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I agree
as hard to believe/understand as it may be, books were my first friends
burning books is not an acceptable practice in my opinion, though to be fair, anyone can do with their own property as they choose
it seems inconsiderate to me, but some people would certainly be able to argue that they have the right to do that sort of thing as long as the books in question are their property.
I'm not really arguing against other people's right to burn [their own] books. I just feel very uncomfortable doing it myself.
I would never do that
RPG GENERAL CHAT - we like books here!
even books I didn't personally like get sent or sold to someone
and books I did like also do, unless I decide I would rather keep them
in any case, we have as much a right to peacefully protest book burning as people have to burn books
I just don't see the point of it unless you just hated said book or what it stood for
I wouldn't burn even Mein Kampf if I had a copy.
yeah, if anything it could be considered historical
even if you disagree with everything written in it
but as far as 4e, I realize some people hated/hate that edition
I didn't, but as I understand it some people did
I understand why people dislike it.
I don't see any reason to be very sentimental about it, and I doubt most people really are... things just come out differently online than in person.
this is true
personally, I don't see much reason to go back to 4e myself, especially considering that BESW is sick of it
most of my RPG nights are run by him, and in any case, I have found a lot of satisfaction in a ton of much simpler systems
Yeah, I dislike the bookkeeping inherent in the system. Simplicity rocks <3
I personally liked character creation in 4e a lot, but I am actually very sick of how long encounters took in it, and how inflexible the system was
I too am quite fond of simplistic systems because they generally lack these defects
though I have to admit that I sometimes miss having crunchy mechanics too
As for character creation, I'm not particularly fond of the races presented by the game. Maybe they're a bit too clichéd for my taste...
I'd kinda like to see races more as a social mechanic, than an optimization feature.
I wasn't entirely fond of the fact that if I wanted to make a race class combo, that certain ones would basically punish me in terms of mechanics
I think part of the reason I liked 4e was because most of my tabletop RPG experience was D&D
and 4e was my personal favorite of the D&D systems
I always tend to go human anyway (and that, too, is often a punishment). That way I can roleplay a personality without having to worry about a racial stereotype.
@trogdor there was one book I considered burning, but I got an A in that class so I didn't care enough (several of my class mates did try to burn it though). That was our PE book from college...wasn't useful, wasn't resellable and wasn't worth the paper it was printed on
ah,.. PE
yeah, that is not a subject I think really should be written out
@trogdor yeah...didn't help that the book was something the instructor himself had written
burning it isn't so much what I would do as try to recycle the paper though
that is just wrong
@trogdor yeah, I'm not sure what I did with it tbh
I had a couple of classes in college where the instructor had written the book or had one of his books as an auxillary text....but only the one class where the teacher had written the book, and required you purchase it new because worksheets
that is pretty bad
even one is more than there should have been
@trogdor agreed.
it's basically extortion of your grades
@trogdor more or less. That class was tbh an easy A. You just had to play ball with him.
which is terrible, but it was nice for my GPA and that was what I cared about at the time
I just think that it smacks of downright predatory behaviour
not the worst kind, but still
@trogdor it was, and everyone complained about it. I'm not sure if they still use the book, the prof doesn't appear to be at the school anymore.
one guess is he got fired for this practice
not the only possibility, but a satisfying one from the sound of it, it seems
I've had professors teaching from their own books, but they really didn't care if we took it out of the library or even photocopied it all. "The university put it out", one told us "and I don't see a cent from it. Copy it all for all I care".
