damage wise
I'm tempted to suggest qinggong vowed monk, to make it a pseudocaster.
I think the the best answer is "don't try to outdamage the others, try to do something else"
Mmh, yes.
Hence why I would have gone with flowing monk, just because its fairly simple to play.
but it depends on if the rangers are archers
I found the dredsen files did not scale well.
at Submerged power -- which was wehre i wanted to be so that the higher end templates were available -- everyones skills are great
to the exent that even a bad roll they are still likely to success at things they do.
MAybe i made a mistake...
Oh dear.
@oxinabox DF assumes PC competency, and then characters slowly grow (much as people do in real life) vs. the kind of power arc of a D&D game
1 hour later…
@Oxinabox A Submerged level party should face Submerged level challenges most of the time, and that's something you might be able to 'fix' (see Your Story p310+). However, I do think you're right; the flat numbers in Submerged-level play are too high for Fate to work quite properly.
Similarly to D&D at epic levels, when the flat roll modifiers start to drastically out-strip the size of the variable the dice can impose, the dice stop mattering.
However, that's even more of a problem in Fate than in D&D because it impacts the Fate point economy. Fate points being worth 2 shifts is directly related to the Fudge dice bell curve. When the bell curve stops mattering, the Fate point economy that drives the game's drama/competence dynamic collapses.
Aaaand D&D session gets substituted by hanging out at a bar again.
cant get my homepage to actually display on my website
Redacted. Hanging out at a bar gets substituted by hanging out at a bar with even less people.
I am the GM of an online group (pathfinder, but not really relevant). I'd like to do a little side story: they are in a city where a sport event takes place (horse race, gladiator fight, etc). Now they can bet money on a party and may win or lose it. I want to make it fun and interesting - at the very best the players should shout out "run black beauty! run!". Any ideas how to do that?
@JoshuaAslanSmith You say 10% cost is bonkers, but guns are already massively overpriced and massively garbage anyway.
It's got a large markup because guns are specialty items.
(Speacialized for what, I don't know.)
specialty knowledge
3 hours later…
@mawimawi Give them people to talk to who have interesting things to say.
@mawimawi are you asking for advice on potential mechanics to use?
30. pages. of. dragons.
@waxeagle How many pages of dungeons, though?
New typo!
Q: Can the Monk Feature "Stunning Strike" be used with Matrial Arts?

Aldath Le'CardeStunning Strike reads like the following paragraph: "Starting at 5th level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent’s body. When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The target must succeed on a Constitution savi...

@Metool This typo, @BESW?
@Zachiel Nah, I've seen that before. I mean "Matrial Arts."
I've seen that as well, I was just joking around
@C.Ross [wave]

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