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@Adeptus Do you have experience with Skype to compare it to?
I'm trying to remember... I think skype didn't used to let you share video if there were more than 2 people in a chat. Voice was roughly on par, from memory. (Last time I used either was about a year ago)
it did not. I think the reason was that was that back than internet was too slow to sustain more that one simultaneous video stream
[takes notes]
@BESW I understand you are not a big lover of combat part in table top rpgs?
@zespri I have nothing against combat, but I prefer to have other elements in equal or greater focus as well.
So you could say that you enjoy combat? (as well as other elements)
Although I enjoyed 4e's tactical combat system, physcial conflict for its own sake leaves me cold these days.
I like it when there's something more interesting and character driven beyond "win the fight" motivating the scene.
I only played one campaign in my life. It was DnD 3 (it was before 3.5 days I think) and the group was heavily combat oriented. we mostly hopped from combat to combat and that was it.
Aye, D&D has that tendency in most editions.
When the lion's share of the rules and almost all your character sheet and advancement options are combat-focused, you wind up with combat being the default mode at the table unless the group makes a concerted effort to do otherwise.
I can't say that I remember that fondly. On the other hand as far as roleplaying concerns I think I would be a poor player - I don't imagine things well and I certainly could not be a GM - I think my capacity to fantasize is limiting this.
@zespri You might want to try a mechanics-heavy system like 4e, so that you can ease into the role-playing elements more slowly without going "uuuuummmm" on your turn.
Or you might find that a system which provides a lot of RP hooks would be better; I know some people who get analysis paralysis and do better with low-crunch engines so they can put more of their brainpower into characterisation.
I also played a paranoia session or two. I don't think this was a full campaign (with the same group) and it was too hectic to my liking. I did not feel I'm having an impact on what;s happening around
I don't think I'm a very good GM. I made up a few adventures way back when I was just getting into RPGs, but since then I've used 99% published adventures. (and 99% played rather than GM'd)
@zespri That's... Paranoia, not you, I suspect.
@Adeptus Many GMs use pre-made modules, for a wide variety of reasons. It's why they exist!
on the other hand there are godsent GMs who can wing it on a second's notice and you never know what you encounter next
In D&D 3.5 I made up all my own settings/adventures. In 4e I used the default setting and mostly re-skinned published adventures to fit a plot of my own design. In Fate I use a combination of group-designed settings/plots and premade adventures...
never seen one in the wild though
(For me, the progression is toward not doing so much work between sessions because I'm busier and for a while got burnt out.)
well, with computer games whenever it starts feeling like work I know it's time to take a break. with rpg that might be a bit harder as commitment to your group exists
@zespri My favourite style, when I can do it, is to do lightweight worldbuilding prep beforehand so that the world can respond to whatever the players throw at me.
@zespri I've played with a couple of those. That's the "good GM" measure against my "not very good" self-rating
Basically the world is a loose collection of interconnected places/events/people/goals which I draw on to meet the story head-on.
@Adeptus Bah. That's a very narrow definition, really. I played under one of those GMs and... to be frank it wasn't very satisfying.
what is a wider definition in your opinion?
The story didn't have a lot of meat to it, not much to dig into. It was more like a collection of scenes than a story.
so you comparing the "well-developedness" of a story versus an ability to improvise?
They can go together but it's exceptionally difficult.
At its most fundamental, good GMing is creating an environment where all the participants have fun.
That means a good GM can understand--consciously or not--what the players need/desire and work to support that.
"please proceed to the nearest termination booth"
It often means juggling multiple playstyles and expectations within a group, and a good bit of social engineering.
But in my experience the more a GM doesn't take that responsibility on himself and instead facilitates the entire group being part of the work, the healthier the experience will be for all involved.
you are talking about a veteran group I think
(Remember, there are RPG engines which don't have a GM at all, and others which hand the players many of the responsibilities traditionally given to the GM.)
@zespri Not at all. I'm talking about what a group of friends should do anyway every time they do something together: work together to make sure everyone's having fun.
gotta have the experience to pull this off
RPG groups are social groups. The storytelling and mechanical considerations are subservient to their social elements, or the game becomes toxic.