@lisardggY yeah, the other profs who'd written their own book didn't care how you acquired it
@trogdor sadly, unlikely. It's a small school, I'm sure they knew what he was doing there. He'd been involved with the school for ages. My guess is that he moved on.
yeah, my beef isn't with professors who write their own books
it's just the idea that one would sell it and require it for his/her class
to make more money off the students
One of my professors had just finished her PhD at Princeton and came back home to teach. She was so exasperated with the terrible selection in our school library that she would ask her Princeton friends to scan whole chapters for us, from books she wanted to teach us from, but weren't available anywhere here.
whud up
I totally was going to take a mythology class for fun and didnt because the prof required the 2nd edition of her own text book vs. the 1st
price spread of like 60 bucks
I specifically asked in front of the class and she shot me down
my favorite text book story from college was my physics text. The profs were cool, so we got to use the same text for 3 straight semesters. They decided that my class was going to use the old edition, and the new edition would start with the class the next year. Well, since the new edition was out already, the old one was super cheap on amazong ($10 range). Several of us bought on amazon, and sold it back to the bookstore for cash at the end of 2/3 of the semesters of the course
(by the end of hte third they weren't taking it back anymore I don't think)
it was like a $120 book, so getting half price back from the bookstore was a tidy bit of cash
1 hour later…
@waxeagle how is Dpad coming along?
@JoshuaAslanSmith was in meetings all day yesterday, so no work done
just interested no pressure
someone was askign someone else on FB about how 5e was balanced
and I wanted to be able to show them your work
Its already a terrible conversation because they are a PF player/fan and they were like "whats in it for me" about 5e, and I was like, probably nothing if you are looking for something similar to PF
@JoshuaAslanSmith The snapshots are pretty close to correct, so they're plenty easy to show off
I'm actually relatively impressed. It's fairly well balanced
Good morning
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm going to move this over to 5e chat for the moment because I'm going to get a bit more nitty gritty
cool ill hop in there
Tact-tiles is doing a KS: kickstarter.com/projects/804836187/…
Im laughing at the "Celebrity endorsements"
@JoshuaAslanSmith specifically Dungeon Bastard's?
oh didnt see that one I specifically mean in the main picture for the KS
monty cooke and RA Salvatore
ah yeah...only celebrities in the D&D/RP world :)
did you play 3.5 at anypoint? You should buy this product then!
right yes, I guess I should have italicized vs. quotes
@JoshuaAslanSmith lol yeah
wow is that expensive
I cant help but think printing a 1inch grid on a poster board, chopping it up and then having it laminated would somehow be cheaper
@JoshuaAslanSmith much, much cheaper
this is injection molded plastic
the only thing they having goign is the puzzle connectors but its not think enough for those to natter
I just remembered there is a small white board I can take from work
should totally exacto knife it up and india ink the lines into it
I'm in the market for a new battle mat solution. My current mats are largish pieces of 1/2" grid poster board where I inked the 1" lines strongly and covered it in contact paper
I'm looking for something more durable, but still inexpensive...the tacttiles are prety expensive but look super durable
(hard plastic vs paper or cardboard)
there's also the chessex mats to consider
yeah Ive been super on the fence about the chessex mat for a long time
I hate carrying a colletcion of things around to the game shop though
and my house does not have a suitable table or chairs for serioius gaming
@JoshuaAslanSmith we mostly play at my house, so that's fine. Longterm I'm going to put a large gridded whiteboard table in my basement. but I need to do a lot of work to my basement first
@waxeagle I have a couple of the chessex mats -- i love them
biggest drawback in my opinion is the amount of ink i have on my fingers at the end of a session ;)
@waxeagle truly the dream
i look like i lost a fight with a ROYGBIV Dragon
well actually my dream is like a giant surface table
or a class table with projection from below
@JoshuaAslanSmith I has an 800 sq ft basement :). I need to fix a water issue in there, tear out the carpet, bleach the bejesus out of it and then replace the carpet
theres a lot of stuff being researched in HCI right now that everytime I see it I just want to visit whatever lab its in and play D&D on it
context sensitive surfaces
yeah, I'm considering a variety of options or the table. Dream would be to actually do a combination of projections, similar tech to telepods/skylanders and probably an undersurface that can be swapped from grids to hexes
basically integrating software like roll 20 with these camera-projection tables, and Ipads
its probably only 10 years off realistically at the business level for collaboration spaces
maybe 5 years
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah. I think right now, you could probably implement it, but you'd have to do a lot of things yourself.
