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Woo! 10K rep!
The Dresden Files Accelerated system playtest is open! You can apply to the early playtest there until August 15th.
I have increasing qualms about the Dresden Files novels, but a make-your-own-setting game like DFRPG can overcome many of those qualms.
Also, there's a Campaign Coins Fate Tokens Kickstarter. They're metal tokens for fate points. It might go on to feature a few variety of coins and a coin bag. (I own a few campaign coins myself and they're generally pretty good quality.)
@JonathanHobbs Would you (and maybe Daniel) be interested in being part of my playtest group, if it's arrangeable?
@BESW Yes (and probably yes)
Aight then.
I have another friend who may also be interested in joining
but I will accommodate your group size preferences on the matter
@DuckTapeAl Congratulations :D
Shiny. We'll see what we can do.
In the "anything else you'd like to know?" section I'm putting this:
> I'm very excited for a DFRPG FAE system because my group needs/prefers a lower base level of crunch than the original DFRPG itself offers: the ability for each person to customise his character's mechanical complexity using stunts and extras is a big draw for my players, and as a GM I prefer the low-prep high-improv ethos of FAE. I hope to run games with two groups, one group at an in-real-life table and a smaller group online; I've indicated the overall number of players in the survey.
They'll get back to me after the 20th.
D&D3.5ers, is Spell Reflection (rogue ACF) worth it?
Whoops, power just blinked.
I already have Evasion from Rogue, and I just leveled up. I can potentially take another Scout level and gain Evasion again, making either Improved Evasion early, or swapping it out for Spell Reflection. Problem is I literally gain NOTHING else from taking that level in Scout aside from skill points and hp. BAB and saves don't go up at all on that level.
@BESW Rad.
@JonathanHobbs I like that some of their stretch goals are "pay our workers more."
Spell Reflection (CM, p 35): Lose evasion, gain the ability to reflect spells targeted at you that miss.

Spell Sense (CM, p 35): Lose trapsense. Gain AC bonus vs spells.

Both of these in fact... I have Evasion from Rogue, and Trapsense +1 from Scout right now. I can trade off the Rogue's Trapsense for Spellsense if I take the next level in Rogue, and I can trade the Scout's Evasion for Improved Evasion or Spell Reflection... Rogue I'd also get a boost to BAB and saves, as well as a boost to SA right now...
@Dorian I have Opinions but no numbers or experience to back them up.
Let me hear the opinions then :P
Primarily, it depends on your GM's style. Objectively I think Spell Reflection is superior to Improved Evasion because evasion is about damage mitigation while Spell Reflection can be a combat finisher if you reflect the right kind of spell.
@BESW Me too. :D
But if your GM throws more Reflex-save damage spells and fewer nasty targeted spells, evasion's better because it gets more use.
Likewise I think Spell Sense is better than trapsense unless your GM throws more traps than touch attack spells (which is probably very unlikely).
I haven't really been in the game long enough to tell. I think what I'll do is take another level in Rogue for now for the increased saves/BAB/SA and leave the Improved Evasion/Spell Reflection decision for later...
And I do believe picking Spellsense is a bit better in that regard.
I've only encountered one trap in the game so far, and it was a magical one. As for damage mitigation, I'm pretty damn stealthy so it's hard to hit me unless you AoE anyways... Oh, and I was almost killed once by the barbarian's AoE sonic crit effect because I was too close to him.........
I survived with like 2hp, and I was at full before that.
Oh... wait. nvm. was at full health, and was in the negatives after that.
Oh, if you're suffering friendly fire then that should definitely be taken into account.
Accidental, and I learned my lesson. Stay the frick away from the barbarian!
I'm an archer anyways, that was just the best spot to be in to get a pot shot at someone, and I got unlucky.
Try to keep the incidental profanity to a minimum, eh?
Profanity? Moi? I don't know what you're talking about :P
One of my players is already thinking we can use Fate point coins for tracking Insanity in Cthulhu Dark (thus far we've been using poker chips).
