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Who is/was that?
Viktor Emil Frankl, M.D., Ph.D. (26 March 1905 – 2 September 1997) was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor. Frankl was the founder of logotherapy, which is a form of existential analysis, the "Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy". His best-selling book Man's Search for Meaning (published under a different title in 1959: From Death-Camp to Existentialism, and originally published in 1946 as Trotzdem Ja Zum Leben Sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager, meaning Nevertheless, Say "Yes" to Life: A Psychologist Experiences the Concentra...
@MattChampion [wave] Hi!
Ah nice. He's inspiring
If you'd like to actually talk about RPGs, we're always happy to return to topic.
Q: Are There Any Games That Are Skill-Leveling Based?

XarcellI was wondering if there are any games that are skill-leveling based that I can study on and see how people liked it. I'm been working on a RPG game since 2000 off & on, and it is skill-leveling based. Where if you use one-handed edged weapons, you skill with that weapon increases with every succ...

Where was that post-apocalypse game?
The horrible one that had like 200 skills
@BESW Hi there :)
@InbarRose I feel like refering him to Runescape :P
@InbarRose deadEarth!
@lisardggY Thanks.
That should be an answer there.
If not simply to show him how bad of an idea that is.
@InbarRose Ugh, I hate how VtC automatically adds a comment for me.
Wait, Runequest is a TRPG also?
Closed as duplicate of a similar too-broad question before I could vote to close as too broad.
You might want to take a look at this question and its answers, and modify your question to show how you're looking for significantly different answers. (I know they're different, but there's enough overlap that making it very clear exactly how they're different looks useful--especially since that one was closed as too broad, and I'm afraid yours might be in danger of that as well.) — BESW 3 mins ago
I don't think deadEarth improved skills through use, mainly because nobody lived long enough to use skills.
@lisardggY [amused for entirely different reasons]
Suddenly I see a glaring flaw in CoC's character advancement system: it expects characters to live long enough they'll have a chance to advance.
@BESW Where the only stat you could depend on to progress is Sanity?
@lisardggY The Sanity stat doesn't progress. It descends. Gibbering.
@BESW I took care to avoid using the term "increase". :)
The last game of CoC I played was... I think... around 2001.
This seems like a bad edit to me
since it makes the upvotes for the card only answer, very confusing
Mm. That edit is a false improvement.
I... am failing to see how that edit is bad.
It fixes a problem within an edit that shouldn't have been made in the first place.
Querants shouldn't edit responses to answers ("lottery seems the most efficient way to me") into their questions.
He updated the question based on which answer he liked best, and then the edit makes it sound like he was asking that from the get go, which he wasn't.
Editing such a response so its format conforms to site regulations about not using "Edited to add" phrases doesn't make the content of the edit any better.
He still wants other options, but out of the answers provided so far, he likes lottery best and wants more info on it.
Oh, the problem was on a previous edit.
Now I see that. I didn't see the other edits. The last one just don't looked bad to me
A bit confusing, since we tell people not to comment, but rather to update the question :P
@GMNoob Unless that update changes the question, of course.
Please don't edit responses to answers into the question. If you want clarifying edits on answers, comment on the particular answer. If you have discovered more specific requirements to narrow the scope of your question, edit that into the question. — BESW 17 secs ago
@lisardggY The more I program, the more I dislike exceptions to rules :P
@GMNoob He should make a comment then.
@InbarRose Agreed
@GMNoob Also a programmer? :)
@GMNoob The best way to avoid exceptions to rules is to avoid rules. :)
He did have one clarification to the question which I edited back in.
How many Israeli programmers are on RPG.SE? :)
@InbarRose Isn't that how everyone learns about the SE sites?
@GMNoob Probably.
@GMNoob I found SE when one of my D&D players told me about an rpg.se question he thought I could answer.
@JonathanHobbs [wave]
I'm all bit-champy about your promised move.
@BESW hi!
@BESW i should do that
@BESW Did that player program? :P
I just want to retreat from this whole day. Nothing good is happening today.
i'm wondering what i should do about stress tracks in fate, too, if i remove the mental stress track. combine will and physique's bonus stress boxes? (someone with 3 physique and 3 will, will then end up with 6 stress boxes...)
@InbarRose Go buy some overpriced icecream.
@GMNoob ...yes, though not professionally.
or do i give them the full bonus from one and half a bonus from the other? (5 stress boxes)
@JonathanHobbs Why would you want to do that?