(the only thing I'm not sure of is mini positions
@JoshuaAslanSmith I dunno. I really love all the things they're doing with these technologies, but for D&D, I like to have a couple of dice and paper sheets around the table.
right, so if it was discs/tokens like those that came with 4e mods I think it could handle that but you are right the 3d nature of minis would make them hard for a camera to recognize
@JoshuaAslanSmith I'm looking into whether RFID has granularity enough to be usable
right was just about to say that
also if you painted the bases solid colors in specific tones it might be able to recognize characters based on base color
@JoshuaAslanSmith that might be more likely. Lighthing would have to be incredibly consistent though
software wise itd be a headache to implement at home
I very much see this sort of thing developing in the way video games at home eventually evolved out of time wasters coders and researchers made and put on company/university mainframes
@JoshuaAslanSmith probably, it depends on what tech you choose, and what the APIs look like. If I'm a bored programmer with a good API, I can probably do it :)
yeah I dont think roll 20 has an open or even limited API going on
@JoshuaAslanSmith which means choosing a different mat program (which tbh, you might want to implement yourself anyways. It's not super hard to display an image and move things around it)
the base code/concept is not crazy I think its just getting the bugs out of something like that if you aren't a specialist in dealing with it that might be a bit much
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah.
we've been talking about a ceiling mounted projector to project a battle mat
on to a whiteboard table
@Oxinabox as have we, I've got one that I need to fire up and figure out if it can throw a clear image at short range (basement ceilings are low)
It is a nifty idea.
I've seen some folks do it from below onto a clear table too, which may be more practical in my case
(not that I have a clear table right at the moment, but I could build one)
If you want to throw money at it, iirc a Laser projector has a shorter range
just the aforementioned low ceiling issue
@Oxinabox yeah...not made of money here :)
actually short throw projs aren't super bad...under 1k
(and it's not like you need a super good one)
@waxeagle couldnt you set it back and use the keystone or whatever its called feature
@JoshuaAslanSmith not sure, haven't played with it yet
I've not looked into this as much as I've wanted to for lack of resources to actually implement it mostly
yeah keystone correction is what its called
basically the image is bent to make up for the obvious distortion that would occur when its projected at an angle to the display surface
@JoshuaAslanSmith gotcha
The keystone effect, also known as the tombstone effect, is caused by attempting to project an image onto a surface at an angle, as with a projector not quite centered onto the screen it is projecting on. It is a distortion of the image dimensions, such as making a square look like a trapezoid, the shape of an architectural keystone, hence the name of the feature. In the typical case of a projector sitting on a table, and looking upwards to the screen, the image is larger at the top than on the bottom. Some areas of the screen may not be focused correctly as the projector lens is focused at the...
@JoshuaAslanSmith I see what you're saying, yeah I'd have to figure out how much throw I need, and how to do it without players blocking it
@Oxinabox this would actually be my pref...
and if you did that, you could pretty much do away with minis entirely :)
thats what I meant by a surface earlier
I'm looking forward to combining those with someithing like Age of empires. for Wargames meets RTS
theres something about minis as tokens for PCs though
or use tokens in Roll 20 and move minis accordingly (until you solve how to not duplicate effort)
by token I mean a psychological artifact
@JoshuaAslanSmith my first 5e session we used minis the whole night, and it was awesome (no grid, just used the minis to track general distances and engagement)
I feel bad because Im already homebrewing 5e (i believe) because Im just using 4e style diagonal movement
I will probably completely replicate the 4e terrain rules in any 5e game I play, I may even make charges work like 4e
because martial characters need all the help they cn get
@JoshuaAslanSmith I don't think that's a problem actually. Because of how 4e defines the grid it should work provided that 5e stays consistent about using 5' distances
the only place where I've seen the grid issue come up, is actually in cone vs cube. And tbh I have no problem ruling those as the same(except for one big difference, Cube is fully 3d, cone goes into 3 dimensions more slowly.(origin square is 1 high, squares adjacent to that are 2, squares further are 3)
I may be confusing final playtest rules with basic rules
@JoshuaAslanSmith (there is nothing about diag movement in basic that I saw)
actually there is, Diag is counted normally
(inset on 71)
with a note that it sacrifices realism for ease...