Often it falls to a GM to navigate that chasm.
blatant offtopic - is this chat open sourced? I know that some other parts of stack exchange is
@zespri I don't think so, but someone else can probably say for sure.
@BESW apparently was asked and answered meta.stackexchange.com/questions/86587/…
@zespri Hooray for research!
Anyway, I've had groups that could carry a story without me doing much except stepping in to occasionally adjudicate (we once didn't want to continue the plot because a player was absent, so they spent an entire session in a chicken-catching competition of their own invention). "Good GMs" create table-level environments that encourage and support fun play according to the needs and desires of their players and themselves. Full stop.
For me, that means inviting my players to be an active part of the dialogue and decision-making process so I'm not blindly guessing what they want.
(And so I don't have to do as much work.)
sometimes they don't know what they want
I would not
@zespri I've had that happen relatively often.
If I hang out with the participants, or if we socialise before or after the game, I can get a better feel for what they like generally.
And after a session I try to invite commentary on the game: what did they like, what didn't they like, what do they hope might happen next?
It can take a while for a group to develop its gestalt identity, and that's natural.
The important thing, I think, is for the GM to not be separate from the group in developing that identity.
Good points
I think most of us know that "what will we do now?" awkwardness when hanging out with a group of friends. It happens in RPGs too.
Apr 19 '13 at 12:05, by BESW
Which brings me to my regular mantra: "There is no right or wrong way to play an RPG so long as everyone involved is happy and safe."
it does not apply just to RPG
I want to say this in many situations when I think other people are being judgemental
I first learned the mantra from the director of a summer camp I attended, and it was reinforced by my training to work with kids and junior youth.
and we are back?
@BESW ::Shakes fist at gnomes::
@BESW do you mind if I prettify pinned 5e chat link so it's clearer?
@waxeagle Go for it.
I've failed...
No, you're just winning backwards.
What seems to be the problem?
@BESW the star list eats the markdown
How about making a new fancy link and I'll pin that instead.
no, wait, I reversed the markdown, that's the problem. moment
now it's pretty
And then there's the "secret" room :D
@Magician You have to search for secret doors to find that one ;)
And hopefully it will turn out to be unnecessary.
1 hour later…
it is never necessary as long as moderators do not get easily annoyed =)
4E question: What happens to a minion who has temporary hit points?
How did that even happen?
Encounter design!
Leader thingy that gives allies in burst 10 some THP.
Also like 12 minions, says my friend.
I do not believe there's any special rule about minions not benefiting from thp. And unless it's a particularly weak power that hits them (though minion-clearer powers are there for a reason), thp won't save them.
you can let a missed attack take them back to 1...
"Oh, it saved them a couple of times."
They don't take damage from missed attacks, though.
You'd probably want not to count hp for them, that's kind of counter-productive with minions. Perhaps use the "two-hit" minions.
It's not like there were other things to keep track of.
Or boost their defenses by 1 or 2 when they get thp instead.
A leader and minions.
So, yeah. I'd replace the power that grants thp with a power that grants a bonus to defenses.
Better yet, with a power that grants a bonus to attacks. Missing is boring!
so can I talk about morning star here?
or is that also banned since its 5e releated/
crickets chirp
I believe sharing info is fine, arguments are best relegated to separate rooms
OK, that conversation just made me realise how alien 4e is to every other version of D&D... Minion? Leader? They're all just monsters/NPCs...
They're notions which are very familiar to, say, 3.5 GMs.
They just aren't codified as elegantly in 3.5, where a lot of it is left for the GM to figure out.
A minion is a monster whose individual threat level is near-trivial but in groups can be threatening. A leader is a monster that can buff or heal its allies.
What I mean is, why should it matter whether an enemy is a "minion" or a "leader" when considering how a spell affects them? Spell gives them temp HP? They get temp HP.
That's because minion threat level is defined by their interaction with attacks, rather than by their level.
4e recognises that using extreme level disparity to create threat disparity (as 3.5 does) leads to all-hit and all-miss encounters which aren't fun.
