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@Zachiel Trying to find a good adjustment to them. It looks like I'd need to subtract the stats of the longsword from the mercurial longsword just to find out the mod, and the price would be a guess. Also, I was looking into making a Mercurial Dragonsplit, and wasn't sure of pricing there either, or whether it can be used on a shorter weapon like that
@BESW Good morning!
Played Microscope last night with more people and no IP inspiration; worked a lot better!
That's great news!
Theme was "Humanity barely survives a technovirus." Starting period "A prosperous empire unites the world."
One of the first middle periods put down was "Dragons discovered."
...followed immediately by someone else placing a period just before it: "Dragons forgotten."
Two turns later we discover that the prosperous empire is a dragon empire.
In another part of the timeline, we discovered that the technovirus was released by a combination of clumsiness, pranking, and an attempt to get someone fired.
@BESW Oh wow XD
The scientist in charge put a small bug in the contamination protocol program to get his clumsy assistant fired. When the janitor made it appear there had already been a breach in security, the bug complicated things and in their panic someone fell through the glass and actually did breach the containment.
Our palette is rather amazing: the "Yes" side says dragons, while the "No" side says magic and naturally clean water.
@BESW I got chills at this line, further reading has only improved
So the dragon empire united the world, became forgotten, then was rediscovered at some point?
The technovirus was released some time between the empire and the forgetting, but humans are immune to it until around the time the dragons are rediscovered.
Prior to that, it's been turning animals into aggressive cyborg-chimeras.
We speculate--though it hasn't been established yet--that humans becoming vulnerable to the virus is actually what saves them from being wiped out by murderous cyborg animals.
We only got two full turns in before we called it a night, but we plan to carry on next time.
So there's gonna be more to find out! :D
We still don't know much about the dragons being forgotten and discovered, for example.
(Though we do know that at one point the remains of humanity lived on a small continent that dragons avoided.)
(I'm assuming it's Australia.)
So, all in all yesterday was a great RPG day.
@BESW Dragons avoiding Australia is entirely understandable.
Our Cthulhu Dark game was pretty awesome as well.
@BESW It was!
@BESW re: Australia, there was a point where I suddenly got exposed to this whole "Australia is where everything wants to kill you" meme on the internet. For a long while, I was amused but befuddled by it. Australia isn't that bad! The wildlife is fine! It doesn't try to kill us at all. And then I thought more deeply on it: my positive interactions with wildlife are a lack of interaction. On the beach, in the bush, wildlife generally is something to be very carefully avoided.
We have no rabbits, no prey animals like deer who might be violent or might be quite nice to us.
I think part of it is the effortlessly casual fashion in which they'll kill you.
I mean, when I go hiking early in the morning I have to be careful not to startle wild pigs and I wouldn't take a nap in the hills for the same reason--getting eaten by pigs--but they have to decide to kill me and then exert some effort to do so.
Yes, that is true.
There are people who'll, y'know, approach a wombat or a kangaroo. It's especially easy when that person is in a fenced property, leaves food around their fence, and makes nice with the kangaroos - usually over the fence.
@BESW I very much like how Douglas and Douglas' story turned out by the way
The ending was good :)
(Well, so was the rest of it too)
I'm glad you liked it.
@JonathanHobbs So, I usually try to do some kind of post-mortem on my games with my players. What worked, what didn't, what to do the same or what to change in the future.
@BESW Oh right!
I think it worked pretty well overall - I am also very pleased that we managed to make two characters with the same name for a joke, then have a totally legit Lovecraftian adventure which was, if anything, all the better for that joke.
Though, I know this is also about that specific game and how you ran it and etc.
There were a couple of points toward the end - like shortly after we discovered Vince's body - that I got the sense that there was something you were waiting for us to do, like some story-critical plot-move-forward button you were waiting patiently for us to find. (It was the 'go upstairs for massive plot reveal' button!) But you also did make sure we found it eventually.
So I was self-conscious that maybe there were actions I was performing that were effectively superfluous in that regard
Um! I think overall though it was a pretty smooth ride.
I was pleased with how you handled us and our characters.
@JonathanHobbs Ah, yeah. That was where I was trying to figure out what to do with "Vince" and whether to force the escalation or let you guys escalate it at your own pace.
Yes :)
After the game I spent some time trying to figure out when exactly we had actually met Vince, and when we had not actually been speaking to him.