ah okay
so that was playtest packet then
running dead in thay while basic came out was confusing
I can imagine
I just read an article that said 5e combat was less dumbed down than 4e compared to 3.5
this is why I need a stress ball at work
@JoshuaAslanSmith Is that not true? :-)
@JoshuaAslanSmith How is 4e movement different to 3.5 movement? does it use 5-5-5 instead of 5-10-5 movement?
@Mourdos ah seperate issues, the article was not talking about movement in particular
yeah 4e has movement in any direction costing 1 square/5ft
So comparing basic fighter or rogue vs. their 4e AEDU and Essentials counterparts there are still way more things happening and decisions to make, even the Fighter(Knight) which is probably the simplest of essentials classes is doing more interesting things than the 5e Fighter does
Been thinking about how D&D PCs with different alignments would respond to particular situations - eg, how would 9 characters, each with one of the nine alignments, behave if they witnessed villagers torturing a captured Orc? What if the law of the land officially sanctioned ritual torture of evil creatures?
I would respond to that by ignoring the alignment system :-)
I can see Lawful Good either ignoring the torture (if it was legal) or attempting to free the Orc (if the torture was illegal).
Actually, the premise is kind of wrong. The assumption is that you act a certain way because of your alignment, rather than being of your alignment because you act a certain way.
Sorry, personal bugbear.
@Mourdo - Yes alignment is a major hangup in D&D, agreed.
Another scenario that's come up before is when the party runs into a den filled with Orc mothers and their brood of vicious Orc babies/toddlers. Is it morally reprehensible to kill them all? Or no big deal, it's just a game? I'd be inclined to let them live and move on.
@Mourdos This is how I have always played it, because otherwise makes no sense for a "normal" character.
There are the cases of creatures which are actually forces of the universe, where it makes sense to go the other way (angels, demons, maybe some gods depending on how the metaphysics works out), but for the standard free-willed creature, alignment is a description, not a definition.
Hey, anyone know any nondead language that uses a unique (or at least obsure) alphabet?
(By nondead i mean still spoken as a primary tongue)
@waxeagle any lucking recruiting players for thursday?
@Oxinabox - Define an obscure alphabet - wouldn't the alphabet no longer be obscure if the language is still spoken?
Has anyone played around with the alignment languages in older editions of D&D? I never did understand the justification for an alignment language. Perhaps so beings from different worlds/planes could communicate with one another when on a plane sharing their alignment?
For example there are some endangered languages that use the latin script.
The alphabet is not obsure -- it is used in english and many other languages.
But the langage is obsure.

If it had have use its own alphabet, and was a endangered language then the alphabet would be obsure enough
(as would the language)
Mkhedruli, is not bad.
It uses the Georgian script which while similar to greek seems pretty different.
What is it that you are trying to do here?
@RobertF In older editions of D&D each creature type had a definite alignment (except humans, because, yay! implicit racism), so it wasn't quite so nonsensical for the alignment super-languages to exist
How about the Cherokee syllabary created by Sequoyah in the early 19th century? As of 1980, ~10,000 Western Cerokees still use the language. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherokee_syllabary
In demon the decent a demon can speak (and I assert read) any language that is still spoken.
as a primary tongue
@oxinabox cyrillic
(They can't do latin, but theorise that if they get a few hundren children and raised them to speak latin, then every demon in the world suddenly would be able to)
The Cyrillic script /sɨˈrɪlɪk/ is an alphabetic writing system employed across Eurasia. It is based on the Early Cyrillic, which was developed in the First Bulgarian Empire during the 9th century AD at the Preslav Literary School. It is the basis of alphabets used in various languages, past and present, in parts of the Balkans and Northern Eurasia, especially those of Slavic origin, and non-Slavic languages influenced by Russian. As of 2011, around 252 million people in Eurasia use it as the official alphabet for their national languages. About half of them are in Russia. Cyrillic is one of the...