@BESW Sounds like a good idea :)
Hmm.... We were dealing with a large lightning storm which every member of the party got a chance to experience... The barbarian deliberately failed one reflex save... took full damage from a direct lightning strike and fused a worg pelt/skull to him due to it... The trip god of the party got hit with the AoE from that lightning bolt...
One set comes with 12 tokens, and it recommends three sets for a GM... but two sets (24) ought to be enough for 4-5 players right? Unless there are groups that involve a lot of fate points flying around.
My archer happened to be near an NPC cohort who is our 4th and our healer right now... She drew the chance die for getting struck. I asked, and my DM ruled that I'm quick enough that I get a reflex save to push her out of the way. He also gave me my own reflex save (separate, and much higher DC) to get out of the way of the lightning bolt I practically threw myself into to save the healer. Which I succeeded by the way. Because I'm a freaking ninja lol!
Hrm. Each character probably starts with three to five Fate points, and the GM should have enough to hand out... two more? to each player...
And that's just Core-ish.
That's the second time someone threw themself into danger to protect the healer/npc/cohort... In two sessions.
Sensing a pattern here -_-
And DFRPG can easily have a high-powered mortal start with 12 Refresh.
Vote to close; asking for open-ended brainstorming.
Woot finally got to use game theory in an answer!
Massive overkill for the problem at hand, of course.
@Grubermensch Fascinating
I've been sitting on that tool for like a year now and never had a chance to use it for anything.
PSA: d4s are sharp, don't step on them
@waxeagle On a scale of marble to Lego, how would you rate your experience?
@BESW 2/3 of the way to lego
@pet Hi!
yey, //
lego is on average sharper, but they have the tendency to not stay on the sharp edge.
....I wonder if anyone's engineered a d4 that isn't a caltrop?
day is soo short when you take a few naps..
and now i cant sleep anymore.. :(
@BESW I think they make crystal style D4s
> The Plan Nine Syndrome occurs when it becomes apparent that the campaign makes no sense whatsoever. The gamemaster can no longer plot scenarios since there's not any logical reason for anything to happen, or the characters begin reacting randomly since cause and effect have ceased to operate. The campaign is just unutterably stupid and empty.
> ...There are only two ways to try getting out of this pitfall: make a big break or embrace the madness.
> ...Any ludicrous story can be accepted if the narrator (the gamemaster and players' memories) is unreliable. Increase the unreality level in t
@waxeagle Are those the sort of egg-shaped ones?
--I think this guy's been watching Doctor Who.
@Grubermensch yeeah
(though the D4 of those is a bit lame, it's a cube with the top and bottom as gem cut ends)
(though it seems crystal caste has a patent on the design so it may be hard to find them outside their store/retailers)
That looks very foot-stabby
Like legos, but worse.
@Arkhaic it'd be less than a normal d4, though
@Grubermensch since the point isn't directly over the center of mass, it would be more likely to flip
D4s are the "roll a d20 and divide by 5" dice, though.
the crystal caste ones ^
@Grubermensch "Less painful than a normal d4!"
There we go.
@Arkhaic Very nice. Also hi!
@Arkhaic yowch!
(Yeah, links only expand if they're isolated in a single comment.)
Huh, interesting.
It works for images, Wikipedia, Twitter, xkcd, SE questions/comments/users...
@BESW: Hi. Thanks for editing that answer, I'm more used to chatting about things on a less language-restrictive irc.
@Arkhaic No worries, we know this corner of the Internet is atypical in a lot of ways.
Those funky ring d4s I found can be ordered from Shapeways.... for $20
...and Jack is still shouting and angry.
@Grubermensch might be cheaper than medical attention
@Arkhaic embrace your ability to ignore comments
also, they're made of bronze, so it's not an unreasonable cost
Jonathan: I really should. It gives me that little popup message every time, though :P
Though now that he's going beyond the scope of my implications, I'm tempted to edit a disclaimer into my answer.
@Arkhaic oh, right. well, y'know, you can read them, but a healthy attitude of being able to sit back and drink some tea and smile whilst other people are working hard to be angry about things on the internet is entirely appropriate.
in any case, his comments currently amount to "I disagree", which is the kind of comment that gets deleted as not useful
@Arkhaic [patpat] I'ma flag most of that comment thread as too chatty/not constructive, I think.
wherzit before it's gone? gotta embrace my inner schadenfreude
A: How can I thwart a vampire in the party planning on dominating all of us?