So instead minions have the same basic attack and defence stats as anyone their level but their deal slightly less damage and are killed in one hit.
You have to pay attention to them and hit a level-appropriate defence in order to remove them, but they can be used in large numbers without overwhelming you.
The one-hit-kill is represented by giving them 1 hp.
Temp hp modifies the minion paradigm.
@Adeptus It doesn't affect whether or not they get temp HP. It just describes the role the units are suited to serve.
It's helpful labels to design around.
Think of the conversation this way: "I'm putting a bunch of CR 1 goblins against my level 10 party, but I'm giving them a level 8 goblin cleric to buff them and keep them alive longer."
@Adeptus Also, there isn't really a set "fireball" spell, or "give temp hp" spell. Instead, monsters have powers (similar to the PCs). Just because one leader's power gives temp hp doesn't mean another leader's power can't give a bonus to defenses.
4e operates at a higher level of abstraction. The story of a "leader" monster is that it makes its allies fight better. Both thp and a bonus to defenses conveys that (as do bonuses to attacks or damage, though with a different tone).
@Magician That is the sense in which 4e monsters are most unlike 3.5 monsters, I think.
Yeah, probably. 3e simulates monsters from the ground up, counting all skill points and feats. 4e just goes "here's a monster".
1 hour later…
@BESW So eloquent. So articulate.
@Adeptus Much blah. Very vowel. So language.
@Magician 4e monsters are their own justification.
"I orc, therefore I am."
"Woe be gnome"
Morning everyone!
"Am I a gelatinous cube that dreams of being an adventurer, or an adventurer that dreams of being consumed by a gelatinous cube?"
"If you meet a quest-giver on the road, kill him."
Anyone here happen to be an expert of Medieval Christianity, perchance?
"If a goblin dies in a dungeon with no one around, does it still grant xp?"
@kviiri Today, we are experts on silliness. Today and every day!
@kviiri "Medieval," eh?
Can you narrow it down to less than a thousand-year time span?
@BESW Sure. This is the particular thing I'm interested about: christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/31361/…
Interesting! And I know nothing about them.
My history of Catholicism is largely from the Catholic point of view (four years of Catholic theology and growing up on a Catholic island), with a smattering of Italian Renaissance art history perspective. So heresies in Western Europe/Britain are out of my bailiwick.
Yeah, they were like "Protestant reformation before it was cool". I'm trying to incorporate them in the computer strategy/RPG Crusader Kings II (properly, as they already are in the game but lack any defining features)
Well, I'm sure that Christianity SE either does a good job answering, or at least recognizes its value as a "good question" with more upvotes ;)
@BESW Shapechanging monster: wanders along the highways and byways in the guise of a knight or a rogue. Waits for people to approach it with quests, then turns into a dragon and eats them. Made by an evil wizard (of course) who was sick of people being sent after him.
I've got a Fate supers game to run in an hour, and I'm still trying to figure out just how much of a mechanical prep I need.
Prep important fractals.
Hemingway App is currently available for the desktop. It's $5.
(Not sure I'll be getting it, but this had some interest in the room previously.)
Basically: if you've got something you want clever aspects on, think of them ahead of time. If you're using full skills for a fractal, assign them ahead of time.
@BESW [takes notes]
@BESW I suspect I'm still operating on old paradigms, as I've noticed I've mostly statted up enemies (even though they won't necessarily be fought).
[considers asking site question]
@Magician "Recurring obstacles" is where I think Fate prep should focus.
If it's not recurring it doesn't need as much complication and is more improvisable.
Basic rule of thumb is that mechanics and story importance should be commensurate.
I'm going to do some things then head home, but later when I get home I'm going to draft a question to ask what should be prepped in advance before a Fate game.
@JonathanHobbs Snacks.
So, for instance, I expect these guys will be fought occasionally, so I've made them into supporting NPCs even though they're basically nameless in terms of plot significance:
Weaponized Ordinary Machine for Building, All-Terrain
High Concept: Digging Bulldozer on Legs
Trouble: Unwieldy
+4 Physique, +3 Shoot (sonic cannons), +2 Notice, +1 Athletics
And I've no idea if that's the right approach at all...