...I am not sure there is a way to nail that down, and I like that XD
There is, actually.
At least, there's a moment where you know Vince was Vince.
Do you remember when you looked out of the generator room and saw the thud-squelch?
Vince was standing behind you in the generator room. So unless there was more than one thud-squelch, he was still himself at that time.
@BESW That's true!
I like how Daniel theorised there might be a twin :D
That would've been cool too
In a "normal" campaign I'd've been more inclined to run with a player's on-the-fly suggestion.
I figure as much ;)
@JonathanHobbs Well, my first CD game had investigators with major language problems...
@BESW True enough, though I was worried our attempts to make comedy might be disruptive
but it wasn't!
2 hours later…
@JonathanHobbs I had similar concerns when I first started trying to do scary games, but all the material on running horror themes says that humour is necessary.
Both for characters and players, sustaining tension is nigh impossible for extended periods of time. We just burn out and stop feeling it. That's why films and books have quiet moments and humorous moments, to give us a chance to recover so we can be scared again.
@BESW Oh good!!
I never knew this
Watching The Outsiders, because I can.
Beer in one hand, cigar in the other.
@JonathanHobbs Yup. So long as my players are also treating things seriously when it's appropriate, I'm glad when you throw in humour. To a certain extent it means the group is actually a little trepidatious.
That's what I've found, too.
What you want is for players' laugh to sound like "hahahaohgodwearesoscrewed".
@Magician In this case, they started the game by naming their characters Douglas Moore and Douglas Thomas as a gag.
I consider it a good sign for a Mythos game when they're building in humour pressure valves before it even starts.
@BESW Oh good C:
It's a generalisation, but if you're preparing Serious Characters To Get Scared With, you're not nervous enough about what's coming.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to articulate the difference between the way you and Daniel role-played your fear vs how my IRL group does it.
@Jonathan Hobbs there is no language in the tier definitions Which is 3.5 specific
That was the bit which threw me, 'cause I'd only ever done horror with those four and they each had a pretty uniform type of response which felt more proactive rather than reactive.
@GMNoob not interested in arguing about this much, man
games with different power differences are going to have a different quantity of tiers, games with different ways of determining what makes you powerful are going to pick their tiers differently. as a totally out of the way example: smash brothers, albeit a video game, has a tier list where the top character is not the top character because he can do everything better than everyone else, he's awful at certain things, he just does what he needs to be able to do to be incredibly good in match-ups
go find some other RPGs' tier lists, and they're not gonna look the same as 3.5e's
that's my reasoning, but if you disagree i'm not going to care to argue it very far
Mmm. It's not enough that the definitions don't use 3.5-specific terms; it has to be shown that the underlying concepts/assumptions about the nature of balance and power translate to the new system.
Not saying it can't be done--just that it should be supported as part of the argument rather than taken as an implied premise on which the argument can be based.
@JonathanHobbs I'll agree with that. The tier system for 3.5 to me is asking a non-intuitive question, which I think it's reasonable for people to ask about other systems.
The main question being. "Is the profession I'm picking actually good at the profession I assume they would be good at, or is there another unrelated profession which is actually better?"
And it's much easier to refer to 3.5 tiers which have defined that question more clearly, than to try to recreate the question for every game system.
(It would be facetious to say the tier concept applies universally to all systems, so when it's applied to a system other than the one it was conceived in, justifying the reasonableness of applying it to that new system should be non-trivial.)
Which is a fancy way of saying, "Sure, use the 3.5 tier system, but show your work on why it's a good idea to use it in the given situation."
@BESW yeah, that's more or less it
@GMNoob it's okay, if it's valid, to talk about a 5e class in terms of whether they're good at anything, or good at lots of things, or so on
so i've edited that question to just get at the core of the matter: are wizards loads better than fighters and do they just keep getting better?
As in, If I pick the Chopper in AW, I want to know that the chopper is actually better at foraging items or perhaps it's a tier 5 class, and there are other options I should look at instead of that character.
where they fit in terms of another edition's tiers is beside the point
@JonathanHobbs But without the tier system, it makes the question unclear to me. Loads better at what when?
@GMNoob you should probably understand the context of the problem being asked about. if you understand what someone's referring to when they say "linear fighter, quadratic wizard", you should be able to answer whether that problem exists in 5e. If you have no idea what they mean, you probably shouldn't be answering a question about whether that problem exists in 5e.
so, if you understand the problem being asked about, the question's clear and you're peachy as far as being qualified to answer it goes
as for your answer, if you want to refer to tiers, that's your prerogative. i was just leaving you a comment to let you know i'd made a significant change to the question.