ArkhaicThis is a player problem, not a game problem Specifically, this guy is probably being a jerk. I would talk to him and the DM about it, as well as the other players, unless your games tend to have this sort of backstabbing by default. Mental Protection Assuming your character is aware of the do...

And yeah, his objection seems to be totally missing the fact that while many groups do embrace intraparty conflict between characters, it shouldn't make real-life people at the table miserable.
well that was less contentious than i expected
My group's characters fight all the time! But at the table they're chortling and conspiring together to orchestrate their characters' conflicts.
@BESW or, y'know, destroy campaigns because if there's no player characters left to play (or that who are willing to play), the guy has now turned in into a solo adventure and, welp, campaign ends
My first character was a lawful evil guy plotting to backstab the party at some point in the future.
@BESW yeah, the problem at my table is that actual group dynamics get reflected in play
(ie interpersonal conflicts/tensions become...interparty conflicts/tensions)
Some game systems support it better than others--as @JonathanHobbs has pointed out D&D is not the best context for a hostile party takeover because of the mechanics leveraged toward that end.
@waxeagle Eeeph. I've seen that, too, and it's bad. As is the inverse, when intraparty conflicts expand into real-life confrontations.
Ouch, those are the worst.
@JonathanHobbs I used to play in a forum RPG, and then I let a let's-call-him-friend from real life into the community and he proceeded to do that to it.
It was the worst.
I feel quite lucky that when I have players who are dating each other they've been very aware of the pitfalls of how that can impact the game and they go to great lengths to avoid that.
One couple said at the very beginning that their characters wouldn't ever interact more than the minimum necessary for group cohesion, and designed PC personalities to justify it.
Another couple didn't even want to try playing in the same group until I talked with them about the playstyles and game systems I was using and how I thought it could work out.
(And we're all glad I did because they're a great addition to the group.)
I had the opposite problem in a game that I play in very intermittently (which made it worse).
I've also seen the failed-romance-means-someone-has-to-leave-the-group thing. [sigh].
Our DM's girlfriend couldn't handle him descending into an all-weekend game and interrupted him by phone multiple times throughout for over an hour each time.
@Grubermensch That... is not an RPG problem. That is a "Please seek professional therapy to salvage your relationship" problem.
It should be noted that she is now our DM's ex-girlfriend, for I think such reasons.
So often the answer to problems in a group is "Hey! You're all friends --or at least wish to tolerate each others' company-- and you should try to act like it before worrying about the game you're playing!"
(The best groups, in my experience, are ones where the players socialise outside the RPG as well; even if it's just spending the first hour of game time eating together and talking.)
(This is one of the biggest challenges I've seen in online RP.)
I wonder if that relates to how well PbPs and other online games work out.
The PbP I'm in at the moment got started on an irc channel. I daresay I've spent more time talking to them than some people I know in real life.
My experience has always been that groups formed from preexisting friendships work out, and non-friend groups tend to break down.
I think having multiple connections to people is the key.
It helps with understanding where they're coming from in the game, what they expect and what they'll do, so you can mesh with that and collaborate.
The less you have that mutual understanding, the more the game will break down unless the group takes time to make things more explicit in-game.
On a less clinical note, eating together is one of the most effective and universal social bonding agents.
One guy in my group was being difficult... he would tell other people what to do, but get angry if other people did the same to him. Or suggest things, or try and discuss strategy. It got to a point where we came to a closed door, and he said "Check for traps". The rogue player said "You do it". Luckily it wasn't trapped, or we would have lost our cleric. He almost quit the group after that, until the DM had some quiet chats with people... he's (mostly) better now.
@Adeptus Yeah, often that kind of behaviour is a symptom of something else entirely.
Oh yeah, I forget, can reputation actually go into the negatives?
Nope. 1 is the lowest it'll go.
