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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@waxeagle It seemed like a poorly thought out rant rather than any useful question. Just how may VTC reasons it got so fast suggests it might not be worth restoring.
At least we managed to handle it so far...we had some drama in meta about it tho but at least we don't have 15 really bad questions a minute
@Tridus yeah, I agree...and really if people want to delete their own poor questions I don't have much interest in stopping them
@MrJinPengyou Unfortunately the drama got somebody suspended, and there's a moratorium on 5e arguments in main chat.
@BESW But does it cover 5e meta-arguments about meta.rpg questions on 5e site policy?
@lisardggY As I've said before, technically the ban is only on 5e arguments.
I feel like that hal9000 question is a troll question
@BESW That's unfortunate but at least we are talking about it. Not just punishing the new users and ignoring the problem.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I feel like it's someone whose character was killed by a fighter and is angry about it.
I've been erring on the side of caution and moving all the 5e conversations into the sideboard, but thus far this one seems okay and productive to have in main chat.
@JoshuaAslanSmith I feel like I get too many false-positives on my troll-dar, so I simply started assuming all questions are in good faith (even if rants) until the evidence becomes overwhelming.
right or they had an unoptimized wizard, or their GM put heavy restrictions/homebrew
Yeah, something like that. It's possible to play Wizards really badly and not realize you're doing it
(I reserve the privilege as de facto room owner to dump the whole thing into the side room at any time.)
We're not gonna change the way the community works because someone thinks there's a clique of users in control of everything. But challenging the boundaries of our framework is always a good idea. As long as someone can admit that one position or the other will have the final word.
@BESW agreed
So what happened to cause 5e stuff to be moved elsewhere?
@MrJinPengyou I'm kinda holding my breath because the suspended user got unsuspended yesterday. I think a showdown is inevitable and it will be graceless.
i don't get to chat much these days, work is busy :(
@Tridus too many heavy arguments and circuitous debates
@Tridus I'd rather not gossip about it. Let's just say...
Fair enough guys. :)
...the atmosphere got confrontational to the point of toxicity.
If you are truly curious find the time of the 5e discussion room's creation
then go look at the rpg main chatlog from around that time and before
@Tridus I think because the discussion about 5e got really intense and everyone was talking about it and it was a problem because the main chat was drowned in conversations about 5E and nobody could talk about something else
We spent about a week trying to keep conversations from becoming debates, but personalities couldn't keep it calm and civil (I admit I was part of the problem).
And yes, the main chat was becoming 5e chat because people weren't able to let things go.
Eventually Brian B-S came in and laid down a moratorium.
That's unfortunate. Probably a sensible idea to move it then, chat is a useful tool when people can come here without it turning into a warzone
It's worked out pretty well so far.
Felt kinda nuclear at the time, but we'd tried the other options.
Some of the issues which were being brought up are things that need to get addressed eventually. Just--not while they're associated with that unnecessary drama.
But for 5e questions, it's a temporary thing.
People are excited, they want to ask questions, so we get questions that aren't thought through as well.
That's usually what happens when you throw bread on the floor and watch people fight for it. The raffle idea was probably not a great one
As we get more solid release material and the game becomes less new-and-shiny, it'll settle down.
@MrJinPengyou Probably not.
[changes subject conspicuously] Anybody here have experience evaluating how long an adventure will take to run?
@BESW Yes, for 3.5 based ones. That experience likely wouldn't translate to a game I don't know.
Well, it might give me an idea of what to look at.
What elements of the adventure influence your estimation?
A couple of years ago I wanted to run a short, prewritten module for Fading Suns. But it felt a bit off to start the game with a party of brand new characters showing up at a derelict spaceship, so I decided to run a session or two of pre-adventure on-planet, so the characters could meet in-play and form some bonds and connections.
That pre-adventure took 5 months.
So yes, I have experience in evaluating. My experience is that I suck at it.
First and foremost, the number and complexity of expected combat encounters. A simple combat encounter (PCs vs 2 NPCs at a comparable EL) is in my group at least 30-45 minutes for setup, PC planning, actual combat, and looting.
Context is that I've been running games, and mostly they've fit neatly into a single three-to-five-hour session, but my last one ran way over. There may be some non-adventure-related factors (players who hadn't met each other before, and a mix of Skype and IRL players), but I think it was also just a longer adventure.
A more complicated combat is at minimum an hour, and a really complicated one involving armies or big bosses is an entire 3 hour session
Next longest thing is if the PCs already know what they're going to do or not. When we're continuging from what they'd decided to do last session, planning time is basically nil and we can start right away. If they don't have anything actively going on, they can take over a half hour figuring out what it is they want to do.
If ther's new players to introduce, double that.