The Manchu alphabet was used for recording the now near-extinct Manchu language; a similar script is used today by the Xibe people, who speak a language variably considered as either a dialect of Manchu or a closely related, mutually intelligible, language. It is written vertically from top to bottom, with columns proceeding from left to right. == History == According to the Veritable Records (Manchu: manju-i yargiyan kooli; Chinese: 滿洲實錄; pinyin: Mǎnzhōu Shílù), in 1599 the Manchu leader Nurhaci decided to convert the Mongolian alphabet to make it suitable for the Manchu people. He decried the...
Cyrillic is super well known though.
It is used in several national languages.
Manchu is fairly ideal.
It also has the very demon benifit that all text in it can be rendered unreadble by demons for the simple murder of less than 2 dozen people
There are ~70 Manchu speakers left in the world, though it is very similar to Xibe, which has thousands of speakers.
ok 70 is a big task to kill off, but still viable
Also it is pretty. I might use this in a game.
@Oxinabo - You're going to kill the remaining Manchu speakers?
Grubermensch is responsible for the mass murder that's about to occur...
Probably won't come to that.
but it would motivate Manchu as a language to use over others
* sigh *
Anyone here going to the Gen Con in a couple weeks? One of these years I'd like to attend.
I'll be at Gen Con.
Is it just me, or is the chat hard to find from rpg.se?
Oh, I guess there's the pulldown I never use. I had to search for "chat" and find the link on the bottom.
Have you been before? Was it worth the trip (i.e., lots of gaming activities, presentations, discounts on RPGs)?
@waxeagle can I get a link to your DPAD as-is? or did you not want to share until finished
Ill probably never go to gencon because of how burned I felt over the gencon exclusive for the next playtest
@RobertF I have! I go mainly to game with friends that originally met on the internet. I also run games at Games on Demand. Presentations are hit-or-miss, depends on what you're looking for. No appreciable discount on RPGs, mostly?
@RobertF I am kind of tempted to skip GC next year and go to more PAXes instead.
@RobertF Getting a decent hotel at GC is becoming a huge pain.
Ah, understood. I've never been in downtown Indianapolis but imagine it's pretty hairy at convention time. The PAX conferences cover both computer games and RPGs, right?
@RobertF PAX has a huge video/computer focus, but it does have tabletop including rpgs. And very good tabletop panels selection (I can mostly speak for PAX East).
@Joshua - What was the next playtest exclusive at gencon? You mean the D&D Next playtest?
Gen Con purchase-wise, I found that that's mostly been replaced by Kickstarter for me.
So the playtest was open signup
but what happend with gencon last year
was that they created a big adventure booklet, with the august playtest rules included
it was the launching point storywise for their new story with The Sundering
My main purchase at gc2013 were the weird dice for DCC.
it was gen con exclusive
it wasnt til 6 months later they released a digital version
well and after I and most people cared to buy it
*3 months actually
Just left a bad taste in my mouth
So you ponied up $$$ for the book that was offered for free in 3 months? Yea, that stinks.
Wil Wheaton does the onstage roleplaying at PAX, right?
not free
it was more like me and everyone who didnt got fumed about not being able to buy it until so much later
I'm kind of curious what kind of madness will come with the 5e launch, but 5e isn't a focus for me at the moment.
@RobertF They do that at Prime and did something similar (different changeup of people) at the most recent East.