@JonathanHobbs Well, if you compare your comment on my answer to your comment on the other answer, that isn't so clear. But perhaps I'm being too academic about this, I'm about to ask a question on the site.
@GMNoob that's because i wrote it twice manually, and didn't feel like writing the same sentence a second time, though i can see why you might've thought i was criticising your answer, i was just explaining my edit and tired
(heck, it was midnight or 1am or something)
@JonathanHobbs gotcha, is that like drunk texting? :P
@GMNoob no, that's like I was tired and was not going to put a huge amount of effort into a comment letting you know about a question change because I did not expect it to turn into a big conversation like this
i just expected you to see it and go "oh okay" and make whatever adjustments you felt like making on account of the change to the question, then flag it as obsolete
though accidentally made it also look like criticism on your answer, it was just criticism on the general situation of talking about 3.5e tiers as if it should just be trivially assumed it makes sense to use those in 5e
and thus justifying my changing the question
to not talk about those and trivially assume those
like, to me it read: "Hey, I've changed the question to not talk about tiers, because it doesn't make sense for it to talk about those"
The ban hammer on closing questions is really getting out of hand...
@GMNoob it's not a ban hammer, your question got put on hold because it was unclear
and it will be reopened when it's clear
@JonathanHobbs And now it's going to take 5 people to bother looking at the question, deciding if they want to get invovled in it's open status, and having enough site points to do so. It's a ban hammer.
@GMNoob no, it'll take you editing it to make it clear and brian hitting reopen, like usual
I've allready edited it.
we close unclear questions really quickly because otherwise they end up messy
great, so if it's clear, it'll get opened
Q: What do we do with answers made obsolete by a question change?

Jonathan HobbsThere's a current case of an infrequent problem: Why is Donjon offline? Dakeyras's answer was a response to a question that was once there. It was made in good faith, and is a helpful answer. The part of the question it was responding to no longer exists, and if the question were asked in this ...

see here for why we close asap.
it's a huge mess and inconvenience for everyone who answers
Wonderful, Brian has convinced me it's not worth the effort to ask the question anymore. I guess that counts as a successs?
That's up to you
Look, in that question you seem to be asking: "do other games have some classes that are just better than others?"
the answer's trivially a yes (like, see nWoD: rpg.stackexchange.com/a/11634/1204)
and then there's systems in which that's the case and the system doesn't care, which is what Brian's referring to rpg.stackexchange.com/q/31705/1204
When a question's problem is "I'm curious" and the answer is "yes" or "no," that's not a very good question. Users will give the benefit of the doubt that it's a question about a problem which wants solutions--rather than a curiosity question asking for trivia--and will comment accordingly.
That's why I suggested it as a meta question; it seems to have come up in the context of strategies for answering site questions, which is a context for which solutions--rather than yes/no trivia--are possible.
@BESW That's possible.
@JonathanHobbs The question is not about being "Better", it's a question of "role". i.e. if you want to sneak through a dungeon and unlock everything, you are better off as a wizard with invisiblity and knock than a Rogue.
@BESW I'm not sure how to phrase it as a meta question though, such that you get an answer more meaningful than "in Word of Darkness, werewolves suck blood better than vampires."
@GMNoob As a meta question it would be a practical question about how to use the tier system in questions and answers, not a hypothetical about whether the tier system could ever be useful.
And you've got an example of a question-and-answer set which does exactly that already!
@BESW Ok, but that isn't my question. :( Maybe I need to word the question as a system recomendation, and word it as saying that I want to play a class that is better at another classes role than the stereotypical class in that system.
So... this question is basically an open-ended version of this one? (They're both asking about 3.5-style class disparity in non-3.5 systems, but the older one specifies what non-3.5 system it's interested in.)
@BESW The older question is asking about a possibly disparity between two classes in a system. My question is asking about systems, and if other systems create a situation that the tier system addresses.
You could re-word my question to be " I want to play a class that is exceptionally good at something you would not expect that class to be good at and there is another class which does that thing, but isn't so good at it, but I don't want to play 3.5 or pathfinder. Which game should I play?"