@Tridus This is probably a big part of it.
@BESW Yeah. I consistently underestimate that too, but when they're in town and I want them to do something they don't know about yet, there will be lots of debate about if it's worth doing or if they should do something else.
Once they decide what to do, they will move fairly quickly
My previous Cthulhu Dark adventures were "base under siege" style stories (fitting, as they were taken from old Doctor Who plots), and this one was investigative (taken from a Scooby-Doo plot).
Scenes that involve things like traps, puzzles, riddles, and such I tend to give 15 minutes per trap/puzzle/riddle. They almost never go over that, and tend to go under
Investigations and diplomacy attempts are really hard to judge because when they can do them free form, they can go really off script
Luckily I don't usually have much in the way of script, and Cthulhu Dark adventure format doesn't either.
CD adventures are defined by The Descent through five "layers" of horrific experience, with the fifth layer being that you actually get to meet the horror at the root of the story.
Each layer is a list of things you can discover/experience which hint at the things in the next layer.
That's pretty much how I do it. In my game it's pretty reasonable, but I've been running it for a year and a half so I know the players pretty well
Once you've experienced at least two things in one layer, the next layer's list becomes available to discover/experience (but the previous layer's list is still available too).
@Tridus My group is very mutable; I've two players I've been working with for years, and one I've just started working with a few months ago, and I never really know who's going to be there from week to week.
And now I've got two more players who like to join via Skype when possible.
@BESW That's going to introduce more variability, but the general thing with players already having plans or not wil hold true.
Which is all great--for about a year I had one player most evenings, and we'd just watch TV instead of play most of the time--but massively disruptive to my systems and habits re: game prep.
Right now I'm trying to mostly run single-session campaigns.
(Hence using short-form systems like Cthulhu Dark, Roll for Shoes, Pilgrims of the Flying Temple, Lady Blackbird, and FAE.)
My previous eight years of experience was all long-form high-crunch D&D gaming, so... old dog, new tricks.
Yeah, that'd be a big transition
I'm very glad to be out of the D&D grind though.
...Maybe we'll play Lady Blackbird this week!
It's the first week I'll have all my IRL players and my Skype players.
Trying to figure out a good single-serving game that'll play nicely with Skypers.
sounds like fun
Im enjoying being back in the D&D grind as a player again finally
I do think its very draining as a GM, but I also find GMing draining in general
I really really like GMing, prep and all.
But the time and detail needed for D&D style prep and game-running put too much energy and time into numbers that wouldn't actually further the story.
I like aspects, I like making villians, I like running encounters, I dislike setting difficulty, and I dislike that my players cumulatively will never even match my time investment.
That last one... yeah, it sometimes chafes, but only when I stop having fun with that time.
(As I did in 3.5, and again in 4e.)
It's one reason I'm using so many premades and short-form games with built-in plots.
Cthulhu Dark has needed some more prep, but it's really just watching a Doctor Who or Scooby story, writing down what happens, and then re-arranging it to fit the Descent mechanic.
Anyway. Bed now. Goodnight!
@BESW Night! :)
I think my preference order is worldbuilding > playing > running
except because I like the first, it means I end up doing the last more often than balance would dictate
unpacking/repacking stuff, so i'll be in and out
at work, but mostly working on my 1-20 DPAD document
At work, but mostly pulling my hair out because I have to support an app that I have no documentation on and know little about. And it is having issues that I have to fix.
@Aaron Ouch. Those are always horrible.
Programming is fun.
Someone modified a constant that is used in 20 differnt places last week
Today I found out that we initialise an array with a size of that constant and then fill the first three. Result: Null pointer that get suppressed into the word "error" in two differnt places
... u n i t ... t e s t s ...
(for I am the ghost of programmers past)
Remove the first four letters, the remainder would be nice
I'm really bitter that they never taught unit testing in my CS classes
There are 3 permanent programmers and currently about 15 contractors. I joined this company as it acquire a piece of software that was in development for 7 years. At that point I was one of two permanent programmers and there was one contractor.
That was November
or automated testing of any kind
I got taught about that in my second year
@Mourdos sounds like a fun time
we then decided to use TDD on a group project
the guy writing the tests didn't, rather he just complained about stuff
I'm planning to leave the company in three months time if the situation doesn't improve
Maybe less.
A friend of mine works for Vaadin in Turku, Finland. They be hiring.
Framework based on GWT
I poked at GWT a few years back.
Java is icky.
We are talking Google Web Toolkit, yes?
I must disagree with your assessment of Java, I quite like it
I find it tiresome.
I prefer a language which is more... pithy. And less dogmatic.
I've used Lua, Python, PHP, Java and C, out of them all I think I like Lua and Java the most.