@BESW Ha! Knew it! There should be a new tag line. At SE, you are only 6 degrees away from a Programmer introducing you to our site.
7 hours ago, by Magician
On removing mental stress track from Fate. @BESW, any other takers: thoughts?
SE evolved from SO... Naturally SO is the biggest attraction.
@JonathanHobbs The linked article does have one suggestion about that, but ultimately it comes down to thinking about your desired experience.
@BESW s'true
Very simply: longer stress tracks means longer conflicts unless you equally escalate skills and/or add weapon ratings.
And we know that Fate doesn't take significant number escalation with grace and dignity because it quickly renders the Fudge Curve irrelephant.
(And with it, the Fate point economy.)
So I suggest this: let players decide whether to use Physique or Will to determine their stress track length.
and i know that the difference between 4 stress boxes and 5 is a lot more than the difference between 3 stress boxes and 4
@BESW or just take the highest?
@lisardggY If RPGs have taught me anything, it's that the rules are always there. It's just a question if you are aware of them or not.
@JonathanHobbs That will generally be what they do, yes.
@GMNoob Not aware of rules = not frustrated by exceptions = a life of ignorant bliss.
There's a good reason that after a certain point higher skills don't give more stress boxes, and instead give extra consequence slots.
@lisardggY Ha! :D I wonder if I would be more frustrated by arbitrary rules, than by rule exceptions.
Well... It seems like premature optimization.
"We don't use the mental stress track, let's combine it"
Fate is a new RPG (relatively)
People may not be used to playing it.
Which means often times they are falling back to their older games... where there is basically mostly physical combat
And "hitpoints"
I had a discussion with a friend, years ago. He's an engineer, dealing with hardware, mostly - processors, chips, that sort of thing. Me, I'm a programmer, dealing with software.
I would get a lot more annoyed with bad rules and annoying exceptions, whereas he accepted them more gracefully. We finally decided that this is due to *his* rules being derived, ultimately, from unavoidable physical properties of his materials. *My* rules and their exceptions are usually derived from arbitrary decisions of project managers, so it was harder for me to accept them.
I have played Fate where we use the mental stress a lot.
@InbarRose Did you read my thoughts on it?
@BESW Erm... no?
Anyone else here preorder the spheres of power book?
The particular bits that are relephant to what you just said:
7 hours ago, by BESW
And he's probably right that its default setting is a little more complex than it usually needs to be, but I suspect that's because having a "social" stress track makes non-physical conflicts easier for D&D-brained players to wrap their heads around.
7 hours ago, by BESW
So it's unnecessary but useful as a tool for levering peoples' brains into new spaces.
@lisardggY Insightful, and makes sense.
@GMNoob Luckily, I've managed to put many of those frustrations behind me, too.
Well, I still get upset by a lot of bad and/or arbitrary decisions, but I managed to let that go quicker.
@lisardggY I've evolved to a new point, where an exception to a rule, means I've understood the rule incorrectly and I should rewrite the function or break them up into smaller rules :P
So the frustration is at myself, not the outside.
good morning boys and girls
lol @gmnoob I see your new avatar
good morning joshua and aslan.
I am both Joshua and aslan
@JoshuaAslanSmith Yay!
though not the aslan
@JoshuaAslanSmith No, no. You are, in your userpic, decidedly unmaned.
@JoshuaAslanSmith It's unnecessarily metal!
I do think it was overdoing it making it the ampersand of the third logo
They always stress the "dragon" part of the name. Rarely the "dungeon".
@JonathanHobbs Yeah, that just looks like two different designs mashed together.
You can never have unnecessary metal, you can only have moar metal!
@JoshuaAslanSmith Are you a huge metal fan?
@lisardggY broken liiiiink
@JonathanHobbs I think it's pronounced "leeenk."
There actually was a huge metal fan, an art installation, in front of Tel Aviv City Hall a couple of years ago.
Also, @JonathanHobbs, Skype or the not-a-bar? I have a couple pictures of last night's unveiling that I don't want to spam the chat with.
@lisardggY That was epic
@BESW skyyyype
(alternately skeeeeep??)
I like the logo. It's very fitting for what 5e is. What's old is new again.
@JonathanHobbs I have an aunt who calls it "Sypes." Rhymes with "snipes."
Don't know if anyone knows WFRP here, but my table always has fun with my Elves with an initiative of 90
One of the main reason we are switching game rules
@BESW My Grandfather pronounces it like "skippeee"
@GMNoob Interesting in perhaps joining a game of Fate I am trying to organize in T/A?