Because that is actually something I struggle with at the moment: What do I prep? How much do I prep? To what level of detail do I prep the things I am prepping?
@Magician That seems reasonable.
By making them appear more often you're giving them greater impact on the story--even if they don't influence the plot directly, they colour it.
@JonathanHobbs They're employed by Von Bat, who has a very unfortunate blindness when it comes to naming things, or shaping things...
For the very large version of this machine, you could work in Diprotodon somewhere :)
@JonathanHobbs They're probably a bit larger as is ;)
So more like a triprotodon?
@BESW Do they just get incremented?
@Magician You don't want to get in the way of a quintupleprotodon.
I feel like prep questions need to be curated. Into an faq
We have so many of them
It's also always my main concern
Where would this faq be hosted?
As a super question
Q: Add "how to get started in roleplaying games to the FAQ". Also, start a FAQ?

okeefeWe get questions from excited users who want to get started with roleplaying games, but mostly what we do is shut them down. Me and my girlfriend wanna start playing where do we start? I want to take part! Also, we don't have an obvious FAQ. There's http://rpg.stackexchange.com/help and http...

Q: Is it acceptable behavior to add questions from a fan-derived game FAQ as community-wiki questions?

JoshDMI used to maintain fan-generated FAQs for a couple of game systems on my website. I plan to no longer maintain them. None of the information is proprietary. Rather than have the information cast to the winds and only accessible via the internet archive, I have considered taking the most helpf...

Yes those sorts of things
I'm watching Mystery Incorporated when a wild continuity appears!
@BESW I have dice!
Does Daniel?
At least three, one of which looks different
@JonathanHobbs So, 9amish?
...I should go to bed early this time around.
@Zachiel Hi.
Hmm. I need to bring something worth four people to a potluck tomorrow afternoon.
Hello @BESW et al
Can anybody tell me from the top of their head (else I'll post a question) in which D&D 3.x book I can find the horse breeds for the Forgotten Realms setting?
I guess no. Asking.
@Zachiel Unearthed Equana
I think asking if a certain trope can be detrimental to a game is good subjective
@BESW I think it's ok.
He does ask if it's cliched or lazy, but the rest is entirely about handling it well.
@Tridus you got in just after I deleted my comment
@AsadaShino Hi!
Hello ^^
Was looking around the chatrooms and saw this one, sounded interesting :P
Yey, we're interesting!
This chat room is associated with the Stack site dedicated to tabletop/pen-and-paper RPGs, like Dungeons & Dragons. We range far off topic pretty regularly, though.
I've only once done part of a D&D session, at a con. And I liked it, but noone I know plays it and anyone I try to get into it lacks the patience to go through with it xD
You're welcome to participate or lurk as you like.
As such I wanted to check out this room, see what it was all about :P
Ah, cool.
And yeah, finding a group can be a challenge.
Also, if it seemed like fun, you can probably look around for a group looking for a player. Assuming you live in anywhere more civilized and inhabited than @BESW does, chances are you'll find something.
Zank you? :p
It's one of the better hobbies I can think of.
I'm pretty sure we've got a couple users in your rough vicinity...
Outside of dumb luck, I always find groups online
Hey! We're civilised. Maybe not cultured...
Cultured like yogurt?
Well, I live in Holland, would not know where to even look for something like that xD Apart from that it would have to be online I guess, haha :P
You're a pacific jungle nation where dead mice are dropped from the sky to deal with snakes!
But lunchtime now, brb :P
@lisardggY We've got hardly anymore jungle left, though. Hilly grasslands that were jungle before they got bombed to Helen Bach, yes.
I'm pretty sure Guam could be made into a wonderful adventure path, perhaps a post-apocalyptic scenario. The army bases, the radioactive debris in the harbor. R'lyeh. You know - the works!
@lisardggY One of my players is putting together an All Flesh Must Be Eaten style game on Storium, set in contemporary Guam.
That's pretty cool.
Playing in places you know adds a lot.