I think it all went down because of some backroom deal with gale force 9 because it came with a GF9 limited edition mini
5e's launch officially happened with Basic's release and the starter kit on july 15th
and the books are coming out staggered
so its kind of a soft launch in that sense
I think WotC needs TV spots for 5e. :) Anyone remember way back when there were commercials for Dungeons & Dragons?
theyve gotten a ridiculous amount of press coverage in non gaming news places like WSJ
TV is kind of dead. They need shows were people are playing D&D, etc. They need an internet push (which I think they're doing, and not poorly).
in a way 4e never could have, cultural shift
and yeah I dont think ads on TV are effective at all
5e is retro in all the right ways, from a popularity standpoint.
There's nothing offensive about it.
lol damning with faint praise
I completely agree mind you
even if thats not what you are actually saying
I think for a wider audience they've positioned it well
So 4e was WotC's response to WoW and other MMORPGs, 5e is WotC's response to D&D retroclones do you think?
I think thats a false premise
I dont think 4e was specifically making an MMO RPG, but rather hasbro had a multi-product initiative requirement at the time so 4e was presented in the way that it was because the core rules could easily be used for an actual card game, a board game, and for video games
none of that ever really materialized, the D&D boardgames that came later don't work on 4es actual mechanics
but that influenced the design, but I also feel like 4e actually made bold choices and sacrificed some sacred cows/neutered them enough to make real changes
5es stated goal is basically to reunite the fanbase/community, so its designed to please as many fans of as many editions as possible
and if we talk about this more we'll have to move it over to the 5e discussion channel
5e is their response to the entire D&D-playing audience to get them to take another look. Some of those people are on board with anything that says D&D. A lot of people were happy with 3e/pf and never left. A lot of people bought 4e and feel burned.
(I'm sure there are people out there that love 4e. I just don't know any.)
The free Basic rules were a really good pitch to the D&D audience.
That said, I'm not sure when I'd reach for 5e when I have half a dozen D&D-like games to choose from already.
And each one does something slightly differently, and I can choose one over the other knowing that. 5e is a blank slate, in comparison.
@okeefe myself, besw, & waxeagle to name a few in this chatroom regularly
but yes in general 4e players feel like the red-headed stepchild of this edition
TBD if 5e offers 4e-like powers and whatnot as a rules module. There's still a lot of "wait and see" with 5e.
Which makes sense. They've got a real plan this time around.
right, I have some jaded hope that DMG might allow me to salvage 5e to be somethign I want
I'm not going to buy 5e physical books unless a 5e group magically coalesces around me. I will wait for pdfs. That's the lesson I learned from 4e.
@JoshuaAslanSmith public share: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/…
Yes - good point. I do wish WotC will be more bold with 5e, and offer optional ideas like classless, point building PCs (as in GURPS), different magic systems, streamlined combat (always complaints that it's too slow).
I have not heard too-slow complaints with 5e yet, so that's something.
this is really gonna have to mosey on over next door
@waxeagle thanks for the share
@waxeagle so what changes to your model brought the damage down from a 700 to 2400 spread to everyone in the 900-1100 range?
I guess answer that in the 5e room
4 hours later…
Q: Does magic armor automatically resize?

ZachielI tought I was pretty sure this is not the case, but some discussion has arisen and I'm not so sure anymore. What I know: Most magical objects in the game auto-resize when worn by creatures of different sizes. There is a table detailing weight and cost of non-medium armor. This could still be ...

1000 views already
such wow
much awe
@okeefe you know me. Sort of.
Hello, chat. What did I miss while the power was out?
Oh, my.
Perhaps he can brainwash them into performing suicidal assassinations.
Q: Which systems can be considered balanced? How to predict a fair fight?

VashI am just wondering which pen and paper systems could be considered rather "balanced" and which are not. The game and rules I know best is The Dark Eye - unfortunately I would consider it quite unbalanced: Creating characters with a wide variety of skills will always be weaker then a character...

It concerns me that the asker seems to consider combat as the only legitimate aspect of character construction.
> I love the possibilities in character creation, however you can create characters which rather focus on socializing than fighting - this might cause a lack of tactical possibilities and I am yet too inexperienced to tell if it is a problem estimating the fairness of a fight.