@Arkhaic floored at 1
Ah, makes sense.
does the calculation apply iteratively, or is it all weighed together at once
@Grubermensch what do you mean?
if you're at 1 and get some downvotes, the next upvote will take you to 11 or 6
@waxeagle ok so that's what I called iteratively
(so order matters)
Otherwise rep/day caps would be... I don't know what.
as opposed to like, your rep is actually -20, but it shows as 1 until you get more positive
@BESW yeah, they'd be much harder to enforce...
@waxeagle I don't think, technically at least. Though it would be weird if you started the day super negative and hit the cap without the visible rep changing
Decidedly, the way it is is the way it should be.
BTW, @Arkhaic, I don't know if the letter of the rules allows this, but... your first bullet point about using Sense Motive to detect domination might be useable against the vampire himself if he's under the thrall of his sire.
Oh, that's an interesting one. Actually, that might another valid explanation for the desire to dominate everyone.
Honestly, vampires are an awful fit for D&D of most any stripe.
What about D&D the Masquerade? :P
(that would be awful too)
I have never found undead to be an enjoyable adversary in D&D
like some monsters are both unpleasant and fun
What about undead organs?
Here's the thing: D&D is a combat game first and foremost. Its investigative elements are rudimentary at best, and usually totally unsatisfying as a primary focus.
"Classic" vampires are beasts in combat, nigh-unbeatable... until you know how to defeat them, at which point they're trivial.
@Grubermensch No. Level drain, attribute drain... horrible beasties! Kill me if you like, just don't drain my levels! :P
In D&D that means... well, the difference between a fight that's unfun because you can't win and a fight that's unfun because you can't lose is a single skill check.
Actually, they were more palatable to me in my AD&D game, though that might be because I had a better DM....
@Adeptus Yeah, that's another element: their abilities inhibit or trivialise player agency.
That's what thought bottles are for!
Would different vampire stories be better portrayed by different games/systems/styles? Eg, Dracula, True Blood, Lost Boys, Buffy?
There's also the fact that they have restricted means to kill.
Level drain says "The months of Saturdays you set aside to play this game are represented by your character's advancement, which we will casually take away from you to temporarily increase dramatic tension." Dominate effects similarly trivialise player agency by giving over control of your character to the GM.
@Adeptus Yes.
Which systems do you think would work best for each type of vamp?
Unlike most low-level monsters
@Grubermensch (you can actually do that...sort of, for the purposes of qualifying for badges, the repcap doesn't take downvotes into account at all. for actual rep changes it does)
Dracula might actually work as a Cthulhu Dark game; Buffy is better in a character-driven pulp format like Fate.
I build little towers of pisa out of cups that I'm too lazy to wash.
@Adeptus i hear there's a world of darkness vampire thing
@Arkhaic I used to do that at restaurants when i was a little kid. Then I realized I was being a jerk.
@JonathanHobbs snicker
@Arkhaic In that I would leave the towers all precarious on the table when we left.
it has a bunch of different vampires, though i don't know a huge amount about each. They divided what we typically associate with dracula down the middle in some way I can never quite remember: one kind of vampire is just a bat monster that can wear a person suit to look human.
The key to finding the right system is identifying what's crucial and core to driving each franchise's story.
Mine just fall over whenever there's an earthquake.
@JonathanHobbs <sarcasm>WHAT? REALLY?</sarcasm> Yeah I've played that a little. There's also a Buffy game, which I haven't even read.
Man I really need to finish watching Buffy.
I've glanced at the Buffy game. The system looks better suited to the franchise than, say, SG-1's chosen engine was to its ethos.
@Adeptus for real yes!
@Dorian Use fractional chassis rules.
@Grubermensch Which season are you up to?
Metool: Wrong window?
somewhere in 2, maybe. or 3?
@Arkhaic Nope. He's talking about a variant math system for 3.5 levelling.
oh wow, i am less far along than i thought, according to Hulu
Wow, lots to go then.
BESW: I can't find what he's replying to, I know about fractional BAB.
s2 e3 is as far as I got
@Arkhaic If you're not on mobile, you can click the arrow to the left of his comment to see what he's responding to.
If you are on mobile....
> Driving a wooden stake through a helpless vampire's heart instantly slays it (this is a full-round action). However, it returns to life if the stake is removed, unless the head is also severed and anointed with holy water.