We tried running a Pathfinder game set in Biblican Israel and Judea a year or two ago. It was a pretty good game, but Pathfinder carries with it a lot of D&D's pseudo-medieval baggage, and we carry a lot of it too, and it didn't sit too well with the setting for me.
He's planning to just take pictures with his cell phone for the visuals.
Just yesterday we noted that a friend's rooftop sauna would be an ideal place to defend against a zombie apocalypse. Over 180 degree visibility, very little obstructions in 80m or so. Sniping time!
@lisardggY Pretty much half of the premise for Bliss Stage
I wanted to set my Apocalypse World campaign in Finland (for locale bonus) or the Holy Land (for thematic bonus) but I ultimately decided to leave it up to my party where they are. They chose America, near Mississippi.
@Zachiel Interesting. I'm not very familiar with the genre in question, but the game looks very interesting.
The game is a little bit... well...
It basically is about a bunch of minors being the only people awake in the world. Implications ensue.
There's also one adult that can't sleep and is therefore conscious (while all the other adults are in a magical coma) but I didn't know how to introduce him in the previous sentence without implying further, worse implications.
By any chance, is anybody here a horse "expert"?
@Zachiel They're the ones with the four legs that you ride on, right?
[goes looking for equestrian SE]
most faerunian races are very costly and have bonuses on top of the usual breeds, the MM-equivalent ones are just named once (and no reference to the breed they're inspiredd by is given). I need to write out a short description of a horse's build and personality that is both realistic, makes him prone to running away in panic at least once and makes him bold enough to be a warhorse.
Well normally I'd love to stick around but I have to get ready for work. Either way I'm looking into something for helping my sneaky archer dude be able to do some damage if he has to get up close and personal. If he does so, there's a good chance he's going to ensure that whatever he's going up to isn't able to move, let alone attack, so I'm looking for a good weapon to abuse via coup de grace.
Englishness Fun: provoke and evoke turn into provocative and evocative, not provokative and evokative. And, yet, this makes total sense, because provoce and evoce would be pronounced with an 's' at the end as in 'race', and provokative and evokative are not very English-looking at all.
Popped up a question so feel free to drop an answer there if you have any ideas. Anything with a high crit multiplier would be loved.
Q: I'm looking for a good Coup de Grace weapon for my sneaky dude for when he needs to get up close and personal with someone, any suggestions?

DorianOf particular interest are weapons that can be used one-handed, hidden relatively well, and are light, but I'll take a look at everything that's suggested. Weapon proficiency is not a problem for me in this since I don't intend to use it for much else besides Coup de Grace. Right now I'm lookin...

Hi @Dorian! Good luck :D
Thanks :) I'll swing back in after work to check out and maybe hang a bit before I get back to working on my NWoD character, deadline for THAT one is tomorrow, there's no deadline on getting my D&D guy a good weapon since he's already in play and he's not in a position to shop right now (not unless a horde of orcs all wants to have tea or something and let the adventurers trying to kill them go back to town and resupply XD)
Back :P
@AsadaShino Welcome back.
Did someone here say they had played temple of elemental evil computer game?
@BESW Thank you :3
Jul 20 at 12:05, by Hadashi
@GMNoob I have that somewhere. Didn't get far. My other favourite was Temple of Elemental Evil because it would let you make a few genuine decisions, including some which were hilariously dumb.
was this it?
(I entered "elemental evil" into the search in the top right, and sorted by newest. Though come to think of it you might be on your phone again!)
@JonathanHobbs Yes, thanks
@JonathanHobbs Thanks, I happen to not be on my phone right now, but thank you for the benefit of the doubt. That search box is much too small on my screen.
@GMNoob It is very tiny on any screen, I think, and easy to miss!
@GMNoob First world problems :P
@JonathanHobbs I happened to have logged into gog.com and noticed I own that game somehow, though I don't remember buying it. Was wondering if it was worth downloading.
@AsadaShino Aye, though now a days, a third world problem would be that the html1 version of the site doesn't display the search box in the right place :P
HTML1... O_O
Haha :P
It's amazing what these simple phones in africa can do
Would html1 even display this page at all?
or rather, would it even be possible*
Aren't they pretty advanced modern ones, like Android and such, running modern browsers?