@InbarRose Yes, but I don't think it will be possible. :(
lol... because there are some really unfriendly ones.
Q: Free Character Builder for DND 4E on Mac

UnknownGnomeI need a list of Free Character builders for Dungeons and Dragons 4E on Mac, preferred to be user friendly.

I feel quite proud of myself today. I have been riding my bike to work and for the first time I wasn't gasping for breath when I arrived today.
@Aaron Took the bus this time?
@Aaron That's great feeling. I started walking to work , and had that feeling just last week.
@InbarRose Town is too small for a bus.
@GMNoob Thought you said you worked in T/A and lived... somewhere far away.
@Aaron I was trying to make a joke.
@Aaron My belly is too large for a bus. Walk from the train to the office.
I work 10 minutes walk away from work.
For the Israeli's here. I live in Florentin and work on Nachlat Benyamin/Montifury. :)
I live somewhere between a mile and 2 miles away from work and it is rather hilly.
@Aaron :(
1.6 miles according to google maps.
@Aaron good job. I'd be really tired if I rode...though getting home would be the bigger challenge
Well that's embrassing. A question I asked when we started WFRP in 2012 has the answer to the question I just asked now. Is there a way to link that part of the answer or should I just reenter it?
@GMNoob you can quote it...and cite the answer
@waxeagle Going home of more of a downhill for me so it is somewhat easier. I still have to go up a rather large hill but I bought a bike that has many gears so I just gear down to what I need.
or you can flag/vtc as a dupe
@GMNoob You need to perform a sacrifice first, 3 heads of lamb and a watermelon.
@InbarRose What did the watermelon ever do to you?
my ride would be about 20 miles, with a 1300' elevation drop
@Aaron See, no one cares about lambs.
It's not a dupe. Someone just decided to give an info dump in the original question
quote the relevant section in your self answer, and link them up
@InbarRose badumpsh
@Zachiel (Thanks)
Coffee time.
So I think this got buried earlier. Did anyone else get the Spheres Of Power preorder?
not me
@waxeagle Please let me know if I did that right.
A: How can I update my WFRP 1e character to 2e?

GMNoobTaken from an answer given to an unrelated question here: Conversion from 1E to 2E resources Finally, Liber Fanatica has rich, downloadable conversion and support information for 1E-to-2E conversion. LF's Volume 1, The Character Compendium was compiled by play-testers of 2E and contains details...

@GMNoob two things, use the quote markdown (that's the > in front) to be clear that you're quoting someone else, and second maybe a bit of your own text in there somewhere
well the first line is my own text :P But I assume that's not what you mean
@GMNoob nawp :)
usually a paragraph tying the quote to the specific question is a good start
This is where I usually pontificate on how SE answers are like research papers but I'll spare you :)
Like that?
Just an FYI - I am looking to join a new Storium game, if anyone is narrating one, or wants to join one with me?
@Sloloem hi!
I would like to try Storium
@lisardggy not particularly but I like some metal and the idea of metal is funny anyway
@GMNoob I'm willing to give out invitations so people can make free player accounts, but I don't actually have the ability to support more players in any of my games at the moment.
Actually, one of my games just lost a player... :)
@GMNoob Gimme an email address I can invite you at.
Good morning, folks! Anyone want to talk Dungeon World fronts?
@ArpLaszlo hey saw you talking DW when I was going to bed last night
yes I can talk fronts
though I dont have a ton of experience with them (I play more than I GM) I can help you parse it out
I'm trying to figure my first one out - had the first session over the weekend & the kids are chomping at the bit to play again (yay).
@JoshuaAslanSmith This is what I've got so far: docs.google.com/document/d/…
@ArpLaszlo so are you needing help with the mechanics of fronts or more building a good front?
@JoshuaAslanSmith I think more the mechanics. I have the story/backstory down intuitively.
cracks open DW files
@arplaszlo campaign or adventure fronts?
or both?:
@JoshuaAslanSmith I guess both. What I have is the really big picture. I don't have anything for the smaller adventure fronts yet.
okay so Campaign fronts (probably only 1 or 2) are serious, overarching problems that are going on from the very first session until the end of the campaign (either the heroes stop them or they complete themselves)
adventure fronts last a session (or a few sessions) they either can tie into the campaign front or they can be completely separate (maybe a distraction?).
both kinds should have real and lasting impact on the world one way or the other
[sits down and list- uh, reads]
i felt a little stymied during the first session when my son's friend basically recreated his character & life from Skyrim
So is "the unseen hand" sort of the overarching villian/antagonist group to the party?