3 hours ago, by Dorian
I already have Evasion from Rogue, and I just leveled up. I can potentially take another Scout level and gain Evasion again, making either Improved Evasion early, or swapping it out for Spell Reflection. Problem is I literally gain NOTHING else from taking that level in Scout aside from skill points and hp. BAB and saves don't go up at all on that level.
What happens if you remove the head, and then the stake?
it's weird because I consider myself a Joss fan, but I've only seen him from Firefly forward
Ah, right.
@JonathanHobbs [waves hands vigorously enough to take flight]
I am mildly annoyed that the second shield season hasn't started yet.
@BESW this seems like an appropriate response :D
I want to see Ward try to redeem himself.
I also want to see him get punched in the face.
@Arkhaic These do not seem mutually exclusive.
@Grubermensch Just looked it up. Spike's first episode! Aww yeah, Spike is cool.
Nope. Probably mutually inclusive.
@JonathanHobbs I had to run a 3.5 game with a vampire PC.
All which things?
@Arkhaic regarding your vampire answer, someone in a comment on the question brought up the issue of how is he avoiding daylight
3.5 vampire qualities are LOT more narrative-without-mechanics than D&D 3.5 usually handles gracefully.
> Exposing any vampire to direct sunlight staggers it on the first round of exposure and destroys it utterly on the second consecutive round of exposure if it does not escape. Each round of immersion in running water inflicts damage on a vampire equal to one-third of its maximum hit points—a vampire reduced to 0 hit points in this manner is destroyed.
"Invite him on a stroll"
"and then steal his hat"
@JonathanHobbs Amusingly there are ways to utterly trivialise the sunlight problem.
"also, invite everyone else"
@JonathanHobbs That seems like it would be pretty damning, especially since the party is supposed to know about vamps
And what happens if a vampire tries to cross running water, like on a bridge? The text just says he can't.
It's possible that we're getting this question right at the moment of impact, though, possibly
maybe he just got turned in the middle of the night in the latest session
Is it like a force field? Or does he seize up? Can he be carried across the bridge by someone else?
> He has left a trail of proof of being a vampire in the past two cities
Aw man, I should really learn to read sometime.
@BESW good point, that's quite the pitfall
If it's a force field and he can't be carried... can I put him in a bag of holding and carry that across?
@BESW He's teleported back to dry land any time someone tries to force him over.
Can he use dimension door to just skip across the river entirely?
I wonder how teleporting or using gates would be affected?
I recall in the Hellsing manga, a fledgling vampire girl is transported over the sea in a plane, though she has to do it strapped into a coffin filled with the soil of her home. She had qualms with this plan.
What about crossing a river while on the astral plane?
Is the river running through the plane you jump into through dimension door?
Jonathan: Oh, that's an amusing one.
@BESW visits to the plane of water: right out.
@Arkhaic @Jo[tab] gets a proper mention set up.
More: can D&D vampires survive on animal blood? Must it be from a living creature, or can they suck the blood of the dead goblins the party's killed? Would that turn them into vampires?
@BESW oh god
Oh, maybe the party travels at night for some reason
so many holes
this is why I don't like games with a rule for everything any longer :'(
I was actually happy when I had to force both the vampire and the druid to retire.
@JonathanHobbs Funny, a game without a rule for everything is the problem I'm seeing here.
(The druid got upset because the vampire was drinking the blood of animal corpses, and they both succumbed to "my guy" syndrome so they HAD to fight to the death but they were totally evenly matched.)
pathfinder: there's a table and a rule block for that. one may not be very clear. the specific variety of thing you're after probably isn't there, but we have something close. you can probably slug your way through the dozen rules components to create your own thing, though!
fate: why are you asking me, you can figure it out
@Metool well, yeah, but the base expectation is there has to be a rule for everything. so when there isn't a rule for something, and there often isn't, things come crashing down.
@BESW how did they both go down at the same time?
i was making a campaign set in the north pole in 3.5e for a while. I had trouble just with weather. And I was reading Frostburn, too. There were like a dozen rules attached to each weather condition, and none of the weather conditions were the ones I cared about.