So why isn't it worded that way? That's a problem we can give solutions to. It might still be too broad without more details about the system, but your current question isn't like that at ALL: it's pure theory and its answer is "yes."
@BESW Because It's a lie.
Then your question is not a good fit for the site.
It's either inviting unbounded list answers or a simple one-word answer.
Neither of which are things this site's interested in.
@GMNoob oh, so it's a matter of: there's a class that's meant to do a thing, and another class that isn't made for doing that thing at all, but the other class is way better at the class that's meant to be good at it?
@JonathanHobbs Yep
@BESW I would expect a yes or no answer to back it up with an example or two.
@GMNoob Then every answer that supplies one example is equally valid. Which the site doesn't want because it breaks the voting system.
You get an unbounded number of equally-right answers.
@BESW Right, like this question. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/44781/…
@GMNoob You mean the question with a comment discussion specifically saying "This isn't in line with our normal guidelines but it's so cool and useful we'll give it a special one-time-only non-precedent-setting pass" and still has acquired four close votes?
@BESW Yes, the question that was never closed and then voted to be re-opened.
@GMNoob never as in it actually was?
@JonathanHobbs Never as in, there was no mod who used their ability to close a question on their own.
@GMNoob ok, here's the thing you're struggling with because you appear to have missed it
(a) most closures happen because of the community
mods usually only cast the 4th or 5th close vote, when the question is problematic and it's very clear it's going to get closed
I must have lost track of the topic of conversation. How does who closed a question (9:5 citizen votes is not a small thing) change its suitability for the site?
(b) questions that very definitely need to be closed for one reason or another - such as the question is very clearly not clear - are the exception, and we need those questions closed quickly
@JonathanHobbs I've been noticing that questions are getting closed by single mod votes, sometimes even after a question was open for 3 weeks with lots of up votes. I'm seeing questions that are closed with easy possible edits. I've been told it's not the job of mods to edit questions just close them, and I've been told that mods should close questions even if the community out votes them because sometime the community is wrong, and "the community can choose to have it open"
it's very confusing, and rather disheartening. There is much too much drama about which questions get closed and which ones do not. Mainly I think, because of a lack of consistency.
That sounds like a meta post in the making. Chat rants won't do anything except make people feel like chat is a place to be angry.
On a different note, I apparently will finally have a Fate game starting soon, though it will be online and span three continents.
Probably Spirit of the Century.
@lisardggY ooh. Original Fate 3.0 rules or adapted for Core?
@BESW We're unlikely to bother with any adaptations so we'll stick to what's in the book.
Unless there's something known to be painful./
Mostly just clunkier, I think.
@Emrakul Played a much better game of Microscope last night!
Thanks for the advice.
well, I think part of it had to do with having more than 2 people
@trogdor And the thing with not having a previous IP we were inspired by.
though I admit that our first game started with some ideas that were already too fully formed
that too
Yes, that.
Adib just joined Atlantean Destiny as a pterrosaur.
...and I just found an awful made-for-TV live-action Scooby-Doo film which could make for a pretty decent Cthulhu Dark game.
Like, "I feel dumber for having watched that" awful.
@BESW The one on the island with Scrappy?
@GMNoob No, a Cartoon Network TV movie.
More, a Cartoon Network TV movie sequel to a Cartoon Network TV movie.
(The first one looks kinda lame for a Mythos adaptation.)
This looks like it might involve more investigating than the CD adventures I've run thus far.
I remember at least one live action Scooby Doo movie
it was pretty bad
honestly, I can't even remember why I ever liked the franchise
The basic concept has a certain elegance simplicity and reassuring formula.
Unfortunately live action suits it horribly.
I've yet to see one that didn't fail pretty miserably on most counts, though part of it is that the formula is also best done in short time frames rather than movie-length.
Film-length animated Scooby Doo doesn't hold up especially well either; it gets too thin, or too convoluted, or fills in the extra run time with stupid B plots--usually romance.
This one keeps trying to throw in cartoon visual tropes like bug eyes and dust-cloud fighting, but it doesn't have enough to make it a consistent element.
The guy playing Shaggy is trying really hard, but the others just sort of jog away from the monsters and tend to deliver their lines pretty limply.
Although the villain's having fun, at least.
@trogdor scoobie snacks?
I don't think that was it
@trogdor But they are so tastey! :P
I think the secret ingredient is MSG.