I also despise Javascript, despite having to use it
I started in Javascript.
I started coding in Java. I actually liked Javascript but most people I know also dislike it. Why is it so disliked?
So I don't hate it like a lot of people do, though I recognize its flaws
Hard to debug.
When it fails, it just falls over, rather than helping you find where it fell over. Mostly it just has a lack of tools for people to use.
@Aaron It's got some pretty big problems, stemming largely from the way it was created and the role it has to fill.
Also, a lot of people who use it have no idea about programming conventions.
I'm a big fan of Dart
@Mourdos There is only one thing that is worse then bad/non exsistant coding conventions.
@Mourdos I would counter that a lot of people who Java have too much of an idea about programming conventions.
bad Database naming and no documentation on said DB
Yes. I agree with Aaron
We have that as well
also, half the comments are in french
I don't speak french
I agree that there are extreme views at both ends of the spectrum.
@Grubermensch vigil I love this one.
@Mourdos Had that before. Worked on a project where stuff was developed in Germany. Best part was when unicode characters leaked into the source code and Clang (we developed cross-platform) flew through the roof when you tried to build on Mac.
@Aaron That one is just silly.
@Grubermensch But the idea is so much fun XD
Not to code in but to watch others code in I mean XD hehehe.
Currently I'm trying to pick up Rust. It's got a lot of great things all in the same place.
I can just see sitting next to someone coding in this and you just feel them go into shock. They look over at you and just whisper. "It deleted everything"
@Aaron git reset HEAD .
as it should be
First time I used SVN I made a new branch for every commit
* shudders * SVN
Then I had to merge 25+ branches
Turns out SVN only has 10 colours it uses, then it loops them again
@Mourdos This is really not supposed to be a problem.
I'm going to predict that both of you code on Linux or Mac?
At my previous job I worked on Windows mostly because XCode couldn't handle our project. I use Linux primarily on my personal machines. Going to be working on Macs at my new job.
Nope. Windows.
I haven't coded in anything but windows actually.
I will say that Visual Studio is hands down the best environment I've used.
But it can't make up for everything else that is bad about developing on and for Windows.
@Grubermensch The thing that it's missing (at least in base), is a good refactoring tool...that's about the only thing I regularly want and don't have
and I am not looking forward to not being in VS on a daily basis
(even though MorphX is built on VS's engine)
I miss being able to find source when trying to trace something down
I have a new policy regarding shooting people. If you use floats of any kind to store money, I will shoot you.
Doubles, doubles everywhere.
Are they at least consistent?
Thats the problem
(Double.parseValue(2)).intValue() == new Integer(2) doesn't always evaluate to true
Double a = 2;
Double b = 2;
Does a = b?
Not always
Doubles often store numbers like that as 1.999999999999999999999999999 or 2.0000000000000000000000000000001
As a result, you don't use them for finance problems.
To compare we actually have to use this awful code:
if (Math.abs(a - b) < 0.001) { //values are equal
Err, should be right now.
I mean, its nothing compared to the following we also found.

Integer a = -1;
< snip >
if (a.intValue().equal("-1")) {
Firstly, autoboxing exists for a reason. Secondly, "-1" is a string... I mean, seriously? That is first day programming.
It was all over the place
Yea. Why put the if there at all? That will always be true.
An integer will never equal a string.
the snip was all the code that might have set it
Right just saw that. Brain fart
Also, in such a case, this is why null exists.
Integer a = null;
. . .
if (a == null)
although, to be fair, if they were doing comparisons in addition to setting, then you don't want null.
null > 5 would be a nullpointerexception
Gah. I hated Nullpointerexceptions when I first started coding.
Agh, I broke it
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: In good subjective questions, should I accept an answer if there are several good ones?

FlammaFrom other meta I have this quite clear: do not accept an answer if there isn't a good one. But what should I do when I am requesting experience based advice and there are several good ones, each approaching an angle? What if I can't decide which answer is best because all seems good to me? Shou...

2 hours later…
@waxeagle grats!
@Mourdos Excel did that to me once
2 hours later…
@BESW I've been trying to think of a good question, so I can get in on the contest. But I haven't thought of anything that is not either clear from Basic, or speculation until PHB.
Yar. Unfortunately this contest seems designed to get people asking questions that don't rise from challenges in actual play.
@Mourdos When I started at university, they were still using COBOL in some classes. shudder
(transcript catchup done)
What's new?
@doppelgreener (I'm having trouble remembering what to type for your autocomplete...) I'm thinking Lady Blackbird for this weekend's game.
I showed it to Daniel and he's interested; I know all my IRL players really enjoyed the one session we played a while back; and it feels like maybe it'd lend itself to good Skyping (that's just a guess).
@BESW Not much...
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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