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you haven't been asked for your address yet, have you?
no I havent
@waxeagle though yeha they are running out of time
I guess werent not going to do anything site overhaul wise either at this point
@JoshuaAslanSmith not unless SE has more up their sleeve than they've shown so far
To me, so far this looks like a missed opportunity
whether that's on our mods, or SE, I'm not sure, but we don't seem to have any mods driving things for sure
So I have a question about comments
rest of my thoughts belong in the bar, not here
@Aaron whats up?
Q: Pathfinder: Why is summoning undead evil?

Wolfman JoeMy Question is: Where can I reference the RAW as to (1) that summoning undead is always an evil act, and (2) why summoning undead is always an evil act? The background is: Some of the players in my game keep coming up with the theory that they can make an army of undead and only use it for goo...

Would a comment that could help the situation but not answer the question be appropriate? Such as pointing out this class d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/kobold-press-open-design/…
@Aaron probably
@waxeagle Ok. I remembered some Meta questions about comments and relevance so wanted to ask.
@Aaron as long it's not an answer, a helpful link can be good
just posted a meta Q, hopefully we'll get some information
@waxeagle I went ahead and commented if you want to add a link to it in the meta
Commented on the question.
Is Alchemist the best PAthfinder buffer class?
@waxeagle Thats the thing it could be either way but I know all 3 mods have been pretty sparse as of late, this reinforces my petition that we get some new blood in
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, my feelings exactly
people tamped down on my trying to get things moving I started as early as I did because i knew social inertia was a factor
It seems like it would be. You can spend one round and buff the entire party with specialized buffs as long as they spend the time to drink their potions. And then you can 'cast' a general buff on everyone.
hmmm might need to revisit that meta post, but maybe wait till after the launch since we'll have our hands full
Q: Where are we with potential 5e promotions?

wax eagleIt seems like we're stalled out here with any potential 5e promotion. Where are we, what's going on behind the scenes? What can we as a community do to help? With the first release slated for Friday, it would be helpful to know what our schedule looks like.

@waxeagle Where did your question go? I don't see a meta question.
@Aaron caching
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, wait til after the 5e launch
@waxeagle Erm. Meta has a delay?
@Aaron the front page is cached very aggressively, if you click on "Questions" it will usually be there
good question
I don't see it.
I mean we might be able to cobble somethign together for the front page
in the time left
I dont know what sort of vetting process that would have to go through
The "Launch" is on thursday...
"Your unofficial resource for D&D 5e Questions and Answers" is the best thing to come to mind that probably wont involve laywers
we could trawl for some CC artwork that looks right
fixed the question for you :)
Can't we use the 5e press release images?
The type of stuff you see in articles like these: escapistmagazine.com/news/view/…
@waxeagle just got an email from the RPG.SE
good deal
hmmm 6-8 weeks is a ridiculously long ship time lol
welp canceling amazon preorder
@waxeagle I think thats pro-forma from a general form though, since the email itself actually talks about getting it to me before launch? so before the 15th at least
@JoshuaAslanSmith yeah, it's probably their swag form
@waxeagle let me know if you were chosen, if somehow not I'd definitely extend an invitation to you to be one of my online players for the RPG.SE game I plan to run on roll20.
@JoshuaAslanSmith cool, would love to
they are playing through the starter set tonight at 7
First thought: Spoilers, 2nd thought: Im gming this could be incredibly useful
Im hoping starter set and basic have much much better rules writing/editing
aye, planning to run it at least once myself
3 hours later…
Q: Add "how to get started in roleplaying games to the FAQ". Also, start a FAQ?

okeefeWe get questions from excited users who want to get started with roleplaying games, but mostly what we do is shut them down. Me and my girlfriend wanna start playing where do we start? I want to take part! Also, we don't have an obvious FAQ. There's http://rpg.stackexchange.com/help and http...

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