My creativity has hit an all time low. My party consists of the following characters: Paladia, Cleriqel, Wizza, Rouje, and Fitair
congratulations, you win cancer! yaaaay
@GMNoob Now mix them up.
"I am Wizza, champion of the sun god! This is my good friend Rouje; she's a master of the arcane arts."
@BESW HA!, As in Fitair the rogue?
If I get a chance to rename, I shall do that.
At least they survived breaching the moat house. Apparently you are not supposed to actually use the pregens.
Wizza is a Paladin*
* Paladin is the ancient Faerunian word for Rogue
With a bit of work, you can make every single term and word utterly meaningless.
I'm gonna start dropping notes for Cthulhu Dark games in the Spoil-Lair again.
The big trick for this one is going to be getting the investigators invested in the mystery.
Trying times.
I've been trying 10:30pm.
That's not what I meant and you know it. Being coy are we?
Just a wiseacre.
I've been having some "trying times" of my own, but we shouldn't get into a misery contest.
Misery contest sounds like an interesting mini-game.
"My whole family was killed by goblins!" (1d20+5)
"My whole village was burnt by a dragon!" (1d20+10)
Roll d% + Angst on the Misery Chart and compare to your Responsibility score.
Something like that.
"My face was half-eaten by a maggot!" (1d20-5)
"It was 300 feet long!" (1d20+10)
Would be an interesting way to add story to a game.
A group of adventurers come across a strange being (whatever) who will grant the character with the most tragic past a boon (or whatever)
So the characters (players) will start to create tragic backstory.
Just a thought, not very refined at the moment.
Hmmm. At first glance that could be an amusing shortform party game all on its own.
At second glance it would get nasty really fast when people started hitting on things that other people'd actually have happen to 'em.
Reminds me of.. that one card game... hold on...
Cards Against Humanity?
The world of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesh-eating mice—just when it seems like things can't get any worse, they do. But some say that one's reward in the afterlife is based on the misery endured in life. If so, there may yet be hope—if not in this world, then in the peace that lies beyond.

In the Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of an eccentric family of misfits and misanthropes. The goal of the game is sad, but simple: you want your characte
@BESW Perhaps instead of crafting a tragic backstory, they must put a spin on a shared backstory. "up hills, both ways, in the snow"
"Remember that time we both got 3rd degree burns fighting that dragon? Good times."
"I remember it was you who got 3rd degree burns, I got all my body hair and clothing burnt to ashes, and my sword melted to my foot! I couldn't run for weeks!"
"Oh yeah? Well my backpack got toasted, I had to carry all my gear in a tied up shirt!"
"How is that bad?"
I was conversing with myself.
It was amusing.
"The shirt was 2 times smaller than the bag, I had to leave loot behind!"
"Oh, that is horrible, you win!"
I wanted to bring in my contribution to the tiers in other systems usefulness discussion, but I don't really want to start the conversation again. It'd be nice if you helped me by not stating those things again.
You are out of context.
Or is it just a way to bring gloom in my life?
Well, according to Gloom the person with the most tragedy and dead family members WINS!
@BESW Always liked those guys. So cheerful!
Anyway, I do think the tiers are applicable to every game that has classes - I don't think it's a useful paradigm to evaluate the presence of possible problems. There can be games where a character who's able to do everything and a character that's able to do one thing well are equally fun and can bot contribute to the max. I don't believe the game which has two dedicated chatrooms is one of these games.
@Magician I liked the concept, never felt like I could use them.
@Zachiel The Game Which Shall Not Be Discussed!
(I did not cast any opinion on whether this is a good question for the main site, because I honestly don't know)
@BESW Well, not that many epic things can be used.
@BESW oh, come on. It's not, like, Voldemort
@Zachiel Shhhhh. He might hear you.
@Magician Alas, alack. So many ideas to translate into Fate Core.
@Zachiel Sorry, the double negatives are confusing me. GTSNBN is is not a game which you can have two chars both be good, or is not a game where the paradigm is applicable?
@BESW :)
Meet You-Know-Who or play You-Know-What. Hmmm. Give me a minute, it's a tough one.
@GMNoob GTSNBN is a game where I feel the tier concepts are applicable.
And that's all I'm going to say before asking to switch to the dedicated room
@Zachiel Thanks for clarifying. I was reading it both ways, and both ways made sense to me! :P
Hello everyone!