Yes, if you ever have a slow internet connection you can see if if you cut off the loading quick enough
@JonathanHobbs Mostly Nokias running old phone browsers
Lots of African apps based around SMS though.
@GMNoob Huh, okay.
I knew Africa (and especially South Africa) recently begun having explosive growth in their mobile market, but I thought it was relatively new stuff! (though maybe also cheap)
South Africa has lots of modern new stuff. It's a first world country with a third world mentality. But in places like Somalia, or Kenya etc, the tribal areas have great phone service but bad 2g service.
So they have dirt cheap phones which cost $10 and and fancy SMS apps
oh neat, okay.
I only know about this because I knew a guy working on a program where you sent an sms to a store and they would deliver food to your village and automatically take it out of your account, which you would approve by sending another sms to a confirmation number with a password
In many places in the Philippines they've skipped landlines entirely and gone from "no phones at all" to "cheap texting with cell phones charged off gas generators" without even getting any lined-in electricity.
wait lemme get that right.
In the late 2000's, a few firms tried to make a general estimate of how fast the mobile phone industry would expand in Africa.
My mother describes spending a week in a mansion with no electricity at a Ruhi institute learning site in the deep rural Philippines: at night after everyone was asleep, when the only light came from the stars, little islands of coloured light would spring up in the dark whenever someone's silent phone got a text.
When I was in Tanzania, the typical cheapo phones people used were slightly better than the one I had had only a few years before. Things advance fast.
I remember they made some estimations people considered pretty optimistic.
And then the African phone market went and grew by an order of magnitude higher.
I don't recall the numbers, but it was kinda ridiculously huge.
3G networking is also a huge boon for Africa.
Drawing copper or fiber optics across the savanna to connect a very large amount of scattered people? Not likely.
@kviiri Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
I wonder if I did bad with my Apocalypse World posse.
Two out of the three people present were new roleplayers, so I gave them a fairly linear mini-adventure to run through.
I hope they didn't get the impression it's going to stay this linear.
If in doubt, speak up and tell 'em.
That might be for the best. Luckily they're all CS students like me, I can drop them a warning on the IRC that they'll be "walked through" less and they'll have more responsibility of making choices from now on.
Ello ^^
Oh, my, the time. [starts bustling toward bed]
Gnight :P
@BESW Lines and veils tomorrow morning at the beginning of the game!
Yes! That is a thing.
Bed now. G'night, y'all.
Good night!
Whud up
me but not for long!
Woo, almost weekend.
d20 tell me: go visit my parents (evens) or home to code (odds)
Parents tomorrow, then.
well good neighbors are awesome
my dog ate all our dinner, and our neighbors invited us over
They sound like a kind bunch.
Also, 3e class balance discussions are very missleading. Both of my parties I sent out to the village of hommel died before reaching the moathouse
Are you guys playing with eachother or are you playing certain scenarios?
I'm playing a computer game, which is reported to being the most accurate game for D&D 3.x
Aha :P
And well, let's just say that any char op party builds, are not intented to be actually played through at first level.
@GMNoob Would you mind telling me the name? :P If I want to try this game more if I can find others, I might as well familiarize myself with the rules and gameplay (even if this is digital) :P
Ah the one you mentioned earlier, nice, I'll bookmark it for when I get home :D
Its a very famous module. So if you play it, you can talk to people as if you played it at the table top, and you will be believed. :P
So far it has matched my table top experience of playing the game. Including random deaths before reaching the moathouse.
Cool :o
@GMNoob Are deaths actually common in 3e?
"XXX died of a heart attack" type? Or at least fair? :P
"Fair" is such a tricky word :P
@kviiri No, but the temple of elemental evil is not your average module.
Ah, so it's one of the crueler ones?
@kviiri I think only tomb of horrors is more cruel
It's possible I could have not died if after every fight I took a 6 day rest :P
The problem is I think, that my parties were made entirely of clerics, druids and wizards
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