* twitch *
Our pastime's wargaming origin once again rears its biased head.
Also, I'm going to try running my first FAE game during a camping trip this weekend.
Pre-made or group-built?
i don't have a scenario figured out yet
the players are long-time D&D players, and have expressed a desire to stay in the medieval fantasy genre
if you know of an interesting pre-made in that space, i'll read it
otherwise i've got some designing to do
Well... how comfortable are you with improvising?
I need sketches of an idea at least.
The nice thing about the weekend combined with FAE's simplicity is I can work on the whole thing in my head while I'm hiking during the day (it's a backpacking trip, not stay-in-place camping).
I feel that one of the best parts of the Fate experience is the players' ability to come up with the setting and plot at least partly on their own, quickly before play.
But, especially if it's their first time, I like giving them a framework to hang their ideas on.
To that end, our own @Problematic and I came up with what I call Tribute to the Dragon.
oh that one
i read the session you played here
Did you see how I turned it into a generic frame?
i don't think so
Jun 21 at 4:55, by BESW
Tribute to the Dragon is a generic Quest template.
Jun 21 at 4:57, by BESW
During game prep the players identify something they care about (a roadside cafe, their village, a damsel) which is going to be destroyed by a powerful force (a corporation, bandits, a dragon) unless the party undertakes a dangerous journey to acquire something (blackmail information, a bribe or gift) and bring it to that force, then negotiate for the safety of what they value.
Jun 21 at 4:58, by BESW
And that's the session: acquire the tribute, make the dangerous journey, and confront the threatening force.
Sounds like a good option.
You could talk with them about it during the hike, even.
Jun 21 at 5:13, by BESW
@Emrakul Suggestion for starting FAE games fast and improv-y: Players start with High Concept, Trouble, and one aspect relating to another PC at the table; their highest Approach; and one Stunt. Everything else gets filled in during play.
Yeah I think I might use that too
Though they may prefer to do everything at the start.
They are used to D&D, after all.
Aye, it's a call how much to showcase "Fate is different" without scaring them.
One of them at least is plenty skeptical of the "narrative game" itself.
Ah, I see.
I'm not sure I've really experienced that kind of player.
afk dinner
and i return
I'm doing math on this kickstarter.
Three of my players are going to fight for two bags.
oooh purty
Scrolling through transcript backlog...
@waxeagle Laminate a paper grid, use Crayola window markers. My tear-out map from the 3.5 DMG is almost nine years old. It rolls up for travel (it's done the US-Guam flight three times), is easily marked and erased, has clear grid lines under the marker. It's at least eight years old and--aside from a puncture wound where the coloured marker is slowly bleeding inside the laminate--its only sign of ageing is some dogeared corners and ignorable crease marks.
...Hmm. [goes to look up Bahá'í laws and guidance re: destruction of books]
(Reading the chat transcript on the topic, I suddenly realised that I've never looked it up for myself, only been told about it by others.)
@BESW what do they say?
@JonathanHobbs It's kinda complicated because of historical context relating to the astonishingly short duration of the Bábí Faith, but in summary: Under no circumstances are we expected to destroy books (previous Dispensations had conditions in which it was righteous to do so), and while it doesn't seem to be banned outright the practice is called "brutal."
And when we look at the other laws and guidances which call for making education universally available, and espouse each individual's independent investigation of the truth as a fundamental tenet of the Age, we see why.
@BESW aha i see
what if it's a terrible awful book though?
(i guess it permits but doesn't encourage?)
I guess so? The general sense seems to be that one group of people shouldn't be deciding what information another group should have access to.
The context of lifting the previous Dispensations' injunctions to destroy certain kinds of books is that their intent has been perverted to further the material schemes of people who don't care about their original context, so the laws have been lifted entirely to avoid that kind of exploitation.
But that gets into some rather convoluted stuff about the Twin Manifestations and the history of Persia at the time, which is probably far too off-topic even for this chat and if you want to go further on it we should take it to the Not A Bar.
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