I think I should have said "is one of the games pertaining to that last category", which would have been crystal clear but clunkier.
@kviiri Heya
@BESW Haven't actually seen "alack", ever. Learn something new every day...
I was lured into a horrible trap yesterday / today.
@kviiri ...you played deadEarth!?
@BESW bwahahahahahaha XD
@Magician I knew the word from the English translation of Shock-headed Peter
Does anyone know if there is a handy "feat chain" chart by class for 3.x?
@Magician [bow, flourish, thesaurus]
@kviiri Played GTSNBN with HWSNBN?
@BESW No. We had this outdoor party that lasted from about 6PM through the whole night. Today's the "sleepy head day", and according to an old superstition those who sleep late on the sleepy head day morning are lazy and tired for the whole year.
@GMNoob mmmh not a proper one, but several colections of feats (all of which are pirated) have a "all the feats that have this one as a prereq" in their entry
Try waking up at 6AM after having fun for nine hours straight before going to bed at three :P
The guys I usually hang out with (TGIUHOW from now on) went dining at me yesterday and then we watched a movie on my laptop, for lack of a larger screen in my gaming bunker. We choose a movie we all already watched but hey, Snatch is always good.
I watched Attack the Block for the... third-and-a-half time... this afternoon with a friend who hadn't seen it yet.
[estabilishes new acronyms] - insert this image here - [never uses them in the rest of his talk]
@BESW our habit of using [ and ] to mean actions has backfired
@Zachiel "Estabilish" is really fun to say!
I usually use * , but markdown
@BESW why so?
@Zachiel * pads with spaces *
testing -this-
ok at least it does not turn into striked text
I use grave accents for narration brackets that get mixed up with markdown brackets.
so maybe this is bold?
@Magician what's the tags?
I didn't know you could use underscores instead of asterisks for bolding.
There's a help link in the bottom right corner ;)
No it wasn't :<
@Zachiel three dashes on both sides
@kviiri you can, which means * could be used for actually *ing
@Zachiel Watch your language, young man.
/me found out one day that this actually works in google chat.
/me knows it works in skype too
* twitches * stop that
> BESW types it out manually
mh no
I'm chatting outside, again, because the weather is splendid, but it's all but raining birch seed.
not working
ah, chatting outside. How I wish I could gain the confidence necesssary to bring my laptop out in sunlight heat
I have the laptop in shade at least, I'd have to use a text-to-speech program otherwise!
In normal room lightning I keep my laptop at about 50% brightness, here I need full 100% and it's still tricky to read unless in the shade.
[normally does this for emotes]
can't use asterisks because it comes out like this
@Zachiel Space blanket tent!
@kviiri My laptop is at minimal brightness. And I always hate it when I decided to wear something -what's the opposite of dark in this context?- and I see my reflection on the screen instead of Dark Souls enemies coming at me.
@kviiri Also, no matter if I set max brightness, my mp3 player won't let me read the song titles if I'm in the sun.
There's a little help link in the corner there ---\
With more specific markdown help.
Yeah, someone already pointed me to that. I get it you're reading the backlog
@Zachiel I saw a link to the universal Markdown help page, but the StackExchange Chat-specific help page has SE chat-specific elements.
Oh, I missed Magician's pointing out the Help link, too.
;) don't worry
3 hours later…
@BESW Glad to hear it! I'm curious about the details? (Though I'll be on and off today)
@Emrakul Start here.
1 hour later…
Spam! Flag as spam, and vote to delete if you can.
That's the first one of those I've seen.
They crop up semi-regularly, almost always in that style, but we smack 'em down hard and fast.
Most commonly it's "I'm a normal American woman with bad grammar whose romance and finances were awful until Doctor Generic African Name (sketchy email here) cast a spell for reasonable prices!" With terrible implications that her husband is now a brainwashed zombi.
I think the spam bots see our posts about spells and assume we're credulous.
So, thoughts on Cthulhu Dark's Dark Tales: Further Rules for Mythos Investigators: 1-6 is far too wide a spread for unique narrative results. Even prepared ones, much less improvised!
The general "guidance" is better.
@Adeptus [wave]
Q: Is trivia on-topic?

SevenSidedDieWe have an old question about trivia questions that we wrestled with, without a real consensus emerging: How do 'Trivia' Questions meet the requirements for posting? I went searching out that question due to recent wrangling over various questions, but it's too out-of-date to be a good resour...

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