And I'd like to upend that.
@JoshuaAslanSmith they are a mysterious group that i mentioned in passing that the party picked up on
@ArpLaszlo I find that novice roleplayers will seek to emulate an established character because its much easier to imitate then to improvise acting wise
@JoshuaAslanSmith that makes sense. my son didn't take that route but he's had me babbling to him about stuff. He also plays Skyrim, just not as much as his friend
gotcha, but are you going to make them the overarching bad guy (even if the players haven't an inkling?)
actually, no. My goal is to really have things not be what they seem so the UH are robin hoody do-gooders - except to those they are stealing from (the empire)
BUT their leader has ulterior motives beyond altruism
okay then the unseen hand shouldnt be a campaign front
i noticed a theme with a couple of the orgs that they may say they do good but those in power may have other intentions
(which likely is my view on governments in general O_O)
lol gotcha
So if the unseen hand isnt the thing they are ultimately trying to fight against I would say not to make them the campaign front but maybe they have run ins with parts of the organization from time to time and then it could be an adventure front temporarily.
but there are bad elements within the UH - they could fronts or dangers?
Have you read LOTR?
not in many years
do you sort of remember it (or the movies)?
i know the movies extremely well
sauron = campaign front?
so Im going to take that and push it into dungeonworld for right now
yes Sauron & the forces of mordor would be the campaign front
This would include saruman and his orcs as well as all of mordor's orcs and their allies from the south
obviously ringwraiths
adventure fronts would be the moria orcs, the balrog, (maybe the corsairs that aragorn fights)
Moria itself could be an adventure front with the dangers being the orcs, the landscape, and the balrog
let me know if Im losing you or if you have questions
this is making complete sense to me
@GMNoob Hey- email?
so fronts basically act and react like enemies would in dungeonworld, they have their own moveset that the GM uses to have the world be actively hostile to the players
i think what threw me for a loop is thinking that the adventure fronts would have to be related to the campaign front
Campaign Front: Sauron and his Dark Servants
Dangers: The Nine(Impulse: Hunt the Ring)
The Ring (Impulse: To corrupt men's hearts)
Orc Legions (Impulse: Conquer the world of Men)
Saruman (Impulse: To Gain power)
Let me write up some grim portents
1 hour later…
@ArpLaszlo sorry work happened. Okay so a grim portent might be "someone puts on the ring" or "Osgiliath Falls" basically a plot occurence that signifies the agenda of the campaign front being advanced
@JoshuaAslanSmith Got it, that makes sense.
anything else in particular, watn more info on adventure fronts?
I think it's making sense. Adventure fronts are smaller and the dangers may not always be related to the big picture. Though I guess they are peripherally - Moria wasn't directly related to Sauron but they had to go through it as part of their quest.
also adventure fronts should more directly/immediately affect the world
but if your campaigns all take place in the same world than they too should affect the world if they complete
so (not lotr) but maybe there are maurders on the highway in an area of the world
if the party ignores the problem trade might dry up
next time they are in that area they can't find anything to buy in shops and they cant get reapirs etc.
I love how thoughtful they were in creating DW.
So nice & deep
Should I change my avatar to this instead?
@InbarRose da ganev strudel gmail (remove the spaces before the strudel)
DW Dungeon World, or something else?
I wonder if spam bots know about the strudel yet.
@GMNoob it's called in different ways across the globe so spambots don't really find it effective
Here in Italy it's the snail. Somewhere else it's the cat.
@Zachiel Oh really? Interesting. I thought everyone called it "at" besides the people who don't
Damn, now I just gave the spam bots a dictionary key.. dammit!
@JoshuaAslanSmith thanks, you've helped put me on the right track :)
Mmmmh I need to re-engineer a D&D 4e encounter, is there somebody who's good at encounter creation here?
@Zachiel I can help with 4e in general, what's going on?
ok, the art for 5e is getting me giddy, love tiamat being a big part of the first adventure set
I can also help with 4e
dam just closed that news post and I shouldnt
I'm playing Thunderspire Labyrinth, integrating it with a pdf I found on the Internet
more details?