I am not going to remember all that nor even attempt to create similar weather conditions.
Weather? What weather were you trying to make?
@Arkhaic They didn't. Neither could defeat the other. After an IRL hour of their duel not accomplishing anything except setting the forest on fire, I had a sit-down with the players and they agreed to retire both the characters.
@BESW And all was as it should be.
The druid and vampire fought off into the sunset and the rest of the party continued on its way, picking up some new friends.
Were they a werewolf and a paladin?
@Arkhaic Snow. And a mild snow storm, I think. Whatever it was, it was something totally normal, and they didn't have it.
Also a particular kind of rain, I think.
Maybe you don't need rules for those.
@Arkhaic Yeah, exactly, I don't, and I didn't bother using them, so I made something up.
The SRD has the snow rules.
Later on they heard about the enormous fire which raged for months consuming hundreds of miles of forest, and the rumours that people saw two terrible figures battling within with the flames.
That's great.
The druid would have ran out of spells.
@Arkhaic wow, these are way simpler than whatever i was reading.
@Arkhaic I can't remember what the druid's player rolled up next, but the player of the vampire (who was also a paladin, for amusing reasons that were the only way I was willing to let a vampire into the campaign in the first place) rolled up another in his long line of meta-connected sorcerers.
That's what happens when you read It's Cold Outside
@BESW that's awesome
Meta-connected sorcerers?
@Arkhaic Every world he played in had a sorcerer with a similar name but totally different personality and emphasis. The idea was that they were all the children of a planeshopping dragon.
That's great.
Has anyone tried to play a Swarmlord? (giantitp homebrew)
@Arkhaic She was high enough level that she could use long-duration buff/effect spells to endure the night, but then had to rest and prepare new spells while the vampire slept during the day.
Oh, I see.
(That particular sorcerer eventually got drunk on mixed drinks, fell off a boat, and drowned.)
Um. Huh.
@BESW Was this the same dwarf who had basically no sobriety left following a fight, and then had a celebratory drink?
@JonathanHobbs Not a dwarf, but yes.
Basically, the class has an incredible amount of Complexity Addiction.
After a particularly hard-won victory, the sorcerer (who had a drinking problem; he carried a bag of holding as a portable wine cellar) got stinking drunk before combining elven Moon-Wine with dwarven Dark Assassin's Ale.
It takes the worst aspects of a thrallherd, and adds templates and customization on top of it.
He failed the save on the resulting concoction and his Dex dropped to zero, so he dropped off the side of the boat.
Trying to use it in play was hilarious.
Feb 25 at 5:21, by BESW
@Lord_Gareth A PC in one of my campaigns died that way. We were sailing away from the scene of our most recent catastrophe adventure, and he decided to celebrate with a drink. This character was an established drunkard, having dedicated most of his bag of holding to booze.
[and then the rest of the story is told, accompanied by my amazement and awe at this guy's roleplaying]
Yeah, Gareth is great.
In the game I'm in with him, his backstory is responsible for our party's goal changing from "conquer the civilized lands and raise everyone as undead" to "slay the goddess of curses, spite and ice"
Completely off-topic... does anyone here know much about C#'s XML-handling?
@Adeptus @waxeagle might, but this is a total random guess on the basis that he was working with X++
I'll see if other people do.
@Arkhaic ....oh. I thought that was a non-sequitur. Gareth's name is only up there because I was saying that stuff in response to something he said.
Oh, misread that.
Say hey to him from me, though!
Done, not entirely sure if he's online.
I enjoyed chatting with him about various things.
Yeah. He opened my eyes to the gibbering madness that is the Paizo boards.
Heh. I was generally happier talking to him about non-3.PF topics. The frothing was offputting.
Oh, wait.
Things not having to do with 3.5 or Pathfinder.
Read that as non-3.pf psionics, since dreamscarred does those.
I haven't been able to convince anyone to use my nickname for SKR.
(I learned that most online RPG communities are toxic long before Paizo prised the 3.5-playstyle torch from Wizards' numb fingers.)
@Arkhaic Let's not get into personal attacks here, eh?