It has some extra encounters, reflavoring, suggestions of using different moster blocks taken from Monster Vault or dragon magazines and so on
So I have this encounter that's tailored for 5 people and I have 4 players
Was it a normal encounter I'd be fine, find the extra enemy, remove some XP
but the enemies storm in a tavern across 4 rounds
they are in groups?
so I'm not totally sure about which enemies I should keep and which ones are the best ones to remove
how many enemies
We have a bugbear brute (5) and three hobgoblin soldiers (3, minion) on turn 1
3 more hobgoblins and a goblin (1) that just throws firebombs at the inn furniture on round 2
2 more hobgoblins and a hobgoblin warcaster (3) on turn 3
1 more hobgoblin and a goblin on turn 4
mmmh maybe I should move this to the Statblock Forge chat
hah whatever you want but things are pretty dead here
so dont worrry about it unlesss omeone comes in with another question
It was more for giving a meaning to "my" chat :p
we can do that then
if it was me, encounters for 5 with 4 players, I'd largely just leave them the same
yeah pop out a few minions
honestly they are just filler unless the point is just overwhelming ness
They breezed over a lv-1 encounter, let's see how they fare here
there are some nasty undead minions
if you want to pull one out, pull a hobgoblin from the second waveish...depending on the PC level, monster level, and optimization level, you might have to accelerate the arrival of your monsters
you could start the first round or 2 as written
and then yeah put less minions in later if they seem to be strugglling
hah, the point is just seeing all those people come in the inn and star wrecking things looking for them and punishing people who hosts them
whats the party makeup
However, this Warden has good defenses and is proving hard to circle around
@JoshuaAslanSmith a warden, a revenant warlock (infernal pact), a human shaman with lots of healing and a star pact sorcerer
wardens are nasty :). I loves me a dwarf earth-warden with a big hammer and CC working
and next week we're probably getting an archer ranger in the mix, because everyone loves strikers
nice, no controller and you really don't need one...int based skills might prove a challenge, but meh
no book learnin
and the all striker party is certainly a 4e doable
if hard on the DM
def. Though I'm definitely of the mind that 3 leaders + 1 melee striker is preferred
a bard, a shaman and a warlord walk into a bar...barian
4 warlords + 1 striker
poor barbarian
everyone is shouting orders at him
naw, he's a happy dude, he gets 4 attacks/round :)
Ok so we have never used concentrate checks in our games because we have a newish GM and he is gradually adding rules as we get used to them so the games run better then if we tried to follow all the rules at once. My question is simple Concentrate checks DC are 10 + spell level with any situation modifiers right?
@Aaron 3.5e or PF?
I'm aware PF had a different thing but I don't know if it's still called concentration
@Zachiel PF. It has concentration. I just found the page for it though.
There are a lot of modifiers.
I might be a bit late here, but when it's 4 players and designed for 5, I either leave them the same, or reduce bad guy HP by 10%-15% depending on how the fight is going.
@GMNoob You might ping the person this is meant for.
@Zachiel see my post 2 above
If anyone cares, 5e character creation will be a free pdf :P
2 hours later…
@besw making the final move for the montage
2 hours later…
@JoshuaAslanSmith Thanks! I'm working on a different writing style for the ending of the scene.
Q: How can a land-based Druid have a surviving Shark animal companion?

Jonathan HobbsA recent question asked if a Druid could have a Shark for an animal companion on land, to which SevenSidedDie responded: If you can somehow overcome its suffocation problem and its flopping-around-uselessly problem, only then would it be useful (and likely terrifying) for a land-based druid's...

This is the funnest question I have asked in a while.
I would welcome edits if any improvements can be made.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Scene closed, cards distributed.
Combat done. People are still familiarizing with their powers. It lasted over 3 hours. Somebody said "luckily 4e was trying to shorten combat"
@Zachiel Who & what was involved in that one?
@JonathanHobbs bear shaman, hellfire warlock, longtooth warden, star sorcerer vs. one bugbear brute, 1 hobgoblin warcaster, 2 low level goblin darkblades who torched furniture and 7 hobgoblin minions
the npcs entered combat in 4 waves, one per round, so board cleaning wasn't very effective. The combat lasted 6 rounds total, with the final one being a dogpile on the surviving minion
I've had combat take a while even when it's focusing strictly on only 2 enemies.
But that sounds like it would've been a lot of fun.
I've tried to keep them all engaged. While the warden was doing his work the warlock was pressed into a corner, the shaman used the spirit to wallblock flankings and the sorcerer managed to douse a fire with his wall of water utility
I've noticed the sorcerer's player, when faced with melee, often tries to use suboptimal close powers instead of shifting back and using area or ranged ones... I still have to uderstand why...
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