@BESW Basically, I like to imagine him as that guy from the lion king. His posts are much funnier when read in that voice.
@Arkhaic I'm going to assume you mean Rafiki, because that's funnier than assuming you mean Pumba.
Nah, I mean Scar
Hence SKaR.
I think the Eighties may have given us an overconfidence in how effective screaming "I DON'T BELIEVE IN YOU!" is against monsters.
Granted, he doesn't act that villainous.
@BESW I grew up in the 90's. Survival instincts: fully operational and unimpaired.
Charlie and the Giant Peach!
@JonathanHobbs However, you think spikes and chrome are best.
Er, wait.
Mixing books.
@BESW i grew up with gargoyles and courage the cowardly dog and angry beavers and batman of the future
and ed edd 'n eddy
solution: be fierce, stay alive, hoot a lot, have technowizardry, and realise it is a cartoon and twist it
@Arkhaic James and the Chocolate Factory?
Yeah, that thing.
Huh, 5e barbarian looks interesting.
13th Age people know their audience:
Can you find a home for an orphaned monster? http://t.co/ZsYWyfLQkY
Ah-ha! Every time it's a struggle
Er, right.
Q: Answers are being submitted on closed questions

SevenSidedDieThis answer was posted at 2014-07-30 04:24:50Z, which is almost three hours after the question was closed at 2014-07-30 01:09:11Z. This is the second time I've seen this. The first time a comment exchange followed along the lines of "how did you do that?" A: "bad site scripting I guess". If I h...

You added protection from evil!!! I put that in a comment above :3 — DanceSC 1 min ago
@Arkhaic sounds like they left a comment on the question and they're excited to realise/notice that the same thing is in your answer
But the thing they're talking about is gibberish.
Make a second character just incase and inform the dm that the character exists (Hey if my Sorcerer dies, I have this character already rolled up!!). Cast protection from Evil upon yourself (prevents Dominate Person) and then should anything happen (he tries to dominate you or a party member) use a spell craft to identify what he is doing, and then use dimension door to alert Sir Rupert the Elvis impersonating Paladin of Iomedae whom shall then come in and take your place to smite the imposter!! — DanceSC 14 mins ago
I'm honestly wondering if its someone else on the account, because their other answers and the like don't look like that at all.
Yes, actually, I've noticed that bit of inconsistency as well.
Maybe they just had too much caffeine or alcohol or sugar or something
@Arkhaic makes sense to me actually
make a second character (presumably someone perfect for vampire-smiting), inform the GM, hide him away. protect yourself from evil, look out for anything to happen, identify what's going on with spellcraft, and in response, Gate in your second character to engage in vampire-smiting.
Yeah, it's step 1 that is weird.
And yeah, I notice the inconsistency too. It'd make sense if it were someone else, like a relative or w/e
or they are dropping/adopting/swapping a facade
The new Ms Marvel comic is all sorts of great. This is her immediate reaction to meeting Wolverine for the first time (who's trying not to stab her):
Followed by this and then this (images from all over the internet).
All the while they're fighting parrot-headed clone of Thomas Edison, contaminated with parrot DNA during cloning.
@Magician does Ms Marvel even have superpowers, or is she just a fangirl who's gotten in over her head?
yes both?
I don't know.
Hello everyone!
hi kviiri
@JonathanHobbs She's an inhuman with shapeshifting powers. Which she mostly uses to stretch or enlarge parts of her body, and which looks pretty funky on the page. One of the first things she does when she gets the powers is turn into the previous Ms Marvel (see the image). Who's adult, blond and, well, Caucasian. It passes.
That said, she's absolutely a fangirl in over her head.
@Magician This seems like it is and will be a very fun comic.
2 hours later…
@Grubermensch nope, I might in 6-12 months though :)
Book burning. Some people...
@Metool huh...
I personally grew up loving books too much to burn them.
@kviiri yeah, books are...kinda sacred to me (and even moreso to my wife)...even ones you don't want anymore are useful to others, or can be made into a cool collage or..something. Ignoring the history of book burning, it seems disrespectful to the authors (and moreso the artists) who put a ton of time and energy into these books (/soapbox)
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